Lavater says, “Never make that man your friend who hates musicI or the laugh of a child. ’7 One had (wetter be cheated agreeably than pass one’s life in \vatchmg not to be cheated. If your means suitnot with your end, pur- sue those ends which suit your means. How absurd to be afraid of deathgvhen We are in the habit of rehearsing it ever night. What pleasure like that of giving! There would be no rich men if they were capable of feeling it. Concealed griefs are the most. consuming, as secret maladies are the most fatal. Everbody ï¬rst declares that there is no thing like love, and then attempts to liken it to somthing. Zeal, not rightly directed, is pernicious, for as it makes a. good cause better, so it makes a bad cause worse. The fate of a. man of genius and feeling is like that ofa. tuft offlowers; as an orna ment he may mount, upon the head of all , or go to decay in the wilderness. “Can you tell me 11)“; 1119 word ‘saloon’ is spelt?†was asked of a. Cockney by a quizzical fellow. “Certainly, †said the Londoner with a look of triumph, “ there’s a hess, and a. hay, and a hell, and two hoes, and a. hen.†’ E Hal-f Lot 29, E Part d0 31, E Half do 30, E Half do 34, S Half do 35, Viper Women.â€"The snhjoined extract istrom the vestry book of the parish ot‘Nel- sea, Somersetâ€"“1762. At a Vestry Meet- ing held ye 14th day of January, it is agreed that the Viper woman do make a trial on John Lovell, at a Guinea per week.†There is evidence, from another entry in the over- seers’ accounts, that John Lovell was a pan- per. Twentyâ€"eight years before the (late of the entry in the Nailsezt register. William Oliver and his wife, of Bath, hztd discovered an effectual remedy for the bite of a viper. Their experiment was ï¬rst tested at Windsor, in May, 1734, before Dr. Durham and Dr. Waterland; and again on June 1. 1734, be- fore several members of the Royal Society, of which an account was drawn up by Croniâ€" well Mortimer, M. 1)., and printed in the “Philosophical Transactions.†The remedy was the common oil of olives, better linOWIJ as by the name of sztlid oil, and was no doubt turned to a profitable account by other non-prot‘tssional practioneers in other parts of the countrv. Musk is taken from a small animal known as the musk deer, so called from its shape. The odour is exceedingly powerful and last- ing. According to the accounts of trw vellers in Asia, it is so strong when first taken from the animal, that those who are exposed to its influence are in danger ofhemou‘hage from the nostrils, even when the nose and mouth are protected with coverings oflinen. A proximity to the sacks containingr it, even in the open air, will produce violent head- ache. The powerof retaining its perfume which it possesses is wonderful. A room has been scented with it for thirty years without any visible loss to the article ; and specimens a hundred years old have been found to be as strong:r as fresh musk. Corner of King & Yonge Streets, November 9. 1866. Purses, 6L0. Sec. IN‘ GREAT VARIETY, AT SCO'H’o‘ RICHMOND HILL. Family 85 Church Bibles An Extinct Racc.~0ne of the most re~ markable races that ever inhabited the earth is now extinct. They were known as the Guanches, and were the aborigines of the Canary Islands. In the sixteenth centuryy pestilence, slavery, and the cruelty of the Spaniards, succeeded in totally extermina- ting them. They are described as having been gigantic in stature, but ofa singularly mild and gentle nature. Their food consis- ted of barley, wheat, and goat’s milk, and their agriculture was of the rudest kind. They had a religion which taught them of of a. future state, of rewards and punishments after death, and of good and evil spirits. They regarded the volcano of Tenerifl‘c as the place of punishment tor the bad. The bodies of their dead were carefully cmbnlm- ed, and deposited in catcombs, which still continue to be an oblcct of curiosity to those who visitthe islands. Their marriage rites were very solemn; and before engag ing in them, the brides were fattened on milk. At the present day, these strange people are totally extinCt. Vaughan, April 17, 1867. THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. Day Books, David H ill", AT Low PRICES, A'I‘ SCOTT’S, UCHMOND HILL SE HOOL BOOKS! MGNEY Tï¬ LOAN Waggem @Mï¬w H. W. DIMON ’S FARMS FOR SALE“. On Improved Real Estate, PPLY to Mr, \VAR‘MOLL. of VAN- KOUGHNHT é); \VAKMOLL, Barrmtars, 6‘10 5 ("U1 ’1 ’8 RICE MO.‘ "13 IITL Jilimellnnemm. Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Bnoks, Wallets, I’utemed April 10, 1867 2‘1 “’ “II: RY V} IKIETY 1 Agent fox: Thornhm, Apply to SELF'ACTING do 2nd Con 3rd Con. do TORONTO. Agent for Richmond Hill. U. M, MISEN "ZR J AMES MCGEE. 100 With {{0} “6. 5: Knife, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL Propelling 81 Repelling Pencil, Stove newton Richmond Hill One door south of Mr. Barnard’s store. and that ha is prepared 10 sell at the manufacturers prices. Farmers and others requiring HAMILTON STOVE DEPOT ! Wilt consult their owxni1fleres$ by examining his Stock before buying in Toronto. (hulking or Box Stoves The Stevens llbuse has liberal accomodaâ€" tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every mudern improve- ment for the comfort. and enlmtuimnent of its inmates. The rooms are s‘vmcioug and well \‘enlilzitcdâ€"providad will] gag and wat- terâ€"tlie attendance is prompt and respectful â€"â€"~and the table is geiwrously pmV‘ded with every delicacy ol'the seasonâ€"at moderate rates. A Clergvmun. while rosiding in South Am~ erica us a missionary. (iiucovered asafe and simple remedy fur the Cure of Nervous Weak- neyu, Early Decay. Diseasos .oi' lImUrinary and Kim“ 1i Organs, and the whole [ram of disordars brought on by buncflui and Vininus hanitn. Croat numbers have [moi] cured bv thiswmbie remedy. Prompted [w a desire at benefiitiie nfllicxed and unfortunate. lwii send the recipe for preparing and usng this medicine. in a sealed enveinpo, Lo wry 01 who medal it, Frag of Charge. {ichmond Hill, Oct. 4,1867“ Partof Lot No 31). on 2nd Con. Vaughan, containing 63} new"; also. Village Property At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. A . WRIGHT. I‘IUMI 50m ‘0!) Cords (II Green and Dry 1 “Nell and Mamba“) he delivered in 'l'urr onto during Hm winter, Appiy at the Harald 0mm», Rxchmund Hiâ€. (59 l’leasa enclose an envelope addressede yoursui 0 BE SOLD on rensonublo terms, the fol- lowing )ropetty :â€" ALB UM® STEVENES HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 a; 27 Broadway, N. Y‘ Opposi/c Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. I ‘HE Stevens House is well and widely known to the travelling pulilic. ‘Tlie location is especially suitable to merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of [he ClTy--lS on the highway ofb'ou’tliorn and Western travelâ€"A and adjacan to all the prii'cipal Railroads and Steamboat depots. WM.R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for 60 years proprietor of Ihe Linuaenn Nm- ,eries. has discovered POSI'IIVA'. CURES for the above, and for all Inherilod and Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous Debility. Rheu- matism, u|l Female Maladies, and others re- mixing from impurilv of the blood, hitherto incurable. Explanilory circular, one stamp. ’l‘roalis 011 all diseases. 20 cents. 58-4 HE GRANITE STATE Family Sewing , Mnchine is now presented to the people ofCanada pnsaossing all the improvements that ran he well (zurzï¬ned in a sewingmachine. It will accomplish every desaliption orsewing except hnttun holes, from an overcaat down to the ï¬nest silks and muslixls This machine sells for only $l5, and is really worth 335’), in any family. Every mechin warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three yours.â€" All machines Mild in Canada are manufacture at the (Bo‘npnny’s branch manufactory in TM- onto. Sinqu Machines, with ‘full printed directions. snnt express free on receipt of$15 in a registered letter. Full printh directions avvompany each nmchino.m plain that a child iwalve years of age can learn to work one successt‘ullv in a short time. Address or call on ' P. S,â€" Good agents wanted h] everv part 0 Hm coman to whom will paid a sa‘lary from $50 to $150 per month, or a large comun. sion. Terms 10 again; sen. free to those wishing agencies. BEQLE SWEETV BEWSEWRY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE From 30 cm, to $6. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. ‘ATARRH, Bronchitis, Scrofula. Liver and / thncy Diseases, Nature’s Remedials from P‘unts. The Granite State Sewing Machme Company, R, T‘ BUSH 5.9 (70‘, Cannda Manufactur- m's, 14 Kin: Street East, 'l‘oronlo, C, W. Ilene Ufllces in in Great “l'llflil. and Canada. London, Eughuld, Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. $150 PER MONTH. Photographs for 50cts doz. {1F ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain s; Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL W 00c}. Wanted AGENTS VVANTEE). Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866 Stove Pipes supplied at the Lowest prices Tommi“) Min“) 3rd 1866 EGS to inform his friends is 1110 County of York that he has opened a 462 JAMES STEWART A Card to [.11 valids. lowng )ropet 13' 11nde Hill 1835 LAND FOR SALE. JIM! ess. JUSEPH '1‘. INMAN GEO. K. CHASE & CO STATION 1). BIBLE Housx. Nam-York city Proprietors 41-13 69 Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. 1m. l’ECK will lm in the fullowing places prepared Le extract inelh u ilh his new appara- lu’a. All olhm' operations in Denistry perform. ed in a wovkmanlikc manner :â€" Anrm'a . . . . . lst ofeuch month. Newnmrliet Br'elsl'ord hoLel 2nd “ -‘ Sumfl’villm...â€......... 18H] " 4 " Victoria Square. . . . . . . 20th “ " Tho:nl1ill....... ' .‘23rd " " Richmond Hill. . . . . . . .24tl1 “ “ Maple..........; ....26lh " " lhn'\\icli..... ..........28lh " " Klvinlmrg... ..........Q9lll -" “ NubletolL...............3(Ilh H H Where he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7, 1805. l-tf ICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho conn- lies of York and Feel, Collecmr of Notes, Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty u‘ do Laskey. March 2nd 1865 394 EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Residence-"Lot 20, rcar 01" 3rd Concession of Markham. P,O.Addressâ€"~15uttunville. Parties requiring Mr. Snudersou’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Etean Smelser,‘ Counties of York and Peel. DAVID MCLEOD begs to announce that he has Leawd the above Hotel and ï¬lfed i| up in a manner second (0 none on lege SK. where he will keep constantly on hand a good supphv nfï¬rshclass Liquors, &c. This house possesses every nocommodaiion vacilars can desire, those who wish to stay where they can «f'ld evury comfort are respectfully invited to put up at [hi esluhhshuwnt ‘ EXIRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! Junuary 4, 1665. house huff} comfortable and convenient. r A gnml Hostlor always in attendance. Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. 35 B\' the use of ETHER SPRAY. which *nfl‘ects the Tooth only. The Lamb and gum sur'ounding hucnme insrnsibln with lhis external agency, when the 100th can be extractad with no pain, and without endangering the life as in the use of Chlm'oform. W. G. C. calls at. all the Stores between 'l‘oronte and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the ngest Wholeualuprices. Toronto, July 20,1865. E{ F. having leased the above Hotel, 0 [former occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols]y and having putit in a thorough state of repair, Travellers will ï¬nd this NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait. upon any who need his professzional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the tneth of those who need it. Consultation free, and all work warranted. MEEWE} ME. Hm}. A mom. June 186- MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ! DENTISTRY. W. WHARIN & CO. Watches, clocks, and Jewelry Careful aunntiml givw to Watches anr‘ Clncks Jew and Rnnairni. made to order; Toronto, Aun'l 27, 1866; W . Gr. CAETELL CONFECTIONARY I EEH'E‘EMEL HOUSE ! AURORA. Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- f'or purchasing elsewhere, as 30“ will ï¬nd it to your intemst. 5f? Issuer of [Marriage Licenses. ngwood, Sept. 1:}. 1867. 4 ‘VA’E‘UEHES, CLGCIiS, AND FINE JEVVIL‘LRY.‘ 113, YONGE St, TORONTO W fll'ason'ic and other Emblems w. c. ADAMS, D. D. 3HOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Ringwood .771 wide “Forks No ll. King Street East, 6 doors east of Ycuge Strnet. [he attention of 'ho Public is imde to their lock, censisting‘ of a great variety of DR. N. IPECK’S, [‘omnto, Apri} 26. 1866. Oflhe bes? desrription and newest designs, June. 1865‘ 95 King Street East, Toronto, ELEC’I ï¬O-PLA’I‘ED‘ WARE, CUTLERY, &.c., &c. PURE A ND UNAUULTERATED JAMES BOWMAN; 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. J. SEGSWORTH, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF BY ROBERT FE KRIS. He . . . . - ~ n . . . I n . n - Square. . . . ' [EXPORTERS AND DEALERS IN P. VVIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER 0F NEW METHOD OF FOR THE UN [TED IMPORTER OF 81c. Sm. &c n to the repairing of Jewelry manufactured 479 22 47 The York Herald I: entiron yew and of the late“ pft‘telgus. Inrgevnn‘ety of new For Cards, 5m" just raceived. BQQK PAMPHLE' (‘5 AND LARGE 'AND SMALL POSTERS, Ordeu