Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Dec 1867, p. 3

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Decembér lst, 1867 Arnold, Lewis Anderson. Geurga Baird. Dr. ILA. Boulton. John Brillinger, Jonathan Bernard, H. G. Bernard, J. G. Christian. James ,Cooper‘ Mrs W. Campbell, Hugh Freek, James Grant, George Gray, Catharme Heslop. John Heise. Jacob Jr. Kelly. John Lee, Reuben Morden. Jacob (2) Pocket Books, Purses, file. Books 8: Fancy Goods S TANDARD AUTHORS! In all the different styles of Binding THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION In various styles of Bladings. BIBLES; TESTA DIENTS ! PLAIN ‘80 FANCY STATIONERY. ~ ALEX. SCOTT. ElNG the front pint of Lot No. 46. in the Est concession of Vaughan. immediately opposite themesidence of Dr. Duncuml). in the‘ Village of Richmond Hill, as laid ofl'iu a Plan propared by Mr. George Mcl’hillips. This is ‘3 desiralfle opponuu [5' to secure ‘an .ehgible business stand at u moderate price.â€" A credit of five years will be given. ' Albums from 25 Cents to $6 MILLINERY AN D MANTLES, For Plan and othar particulars enquire of the subscriber. Christmas & New Years’ Presents Rez‘mainixgg i1} l!19j§iphmond Hill l’osl Oflfica, X [SHES to say to 1 moud HIH and: ihat she has opnned in cupied 1);, Mr. Vorney. z assortment of 1‘ Inabciass \Vhich she V'ili seil at Finn“ profits. IL? A” orders prmnplly attended to. (I? Fami‘y Sawing Machines kept for sale Richmond Hill, July 3. 1867 130 PS K1 7ICKERBR OKEIBS S UITS BUIL DING LOT 8 HGEEBAY GIFTS H- D- BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ESIDENCE, Lot No. l4, 2de Con Vaughan. Post Office Addresa Carville All orders left at the " York Herald” office. Richmond Hill. or at the EU. Maple, will be attended Lo. . ' Vaughan, Opt. 10, 1867. l-y Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspection. The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is New agaElleste and also the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"Lhus meeting the requirements of all classes. Children’s Carriages and Preambulators! Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stovea, Box Shaves, Dumb SE‘CS, and Stove Pipes ' Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes VVringorsJ ((50. &o. LAMP 'ELEBES, BHRNBRS, EHIMNEYS, SHAEBS AND WIGKS. Square and Globe shapes, in great varlety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of ZEW' EIILLINE RY. ROCK. GEE AND E’IAGHINERY OIL Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C. HERAM PIPER FURNISHING‘ ESTABLISHMENT Large and Miscellaneous Stock Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, [867. Richmond Hill, Nov. 29‘ 1867. WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOST SUITABLE ARTICLES FOB. Toronto, Dccembar, 1867 RUE Subwriber, ever mindfu! of the wants oftha public, has just receivod a He has also received a heavy stock of HYMN (£- PRAYER BOOKS, EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of' HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs GE all kinds promptly executed. COUNTY OF YORK. BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &c. TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE: Also on hand a. large stock of Toys of Various Kinds, Mrs. VJ ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR INCLUDING MANY 01" THE 0F CAREFULLY SELECTED LAMPS AND 'CHANDELIERS! List of Lettem No. 93, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, TORONTO. FOR SALE. Manufactured and imported, \Vholesale and Retail FOR THE M: TEEFY. P. M ALIo‘ %T@VE@! Mahr‘uy James Mcf‘loud. AUCR McNuir. John (2) Panel-sou, Anne (9.) Pleh, F. l’atcmsm). Miss Rumble. John (3) Rumble. Gom'ge‘ Ross. H. J. (‘2) Rah‘lon. James Snider. John Simpson. James Trench, Robert Trench. William ’l‘easriall, Mrs. Mary J W'ouds, Julm Wise, Henry VViIson, '1‘. lho Ladies of Rich- sun'oumling Country. the House Vl‘urmly ur- and