JOHN M. REID, M. 1).. COR. 0F YONGE AND COLBURNE STS., Consultations: in the ofï¬ce on (he mornings of 'l'uesdavs. Thulsdays and Saturdays. 8 to 10,21. m. D’AII consuhalions in the uflice. Cash. Quick/:(kï¬wr the Gas Company ofï¬ce Toronto Street, Toronto. Toronto. August 1, 1867. Barrister an?) (Attorucnâ€"at-Eam, SOLICITOR 1N CHANCERY, 8m COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, (JONVEYANCIQR. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, \/ ILL generaHy be found at home before half past 8 mm and from 1 [0'2 p.m. All partic‘s owing Dr. J. Langstaï¬'nre expect- ed to call and pay promptly. as he has pay- ments now that must. be met. Mr. Geo. Burkitt is authorised to coâ€ecl,and give receipts for him. READ & BOY D: Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery,&c., 'l‘en linen and under. ï¬rslinsertion. . . . 00 75 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ‘2“ Above ten lines. ï¬rst insertion. per line. ()0 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . OH ()2 One Column per twelve months. . . . .. - 50 ll" Halfa column do do 30 no Quarle: ofa column per twelve months. 20 (NJ One-column [ml six momth . . . . t . . . 40 (In Halfacolumn do ........... 251'†Quarter of a column par six months. . . . [8 (in A card of tan lines, for one year. . . . . . 4 ()0 Acazd ol'ï¬l‘tenn lines. do ....... 5 ‘25 A card oftweuty lilms, do . . . . . . . 6 50 UAllvm‘limmems without written directions nserled {ill forbid. and charged accordingly All advarlisements published for a law period than one month. must be paid for in advance. All transitory advertisements, from slrangers or irregular customers. must he paid for when and, d in for inser‘ion, R. HUS'I‘ETTER’S numerous friends wlll please accept lns sincere thanks for lllelr liberal patronage and prompt payment, Ind would announce that he will continue to devote ["0 whole of his alwnlim. to the prac- tice of Medimne. Surgery and Midwifery. All call. (night. or day) promptly uuendad to. Richmond Hill. June. [‘65 OFFICEâ€"N0 4, Briiish Amerlca Insurance Buildingy corner ofChurch & Court Streets Toronto. Nov. 28, 1866. 77. King Street East, ’m‘er Thompson’s East India House) Toronto. D.B. READ, 62.0. I J.A. BOYD BA GRIN". W EZNTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. Wills, Ale , «Yc‘. drawn with attention and promplimde. Terms Inoderale. No paper discontinued until all arrenrages are plid : and panies refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the uub‘sm‘iptiou. Manuracun'ed and for Sale Flooring and other lumber dressed. Fellows an and shingles for sale by And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyanbe, when so desired. The You: HERALD will always b8 found to contain thelntest and most important. l“oreign And Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it 'ac- ceptable to the man ofbusiness, and a valu- able Family NeWspapBr. TERMS:â€"Oue Dollar per annum. [H Al)- VANLE: if not paid within TWO Months. One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. Alllelwrs addressed to the Editor must be post-paid. Elgin Mills, October 5. 1866 Soï¬cï¬or in Chancery, CONVEYANCER,M,MUM OFFXCEâ€"In the “York Herald†Buildings, Richmond Hill. (if? Money to Land. July, 5th. 1866. 5-ly ma. "9303:3351 WAEMEQM HAHHBTEH, Atimney-at-law. M‘NAB, MURRAY 80 JACKES, Barristers & Attorneys-at-Law Solicitors in Chancery, CONVEYANCERS, &c. OFFICEâ€"In the Court House, . .TORONTO August 1, 1866. 59 DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, 'Jol’Ln Langstafi NTHQMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and Waggon MAKER, UNDERTAK EB. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, (ï¬n. dive. «kc. Ruidonceâ€"Nea‘rl’y opposite the Post Oflice ' ' ' ‘ ‘ Ridmond Hill May 7I 1866 Richmuud Hill. June 9. l8()5 'l'hornhill. June 9, 1865 iï¬usinma airtttovg. RATES OF ADVERTISING. BARRIS'I‘ER AT LAW, GISTRIQNS AND PUMPS! '1th math 3132mm RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. RICHARD GRAH AME, M. TEEFY, Esq, JVOTARY PUBLIC, GEO. B. NICOL, u- MILLS. THnHNHILL LAW CARDS. 