Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Dec 1867, p. 2

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LATEST FROM EUROPE. Dublin,-Dee. 16.â€"â€"Legal proceedings on the charge of seditious conduct- have been commenced by the Government against John I Martin, President of the Irish National League, Alexander Sullivan, editor of the Dublin Nation, and others, who took a pro- minent part in the Fenian obsequies OiiSun- day, the 8th inst., and today the accused were brought before the police Magist.zite for examination. They did not deny their participation in the funeral services, and those that made speeches on that occasion freely acknowledged the language charged against them.- Florence, Dec. 16.â€"Iii the Italian parlia. ment, the Liberal members have made a violent attack upon the Government. Prime ‘ Minister Meiiebrane will reply toâ€"niorrow. London, Dec. l7.â€"Tbe Times, this morn- ing, devotes a leading article to American finances. It strongly objects to the finan- cial plan proposed by Secretary McCulloch, as involving an offer of exchange 6 percent ‘ bonds for 5 per cent, and as a violation of the axiom that local taxation should be met . by local means. The Times thinks the Secretary‘s plans would simply substitute new evil for old. London, Dec. 17, evening.~-An inquest was held today on the bodies ofthe persons killed by the attempt to blow up Cleiken- wellprison. Nothing satisfactorily was elicited as to the perpetrators of ~ the crime. A rumour comes from Vienna that a change in the Austrian Ministry is impend- ing, and that Count Von Salfl'c is to form the new Cabinet. The report needs con~ firmation. The last dcspatclies received from Mrsso- wah, report the British expeditionary force in Abyssinia at a place called Senape,where there was abundance Of water and the na- tives friendly. Paris, Dee. 17.â€"â€"The Faerie indignantly denies that there is any truth in the report which has been current that the French Government has sent an envoy to Mexico. dBourse bouyant to day. Reiites advanc- e .. London, Dec. 17, eveningâ€"A terrible explosion took place at Newcastle-on-Tyne today. The authorities last night received information that a quantity of Nitro Gly- cerene had been secreted in that place, it is supposed by 1' enians. The Sheriff and town surveyor, with alarge squad of policemen, proceeded to the spot indicated and discov- ered oil packed in the usual manner. While the men were removing it, a tremendous ex plosion occurred. Several policemen were instantly killed, and few of the party escap- ed iujury. Loth Sheriff and Surveyor are bi dly hurt arid are lying iii a critical condi- tron. The report that reached here by Atlantic Cable that Spain offered to sell the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico to the United States is denied. London, Dec’. 18.â€"â€"A despatch from Mas ,sowah Says that a report from the interior had reached the British expedition that King Theodore had set fire to and destroyed Dc- bra Tabor. * LONDON, Dec. 18.â€"-An attempt: was made today to blow up one of the walls of Mill- bank gaol, in which a number of Fenians are confined. The preparations were all completed, and the fuse had been lighted by the conspirators, Without attracting atten- tion, but: owing to some defect in the ar. rangement of the materials the powder did not explode, and the plot was discovered be. fore the attempt. to carry it out could be re. newed. No arrests have been made and no clue has been obtained to the. guilty’pames, DUbllni Dec- 18-‘51‘lre examination ‘of John Martin and Others connected with the funeral demonstration on the 8th inst., was concluded yesterday, and the decision was reserved. This morningthe accused were brought before the magistrate, Martin and Lalor were commited for trial on the charge ofmisdemeanor. rl‘hey_iinmediat.elv furnished the requisite bail and were discharged from custody. o AMERICAN NEWS. TERRIBLE RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Buffalo, Dec.18.-â€"~The New York ex- press train from Cleveland, on the Lake Shore road, due here at 12:45 p.m., bein'r behind time, when two miles this side on Angola, either by faulty rail or fog, met with a serious accident about three p.m. Two rear passenger cars were thrown offtlie track and rolled over an embankment of twenty feet. LATER. The accident on the Lake Shore Railroad is more serious than was at first reported. The rear car went over an embankment of fifty feet, viras set on fire by the stove, and out of fifty passengers only two‘ escaped, the rest were burned to dea'h, and all that isieft is a mass of blackened and charred re- mains, without any means of ascertaining their names. The accident occurred at the Big Sister Bridge, a quarter of a mile east of Angola. One train has arrived with the unhurt passengers and a few of the wound- ed. The balance of the wounded will be here about midnight. Every preparation is made to care for their wants by the citizens of Buffalo. A large number of physicians of Buffalo left on the four o’clock special train to assist the wounded. Amonn‘ the killed the name of Mrs. Hubbard, Of St. Catharines, is reported. Buffalo, Dec. 19, l a.m.