Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Dec 1867, p. 2

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. 1 t‘iitl‘eiy , _. t ige and markets l ,. rol will be closed. .Iec. 21, noon.â€"â€"-1)cspalch‘ ..rcs mention that the er , ioir o _ it Vesuvious continually increasing . r power and splendor. Immense sheets of . . i i: . . 'll . . n > 'â€" whrle. yellow and crimson flames arise hurr- i ludlnloll‘l HA“: Ill/f" b» 1M" . . . . . dreds oi feet above the crater, and all rnrhtli * ' ' miles. l l‘UliSClvitil‘l 1501‘» the bay of Naples is lighted up for Lava is pouring down the mountain side in immense quantities, and large stones are oc- casionally thrown (11L from the. mouth oft the volcano, A deep run:aling, like rever- beratrngthunder, is hoard from time to time as in the bowels of the earth, and iriaiiv of Victoria S,11121l'0,J EVENING MAIL. Southern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 13.31. Ndl. iliEClSll‘EltEl) LETTERS will e'ptirc to behandcd iii 15 minutes before the little of closine‘. hi. il‘ElCi’Y, Postmaster. the people iii this vicinity have left iheirl ' ' .. c ,:,, homes for fear of an earthquake or other i Calamity. No such eruption has probably occurred in Vesuvious for centuries, and the spectacle is regarded as one of the most 1 magnificent and sitbiiiie ever witnessed iii liICll_‘tION1) 111LL_ DEC. 27, 1807.‘ TI E WAY TO KEEP DOWN ’1.‘A}ZA'1‘1.0.\'. nature. London, Dec. 21.â€"~Tlrc accounts r'ecciv-l ed at Massowalr of the condition and pro- gress of' the British expedition in Ab ' .niai On Monday, the (ith J:iii., Ir‘m'iners l and 1?. ate-payers will have the privilege are all favourable. The army was sierarlilv if’li SClCC‘ll‘f‘" “1911 lo 131111359” llml“ in advancing into the interior. lip to date (it. the latest despalchcs they had met with no opposition; but on the contrary they had been received in a friendly iiiauncr by the natives everywhere along: the. line of march. Paris, Dee. ‘21.â€"Tlre debate on the llill for the reorganization oftlic army was conâ€" tinued in the Corps Log' litit' yesterday. Marshal Neil made a Speec in which he defended the Hill on the ground that such a measure would have the tendency to prevent war, and v. as in effect a guaranty of piano. 3 M. Jules flavre spoke for the second time against the Dill, denouncing“ it. in strong 1 terms as a dangerous instrtirncnt. 131. Oliver said the introduction of the Dill at this time proved that the lever-nnrout antici. pated an early war. He thought. France would be much stronger and better prepar- ed for hostile eoritir 7 neies should a corr- stitutional system of Gove inncnt be grant- ed to the nation. This he most earnestly wished the country wotrld eventually have. .L, THE POSTAL DEPARTMENT. From 17w Mari-{slimy Cotlrr'icrqflfl Dec. ’67 Among the many things requiring the attention of government under the new constitution, the adjustment of the postal laws is one not of minor importance. li‘or ourselves we regret that the governrrrent have not deemed it expedient to abolish altogether the postage on newspap 's, cvcit though the present rate on lcttc had been retained. But to tax the new. vitil‘ and r compel the publisher to pay in adv .rrcc is prepostrous. Yet if the law goes into operation as now proposed we suppose that ill a little while everything and all parties will become sat sl'actoiily adj .sted. Eveybody admits the importance of this department of'statc service. lint who are they that perform most work under this pos- tal law ‘3 Who in reality do the drudgery of the department ‘1 We should say it requires but little consideration to satisfy any enir (lid person that the country postiiiasters of S'nall towns and villages do more work and get less pay than any other class of pen sons, in airy department of state service. We have looked over all the reports of parliamentry debates on this new Postal dill, and we do not find airy reference from any quarter to the fact that. these changes in the law will effect prejrrdieially the very small incomes of our hard worked village