'I'HORNHILL [S PUBLISHED TORONTO. 40-†DA VID EYER, Jun., Siavc & Shingle Manufacturer Ladies and Gentlemen, who require a true chart of the foot, can procure one in either French Kid or Calf, by calling and ordering it at T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill, April 4. 1867. (hm ha has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeop constantly on hand a good snpph‘ of ï¬rst-class Liquors. 610. As this House possesses every accommodation Tra- vel on can desire. thoxe who wish loslay where [hm can find everycomforlarerespectfullyiu- viled to give him a call. ’rHl‘I Subscriber begs to inform the Public i [E elsewhere - ___, , V ‘HE Subscriber begs to inf‘urm his friends and the public generally, that he has opt-119d an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4111001.. Vaughan, where he hows, by amenâ€" liun 10 the comforts of (he travelling commu- nilv. to merit a share of their patronage and unport, Good Slubling. «\‘zc . The hth of ‘vVines, Liquors and Cigars will he B'nnnd al the bar. Comfortable uccommnda: liml fur haw-Hers. A careful Hosller always in allemlauce. June 1865 TH E OLD HOTEL, Maple. Jan [866. DOLMAGE’S HOTEL, GIUEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 2841' their patronage. Maple NEW SERIES. Richmond Hill Bakery P. BASINGTWAITE, BEEN] MISEIJIT BAKER EGS leave ‘0 nonf)‘ the pubhc that he has purchased the business and good will of \V. S. Pollock’s establishment. and ahal he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with u-ncn '. Pic-Nit: parties and Tea. Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. Manufacturer and Deafer in all kinds ofMan's \Volnrn‘s and Children’s EB DOTS 8b SHOES, WILLIAM COX, I7Elil’8 always on hand the best. of Beef. X Mutton. Lamb. Veal, Pork. Sausages, Ac. and sells at [he luwecx prices. '1 he hignen market price given for Cattle. Sheep, lbmbs. &c. ' [Helm-0nd H|ll, Ucluberl5,1867. Ly Iugï¬:n~ders strictly amended to. Richmond “in, March 21. 1866. Ii ESU)E\7(}Eâ€"â€"Lot 26. 2nd Con. Markham un 1h» li-lginHZWills Plank Road. ,A-.. L.-. Give John a call when in Town. Toronto. Dec. l865. 27 LUMBE RING- ABRAHAM EYER Flamed Lumber, Flooring, &c. Kept on hand. SAWING done promptly ‘ aim BUTCHER, 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. RICHMOND HILL, DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lot 20. 2nd cuceossion Markham l'hnruhill, July 4,1857. LOOK AT THIS A: the lowest possible rates. Saw Mil|0|110125,2nd Con. Markham, 2; [miles eastof' Richmond Hâ€! by lhe Plank Road Richmond Hill. June ‘26, I865. 4-ly PLANEING TO ORDER, Sales ammde on Hm shortest notice on I'efl.~‘0nnhlv terms. MALLOY’S AXES Lumber Ton gued & Groved ()"d=sl‘s Inf: at the ‘° Herald†oï¬ice for Mr, Cauler’s services will be pl‘onlptly.attended to. June 27, 1867. {Othe Counties of York, Peel and On- mrxo. Residence: Lot 8, 6th coucess.0n Markham. l‘ost Of’ï¬ceâ€"Unionville. [i m. u.» lilgin Mills Plank Road. A lurgH Stock ofS'l‘AVI'ZS and Smmus. kept thlaully on hundmud edd‘uï¬he lowest Pricï¬s [13’ Call and examine Slack before purchas- iEO. McPIIILLIPS 8L SON Provincial Land Surveyors, JO H N CA RTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER One loe oldast and cheapest housesin the ’I'HORNHILL. HENRY HERON, Proprietor. SEAFORTH, c. w June7, 1865. {All Addressâ€" Richmond Hill. Vol. VIII EGS rmpvutmlly to inform his customers and thu public that he iw preparud to do 35 W est MarIWIb'quure. 2 doors south of King Street. In any quantity. and on short notice. LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, JOHN BARRON. Successor to James Holliday, RICHMOND'HILL AND YONGSE ST. GENERAL ADVERTISER. PHYSIOLOGY- FOR SALE BY RICHARD VAILES. 32- ly 9 N0. TORONTO. 