Lndon, Jan. 4, eveningâ€"The Govern- ment is almost continually in receipt of in- formation relative to the movements of the Fenians, Tne public excitement caused by the recent operations of the Bl‘OlllellIUOd ,has by no means abated. To day despntch- cs have been received from Cork giving the details of another Fenian movement in that locality. A body of Feniuns lust nil-ht sur- replitiously entered the magizine in that city and unchallenged, carried away mme than half a ton of blasting powder. Them ie’u'o clue to the perpetrutms of this mis- chief. The people stand aghast at the uti frontery of the Feni‘ The clergy oi" Lim- erick have afï¬xed their signatums '0 n dqu ment declaring that there can be no permaâ€" nent peace in [rt-land unless it is treated Lke Hungary. London, Jan. 5.â€"â€"The latest duspntches from Abyssiuia report [he udvancc' 01' It. ilish expedition still rvmuined :xL Sennfe whale it had been encumde since December 71h, and no movementheymud that p int would he made until the arrival of the Commander in Chief, General Sir Robert Napier. who was duiiy expected. The health 01' the ramps was good, but horses and other beasts of burden were dying in consequmme 0!, the in- tense heat and wun' OffH'UinI' {bra-go. 'Durini 1867, there {vole in New York 42 homicides and 82 suicides. TWO (.i'lllme who committed suicu‘c were Cunudiuns. 168 were drowncd, 10‘) «lied from i'szs, ‘Vhixe 96 mettheir death from 1min; run .over by the ciLy and 51mm cars. The en tire number of violent drums amounted to 770. Incredidible Li.u's.â€"The French papers, in the autumn of 1821, mention thth 2]. tnnn named DCShH'dl‘IS was t.~'o:_l on his own con fession, us an accomnlice with L mm], the assassin of the Dulu- do Berri lint in his defence, Dvsjan'tlins contented tlnt his con fession ought not to lie lJ‘Cllt‘VUll, lwuauw he was so notorious for litimhood, that nobody in the “will would giro credit to n \vottl hc said. In support of lilia‘, he produced it host; of witnesses, his ft'ionds and I‘Ulitthh. who all s,vorc that the excessive Ind Cll‘ll'- acter he had given 01’ himself wns true, and he was declared "not guilty.†This cus‘ parallels with a simier instmce Some time beforeju Ireland. A min was charged Wllll highwqyxoboery. 1n the coluse of the trial the prisoner roared out from the dock' lhuL he was guilty, but the jury pronounch hnn bytheit‘ verdtct"not guilty.†The uston ished indoua exclaimed, "Good ht urens, gun- t'emen, didjou not hear the ' mun doc! re himself that 'he was guilty ‘3†The turn- mzm stood up and sdid, "We did, my lord, aridthttt was the very mason we acquitted liiin, for'we know the follow to be so noto- liOUS a liar, that he never tJl-l a, word of t;th in his Hie." Paris. Jan. 5:-â€"~Tne Constitutiond denies that the Emperor urged upon the Cnl‘ps Le gislatit'the passage of tbs Bill for the rev organization of the army. Florence, Jan. 5.â€"â€"1Je:1vy snows have fallen throughout Northern and Central Italy which have greatly obstructed Havel. As a large number of Senators are unulhc to reach the capital, the re-assomhiin; of J.’ul'lia111eul has been postponed to the 11111. Paris Jan. tinâ€"The ( onstilulioncl (*dito rially declares the relations of France and Italy never more sdfwacturiiy than at the present nwment, but. fear is Lj‘WCD'SUd Linn false rumours now in circuintion in mnmn‘ I" the new Ministry Genera! Mmmbren 151mm- ing will have a bad effect. Lisbon,J2Ln. 5L-Re¢ignaii0ns ofmesrbm's of Cabinet have been acceptgd by the K1111. and a new Minlstl'y has been {ml-mud undu- Couxit of Avila, who wccveds Agni-41' 11.5 Pre- sident ofthe Minismx'iul Council. Flovrence, Jan. (Erâ€"The. rum'gnnizdion of the Italian Ministry has been completed by Menubreu. and the new Cabinet is an- nounced as foilows: Gen. Menabx‘eu, Presidvnt or the Minis teriai Council and Minister of Forum 2W fairs; Em-dova, M mister of the “maxim; Cigny, Minister oi'Finnncc; lit-Me. Minister of War; Filippo, Minister fur Jusiicu; Brogho, Minisiur uf' Puliiic Insu'umian; Camille, Minister of'l’ublic Wu'ks; l’ubab ti, Minister of Murine. Paris. Jan. 9, e " zit); â€"Thc flfmzilcm‘dc Paris of toâ€"iuy says tth despniuiws hue been received by the Minister of Hui-Gin) affairs from the diplomatic representatives oi" France abroad which Show that 11 9 >3ij *ch of the Emjemr to 1h;- diplmintic corps, 01] New Year’s day, is ace-pm! by all the governments OfEull‘Op’S us it piederu uf'pe: cc. The ï¬atteriugmmner in which the Baron V311 Goitz \‘us receive} on tho same day as Minister of Prussiz and the Confederation of the North, was highly gratifying L.) Ger mmy. and the terms in which lhu Emperor addressed him Were eminently sulismcwi'y to the Prussian Govm‘mnent. Copenhagen, Jan. (Srâ€"Theda}th in the Reigadag, gm Hie prowscd sale of the DAM- ish West Islands t. the United States was 21-1- journc’d to a future day. No dedsive vote has yet been “41161) of tlns subject. 