Siliirtllnitniiiï¬. WW sztoc or fundâ€"A ch.‘.r;e of ‘ fraudu- lently withholding ustutt-tnent 01' .tccounts‘ was hand before the poiice Mugistrtne yes- tet-dny afternoon. The prosecutor being It ain't Illin‘it‘d J’.ltit E. Grulittiii. of" \Vliit ' church-sud the defend. iit. Mr Moore, oi the ï¬rm of Moore it: St'lcs, .\u.*o-u. It. uppen‘s I'ro'nrthe evidence of the prosecutor that :1 contract was made by him with Mooie for the delivery of his year‘s crops of gruin to the latter, at diticrent tunes, and in puisu IltCe of such, ceeuls t.) the value of $170 were delivered,tlie quantity on L’llL‘lI occasion being acknowledécd on a statement 1.I posses sion had been purl tt‘l‘l M we gave on o 11.1" o i Mr. Delaporte,:if this city for the balm-cc. The order was pzcsenttti, but not putt]7 when Gralum, meeting Movie. in the City immedLle:tl‘tet'wuds demanded the money . Moore asked Gruhdin tn uccnntpziny llltlt to the bunk. When on do] ig s) the lutn r drew a sum of money .ind ul‘terwurd let. Graham for the A!1).ott hotel. There Moon asknd Graham for the st..tcutent, which being obtained he handed uac‘v $5 0, suyiur that was d. the should zet'eive. On the >Ittlt‘ mcut l!(:i.t_" (lellltllttlt‘d back it was refused to he. delivered up, ttt d the ch urge nus brought t.i consequenceâ€"Globe oft/w 31.51. mannaâ€. FRANUL‘ Foin'irvisc Tin: llitisi: Ilnitnim ~-FY£II\CC is {Lullin at ull points. St ittt-gic tuliezr have l't‘t'it mule with a tie“ to t-. vci' :3: u. i..u.' 5. l‘.i ‘ me said to be the tesnit .u. ' 13‘ iricloi's as ) .ui ubservulion, an. be I‘tlrt‘yt'tl ih'wtigh lite city o.i his way to Sum on; ’b 'l he bXtL‘iith around thi.= IUWII is l)cin;_r lï¬\’=‘i.t‘dt:) diam ice .)I all) in: ti 100 inches i'ni the ,v‘tsposc oi L‘SlJllilSlllll .v, 4 tlcl:llt.’ltt‘tl t‘n ts. Thus the immediate environs ol' Sll‘tlsllttttt'g as fut‘ninte llitUS of the Smith! that is min I telltirk to \t‘antzeuanwâ€"wdl be con- ch-d into an uiite-cnclicd (inm‘t of immense extent, protected on one side by the Ruhr mid by sti‘tiuii'gible lands, :l.|ll on trio tithe: by the tour advanced to Is, ct nib e o! sheltertn: in e .se oi" need it. considerable corps d'aimee. Evperimcnts are being made , at Calais :n’ the new bombs, ntttcn hoist at a distunce 0:38th nit-ties. Tis'risc- 'rnt: Minot: Mistsâ€"It will b satisfactory to the pub.ic t.) 'lcurn llt.ll u comnctent investitzitinn of the gold !e;ll o of Madoc, will sum tilte place. The .‘lulllt: Mel-4:11.31 stayâ€"AI . 11. U. Vcnnor. o. the ‘.icoi.»_,iteui Cominssi til, M i, CXIJ‘JL'ID' to us» all the shirts known to hiiti litmus-1.. out ;\ I'ltvli-‘Illl'l, dunno" '1lt: month lo. N Homily, for lb." puxpnrc ul ltl'tlt'ttiltté samples of rock, for 353in in Montreal. and tettoilmg utt Itttiwli‘. 0t .5 “DUAL-Jo: tiuIttic. .llc is desirous of having as Complete at .ist us possum: ot'uli the mines at hem.- cutricd 'oii In this township. BXUL‘L‘dtttd the depth of tit'tecu or twenty feet. râ€: BASE Collin-"Tl". Kingston News wa ns the public receiving gold (01 -. us Some countnit'cit American 310 g'Jld pieces at t' in circulation. The sudden demand t..r gold aiuoné c. class ot' the ponututton hits brought out these spurious gentryutnd l)-Il|lhilt holdeis s’ionld beware lost in parting WIIlt thete paper money they lo. o rt meio- plioricut “leap out ot'inc t-‘yiu:r p n into the tire.