27. l-tf ltf and M r, i to. thall. t l lound myself in a very large In the middle, on the ground floor, which was all stone. there was a great ï¬re burning. Right hnd lull ran staircases. which ex tended themselves into an ()aken gallery which took in three sidcs ol' the place. Round this gallery were doors, more than I remember. with sevnral passages [Fading I (ltd not know \‘. hither. The servant lvd me nnthe lett hand staircasa and along the gallery to a door on the 9ther side, In making this little Al the nine when I ï¬rst knew the house at Puluey, l was in a silunliun ol great difficully. My uncle haw! 'hreme‘ned lo cut me off 'wilh a shilling. and leave me In my prospect at the bar, if I did not marry the (near) middle-aged. and millionaire Malilda Moggs. An unconquorable dislike 10 public speaking made my look-out as a lbarrisler rather dismal; and ‘an uncoanerable dislike 10 Matil- da Moggs made it impossibze for me . as a man. of honour, to marry her. In lhe meanwhile l was add- ing to the inc'mne allowed me by my uncle, by emp'oying nus?“ in liloralure. My bUsim-ss at Pumey or. the morning which opens my tale was to see a Mr. Burgess who, being about 10 or3ginate a Chrislmas Annual, had sought my co-opvration. lwas told that I should find Mr, Burgvss at a par- ticular large house, so many doors past the Railway stalion, and standing back from the street; it does not matter on wkich side of the way. [followed minutely my direc. tions. There was a high wall, C(wered with 1vy, in from of the home; and in the middle was an old fashioned iron gate with a something rampant 0r regardant. or gules (I don't understand lteraldrv) carved on a soulcheon at the 10p. The line old red brick mansion, 'Nllh its carVed doorwav, stood some distance back, beyond a well kept but formal front garden. I rang the visitor’s bell,and the maid who answered it asked my busi- ness. It was between eight and nine o'clock on a cold November morning. and I thought she looked rather surprised to see anybodv. Mr. Burgess, thought I. has forgotâ€" ten to say I was coming to see him bv appointment. My dislike to public speaking is n'it unconnected with an occasional bashlulness, which leads to a. little indistinct nessin private speaking; but I told the girl I wanted to see Mr. Burgess, and told her. as l thoung pretty plainly. She looked at, me with increased surprise“ and say- ing. I’ll see sir. let me into the house. took my card and went be- fore me. There is a house at Putney. The remainder of what I have to say is of so startling a character that I thirk it is as well to begin with an undeniably safe statement. I repeat, then. there is a house at Palm-y. I made its acquaintance under a misapprehensmn, and (“J not at the time, know that it had a history. 1 have since been told (though I do not vouch for that) that it belonged in Oliver Crom~ weit’s time. to on: of his ofï¬cers. The house of General Fail-lax is not far off, ani in its genezal char- acteristics it seemed to me to re- semble the house whtch l have in my memory. MARRIED BY MAIN FORCE. Young lads and lasses, when you court, And grow so very warm, Speak plain before the wedding day, Or look for after storm. But when she found how matters stood, Their love was turned to ice ; So there I’ll leave them, and conclude By giving: this advice : It seems when Bijzsh popped the word To take her to his cot. He spoke like this: “ will you, my 10%, Come join my ‘earthly lot '?’ †She answered not, but looked full “yes,†Then took him by the hand; Because she thought from what he said He’d gm (1 lot of land. Young Bijah Beanpole took a. wife; But ere one v'veek was through, They found there was a wee mistake That‘gepamem in a. stew. @rigmm inmg. A MATRIMONIAL MISTAKE. agimmm. RlCilDIGND HILL, FRIDAY, D ECEHBEK 6, i867. N Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion. For the Herald. HEBE. journey I hadbqen, not merely sur- prtsed. as the servant appeared to be, but utterlv.a£tonished. I had heard the r night}: of ltatf-a-dozen bells,.the tinktin‘ of hall-a-dozrn pianoes, and the rustling of more thnn'half-a-doze'nl female dreasess. And what’had l seen? More girls than I'Eoiild, at the rrmnent. count. Girls oi all ages, from seven or eight to seventeen to eighteen. Brown-eved, grev-eyed‘ plump and thtn. _ Black-haired, light-hatred