has on hand a nice Which will be found both good and cheap JENKINS .1. It. ARNOLD, Special attention is directed to LANTERNS 49L-3m HOUSE 7' \HlS usaf'ulinventjon is the most convenient J_ the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use. The Patentee is now prepared to sell HE Subscriber would intimate to the farm- ers and qtilors of Richmond Hill and ,urrnl i; Country having. Should order them at once to ensure against disappointment. Leisure Hour â€" - Vol. for 1867 Sunday at Home - do Sunday Magazine - do Good Words - - do British Workman - do Band of Hope Review do hi1dren’_s Friend â€" do Infant's Magazine - do Leisure Hour â€" - Vol. for 1867 Sunday at Home - do Sunday Magazine - do Good Words - - do British Workman - do Band of Hdpe Review do hildren’s‘ Friend â€" do Infant's Magazine - do And all others for which a large supply is expected aboutthe I‘5lh December. Remem- ber to order your supply at HORNER’S PATENT SELF-SHUTTENE WE! For the use of his Patent Self-shutting Gale‘ Applicants will please address their letxers (post paid) to ‘ I - - Agent for PateMee. Richm nd Hill, September IS. 1867, 478 AF'I‘EB, an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the shop adjoining Mr. W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite, the shop of MI“ W H. Myers. where he will be happy to receive the patron- age of‘ihis old friends; ’ Richmond Hi”. Ju's' 25. 1867. ' 'My charge is $1 50 if paid when operaled on. ifnot $3 00 will be charged to ensure a same. Residence rear oflot ‘25, 52nd Con. Vaughan. . JAMES DUNTON. Richmond Hill. Oct. 25, ’66 The Patentee offers indurements seldom *5 be metwith. RequisiLe insiruclions for monu» facturing are given. Persona) application must be made to CHRISTMAS ANNUAL VOLUMES, TOWNSHiP RIGHTS I That he has successfully treated the above the past ten years without a single failure. The, ulthand in a New Stand; A. HENDERSON, amattb $3: @Iocf: maker Horses FORCE PUMP I EHHISTIEEAS WPIJES! This treatment does not necessitate their being laid aside only Tor a few days. Quite a number of reference given if requir- ed ol‘persons whose horses have been cured by I’atentengcl, 24, 18b2, April 13,1860, and Powell’s Dead heads need not afiplrv‘. Newton Brook, July 30. 1867 Patent Rights for Sale NOTICE! Swing Pump .' Worth I(n0wing J Patented June 28. 1867. To men of the right sort Richmond Hill. Nov. 15, [867. “OUN l‘lES or RIDINGS of POWELL‘S ARTIES who may the following Afflicted with Ringâ€"bone, N {MPORTANT EW DOMINION CHARLES POWELL, r Newtun Brook, P.O. RICHMOND Hm. P. O. be desirous to have SCOTT'S 72-131 493 for When additional names are ADDED to any Club during the year, they must he sent, to THE GLOBE Office bv the person who made up the Ciub : and the money sent with such ad- ditional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription as the Club rate as will pay up to the expiration of the Club. CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE The Club ralgs for the coming year as foHows :â€" SIX COPIES, one year...” .. s TEN do do TWENTY do do ......... SIX COPIES, one year. .. $10 00 TEN do do 15 00 TWENTY do do ......... 30 00 And an extra copy of THE WEEKLY GLOBE to (he person who gets up the Club ofTwenly. THIRTY COPIES. one year, for. 42 00 and an extra copy of THE VVEEKLY GLOBE tolhe person who gets up the Club of’I‘hh'ty. FIFTY COPIES. one year. for. . . . 65 00 and a copy OfTHE DAILY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Fifty. EIGHTY COPIES, one year, for. . 100 00 and a copyrof THE DAILY Glmm to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Payment must be always in advance. Each paper is addressed separmely, and may be sent to any Post ()flice, Parties sending in their subscriptions now will receive either edition of THE GLOBE up to 3lst Dacamber. 