Paris, Dec. 1.â€"-Marquis de Monstier, Minister of Foreign affairs, addressing the French Senate yesterday, said that the stay of the French troops now remaining in the Roman Territory nould be brief, and was only intended to ensure the safety of the Pope. The question between the Holy Fa- ther and Italy was one of distrust, and the object of the General European Conference proposed by the Emperor was to remove this distrust. Berlin, Dec. 1.â€"‘The Prussian Govern- menf, through its Postal Department, has signed a new contract with the Hamburg and American steam Packet Company, and the North German Lloyd’s Steamship for regu- lir mail service from Hamburg and Bremen to New York. By terms of the contract many additional facilities are given to the public, and especial provision is made for transmission of samples of merchandise by mail. - n mun. Lisbon, Dec 1.â€"â€"The mail steamer from Brazil has arrived. Last news received at Rio Janeiro, from the seat of war on tho Parana, was exciting. The allied cavalry had made an attack on the Paraguayan forces which the Brizilians claim resulted in a complete victory for the allies. The Bra- zilian reports of the ï¬ght say Lopez lost 1.000 killed and 209 prisoners, while the loss of the allies was only 80 killed. Manchester, Dec.1.â€"â€":To-day, the obse- quies of Allen, Gould, and Lax-kin, were ob- served here with much solemnity by the Irish inhabltants. A funeral procession pa- raded the streets, and a meeting was held. No attempt was made by the authorities to interfere with the proceedings, and no dis- turbance whatever occurred. The demon- stration, though considerable in numbers, did not equal the one in Cork today. ,0 Cork, Ibec. 1.â€"â€"A great demonstration of sympathy for the Fenians executed at Man- chester was made here to-day. The eel-e monies were similar to those which took place on Sunday last in London. The few eral procession was very long and imposing. It was headed by a lofty cutafalque, trimm- ed with green and black, and drawn by six horses. This was followed by nearly 20,- 000 persons, most of whom wore green em- blems shrouded in crape. Over 1,500 wo- men took part in the procession. and several pric sts were observed marching in the ranks. Good order prevailed throughout the day. - ... . 1‘11 1 ..._..,. Paris, Dec. 2.â€"â€"â€"A small body of French cavalry still occupy ’wme, and will proba- bly remain there permantly. All other French troops have evacuated the terri- tory. ' Rome; Dec. 2.â€"â€"Tl1e Pope will materially strengthen the Papal army. ‘ n gnu-.6» .. u..- .. _. _ London, Dec. 3rd.â€"Ail the cabmen of this'm'etropolis have left their stands and refuse to go to work because of an obnox- ious regulation which has been put in force requiring them to attach lamps to their ve- hicles. The cabmen held a meetingr to- night, at EXeter-Hall, to protest against the new law and to take measures for keeping 11p_the strike. n 1- “ rv ,... T.,..',.1~ -r .W _._.._4. London, Dec. 3.â€"â€"In the Corps Legisla- tsz, yesterday, M. Jules Fuvre delivered a brilliant speech against the policy at the Government on the Roman question. He attacked French intervention in the affairs of Italy, and denounced the sending of the expedition to Rome as a Violation ofjustiee and-as injurious to the interests of France. He declares that this interference by force hurt the cause which it was designed to help and involved the Government. in complica- tions to escape from which it was obliged to persist in a. policy of error to the general discontent of the country. Instead of as- suming all the responsibility in so grave a .matter, he said that the Government should have ï¬rst consulted the Legislature. Despatches from India. re ort that a. dis- astrous cyclone visited Bom ay and vicinity. 1n the city many houses were demolished, und'crops in the surrounding country were destroyed. The ground was being swept bare, and ereat damage was done to the shigpingtmany vciseis Wife gunk. ,r- 11,, Latest from Europe. staff ofï¬cers of the Frgnch_ expgditiog to Italy havg left Rome. -'>-VV- Viil ' o a London, Dec. . .â€"The notonous Feman, General Nagive, has been. rrrcstcd in Sligo, Ire‘nand. London, Dec. 3, midnight.-â€"â€"The Bill for a tax of one per cent, on incomes, to defray the expenses of the Abyssinia war, passed the House of Commbns to-night. Parlia- ment will adjourn on the 7th inst. 1 éaéivtrignal pArticulurs of the cyclone at pomjaay have bnen received. 