â€"Iii the railroad accident near Angola, as near as can now be ascertained, about fortyâ€"live were killed and thirty-five wounded. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_____._ Tiiu CiiiCAGO Pom: TitAirrL-l‘he pork packing business, in Chicago, is making giant strides this season, and operators have no hesitation in expressing the opinion that the season will practically terminate about New Year’s day. The receipts of hogs for the week just. closed were 133.881 live, and 7,168 dressed; total, 141,049 head. This is the largest number ever received in any one week in that or any other city of the World. The receipts two weeks ago were 111,240, an increase of 20,809 in favor of the week just closed. IDIOT CHILDRENâ€"Dr. Hall, Superinten- dent of the Ohio State Insane Asylum, said recently: "A citizen of the State married an intelligent lady, who bore him ten chil- dren. After the birth of the first three the father became intemperate, and during his career as an inebriate four children were born unto him. He then reformed entirely, and had three otl‘e s. The first three were smart and intelligent, and became useful men and women, and so of the last three; and of the four born to him during his ine- briety, two have died in the lunatic asylum, another is there, and the fourth is an idiot." This is no isolated case. The records of every lunatic asylum. if examined, would fully corroborate the statistics published a few years since in regard to the idiots of Massachusetts, and prove most conclusively that the use of liquors is impairing the health and reason and shortening the lives, not only of those who drink, but oftheir off- spring. ‘Eleclors of Vaughanâ€"R. J. Arnold Nor @ ay of Canada LL STATION CHANGE OF TIME. Dec. 2. 1867. Going North 9.00 A.M . . . . . . . . . 4.51 P.M. Going South 10.12 A.M. . . . . . . . . 7.18 RM. Mails made up at the Richmond Hill Post Office. Until further notice, the mails will be closed at this Post Office as follows: MORNING. Northern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 A.M. Southern Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.30 A.M. Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . x “ Cashel, . . . . . . . . . 11.00 A. M. “ Gorrnley, . . . . . . . }on Tuesdays “ Headfoxd, _ . . . . . & Fridays. “ Victoria Square] EVENING MAIL. Southern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 PM. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. liclimond Hill, Dec. 2. 1867 SUBSCludE FOR The York. Herald, $1,00 a. year New Advertisemens. ltcinoval.-~S. M. Sanderson (ii 00. Stray Horsc.---Barnabas Lyons Lemon’s Hutchâ€"G. Lemon Municipality of Vaughan SURPRIZE PARTY. The members of the Young Ladies' select class in the Thornhill W. M. Sab~ bath School, which for a number ofyeais has been taught by M rs. Kyle, wishing to give to their teacher a testimony of their appreciation of her disinterested labors for their spiritual advancement, prepared for her a pleasing surprise on Friday evening last. At a little after seven o’clock, the young ladies composing the class, and a number of friends, in’ all thirty or forty. rendezvoused at the resi- dence of Mr. Gallanough, and thence pro- ceeded in a body to the residence of the party to be surprised. Mrs. Kyle, al- though taken completely unawares, gave to all a hearty welcome, and by her cheer- ful manner and sociality soon made every one feel at case. As soon as the company Was comfort- ably settled, Miss Sheppard, in behalf of the class, presented to Mrs. Kyle nthree books of poems, elegantly bound, accom- panied with the address, which was read by Miss Jennie Lane :â€" followmg “DEAR Townesâ€"We have gathered here this evening to express our thanks to you for your kindness in coming Sabbath after Sabbath to instruct us in the best of List of Letters Farmer’s Boot & Shoe Storeâ€"John Barron Stray Pig Richmond Hill Hotel.â€"â€" J. Palmer New lllillincry.