Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Nov 1867, p. 3

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~ .. 4... r, . List of Letters Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Office, November list. 1867. Appleton. Luke Bonnet. Jesse Tlrock, J . H. .ggins, Wallis eok. Francis Clark. William Chapman. Mrs. Ludford Wm Metcalf Robert Malrruy James McC‘loud. Alick O’Brien. Mr. Phillips. Samuel Patterson. Ann Dancy, John Pleb. F. Dank. Mary Robinson. George and English, Mr. Joseph Ross. H. J. Rumble, John Simpson. .‘nmes (5) Slack, Ellen Strider. John Wise. Henry Walker, Christina M: TEEFY. RM FA RMFITR SALE 0r tollent. lIE Advertiser offers for Sale. or to Ex- change for a large farm,or to Rent on lease from the first day of April next. his Farm on Yonge Street Also his Dwelling House with four-acres ofland attached Apply to G. J. F. PEARt E. Grab rm, Geo rge German, John (2) Grant. George [9] Hopkins, David [2] Hart, .lolin Irish. Mary Kirswoll, Miss Richmond Hill, P.O. Ontario, November lst 1867. N E W A N D C H L A P I jr 0 O D S . First-rate yard wide Prints. fast colours. only 6d per yard. New Checked Winceys. assorted colours. only 6d per yard. First-rate Factory Cottons. only 6d per yard. Splendid Wide widlli Prints. fast colours. on 'ild per yard. , lleavv Coloured Winceys. splendid value, only ( 7N per yard. Magnificent Bleached and Factory Cottons. only 7§d per yard. With the largest and best assortment of Blan- ' kets. Flaunels. Dress Goods. Fulled Cloth. Sa- tinetts and Winter ’r‘ioods ever offered on Rich- mond Hill, and for Quality and Lowness of Price unsurpassed in the tradeâ€"in Toronto or elsewhere. A general and lrrge assortment of suitable Fall and Winter Goods. which will be sold at a very small profit. for Cash or Short credit. Please catl and examine the Goods and the prices. at W. S. Pollock’s late G. .A. BARNARD’S- Richmond Hill. October 9. ’67. ly l Rtngwood Jllarble H‘orks P. WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ll Szc. Ac. &c. Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere. as you will find it to your interest. CC? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Rtngwood. Sept. 19. 1867. HAMILTON Mill DEPOT ! JAMES STEWART EGS to inform his friends in the County of York that he has opened a Stove Depot on Richmond Hill One door south oer. Barnard's store. aiid that ha is prepared to sell at the manufacturers prices. Farmers arid others requiring Cooking or Box Stoves Will consult their owrt interest by examining his Stock before buying in Toronto. Stove Pipes supplied at the Lowest prlces. Richmond Hill, Oct. 4,1867‘ 6>m VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE Village ofltichmmul Hill, For Sale. GOOD Dwelling House. 13am. Stable, Driving House, Wood House. and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there is a quarter of air acre of an Orchard of healthy young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. Goesebeiries. die. The above Paoperty is situated in the centre ofthe Village. Will be sold cheap for cash. For further particulars apply toTM. TEEFY 115.. or P. CROSBY. Esq. ‘ Richm end Hill, lanuary 14. 1867. fig Hunt’s Empire HairGloss HIS pleasant, agreeable. and scientific pre- paration is an indispensible article for the toilet. It cleanses the scalp, renders the hair ofa darker appearance, is easily applied and will not stain the finest linen. 1'hose using the Empire Hair Gloss will find that it renders the harsh- est and coarsest hair. soft, glossy. fine and beauttful. disposing it to stay in any position in which it is placed. It prevents the hair from fallii'g out.invigorates and strengthens it. and often produces a new growth ofhair where it has already invigorating and rnstoring the skin. nerves. muscles. blood vessels. and roots of the hair. Price 25 cents. S. J. Foss & Co. proprietors and sole marin- facturers. Sherbrooke. Province of Quebec-â€" Henry. Thompson &. Co. Montreal; Lyman. Elliott 6L Co. Toronto, Wholesale Agents. pip. dOLBY’s