1,, ,n â€". -_....."J London, Nov. 4.â€"Further particulars of the disastrous cyclone which recently occur- ed in India. have been received here. At Calcutta the loss of life and property was fearful. It is estimatgd that in that, city and neighbourhod alone one ihousand persons perished. Thirty thousand huts and habita- tions were utterly destroyed. London, Nov. 4,â€"A second instalment of the correspondence between the British and American Governments in reg:er to the Alabama claims, has been laid before the House of Commons by the Foreign Ofï¬ce. Lord Stanley, in a despaieh to Mr. Ford,the‘ present Charge D’Aï¬'airs at Washington, says England will never consent to submit 10 the arbitration of a foreign power claims, involving her rights to recognize belliger- ents. This- right, he insists, is purely a question of English law. He reports his otfer to submit to arbitration the Alabama elaims, and refer all other demands for in. demnity to the decision of a mixed Commis- sion. Florence, Dec. 4.â€"-â€"The Italian war ofï¬ce has ordered 300,000 Chassepot rifles.â€" Many arrests, for political reasons, have recently been made by order of the govern- ment in diï¬'erent parts of the kingdom. 'We are now in a position to realize the magnitude, if not to estimate the prospects or count the cost, of the Abyssinian Expe- dition. Despatches from Aden carry out. information up to October 19th, on which day the second detachment of the invading army was to leave Aden for its destination. The entire force will conslst of 12,000 effective, of whom 4000 will be Europeans, accompanied by at least 8000 followers,and our correspondent gives very substantial reasons for doubting whether it will be pos- sible to keep down the mixed multitude of non-eï¬'ectives to so modest a number. The Pioneer Force, or forlorn hope, of the ex- pedition. consisting of 40 men of the 3d Native Light Cavalry, about 100 men of the let Native Infantry. and a company of Supper-s and Miners, sailed from Bombay on the 16th of September, reached Aden in ten days, and has now been engaged for about a. month in selecting n landing, con- structing a pier, to land tr00ps and stores, exploring the country in search of fresh water, and making)r other preparations for the arrival of the main army. This party n‘as under the command of Colonel Mere- wether, who is said to have ï¬xed on An- neslvy Bry, south of Massowah, for the point of ,disembarcation, and on Zoulf'a (probably the same place marked on some maps as anla) for the encampment of of troops. The second detachment The Abyssinian Expedition. called the Advance Brigade, under Colonel Field, left Bombay for Massowah on the 7th of October, reached Aden on the 16th, and, as we have mentioned, was to proceed on the 19th towards Abyssinia. It consists of nearly 3000 men, including ca- valry, infantry, sappers and miners, artill- ery, a Land Transport Corps, and a marine battalion, besides non-combatants. It does , not clearly appear whether this Advanced Brigade was to land at Massowah, where a depot is to be established, or at Annesley Day, but it was supposed at Bombay,. that it would march some miles into the interior of the country, and there take up its position. The next or third detachment consisting of about the same number, but including one European Regiment (the 33d) was to leave Currachee about the 26th of ‘ October, and it was heped that Sir Robert Napier himself, with the main body of the force, would follow towards the end of November, or the very beginning of Dec- ember. We may reckon, therefore, with some degree of certainty on the commence ment of operations by the close of the presenty year. 1 1 ,i 1~.' rhV““-"J II ""7‘ So far as the issue depends on cenditions 1 Within our own control the reports are hit h‘ erto encouraging. As yet no serious defect in organization seems to have been disco- vered, and this time our troops will, at least, be equipped with a due regard to Cllmflte and the nature of the country. Besides “Armstrong guns, with elephant-carriage for the mountains,†we hear of howitzers weighing about 2001bs., and capable of be- ing carried on a mule, yet throwing a 121b shell 800 yards, and of still lighter mortars, } throwing a shell of double the weight the same distance. Some forty elephants and I a few camels have been provided for the heaviest work ; but the employment of such animals in mountain warfare )3 more or less an experiment and the only beast of burden