postmastcrs. Who proposed any measure of compensation? Nobody that we. can hear or read of. ’l‘l-icseollicers of govern- ment are at present paid by percentage on thtir receipts wth tritlin‘;r office expenses. ‘ Many of these are obliged to grivc almost exclusive attention to their oiliccs early morningr to evening, and great would be the grurrrbling if they were not on hand to deliver or receive mail matter at all lion‘s of the day, And what is their irr- comc? Turn to the l’oslrnastcr Cenoral's report and it will be seen that. the retiruner- ation of these postnrasleis is a mere pit- tance. in some of' our 1; er towns the payment. by per cent: come, but iii the. rural villages and r-lllllll towns the receipts are small and therefore the percentan a mere nominal acknow- ledgement of services rendered. ll'licro ought to be a change in this rcspcc , and if it be a department birsine-s and not, the subject ofany clause of the llill, their the iorrirnunitics who have the service of chi. eientpostrriasters constantly at v.ork and badly paid, ought, to incrnoralize the depart~ merit in belialt'ol' tlicse illpaid ollicial-s. 1t maybe ineri‘ioned also that is: many of the frontier post olliccs, arid tho' along the main lines of travel, there are i'vi: es imposed for which there is no coiripensa- tion whatever. Most iiiipoitarit. services, too, bein'cr no less than the preparation and dcspatch o‘r‘letterbrrgs for live or ten irr- land srrrall post oiliers. In our opinion it is a proper subject f'ordiscussion iii the va- rious local pa“ s printed in conipuratively small but gl'OWlllg villages, and therefore we venture in this manner to introduct the Subject tor consideration. Our po: 'tion is let every servant. of the public be fairly ro-‘ niunerated according to the labor he per forms, and the time he spends in llublic service. THE SABBATH Serroor. Inxerrmts‘ ASSOCIATION.â€"â€"Tll@ above Society will meet in the Temperance Hall, in the Village of Richmond Hill, on the first Monday in January next, at 2 o‘clock p m.. Locrl Sabbath Schools are rc-i quested to send two delegates each, ae- compttnrcd with as many teachers as can ‘ make it; convenient to attend. Ministers of'tlie Gospel especially are rcl'piested to be present. The subject for discussion will be "' Should the number of lessons learned or verses recited by the scholars be limited by the officers of a Sabbath School.” Circulars will be issued to the Secretaries cf" Local Sabbath Schools. Use Jacobs' Rheumatic Iii/'prid. All who once use Hunt’s Empire Hail- Gloss will always use it. Purify the blood by u ‘ Pills. front 1 gives a good in-: jvalttablc services to assist in the our 'l‘owiislrip and (Jointly Councils for ‘the ensuing: year, when, it; is to be hoped, they will elect. such persons, ir'rcspective of political leanings, as will ccoiioniiic the public expenditure, and save an already overburdened people ‘ from further additions to the constant draft. upon the proect of their labour. ll\'oiv is the time to mark, with disappro- brrtioii, the acts 01' met who seek rcâ€" clcction, after recording their votes for exti'avzipjzirit. salaries to already overpaid oflicials-n It. is upon this ground, lllOl‘C‘ particularly, that \i’c object. to the re- election (if Mr. Thomas Grahame as Reeve ol'tho 'llownship ol‘Vaue‘hrni ; his votes in the County (.Jouncil have been in favor of increasing the burden of taxâ€" ;ation. On the llth Feb. 186.“), “Mr. {Grahame (Vaughan) seconded by Mr. ‘ Hartley, trrovcd that it. be resolved, that , lthe ll‘r'casurer be, and lie hereby auâ€" jtliorizod to retain out of County funds ,in his hands, the sum 01'5‘1100, for bal- ‘anec or“ salary, at $1800 per annum, for 11864,” this motion was carried; thereby, jriot only raisi the Treasurer‘s salary, for the year 1865, but adding" an ad ‘ditional hundred dollars to his salary for :tlic year previous. On the same dry that; Mr. G rul ainc so generously throw away :,;,l{}(,‘ County money, it will be seen, on reference to pace 2‘.) of the min- iitcs of the. (iltitlllly Council, .i)t‘18115,tli.1t