NUT .80 BLACK AS THEY SEEM.- Many lessons may be learnt by civilized nations from the savage. We speak within the bills of morality when we assert that pocket picking is an ()ï¬'ense absolutely unknown to aborgiies of Australia. [This speaks vol- umes not only for their honesty; but for their simplicity 9f costume. The will of Mr. James Aspinall Turner, late M.P. for Manchester, has been proved in London. The personality was sworn under 300,000. “Among the paswngers who have just arrived at St. Naz-aire by the summer Louis- ian‘e,†says the Union lz’retomze of Nantes. “ is Madame Miramon, widow of the Mexi- can General who was shot with the Emueror Maximilian at Quereturo. She intends-t0 re- in France with her childreni†Dickens has realized $120,000 from his 4 readings in Boston, and it is estimated that during his stay in this country his entire ï¬roï¬xs will leach $290,000. He devotes imself closely to his work, and has three new papers in preparatio. , one of which is to be published in the Atlantic. On the night of November [the 27th, as Queen Victoria. was returning from Cigare- mont to Windsor, :1. brewer’s drny ran into the‘second carriage, killing one of the two horses and smashing the Cm‘rie‘gc, Sir. T. Bidduiph was inside, butflnot huit. Sir. '1'. Biddulyh Prgceeded $0 Windsor in a, baker’s cart. The Paris subscriptions to the fund in aid of the Pontiï¬cial army amounted, up to Wednesday, last week, to 1,000,600 francs. The Princess of Wales continues to im' prove in health, and walks about with com- parative» freedom with the 2nd of a. small stick. The entire wheat crop of the United States for the present year is estimated at from 220,000.000 to 225,000,000 bushels. This is from 40,000,000 to 50,000,0001msh- els more than the Crop 0f1806, and is by far the largest; wheat cup ever gathered in the United States. A school, it is gaid, will be shortly opened at Constantinople for the united mstruct‘ion of 300 Christian and 300 Mussulman children A short letter from Garibaldi, dated the evening of his defeat. states that two com- panies of French sharp shooters, deployed 1n skirmishing order on either side of the Pontiï¬cal troops, fired upon him, and that their balls “fell like rain.†Lord Brougham left his seat near Penrith, Westmoreland, en route for Cannes, on Tuesday wew. He walked from his car- riage to the railway train with great difli- culty. He Will remain in London a fort- night before proceeding to the south of France. SHIPBUILDING ON THE THAMES.â€"Ir0n- shipbuilding is again looking up on the banks of the Thames. The Italic aflirms that “grave disagree' ments have already broken out between the commandant of the French Corps of occu- gatiou and the Pontifical Government.†irds in their little nests do not always agree, it seems. All the girls sent from 1119 French peni- tentim-ies m the comma colony at Cayenne, have married convicts there. Madame de Ollivier, the distinguighed lady of Brittany, who murdered her husband 111 1862. has married a conv1ct in Calledon, and has beegpardoned by the Government on con- dition of m; relurnin; 10 France, The Florence papers of Nov. 17th au- nounce that the Pontiï¬cal police have made a domiciliary visit at the house of Mr. 0th Russell, the English dipmmatic agent at Rome. ALTERATIONS 1N THE HOUSE OF Commxs. It is conï¬dently reported that the House of Commons is to be enlarged. Mr. Barry has suggested a scheme for doing so. Corner of King & Yonge Streets, Purses, dzc. 810. It is stalled that the King of Italy is 01) excellent private terms with the Pontifl“, and throughout the late events he has kept up a correspondence with Pius IX. November 9. 