'I -Dublin,iJun. 8.â€".-Mr. Pigutt, editor of the‘Duinn Irishman. has bueu arrested by order of the Government, for [’u'iiiting and distributing works of'u, seditious character. London, Jan. 8.â€"â€"-IL is reported 11m in consequence of the recent sum-asses 01' the rebels in China. the Impetiulisls have b 0:) reduced to extremities, and the Emperor of China has asked the Euro :ezm powers {or us- sistance in dcfeudin; the thymus. Augusta, Me., Jan. G.â€"-'ri‘.0 loss by bum ing ofthe Military Asylum is estimated in $150,000. 3116 Uflilré patients \H-i-e {you} to death while bgin; mm‘n'od limo. New York, Jan. 7 â€"â€"le Tribune special says of the dcstructiun 01' the lillllfll Status Militarv Asylum, near August»; Me, by Mewâ€"The patients hzrd all rem-ed when the ï¬re was discovered, but every cii'orL was made by the Sul‘geun and his nssistmns Lu arouse them, and get them; \\'l1u\‘.ercsicl(in a place oi'security. Unl'uriunnlely n Mural ol'whiskey that was rolled out and mderml 10 be destroyed was taken by 30111054,)hlie \1,n:nl nearly every soldier who enufd liuh“lt alum was in a slate oi‘intuxic {inn in ash.) '1 Irina. 1' igh!s tool; place butween nnum’mvd rnd one-lagged men. The scene in the. lullndj building was one fearful to “in 3:5, nun foughe each other With the fury of demons They were so crazed by liquor they obeyed nothing. Men lay duml drunk in rho snow, and could not bumyuusod. 0.19 of lhrsu in- toxicated being. while beinar conveyed tn ibis city; died from the olibcls oi" the coldâ€" absolulely fruzen to duguh. Sé. Petersburg. January 7.â€"di{uports haw been received here from Sibum of the discovery of rich and exteuuive guid deposit on the Amoor river. The natives were flocking to the gold regions by lilifllS'llldS. Troops had been sent by (he Governm- oi'ihe district to "preserve Order and guard the mines. Bloody conflitts ilild taken place between the nanives and Ihe soldiers. ' T LATEST FROM EUROPE. .ICA N H é’EWâ€"S Fém‘ihern Raiiway of Canada ~ 5:; (mng Golng Mails made up at the Richmond 1111] Post Ofï¬ce Until further notice, the mails will be "losed a! this Post ()lllce as follows: require to be handed in 15 minutes before the lime of closing. Camphoil and Sun's new series of (‘mm- dian Svhuol Books are now published; it is cumpi'iscd of a ï¬rst l);)0‘.',â€"-iu two distinct parts,â€"â€";L second‘’ third, fourth, and ï¬fth bucks. The seicctims are good, and well ad.xpted to our wants. The typography, the paper nnd binding are all ofax superior style. and reflect. great credit on the publishers. We are glad to see that the Council of Pu‘) iiuInstrucLiJu ll-LS authorisnd this series to be used iuoua' SJi1)OiS. and trust that. they will soon be Wrought into general use. M. TIC EFY, Postmaster iichmond Hill, Doc. 2‘ 1567 The eYecuons in the Townships of Van; him and M‘Hfjhzlm! on Monday lust, have x'esultcd pl‘clly much us ‘2") Cxp-i‘cied. Mr. Peter Patton-xms immense Ill/[jullly' OVCI' Mr. Thomas G.uinnnevthe Si ting member for West York, in our local legislature-i5. u {luttcxing tribute to his personal populati- ty throughout the Township of Vitudt'lltlu. From our personal knowledge of Mr. Pub tetsnn we felt justified in giving him our support; lillthvlll; as we do, that he IS etni- uently quoliliud to preside over the Council (it V;tu_-n:).n, and will Cguqu :.L,{:Linst the ox- t1"). ragtime 21nd julJitct‘y of his 1nodeeessmu It is lllJSt n.1l'ztirol'the 050319 to claim Mr. Pd†mom’s election as u putty tgiuniph, for the t'e..St):t that ctniset-vntivcs :Lnd ret'oi'mets Worked lam‘unniiintsly to secure his l'cltjl'ti; it. is enti’vely owing to Mr, Patterson's ltlgn standing as an extensive and “ticztuï¬'ditli k busi‘tess mainâ€"4n niltlition to the esteem in which he is held by those whtI are personal 1y uc;1t1.in:eel with him, that his sttécués is due. During the whole day the election was conducted, zit each of the three pollith pl: ees, in a Ill)5L o.dei-ly manner; ltUlilitlo’ I‘he Ymk. Herald, $1,00 a year occurred to disturb the harm my and good t‘eglino" (ILLI- sligufd exist, except that in the loyal little li.un.et ol‘ Wimdliridge, some in- disuiï¬et supporters ot'Mr. Grahame placed the “ stars and stripes†WEWi)S,ï¬â€™CTiZ uus part of the pollinor place, (owned by Captain Wallace, the llos‘ntzibie l:Ll‘.(llL)l'd of tlie lnlierlnun Hutu) this wz‘s (lane for the purpose of creating a. feel. in; ugzunst Mr. Pall-gran“), but appears to have lud the cuntrury elect, us every one saw through the paltry trick, and resentud it in u way tlut. fals. Grathzlme’s friends (lid not expeCi. We do not say that Mr. Gmliamv was a party to tliis.â€"â€"-wc hope Captain \Vitl- ll‘uO was nut; it was unnxnnlflungenerous,and intended to deceive. :1 Cami-ms m-m, nn-‘I will not rush y incur heavy ox;m:;sas; he 11.