Anti-Cosme and Tonic Pills, RE a safe and reliable remedy in all dis- eases of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels. ‘They are no Quack Medicine. puffed up by high-eonnding tastimonials from imaginary people. but are the result of forty years experi- .ence of a first class physician. and their extra- .ordinary success is due to the fact that they answer exactly their name. The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound. scientific principles, and has received the un- ualified approbation of the medical profession. do not profess to be a cure all. but for all diseases arising from any derangement of the effectual remedy. over one hundred testimonials from physicians who have used them in their practice and giighly approve of them, among which are the 1 following; The undsrsigned physicians cheerfully certify {to the high professional standing of Dr. Colby. of Stanstead, one of the oldest and best physi- cians. and to the excellent qualities of his 1' ANTI-COSTIVE and TONIC PILLS." svhice we have useu in our practice. and high- ly approve. J. H. Gibson. M. D.. Dunbam..C.E, C. Cotton, MD. Cowausville ' Charles Brown. Mill, Cewansvilie S S Foster, MD, Broma. J C Butler. MD, Waterloo. ' It Stomach. Liver and Bowels, they furnish an i We have in our possession ‘ FANCY DRE llin n t- .r h h l‘ i, i l . -l “I§% “huh [it t l ih I‘lliiioni "horn i i . “how To TALORING LY intimates that he has ESPECTFUL nery Department, a l ' . ' . Coatings, Vcstmgs, Of the best English. Scotch. at the lowest possible Cash P ship, and material. Also, RE riccs, and guara NO. 134, their as T mow On Improved'Real Est etc, A" PlY to Mr. WARE/TOLL. of VAN- Kouonsnr & \V’AniuorL, Barr'sters, &c. Corner of King (ll Yooge Streets, TORONTO. November 9. 1866. 23 V FNUS hill LS J k, .L J l , BUTTONVILLE. ’ 11E Subscriber, having purchased the above \lills, is now prepared to do Mcichanl and Custom Work ! And as the entire Establishment has been thoroughly renovated. as well as tho services of First Class Millers Secured. perfect satisfaction is guaranteed Special attention will be paid to Custom work, and parttesfrom a distance upon having their Grists lrotne with them the same day. C .A. S H Will be paid for Wheat at all seasons of the year IN BANKABLE FUNDS. Parties liaviug Wheat to dispose of will find it to their advantage to call at the Mills, and by l selling it there save the extra expence of going to the Toronto market. ['3’ Dealers slippiicd at reasonable rates. JAMES WILKINSON. Brirtouville. Sept, 19. 1867. e HORNER’S PATENT llll-llll'll‘lllli hill! 7 ‘1118 usefulinvention is the most convonicnt, 1 the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use. The Pateiitee is now prepared to sell TOWNSHIP RIGHTS I For the use of his Patent Selfvsliuttiirg Gate. Applicants will please address their letters (post paid) to M. TEEFY, RICHMOND lliLi. P. 0. Agent for Patentee. Richmond Hill, September 16. 1867. 478 FARMS FOR SALE. E Half Lot 29, 3rd Con. Vaughan, 86 Acres E Part do 31, do do 80 do S Half do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do E Half do 34, 3rd Gen. do 100 do E Half do 35, do do 100 do Apply to JAMES McGEE. Vaughan, April I7. 1867. s-Xw MILL GEERING FORSALE. HE Subscriber offers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Gccring A Mullcy Saw, Upper and Lowe“ Mullcy, Petman, Crank, 5 inch wrought iron Shell and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage, Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma chiiicry for a first class Saw Mill. sold at a. great reduction of original cost. For particulars apply to ABRAHAM EYER, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Office address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. OR the immediate relief and permanent cure of Rheumatism. Sprains. Bruises, lBurns. Frost Bites Lame Back. Side, Limbs ‘or Stomach, Cramp. Numbness of Limbs, Swelling of Joints, Sudden Colds. Diptheria, . Sore throat, Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid ‘ Has been before the public for upwards of ‘twenty years. and such are its merits that it is now justly considered as an indispensibie arti- cle in every family where it is known. It has aaver been forced on public attention .by flaming rdvertisements or remarkable cures i that never had any existence, but by its own peculiar value as an unfailing remedy. it has worked its way into public favor. Having a wonderful efl'ect when taken inter- nally, in quickening the circulation ofthe blood, .it isinvaluable to persons predisposed to Para- lysis. or subject to attacks of Heart Disease. dosages of Dyspepsia, where food distresses, 3m , John Erskine, MD, Waterloo. Norman Cleveland. MD, Barnstou. N Jeuks. ivrn. Barrister], C W Cowles, no. Stanstead, John Meigs. MD. Stanstead. Joseph Breadon. no, Surgeon, RN. Benjamin Damon. MD. Goaticook. Lemuel Richmond. MD. Derby Line. S. J. Foss & Co. Sherbrook, P.Q. sole pro- prietors; Henry, Thompson &. Co. Montreal Wholesale Agents. ‘ it affords prompt relief. and continued for a short time. sets everything right. The name of the medicine is blown in each . bottle of the genuine, and the purposes fort which it is intended. as well as the mode of: using. attached. Henry, Simpson & (30., Montreal. Whole- ,sale Agents. S. J. Foss do 00., Sherbroke, : P. Q.. Sole Proprietors. I THE CHEAPEST A THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Inspection Invited KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TORONTO- ~>»\.a. ,....--_. ..,.-...., EST NDB SS 660% l. “’inceys, French Merinoes, Cobourgs, Silks, SHAWLS, MANTLES, & MILLINERY. At Wm. MITCHELL’S. ” cic %%MM "hill ltu' ll'lltllll‘htt lllllllllll lull Tickings, Sheetings, Shirtings, Towellingsg Table Linens, HOSIERY, GLOVES SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, At Wm. MITCHELL'S. " EPARTMENT! WILLIAMâ€"MITCHELL added to his general Dry Goods and Milli- TAILURING DEPARTMENT, under the management of .A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER 3 And is now showing a Large and Choice Assortment of I and Trowscrings and Canadian Manufacture, which he will make to measure nice perfect satisfaction as to fit, workman- ADY MADE CLOTHING always on hand. Plough for Sale 2 THE subscriber offers for sale. a Superior CAST METAL PLOUGH New. made at Atkinson’s Foundry. W'ill be sold cheap for Cash, or approved credit. W1LL1AM ATKINSON, Merchant. Richmond Hill. Nov. 7, 1867. WILLIAM COX, Successor to James Holliday, BUTCHER, 2nd door north of Bernard’s store. RICHMOND IIILL, ' EEPS always on hand the best of Beef. Mutton. Lamb. Veal, Pork. Sausages. Ace. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest market price given for Cattle. Sheep. Lulllhs. 61c. Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. 1.y Executors Notme. OTICE is hereby given that all parties in- N debrcd to the estate of the lhte ROBERT GRUNDY, 3rd concession of Markham. are re- quested to pay the same to either of the under- signcd previous to the 1st day of January next, and all parties having claims against the said Estate. are requested to lodge the same with the undersigned for settlement. WILLIAM LAWSJN. PETER WILLVIOI‘T. Markham. October 14. 1867. E Executors. 3rm R.H.HALL, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST. RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Jan. 31, 1867. 35 N OTTO E ! Patent RigIHss for Sale COUN l'lES or RIDINGS of POWELL'S P A '1' E N '31“ Swing Pump .' Patentedgoct. 24. 1862. April 13,1866. and Powell’s NE “7 DOMINION FORCE PUMP l Patented June 28. 1867. To men of the right sort The Patentee ofi'ers inducements seldom 'e be met wrth. Requisite instructions for menu iacturing are given. Personal application Will be must be made to CHARLES POWELL, Newton Brook. P.O. Dead heads need riot apply. Newton Brook, July 30. 1867. TWO FARMS VILLAGE LOT 35‘ O R S ‘1 I: E I HE Subscriber offers for sale the following property belonging to the estate of the late Mr. Lathait Miller. viz: The Farm, com- posed of part of lots Ne. 34 and 35. In the let concession of the Township of Markham. on Yorige Street, near Thornhill. which Consists of 160 Acres, About 25 of which is Timber land. There is a good Spring Creek runs across this property.