1866. V v IN GREAT VARIETY. AT SCO'I‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. Day Books, Family 85 Church Bibles THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. THE undersigned having purchased the Righu for (he Counlv of Ymk. is now ofl'ei'iug for sale xin .ths ('ountv E Half Lot 29, 3rd Con. Vaughan, 86 Acres E Part do 31, do do 80 do E Half do 30, 2nd Con. do , 100 do E Half do 34, 3rd Con. do 100 do SuHalf do 35, do do 100 do INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Joel Williams, cm. for Richmond Hill. Ag David Hill, MONEY T0 LOAN Vaughan, April I7, 1867. AT Low PRICES, A'l‘ SCOTT’S,R’TCHMOND HILL SfHOOL BOOKS! Waggon Brake H. W. DIMON ’S FARMS FOR SAL. 01) Improved Real Estate, PP: Y to Mr. \VARMOLL. of VAN- Kauaumz'r $1. \VAlmul.L. Barr stars. &c. ‘3 xvmw v; mETY. 51 ‘I5 '1’? THCNMOLV W HILL ï¬limfllnnwua. Journais and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Boo-ks, Wallets, Patented April 10, 1867. Agent 111.; Thornh'rll SEL ' Apply to TORONTO. ACTING 1|. M. MISENL‘JZR JAMES McGEE. $150 PER MONTH. GRXNI'EI’. STATE mely Sewing Machine is now presenlcd In the people nfCanndn possessing; all the improve" em.» mm min ho well ‘cunï¬'nad in a sewing machine. 1: will gaccqmplish every dewviplinn of sewing exc‘ept lmtlnn holes. from an uvercunt down tn the finest silks and muslins This machine salls for only $l5, and is rea'lv wo-'Ih $5), in any family. Every mechine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years,â€" All machines sold in Canada are manufacture at (he co-npnny’s hrnnch manufacmrv in Tor- onto. Single Mnchines, with full printed directions. snnt exprs'ss free on receipl grams in a registm-ed leller. Full printcd directions til-company each machine. :0 plain lel a child iwalve Years of age can learn [u work one successfully in a, short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sawing Machme Company, WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for (i033ars proprietor of the Linnaean Nur- ,erics. has discovered POSI’IIVE cumcs for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases. l)_\spepsia Nervous Debility. Rheu- matism, all Female Maladies. and o\hers re- sulting from impurilv of the blocd, hitherto incurmle. Explanhory circular, one slump. 'l‘reatis on all diseases. 20 cents. 5:54 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fa}- Iuwlng )I‘opett} :â€" Partot’ [.01 No 3:), on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing 621mm": also. ALB UMS ATARRH, Bronchitis. Scrofula. Liver and / thncy Diseases, Nature’s Romedials from P ants. Stove Depot on Richmond Hill One door south oer. Bernard’s store. and that ha is prepared to sell at the manufacturers prices. Farmers and others requiring From 30 cts, to $6. AT SCO'I‘T’S RICHMOND IlILL. The Stwcns House has liberal accomodu- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish. ed and possesses every modern improve- ment for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious mid well ventilatedâ€"pr0\‘ided with gas and wat- ter~the attendance is prompt and respectful â€"zmd the table is genvrously prov:de with every delicacy of'llie seasonâ€"at moderate rates. Cooking or Box Stoves Photographs for SUcts doz uF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain & Fancy tationcn-y I m mum? \‘Aixm‘i‘Y, AT SCO'i‘T’S RICHMOND HILL Tux-ms 10 agents sen. free to those wishing agencies. A Ciergvman. whilu residing in South Am» mica as a missimwry. di~(:9vnred asafe and simpie remedy fur the Cure uf Nervous Weak- “85's. Early 36021}: Diseases of Hie Urinary and Siminal Organs, and the whole train of disordsrs brought on by harmful and vii-inns haoiQ-li, Great rnumhershave heun cured bv this noble remedy. Prompted bv a desire at heneï¬lthe afï¬rmed and unfortunate. Iwil send the recipe fur preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed erranpa. to any at who needs it, ("rec 0f change. Please encIOSe an envelope nddrcssadom yourseif- With Hoi'h 8; Knife, AT SCOTT'S RICHMOND HILL Will consuH, their own interesx by examining his Stock before bu_\'ing‘ in Toronto, AG ENTS VVANTED. R. T BUSH & CO‘, Cannda Manufactur- ers. 14 King; Slreet East. Toronto, C, W. Heac Ufllces iii in Great Brnuir. and Canada, London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and 'I‘orm!lo. Propelling 8: Repelling Pencil, HAMILTON STOVE DEPOT ! Richmond Hill, Oct. 4,1867' Village Property At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRlGll'I‘. l’. S.- Good agents wanted in everv part 0 the coman to whom will paid a salary from 4:50 [0 $50 per month, or a large conmlission B‘ROM 50m I00 Cords of Green and Dry Beech and Muplmto be delivered in To: onto during um winter. Appig; at the Humid Oflil-e. Richmond “M. (£9 21, 23, 25 85 27 Broadway, N. Y‘ ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. 