†:L Fair slamlinar as De [July Reeve, and will nuke a usel'ul prbl e ofï¬cer. Ihennn and Webster are both ster- ling. honest man: an}, we believe, will prove Lhemselves the best men that could have been chosen {'0 the positi‘m of Cuuncillors We Are pleased to earn lhnb M r. Rebiu_ szm has been elected, by :1, large mnjnrlty, as Reeve of the Township of Markham; his eulle:‘.;ue3 \villlxras muster. The el'ee Lions in Murklmm were conducted in a most orderly mmmer, reflectng great merit on CANADIAN 812mm ISUUK Lions in Mxlrl orderly nun the Townshi Mr. Rondhnnse has been elected Reeve oi Newman-hut over our friend Jackson, of the Era; the Cuuncilloxs are Messrs EIeri-l ' “unison, llentley and llache. “'hnt will become Ut‘Newmux-lmt, now that it is de- [)t'i\'(‘d of the services of Erastus the great? And, now that Mr. H. S. lltmlund is no long; 0' n t enlher of the Cninty Council, we may gtlsn be deprived of the skill of Mr. Jenclisun in unravelling the “dis' nrsoment thL‘culPlL†oftlw Cuuuty TK'CHSIIICI‘. It up' pant-S thnt the Era lmd not much inllncn e in Ncwmurlicl, or Einstth would not have been left out in the co (1! RICHMOND HILL. JAN 10, 1868‘ We are plezLSCIl to ï¬nd that Mr. Arnold and MP. Hal-1mm are retude as Deputy Reeves, and Messrs lineman and Wubslcrus Coutlcillurs, and ham: no doubt but these gentlemen will give Bulging-tinâ€; Mr. llltl'l man lmS nut llud expem-uce, but is an lion- esL Upright man, we lmve rcns.)n to believe ; luviuor gavel jlld ymenf, and careful men to work with, we believe he will soon become a must, usul'ul mun. Mr. Robelt Al‘l't)ld is " Full many a flower is born 1:) blush unseen, And \Vildlc i's fragrance 0:1 the desert 2111'." RICHIE‘IO ND HILL S‘I‘ATIOE Northern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . Mail for Aimiza, . . . . . . . . “ Cushel,.. . . . . . . “' Gorm’g “ Heudrlnd. . . . . . “ Victoria S Ware, Southern. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 PM. NJ}. {EGIS'I‘ERED LIDT'I‘ERS will erth 9.00 AM South 10.12 AJI M L NIC] PA L EL iLCTIONS SUBSChuSJL FOR CHANGE OF TIME XNGRATITUDE [HUNG MAIL. ï¬rs NURSING Dec. 2. 1867 OF SCHOOL 11.00 A. M. on 'l‘uesduys & Fridays. The follofving table will give our readers an idea of the relative strength at each candidate for Municipal honc rs in Markham and Vauzhan :â€" NEWMARKET C()L'r.1m.â€"We are in receipt of 1he second number of the anmm'liet Courier; it is neatly printed, and contains a large quantity of good and useful reading waiter; the edituriuls are well written, moderate in tone, and well worthy an ex†tenslve patronage, which we trust the intelli' gent readers of the County of York wxll ap' preciate. ' RE»I'M()N.â€"The managing committee of lhe Maple Muclmnics’ Institute, announce Ilmt their fourth flu~union will take place in the Masonic Hull, 01: Monday Eveningr Jam. 1311); when seve-nl gentlemen will give Rmxdinzs from various :Lut'lmrs. The Aurora Choral Society and Strin,r Band will also be in atlendmce to {Ldll to the pleasures of the entertainment. Doors open at 6:30, chair to be taken at 7. According to law, the_rate-payers assem bled Sn the School hnuse of this village, and went thmluh the usual routineâ€"meshed and adopted the annual Report of the Trus. tees, the Report of the Auditors, election uf 1 Trustee, and (100121 ed the School free For the ensumg year. The utmost harmony and good feeling prevailed, and all passed ofl'us happy as a m: age fete. ï¬flï¬â€˜hegaMflLSBrmons were preachegi in the Wesleyan Church, in this place, on Sabbath last, by the Rev’s U. Fish and E, H. Dewnrt, to large and attentive congregations. On Wednesday evening the anniversary meeting ot the Society was held. A. Wright Esq. 0c. cum'ing the chair. An abstract of the Re- port was read hy the Rev. J. Bredin, from which it appears that there are 34 missiom nries among the Indian, French and German populations, 150 missionaries among the new settlements, with 16.740 communiennts, and about 70,000 attendanls on the ministra- tions oflhe Society’s agents. There are also 17 Indian (lily schools, with an equal num. her ofteaehers, l4 Interpreters, and 1 In- (lush'iul school. It. now appears that the Gosnel is preached hy the missionaries in 10 languages and dialects, in» the new dominion. The total recelnts lust new dominion. The total receipts last year were $70 538; the balance sheet show ing an advance due the Treasurer of $15,~ 000. The Yonze street nlo circuitâ€"1m, der the pastoral cure of Mr. Bredin â€"raised inst year upwards of $643.00, being con- siderubly more than had over previously been collected on the same ground. Excellent addresses were delivered at the meetingr by the Rer’s Dewart and Fawcett, and liberal collections and subscriptions were made For the present year. We. believe that at the other appointments on the circuit equaliy successful missi-mary services were held Mrs. Crosby, Morgan, Porter and Miss Campbell \vn'e appointed Collectors; and we hespeak for them that patronage which the claims and importance of the work demand. Robinson Lave. . Button Puget Marsh Patterson Grahame Hartman . . . . . . .. AI'HUldV... . . . . . . . . . v . . . H... Mn-Qum'l‘ie. . . NUNAir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l'he two ï¬rst named are eluded. COUNCILLORS. .. .r-..