Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Dec 1867, p. 3

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w “A: v:..-'-~> tL‘.’." ' Oysters ! Oysters I RESII CAN OYSTERS. bostbrands, kept constantly on hand, at WM. ATKINSON’S. Richmond Hill, Nov. 28, 1867. 489, NOTICE TO FARMERS. 8â€"..â€" RICIIIIIOND HILL IIIILLS. GEO. H. APPELBY EGS to inform the Furriers iir t'ie neighbor hood of Richmond IIIII, that he has leased theabove Mills. and has put them in thorough l'Y AR'I‘II‘ZS who may the following be. desirous to have ._,. repair, and will be glad to receive a share of Done on the shortest notice. Richmond Hill, Nov. 14, 1567. DONE on the latest New York Style. at the IJUIIILILgoS’ Hotel, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ESIDENCE, Lot No. 14. 2nd Con Richmond Hill, or at the I’.O. Maple, will be ii iii Should order them at once to ensure against the patronage of the public. GRISTING AND CHOPPING, The hlgl-iest market price paid for Wheat. TAILURING. Cutting and » Makmg, Lowest Prices, by WM. CARRY, Richmond Hill, Oct. 25, 1867. 484-tt' H- D- BENNETT, FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK. Vaughan I‘o.~t Oilice Address Carville All orders left at the “' York Herald” oflice. attended to. Vaughan. Oct. 10, 1867. CHRISTMAS ANNUAL VOLUMES, disappointment. Leisure Hour Vol. for 1867 Sunday at Home - do Sunday Magazine - do Good W'Ords - - do British 'Workman ~ do Band of Hope Review do Children’s Friend â€" do Infant’s Magazine - do And all others for which a large supply is expected about the 15th December. Retirem- bar to order your supply at SCOTT’S Richmond Ilill. Nov. 15, 1867. l M P 0 RT A N T N O T I C E 1 Patent Riggs for Sale COUN I'IES or RIDINGS of I’ou'ELL‘s P A T E N '1' Swing Pam-m .' PatentedéOct. 24, 1862, April 13,1860. and Powell’s NEW DOMINION FORCE PUMP ! PatentedJune 28, 1857. To more of the right sort The Patontee offers inducements seldom ‘e be uretwitlr. Requisite instructions for menu factoring are given. Personal application must be made to CHARLES POWELL, Newtun Brook, P.O, Dead heads need not apply. Newton Brook, July 30, 1867. Sap thickets AND PATEN@_PAILS t HE Undersigiied is prepared to fill orders for the above articles in any number on the shortest nctice. Agents will be appointed at all Stations on the Northern Railway. For particulars address JOHN LANGS’I'AFF. Steam Mills, Thorn/till, Yongc Street. Thornhill. Oct 31, 1867. The chi hand in a 1ch Stand. w»... A. HENDERSON, watch so strata matter FTER an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the shop adjoining Mr. W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite the shop of Mr. \V H. Myers, where he will be happy to receive the patron- age of his old friends. Richmond Hill. .lu'v 25. 1867. MONEY TO LEND ON LANDED SECURITY. THE Undersigned is authorized to state'that $20,000! Can be procured, in sinus to suit borrowers. on Landed security, 'l‘erms made known on personal application to M. TEEFY, Notary Public. Agent. &c. N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. 5L0. &c. drawn with neatness and despatclr.-â€" M. '1‘. continues to act as DIVISION Cover AGY 11'. Fees moderate. RiUtmond Hill. Nov. 28, 1866. HORNER’S PATENT SILI-SIllil‘lllli hill! ’ \HIS usefulinvention is the most convenient, _l_ the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Pateiitee is now prepared to sell TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! For the use of his Patent Self-shutting Gate. Applicants will please address tlioir letters .(post paid) to M. TEEFY, 26 THE CHEAPEST AND BES FANGY DRESS GOODS! “’ineeys, French Merinoes, Cobourgs, Silks, SHAWLS, MANTLES, & MILLINERY, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST “manners 1Till '“liiin lint l‘liiilli "huh “lltlltlllll 'mhru'nh I“VIII h n ‘n ,. n," “nu “nth r Ticklngs, Sheetings, Shirtings, TOWellings, Table Linens, HOSIERY, GLOVES SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, At Wm. MITCHELL’S. NEW TAILORING DEPARTMENT! WILLIAMâ€"MITCHELL it 1' ESPECTFULLY intimates that he has added to his general Dry Goods and Milli- nery Department, a TAILORING DEPARTMENT, under the management of .A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER! And is now showing a Large and Choice Assortment of Coatings, Vestings, and Trowserings ." Of the best English, Scotch. and Canadian Manufacture, which he will make to measure at the lowest possible Cash Prices, and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to fit, workman- ship, rind material. Also, READY MADE CLOTHING always on hand. - Inspection Invited No. 134, KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TORONTO. v’ R.H.HALL, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST. RICHMOND HILL, Richmond IIill, Jan. 31, 35 V E NU S MILLS, BUT TONVILLE. ' HE Subscriber, having purchased the above Hills, is now prepared to do Merchant and Enslcm Wcrk l And as the entire Establishment has been l1868. llrorouglily renovated. as well as tb c services of First Class Millers Secured. perfect satisfaction is guaranteed Special attention will be paid to Custom work, and parttes from a distance upon having their Grists Irome with them the same day. C .A. S H Will he paid for Wheat at all seasons of the year IN BANKABLE FUNDS. I’arties having Wheat to dispose of will find it to their advantage to call at the Mills, and by selling; it there save the extra expence of going to the l‘ororrto market. [3" Dealers supplied at reasonable rates. JAMES W'ILKINSON. Brittouville. Sept, 19. 