on which much reliance can be placed is the mule. Our correspondent states that no less than 24,000 mules are being collect- ed from India, Syria, Bagdad, Egypt, and Spain. We learn by recent telegrams that 1800 had been purchased in the Punjab alone, and that 3000 were in Egypt await- ing the means of transport. The description given of the mode in which those despatch- ed from Bombay were stowed away on board the transport ships prepares us for ‘ the news that ten belong to the Poineer force died on the voyage to Aden; but, once landed, these hardy beasts will doubtless prove invaluable. A pontoon train is being constructed expressly for mule carriage, and by far the largest share of labor in carrying baggage will fall upon them. It is anticipated, as we learn from Aden, that supplies will be procurable in Abyssinia itself, ‘as cattle have been easily obtained. A good and abundant supply of fresh water had been discovered sixteen miles from the coast, but Colonel Merewe- ther had directed the ships coveying the second detachment to ï¬ll up with as much water as possible, and had detained the steamship Euphrates to condense water for the working parties who, under a tempera- ture of 100 degrees in the day time, were busily making tramways, building piers, and landing stores. ’ No Europeans will be de- tained longer than is absolutely necessary in these scorching low lands which fringe the coast. Happily the mountains and healthy table lands of the interior approach the coast very close to the south of Masso- wah. The greater part of Abyssinia lies, as is well known, remarkably high. Gon- dar, the capital, is more than 7000 feet above the sea, and our troups will generally be able to encamp on a level far above the reach of malaria or extreme heat. FIRE AT WINDSORâ€"DEC. 2.â€"Last night, l about 8 p.m., a ï¬re attended, with most‘ disastrous consequences, broke out in the stables of the Great Western Hotel, belong- ing to l‘homas Chater. The flames spread rapidly, communicating W1th the Great Western Hotel, and in as incredibly-short space of time,the hotel, Mr. Reid's hardware store, and the large brick kuildihg occupied below as the ofï¬ce and store of the Canada Vine Growers’ Association, and above by Messrs. O’Connor and White as law office, were victims to its ravages. The ï¬re cam- pany belonging to the town did all they could to subdue it, but from want of powor and want of water, their efforts were unavail’ ing. The ï¬re extended to Rice's Cabinet shop and store. Mr. Haggarty’s jeweller store, and Mr. Wilsons billiard saloon, and owns, mlu m†. .WV..- .- in less than ï¬ve minutes more wouldyhave caught Mr. Jones’ saloon, had it not been for the prompt and timely arrival of No. 1 Lafayette steamer, from Detroit, which went to work with such splendid effect that it saved the whole block. The following are the losers :--Thos. Chater, $12,000; in- sured for $3,500 ; 'Mr. Wm. Rolph, $8,000, insured for $3,400; Sol White, $9,000, in- sured for $4,000; F. T. Rice, cabinet shop and store; Haggerty, jeweller; Hevilson billiard saloon, and others. Vessnn AKP CARGO LOST.-â€"The Culling- wood Enterprise says :-â€"â€"0n Wednesday morning last, the brig Marquette, for Col- ling wood, from Chicago, Captain Fountain, in a. heavy snow storm was driven on the reef at Hope Island, and in an hour and a. half went down in 26 feet of water. She had on board 20,000 bushels of corn, con- signed to Gooderham & Works, Torontoâ€" no doubt insured. The bai‘que was par- tially insured in two ofï¬ces in Chicago. It, is not probable any attempt will he made to raise the vessel this full. The captain and Crew got ashore in their jolly boats and on Monday were brought here in Port’s Tug. FORGERY.â€"â€"-Tl10 Norfolk Reformer says: A young man by the name of Amos Hazen, who has been working for Messrs. Kilmas- ter & Co.. took it in his head to raise the wind, by forging a. couple ol'orders against his late employers, and sold them to Mr. H. Smith of Walsingham Centre. Hen-hired a. horse and buggy from Mr. O. J. McCall’s livery stable, and after the forgery was dis- covered Mr. McCall started in pursuit and found the horse and buggy with the rogue ten miles from London. He had been try- ing to sell the Horse and buggy. Mr. Mc- ---a "r n~ w Vu. Call got nula v-vm'mnt and placed it in a constable’s hands, but the constable, being a ‘green’ fellow, allowed Hague to escape. THE BENSON FORGERY CASEâ€"The Free Press says:â€"The third