l Mr. :lrahanic, seconded by 111‘. Derry- niaii, moved that the. salary of the 511110? intcnl entof' tlr 0. York Roads bo 3,2000 inst :id of it'lflllfLâ€"luckily, this extraâ€" vagant motion wr voted down, but we have not Mr. Grahame to thank for our crcnpc, as he and three others voted for his motion; in fact, whcrevcrwe ‘turti, either in the. minutes of‘tlie (founly ‘or ll‘oivnsliip Councils, we lind Mr. ;lilr;rhanicls name foi'criiost in voting, away money to increase s:ilrii'i;s. No doubt Mrllrahame is good natured youiiginrrn, and is moved by generous impulses do to his friends a kindness now and their, but the mischief is that. it is done at the expense of the toilworn farmer, who has had to learn the ’illuC of' money by hard work and a lifeâ€" .l'illlC of econjruical S:lVil)f‘_,‘,â€"â€"11013 so with Mr. Grahrnr’ro, he has been born and raised iii the lap of luxury, and has 31101"? had the sad experience to undergo, Vof'"work or starve,” hence his recklessness in voting away the hard earnings of' the farmers of this County, and of the Town» ship, of ‘r'aughan, to increase the salaries tais who are already amply p.:id. ,;.t the llltiCilllg‘ of the. electors iii the l Town llall on Monday lastJlr. tlralianrc ‘spoitc of his “ experience" being a reason ‘why he should be elected Reeve of the , Townshin of Vaughan; our opinion is that i it is this very “ experience” that proves ,llilll'lo be a dai‘ioer'ous luau to send to tl e t‘ounty Council; and his colleague ‘in the '1.‘own:<lrip Council, Mr. \Vcbster, ‘prt.vcd to the. >~itll>lilCllOll of the great. majority in, the Town Hall that day, that )1 r. Gl‘dltttlilc did not study the public interest as a member of the Council. \Yo were much pleased with the ' remarks of Ali". \Yebstcr iii the Hall that day, and believe him to be a iiiosttiscl'ttl , innit iot‘ u' Township Council; hcl pointed out. litany of Mr. Gr'alrrrnres sliortccuiings, and several times placed him in an awkwaal predicament before the audience, so much so as to cause Churhainc to lose temper. l Mr. Peter Patterson comes before the Velectors, at. the earnest. solicitation of :1. largo and intluontial lllllll‘lJOl' of the rateâ€" payers of the township of Vaughan, as lan active and successful business man, (:1. t: ‘wlrosc every interest is identilied willr the Township , he is known to be a man of extraordinary energy and careful bu:;i- tress linbrts, and anything; that Mr. I’atlerson undertakes to do is always done well. As a. rr‘raiinfiicturcr' of farm- int; implements, we consider Air. Patterâ€" son has 1‘Cllt10‘tltl great service, not. onlv to the township of Vaughan, but. to tliti county generally, 1 c has purchased, property, and gone through the necessary t'orni to quality himself as a subject, and has settled down arr’rongst its for life, he has accumulated wealth by his industry and energy, and is now willing to devote a portion of his time and mana» geincnt of" Township and County ul‘litirs , we can only say, that the a such men as Mr. Patterson is exactly the press, Marginal Notes and travcping, ~ - l ' " ': t' and We he re . .. .t v‘ '. * Dr. Corby s “hut ill“ “‘1’ 1) 91‘ med; P expenses to loronto, $UO. that he will be returned as Reeve with, “"00 (ll. arid for postage, preparing 3y Laws for I I y ‘ u , . of Markham and the County of York, that Mr. Robinson will be elected. Srucnvt. Notrr 1E.â€"â€"\Vc call the atten- tion of'onr readers to the advm‘tiscrncnt o.' 311'. Hiram l’iper, in another part of our paper ; they will find it to their ad- vantage to call at his establishment when they go to the city. Mr. Piper’s place of'busincss the eldest of the kind in ’1'ororilo; and his experience and business connections affords him facilities for offering,“ bar ins that are not; equalled by any other house in his litre. \Vc r‘ecomni aid this old and favorite estab- lishment. to our numerous readers throughout the County of York. WIII'I‘CIIITRCII COUNCIL. 