1868, on payment of a year’s scbscriplion. Fil‘fi-rate yaljd wide Prints, fast colours, only PROCEEDINGS. and by editorial discussions it will strive to in-_ form the public of the progress of events. :aud guide them to a )‘iglltjudgmeut on the points at issue, Early in the year 1868. THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VERY CONSIDER- ABLY ENLARGED, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, ordered from Messrs Hoe & Co.. 0' New York, capable of printing [(lJlUU impressions an hour. The outlay of this press about $5,000 1N GOLD, has been rendered necessary by the large and increas- ing circulation ol'TH l“. GLOBE. It. has been for some time impossible to supply in lime for the mornng mails the number of copies called for by the public. The increase of size is rendered necessary by the pressure of adver- tisements. which have already caused the pub- lication ofa large supplement twice a Week. and which will he continued as may be found needlul until the permanent enlargement takes place, At the same time as the enlargement, COLLINS, author ofihe ‘ Woman in White.’ of subscription will remain as heretofore. SIX DOLLARS per anuum for the Daily edilion TWO DOLLARS per annum for the Weekly edilion. both payable strictiv in ad- vance. No paper sent out ofthe office unti the money is paid. _ _ l 6d per yard. ’ ' First-rats Factory Canons, only 6d per yard. Spfimdid VVid_e width Prints. fast colours, only ohly 7%d per yard. I With the largest and best assortment of Blan- kels. Flannels. Dress Goods. Fulled Cloth, Sa- tiuells and Winter ru‘voods ever offered on Richâ€" mond Hill, and for Quality and Lowuess of Price unsurpassed in the tradeâ€"in Toronto or Elsewhere. A general and lrrge assortment of suitablu Fall and Winter Goods. which will be sold at a very small profit, for Cash or Short credit. Please call and examine the Goods and the prices. at W. S, Pollock’s late Early in the year we shall commence the Bujxliqafikrjxl of arN EVY VSTOEI’Y BY VVILKlE URING the year 1868 very important Sessions willbo held of the Parliament ot'Onlario, and of the Dominion, and very in- teresting discussions will take place on sub- jects ot' the deepest interest to the Canadian people. The foundations of the New Gov- ernment have been laid, but the superstruc- ture will demand all the care of the people,and the publicjuurnals will necessarily he called upon to discuss at length many questions, up- on the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country wi'l depend . In all the matters Which wiil be brought be- fore the Legislatures " THE GLOBE” will take a deep interest, and botlf by FULL REPORTS OF PARLIAMENTARY THE PAPER WlLL BE PRINTED ON NEW TYPE, 6d nary-51rd. Nays! Checke‘d Winceys, assorted colours, only Md per yard, Heavv Coloured \Vinceys. splendid value, only 7%d per yard. Magnificent Bleached and Factory Callous. GGODS. RICHMOND HILL, Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. Richmond Hill, October 9. ’67. 1868 PHARMACIST. N‘OTlCE is hereby giyen that all parties in- debted to (he estate of the “no ROBERT GRUNDY_ 3rd concession of Markham. are reâ€" quesle to pay the same to either ofthe undor- signed previous to the 1st day of January next, and all parties havng claims against the said Estate. are requested to lodge the same with the undersigned for settlement. WILLIAM LAWSON, ( V PETER WILLMOI‘T, E Execum‘s‘ Markham, October 14. 1867. Parties having Wheat. to dispose of will find it to their advantage to call at the Mills, and by selling it there save the extra expence of going to the Toronto market. 1? Dealers suppiied at reasonable rates. JAMES WILKINSON. Secured, perfect satisfaction is guaranteed Special attention will be paid to Custom work, and parttes from a. distance mayme upon having their Gx‘ists home with them the same day. 0 A g H Will be paid for Wheat at all seasons of the year IN BANKABLE FUNDS. Bnltouville. Sept, 19. 