charge of forgery against H. F. Benson, preferred by the Bank of Montreal. was examined Friday afternoon before His Worship the POllCB Magistrate. The alleged forgery is the sig- nature of Thos. J. Clark, of Woodstock, Lo a. bill of exchange, at three months, 'for $2,000 payable at the Bank of Montreal in Toronto. Mr. Clerk in evidence swore the signature to the bill was not his, but a good imitation. Mr. Thomas, manager of the Bank at London. knew prisoner and dis- counted the bill for him, believing the, sig- nature was Mr. Clark’s. The prisoner,being cauvioned in due form, denied the charge, and declined making any further statements at present. He was then committed for trial at the next Assizes. The Princess Victoria.-â€"H.R.H. Prin- cess Victoria. is fast recovering from her in- disposition. Her Royal Highness's medi- cal advisers were opposed to her medical advisers were opposed to her intended voy- age to England on aceount of the interest- ing situation of the Princess. Northern Railway of Canada Going North 9.00 AM. Going South 10.12 A.M. Mails made up at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. Until further notice, the mails will be closed at this Post Ofï¬ce as follows: MORNING. Southern. . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 P.M. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. MU. TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2. 1867 Lemon’s Hotel.â€"-G. Lemon Municipality of Vaughan List of Letters Farmer’s Boot 85 Shoe Store.â€"Johu Barron Stray Pig Richmond Hill Hotel.~J. Palmer New Millinery.â€"Mrs. Jenkins Oysters, Oystersâ€"W. Atkinson. The “ Globe†Newspaper. Holiday Gifts at Scott’s. Canes at Scott’s Fancy Dress Goodsâ€"W. Mitchell Christmas Suppliesâ€"A. Scott. Notice to Farmersâ€"G. H. Applt-by Worth Seeing.â€"Mrs. W. H. Myers House and Building Lots for Sale : Important Newsâ€"Samuel Moor-by SUBSCRuï¬E FOR The Yoxk Herald, $1,00 a year We are among: those who do not con- sider all changes to be improvements, an instance of which we have in the new Postal Bill now under consideration in the House of Commons in Ottawa. In the ï¬rst place, we object to the proposed reduction on the postage of letters,er the reason that it will create a still greater deï¬ciency in the revenue of the Post‘ Oï¬ice Department, which will have to be made up by drawing on the public chest, thereby compelling farmers, meehamcs, and labourersuto pay (in the shape of additionï¬l thiation on their tea, sugar, HEï¬MOND HILL STATION RICHMOND HILL‘ DEC. 6,1867. coï¬'ee, Ste.) for thmtï¬n 0 business and professional men, whose cor- respondence is extensive, and the postage thereon a large item, which, if reduced one-half, and put on the poor man'snecesâ€" saries of life, will be so much additional proï¬t. We say that it is time enough to reduce the rate of postage on letters when the Post Ofï¬ce revenue exceeds the expenditure, for that branch of the ser- vice; and it is unjust towards the great mass of consumers to hurthen them with ‘ advantages extended to a small minority of the whole. \Ve also object to the proposed arrangement in regard to news- aper postageâ€"it will operate serious- ly against the interest of publishers, With- out being a corresponding advantage to subscribers, as they will haveito pay the publisher the additional sum for postage, instead'of paying the delivering postmas- terâ€"the eï¬eet of this will be to cause many to cease taking a paper. \Ve trust the Government will let this Bill lay over, and endeavor to ascertain what is best calculated to promote the interests of all, before theyZmake a change that is ‘ certain to operate against the interests of v the masses for the beneï¬t of the few. Northern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Southern Mail ‘ . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . “ Cashel, . . . . . . . . . “ Gormley, . . . . . . . “ Headford, . . . . . . “ Victoria Square, On Tuesday evening last, the member: of the Bichmond Hill Mechanics’ Insti- tute gave the ï¬rst ofa series of Reunions,- and delighted a large and appreciative audience with a choice selection of read ings, recitations, vocal and instrumental music; the programme was extensive, and our best local talent was brought out to advantage. Where all performed the part allotted to them so well, as evinced by the plaudits of the audience, it would require more space and critical ability than we can command to do equal justice to each