'i‘HE Slovens House is well and widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close proximity to the business part of the cityâ€"is on the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€" and adjacent to all the principal Railroads and Steamboat depots. BIBLE SGEIETV DEPOSITGRY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE W ood Warnted Richmond IXiHA Sch 1.1866. Stove Pipes supplied m the Lowest prlces. ’t‘uronw V' "oh 3 EGS to inform his friends 19 the County of York that he has opened a ‘nhmund Hill 1865 STEVENS HOUSE, 46 .4 JAMES STEWART A Card to Invalids. LAND FOR SALE. Opposite Bowling Green 1411mm. JOSEPH T, INMAN, £1“me 1). Emma HOUSE. GEO. ‘K. CHASE & C0. ,P/‘Qprietors‘ 3rd 18C6 ' in South Am» red asafe and \‘ervuus Weak- of Ihe Urinarv whole train of In! and vii-inns heun cured bv b\' a desire at n'lunate. I wil and using this 5. to any at » nddrcssadon a MAN, ILE H OUSE. Ngw ~ York cily' l-ln. l’lacxwilihc in the {allowing places prepared ta oxtract {Beth n ilh his new appara- lll‘i. Aurora. . .. Nawnmvket Brelaist'oigdhoiel 2nd " Stouï¬vilio..y.....L........18th Viclorin Square“, , .. 20th Thonnhill..... .' ......‘23rd Richmond Hill ._.........24th Maple.......... .....261h linrwiuln... ............‘281h .Kleinhnrg . . . . . ...,..,...29lh ~Nuhleton. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .3Uth All ollwr operations in Denislry perform- ed in .a\wmkma:nluu: manner;â€" lstnfeï¬qh month. It i. ll U u U «I .1 Where he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June ‘7,_186,5. fll-tf 41-1}: 0'9 5$“ Masonic aud other Emmems maglg L‘Q order. Foronto, Ann] 27, lEbG. 47- W. G. W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill ovary two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesalu prices. Toronto, July 20, 12:65. CONFEC'I‘IUNARY I (if? Issuer of ï¬larriage Licenses. ngwood. Sept. 11‘. 1867. 4 BENTISERY- mega CHUch STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his profvsï¬oual services in order to preserve their teeth, or ralieye suflering and supply new teeth in the most approvedsqle. Also to regu- lala the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. E) F. having leased the above Hotel, ' i ' [former occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having; putit in a thorough state of repair, Travelle's will ï¬nd this lesidencenLot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of Markham. P.0.Addressâ€"~Buttonville. Partios requiring Mr. Sandersou’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Juuuary 4. 1:65, 31 MMUMENTS, HEADSTONES ! Cu†and examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere. as you will ï¬nd it to your interest. NEWER HILL HflTEI. AVID McLEOD begs to announce that he has Leawd {he above Note! and ï¬tted it up in a manner second to none on Yonge St. whore he wili keep cunsmulLy on hand a good sumuly afï¬rm-class Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation 'l‘z’aveflers can desire, Ihase who wish to may who're lhey can If'ul ever)Y comfort are respectfullyih‘dmd to put up at lhi establishmean EXTEACIJN‘G TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! AND FINE JEWELRY, 113, YONGE St, TORONTO house both comfortable ahd ch‘xvgï¬i‘ént. A good IIostlcr always in attendance Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. lomh only. The tooth and gum sul‘ounding hqctunï¬-;ilnsrln~ihl4= with lhis external agency, When [he mull]:ch be extracted with no pain, and wilhuul undï¬ngering the llf’d as in the use of (llulu'ml'oum. N ‘ Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham. Nov. 1, 1365. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Surefu‘ altnmiml given to the repairing of Watches an" Ulncks Jewelry manufactured and RFDflil‘P'l. Bv the use of ETHER SPRAY. which aï¬'ects the 14 lies of York and Peel, Collector of Notes. Aacoulm, &c. Small charges and plenty 1p do Laskey, March 2nd 1865 39-1 Counties of York and Peel WATCH Es, CLOCKS, Aurora. J11 us 1865. Toronto, April 26. 