1:)111'St1ul1t10 adjournment, the above Council met. at Mr. George Scxsmith’s Inn, on Tuesday the 17th inst. Members all present. Reeve in ll e Chair. Minutes of 131le meeting read and ap- proved. Received and read two communicaâ€" tions from R. Ge rgc, Esrp, in reference to the. road running across his farm at \Yilcox Luke. Abo, from \Y. 1). Seniori, Road Cour- lili..11011(Â¥1‘ on the Town Linc East, dc- siriug‘r ai'nrtlrcrgrant of $25 on said Linc. Also, the Petition of James Gornrlcy, for a grant of money to purchase clothâ€" inf; tor the 'tvinter. r Rills presented, from John Hastings, for $5,130, George Brown, $3,011, and Philip Cook, :fiildlll, for the plank. used on the Road in their several Read Divisions. Also, from E. Jackson, for printing, if: lt stationery, ., »...l 03. Also, from \V. C. Cliewctt, 5; Co., for Binding; Rolls, Stationery, 8:0. $7,013. Claims for damages done to sheep by dogs, by William Simpson, $10; James Gray, -, and Henry Willson, $5. Also, an application from George Collard, Road ConirrriSsiOiier on the Town Linc South, in front of the Ist and find Concessions, for an extension of the time for expending the grant on said Linc. \i’hen, on motion of Mr. Macklem, seconded by Mr. Clubine, the Reeve was authorized to take the title for the laird required for the load on the East side of' Wilcox Lake, 01'11. Q. St. George, ' ,1‘1.'ifjl., and grant his order for the money according to contract. On motion of Mr Jones, seconded by Mr. darker, a further sum of was granted to complete the contract on the Town Linc East, payable to the order of \V. 1). Scaton, Road Commissioner. On motion of Mr. tiluhine, seconded by .‘vlr. M: cklcrir, the time for expend- illg the grant on the Town Litre South, was extended to the first day of June next. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Macklcm, that, whereas James Gorrnlcy is receiving one dollar per week from this Corporation for support; resol 'ed that the prayer of the petition now presented for further aid to the said James Gorinle be not granted; and that the amount now appropriated for his benefit, shall cease to be payable on present aiotr of airy further petition or petitions from lrirri, the said James Gorrnley. On motion of Mr. Haeklcm, seconded by Mr. Clubinc, the 'l‘reasurcr was iriâ€" strnetcd to pay the following" Bills : for plank in Road Division No 1, in the 7th Cori. 40; for Do on the Town Line South, $1 tlll, for Do in Road Divi- sion, No. 1, in the 9th Con. $3; for Do on the 8th Con., at the Marsh, (30. Mixllacklcm; the Treasurer was irr- (laiiiagres done to Sheep, viz :~â€"To llcni'y, \Vilson, $5; Jarires Gray, $1, and to \Villiarrr Simpson, >510. On motion of Mr. )Iaeklem, seconded by .‘dr. Clribine, the collector was an- thorized in the cvent- of failing: to collect Knieely and \Yilliam Turland, respcc< lively for dogs, to take the course pre scribed by law, for the destruction ot'tlie same. On motion of" 1111'. Macklem seconded by .11 r. Clubine, the Inspector's report as presented was adopted, arid his charges , allowed. i' Passed a HyuLaw, describing: the boundaries of School Sections, with the billowing alterations, viz :~»â€"by adding, the westerly one hali'of Lots 7-1, 75, To and 77, in the first Con., formerly lielornginaj to Aurora, to School Section N3. 1, taking,r the west half of' Lot; 211, in the 7th l.‘0n., from School Section No. 11 , and adding the same to Scliool Scetionl No Also a Ry Law to provide for the payment of certain bills and and allow- woes of Township Oticers as follows: To the Reeve. and Assessors for select- ing jurors each 83 ; to the Clerk $9, 110-, turning Officers crieh $3 ; Auditors each' $5.2; Asssessor >580; Collector $70; Mcrnv i. bers of Council each per day $1 ; Clicwett and Co's Bill $4702; E. Jackâ€" son $49413 ; Clerk and Treasurer $2410 3 .24 l l l learned their adjourned st'rrc die. On motion or" Air. Jones, seconded by - structed to pay the following claims for I the taxes assessed against Christopher" , , . B0wman,moves that the sutn of fifteen dollars be granted to John Langstatf, for the support of Jane Hespev, a deaf mute, for the last six months. Carried. Robt. Marsh, seconded by James