1867, e TV TA I A If; “m; i 7 '8’ F A hill FO rib Or to Rent. HE Advertiser ofl'ers for Sale. or to Ex- change for a large fai'm,0r to Rent on lease from the first day of April next. his Farm on Yonge Street Also his Dwelling House with four acres ofland attached Apply to G. J. F. PEARCE. Richmond Hill, P,O. Ontario, November Ist 1867. Lu FOIRTANT NEWS HE undersigned begs leave to notify the public that lie has purchan the BUSINESS lNll 800D Wlllx "' John Wat-on, at Gormley, I RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patentoe. Richmond Hill, September 16. 1867. 478 III! 0 . > And having. increased his Stock, it will bf? usually kept In a by attention to the wants of his customers. he hopes to merit a continuance of the patronage tending purchasers will find it to their advan- tage to give him a call, Gormley, October 15, 1867. 3.m n r bUIL DII\ G LOTS EING the front part of Lot No.46. in the opposite the residence ofDr. Duucnmb. in the Village of Richmond Hill. as laid off in a This is a desirable opportun ty to secure an eligible business stand at a moderate price.â€" I‘or Plan and other particulars enquire of the subscriber J. K. ARNOLD, I’Vorth K "010mg [1E Subscriber would intimate to the farm- urrnl >1; Country having. Horses Afflicted With Ring-bone, the past ten years without a. single failure. This treatment does not necessitate their Quite a number of reference given if requir- ed ofpersons whose horses have been cured by My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on, if not $3 00 will be charged to ensure 3. Residence rear oflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUNTON. found an inspection to compriSG F“ “‘9 ArtICIes By selling at the lowest possible figure, and so libei'a'ly bestowed on his predecessor. Iii- SAMUEL MOORBY. FOR SALE. 1 ist concession of Vaughan. immediately I’lan prepared by Mr. George Mcl’lrillips. A credit of five years will be given. Richmond Hill. July 3. 1867. IV ers and others of Richmond Hill and That hehas successfully treated the above for being laid aside only for a few days. me. scare. Richmond Hill, Oct, 2% ’66 72-1y THE 1868. “ GLOBE” NEWSPAPER. URING the year 1868 very important Sessions willbe held of the Parliament ot'Ontario, and of the Dominion, and very in- teresting discussions will take place on sub- jects of the deepest interest to the Canadian people. The foundations of the New Gov- ernment have been laid, but the superstruc- ture will demand allthe care of the people,and the pnblicjnurnals will necessarily be called upon to discuss at length many questions, up- on the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country will depend . In all the matters which will be brought be- fore the Legislatures “ THE GLOBE" will take a deep interest. and both by FULL REPORTS OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. and by editorial discussions it will strive to in- form the public of the progress of events. :and guide them to a rightjudgrnent on the points at issue. Early in the year 1868. THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VERY CONSIDER- AIlLY ENLARGED, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, ordered frotn Messrs Hoe & Co.. of New York, capable of printing 10,000 impressions an hour. The outlay of this press about $15.000 IN GOLD, has been rendered necessary by the large and increas- ing circulation ofTH E GLOBE. It has been for some time impossible to supply in time for the morning mails the number of copies called for by the public. The increase of size is rendered necessary by the pressure of adver- tisements. which have already caused the pub- lication ofa large supplement twice a week. and which will be continued as may be found needful until the permanent enlargement takes place. At the same time as the enlargement, THE PAPER WILL BE PRINTED ON NEW TYPE. Early in the year we shall commence the publication of a NEW STORY BY \VILKIE COLLINS. author ofthe ' Woman in White.’ THE TERMS of subscription will reinaiir as heretofore. SIX DOLLARS per annum for the Daily edition TWO DOLLARS per airnum for the I’Veokly edition. both payable strictlv in ad- vance. No paper sent out of the office until the money is paid. Parties sending in their subscriptions now will receive either edition of Tm: GLOBE up to 313i December. 