â€" Onlv 12 miles from Toronto. Also the north hall'of lot No. 1?, in the let concession of the Township of Iniiisfield. Also, A Building Lot, comprising part oflet No. 38, in the 1st concession of the Township of Vanghan.â€"â€"5 Acres of Land. good Dwellâ€" ing-house, Barn. good Well of Water. &c. For any further information apply to HENRY LEMON, Thornhill. September 12th. 1867. FOR SALE! FIRST-CLASS Roadster I’oney, bay color. 14 hands high, 4 years old. good * action. and good in single and double harness. October 10th. 1867. J Apply at this office, 3-ft ' nae. ' is BOUGHT AT .A. LOW FIGURE AND WILL BE SOLD AT A TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE, AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL. YOUR FEET DRY AND WARM BY USING T. V. ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF HARNESS & SHOE BLACKENING ervious to wet. For. sale at factured at Richmond Hill. KEEP OR Softening. Preserving and rendering the Leather imp the Stores, Harness and Shoe Shops, everywhere manu The Leading Style in Canada IS PO W ELI-’5 Patent Swing Pump Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. look Isl prize at Provincial Exhibition ’66, tall times when shown Manufactory for York 8." Peel Counties & Toronto City Newton Brook, Yonge Street. LET 1NFRINOERS BEWARE. .IIE validity of the Patent. having been recently disputed’byf interested persons. after two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor has the claims of C. Powell, and speaking highly of the Mann‘s on THE PUMP. and with just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct ol the lnfringer, ordering him to pay the costs ol the suit, and forbidding him to make the Pumps. The Patentee feels, that the sense of justice iiprevading the community . . . a generally will be sullirient to prevent its givm g countenance to spuv"rus imitators whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ IS a fraudzou the Public.”â€"S°e Judgment, Manufacturing Rights for Sale. m, When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the. Well or - ‘ f . t. given Judgment fully sustaining 'atern. THOS. CEGIâ€"ILAN returning thanks for the very liberal support he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that Ire has greatly increas' ow on hand a choice assortment of 1N cd his Stock and has n FURNITURE! Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, 'Wasir Stands, Sec. &.c. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, \Vhite Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and liorled Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish Including Tables, 'l‘urPPrllne- Benzcngw, Glue, 8w. tic. Parties Furnishing. Fapering. er Painting their Houses. wr _m'all before purchasing elsewhere. Also A nice assortment, good and cheap. He would also call attention to his Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! Vl'licre he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal. Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and llhno “humor! lllllllllhl ‘1‘ hi mhunt l1'ii honorl l‘hrtur 'llnniinn ll our ll l"torn 23 . o- l a. ‘Itirrnniiir ' “colon For Cash, at PI‘ICESSIlIaI cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill. NovemberiQ, 1866. Fire-proof Storc_,_ Richmond Hill. P. CROSBY, Begs to announce to his friends and the public. that he is receiVIng, daily, Iii! W INTER STOCK DRY Goons: CKERY, HADWAR‘E, TE; . Sales made tor Cash or approved Credit, Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1867. ' WILLSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION ANNING MILLS HESE MILLS have stood the test of Competition at several Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs, and are pros trounced by competent judges as being the Best Fanning Mills ! Manufactured on the Continent of America; have, this year BEEN STILL FUR’I HER IMPROVED The subscribers are new manufacturing a great number of the above, and can Supply all Orders Promptly Farmers will consult their own interest if they will examine will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. A. St. W. WILLSON, MAKERS. 