Bowman, moves that the sum of six dolâ€" lars be paid to Joseph Ellerby for damage done to his sheep by dogs on or about the first day of Dec , his account having been certified by two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County. larricd. Robt. Marsh, seconded by James Bowman moves that a certificate for a Tavern License be granted to Mr. New- berry Buttor, to enable him to him to keep the Ontario Hotel, Ringwood. Carried. ll obt. Marsh, seconded by James Bowman, moves that the sum of thirty dollars be paid to Benjamin Wilkinson, being for damage done to his horses and waggon by billing over the cmbankriicut near the Buttonvillc bridge through the embankment not being properly proâ€" tected. Carried. Win Eakin, seconded by Robt. Marsh, moves that Ncwberry Button pay the sum of ten dollars to this Municipality, as the for License Certificate to keep an Inn at Itingwood, tor the balance of the License Year. Curried. Win Eakin introduced a By Law to appoint places for holding the nomination, which was passed by the Council. Robt. Marsh introduced a By Law to provide places for holding the Municipal Elections for the ensuith year and ‘0 appoint Returning 01110ch for the same, which was passed. The Council then adjourned sine die. iRICIIMOND HILL MECHANIC’S IN.‘TITUTE. \Vc understand that the Rev. \Vrn Stephenson, of Toronto, has been engaged by tlicALccture Committe connected with the Mechanics” Institute in this village, to deliver a lecture in the Temperance Hall, on Monday ev’g next, at 7 0”cloek We do not know of any individual more descrvddly popular on account of ability and eloquence than the Rev. gentleman whose services have been sc- curcd by the above society. In addition Toronto, hir. Stephenson has been fre- quently engaged by members of various ,socicties at home and abroad to deliver Did space permit, many excellent “opinions of the press, lecture on a variety of subjects. ” 0n the ability and success .which characterize the Rev. gentleman’s popular lectures might be cited, but the nere announcement of his name ought to be sufficient to insure a good audience. We hope that the public wrll show their appreciation of the efforts of the officers to his pulpit ministrations in the City of i , . . McNeil, and seconded by Dugald McMurchy. John C. McQuarrieproposed by David Boyle, and seconded by Benjamin Davidâ€" son. FOR COUNCILLORS. Daniel Raeman, proposed by Thomas Page, and seconded by George Wallace. Thomas Webster, proposed by David ilIchtchcon and seconded by Michael Racman. Neil Maloy J12, proposed by Archibald Cameron, and seconded by Arthur McNeil. James Thompson proposed Levi Strider, and seconded by Thomas Armstrong. The polling which will take place On Monday, the 6th day of" January, will be at the fbllowing places: For the 1st District, at Richmond Hill. For the 2nd District at Burwick. For the 23rd District at Klinebcrg. The 1st District comprises the whole of the lst, 2nd and 3rd Concessions. The 2nd District comprises the reâ€" rnainder of the Concessions in the Town- ship from Lots 1 to 15, both inclusive. And the 3rd District comprises the. same Concessions from Lots 16 to 35, both inclusive. The pooling is for one day only, commencing at; 9 a.m., and closing at. 5 13.111. SOClAL.â€"A social will be given in the Vestry of the Methodist Church in this Village, (this) Friday evening”, at seven o’clock. The proceeds to be directed to the Sabbath School. During the even» ing the Rev. .1 olrn Dredin will. favor those present: with a few “personal remi- niccnces.” , SABBATII Settoot. Tm PARTY.â€" The Victoria Square 1’. M. Sabbath School will hold their anniversary party ‘ on New Year's Day. Tea will be served at 12 o’clock. Tickets 25 cents, Tttonxtttim SABBATH SCHOOLâ€"The W. .\1. Sabbath School, at Thornliill, purpose giving agrand party on New Year’s Day. Tea at 4- pm. Tickets 40 cents. .llrirrtrrpttiihuru. To the Editor (3/ the York 110mm. DEAR SIlt.