1868, on payment of a year’s schscriptiori. â€"_/ CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE The Club rates for the coming year will be as follows :â€" SIX COPIES. one year. .... .. $10 00 TEN do do 15 00 TWENTY do do 30 00 And an extra copy of THE Wm:er GLonE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. THIRTY COPIES. one year. for. 42 00 and air extra copv of THE WEEKLY GLonr: totlie person who gets up the Club ofThirty. FIFTY COPI ES. one year. for. . . . 65 00 and a copy of'l‘na DAILY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of l"ifty. EIGHTY COPIES. one year, for. . 100 00 and a copy of THE DAILY Gaoas to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Payment must be always in advance. Each paper is addressed separately. and may be sent to em Post Office. ' ""ng additional names are ADDEIJ to airy H In. Club during the yoaf; they must 116 sent 10 Tun Gums Office by the pei'EO" Who mad“ “P the Club : 'and the money sent with HiCl‘ 511' ditional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription as the Club rate as will pay up to the expiration of the Club. GEORGE BROWN, Publisher, ‘ 0......o. Toronto, Nov. 12, 1867- NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. First -rato yard wide Prints, fast colours. only 6d per yard. New Checked Winceys, assorted colours. only 6d per yard. First-rate Factory Cottons. only 6d per yard. Splendid Wide width Prints, fast colours. only Tld per yard. Heavy Coloured Winceys, splendid value, only 7id per yard. Magnificent Bleached and Factory Cottons, only 7}d per yard. With the largest and best assortment of Blair- kets. Flannels. Dress Goods. Fulled Cloth, Sa- tinetls and Winter Goods ever offered on Rich- Inorrd Hill, and for Quality and Lowness of Price unsurpassed in the tradeâ€"in Toronto or elsewhere. A generat and lrrge assortment of suitable Fall and Winter Goods, which will be sold at a very small profit. for Cash or Short credit. PIeaso call and examine the Goods and the prices. at W. S. Pollock’s late G. A. BARNARD’S- Richmond Hill. October 9. ’67. FOR SALE, N eight horse power Steam Engine. Bor- ing Tools. Ropes. &c._. belonging to lhe Markham Oil and Mining Company. For particulars apply. ifby letter pest paid THOMAS THOMSON. to -- :I. ; _ A LOW FIGURE AND WILL BE SOLD AT A At Wm. MITCHELL’S. ATISCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL. The Leading Style in Canada POWELL’S Patent Swing Pump Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. lnck lsl prize at Provincial Exhlhllicn ’68, (tall times when shnwn Manufactory for York & Peel Counties & Toronto City Newton Brook, Yonge Street. LET INFRINGEBS BEWARE. t’v .HE validity of the Patent, having been recently disputed by interested persons, after two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor has given Judgment lolly sustaining the claims of C. Powell, and speaking highly of the MERITS or THE PUMP, and with just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct of the Infringcr, ordering him to pay the costs 01 the suit, and forbidding him to make the Pumps. 'I'lre Patentee feels, that the sense ofjustiee prevailing the community generally will be sufficient to prevent its giving countenance to spuv' 'ius imitators whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ Is a fraud on the Public.”â€"bat Judgment, Manufacturing Rights for Sale. fig... When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the well or \ 's.ern. P. O. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook. humanitarian Establishincit THOS. OEGHLAN N returning thanks for the very liberal support Ire has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of FURNITURE! Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, V‘Tash Stands, 8m. Ste. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and Liorled Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish 'l‘urpertine. Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, 8m. Ike. Parties Furnishing, Papering, or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also HARDWARE and. CROCKERY A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attention to his Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! Where Ire keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and.- m» maniac. catamarans "'lliiiiii "I “I “hiriin l‘ltnin I lin “unit I llilith ‘nnt "' III I” ll Ir“in ' mI ' 23 r, . 'lliiiinn For Cash, at Priceszthat cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill, November 9, 1866. Fire-proof Slug Richmond Hill. P. CROSBY, Begs to announce to his friends and the public. that he is receiring, daily, his W INTER STOCK DBIIGOODS! CROCKERY, HARDWARE, @@§.