†Ilettcr even 3 dt uottln bout: note than a bozns coin. Losr Hm‘i‘t:it.â€"A young Irish girl goth, trotn Albany to New York i u situation, lost her written rccoitimendattion on the SIL‘llll’h’H' St. J rtl.t. .t .d on .t. :irmrni New Yutk \i’tt‘S inu ~11 troubled about it. 11mm; on out friend in the citt that in cw her troubli- lie agreed to help lie'. 'I llt' lutlthluo' is at copy of his ce.tilicttte:â€"- Henry Samelser, [CENSED AUI‘TIONICEII for tho coini- J tins ol York and l’eel, \‘o leetor of Notes. Account‘. «to. Small charges and plnniy to do Libbey. March 2nd leliï¬ itSI-t 1 JA ES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIIM MILLS, Markham. Nov. 1, 1855. 2:2 lltllllllt‘ll iiii. tint A 'r E n 151' thBE RT FE ultlS. F.1ni'.'in: leased the above Hotel, ' [l'ormely occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], und littvin: put it in a thorough state of repair. Travellers will ï¬nd this house both comfortable and convenient. A good Hustler always in attendance. Richmond Hill Jun 31, 1807. J. SEGsWORTH, 1M PORTER OI“ VV ATle ES, CLUCICS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO has“ Alumni}: and other Emblems made to order. t‘ortmto, Aunt ‘27, lt'lhli. .. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23. 25 8t. 27 Broadway. N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUR .I’EAN PLAN. ' ‘II 1‘} Stevens House is well and widely Itiimvii to tlw travelling public. The locu'ion is cspcchllt suituble t0 merchants and business men; it is in close proximity to the business part of the, cityâ€"is on the liilli \tty ofSouthcrn and Western hovelâ€"- .nnl adjacent to till the pill cipul Railroads an l Steumbout depots. t'lic Stevens House has liberal uccomodn- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every modern improve- ment for the coiiil'oi't atnd entertainment of is iiimtiws. The rooms are spacious and wclt ventilated -â€" viovidcd with true and wat- terâ€"tlic atttendun “e is prompt and respectful -â€"ttiid the mom. is generously prov tied with every delicacy ot‘the seasonsâ€"zit moderate rules. g) 47. GEO. K. CHASE 8; CO. 9 Proprietors. .4 4G EDW . SANDERSON. LICENSED AUC'I‘IUNEEII. FUN TIII‘ llhl'l I It lfountics‘ot' 1' m It and Feel. {u‘i.lp|)t:c-â€"l,nl 20, thii- til’3rd (‘oiicesï¬oti of .‘vlttrlttizain. 1’.(),Addre>s-â€"1Stiltotiville. I’m-tins icqiiiring Mr Sunderenn's services nun mutte arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. 31 luniinr)‘ 4. 1 lift, VV . G... O.ASTELL Ill \ NUFA C'l'llll F.“ ()F l’UitE AND UNAIIUIXI‘EIIATICD CthFliC'l' 1th A RY ! 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. \V_ G C. calls at all the Storm between ‘l‘oronte and Rit‘lltltttltl‘l llill evnr} two weeks. mud stipulies Cniil'et'ttnnary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesali- pI‘It‘t‘h. 7 Toronto, .1 tin '30, lutlfi, ttnltn lilSliSSlllélllSï¬ simian, No. 7, Royal Exchange, Cm-nht‘ll. and No. 7, Pull Elli/ii, Lmtdcn. '1 bus is to willy t.t..i .vridmt Illdll. “y hall Incorporated by Royal Charter, in :3 gnml chit 'ucter when she left A.bu.ii, but . . . lost it .ni the stcuitibout UJltIl‘it‘; (lo-vi..- I)cuins U'Tonte. W Day Books, Jouznzils'zinil Lctlgcrs, all sizes Fuss Hunks, l’nckctu 13 .tolt‘s, Wallets, Purses, the. &c. IN GREAT VARIETY. AT SCO‘I‘I'S ltltlllAlUND llllil. notations“ iivrtismiiti‘ BOOK S'I‘ORF inn tutti. Sf‘af"f"l"s fr: .,. ' I I I ripening ll Retailing Penal With ‘loldt & Knife, AI‘ SCOTT'S l‘.lC NONI) HILL 1 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"%v’ I; ft "Vi/"00d Wanted... 