-. . . . . . Rnoman Wehstcr............ . . . . . . . .. Mulovr.......‘.............. 'J‘uompson.......... The two ï¬rst named are elected. The ï¬yllowing is the state of the p01], as stood at Richmond 1111], at 5 p.111 1â€"â€" PuHerson , . . . . . , . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 287 GI Him me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hm {man . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Amnld .,,.........,...........167 Mszlarx'iSu...†. . . . . '....--...109 McNuix'....,,.,,,,,,,, . _ . . . . . . 82 Harman,......,,..,y,,.,.,....226 Wchsmr......,.,,. u,,,,,.,,,,220 Mu‘my . . . . . . . . . “flu-H...†.18 TIIOIDPSOHH-uuwn - :=-:--.-:r 7 [thmmuQLsgrmons Majority for Rubinson . . . . . . DEPUTY REEVES ELECTED. Majority f4 TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. WESLEYAN COUNCILLORS ELECTED. DEECTY R EEVESIIII’. l , . . . . . . . . . . . . ......-..LI)I ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . 171 ,,.........,.. . . . . . . . ..167 is.,,,,,,.....'.........10£) ‘, 82 -.....,,..,y,,.,.,....226 u,...,.,,,.220 . . . . . . .18 THE POLL n‘ Puttersnn For: REEVE. FOR REEVE MISSION3 ELECTORAL DI VISION. Robinson Eakin Button Lane Marsh Reesor Fiummerfeh Stoutenburgh Puget CRWH . .439 ,.316 .390 .361 123 410 382 496 280 u (32 517 414 210 182 The Spiritualists’claim to have made a coniiert in Dr. Cummmrr. There are no less than seven women playing leadmg male characters at the Paris theatres! Within the lust iottni‘ght 3,000 Italians, mostly young men, have passed Cologne on their way to America. Nearly all the irofmastera in Shefï¬ekl and district have given notice that they intend reducing the wages of the men 10 per cent. During the week ending I number of wrecks reported in amounted to 14510., making 1'1 year the large tumf «#12652. During the reign of Henry VIII., tlze_citji 3f Lnndun petitionéd Parliament against two nuisancesâ€"the use of Newcastle coal, on acmunt of the smell,_ and spoiling the taste of beer by using hops in. it. More than 15800011219 been subscribed to the fund now being raised by the Lord Mayor of London for the relief oflhe Suflcrâ€" ers by the recent hurricane in the West Indies. ’ Black hair is to supersede golden, and a mid is being made'by mhe agents of the hair- drzss‘ers in l’ax‘is"aï¬10ng the silkyâ€"haired tribes of the South American Indians to sup- ply the anticipated demand. “Whatever made you marry that old W0- man?†said a mother to her son. “You’re alwnys telling me to choose a, wife like my mother,†was the dm‘t'ul reply. The New York Times recommends the men out of employment to strike for the South or the Went. Acctn‘ding tn the iVorlds advice there is nothing to do 1n the South, and men are instanliy being discharged in the West. ‘ Dr. Colby’s Pills are put up in Boxes con mining 2.3. IN THE Pam: Busmnss.â€"The Guelph Mercury says :â€"A few days ago Mr. J. b‘.‘ Armsuuug, of Eramusu, sold to Messrs. U. & A. Sharpe 100 hugs, weighing 26,6301bs., and bxinglng me‘ breeder and sexier the hand- some 11,-,gm‘e “$1,666 37. Queen lsabellais unable to ï¬nd a pn'uce that wxll manyher eldest daughter, a )ouug beauty, wuh dark flushing; eyes. All cuusts duuuue x-espcu‘d'ully to Enter mto the ponds 01 mluliuusmp “1m her Uasullizm majesty, Unï¬lU'Jéh me young priucws ls rather aoud- iuulung, auu said Lu be a very unuubie girl. SUICIDEâ€"On Friday, 3rd instant, Mr. John Dunne“, a. resuluut 01’ Georgina, c..m- mined suiulde by cuttmg 1115 throat. in ins own hay-mm win) a mzur. The unfortunate man has been smferiuz; for some tune with depressed Splits; cause uumxuwu. He was :1. 5111519 mm], aged 70 years, and worm cou- sxdeL-ub e propenty. SLEIGH-RIDING PARTY,,â€"Last evening, a large crowd ofyoung people, intent on on- joyment, took a trip out to Weston to par- ticipate in the “ light fantastic†during the remainder of the night. The party number- ed about 25 couples, and \i‘e re conveyed in one sleigh: ahuge affair, named the " Great Eastern,†furnished for the occasmn by Mr. Grand, of the Royal Horse bazaar. This affdir is the highest of the kind ever built here, and is capable efaccommodaiing com- fortably, between 50 imd 60 persons; ‘A short time since a French Professor pubiished a cheerful description of his ex- periments (m freezingr the brute creation to death. The result of out: 01‘ his experiments is of more than Scientific interest. lie pour- e...’ 50 grammes uf bisuiphiJc mm a drain 