short and tall. . Some in curl-pap- ers, and some‘in bands. Some in a state oi decided had-dress, dart- ing out inquisittvely from doors and passages, and rustling back again in aflright as they caught a glimpse of the; What was I to think ofthe household of this Burâ€" gess? Was it possible that, pre- suming on the charity of the sua- son, he wanted me to write up in his Christmas Annual 3. domestic institution which is at present. pe~ culiar to the Salt Lake Vailey, and to the hateful East! Had he start- ed a MOdel Hareem at Putney to begin with? I knew that he was himself unmarried. so that his wife could not be the keeper of a ladies‘ school ; and it was not to be sup- posed that he. kept one ltitnseti. Parents and guardians would neVer tolerate such an innovation, i felt sure. However. the maid asked; me into a uell ap.~oin ed iittte room, and in a short time. I heard the door open. and distin wished the rustle oi two gowns. One of the ladtes was a middle aged. ma- matronlv-looking person; and she held the other bit the hand, intro-t ducittg her as- Miss Burgess. The other was, at a guess, be- tween seventeen and eighteenâ€"â€" near eighteen; a heautitul, tall, Well built girl, with bright mes- tneric eyes. gleaming pri.\('t'fully from underneath broad thick hands ot guitte‘ring ttaivz‘énmitg atranut'dl in t’t‘tasses overl‘ler lot‘elv bro“ s. I itâ€). myself, l-ecuiiatly suscepti ble to the mesmeric influence, and now i lelt that l was tn the pres ence ofaMedium My wits and my uill deserted me. wt-en I felt the lurce ol those wonderful eye-5.; as they hasrfully measured me. and took stock of me. i sank int:| a chair at the bidding oi the elder I did n1}! concludv my sentence. ior Ihe behaviour 0! the mu ladies slartled me a lillie. 'I‘hny Iilwd their hands in wmldvr; lhvy ex changed lelegrnphic glances; 1h:- elder kiswd Ihe voungPr, who blushed, and seemed half dimmed to cry. 'l‘hen lhe elder ladv puil ed the bell. and when lhc maid ap- peared, saidâ€" l hog \uur pardon. said i; it was Mr. Burgess will) whom I had an appnimuwm! and I ll-ar that, by Sume Illislalie of my on n, l 21mler- passing Upon 30m Lock and bolt the from and back doors, Jane, and bring me the keys. And thenâ€"in a minule it was done. and the keys Were brnnghlâ€" and lhen my hostess lurned to me agam and resumed the conversu Hon. Probably not a'descendant ol'1he celebrated Wilheriaglon who fought a1 Chevy Chase 1 Your name, sir,1 see by your card, is Wilheringmn. lady. This, sir. said she, is Miss Bur- gess, and whun‘ver Inighl be llw "waning 0! it. she acrulimzmi nw uilh an intense uvvrpmvering, mmherty inn-rem, “hich was searcvly in the fleas! disglzisuj. l hog \uur pardon. said i; it was Mr. Burgess will) whom I had an Yés. said I, feeling utterly be- wxldered and helpless. Yes, I am, said I, again feeling that an absurdity. more or less.was no great mailer in such a wild situation ; and feeling, also, quite ready 10 believe anything of myâ€" self. And permit me to ask you, [or lime pré‘ssrés, and the peril is gxeal what is ynur prulessiun I Pray ex- cuae Ihe liberlv I take in asking llh’sP quemiuns. . Mr Burgess, I replied. is aware of my g mfvssion. , Pr()lm‘)|v ; but. I am (leeirnus that you almuld make .Miss Burgvss and me aware M ii, if you \vi'l be so good as 10 dispense with cere. mun y an an occasion nuly mo memous. I am, said I. a barrister, and a man of leners. I think. llwn. ink‘rpnsud [he mher Iimidly. and wilh a wry sum-t vuicP. l \hink, tlwn, it is your pomns. sir, than I have read in a recently published volume 2 That depends, said 1, upon what Ihoy are. You are mm to one, but I can smash the windows and alarm the passers by, it you pro‘ coed to any uu-Englsh lengths with me. We shall both have occasion, in II]? fulï¬lment of the duty which de- volvvs upon us. said [he laller, altlulf‘r and more respectable look- ing gemleman oflhe two, in ful- ï¬lling, I say. our _dmy, we shall [will have occasion to trespass for some minutes npnn your kind- nPss. May we be permitted to lake a