1867. And as the entire Establishment has been thoroughly renovated. as well as thoservlces of Merchant and Custom Work ! VENUS MILES, Toronto. Nov. 153, 1867. GLOBE” NEWSPAPER Executors Notloe. HE Subscriber, having purchased the above Mills, is now prepared to do R.H.HALL, NEW AND CHEAP First Class Millers DRUG-GIST AND BUTTONVILLE. GEORGE BRQWN, THE TERMS G. A. BARNARD’S. Publisher, will be 35 1868 3rm Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! \thfe he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Richmoad Hill, November 9, 1866. Manufactured on the Continent of Amuica; have, this year Farmers will consult their own interest if they will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. A. SLY W. WILLSON, MAKERS. Richmond Hill, June, 1867. 3-tf A Fresh, Lot of Albums At Scott’s. N returning thanks for the very liberal suppmt he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of including Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, VTaSh Stands, Etc. 8w. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Land Painl-s and rIolors, Raw and ljoaled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish Turperline. Benzpn‘e, Glass, Pulby, Glue, 8m. 8m. Parties Furnishing, Papering, 0r Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also HARDWARE and. CROCKEEY FANNING MILLS. The subscribers are now manufacturing a great number of the above, and can Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1867. HESE MILLS have stood the test of competition at several Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs, and are pro- nounced by competent judges as being the Bichond Hill Sabinet Establishment Best Fanning Milk; 3 BEEN STILL FURT HER IMPROVED HARNESS & SHOE BLACKENING KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND WARM! Supply an Orders Prampily .' Inspection Invited. .! No. 134, KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TORONTO. Fire-proof Store, Richmond Hill. 0f the best English, Scotch, and Cangdian Manufacture, which he will make to measure at the lowest possible Cash Prices, and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to fit, Workman- ship, and materlal. Also, READY MADE CLOTHING always‘on hand. HOSIERY, GLOVES ~ msm “an NMMMW % w ‘ . .1 ‘ - y w ‘ ‘ u‘ I, 1‘,‘ Ir 1 . w v n n» fin. "’auum Wm “Will “Wm”; ll‘uuum l4111111II;I1““"‘E'fih l”me [I‘UImm l"‘Imfil' W “lhun‘nn Mn ‘1“ MI l ESPECTFULLY intimates that he has added to his general Dry Goods and Milli- nery Department, a TAILURING DEPARTMENT, under the management Of .A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER ! SHAWLS, MANTLES, & MILLINERY, FANCY DRESS GGGDS ! Coatings, Vestings, and Trowscrings .’ TAILQRING DEPATMENT E W'ELLSON’S HMPRQVED OR Softening, Preserving and rendering the Leather impervious to wet. For sale at the Stores, Harness and Shoe Shops, everywhere manufactured at Richmond Hill. Begs to announce to his friends and the public. that he is receivmg, daily, FURNITURE! W ENTER. gTOO Tickings,iSheetings, Shirtings, Towellings, Table Linens, THOS.’ COG-ELAN A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attennon to his £11m » &c. &c. &c. Sales made tor Cash or approved Credit, “'inceys, French Mcrinoes; Cobourgs, Silks, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, T. V. ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF P. CROSBY, Mum“ And is now showing a Large and Choice Assortment of m "mm "mm "um “(mm “WWW "“hmuuu "‘ifl‘u‘uii For Cash, at Pricesithat cannot be surpassed. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WILLIAM MITCHELL THE CHEAPEST AND BEST DOUBLE ACTION BY USING OF At Wm. MITCHELL'S. At Wm. MITCHELL’S. .11“. Will]! 