20 in flycng Length. and on the I‘oiiuwiug day 19mm fw‘ly’ Sic-ad WIS m it. The Manchester Examihcr states_iimt 61; Lhe day of the Fenian execuuuns it lrvl‘illtd‘d' 192,645 copies, the greatest welém 01 newspapers everpriuted a (1 Issued 111 one from any uflicaâ€"iu tWWqâ€"«mï¬â€"f ufpapc‘réousumed was uboVe 33,000 man, or tuurtecu and a half tons. The puimu were supplied at the rake ot'35,000 perhaur. French Society for Prevention of Crueh'ty to Animals on the methods of slaughter, which ended in approval ofthe chtmsy method of lnztilet. Why dt)n’L}h§3y adopt the system in use in this couutt'yï¬vhere a. row of 0x011 have their heads depressed so as to expose the superior articulations of the spine, and. an export, passing along, by a. single punc- ture of the spinal matrow inflictsinstantme- ous death on each?†‘ MAMMOTH SALT COMPANY.â€"On Saturday, 2811) ult., a number of capalists from New York Stale, visited Goderich, with a Vch 01‘ enteringextensively into the salt business. They went away with a Very favorable opinion, and left a. gentleman behind to look out fox a location. It is their opinion that they could make up Ihe salt for dairy purpo- ses, and import it into the United States,mid pav the duty. 13 they commence operations, it is probable they will put in near half-a- mil lion dollars says the Star. A gentleman writes from Rio do Janeiro as follows on ‘the least. painful way of'liillinor animals :â€"“ Your Paris Correspundent men- t'ons expo -i:nents which were made I), the NARROW EsCAPm.â€"_~The town of Picton came near being left; \viLhuutaumyor lately, for us that functionary W39 passing through a tunnery, he missul at step and fell head foremost mm a. vat. Fortunately fur lns Worship, assistance was near, but it was not “'11th difï¬culty he was drawn out. in order to restore consciousness fully it was found necessary to assure him that \shen vuLin; day came he would not be forgotxen. A Horrible Child Murder.â€"A case is coming before the Uorreze (France) Assizcs which exceeds in horror any Sitauic device yet hit upon to get rid of a. new bum infant. A woman, Mane Brujolex, assisted by her mother, Marianne Feimreine, is accused of havmg put a new-bdrm infant imo a soup put, with Cubbages and flour. Having b011- ed the child, ithey ga‘ve it to their pigs to devour! The enormous quantity of grain expon ted from Hungary since the harvest has pro- duced the must vui'iuus eli‘ecls. Some hoards of d1; ectoi's have made known that the goods trains are so overloaded that for a certain number of days no grain can be received 01' carried. Others announce that their ware- houses are so ovex-I'illed that. wares of all Sorts must be fetched within so many hours of their arrival, as there is absoluteiy no room for storing them. room for storing them. It is repmted that the great powers of Eu- rope have determined to ask ol Napoleon the basis 01' the conference to which they have been invited by him, and throurxjvh which Fianee seeks to negotiate a treaty for the settlements of the troubles in Itzily. The inability of General Mauabrea, the Prime Minister of Italy, to reconstnct his ministry is nownlleged to be the principal cause of the delay in perfecting the arrangements for the meetinï¬r ol‘the Conference. Dec. 7th, the in (item Britain for the present Seditious Cries in Paris.â€"-â€"A young Swiss nained Casada, awed 18, a sellei‘ of ches- nuts, was tried on Friday, at the Tiibunal of Correctional Police, Paris, {Orcrying out in the Rue de Martyrs, “ The Republic for- ever!†“ Longr live Gambaldi l†“Down with the Pope l†He was senteced to a. fort- night’s imprisonment ; 11 similar punishment was at the same time on another mun num- ed Lemouuier, a labourer, for alike offence in the Rue Descartes. Each of the men pleaded intoxication at the moment, in ex- tenuation of his offense. The French Governmmt has issued or- ders for the depaztui‘e 20,000 inure troops for Civita Vecchia. In the Corps liegislutil' the bill for the i'eorgnnizntnm of the army wue passed alter amt ndmcnts. M. liouhur prupusud nine )‘Cms’ sei'vme instead ol'eight. which, after a sharp contest, ms curried. Tliei-ewere chlity-one opposing votes. In his speech on the proposed nn‘mndment he called attention to the armlments of the neighbouring Powers, and supported his plan as the only one nuw fix-amicable. The bill was certain to become a law. SRARVATION I.