of the ladies and gentlemen who acquitted themselves so creditably; we cannot permit, however, the oppor- tunity to pass Without complimenting the several gentlemen from Aurora and Maple upon the important and valuable assistance they rendered upon the occa- sion. Amongst our locals, it may not be considered invidious to say that the “dagger scene,†in Macbeth, and “ An- tony’s lament over the dead body of Caesar,†were both rendered in a style worthy of the highest commendation. It affords us much pleasure to ï¬nd that our Mechanics’ Institute has so vigorously resumed its work for the season, and trust that all who desire to encourage in- tellectual improvement will become mem- bers, and take a part in promoting the good work. OBJECTIONS TO THE NEW POSTAL BILL. (Elbe $19M ï¬exulb. New Advarti samens. CHANGE OF TIME THE RE~UNION. EVENING MAIL. May 6, 1867. Mm PP 18 51 l 11.00 A. M. }on Tuesdays ' &Fridays. V ,ETHE COUNTY STATISTICS . O." (Republished Yc'rk Herald of Natal 29,â€"w1lth‘; itional tables.) For the informy'tion of such of our 'readers as may not have the public do- cuments to refer to, we have compiled the following table! from the Provincial Auditor’s latest report for 1866 ; those in- terested can compete the ï¬gures of each item in six of the principal Townships, as also those of the'four incorporated villages of the county. The ï¬rst column exhibits the totals for the lvhole county of York; the other columns exhibit the same items of receipt expenditure as they apply to each tquéhip and village. The Canada Presbyterian Church, at. Brown's Corners, Markham, after under- going extensive repairs, will be re-bpened on Sabbath next,~ the 8th inst. The Rev. Principal Willis, pf Knox’s College, Toronto, ï¬rill preachat 10% o’clock, a.m. ; the Rev? Mr. Duncan, at 2%- o'clock, p.m.; and the Rev. Principal Willis, at 6% o’clock, pm. Collections will be taken up at each service to assist in liqui- dating the remainder of the debt, on the church. i o’_c1<>cl-:, p.m., precisely; H. D. Ben- nett, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, Dec. 12. â€"-Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on Lot 13, 4th Con. Vaughan. Mr. Archibald Camp bell, proprietor. Sale at 11 o'clock; anti. 7 H. D. Bennett, Auctioneer. Parties. having Sale Bills printed at 'this oflice will have a notice -similar to the above, free of charge. FRIDAY, Dec. 13.â€"â€".Credit Sale of .Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture &c., on Lot 24, 4th Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Adam Rupert. Sale at MONTHLY_ Furyâ€"The usual monthly fair . It is stated {hat the gross t; was held in our village, _on Wednesday last, Paris, Egpgsition amount to I at Lemau’s hotelg There was only a moder- half #1 “11,1110†0f francs: new ate supply of cattle and shgep, Prices were hon sterhng' ._. __ __ fair and a considergble busiigegg was dong. Jacoba’ Rheumatic Liquid, 233 3.95 2;; Ease $.me $.35 58. 3.“; 538 5»: $83 333, 2.8a CHURCH REâ€"OPEN IN G. AUCTION SALES. The Council met at the Town Hall, on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Mr. Grahame in the chair. Present â€"Messrs. Arnold, Raeman, and Webster. The minutes of the last meetirig were read and approved. By-Law No 197, appointing Return- ing Ofï¬cers, to hold the coming Elections, and to appoint polling places, was then pagï¬gd. r The Returning Oï¬icers are, for the 13!; District, G. F. J. Pearce; 2nd Dis- trict, Duncan McCallum; 3rd District, John McCallum. A' petitiOn, signed by twenty of the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and neigh- bourhood, was presented, praying that a. portion of the expenses attending the ill. ness and burial of Mrs. lLiller should be paid by the Council. Also a petition from R. J. Arnold and eight others praying that relief may be granted to Thomas Martin and wife, destitute people. Mr. Raeman moved, seconded by Mr. Arnold, that the Treasurer be hereby authorised to pay to J35. Lund on ac- count of the funeral expenses of Smith, the sum of $6. Also, to B. A.. Bernard, for the sup- port of Thos. Martin, an indigent per- Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Rae- man, moves that the following claims, on account. of the loss of ‘sheep, be paid by the Treasurer out of the'» fund for that 'â€"-â€"‘ 'eil M41101, $7 ngohpr Ste- 3,1,65st ' $3M Graham, $36.