3-tf Richmond Hill, June, 1867. our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel Confident they . .( firsâ€"n- . * As“... "i... v. o.“ Again. WITH A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE flirt. & DRY G. As the following price list will show :-â€"~ Grey (Iottons, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 cents per yd, Blt arched Cottons, yard wide, from. 12% cents per yd. Prints, from cents pcryd» Striped Shir-ting. from. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 cents per yd. lVinceys, from . . . . . .~ .~ . . . . . . . . . . .12; cents per yd. Fancy Dress Goods, from. . . . . . . . . .15 cents per yd. Blankets, from.~. . . . ... . .. . .552 50 per pair. Ladics’ Hoop Skirts. . . . . .. . . .~ . . . . . 25 cents per set. Flannels in all Colors, Canada Satinets, Fullcd Cloths, Tweeds, &c. Men’s and Boys’ HATS AND CAPS IN GREAT VARIETY! Ready Made Clothing, Shirts, &c., &c. contaminants The Ladies can rely upon the latest and most fashionable stvles of Feathers, Flowers, Wreathes, Ribbons, Velvet -1. Ribbons, Moss Velvets, and Trimmings of all kinds. Also Hoods, Sontags, Nubias, Wrappers, Gloves, &C. With a splendid assortment of First-class Groceries, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSâ€"WARE. We call special attention to our new Stock of COAL OIL LAMPS 2 P‘ 0' Addressâ€"‘CHARLES POWELL Newmn Broak‘ Which we feel confident cannot be surpassed for style and Cheapness. RichmonditilwabinetEstibishméiit iron o no no coconut or our. Richmond Hill, Oct. 17. 1867. 7 7 4 “WILLIAM ATKINSON. c. or SANDE noon, N0. 133 Yongc Street, Oppodta Temperance ‘rt. ~ T O R O N 'r 0, EGS to announce to the inhabitants of the County of York and those in the neighborhood at 1’. iclimond Hill in particular, that he has added to his I lock of BOOTS AND SHOES. A complete assortment of the most desrrable Styles for FALL 3; WINTER Wear. And is prepared to make to Ohiul’ all kinds of MEN’S, WOMEN‘S lNll tHllllllEN’S BOOTS IND SHOES In the most Fashionable Styles, And of the best Material and Werkmanship. All Work i»- Warrhnted to give perfect satisfac- tion. We are constantly adding to .hr stock ofBoots and Shoes ofor'r manufacture, which . will be SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. A good assortment offlTrâ€"unks always on hand Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at (It? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Toronto, TORONTO, Oct. 2, 1867. 51.3... INDEEDHINQ‘EA COMM N17. Home Depotâ€"London and Liverpool. Canada Depotâ€"No. 23 Hospital Street, Montreal. PURE AND (HTNUINE TEAS F Splendid natural flavour, imported directfifrcm the Company’s Plantations in Assam and on the slopcs of the Himalayas, blended with the FINEST PRODUCTS OF CHINA! Only Two Qualities, viz: 70 cents or $1 0’) per lb. either BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED! Fine Household TEA, combining strength and llivour 70 cents per lb. Finest procurtible $1 00 per lb. Sold in Packages 8.: Carin istcrs by the Company’s Agents In every City and Town in Canada. QGPPROTECTED BY TRADE MARK. Messrs. Hugh Miller, 85 CO... MEDICAL HALL. 167 King Street East, W. S. Robinson, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, Yorkville. lllllllilllllll‘lllll, lllll'll, lllll Ii lllllllllllll Machine Oil specially adapted for Threshing Machines, Miller’s Tick Destroyer, for Sheepâ€"40 be used twic‘e a year, Fall and Spring Miller’s Farm Bottle, for Horses and Cattle, 8w. hilller’s Derby Oils, for Cuts, Caulks, and Bruizefi. Miller’s Rat Exterminator, . Agents for Toronto 7 MILLER & Co- MEDICAL HALL, 167 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. resh Lot of Albums. ltt term 481 lAF

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