\' SWEDENâ€"The news fxom Sweden is appalling. Three hundred thou- sand of her people are reponed to be on the eve of starvation. The followingr eloquent letter has been addressed to Mv. Seward by W. W. Thomas, J12, of Portland, Maine :â€"~ “"lll‘ee huud‘ed thousqu hard-workm‘: miient Swedes are starving in Norhuid. Their crops fur three ymu‘s have been had ; even now their thisemb‘ie bread, made of straw and the bark of trees has given out. They sit in their cheerless huts and die. The amount, of indignation‘cuused in Eng- laud by the Fenian outrage at Clerkunwell is pretty well evincer‘ by the fact that Dr. Kenenloy, who had been rctuinml as counsel for the two prisoners. Burke and Cnsvy, stair (l the followian mornirr: in Open court at How street that the afl'uirhm‘l (ler'lzl:rll1ii11 to withdraw From the case. He (lid not in- tend to impute that the prisoners had direct complicity with the crime. hut as they had failedtu satisfy him th'tt such was not the case. he felt cumpellvd to leave their 6-" fence to other hands, as if prisoners will have counsel7 they must not have recourse to violence, and if violence was used they could not have him (Dr. K.) for counsel Religious literature is pnz-ic‘ned with the name Ufa new Sf)? . Ti. Hm district of W31» dimir,(Rnssin.)n middio-n F(3d woman 1'00!)me appeared as the Virgin Mary. Penpie did nut much attend to hm'tiii SiM‘ unfoidcd he: mis sion, and when ti‘oy hem-d wlmt, it was (My give in their adhesion at once, Shh. pio- nnuncpd the i\::jy'izx'z_ m" mst an iniquity which God in mi put her to sng‘qu'ess. Crowds became quite of her (minim). and 2(5- sm'ied f0 1101‘ innmie, wiwro, over some Bacchanaiimx mzries and rnfliei- objectimp L.v .i '1 {LMe dances. Sue p 1‘! ..:‘, '3 1.). H'MCSS aMe dances. shé p? . .n~.~léss The “Christiuns and tax pav rs" nm'nolod the attenti-m in u paternal government. The authorities shut up thn chapel, sent the pseudo virzin tn the Inucnsus, and pro cecded to levy all unpaid imposts, with' the utmoat degree of rigour. “in†u“ “1 |\«L 4 .m .. MAGISTRATES’ C(HIRT.â€"Th€ Aurm'a Erm- 77,?1‘ repurts- a not LhXe case : -J\)S0ph Chethum late of Aurora, was summtmed to appear before C. Duane and I}. Pearsrm, E<qs.. Jusï¬ces Of the Peace, on Complaint of Gen. Andrews. for fr: udently removing his goods and chattels from off the premises of the eggnnluinmn, in Aurora, for which he was 4.. 03ml: :9; rent. 0:1 hearing before the ma- mign‘mog 0:1 iheflthipsb, Mr. Sewn-s my "ï¬lming. on the 19th inst, Mr. Sewn-s my peuring for the r -- the defendant, was ordered tl‘) 1"â€1‘1' a {we “f 5360, under the penn! provisions of an Old. English gimme; and in default. the same 10 be levied by distresa upon his goods and chattels; and in deiï¬mlt of distresz, to be impris mod in the common gaol, at Toronto, unless sooner paid. AT THE GRAVE-People have gone. with all sorts of'f‘eelings to burinls and burial» grounds. Grief and greed have, perhaps. stood together spelling over :1 tombstone in scription. Love has tnlmn its last look at the Inst home ol'zlie loved, and hate has smil- ed that; its enemy was harmless. or scowlerl that it could strike him no more. The heir has looked not unflatef'ully at the nnme of one {who has yielded him the world‘s good thin rs. Tho orphans have g‘nzml piteonsly at the store thut hill him who hurl been their only protection. Faith h is thrown her calm gaze upon the grave, and then vised her eyes from what was to he:- hut the portal; doubt eas come with n sml silence, and 1m belief with a sullen smile, at the tomb that means the end of all. Jacobs" Rheumatic Liquid Cures Sprains PAY 0F Bumsn MINISTERS â€"The Wash- ington correspondent of the IVOJ'IJ says 2â€"â€" It is understood that the delay in tilting the, vacaney at Washington, 'aused by the sud- ‘den and recretted death of Sir Frederic Bruce, ller Erittanic Majesth Envoy Ex- tlaordi iary and Minister Plenipotentiary. was caused by a slight pecuniary ('ircum» stance. The diplomatic representatives ot the United Kingdom are variously remunera- ted according to the relative importance of the country to which thev are accredited. Thus the Minister to France receives £10,- 000 a year; to Austria. ll‘urltey, and China, £3,000; to the Unith States, £4,500; to Brazil and Portugal, £4,000; and St) on. graduating lower tiL'COKlltle to the diminish ed relative staudinhr of each country. In consequence ot'the greatly augmented cost oflivin;r in Washington during and since the. war, the Baitish Amhasndor to the United States has with (litl'iuulty been able, to live upon his ofï¬cial salary. It was felt that it would be unfair to promote Mr. Thornton from Portugal to the Unit: (1 States, that is, from £47,000 to £4,500 a year, when the said £4,500 would not go so far in Washing. too as two-thirds of that, amount would go in Lisbon. The desire to place. Mr. 'J‘ltronton, usually considered a very sate, as well ar- sa- qaeions dip unmtist. as Queen Victiria s re- presentative in the United States, and the t'aetthat the importance of the mission of this country has very ‘rreatly and rnptdty in- creased of late y jars, has :(:d‘ we at e inform ed, to an augmentation of' the British Minis- ter's salary here from £4,500 to itl).vltL £0. 