â€"-Carri§d. _ Mr. Webster moved,' se'cbnded by My. Raeman, that the Treasurer be author ized to pay to J. Dalziel, Jr., the amount of dog tax erroneously assessed to them amounting to $2. â€"â€"Carried. Mr Arnold moved, seconded by Mr. Baeman, that the Treasurer Be author- ized to allow to Daniel Kennie, Collector ‘ of District No. 1;, $11.27. being amount of taxes he has Been: unable to collect ;t also, that $43.42, taxes assessed to Wm Smellie, a non-resident, be also remitted to him, and that the Treasurer be in- structed in return the latteramount to the County Treasurer as non-resident ’cax.â€"--«Carrieclr M1". Webster, moved, seconded by Mn Raemanr, that. the Clerk be instruct- lad to! have printed 250 copies of the iMi’nutes of this Council for the current year, to Be equally. divided amongst, the respective Councillors ior distribution. ‘ ,. r ,Tfr CATTLE TAMING.â€"â€"Mr. Peter Mus- selman, of the township of Vaughan, has published a work upon the subject of cattle taming. It is important that every farmer should understand how to break in young cattle, and cure breachy cows of vicious habits; there are but few, however, who know how to do it well, and much loss and. damage is sus- tained by the general want of such know- ledge amongr farmers. Mr. Musselmau is a second Rarey at his art. FARMER’S Boo'r AND Suou STORE.â€"Mr. John Barron, East Market Square, Toronto, presents his card to the readers of the Herald in this week’s issue. He is an old and well- tried dealer in Boots and Shoes, and we doubt'not that many of the yeoman of the country speak well of his fair dealings in times past. He still sustains his reputation of selling goods, well ‘made and durable, at low prices and guarantees satisfaction. REjUNIONr-The Managing Committee of the Maple Mechanic’s Institute announce that their third re-union will take place in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday evening. Dec. 9, when ggygml gentlemen will give readings from various authors. The Patter; ‘son brass band Will 3150 be in attendance. do . . . . . ‘ J. Kurtz and I. Tedder David Murray; . . . . . . John White . . . . . . . . . John Mitchell . . . . . . . Archibald Morrow. . . POWELL’S SWING Pumaâ€"Those who have not yet procured one of Mr. Charles Powell’s “ Patent Swing Pumps,†should lose no more time, for it is, most decidedly, the best_p1imp now in use, and is certain to give entire satisfaction to those who try them. The remains of Maximilian are found to have been mutilated by one of the em- balmers, who has been imprisoned in Mexi- co City. ‘ ' ' _ ‘ It is stated that thérgross takings of the Paris, Exposition amount to eleven and a. half a millions of francs, nearly half 8, mil- lion Sterling. then adjourned sine die. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. an 53 J5 The assassination of so many policemen lately appears to have caused a anic among the London force. hirty members of the C division are said to have given in their resignations. and the City police force generally have intimated that they cannot continue their services unless they be provided with arms. Bn-orsxmo or run: GENERAL HorsImL. â€"â€"At a meeting of the Toronto City Coun- cil, on Monday evening last, a communica- tion was presented from J. W. Brent, secre- tary of the Hospital Trust, accepting the proposition of the city to re open the Gene- ral Hospital. Mr. Brent stated, under date of Dec. 2, that “the Board had under con- sideration the proposition of the City Coun- cil, dated Nov. 25, in which reference had been made to a report of the Board, stating that 47 e per diem for each patient was suf- ï¬cient for the support of the Hospital ; and offering 500 per diem for city patients. The trustees have to state that the resolution to which the Council refers was based on the actual returns for 13 yearsâ€"say from 1850 to 1863â€"during which heriod the average number of patients was 70. So anxious, however, were the Trustees to meet the Council in securing the speedy re-opemng of the Hospital, that they will accept the proposition of the Council,.provided the Corporation guarantees payment for forty patients.