â€"Ill the last issue of' the York Ifltt'ald, there was a communica- tion headed “Agricultural Supper at Burwick,” over the signature of “' ” and purporting, to be from a correspon- dent of yours at Durwick. Your cor- respondent. may have been at Burwick on the 14th (the. date of his communi- cation) and very likely got disappointed in the object of his mission. Poor Man I . therefore, he resorts to an untr‘uthful squib. It would take a very small stretch of the iriizigination, without any of the Institute to cater intellectual'y for their benefit by a liberal patronage. The subject, “Curiosity and Curious People,” is one which ought to awaken the curi~ osity of curious people at any time, but much more so when it is to be handelled v by a gentleman of superior talent and clo- qucrree. Hitherto the attendance during the lecture seasons has not been such as to encourage the managers in their landâ€" able endeavors to procure intellectual and entertainment instruction for the community, the sums realized being quite inadequate to the expenses in- cnrred, the committee, therefore, have resolved tornake this the test lecture .' on its successs depends the future con- tinuance of the course. MARKHAM NO MI NATION. The Nomination for this township of candidates for Rccvc, Deputy Reeves and Councillors took place at Unionvillo, on Monday, the 23rd instant. as follows :â€" FOR Reliveâ€"James Robinson rind \Villiam Eakin. For. DEPUTY Reevesâ€"William M. Button, John Lane, William Flurnmcr- felt, and A. H. Fonwick. For. COUNCILLORS. â€"» Robert Marsh, .lames Stoutcnburgh, Jesse Reesor, and \‘r illiam I’adgct. The elections for Markham will be held at the following places : 1st Division, at Brown’s Corners, Thomas Thompson, Returning Officer. 2nd Division, at Richmond Hill, John Newberry, Returning Officer. 3rd Division, at Uniouville, George Eakin, Returning Officer. 4th Division, at; Cashel, James BOW- nian, Returning Officer. 5th Division, at; Ira Marr’s Hall, James Boyd, Returning Officer. They were APPOINTMENT.â€"His Excellency thb Governor General Lord Monk, has been pleased to appoint Thomas Carr, Esq. ‘of Thornhill, County of York. to be Issuer of Marriage Licenses, sight, not only to name him, but also the place he hails from“ Hear what he says, “ But it is ru- moured that. the main object (of the supper) was to make capital for Mr. Tlios. Grahame, in his present elec- tioncering canvas for the Reeveship, against your neighbour Mr. P. Patter- son.” Your correspondent may rest as- suer that the Oflicers and Directors of the Vaughan Agricultural Society are men who scorn such an irirputation being laid to their charge; and '10 one acâ€" quainted with them, except your corre- spondent or such as travel upon the satire plan would venture to draw such a low inference. Injustice to the President, Mr. Abell, it is known by several per- sons that the supper would have come offlong before it was even hinted who were to be the candidates for the Reeve- ship, had Mr. Abcil been in a position to attend to it. ’17:; true, the friends of Mr. Grahame know that Mr. Patterson in the event of his being returned as Reeve, will not disgrace the position he is looking for. But ‘tis not true that there was any cori- ncetion between the object and Mr. Graham's elcctioneeritig canvas. “ Evil be to him that evil thinks.” Burwick, Dec. 23rd, 1867. W TORONTO MA RKE' Dec, 2, lEl 7. ' $6 7543 (s so Flour. '5le barrel. . . . . . . . . . Wheat. hush . . . . . . .. .. . 1 63 ft) 1 68 Spring \‘Vlicat, bush. . . ... . l 411 [(7) 1 45 Harley. buslr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 73 {ID 0 8t), Pcase, do 073K307» Oats, do 055173055 Porkfresh 1911101115.... 4507115 50 Butterqfl ib................. UGO/@000 DIED. At Thornhill, on Sabbath, the 22nd inst., Julia Ann, daughter of John Lane Esq., aged (3 years. On Sabbath, the 22nd inst, at his father’s residence, 2nd Concession, Vaughan, Thos., son of William Cook Esq., aged 24: years. INFORMATlON. Information guarrrateed to produce a. luxuri- ant growth of Hair upon a bald head or board- less face. also a recipe for the removal of l’irrrples. Blotches, Eruptions, etc.. on the ski . leaving the same soft, clear. and beauti of dissatis action by any one v r , - the contrary, all are delighted with its opera- tion, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical eil‘octs and medical Virtues. We speak in this matter “ \VHAT WE DO KNOW,” after years of experience, AND rumor. OUR ItnPUTA'iroN rota 'rrrr; FULFILMENT or WHAT wr: nicer. DECLARE. 