000 per annum. ' Even this ln less than the retnune‘atinu at Berlin, .' he 0 the salary is the same, but the (test tif‘liviugjr is much less, and there is a handsome residence, the pro perty of the l’») “sh Crown, provided tiurthe Minister, rent free and richly tarnished. At Richmond Hill, on the 8H} inst. llle wife of 331‘. William Trench, Blacksmith, of a son. On WednesdD , the 8th ult., at Bradford. Mr. Francis lull, of Emerson, to Miss Mary Wood, ome-ih Gwillimbury. DIED. On Thursday morning, the 91h inst, in the 77Lh year of his age, Robert McNair. The funeral will take place from his late residence Lot 25. 2nd Con. Vaughan, on Saturday the 11th inst, at 1 p.m. Friends and acquaintances are requested t9 attend without further notice. MARRIED BIRTH Hunt’s Empire H Lil‘ Gloss promotes the growth (f the: Hair. Flour. $9 barrel. . . . .. . . . . Wheat. ï¬ hush .. . . . . . . . Spring \v hunt, 719 bush . . . liuriey. bush . . . . . . . . . . l’eas‘e. du .......... Unis. (10 “2â€...†Pork fr 9 1001115. . . .. A Gentleman who suli'ered for years from Nervous “ability; Prenmture Decay, and all the Alfects of youthful indiscretinn, will, for the sake of suli'ering llumzulily. send free to all who need it, the recipe and a: (1 directions for making the simple remedy by whit'h he was cured. Sutl'erers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, gun do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New 15mm 39 mi"... Ym‘k. Information gum‘naleed lo produce a luxuri- am growth nf Hair upon u bafd head or beard iessfm:6.a‘flo a racipo for the remova of Funplas moiches, Eruptions. ulc . on the ski . leaving the same 5011‘ clear. and hedmi ul. can {w ub aiazod without charge by ad messing, ‘ THE CON!"ESSIOT‘LQ AND EXPEIHEVCE OF AN INVALlD. Publishnd furthe beneï¬t and as a Caution '0 Young Men and olhms, who suffur from Nervous Debilily. I’I'vmalnre Decay of Man- hnod. &c.. suppiyingu the same limn The Means ul'SuHLCura By one who has cured nimxelfatterundergoing enllsideranle quzmkâ€" erv 'I'hu apphcan! by pu)ing postage on his alter, will receive a copy, Ire-e of charge mm the author. ’ATH ANIEIJ MAYFAIR. Esq†SOOTHENGâ€" SYRUP, For Children ch! hing, greatly faciliialey [he procesx'or levthing, by rol'mning zhv gums. ret‘iuvinq a†infl “murmur†“will alirzy Au. x'AIN und qmsmudic aclion, and is Depmxd upnn'it \011T.<va~. and Rel! f and [Icalz'h to your Infcmz’s. We have put npam! said this article fur wars, and an MY IN (:mruwxxcm MU Thur" 61' iL wim we hm?» nun-r I'm-n .uhlc [0 say of any who)†llll‘diflillBâ€"â€"NthuR {LN if 1.“an m A sham-t l.’\S|A\CE 'm LFFICT (1.11.19. whun lv‘llï¬â€˜v usvd, Nnver dxd \n- know an Instance, nl' dwsaijs ion by may one whn used it. On Ihe cuuhm‘v, MI aw delighted with its npvra Han, and 5}» ak in terms of cnmnvmimiun of its magical t~ï¬1~cts and mvdvr-r! yn-uws We speak in Ih'xe nuller “ WHAT WE I)†KNOW,†aI'ier yum-s ol' expvriflncv, Am PLEDGE um: }erlJT.â€"\"L)N FOR THE l‘UlJ‘lLMhhT 0]“ qur w»; HMâ€; m,cr.um. In :‘lmnst vvm‘y instnnm- when: the iulnnt is: sunbl'iny from {min and uxhansimion, ruliM' win he ï¬mnd in ï¬t'w n or uvemy miuums ï¬ller the syrup is udmaulslewd' Full directions for [King WE†ncr'nmlmny w-nvh holtla. (\mm genuine mflms Hun fuc- ~imile ol'CUR'l'lS 0i I'EEXKIVS. va Yul'k, is «m the outside wrappm. Said by I‘ruggisls “myngth the world.‘ Price, only 2.3 cem‘ The Rev. Edward A . Wilson will send (free ul‘v-lmrgh) l0 all who (lesn'e it. the presr'rlplion uilh the (linearions l'nr nmliing and using: (he ninxlllt- mmudy by which lm was (-m‘rd of n lung Hill-(Winn and llmt d'eatl (lisemn (Tun-11mp- Iinn. llls onl}~ ulljum is to bc-nM'n llro afllzch (l and [la llnpes («vary suffurur Will try HHS pre- s('l'l|illllll. n: ll will cmt xlmm nntlllng, and may pruwl a lile ring Home adder “ ECQNOMCY IS VVEALTR.†â€"Fv‘mlklin. Why “'1†people pay $5.70 or $100 for 3 Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy a, hotter (me i for all PRACTICAL purposes? Nutwithstnnding reports to the, eontrnry. the subscribers her In inform their numerous friends that the “FnANxmx†and “MEDAL- LION†Machines can he hnd in any quantity. This machine is n. dnnhte-tln'end, eonstr (t ed nnnn entirety new In‘ilteipiea and DOES NOT infringe upon any other in the wnrtd. It, is emyhntiealiy the poor man’s SewimIr Machine, and is warranted tn excel ALL uthers, as thnusnnds of patrons will tes- t‘i'v. ' 0f? AGENTS \\' ANNED. Machines SCI-[ 10 Agcnls on (vial, and given away to Families who are nm-dv and deserving. \ddress J. C. ()TTIS (V; (30., Boston, Mass. Xï¬flhl; l,lm_r0ughlv warrant overv pair of ' BOUTa' made by them at their new stare S. M. Sandersonï¬z Co. Round (Jew P. A. SCOTT. NB P rl'ws having such to di<pn§a of wi‘l p'r‘a a null nr wrim stating price and quality In Yorkvllle P. () Turumo, December 10, 1867 urdny' l\ov..