1 I‘lll‘l“ 50 to Illi‘ (lords nl ‘lrvnn and lily Ill-sch mid Ivluplt-Jo be di-Iiw- ed in Ioi mt.» timing the winter. Apply at the llmul. Uï¬â€˜ice. Iticliuinnd ilill. of) "W. l’llft FIN SilCtl. litll‘l'll'liltllts AND DEALERS IN r'l. ~" v v .i l l atClltlb cuts, and Jittery: L:Ltcc'it..n.ri.ti'i~:n WAitia, ‘ c ‘.l't".l7.l’t\', 8m , gm. 1: it l'ltn intention of 'lt!‘ l’ul-lic is i:itvted to their tack. consisting of a aft-“l vurwtr nt‘ IHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, tlt'll‘l bau‘ dedl'tiptiuu and tiewust designs, ‘Jnrel‘u' attention given tn the raiiairing nt Winches an" Clocks Jewelry niunul'ut-turt-tl and Itennire‘l Nu I I. King Street E'Ist. 6 doois east of chge Strnet. "orotito, April 96. 1866. 4 Family & Church'Blbles 1 AT Low PIthES, AT SCOT'I"S, RICI] VIOI‘ID HILL. SCHOOL BOt “(SI 3 XVSIIY VI IIIETY. 7' SCD'J'I’E tucuiiom HILL ~ ltl any t'ninilv. 1720. [Ll-AVINII h Pit nppointt‘d Agent for this thunpnuuouc of the oldest and .riosi i-t-litthle English Conipanu'sJ will lieliaptiv lo "Ilium u<~urwnro ngttittrl Loss or damage ht l’tientpon evtaiy dt‘hcllllllttll of The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, With him]: d'iuto pnitnent ol‘ all Losses. G. A. BARN ARD, Agent For Newmarkot, Aurora. Markham and Richmond llill. ltithtnond llill. March '4th. 4l-lt’ s'ssiswsy. w. c. splints, D- D. 8-, 05 King Street East, Toronto, I\ EA It ('IIURCH K’I‘R ELT, } S prepared to wait unon tiiiv who need his lirol'ls~-0'inl services in “uteri†preserve their teeth. or re'Ieve sull'eriiig nnd sup tl\' new urllr in llIP most uppiovvdsitle, ’\l.~'o to regu- HI“ tho ln-etb nl thou! wlin net-d it. t'onsultntinn free and all work warranted. Jllllfl' INNS I G ENT‘S WVAN'i‘EE). E FMONT c, ,J i‘,‘ ' ‘lllr. CRLVITI“. S'l'VliE l’atiiili‘ Sewing; .‘lllClIIltt‘ i~ lit)" presciin to the people ..f(‘am~du possessing "11 the ltlllll'DVt‘ll eiits ' tli-tt run be- well (:uizliuo-tt iii :1 sewing machine. It will m-t‘omplisi overt lle‘CIllllltlll ol’sewiug ext-i pt hittlnii lll)lt“. from an \IVI‘I‘CUHI down to it": ï¬nesl silks und inusl'ins sell: "0" (with $15. and is: rua'lt' \\’()"Ill $5), l'th‘I‘)‘ lltt'flltlltt‘ warranted and kept l'l repair fret- of charge to: three ye rs -â€" .\ll lllfltï¬ltlllt‘fl .mld iii ( attada are inuiiuluctiire at IlH' (-o-iiputiy’s hrnncti Itinnitï¬tcturv in 'l'oi- ontn. Single Machines, wi'h full printed itivovti-IIIH, smut, Mprms tree on rem-ip. ut'flim in a registered letter. Full prinlct‘l tler-(‘lltllh‘ k"(‘ttltl|lttll\ each ltthlIlltf‘.flO plain that a ct ild twelve tears of nae can learn to Work nut: surcesstullv iii a short time. .\ddles.~' or call on I The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, - It. 'I‘ RUSH di (30., Cttll‘ld’t ltlauuf-mtur- tits. ll Kin: Street 151st. 'l‘oroiitc. t', W. Ilene Utilizes in in (irl‘fll ltritnit. and Canada, Iloudnn. England, Glasgow, Montreal anti Toronto. 1’. S.- Good agents wanted in everv part, 0 the mtiiitri‘ to whom will puid u salary from $30 It) $i50 per month, or a large comm eion Terms to agents sen. tree to those wishing aganctes._ Tommi LIVZI-h Firl IFIG: 444:. This iiintzliitin t l tl’laiti & Fancy Stationery To purchase any quantity of S H I N G- L E S, LA’I‘H, AND CEDAR ’ilS'l‘S FOR WHICH ’IIIE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Will be paid ct '1‘. s BRIGGS’, llnitil'or Yard, ‘22 and ‘24 Edward Street. 