1866. Iâ€"Ienry Smelser, r ICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho coun- No ll. King Street East, 6 doors east of chge Slrv‘et. R in gwood‘ Jflm-ble W'orks Watches, clucks, and Jewelry ZHCICE AND FANCY GOODS, REHTL‘IKEL FIOUSE ! AURORA. W. VVHARIN 8: CO. l'he attmxlion of "16 Public is imvted to their tock, ceusisijng of a great variety of DR. N. J .PECICS, ï¬fthe bes‘ desf‘riptiou and newest designs. June. 1865. 95 King Street East, Toronto, ELEC'l LO-PLATED' \VARE, CUTLEI’LY, &c., &c. . c. ADAMS, PURE Amp UNAUULTQRA’FEI) 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. JAMES BOWMAN, J. SEGSWORTH, MANUFAC’I ‘R 3R OF ALL KINDS 'OF BY K OBERT FEURIS. ll‘...---.A.......- Square 1d Hill 5 ......-..--..-...A £ .... -..--...o--~‘ IMPORTEHS AND DEALERS IN P. WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER 0F KEVV METHOD QF FOR THE UNI'K‘PJ) IMPORTER 0F 61c. &e. &c‘ ...‘23rd _. .24th ..261h ‘..~28th ‘..29lh ‘.,3(Jth n u ll (0 H II U u N «I .l to any business per- 1st nfencjx mquth. 2nd " “ 18th " 9‘ 20th “ " 479 Orden for cm of [hi undermonxionod descrip- “and: EQLEBHB Jflfl WINK The York Herald LARGE m» ._SMAL.,1,J PQ‘STERS, ““ORDERS PROMPTLY EXELUIED BOOKS, FANCX BILLS, PAMPHLE' [‘5 AND ls entirely new and of the lqtest gummy. largo vyiety 91' nng F9: Cardl, 6w" just received, [lettbr-Pl's§s Prinflng. u M W 3 "11â€. N “1‘ . [th l" "mu '- m ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARD}; our: ASQQRTM‘ENJ‘ g? ’31]! ' 9 ngqmplly gltendefi 03H E'A. P JOB AM mw AW? Wad 9f PL'AIN o CIRCULARS, BLANK vtIEsz, {,AW gonms, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, .Cholqra Morbus; Inflammation of the Bowls, Cholia, mumps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore hfézit,‘ Coughs, Golds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"â€"0ne tea-spoonful in a glass of water ’will ¢brre‘cb'all dcrgpgements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly 2:22?» #195? wt: Painsu ' " ‘ ' ‘ RADWAY’S READY RELIEF!!! AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0E ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLQW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND, OTHER EESEILENQEsg ‘ ‘ ’ . mas $186333me As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IBRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDO RIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"â€"0ne application W‘Jl afl'ord immediatg ï¬s‘e‘and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the m " mvxuwum ulueuuca, Luann“: Avuv: Au Auuluuvu- --~-â€"-~A~ ~â€",~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-y .--â€" â€"â€"â€"____. _. at THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP. DIPTBERI‘A‘ may prove fatal within an hour or two. if not checked by a. powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF : and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, N euralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidn 's, Bladder, Urinal ditï¬culties, Inflammation of the Womb, and, in fact, all Mg‘sgs fraught Wit immediate danger, yield at once to this commanding curative, The'READY RELIEF is as an den in its operation as the malady itself. It is more active than the virus of the mo:f «wift ithd‘rleadly gpidemia. With this Remedy at hand to use ozfthq ms WWW oz pain and meï¬ï¬messi ?9 person we? My 1.19.": sigma. r SISTERS OF MERCY, ’ DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED .olfpnr ,sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &e., 6w. . One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many years-having taken a few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and inlways with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, &e. It has a good eï¬ect in flatulence or Wind cholie. I use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous eï¬'eet. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. 7N. B.â€"Beware of counterfeite and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radwey’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price the are charged for Radway’s, yet charge the p_nblic the same mice our agents sell you Radway’s or. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) ’The mutations and conn- 3e1-feits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In urchasin Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway & Co. on the labels, and e words R. R. Railway 65 Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE . n___ »..L.-._£L_ Inviolent diseases, 91$ng relief is required. ASIATIC CHOLERA., INFLAMMATION OE -‘V...~ Aï¬â€˜â€œ «1'1"111‘ nnnwn Y\YnmflnnT.A. __-_ __._‘_ 1--1-‘ Hill .cii'éag foil whenever he iias an opportunity. Certiï¬cates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on noon! at DI. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montre , emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except I few in Chills) on ‘,.the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and ’this' -'s vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State. both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. "‘ Sisters of Mercy at Berehester Street Hospital, applying Br. Radway‘e Remedies to the sick, Fl‘HE Pro rietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he is now ‘ - manu acturing improved Ploughs of SWEEREQE Euwwflum STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS and which he conï¬dently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country Reduced Price 0f$16 Plough Points 85 Landsides kept always on hand _0.._ JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. HENRY HALL. RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. 1? Sold by Dmggists and Country Merchants. Agents for the sale of Rm’mfly’s “mm u » = -' I ~ -' E1). (f1ï¬058)’,_1_r~.>¢7l:._n_oig Hm tum: UNIVERQAL REMEDY I. |T HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If séized with Rheumatism. Instant Help Needed CURES PAIN INSTANTLY l} PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. In sudden Attacks HAIL-L’s All Around the Globe. which he now oï¬'ers at the Enos. ALLlSON, 'hctoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Autora Mr. ROWE and Mrs. Pj'QyYVEig JOHN RADWAY, M. 0., g, 90., 513 and 515 St. Paul smï¬bemm And 87 Maiden"_i' Him-Yon: Cb“J77lk 1.9 BIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘HIRALD ' Book Store where Stockholders and others may mocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon, from (to 8 olock. P-Ih VALUABLE PROPERTY AGOOD Dwelling Home. Rum. Stable, Driving House, Wood Houset and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there In a quarter of an acre of an Orchard of heulthv young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. Goeseberries. 62c. ' The above Paoperty is situated in the centre othe village. Will be sold cheap for cash. For Iurlï¬er particulars apply {6 M. TEEFY Esu or P, CROSBY, Esq. Richmond Hill,lunuary I4. 1867. VILLAGE LOT 1‘" O B. S A I..- E 8 Village oflliclomaml Hill, For Sale. TWO FARMS HE Subscriber offers for sale the following properly belonging to the estate of the late Mr. Lnlhan Miller, viz{ The Farm, com- posed of part 0? lots No. 34 and 35. in the Is: (‘uncession of the Township of Murkham..on Yonge Street. near Thornhlll. which About 25 of which is Timber land. There is a. good Spring Crank runs across this plopeny.-â€"~ Unlv ['2 miles from Toronto. Consists of 160 Acres, Also the north hall‘ of lot No. 12, in the Is! CODQBBSiOHADf flue qunship of Innisï¬ald. Septgmber 121m! 1861.. Also, A Bu lding Lot, comprising part oflot No. 38, in the Is! concession of me Township of Vaughan.â€"-5 Acres «f Land,‘ gooï¬ Dun“; ing-house, Barn. good Well of Water, 610‘ For any further information apply m. QIENEY LEMON, ’ 'l‘hornh'fll. FIRST-CLASS Roadster Poney, bag - K Mg. 14 hands high, 4 years old. goodI actiqp. and gem! in giggle and dcnblo hmneasE Appr at. this efliee, 3-“ SAW MILL CEERINQ, TORSALE. THE Subscriber offers for $21193, View} cheap {'01- cash or on easy terms of- Cre'lit payment, the following Mill Geering: A Mulley Saw, Upper and Lowe†Mulley, Petman, Crank, 5 inch wrought iron Shall. and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage. Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma. chinery for a ï¬rst class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a great reduction of original cost. For particulars apply to ABRAHAM EYER’, Lot 25, 2nd Con. "Markham. Post Office address Richmond Hill»: May 8, [n Swellin ‘ofJomLs, sudden voles. unpma Sm.