‘m. A SONEL HORSE The owner is equestod m prnve propemy. pav ex: penses and take him away Boots ccï¬e C“ 943 hoes No- 90 Yonge-st; Tog-onto Fae. 6%; $253 Wage Séreet, No. Hi5 South Second Streak, “"illiumsburg. New Yurk. Are Manuf'ugnnrirm all the Newest Styles 0 men's, Women‘s and Chiidren’s R50. 96} ‘i’tmga‘, Harem. S. M, SANIH‘IRSON & (In No. 90 Yu‘lge Sweet. Toronto M thn Lurnher Yard ï¬rm Swimmmum. 477-13‘ 1' Butte. OFFICESâ€"5315 Fultnu Sweet, ‘2“5 High HnUmrn B A RNA BUS LYONS. Cook’s Gate. Dec. H. 1' (i7. 491-3t WEBER, mamas, S‘EZE‘SELES, S. M. SANDERSON & Co. ’ AME inn. lhu premin of the subscribnr Lm Nu. RU, H Cam V ug'mn. '3" Sat- ERRORS OF YOUTH a O SLOW’ VWN THOS. F. CHAPMAN. cnmm. 8.23 Bl‘undwa)‘, Naw Ydrk Su‘rc {0 TORONTO MAHKE'I‘S. HICV. HUWHHI) A‘ “MASON, TO CONSUMPTIVES. V37 A We“ ’11? E9 E3. JN‘FORMATIUN >215 Fultnn Sn'eeL New York. ‘2“5 High Hnlhurn. London, Eng. 441 St, Paul 51., Momma], (I. 1" At their New Storeâ€" Bro-0M } n. Kings Co vagnlaic (/20 13016-313. nwlhcrs, it w-Jl give AND Jan. 9, I868. . $6 7.")flD 7 . 1 70 ft? (‘ l h“ @l 499031“ rest to 00 On 55 January-Isl. 18â€}. Boullon. John (2) Baird. Dr. H A. (.‘urrlpbell. Hugh Elliot, Joseph Irish, Mary Kelly, John Lincy. John Langslcï¬'. John Muwa Mrs: Tuhn M-Igor, Mrs. William MCBI‘ICO, Miss Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce Boots & Shoes Cheap I‘m“. best of Wixms. Liquors. and Cigars knplconslanllymhand. Everymcom’o- dalion for travellers. .1 i" Slugus Inave this hotel wary mornng and owning connec‘ing wim Normern Rail- wm‘ trains moving Nurlh h'ld Sonxh. A careful husller fl‘t‘flfwï¬ in illtondam’e. Richmond Uili. Dec. 5, 1857. 49%“ S. M. Sanderson 8% Co. \‘f ,TOULD .mko 1h?» oppm‘tnnitv 0f thanking“ Ilmir Friends and Customers for the verv Imel [mtmnnge lmston ed on “mm for Ihe~last [waive years, and won (.1 cnrdiany so- licit a continuance othe 'szunn at their New Smnd N0. 90 YONGE STREET. <‘:u'me1"s £991, 5: shoe Sï¬ul'c. 38 West Marlin! Squaw. V'l'omulo ‘ [5’ Bulls and Show maï¬a to Mnaxnrz. of the Hos: Mulminls nlzd \Vorkmunnixip, at the: LHWPH “enumerating Fr} " RICHMOND HILL OTEH! BY JOHN PALMER. ' C‘aï¬f, Bligh mid €312 4!} Acres ol' whit h we (99::th and mnslh‘ free from rtlumvs. Mud Hflk('d= nd liderml fences. ulsn Lug Bn'n.’n Hunm. ami lwn Acres Land gn [he lhr'wmg vix'lnga of I’m-k HHL . 1“ 1 r p-«zllirrnim's mzrfnine 04' JOHN iARRlSUN. l’nrk Hill, or to SILAS' J \MES, l"l;,h‘.;'l'nrunlu. 432 (10:: :2 S, M. Sandman“ AZ. (Tauilwns, No. 133 Yango- Sneel, hnwa rrmnvvd 7 Doors north of 16175 Street. The huï¬ness al zln- me' Sun-u will he carried on under the name and My , of ‘ ' I (mu be procured, m sums to su.1 hurmwel's. nu Ln ndvd mummy, Teams made known on personal appliculiun to 'E‘e» We). $363 Yenweï¬itrcet, S, M. SARDERSON 8L Co. 'YE®&EH3 m. in ï¬Â®E* 7F†E Undursigned is umhorized to state ‘Lhat Nut-wry Public, Agent. &p. NJ}. Feeds, Murlgngos. \ViHs, Bonds, 620. Km. drawn \xilh m-nluobs and desputvh.â€"â€" M. '1‘. continues 10 mt as luvnmN COURT AGY VT. Foes nmdvmte iiumoud Hill. Nov. 25,1865 HE Advertiser offers fur Saie. or to Ex‘ challgn for a Large- f'av'In,or :0 Rent on lease from [ha ï¬rst day of Aplil nvxl. his Farm at; Yongn SII‘H‘I Also his Duelling House with four acres of land ulIï¬CllEd- Apply to A . .. “IIAhr-n Rich "mud Hill, P.O. Ontario, November lst 1867. lli'l Uxxdursighed is prepm'f'd to ï¬ll orders 1or Ihé “have mm:st in nnv unmbur on [he slmrlesl ncLL-r. Agents \vnl he nppoiuted at all Smlmns on the Northern Railway. For particulars aadro§s N eight horse power Sienm Engine. Berâ€"- ing Tools. “Upvs. 6H- ,luelonging to ma Markham (HI and Mining Cmnpnny. PAIELS ! how. made m \Lwinsou’s F uuudry. \an be. sold cheap for Ca‘h, or approved Predit. WILLIAM A’FKINS<,)N, Merchant. Thorn‘qilk ()m :H. mm CAST METAL PLOUGH Richmond Hm, Nnv, 7, 1857 VKM. ATKINSON’S. Richmond Hiâ€, Nov 28.1567. 489. Y( ) nge S L root . Buttonvillo, Nov 7. 1867 ibzr gale: 9mm Fm: SALE ’ (Dr to Rent. ‘ RES†CAN OYSI'ILRS, best brands. kept constantly on hand. n: 'I‘ol‘onlu: [he 3. lab? Oysters ! Oysters ! lorontn, Docemhur mlfl. criber offers for sale. a Supexflor Mannheim-0r and Dan!†in all kinds of For particulars apply. it'by letter poet paid LIN†LN Nu. 15, in 1}â€:th Concession, \‘\’93$ 0" the Uuntx'e I’um-f . M. @aifliwsou <31; ()0. M. SANIMCRSON (70,». ', BEE; Mi 6%; L iaF: 4‘41 NSC h'u‘ At No SN) Yungo Saver I 1 v urollM'. ~ GREAT BAEGAII‘TS No, 90 Yongo-strcet, Toronto, FOR SALE, JOHN LANG-S PAW“. Sham fllil's, 'I‘Iun'u/ull. thgc Streak M. 'E‘EEFY. JOHN BARRON. UN LANDI’ZD SECURITY Eflgvgh £6253 Acres, Lisét of Letterq, {My Efï¬ckc‘és SALE, FOR At their New Store, In Mvn’s and Bm’s THOMA S ‘HOMSON. Bullonville, I’.O. Am sclhng ARI-'2 OFF )i [NG M: TEEFY. RM t EN THE 2‘ K1 £351 *1. EWi‘éA‘i’, McGiII James Marinï¬'rey Julia McFa_xdon D. U’Hernea John Simpson. James Thomas. George VViII». Miss A. G. \Vilsou. George \Vilson, Wm VViSv, Henry G. J. F. PEARL'E. Tnmntm 496-1? 4364!, ,.