†A Household Necessity, Dr. Colby’ Pills. SHARP PRACTICEâ€"A farmer named Js. ,Moore, who hails from the Township of Al- bion, brought a load of pork into the city yesterday. Whilst waiting at the market fora purchaser, Thomas Winï¬eld, a pork dealer on Colborne street, approached in that capacity, and offered the owner $4'75 per hundred pounds for the load, which con sisted of nine hogsweighing in the aggregate 1,379 lbs. Moore accepted the terms, and drove the load to the store of Winfield, where the latter weighed each hog singly, using his own scales, and then struck off two pounds from each. saying that was his rule. No objection being olfered, he ï¬gured up the amount ($64660), and offered it to “r " * v ’1 Moore in silver. This, the latter refused Without the addition of four per cent for discount; he also refused to take back the hogs, averting that Winï¬eld had thrown them down on the street, dirtying and bruising the flesh, theieby deteriorating its market value. Moore accordingly brought an action against Winï¬eld, charging him wuh obtaining goods with intent to defraud. The case was heard’ by the Magistrate yesterday afternoon, when Winï¬eid was committed for trriai, being bound over to {appeaw in bhe sum of $200.â€" Globe, Dec, 5. THURSDAY, Dec. 5. FLOURâ€"Receipts, 100 bbls; dull and inactive; No. E superï¬ne held at from $6-75 to $680,. with buyers at from $6-60 to $6‘66; no sakes. _.._ ‘ Ann: v 1-..IA _m._ w WHEléLlliéelpts, 1,835 bush; little ofl’er- ing and but little inquiry. 0n the street from $141 to $168 was pgifl. -- n In Toronto, on the 27th uIt., by the Rev. Alex. Topp, Mr. Wm. Penny of Patterson, to Miss Martha. Basingtwaite, of 2nd Con. Vaughan. “v... V- }3A«m.mâ€"z:-.ét;éei prices‘ 'Z8c to 80c for prime loads. 5 For Children Teething, gready facilitates the pmcess of teething, by :softaning the gums. reducing all inflammation '-â€"in|1 allay ALL Fun and spasmodic action, and is MRs,. W‘NSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, "y " Sure to Regulate the Bowels'." Diapend upon it, mothers. it will give rest to yourselves. and Relief and Health to your Infants. We have put up and sold this article for years, and CAN SAY m connnmcm AND TRUTH of iv. what we have never -heun able to say of any other medicineâ€"NEVER HAS 1T FAILED 1N ,___.. ._.L -.. A SINGLE msuucn 1'0 EFFECT CURE, when (imely used. Never did We know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On ‘the contrary, all are delighted with its opera- tion, and speak in terms of cmnmendation of its magical afflicts and medical vmnes- We speak in this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,†after yean of experience. AND PLEDGE oun nnurnxon FOR THE FULFILMENT or WHAT WE mum DECLARE. In almost every insiance where “19 infant is suffering from pain andtexhauslulion,relief will be found in ï¬fteen or twenty ininuxes after» the syrup is administered; - Full directions for using win accompany each bottle. Nona gennnm “Mess tho fac- simile of CURTIS & PERKINS. New Yo‘rk. is on the outside wrapper. {Sold by Uruggista throughout tha world. Price. only 25 cents per Boule. OFFICES-215 Fulton Slroet. New York. 205 High Hnlhorn, London, Eng. 44! St. Paul St., Monireal, C. E. The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will send (fren of vhargo) to all who desire it. ihe prescriptioe with the directions for making and usng the simplu remedy by which he was cured of a lung aï¬'ï¬clion and (hat. dread disease Consump. (ion. His only object in to beneï¬t the nfliicled and he hopes every sufferer will try this pro- scription. as it will cost them nothing, and may provn a blousing‘ Please address .‘ur. I‘l\l‘l'n..‘\ . unr on!“ THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALH). Published forthe beneï¬t and as a Caution to Young Men and olheis, who suffer from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Man- hood. &c.. supplying a! the same time The Means of Self-Cure. By one who has cured himseif after undergoing considerable quack- erv. The applicant by paying poslage on his otter, will receive a copy, free of charge {om the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAI'R. Esq†Brooklyn, Kings Co..N, Y. New York. â€"Franklin. Why» will people pay $30 or $100 for 8. Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy a. better one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the subscribers beg to inform their numerous friends that the “FRANKLIN†and “ MEDAL- LION†Machines can be had in any quantity. This machine is a double-thread, constr 10t- ed upon entirely new principles, and DOES NOT infringe upon any other in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewing Machine, and is warranted to excel ALL' others, as thousands of patrons will tes- Use Hunts Empire Hair Gloss. ï¬fy. ' ojF-AGENTS WANTED. Machines sent to Agents on trial, and' given away to families who are need and deserving. Address . OTTIS 0., Boston, Mass. 1; nanmm OATSâ€"Selling on the street at 53c to 55¢. †ECONOMY IS WEALTH.