1n nlrnost every instance where the infant is sull'ering from pain and oxhanstalien,relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is atlttrinisterod. Full directions for using: will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac- simile of CURTIS 61, PERKINS. New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Ilrriggisls throughout the world, 1’rlce, only 2.3 cents per Bottle, Orr‘tces'QIS Fulton Street, New York. 2115 High Holliorn. London, Eng. 441 St. Paul St., Montreal, C. E. 477-ly Oys ers ! ,‘RESH CAN OYSTERS, best brands. kept constantly on hand, at WM. ATKINSON’S. Richmond Hill, Nov 28, 1867. 489, C. M. Sanderson & (30. Are selling oots & Shoes Cheap At their New Store, No. 963 titan trimaran Are respectfully solicited for MR. 3- J. ARNOLD DEPUTY REEVE Attire forthcoming Municipal Elections. Tliornhill December .‘1. 1867. 491~3£ s. M. Sanderson (taco- 1V7 ()ULD tako tliiS'opporiunitj.’ of thanking their Friends-arid Customers for the very liberal patronage bostowed on them for the last twelve years, and weii?d cordially so- licit a continuance of the same at their New Stand N0. 90 YONGE STREET. Toronto, December 1867. TO CONS MPTlVES. The Rev. Edward A. \Vilsou will send (free Off‘lltll‘g‘o) to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple r'ori'redy by which he was cured of a lung afl‘ection and that dread disease Consump- tiou. His only object is to benefit the afllrctcd and he hopes every suflbrer will try this pro- scription. (1511 will cost than nothing, and may provn a blaming. Please address REV. EDWBM 1) A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, W'illiamsburg, New York. THE CONit‘lCSSIONS AND EXPERlEVCE OF AN lNVAldl). Published for the benefit and us :i Caution to Young Men and others, who sulfur front Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Llan- bootl. «‘30.. supplying at the same time The Means (ll’Sutt-Cure. 1y one who has cured liiiiiselt'nfter undergoing considerable quack- orv. The applicant by paying postage on his etler, will receive a copy, free of charge, rent the author, NAUTHANIEI. MAYlt‘Alll, Esq“ Brooklyn, Kings Ct)...N, Y. ” ECONOIIIY' IS WEALTE.” â€"]tlt“(rn/.7Zin. j Why Will people pay $30 or $100 for :1 Sewing Machine, when will buy a better one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the subscribers beer to inform their numerous friends that. the ‘ ‘ FRANKLIN” and “ MEDAL- LION"7 Machines cart be had in any quantity. This machine is a double-thread, constr .ct.- ed upon entirely new principles, and DOES NOT infringe upon any other in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewing Machine, and is warranted to excel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes- tifv. v 01’? AGENTS WANTE Machines sent to Agents on trial, and given away to families who are needy and deserving. Address J. C. OTTIS £5 00., Boston, Mass. ERRORS 0F YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the- recipe and aid directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiseris experience, can do so by addressi , itr perfect confidence, JOHN 13-. OGDIt' 7, 42 Cedar Street, New York. gr m. m: on flfibrrtiabmyutfi. warring}. ‘ irritant, mitts, SHINELES, AND Round Cedar Posts! At the Lurnher Yard Y e I 1 ' I , he. sits a £926) tango Sh eet, 11. A. SCOTT. NJ}. Patties having such to dispose of will pleam call or write, stating price and quality to Yorkville 1‘. 0 Toronto, December 16, 1.8137. 49?--3m YZED. ROM the premises of the Subscriber, on Iicltniond lliil, about the 1.3111 inst. T‘YO SHEEP. Any pl rsnn giving informa- tion as to their whereabouts t0 the uiiderrigned will be suitably rewarded. ROBERT HOPPER. lit-limerid 11111. Dec. 19, ’67, 491 llCHMOND 1111.11 SKATII‘EQG- RINK. F 111E :rbnvo Skating; Rink is now open, and the ice is in good older. SEASON TICKETS SOCTS, May be bad at Mr. larnnrd's. .