° m!" u 4 . Jacoé’s Iflzeumatz'c. Liquid OR the immediate relief and permanent cure of Rheumatism, Spmins. Bruises, Burns, Frost Biles Lame Back. Side, Limbs or Stomach, Cramp. Numbness of Limbs, Swelling ‘o'i‘ Joints, Sudden Colds. Dipthaiia, Has been before the public for up'wards o twenty years, and such are its merits that it is now justly considered an an indispensibio “(i-3 cle in every family where it is known. ' Having A wonderfu! efl'ect when taken inter- nalIy, in quickening the circulation oflhe blood, it is invaluable to persons'prndis osed to Para- lysis. or subject to ‘ntti‘i'ékï¬'p'f Egg! Die-ass, In cases _of Dyspepsia,'v§hera 1564 Qi§$f§séeh, it affords pro‘mp: ru|ief. and continued ' i'or' '; short time, gels everything right. ‘ '* ‘ It has never boon forced on public "attention by flaming rdverlisemenls or remarkable‘cu‘r'e'é that never had any existence, but by its own peculiar value as an unfni|ing remedy. it has worked its way into public favor, “ Tho mine of (hp medicine is blown in each bottle of the geppilfe; and the purposes for which u is inlelidod. as well as the mode of using. a'pa'ched. Henry, Simpson & C0,, Montreal. Whole,- sale Agents. S. J. Foss &"Â¥Jo.. Shorbnoke', P. Q.. Sole Proprigtoys. " ‘ " "‘ ‘ “ '5 October mm. 186", ’I‘HIS pleasant, agreeable, and scientiï¬c pro- paration is an indispensihle article for the toilet. It cleanses the scalp, renders the hair ofi darker appearance, is easily applied and will not stain the ï¬nest linen. l‘hoso using the Empiré Hair Gloss will ï¬nd that it renders the harsh- est. and coarsest hair. soft, glossy. ï¬ne ana heuuuful. disposing it to stay in any position in which it is placed. It prevents the hail! from fallir‘g out,in\‘igorales and strengthens i}. and often produces a new growth of hair whero It has already disappeared.hy invigorating an 7 rnsloring the slap, nerves. muscles. bloo vessels. and roots 0'! the hair. Price ‘25 cents. S. J. Foss & Co. proprietors and solo manu- facturers. Sherbrooke. Province of Quebec-- llenry, Thompson $1. 99. Montreal; Lyman. Elliott & Co. Toronto, Wholesale Agents. Hunt’s Empire Hair G'l'o’Ss Dr. OOLBY’S Anti-Costive and Tonic Pills, RE a safe and reliable remedy in all dis- eases of the Stomach. Liver and Bowelsl They are no Quack Medicine. puffed up by high-eounding tnstimonials from imaginary people. but are the result of forty years experi- ence ofa ï¬rst class physician. and their extra- ordinary success is due to the fact that they answer exactly their name. The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound. scientiï¬c principles, and has receired the nu- qualiï¬ed approbation! of the medical prol’essio‘n. They do not profess to be a cure all, but for all diseases arising from any derangement of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels, they furnish ai'a etf'ectual remedv. We haVo in our 'posses'sio’n over one hundred tetiqmnials from physicians who have used the’ni‘ in their practlde 'on highly approve of thermpmong which ‘aro the follewing: " " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘5 . . . .. ‘ an, .u. J C Bullor. MD, Waterloo. John Erskine, MD, Waterloo. Norman Cleveland. Mb, Barnston, N Janka. M1). Harnsjon, ‘ C, W. Cowles, Ml). Stanslead', ' J hh Mei‘gs. Mu. Stauslead. Joseph Bréad‘qmmn, Surgeon, RN. Boujamin Damon. MD. Coaticoolf. Lemu'el Richmond. mpi‘Derby Line. S. J. Fess dz Co. Shbrbrook, P Q.,_.|9l¢ pro, prie‘ors; Henry, Thompson &, Gunman“ W] 9:2!an Agenu. ' The urhdsrsigned physicians cheerfu'ly certify. to the high professional simlding ol Pr. palli‘y‘. nl' Stunsgeuï¬. one of the oldest and béat phys‘li cians. ninja-Wu ’ tlie' e'xcefle'm qualities pf Ki; "ANTI-COSIflVPJ 'anfl'lTO‘NIC PILLS." _.... “M.†:n A‘... "noun. .nA Link- whice we have’ uséu in our practice. and high- ly apm‘ove. J. H. Gibwon. M. D‘, Dunham. C,E. C. Cotton, Ml), Cowunsville Charles Brown. MD, Cewansvillo S S Foster, Ml), Brome. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCATION. Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. N I'ch A. SCOTT, Librarian, AND A