-â€"â€"1\Irs. Jenkins El” RICHMOND IIILL ' DEC. 20,:1867. On Monday next theZelectors of each Township are required, by law, to assem- ble at the Town Hall, for the purpose of nominating Reeves, Deputy Reeves and Councillors for the ensuing year. We trust that the electors of the Townships of Vaughan and Markham will make it a point to put in an appearance in force, as it is most desirable that those who have to pay heavy taxes should exercise caution in their selection of persons to preside at our Township Councils; it is useless to find fault, when the collector calls, if our taxes are burdensome through the recklessness of those we em- power, annually, to manage our finances. Now is the time to guard against extrava- gance in our Township and County ex‘ penditure, high salariesand fat; jobs to a favoured few ; if electors are blinded by political partizanship in making their se- lection, we may look for incompetent councils and high taxes. “'c are not in a position to speak positively as to the names of all the candidates for Munici- pal honors in Markham and Vaughan, but expect that, after Monday next, we shall have the full programme; so far as our information serves us we learn that Mr. Peter Patterson and Mr. Thomas Grahame are to be the ca: didates for the Reeveship of Vaughan ; W. Hartman, R J. Arnold, John C. McQuarrie and James McNair, are spoken of as likely to conâ€" test the election of Deputy Reeves in the same Township ;- the old councilmen are the only persons yet spoken of as being in the field. For the Township; of Markham, we learn that Mr. James Robinson, of Markham Village, will contest the all knowledge,â€"thc knowledge ol‘tlie Bible. We beg that you will accept this slight token of our esteem arid'regard, and, though small in intrinsic value, we trust that it will be re- garded by you as an expression of our ap- preciation of the uuwearied zeal you have shown in thus instructing us. We fear you may at times have felt discouraged by not. seeing greater results from your labors, but. we trust that the bread cast upon the waters will be found after many days; you have sown the seed, and in due 1111].: will doubt- less reap the harvest. We trust that the iii- structions imparted by you will enabe us better to perform our part in the great work of life, and though in after years our lots may be cast far apart, we, when all our labors here are ended, that we will stand with you as an unbroken band around the throne of the great Teacher; that you will receive from him a. crown, bright with jew- els, and hear the welcome words “ Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou iii- to the joy of thy Lord.’ ” l\lrs. Kyle replied in an appropriate and touching manner, thanking the young people for their present, assuring them that she valued it especially as be ing an expression of the feelings of those with whom she was engaged in the Sub bath School, and that she was encouraged to go on with greater zeal in the dis- charge of a duty rendered all the more pleasant from this new evidence of their attachment, and concluded by expressing her wishes for the welfare of her charge. A sumptuous rcpast was next prepared and partaken of, after which a couple of hours were spent in social conversation and amusement, concluded with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Garbutt, after which the party dispersed. IION. T. D. MCGEE. It affords us much pleasure to find that Mr. McGee has sufiieicntly recover- ed to be able to attend to his parliamen- tary duties ; the honorable gentleman has been seriously ill for seine time back As an instance of Mr. McGee's popular- ity in the House of Commons, we may mention that when he entered it on Tues- duy he was warmly cheered. He gives his hearty support to Sir John's admin- istration, and has been severe upon Mr King of the Montreal Bank for showing a want of courtesy towards Ministers.â€" 4:4; an. .s- l, . ENTARY SUPPER. COMPLIM The current coin in Abyssinia consists of pieces of rock salt, and of Austrian silver dollars of the year 1780 bearing the effigy . of Maria. Theresa. 0n ‘VCdneSday evening laSt’ the 11th In consequence of the frauds practiced by in“ a Mr- JOhU Abel]; PreSident 0f the ,splitting the gold coins of the United States Vaughan Agricultural Society, and cranking out the interior, substituting base . - ,‘metal, and then re‘uriting the pieces the censwe Agncultural Implement manu‘ Director of Mint recommends that in future entertained the I the coin be made larger, thinner, and slight- ly double concave. The ten dollar gold Ofiice bearers of the somety’ and other piece would thus be made as large as the twenty is now, and the coinage of the latter prominent agriculturalists of the Town- I Ship at a supper, which was provided at 1 denomination would have to be discontinu- ed as too big for use. the Inkerman Intel by captain “731' Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid sells faster lace. where introduced than any other Linimeut. - - EMXGRATION To New Oni.uAivs.â€"A Wash- . t 10 . . After the usual loyal and Prm‘mt tington correspondent writes :â€"â€"â€"A great por- tOflStS, the llealtlls Of 1111‘. JHO- Abe“, 'tion of the tide of emigration is being di- Premdent; Mr_ Thomas Grahame, M. verted to New.0rlcans. Emigrants who in- teiid to settle in the North-western States L'A-a Secretary, fwd Duncan Mccallum ,are taken .rom European ports to New 0r- Esq_, Local Superintendant of Vralughan7 1183.113, and thence removed steamer 1.0 St. T . ' 1, d d ‘Louis. The perils and annoyances of New reasurer i were Severa y propose an ,York and railway travelling are thus avoid- responded to, in short and effective jed by means ofthis Mississippi route. The 'l ' - lit to New Orleans are r . 