law liberties with your Per- son, sir 7 “76 do not propose to hurt you. This lady’s presence is surely a sufï¬cient voucher ior (he harmless- nvss of our inlcmions. Sir. said my hostess, ynur curio- sity will be satisï¬ed in due timeâ€"- ble'e many days are oven. In the t’neanwhile. you are a captive : lwre. laying her hand on the plump white wrist ol Constance, here is yourjailer, sir. Under her. our page will be at your service. Everything will be done to make your retirementagrecuble. I am having two rooms prepared for your reception. Only a doubt or two remains to be settled. Oh, here they come, I think .' Con- stance. dear, it it is Mr Smith and Mr Jones, you Will withdraw will you 7 I don’t know that, said l. “’0- men have looked on coldly, while men have been onlured....aml l believe an inslrumem of torture you are feeling [or at this 1110‘ mvnt. Bnt I was in error. It was only a stcrhnscnpe Wilh which the gen- Ilemau prucevde-d to sound me. He then punched my ribs, felt my pulse, and crackud my muscels wnh great assiduly. When he had done, he patted me on the back, and Iurninq In the lady with a benignant 100k, saidâ€" He'll do. lslnke my profession- al reputmion on the soundness of every organ. And Mr. Smilh and Mr. Jones entered the room, and looked very hard at me. I am 100 happy, I replied, to be rerarvd in so divine a light; but i should like to know what is lhe nodus dignus that I am 10 cut? Thank you, doctor, replied the Iadv. I am glad to hear it. So am I, said I, is there anything to [my 5? Tins made them all laugh ; but I put the question Wlll) a grim and bewildered resignalinn which real- Iv seemed to awake the compas- sion 0f the mislress of lhe place. You see, doctor. said shé. tendâ€" erlv‘ he knows nothing about it all. Your presence in this house, sir, on [his occasion, resumed the elder lady, is a Remarkable lnlerposi- iion. We regard you as a deus ex machina sir. N0, said I. All! said ihe medical gemle- man. wnlx an arch, patronizing smile, as if he thought I was in for auood Ihing, only that I didn’t know i1. ll was not long before the two ladies re-emored Ille room. The elder one addressed me in a re- spectfully aflcclionale mannerâ€" V l haver to announce to you, llratfnr the present you are prisoner. It was' now the lam of the seedy looking thin man. He also pro- duced an instrument, which had not, however a very surgical ap« A whispering. and going to and fro, in the gallery without, and an apparent delivery of messages‘ did not add much to the bewilder- ment ()1 my feelings. Youth likes adventure. I had already threat- c‘nvd my father that i would go for a snidier, if he pressed Matilda Magus upon me, and felt very much inclinud to let late drill me wheresoeveâ€"r it pleased. But what was Mr. Burgess thinking all this time i Yes our prisoner! echoed the mosmt-ric darling. in tunes which would have made any chain Jie lightly on mv arm. To this [ boch a delighted as- sent. ï¬nding myself more and more in the power of the mesmeric eyes every instant. And now the two ladies again telegraphed to each other After a moment or two the elder one said. ConstanCe. dear, come along wnh me ! Will you excuse us, sir, for a minute? And then I was left atone. and heard the key turn in the look outside. sir, my You are not a married mangth a wifeliving? asked Mrs. Robin- son wilh a penetrating glance. And then l poured lorlll my art- less lale with such simple truthful- ness ol manner, that 1 could see both the ladies believed mv‘, and Were satisï¬ed I was a bachelor. Yet feeling desirous to oblige, 1 addedâ€" An oath would be profane as well as extra-judicial. But perhaps you would like me to make a Solemn and Sincere Declaration under the provisions of the Statute . . . . . . I am not a married man, ‘ And I make this Solemn and Sincere De- claration. conscientiously believing the. same to be true, and by Virtue of the provisions of An Act made and passed. . . . and all that. . . . and entitled An Act to Repeal an Act . . . . and all that. . . .exlraâ€"judicial Oaths