18“? 72 Curd to In A Cintu\tlt~iil. uttl-v t‘tt‘ldlttg in south Alti- elicit its a iiiiwinuuri‘. di~tr0vcred asul‘e iiutl Fllllplt' remndv for the Cut-n of Nervous- \Vcttlt- HE’S. ICHi'lt' Decoy. Diseases ol' the Urinary itiitl \iiiiinitl ()l'fl‘tllh, and the vhole trainol' di~o (lJI'S brought on by bunat'ul uiid vivinth habits. (Ii-nut numbeis have been cured In this noble i't-iiiurly. Prompted b\‘ a desire at ltt‘llblll tlio tilllictetl and unfortunate, Iwii send the rPl'lpti for preparing and using tlii~ Iltt’dil‘lllt‘, in a sealed envelope, to Lny at who tit-eds it, ("rm of ('hvn'gn. Please enclose an envelope utldi'ossodour yourself. 'Ioronto, April Ilt_ Addicas. JUSICI’H ’l‘. INMAN, 1 STATION 1). Ilium; l'ltiUSE, New - York city‘ Something New 'I‘IIIC ttiitlt<i'~i'riiml bags town to in'imate to the itttwlt nuts of M trltlimn and “fill! church 62c . A NEW STGRE . Oil llot Nu. 3t,rcar ol'tho ~Iili nun Markham. with an entirely new >tocli ol G0nds_ liis stuck will be found, or. impaction, to lm tilexcnllunt quality. (:oiuptisiiig the usual as soi'ttiient generaâ€) kept in l llrtfâ€"‘J its titnliy SIUllE! iid,wi!,' be sold that he has 0 ‘v-nnd For Cash or on short approval C'rcdiht As low as prudence will suggau. lly I'rtir Ilnrtling, sunll proï¬ts, and strict at- teiiititi to the V'flltls of those who tiittv I'uvorl him with their custom, he hopes to merit and obtain ureusotiahle share ol'tlie public pntruu- ago. J. GORMLEY. Marltlistn. Feb 8. 1807. 36. LAND FOR SALE. () Ill"; $01.1) on rensniinblu tciins, the fa;- Inwing tropott: : l’artot' 1.0! No 35>. on fliid Con. Vaughan. containing (51‘. new"; :tlso, Village Prop arty At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprii-tor. A. \VIttGll'l‘. lirltmotitl Hill St pt. I. IECU. CS) Duuimmss ., ,. 515W METHOD OF EXIHACTII‘IG TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! 13v the use of 1‘11 unit Srnu’. which affects the loud] onlv. 'l'lie ltmili Hlttl gum Sllt‘tltlittllltg l't'C'ttllt‘ itisrn~ibln with this cxtcrnnl agency, when the tooth can be extincttsd with no pain, itiid without endangering the life as in the use ol Cltltll'Olttl'lll. llit. I’vtctt will bu in the f‘wllnvivig places praprtit-Il tt- "XII"! H t' rib \ iili his new aiipni'n- tni. All Ulltt'l' "putations in Denistry perform- rd in n \t'ltlltllldttllltc manner :â€" \ui-nru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st ofeach mouth. V‘wii‘mu-ltct B'olsl'ord hotel 2nd "' “ Sinntlviltu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lt’tli " " Victoria Square. . . . . . . . . Qtltlt “ “ 'l‘hotnliilt.... ..‘....23itl ‘1 " Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . Q-ttli “ “ Maple . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . ‘26"! " “ “.ui'tiick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qrtth " “ Kluinlmi‘g . . . . . . . . , . . . , . L’llili " “ Noblt-ton.....,...,..._,,3litli " -‘ «Vino-e he will attend to any business per- taining to :IIH‘ branch 01' his profession. Aitroru, June 7, 1863). I‘ll A-RLE UM E From 31) ch, to $6. A'l‘ SCO’I‘I‘b‘ RICHMOND HILL. ATARRII , liWIIICltlliS. Scrof‘tilu. Liver rind ‘ Ktltnl-y Diseases. Nature‘s Romedials. from l’wtiits. V\1.R l’lthClC, Flushing. New York, for till years proprietor (it' the liiiinnmtn Nur- .erics. bu~ discnverwt I'otslllt‘r? tunrzs tor the above. .ntt tor :tlt Iiilieritt-tland (lbroiiit' Dis. east“. Iltspeiniu “chilitv. [lieu- iiialtstii. ltll l“l'I|lHl(‘ Maladies, and others i-e- subing l'rtim impuritv ol' the blotd, liittie ta itit'tti'noln. l'lVltlltltliol‘y circular, ono stump. trends on till tlisettrï¬s. Qtl cents. 5H4 Nervous Photographs for fillets doz 1 ml? ENGLISH NUTABLES, IN EVERY VARIETY, A'l‘ SCO'i‘T’b‘ RICHMOND HILL II I'I‘L‘ll EL HOUSE ! AURORA. AVID McLEUII begs to announce that be has Leased the above Hotel and ï¬tted it tip in a manner second to none oti Ynnge St. where he \vili keep constantly on hand a good supply nfï¬rst-c‘uss Liquors, d'c. This house possesses t‘VGI'V accommodation 'l'mvcilerr can desire, those who wish to stay where 11 ey can ï¬nd averv comfort are resiiectlullyih'aited to put up at thi establishment’ Aurora, June :186-3. The York erl AND ESTABLISHMENT. Orders for em ol the undermontioncd descrip- ttonot PLAIN AND F U ltllll Ill till. mi ’30 promptly attended t. g.â€" BO’tKS, FANCY BILL“. BUSINESS CARD: mitotic-tits, LAW FORMS, iiiiLi. iiEAiis BLANK citizens, DRAFTS, I’AMPIILE'I'S AND LARGE Aw SMALL POSTERS, Atil every other kind of Letter-Press Prlnting. 0U! ASSOR'I‘M liN'l‘ OF il§ “:l hill, JIJR i w “W h in l in him. Is entirely new and of the latest IIMIEIIIS, large variety of new For Cnrds,kn.- just received, I‘ *Wtiiiuts PROMPTLY EXELUIED STEELihhnuisoAhhiunUGHs vl‘HE Proprietor would respectfullv announce to the farming community that he is now manufacturing improved Pl. tighs of c . . -. ‘ t » . ,- ,Ii 4. ,r r]. _ u ~ - \ . ..~,» I 9 which he now offers at. the Reduced Price 0f$16 and which he confidently offers as one of the best and cheapest binds in the country Plough Points & Landsides kept always on hand ..â€"(i._ JOB WORK DON '5 To ORDER. II EN RY HA LL. RICHMOND HILL, Apri,13, 1867. . ,vv-t/t l y . 1 All / ‘ 375-3.. 32%: 32‘s.. um .â€".â€"' RABWAV9§ ï¬Eé’llElt’ REMEFI CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! AND IS A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-FOX AND OTHER PESTILENCESI ï¬t: an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRI'I‘ANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDOItIFIG, FEBRIFUGE. IT HAS NO EQUAL EN ’1 HE MATERIA MEDICA. In sud-dcimttucks 0f Diarrhoea, Dysenlry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholio, Cramps, Spusms, Vomiting, Sick IIczzducho, Cold Chills, Fever and Aguc, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Ncurulgizt, t‘t’c.â€"â€"Ouc tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all dcrangcmcnls of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly stop the most severe pains. Htsciucd with Ithcuvttutisttt. Gout, Lumbugo, Sciatica, Pain in the. Side or 3:01;, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains. Spruins, &c.â€"â€"Ono application w“ afford immediate oase- aud comfort,de a few times rubbing Will complete the we. instant; Help Needed In violent diseases. instant relief is required. ASIATIQ (IIIOLICRA. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, 01101.10, FITS, SHIP FEVER, CRUUI’.