†477-)y .._. r. “REVTEuvi/Bun A. WILSON, No. 165 Sand) Second-Street. Williamsburg, TORONTO CORN EXCHANGE REPORT. ' TO CONSUM PTIVES. MARRIED. A Gentleman wha suffered for years from Nervous De‘b‘il‘ityJ Premature" Decay, and all the effects of 'Outhful indiscretion‘, will, for the sake of) suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe‘a‘nt? and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufl'erers wishing to proï¬t by the advertiser’s exp‘erience,‘c:‘.u' do so by addressing, in perfect eoï¬ï¬denpe; JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York. LEMON’S HOTEL ! J. travelliqu community. ma; he has lens-v ed the nbove Hotel on Richmond hill, amf will devote his attention to the comfan and convenience of those who may favor him with their patronage. The best Stabbl'mg and†Driyingï¬Sheï¬l on_Yonge rSt. HE SUBSCRIBER announces to the! travelling communitv. ma; he has lmm-v An Omnibus Ieavéé this Hotel for Toronto athalf'pas: Seven mm. daily. NEW MILLINERY’. ISHES to say to the Ladies of Rich- mond Hnll and surrounding Country. mat she has opened in {he Housa 'furmly oc- cupied b Mr. Verney. and has on handanice a>snrt mom of F rst-class MILLINERY AND MAN’I‘LES, Which she will 53†at small proï¬ts. IS? All orders promptly attended to. C? Family Sewing Machines kept for sale. BOY’S KNICKERBR OKERS SUITS THE TOWN HALL, Monday the 23rd Dec.1867. At noon, in comformity with the mom See'- tion of the Municipal Act. for the purpose of nominating Candidates for the ofï¬ces of Reeve, Deputy Reeves, dc Councillors. For the ensuing year. G. J. F. PEARCE, Township Clerk. £22m flï¬ï¬ï¬rï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬efltï¬. MUNIEIPMITY 0F VAUGHAN. HE best of Whoa, Liquors. and Cigars kept constantly on hand . Every accomo' dation for travellers. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL ! ‘ . BY JOHN PALMER. 03’ Slagesloave this hotel every morning and evening connecting with Northern Rail- way trains moving North and South. A careful hustler always in attendance. Farmer’s Boot & Shoe Stora 38 West Market Square. Toronto 53’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the» Lowest Remuneraling Prices. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1867. 4904f I BOOTS & SHOES, ’ ADMIRABLY ADA PTED ron gEhristmas 8: New Years’ Presents. Decombér lst. 1867 Arnoid. Lewis Anderson. George Bpjrd. Dr. H A. Boullon. John Brillinger, Jonathan Bernard. H. G. Bernard, J. G. Christian. James Cooper. Mrs W. Campbell. Hugh Freak, James Grant. George Gray,CntharIne HeMop. John Heise. Jacob Jr. Kelly. John Richmond Hill, Dec. 4. 18b? Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post 011599; ‘A'ME‘into'the premises of the Subscriber. on lotNo.‘ 93. rear of the 2nd Con, Mmkham,aliout the lst of October last,a SPRING HG. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and 1ake it away. Lee,’R'enhen Morden. Jacob (2) THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION: Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1867. Books & Fancy Goods HOLIDAY GIFTS"? STANDARD AUTHORS I. In various styles of Bindings. Pocket Books, Purses, &c‘ BIBLES, TESTAMENTS I; HYMN (fa PRAYER BOOKS, In all the different styles of Binding. Vaughan, Dec. 4, [567. Albums from 25 Cents to $6, Toys of Various Kinds, PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY? ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Dec, 5, 1857. Hendford, Dec. 4. 18-37 Large and Miscellaneous Stock Manufacturer and Dealer In a“ kinda of: ERRORS OF YOUTH. WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOST SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR Richmond Hill, Nov. 29, 1867- HE Subscriber. ever mindful of the wants ofthe public. has just received a RICHMOND HILL. He has also received a heavy stock of “36 FIN BAï¬â€˜R’o N; Mrs. W. JENKINS NOUCB is hereby given that on A Meeting win he hsld at Stray Pig. (LATE RM‘MOND’S) OF C AREFULLY SELECTED INCLUDING MANY OF THE List of Lettere GEORGE LEMON ALTO M1TEEFY. RM Maht‘ny Jam'és McCloud. Alic‘k- McNuir. John (2) ‘ _ Patterson, Anne (2)“ Fish. F. l’auersrrn. Miss Ru mhle, John (3) Rumble, George Ross, H. J. (2) Ra's-ton. James Snider. John Simpson. Jamés Trench. Robart Trench. William 'I‘easdall, Mrs. Mary 3 Woods. John Wise, Henry Wilson, T. JOHN McCONNEL. 493-3m 490-1y 490- if 480-3