and Alï¬ilavitswand that‘s all ! Well done! said Constance,clapp- ing her lovely white palms togeth- er. Perhaps after this Mr. Wither- ington would like a glass 01 wine? Well, said 1, 1 think 1 should ; l leel rather rather in fact- Puzzled? sald Mrs. Robinson; no doubt, sir. And you Will have to remain so for a little time. You need not hope to escape; you will ï¬nd your jailer hereâ€"turning to Constanceâ€"very watchlul ; and when you take exercise in the garden. which is of great extent, you will be attended by a page. I repeat, however, that inï¬nite pains Will be taken to make your stay in this retreat agreeable to you, To that end I am sure I can pledge my» sell that your young jailer here will cheerlully do her best. I dare say she will be willing to begutle the tedium of your imprlsonment by singing and playing to you. Our And Conslance blushed assent. I say assent. because it was evident that she really was pleased, though why she should blush I could not for the life of me divine. N0, indeéd, said liand l shud- dered at the thought 01 lhe woman who might have been my \virfe.’ r N0,1 answpre‘d; l shivcred at [he thought ol Matilda Moggs. Sin'said-Mrs. Robinson, with malronly gravily, and laying her hand upon a prayer-book. I trust you have been brought up in our excullem Church of England? I have, said I. And could say Ihc Apostles' Creed. No doubt. And would not object to Sign the TliirIy-nine Article‘s? Why :10 you shiver? 'said Mrs. Robinson ; are You cold. No.1 in the least, said I, feeling inclined to add, as Theodore Hook did when asked the question, forly, if you please. Then, cried Mrs. Robinson, we are pleased, aren’t we, Constance. Constance, my love, said 1110 elderly lady, what lam about 10 say, is so momentous, that I wish you m be present. Certamly, ï¬ne, healthy girl, said the medicat‘ gentleman. And then he and the phrenologist were bow- ed out; and Constancv, with the mesmeric eyes, was re-introduc- ed. OI). certainly, says Constance; I believe I know what is coming next. An explanation, perhaps, 0! all Ihisrmyslo‘ryZ _1houg_ht_ll. Oh, said 1. very good you'llgive me (me D berth. I sincerelv hope, sir, you will never need one. Indeed it is not likely. Our Constance has a strong constitution, hasn’t she doctor? Indeed. I assure you sir. interpos- ed Mrs. Robinson. we wouldn’t lake you for the p1aceâ€"-Conslance and lâ€"without a character. Well, said I. that can wait. 1 don’t know that a character is of much use. Anylhing to pay you 5? said I. thing. sir, TPplled the seedy man, unless, indeed, vou would like me to furnish you Will] a copy of the phrenological analysis of your character, which 1 shall hand to Mrs. Robinson“ TERMS $1.00 iq Advance When he had got as far astkirty- six, he stopped sayingâ€"Highly satisfactorily, ma’am, I assure you. Callipers, said he, proceeding to apply them to my head in various dilections, while he dictated ï¬gures to the lady. who took them down on a blank form. pcarance. What do’you call those mugs! l exclaimed. Whole N0. 490. 1 hope my next Alone with my thoughts And what were they? The only in- convenience that } seemed likely to he put to was one which, unluckily, involved another personâ€"~Mr. Bur- gess. But I was so fascinated with the situation in which 1 found my- self, that t at last resolved not to trouble myself about him or: about anything else in the world; without. 1 was boarded and lodg- {or nothing. I was to have a pretty girl. accomplished and mesmeric, to talk to. lmight, for what I know be destined for some Great End. towards which those women had‘ the power 01 directing events. At; all events I was gaining time, and l was away from Matilda Moggs; and this was better than going for a soldier. lresigned myself, though ot'course not without ï¬tsoi chaï¬ng» and wonder. Two rooms were placed at my entire disposal: my bedroom was furnished as the ad- wrlisemem, say, with everv luxury. My sitting-room, I was. told had. been prepared exlemporaneously- (or me, all but the hangings on the- wall; which had been