‘IJIPTIIERIA may prove fatal within an hour or IWI‘. if not checked by n pnwcrlul antidote like IlADWAY’S IIEADY RELIEF ; and all acute and iiilluiiiintitory iiinltidics, whctlicrRheumatism, Ncui‘algia, Inflam. matiuu (ifthc Kitliiot'r, Bladder, 'lTi'iinil (lllllt‘llltltts, Iiiflztiiiiiintioii ol the_“'omb. stud, in fact, all diseases fl'flllLYlII} with inniticuitt‘to (liiligci', yield at. niit'otn this commanding curative. The RIC itDY' RELIEF is as sudden in lLS operation its the nialudy itself. It. is more active then the virus of the 111044' with and deadly epidemic. With this {citiede at hand to use on the ï¬rst rivumwm or pain unit vmcssiucss, no person ucctl s‘ttflcr an hour sickness. H Sisters cf Marty at Batchester Street Hospital, applying Ilr. Battway‘s Remedies to the sick. __________._-â€"â€"â€"a SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCIIESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. IlADWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &c., &c. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a. great many yearsâ€"hinting taken a few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her hctld hvice Wlth. the same medicme, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia andfor colds. and alivevs with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, iitflucnzn, dipthena, &c. It; has a good ofl‘cct; in flatulence or wind cholic. I use it for foul brctith out] it, produces a marvelous eï¬'cct. In short; it procurcs relief altogether remarkable to our invahds. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"Bewarc of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will (1 on to take ‘UlIle other in ilace of the ltadway's.â€"The country is flooded endeavour t0 PM W 0y h 1 Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless with countcrâ€cits mil imitations of Rudwuy’s Ready . 'uixturer. at; less than hulf price they are charged for Rutlwuy’s, yet charge the public the same trico our agents sell you Railways for. tPrice 25 cents per bottle.) I‘he imitations cud coun- crfeits III'C sold .tt 5 to 10 cents per bottlefto dtlzalcrs (£051.! at plt'ttie. Iait itchï¬zigï¬ltï¬ad Relief see that. there are two timoturcs 0 But way i ‘0. on e a )e s. an . . . Rutlwziy & Co. blown in the giaé’s. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A muss MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. â€"»I Shooâ€"- All Around the Globe. ’ mates 0 startlin cures of the most violent and deadly diseases are on record gt DB. RAIgttatlg"S OFIEICIZS iiigtho Cities of New York and Montreal. emanating fromjhe highest authorities in the world. There is not, a Town or City of importance (except a iew in Chma.) on the Globe but that. RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial ngcnts failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters mitten direct to Dr. Railway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad- 0â€".â€" PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. 9‘ Sold by Dmggists and Country Merchants. 3 JOHN RADWAY, M. D., 6: 00., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Mott-run. And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-Yon: Agents for the sale of In!“ «I: }"S . .tty ... l. in t‘Il()Sl v, i...i. rnd ll 'l‘lltth. I‘liLlN-h '7I c llla Square, CHAS. IIOAN. Ami in Mr. ROWE aul Mrs. B 5W3, King S ._|A' :u .(.