£ES Sales made for Cash or approved Credit, Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1867. WILLSON’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION nihirinc MILLS. HESE MILLS have stood the test of competition at several Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs, and are pro- nounced by competent judges as being the Best Fanning Mills 2 Manufactured on the Continent of America; have, this year BEEN STILL FUR’I HER IMPROVED The subscribers are now manufacturing a great number of the above, and can rbé’upply all Orders Promptly .' Farmers will consult their own interest if they will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. A. St W. WILLSON, MAKERS. 3-tf O Richmond Hill, June, 1867. Executors Not1ce. Plougld. foi- gene: OTICE is hereby giyen that all parties in- debted to the estate of the lhte ROBERT Gunner. 3rd concession of Markham, are re- quested to pay the some to either 01' the under- signed previoushto the Is‘t day of January next, and all arties aving caimsa ainsttro said . . Estate. Ere requested to lodgegthe same with mfd‘v'lmfldiutgflfinsoms Founddry‘d. the undersigned for settlement, so “up or as t 0" approve “3 “0 WILLIAM LAWSON, WILLIAM ATKINSON, .____. THE subscriber offers for sale. a Superior Buttonville, P.0. Buttonville, Nov. 7. 1867. 486-49 Markham. October 14. 1867, § Executors. 3;“; Richmond Hill, Nov. 7, 1867- PETER WILLMOTT. Merchant. T o " INDIA ’ & SCHINA_'1‘EA 50 . CAST METAL PLOUGH. Will be' ill Fresh Lot. of Albums, llt Scott’s. S. M. SANDERSON 8" CO. No. 90 Yonge Street, Toronto. EGS to announce to the. inhabitants of the County of York and those in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill in particular, that he has added to his r tack of BOOTS AND SHOES, A contplete assortment of the most desirable Styles for FALL & WINTER Wear. And is prepared to make to other all kinds of" MEN’S, WOMEN’S llNll CHILDREN’S HUUIS lllll SHOES In the most Fashionable Styles, And of the best Material and Workmanship. All Work is Warrarrted to give perfect satisfac- tion, We are constantly adding to .ur stock ofBoots and Shoes ofotr manufacture, which will be SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. A good assortment of Trunks always on hand TORONTO, Oct. 2, 1867. 51.3... Wâ€"m MPANY. Home Depotâ€"London and Liverpool. Canada Depotâ€"No. 23 Hospital Street, Montreal. PURE AND GENUINE TEAS OF Splendid natural flavour, imported directffrom the Company’s Plantations in’ Assam and on the slopes of the Himalayas, blended with the FINEST PRODUCTS OF CHINA! Only Two Qualities, viz: 70 cents or $1 00 per 1b. either BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED I Fine Household TEA, combining strength and flavour 70’ cents per ll). Finest procurable $1 00 per lb. Sold in Packages & Can u isters by the Compan y’s Agents In every City and Town in Canada. figsâ€"’PROTECTED BY TRADE MARK. Agents for Toronto Messrs. Hugh Miller, & Co., MEDICAL HALL, 167 KING STREET EAST W. S. Robinson, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, YORKVILLE. lllllllillllll‘llllli, l’lIlIlI, Illli ti llllllllilllll Machine Oil specially adapted for Threshing Machines, Miller’s Tick Destroyer, for Sheep-“to be used twice a year, Fall and Spring Miller’s Farm Bottle, for Horses and Cattle, 8w. Miller’s Derby Oils, for Cats, Caulks, and Bruizes. Miller’s Rat Exterminator, HUG-H MILLER 85 Co. Manic“. HALL, 167 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. flllltlllll, Here We are Again. WITH A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE FALL etc WINTER DRY s, CHEAPER. THAN EVER As the following price list will show :-â€"- Grey (Iottons, from . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .8 cents per yd.‘ Bleached Cottons, yard wide, from. 12% cents per yd. Prints, from cents per yd. Striped Shii‘ting. from. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 cents per yd. Winceys, from .. . .12; cents per yd. Fancy Dress Goods, from. . . . . . . . . . 15 cents per yd. Blankets, from...................$2 50 per pair.‘ Ladies’ Hoop Skirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 cents per set. Flannels in all Colors, Canada Satinets, Fullcd Cloths, ’I‘weeds, 8tc. Men’s and Boys’ HATS AND CAPS IN GREAT VARIETY Ready Made Clothing, Shirts, &c., &c. ' l1‘81 â€"W.'.._.__ BLEENER’E l 1 “II. ,The Ladies can rely upon the latest and most fashionable" styles of Feathers, Flowers, Wreathes, Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Moss Velvets, and Trimmings of all kinds. Also Hoods, Sontags, Nubias, Wrappers, Gloves, 8m. With a splendid assortment of o o First-class Groceries, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE. We call special attention to our new Stock of COAL OIL LAMPS 2.3 Which we feel confident cannot be surpassed for style and: irritant. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND WARM BY USING T. V. ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF 1" ' l ‘ ‘ OE BL ACKENIVC HAer 4 , 4 l 1 OR Softening, Preserving and rendering the Leather impervious to wet. For sale. at. the Stores, Harness and Shoe Shops, everywhere manufactured at Richmond Hill.

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