there for some lime. Ifound in fact, Ihat they had been put up for the pur- pose of concealing what was behind them. [was in a padded room! After much reflection. [came to the conclusion tha! 1 was in an eslab- lishment of a new kind. This house said I to myself, is a madhouse for Lovc~sick girls. Depend upon it, Constance is love sick, and [am 10 be a deus ex machina to cure her. But what lam 10 dofor her, good‘ ness only linows. The telegraph department in Calcutta»: has been instructed to furnish the Abyssi- muu expedition with materials for creating‘; and working 450 miles of .telegmph. Mr. Alex. T. Stewart will soon erect 8" block of dwellings up town to cost; $1,000,- 000, and to be forever the home of the- working women of New York. The Board of' School Trustees, of Mil/k ehell, recently advertised for :L teacher for their common school, to which, says the Advocate, they received 70 femaleimplicau tions zmd 20 male. What will the 89 appli- cants do. In France an army of ten. thousand men was got ready for embarkalyiun in forty‘ eight hours, and a second' army of ï¬fty thousand had gathered outside Lyons in other forty-eight. A Censorious tutor, in lecturing to his class on the Vice of Betting, declared that: under no Circumstances could a. bet be any- thing but a sin and a. shame. But you’ve always gone in for one kind of bet, ex- claimed an irreverent pupil. The tutor was at ï¬rst suipeï¬ed with amazement, at such elfrontew, but recovering his self-posses- sion he blandly informed the student that if he could make his statement good, he should have a holiday. Well haven’t you always been in favour of; the alpha-bet ? asked the student? The teacher gave it up. Mr. T. P. Bax-has states that the surface of the sun has become much disturbed, and that there is at present upon his disc 8. spot of remarkable magnitude and cleamess.â€"-â€" The approximate length of the spot is 50,000 miles, and its width 30,000; and so well deï¬ned is it that it can easily be seen. by the naked eye when protected by colour ed glass. The spot forms a beautiful objects for telescopes of very moderate power‘ Oh! said lhe Carling, with a little fluttered cry, and fled, follow- ed by the guardian, leaving u [aint rustle of female allire in my ears, and a faint perfume in my nostrils. The door was again closed. I was again locked in, alone _wilh my thoughts. And the fair luraney drew near- nnd held me the key. Human smpidily is great; 1 know it. BM I doubt if there Is a single reader of llxese lines stupid enough to sup- pose‘lhat I did anylh'rng but kiss“ ihe hand that held the key. Weâ€, said I, 1 don't know. I feel as if I ought to take some sort of an oath again. Why“, to be sure ! said Mrs. Rob- inson; swear Mr. \Vilherington on the key of his sitting room. Say, ralher, kind compliance. suggested my turnkey; I am sure, sir, you will not mind compliance with my wishes? And the bright soft mesmeric eyes secondng the soft mesmeric voice, 1 lost all my will, and saidâ€" l promise ! There \is. I feel can-lain, no ne- cessin 10‘ ask you for any pledge. The honor of a genlleman is sufï¬- cienl. ll certainly is. Mr. Wliithering- ton, as you say, odd, but I believe we shall in llie end make it even. All we shall expect of vou is im- plicit obedience, said the elder lady with an air 01 maternal dignity, mingled with aflemion. it is very odd, 1 observed, not without an alloverish- sensation as lheard the little smack-smack ot the kisses ; it is very odd that. upon the dayon which my incar- ceration commences, my custo- dians should begin to concert plans for setting me free. Well, my love, I think 50,â€" said Mrs. Robinson, kissmg her reps edly. library is entirely at your service. and 1 must own to you I have such conï¬dence in lhe resources of our beloved Constance, lhal 1 do not lhihk it liker you will exhaust them before the time arrives at which it will be in our power to release you. For which purpose, said my love- ly turnkey, we can. I think. begin 1o lake measures Ilmis very day. (Conclusion in our next).