1 emigrants bioug ‘ . SPCOChCS These were fonowed by t w l shipped from Bremen. 'I liree emigrant toasts of the “ Directors ” the “ Fathers iSlliPS have now arrived at New Orleans. . of the Society,” and the “ Hoast”l INTELLIGENCE or Da.L1vrxcsroxu.â€"Coloi - , ,1 nel Stanton. her Majesty's Agent and Cori- wliich were also duly acknowiedgcd. su,_Genem, in Egypt) has telegraphed ,0 From the statements made, it appears J Lord Stanley, dated Cairo, Nov. 20th, as . . . . . ‘ . . it i . . . . '. . that the socrcty is in a most flourishing THO“- Mfszsaiiedm’ '9‘“:th ‘1“? “‘g‘incyt ]from her Majesty s Consul at Aanzrbar, “m1 Sal‘ismcmry condition 3 there being dated 28111 Sc'itembert'r the following effect: now in their funds, after payinrr all the , fReliable information 11113 reached this D iagency of Dr. Livingstone having been Prlze'movey and (Ether 9519031595 00”" ‘seven months ago at Maunga, on his voyage Domed “'1th the Sprlng 131011811108" Mamh itowards the north east, passingr to the west and Fall Fair, no less a sum than 93500. .‘Lake Rangnnzeka. Mr. Churchill was The fair which was held in Burwick was about to proceed to the coast to obtain fur- said to be the largest township show held ,lher IUfOI‘maUOU-i 7’ in this part of the province, and it. also i THE QUEEN AND run Paiscsss 0F WALES. exceeded most of the County Fairs, both -â€"â€"The Queen will leave Windsor Castle for in the number of entries made and in i0sb3rne about a fortnight. before Christmas, the crowds that attended ’ lprobably on the 16th Decemberâ€"after pay- - inw her annual visit with the family to the t D I . Indeed’ so great has been Its success .tomb of the late Prince Consort on the ugdcr the 10311.3“31 management Of Its , 14th, the anniversary ofthe death of the Sniffers a‘l‘r‘vfffocml’s: that the County ‘illustrious and good Prince. It was remark- Society of W est; .York is unions to cd that the air of Windsor must have had a unite with it, and hold a monster cx- 'very beneficial eli'cet on the Princess of hibition at, Burwick, an arrangement l“’21l-GS during her short Visit there, as, on which if made upon equitable~ terms tleaving, her Royal Highness walked from would be decidedly beneficial to thelthe Queen’s private wai‘ing room to the . . saloon carriage of the railway with much 7 r .. c . agricultural mmwfi’ls 9f “ ‘35" 911‘! greater ease, and was looking a great deal better than on her arrival. COMMUNICATEI). facturer in Burwick, GOLD NEAR BROCKYILLE.‘â€"Tlie Lonitor says gold has been found Within a mile of the limits of Brockville, in a Quartz Ledge, crossing the lands of Judge Jarvis and Mr. William Sherwood. It appears from a hint received from a returned California miner Another Robbery in Wall Street- (From the N. Y. Tribune. of Saturday.) At about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, Louis J. Kingsley, employed as clerk in the Bank of the State of New Y0ik, was r'eturn ing from the Clearing-House With a black 1 leather bag containing $3, 600,000 worth of checks, and $500 in bank notes, and when near the intersection of William and Wall streets, his attention was attracted by a handsome Portland sleigh and bay mare, which faced the street instead ofbeing drawn up beside the walk. As the young man came abreast the sleigh, an unknown person i struck him on the side of the head, seized the bag, and, jumping into the sleigh, was at once driven off at high speed by one of the two men who occupied it. Kingsley, still holding fast to the barr with one hand . I ‘I' . O y ‘- l. ‘D and chngmg m the Slelgh’ was dragged Heap abounds With a number of valuable ores 1y 2. block past the bank building in which REAPPEAIKANCE OF THE CATTLE PLAGrs.â€"â€"- he is employed, his assailant all the time 1Tb“ came Plague has maPiloal'Qd “1 SS‘Ot‘ striking him on the head, face, and hands to land, 011 the farm 0f Lan‘lmfllfa 1“ Berwmk' get him off. At length he relinquished his Shire, “0t very far from K0130. 