2‘3 his l' ‘HE validity of the Patent, having been recently disputed by Interested pernns~,. after two ays investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor hat given Judgment ully sustaining the claims of C..POWell, and speaking highly of the MERITS OF THE PUMP, and with just severity on the base and fraudulent'conduct o!’ the Infrinaer, ordering him to pay the costs 01 the suit, and forbidding, him to mako‘ the Pumps. The Patentee feels, that the sense ol‘justise premdlng the community generally will be sulfir-ient to prevent its giving countenance to spuv'ms imitators. whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ 15 a fraud on the Public.”â€"-bvr Judgmem. The Ladies can rely upon the latest and most’ féshionable‘ styles of Feathers, Flowers, Wreathes, Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Moss Velvets, and Trimmings of all kinds._ “Also‘ Hoods, Sontags, Nubias, Wrappers, Gloves, 8L0. ,::'=,With a splendid assortment of 5 1 ~ COAL 011.: LAMP’S ! FLBIIR 81 FREE KEPT ENSTfiNTLY [IN Hm. Most P0pular,’Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and i-s-also Frost-proof. , Tank Isi prize ai. Prnvinciai Exhibition ’86, &aiiiiim£si wiienshnwm Manufactory for York & Peel Counties 8%; Toronto City Newton Brook, Yonge Street“ HATS AND CAPS IN GREAT VARIETY! Patent Swing Pump Grey (,Iottons, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 cents per yd, Bleached Cottons, yard wide, from. 12% cents per yd’. Prints, from cents perydt. Striped Shirting. from. . . . . . . . . . . . .15 cents per yd. Wiuceys, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12â€"21- cents per yd. Fancy Dress Goods, from. . . . . . . . . .15 cents per yd’. Blankets, from. . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . .552 50 per pair. Ladies’ Hoop Skirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 cents per ’set‘, Flanncls in all Colors, Canada Satinets, Fullcd' Cloths; Tweeds, 8w. Men’s and Boys’ Firstâ€"alms Groceries, The Leading Style in Canada Which we feel confident cannot be surpassedfor style and Cheapness. HRUESJYESTIJFFS PRINTS, HILS 81: “WISHES HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE. We call special attention to our new Stock of » HUGH 82: Co. WEBER Here We are Again. Machine Oil specially adapted for Thrashing Machines, Miller’s Tick Destroyer, for Sheepâ€"40 be used twice a year, Fall and Spring Miller’s Farm Battle, for Horses and Caulc, 8m. Muller’s Derby Oils, for Cuts, Caulks, and Bauizes, Miller’s Rat Exterminator, Fine Household TEA, combining strength and flavour 7.0 cents per lb. Finest procurnble $1 00 per lb. Sold in Packages & Can nisters by the Company’s Agents In every City and Town in Canada. Agents for Toronto FINEST PRODUCTS OF CHINA. I Home Depotâ€"London and Liverpool. Canada Depotâ€"No. 23 Hospital Street, Montreal. INDIA 82 CHINA TEA COMPANY; TREMENfiUS SfiCRIFICE, A CHOICE LGT 0P CANE-S fig, When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the Well orn horn. Richmond Hill, Oct. 17, 1867. BLACK, GREEN 0R MIXED! }F Spiendid natural flavour, imported directfifrom the Company’s Flantntiohngil Assam and on the slopes of the Himalayas, blended with the ., 1‘ CHEAPER THAN EVER 481 A LOW FIGURE} NEW AND FASHIONABLE FALL w WINTER- LET INFRINGERS BE W PURE AND GENUINE TEAS 13g: PROTECTED BY TRADE MARK. Manufacturing Rights for Sale. Only Two Qualities, viz: 70 cents or $100 per lb. either Ph 0. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton. ank» Ready Made Clothing, Shirts, &c., &c. M2 MEDICAL HALL, 167 KING STREET EAST, WITH A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF As the following price list will show :-â€" s,1ruxu............... ttons, yard wide, from.1 ing. from............. Goods, from.......... i mouooo-oto;--ouoo-..< rSkirts..............E [S POWELL’S Messrs. Hugh Miller, 86 C 0., ATEVSCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL. L67 KING STREET EAST W. S. Robinson, AND WILL BE SOLD AT A- FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST', BOUGHT AT MEDICAL HALL, WI LLIAM ATKINSON. TORONTO. Y OK KVILLE.

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