«u.. . I. IthHNlOND uiLt. LIBRARY ASSOCATION. THIS ASSOCIATION this transferred their Ll “MARY to the ‘HruAm; ' Book Store where Stockholders and others may 'nocurc BOOKS every Friday afternoon. l'ror “08 oloclt. P-H. ‘ ' ( A. SCOTT, Librarian. DRiâ€"T. (i. CUTvitirs MEDICAL DISPENSARY, Over 35, King SII’CBI East, TORONTO, For the cure of Chronic and Secret Diseases And all Female Gomplui ts. ma.- UNFORTUN ATES READ! OUNG MEN who are troubled with weakness generally, caused by a bad habit in youth. which produces cotirtitutiutial dobllity. you can rely on our remedies, {or we have. treated over ï¬fty thousand patients. and we guarantee a perfect cure in all (JR-HON, IMPORTANT 't‘o LADIES. Our Periodical drops will bring on the monthly sickness, in all cast-s of obstruction fit-tn any cause, and after all other rcniodlié'i '1' the kind linvn been tiitâ€"d in Will]. NI',\V REMEDIES AN]! chx Fumesâ€"Tor Syphilis siiicinies. seminal weakness. pain! in the joints, hfl‘t'CllDlls ol' the kidneys. discus†nl'tlie head. thi'ont, nose and thin. tin-lull those dreadful affections arising from 8 were“ habit ul'yttilli, which produces constitutiona- tlt‘lHllII‘, tenders inairiage impossible, and in he end dostiots Itol'lt budv and mind, The lt't‘fllllleltl. we adopt is the result of upwards of tliiriv yours expuilt-nce and successful practice iii l'iui‘opo and Aniet'icn. Strangers visiting 'I‘ni'onto, who are in lLOl'd innin iii the city to he outed, can cine to take with them. onto Lrtittittnteed. Pttlll’llls living at it distance CBI‘ procure Ilr. (2’s I'E‘Ittt't'ltt s. bent (secure t-itu flee from oh- ~t'tVttllUll) to any part of tho I’iuvinne, with plain mid t'ttll directions for use, by wrghting, stating cam,s tiiptouis «VIC. All constitutions at the allure free but strictl; cetttidentiut ()tbce hours front 8 A M to 8 l’. M. Athlressâ€"-â€"Dr. '1‘. C. Culver, 139. King St; l’l ist, 'l'oi‘oiito, U \V, ‘ May 7, Idtili. ‘ tinve Medi- Acute and reliable 494v A mucous: E'VIPLIIYBIENT Hill EVERYBIIIIY. Agents \i‘ntitc(1,'tliitingliont the United Stat. and Cttnudtts. 800,000 lValcl'es, Chains, b‘t Is at .ltttf'lt}'. I4ii pnl’tn Ilrnct-lt-ts, Starve Buttons, Silver Spann- and truths. (itItI$.(:.'11t6 ltnskets, wci'tli I'Iight Hundred 'l hou- Bulltl Dollars. . ‘ .. I ha l‘.'iltrII Stork nt‘u large Imroin'ina “nun retiring from business. For the purpose of closing out the stock It. w: t'.’t!l!t_‘.<t possible Unto, the niittvrsigurd linvï¬ llacitlvtl on ;i great di>trilittliott "Htth as follows. "AI‘H Ahll uvtuv AII'TII'IJ’. no tuA'i‘ttm now VA: lllHtlJï¬, |Illl\(l snip run 51!. A (ittililit-ntu ol‘ Plt"ll f-l'llt'lt‘ with it†val 0 H‘ltlll‘ll upon it. is plum-d in tin t-iivI-lnpn nun l‘lllttll »- lltt’n‘t’ t'llt't-lt ' 1‘s at" Ilmrnngluh- mix». tllll solil l'or ’I'u'uilp jinn Cant: ouchâ€"the- peril on rent lYIIlLY nin- nl tltt‘H‘ (‘ltVQ'lllln‘F ii- entitled n tlin m' 'lt~ ilainml tlmi'eiii lit wttttniltLr the ‘ertiiivntt- in IIS : Ill] one dollar nmltlm nrt‘clc no matter 1I\l\V t‘u‘tiztizlr it IIIHV lll‘, will in- for. . vurtlml '0 him or bar or ltlti'l‘I. )niil; t Tlti'rf‘ are it- ‘l-riilirnit's and t1 errl'uro- t-th' tiiit- il ~t‘tt‘ IUEt'I, :it toast, illt‘ lull \ulttti of tits or lll'l‘ iiviiini'. "lmtilrl llll‘ xrm-‘n intuit-d 0n the. ver- ‘li'ntn 23'1 t-tiitmiiv l"itt‘l' \t'ltlt'll be iiinv solo-ct it'i -e um e when will his Httltstltlltttll. We son he certificates its follows: Unt- for ‘15 iiti'it’ lnr 5'5 I In .