311d at n0 hold, and the party, after driving through great distance from the place where, at the several downtown streets, dashed up Pearl Bud 0f Augmli 1805: It fil’St appeared “1 street and vanished. Neither the boy nor SCOUMd- Several animals among a herd gold bearing kind. Mr. Sherwood has com- menced two shafts, from one of which at the depth of only 5 feet the quartz by the assay of Dr Girdron, of Montreal, yield $6,- 53 per ton. This of course will appear small in the eyes of our Madoc friends, but they must remember thatihis is a test of the surface rock only. What it may prove on going down further is yet to bl seen. The vein widens as it deepens and cannot fail to be more productive as the shaft decends. The rock is Of the same character as that at Madoc. The country behind Brockville any of those who witnessed the assault can or about thirty you“? Short h9"“_3_l3‘1mlms‘ positively identify either the perpetrator of ed about a week or two ago, it is said, from the outrage or his abettors, so rapidly was an English dealerâ€"~were on Thursday ob~ It dOIle- 0118 0f the fellows in his flight, Served to show symptoms of weakness and lost his hat, and this may possibly lead to . illness, and examination that day and next the detection of the owner and his aceom- =day by Skilled veterinary 3111100115 mf‘de it plices. Young Kingsley suffered several clear that the cattle were affected wrtu the painful confusions on the face and hand, but 31118119: A'- leasb one Of 1119 allim‘lli“ has is not seriously injured. He had taken to since died, and the others have been isolat- ilie ClearingHousc about $5,000,000 in ed from the rest of the stock, a measure in checks waived by him, $3,200,000 were the sufficiency of which to prevent the fur- cei‘tifled, and the remainder non-certified. “191' Spread “1‘ the diseasei hope ‘3 l'el’os‘ Had the robbers committed the assault when ed- tlie messenger returned from the bank in Two letters dated Zanzibar, Sept. 28th, the afternoon they might have secured a have been very large amount of money in bank notes, ‘Dr. Livingstone. One written by Dr. Kirk as the bank differences are then paid in cash says, “ we have now some grounds for be- The robbery having been commited, every lieving that. a, white man resembling Living- known detail was at once telegraphed to the stone had been seen to the south of the Sea Police Central office, and thence communi- of Ujiji. If it be Livingstone on whose cated to all the precincts and to the police track we now are. he has more than half of the country, but up to a late hour last finished his work, and is about to go to' the night no arrests had been made, The V31“ Albert Nyanza.” The other letter written ious banks. whose checks had been stolen. by Her Majesty’s Consul at Zanzibar, were also not‘fied, and payment was stooped lsays “ they had gathered information Within It is hardly probably, however, that these the last two days from the people who have artistic highwavmeii will present any for come from the interior of Africa, with re- that the quartz vein in question was of a~ received in London regarding- TORONTO MARKETS. ___ Dec, 12, 1867. Flour. #9 burrol.............. $6 75/23 6 80 Wheat. fl) bush . . . . . . . . . . . l 03 ((3 l 68 Spring Wlicatfllg bush. . . ... . 1 411 @l 45 Barley. bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 73 {(23 ll 80 Peasc, do .............. 0 73(9079 Oats, do 055/00 55 Pork fresh tip 100 lbs ....... .. 4 50 or 5 so Butter 2p o 00 re 0 on W INFORMATION. Information guarnateed to produce a luxuri- ant growth of Hair upon a bald head or board- leSs face. also a recipe for the removal of Piuiples Blotches, Eruptions, etc. on the ski . leaving the same soft, clear, and bound tul, can be Obtained without charge by ad dressing, THOS. F. CHAPMAN. CHEMIS‘T. 823 Broadway, New York. MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children T wilting, greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums. reducing all inflammation â€"â€"will allay ALL PM»! and spasmodic action, and is Sure to Regulate the Bowds. Depend upon it, mothers. it will give rest to yourselves, and Relief and Health to your Infants. “’6 have put upand sold this article for years, and CAN SAY IN CONFIDENCE AM) TRUTH of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicineâ€"Nave“ HAS ir FAILH) IN A swam: INSI'AN‘CE '1‘0 l;FFl(‘.'l‘ tuuic. when tiiiielv used, Never did “It: know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. ()u the contrary, all are delighted with its opera- tion, and speak in forms of commendation of its magical effects and medical Virtues We speuk in this nutter " WHAT WE DO KNOV ,” after years of eXperleiice, AND rumor; ouu itsPuTAiioN you 'rHu FULFILMEN'I‘ or qur we HEIth Iriccmuu. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exlinustauoii,i'elief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. FUll (lif‘ections for using will accompany 03011 bottle. None genuine, unlesa the fac- simile of CUR'l‘iS &. PERKINS. New York. is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Hi‘ugglsts throughout the world. Price. only 2.3 cents per Bottle, ()ii‘r‘lCEs-vâ€"flli Fulton Street, New York. 531).") High Holliorii. London, Eng. 441 St. Paul Sn, Montreal, C. 1'}. 