\li'. Atkinson’s and Mr. Crosby’s or oti the Pond, from JAMES 11. TE {RY . Richmond Hill, )o:, 19, ’67, 491 S. M. Sanderson 83 00. i‘ 11.1. thoroughly warrant every pair of .SOOTS tirade by them at their new store No. no Yongc Street. S. M. SANDERSth & ()0 N0. 90 Yo‘ige Street, Toronto. @‘tl‘a‘ff ...tzrgze. CAME; into the premises of the subscriber. IroiNu. 36, Isl Con. Vaughan, on Sat- urday. Nev..‘1(l. A SOREL HORSE. The owner is requested to prove properly. pay exv pauses and take him away BA RNABUS LYONS. Cook’s Gate. Dec. 11. l 67- 491-3t S. M. SAN DERSON & Co. Are Manufacturing all the Newest Styles 0 Men's. Women's and Children’s tul. can be oblaiiied without charge by ad- dressing, ‘ Titos. F. CHAPMAN, CrrEMtsr. ' 823 Broadway, New York- Boots w Shoes At their New Storeâ€" 0- 90 Yongeartg Toronto, the shortest notice. at all Stations on the Northern Railway. Thornhill. Oct. 31, 1807. Rich morrd Hill, P,O. RICHMOND HILL HOTEHI BY JOHN PALMER. F1111”. best of V’Viiies, lliquors. and Cigars keptconstantlyonhand. Everyaccomo- (latiori for travellers. 1L3" Stages leave this hotel every morning and evening connecting with Northern Rail- way trains moving North and South. A careful liostler always in attendance. Richmond Hill. Dec. 5, 1857, Alflll-tf I Farmer’s Boer. & Shoe Store JOHN BARRON. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of BOOTS do SHOES,- 38 West Market Square. Toronto [13" Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and \Vorkmaiisirip, at. the Lowest Remunerating l’rices. Torontu,1)ec.3,1867. 490-tf S. M. SANDERSON 8; C0. GREAT BARGAII‘IS In Men’s and Boy’s ball, Ill]; and altitude Elects; At No. 510 Yongo Street. Toronto, FOR SALE, A VALUABLE PARKE IN THE TQWNSHIP 11? 111 EIELIVRAY, 7‘ ETNGILot No. 15,1ii the 8th Concession, VVestol'tho Centre 1103.), t ., , - ‘ , . Lontarurng MM} Acres, 40 Acres of which are cleared, and mostly free from stumps, gord staked: rid ridered fences.. also 1.0;: Earn. a House, and two Acres; ,Land in the thriving village of Park. Hill. I“ or particulars enquire of JOHN HARRlSON, Park Hill, or to SILAS JAMES. 1’.L,S., Toronto. 432 R E M O V A E . S. M. Sanderson «kn Caulkons, No. 133 Yonng Street. have retrieved To No. 90 Yon-"cc Street, 7 Doorsuorth of King Street. The thSinesa at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON & Co. No, 90 Yongc-street, Toronto,,, whims reissue. 0N LANDED SECURlTY. THE Undersigned is authorized to state'tliatt $2®,®@®2; Can be irocured in sums to suit borrowers 1 I on Landed security, Terms made known on. personal application to M. TEEFY, Notary Public, Agent. (Ste. N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. \Vills,130nds. &c. Arc, drawn Willi neatncss and despatch.â€"- M. '1‘. continues to act as Divrstorv COURT AGY .T. Fees rrroderrate. Rim mend Hill, Nov. 28, 1866. 26 FOR SALE, AN oightlrorsc power Steam Engine. Bars lug Tools, Ropes, Arc, belonging to the Markham Oil and Mining Company. For particulars apply, if'by letter pest paid. to THOMAS THOMSON. Buttonvillo,1’.0. Buttonville, Nov. 7. rear. 486m, Sap Buckets AND PATENT; FAILS ! 11E Undersigried is prepared to fill orders for the above articles in any number on Agents will be appointed For particulars address JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF, Steam 1111115, ’l'horulrzll, Yongc Str act. Plough for Salt 6 ...â€".â€" THE subscriber offers for sale, 3. Superior ! CAST METAL PLOUGIâ€"I New, made at Atkinson’s Foundry. sold cheap for Cash, or approved credit. Will be WILLIAM ATKINSON, Merchant. Richmond Hill, Nov, 7, 1867. FARM FOR SALE 01' tggient. TUE Advertiser ofl'ers for Sale, or to Ex- change for a large farm, or to Rent on lease from the first day of April next. his Farnr ' on Yonge Street with four acres ofland attached Also his Dwelling Housq Ap 1y to p ‘ G. J. F. DEARCE, Ontario, November lst 1867:. .

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