-|. '. live tor Fl. ‘9b-vrti {m ‘1 the t I'A'l'lllltllllll affords a line oppor- uniii' tor Agents. as ivliiit lHtl\' or ,w-ntlunnnt . rill not tlin-sl iWLNi't-rhr. trusts with n pl’tm- ti't'i ol' gI-llittu livn 1.1mmâ€! or u tltmisntztt tows (IS iiiiit'li All orders iiiiut lu- nddrextwtfl 0 us iii our old stand i\'o l5 Maiden Lune \lcn' Ytiilt. LIST OF ARTICLES. an. or wuitm -\'.’.l“. T0 iii: sot n volt $1 tune ‘ lillll (leiits’ Gold Hunting ('tiso “Witches .,.. .. .. . . ..... $50 to $1.50 30“ l.ntl cs‘tlold and l‘jlthltlt‘lf‘d- Case anlt‘ltes... . . . . . . . 35 " 7D lil‘t) Geiits’ 1ltlitiiig-( use Sil- Vrr ‘VHll'lll‘S . . . 3’» “ ' 7n Qtlll lliitn'ntlll Rings... . .... . . 5U " lb" Ultltt Gold Vert and t\0(‘lt (71mins l5 " 3†llltlll “ " " 4 " I) ‘lllt‘lt Gl'ltl Oval llund Ilrncclots. 4 " K ltitil| (Hansen tinltl Ilrucclll. 5 " Ill .llth ( tutti-lathe t'littins and Guard (Iliaiiis . . . . . . . . . . . 6 “ ‘2 1,lli't(l Snittriiie alltl(it)1(l Brooches 4 " It) ,tltttt Lava and Florentine llitiiit‘llcs............... 4 " 6 '_(l(l(l (:(Il'lll. ()pal and Emerald littltil‘llf‘S.-...‘_.,....-. 4 to 8 ppm) Mus-nip. Jot. I mm. and Florentine lCni' Drop:z .... 4 " 8 1.5lltlt‘t'11. ()pnl. niid I'Itiiernld ‘1‘ 'Dmis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 "' 6 “morn: ‘â€" r..;,. Din-Vinnï¬ mm... Pinion...-........u-.... 250 †‘0 3,000 (nuns r ut) “no test it utcti Keven“... .. ...'.’b“†‘.tit=ll l‘ob and Ves‘ ltiblinti S ides 3 " lg -.t)ll(l Sit-ts 0t Solitaire ï¬ltcve b‘ut. tons. Studs. etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3 " H tttlll (lnhl 'I'liiiiiblcs. l’cncilsmlc 4 “ 7 1110 Miniature Lorkolsnn .... 250 “ I? titti' Miniutme Lottltchâ€"Maglc Fpriug........ 3 " 25 Oil“ Gold '1 outbpiclts, (7 etc . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 2 †'l .41.. rim“ (Inltl Rings ......... 4 " ‘I t‘tll) (Tliasetl Guld Rings , _ _ . , . . 4 “ I" etti Stone Set and Signet Rings 2 50 " ll ,Ntl‘ (Talil'nrnia Diamond Rirgs. 2 " 10 Mill Sets lmdies’ Jewt‘li'râ€"Jet and Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 " l5 l.(llv0 Srtiz Ladios’ .l€\\‘(31l’\‘â€"- Ln.ien.l‘eml.ctn.....:.. 4 " I5 4,000 Gold l’ttits.5ilvei' Extension loltlei's and Pencils . . . . . . 4 " H101! Gold Pens and Gold Motili- ted llnlders............. 3 “ i,llllllGolr1 Pens and Gold Exten- sinii ilnhiei's. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 “ )0 1.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘tips .............. 5 " bu Ltll‘iltSilvri(fnstt‘is............ 15 “ 50 Llllt‘i Filvm‘ Fruit and (nits Bushets................ ‘20 “ 50 PER non-I 1.000 l)n7.(‘t] Silver Ton-Spoons. $10 to 321! 3,0th “ Table Spoons tiiit‘: Frrrlts............... 53" “ )0 h. AGENTSâ€"I’ve an-v agents iii every reg!- *-'t-lll. and in everv town and county in the minty-y, and those acting as sucli‘will be nl'aw- 'I Hi manic mi f'VPI‘I‘ Poniï¬l-ute ‘ordrred hv hem. provided their reinittnncn amounts to )118 dollar.. Agents will collert7fl5 cent! for very Certiï¬cate. and remit 1.5 qeiitsto us. WWrite plainly. say only'what ls necessary -nd heprouipt. ' ' Address, GIRARD W. DEVAUGH 6100 No. Mai cubes New Ycu. June It} ldtf5- r -' nt'u blvdlt'flladvlht'r. having no tune to re- L M i-fiu- for S‘lll. one hundred“ 10..