477-ly To CONSUMPTI V1)“. ' The Rev. Edward A. Wiison will send (free of: lltlfgu) to all who desire it. the prescription with the directions for making and using the simpli- 1‘61“de by which he was cured Of a lung affection and that dread disease Consump. lion. His only object is to benefit the ilflilclt'll and he hopes every sufferer will try this pre- scription. us it will cost. them nothing, and may prov» a blowing, l’lensc address- REV. EDWBND A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Vr’llliamsburg, New York. TIIE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE 01“ AN lNVAlilD. ‘ Publisth furtlic benefit and as n Caution to Young Men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Man- hood. &c., supplying a1 the same Liiiin 'l‘be Means of SeltLCure. By one who has cured liimseit'nfter undergoing considerable quack- erv. The applicant by paying postage on his otter, will receive a copy, free of charge rom the author, . NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, F.qu Brooklyn, Kings Co.,.N, Y. ” ECONOMY IS WEALTH." â€"Franklin. Why Will people pay $50 or $100 for :1 Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy a better one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the subscribers beg to inform their numerous friends that the “FRANKLix” and “ MEDAL- LION” Machines can be had in any quantity. This machine is a double-thread, constr .ct- ed upon entirely new principles, and DOES It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewing Machine, and is warranted to excel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes- tif . yaj? AGENTS WANTED. Machines sent to Agents on trial, and given away to families who are needy and deserving. Address J. C. OTTIS «Si 00., Boston, Mass. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous chility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and and directions for making the simple remedy NOT infringe upon any other in the world.- FOR SALE, A VALUABLE FARM IN THE TflWNSHIP 111' M‘GILLIVRAY, BEING Lot No. 15, in the 8th Concession, West of the Centre Read . Containing 100 Acres. 40 Acres of which are cleared, and mostly free from stumps, go cd staked: nd ridered fences. also Log Barn. 3 House. and two Acres of Land in the thriving village of Park Hill. F or particulars enquire of JOHN HARRISON, Park Hill, or to SILAS JAMES, I’.L.S., Toronto. 432 REMOVAL. S, M, Sanderson &. Caulliens, No. 133 Yonge Street. have removed To No. 90 Yongc Street, 7 Doors north of King Street. The businesl ,1 at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON & Co. No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, LEMON’S HOTEL ! (LATE nAvMoNu’s) 1.? 1011111 0 ND HIL L. I (13 SUBSCRIBER. announces to the travelling community. thn. he has lens- l ed the above Hotel on Richmond Hill, and will devote his attention to the cornf‘Oit and convenience of t. use who may favor him , with their patronage. The best Stabbling and | Driving Shed on Yonge St. The best Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept constantly on hand. A careful Hustler always in attend- an' a. An Omnibus leaves this Hotel for Toronto at half-past seven mm. daily. GEORGE LEMON Richmond Ilill. Dec. 4. 1867. 490-13: 8. M. SANDERSON 81'. Co. ARE OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS In Men’s and Boy’s ltjalf, flip and Cowhide Boots, At No. 90 Yonge Street. Toronto, litiiiiilui [ll VlUGHll-l. Notice is hereby given that on Mont say the 23rd D'cc.1867. A Meeting will be held at THE TOWN HALL, At noon, in comformlty with the 100th Sec- tion of the Municipal Act. for the purpose of'iioniinating Candidates for the offices of Reeve. Deputy Reeves. &. Councillors. For-the ensuing year. G. .1. F. PEARCE, Township Clark. Vaughan, Dec. 4, 1:07. 34 S. M. Sanderson <3: 00.. \I‘ OULD take this opportunity oftlranking- ‘ their Friends and Customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them for the lust twelve years, and would cordially soâ€" 1 cit a continuance of the same at their New Stand N0. 90 YONGE STREET. Toronto, December 1867. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL! BY JOHN PALMER. F 1111 host of Wines, Liquors. and Cigars kept constantly on hand . Every accomo- datiou for travellers. it? Stages leave this hotel every morning and evening connecting with Northern Rail- wuv trains moving North and South. A careful liostlor always in attendance. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5,1857. 4904f ,lli‘ariner’s Boot 8.; Slice Steve. .1 O H N B A R R O N . Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of BOOTS & SHOES, 38 West Market Square. Toronto the Best Materials and Workmaiisliip, at the Lowest Remunerating l’rices. Toronto, Dec, 3. 1867. 4904f Oysters ! 11:? Boots and Shoes made to Memmre, of" Reeveship with Mr. Wm. Eakin ; for Deputies, there are \V. M. Button, James Bowman, James Bugg and Wm. Flummerfclt freely spoken of, and for Councilmen we are informed that Robt. Marsh, John Lane, James Stouten- burgh and B. Macdonald will go to the polls. Of course these names are given four rumour, arid nothing definite can be said until Monday, after which we shall be in a position to discuss the merits of these gentlemen ; it would be We are inclined to pity the unfortunate that brings Mr. McGee down on him, whoever he may be, hiin or low. We expect to read of a passage-at-arms, (to use an allegory) between Messrs McGee and Howe before the adjournment, as there is one due. Warns-A u AGRICULTURAL (i) SUPPER AT BURWioxi To the Editor of the York IIeralcl. Dear Sir.â€"â€"I know you take a deep interest in every thing that appertains to the welfare of the Vaughan Agricultu» ral Society, and for this reason take the liberty of informing you that on \Ved- nesday evening, the 11th instant, a mag- prcmaturo to make any remarks until they were openly declared as in the field for public honors, thereby inviting criti- eism. AUCTION SALES. â€"_ FuinAY, Dec. 20.â€"Auction Sale of real es- tate and Household Furniture, in the Vil- lage of Newtonbrook. J. H. Kirby, Pro~ prietor. Sale at 12 o’clock, noon. nificent “spread” was got. up at tho “ Inkerman Hotel,” kept. by your jolly fi'ieiid,tlic irrepressible Captain IVallace. It was ostensibly given by my enterpris- THURSDAY Am, FRIDAY, Dec. 26 3, 27-_ log neighbour, Mr. John Abell, as Preâ€" payment. It is supposed that the robbers are the same that robbed the Williamsburgh bank teller in Wi.liam-street, some time ago in broad daylight, of a bag containing nio- ney and checks to the value of$ll,000; the , same probably, that robbed the cashier cfl Higgins (la 00., dealers in carpets, while he was on his way with acai‘pet-bag containing $16,000. With which to pay the workmen in Messrs. Higgins (1*. 00’s factory. In that robbery they were driving in a cart and leaped therefrom, knocked the. cashier down and robbed him. After which they hastily jumped into the vehicle, and drove off at high speed. It is also conjectured that these are the fellows who attacked the cash- ier for the firm ofRoach til Sons. iron found- crs, while he was walking in Rivcrton St., with a bag containing $16,000 in bank bills. In this last attempt, however, the. thieves were unsuccessful, their intended victim proving more than a match for his assail- ants, despite the severe wound which they inflicted on his head in the beginning ofthc encounter. In each case the mode of attack and flight has been the same; in each case have they been made in broad. daylight, and in each case so rapidly has ' thedeed been consummated that no one of the party has yet been positively identified. The practice ofintrusring the transmission of large sums ofgold and bank hills to the fer-ence to a white man having been seen seven months ago at a place called Marnnga, 630 miles due cast of Zanzibar. The slave on whose informatiorrinore particularly the belief of Dr. Livingstone beingr alive may be based, has, amongr a hundred photographs, recognized the portrait of Dr. Livingstone, the man he saved at Marunga. This is in- deed glorious news.” 7 Is run SCIIUOLMASTER ABROAD ?â€"People have talked of the general spread of educa- tion. Never was a greater or' more mis- clicvious error entertained. Parliamentary returns show that one third of the men of Hertfordshire,Combridgeshire, and Norfolk. who married in 1865. had to make their mark instead of si'tning their name to the register; and that more than a third of the men of Suffolk, Bedfordshire, and Stafford- sliire, were in the same discreditable predica- ment. In South Wales, more than half married; and in Bedfordshiro, where the children are put early to work on straw plaiting the proportion of the uninstructed very little less. In Liverpool, out Of'2il,740 persons who were apprehended in 1866, only 253 could read and write well; while Of720 children, dealt with under the Juvenile 0f fenders' Att, not one could do so. For the 148,000 marriages that were made in Eng- land in 1864, 42.000 of the men, and 58,500 of the women (using round numbers) signed by which lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OCDFN, 42 Cedar Street, New York. 3ner Scurtfttsgmtms. EVENING SALES. II. MYERSEiEoneer. has received ' 7 \‘l o a consignment of Dry Goods. Ready ado Clothing Hardware. 610,. from 'l‘ownio which he is selling nightly, by Auction. Oir MONDAY. the 23rd inst., a Special sale for Ladies, at 2 p.m. TERMS CASlI. Richmond Hill. Dec. 20. 1867. wxrvrnn. Larissa, nus, SliIllllLEE, AND Round Cedar Posts! At the Lumber Yard No. 618 & 620 Yorrgc Street, R. A. SCOTT. N.B. Parties having such to dispose of will RESH CAN OYS’I‘ERS, best brands. kept. constantly on hand. at WM. Richmond Hill, Nov 28,1867. S. M. Sanderson &. CO. Are selling Boots 8: Shoes Cheap At their New Store, N o . 9 ® Yonge Street, - - Toronto. lllflllllS [ll VAUGHAN! Your Vote and Interest Are respectfully solicited for RIB. R. J. ARNOLD DEPUTY REEVE At the forthcoming Municipal Elections. Tlroriihill December 9. 1867. 491-3: S. M. Sandersonéc Co._ A'I‘KINSON’S. 489. Auction Sale of Store Goods. &c., it Headford, 3rd Con. Markham, belonging to Mr. Thos. Lewis. each day a‘. 1 o’clock p.m. son, Auctioneer. Sale to commence Ed. Sander- Partics having Sale Bills printed at this office will have a. notice similar to the above, free of charge. GRAMMA?SDIIOOL EXAMINATION- r Our readers are reminded that the exâ€" amination of the Grammar School oftliis village takes place to-day, it commences at 9 o'clock, a m. Parents and Guard- ians are invited to attend. PROBLEM.-~A few days ago a boy enter ed a store and asked the clerk to change a penny, whereupon the clerk gave him two cents. How much was the boy overpaid? An answer is required, QUERY. company enjoyed themselves. sidcnt of the Vaughan Agricultural So- ciety, to the Officers of the Society in this neighbourhood ; but. it is rumoured that the main object was to make capi- tal for Mr. Thomas Grahame in his pre- sent clectionecring canvass for the Reeve- ship against your neighbour Mr. Peter Patterson. Mr. Grahame and his friends feel that Mr. Patterson is a strong opponent, and it will need all the strategy that can be brought to bear to prevent Mr. Patter- son's success, hence the reason for conâ€" necting the supper with the Vaughan Agricultural Society; the ruse is not. a bad one, and may appear to those at. a distance as not. being for electioneering purposes, but it is well understood in and around Burwick. It is only just to Captain Wallace to say that the “ spread” was good, the liquids were good, and the Yours, Burwick, 14th Dec. 1867. ' , custody of youths is practical invitation to robbers of this class. Nothing is more com- mon than to see a boy passing along the street with a bag ofgold or a large bundle of bills carelessly carried under his arm, and nothing could be easier for a thief than to snatch the treasure, and vanish in the crowd that surges through Wall street during the street during the busiest hours ofthe day. with a mark. A SMART FELLOW â€"â€"On Tuesday, a tra. veller playeda, singular trick upon the land- lord of an inn not 100 miles from Todmor- den. Having taken dinner and a bottle of wine, he fell into conversation with the- landlord, and said he would teach him how to draw threepeniiy and the best ale out. of the same cask. Boniface was, of course, desirous to learn so profitable an art; and the parties (lescended into the cellar. tak- ing with them a large gimlet. The travel- ler bored a hole in one end of an 18 gallon cask of beer, and requested the landlord to place his finger upon the hole; he then bored a hole in the other end of the cask, and requested the landlord to place a. finger upon that. He then left the cellar under pretence of fetching his apparatus, and de- camped, leaving the landlord with his fin- l gers fully employed in taking care of his beer, and minus dinner and a bottle ofwine. When the landlord’s patience wasexhausetd . in waiting, he. called for assistance, got the 1 holes in the cask stopped, and in the future will be satisfied to draw one sort of beer afi- Myers’ evening sales will be con. tinned for a week. Great bargains are given in Dress Goods and Ready Made Clathing, Hardware, 850. They punish unmanageable female pri- soners at the great gaol of St. Lazare, near Paris, by putting them, bareheaded, in a revolving ‘bird cage,’ which can be seen from all parts of the building. Few of the birds that have seen the inside of this cage for a couple of hours, commit airy further infractions of prison discipline. Everybody recommends Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. out of one calk. ’ - plea~e call or write. stating price and quality to Yorkville l’. O Toronto. December 16, 1867. 49?--3m $TRAYED. ROM the premises of the Subscriber, on Richmond Hill, about the 15111 inst. TWO SHEEP. Any pi rson giving informa- tion as to their whereabouts to the undersigned will be suitably rewarded. ROBERT HOPPER. Richmond Ilill, Dec. 39, ’67. 491 RICHMOND HILL SKATIN_G- RINK. 11E above Skating Rink is now open. and the Ice is iu‘good order. ' SEASON TICKETS, 50ers, May no bad at Mr. Bernard’s. Mr. Atkinson’s and Mr. Crosby’s or on the Pond, from ‘ JAMES H. TERRY .Richmond Hill, Desl 19, ’67.~ ‘ ‘1‘ ‘4_9_l ILL thoroughly warrant every pair of BOOTS made by them at their new . store No. 90 Yongo Street. S. M. SANDERSON & Co No. 90 Yonge Street, ",‘Qmflm, Stray ngse.’ CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot No.36. Ist Con. Vaughan, on Sat~ urday. Nov. 30, A SOltEL HORSE. owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses and take him away BARNABUS LYONS. Cook’s Gate. Dec. 11, 1‘ 67. 491-31: S. M. SAN DERSON & Co. Are Manufacturing all the Newest Styles 0 Men’s, V‘lomen’s and Children’s Boots ‘ do ~Shoe-s; At their New Storeâ€" » No- 90 Yongc-st. Toronto, T h o,

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