for any oi the undermonlionod descrip- ) Hole CflLflHEfl JflB WflHK 2m" x _ K, amw %%mm ‘um Leann-Press Printing. BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, “ORDERS PBUMPTLYEXELHIED ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARD$§ Will '~e promp‘tly altdndod to :‘-=‘- OUR ASSORTMENT 0F OIHZEI A. P JOB And any other kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS RADWï¬Vï¬ REABY EREMEF ! E! IE» ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCESI ‘ As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTIâ€"SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE, Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera, Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Cough, Coldrs, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"â€"-Onc tca'spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangements of the stomach, bOWelS and liver, and instantly stop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.-â€"â€"One application will afford immediate use and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the '2: ’38.. Certiï¬cates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at DB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreu , emanating from the highest authorities in the World. There is not a Town or City 01“ importance (except a few in China) on {the Globe but that RADWA "’S MEDICINES 1mm cured the sick when all other remedial pgents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Rummy, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad~ Inviolent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATTC CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SillP FEVER, GROUP, DIL’THERIA may prove fatal within an hour or two. it" not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladica, Whether Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidn 13's, Bladder, Urinal (liiï¬cultias, Inflammation of the \Vomb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught Wll inmmdiatu danger, yield at: once to 11115 commanding curative. N. B.-â€"Boware of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to pereuado you to take some other in place of the It edwey’s.â€"-â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Raclway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for ltadway’s, yet charge the public the same mice our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) y'l‘he imitations and coun- ‘sei‘feits are sold at 5 to 10 cents; per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In purchasing Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway & Co. on the labels, and the words R. R. R. Radway (E; Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. SISTERS OF MERCY, ‘ ' DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"-I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, '&c., &0. One of our sisters lied the Rheumatism in her head for a. great many years-having taken a few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, dipthez'ia, &0. It has 11. good efl‘cct in flatulence or Wind cholic. I use it fer foul breath and it produces a. marvelous effect. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. , ,, __ __ *__-~.â€"~Am~ The ‘1‘1771571111‘1E77ia as Ruddcï¬vin its operation as the malady iféelf. ]t is more active thin the virus of the mo<f Rwift; and deadly epidemic. \Vith this Remedy at hand to use on the ï¬rst svmpwm 0! Dam and uneasiness, no person need sufl'er an hour sickness. STEEL MOULD BUABD PLOUGHS VIWHE Proprietor would i'espootfuiiy announce to the farming community that he is now manufacturing improved l’lcughs of .y. E I Redmmi PMM 0f$16 and which he conï¬dently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country Plough Points 85 Landsides kept alWays on hand .__n._ JOB \VORK DONE TO 0 IDICR. Sisters of Mercy at nerehester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Radway‘s Remedies to the sick. RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. zigeszis for the sale 0f Elawc’sm'"; hung, nth 1. ' 1’. (IR():‘\HY. 132911110311 Hill 'J‘HOS. ALL]>‘~(:N, factoria Square, ' * lift-Arr ("I t' a" 5. I1 ‘ ' TEE 5:8.15a‘aLEEZJhm-inli-fl i .1, ‘ Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Rheumatism, ' PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. Insataan Helm Neefldsai CURES PAIN INSTANTLY ll In smiaflem Attacks HAMEa’fï¬ Ail Around the Globe. which he now offers at the CHAS. DOAN, Aurora RD W E and Mrs. RUVVW nig St JOHN RADWAY, M. D., & 00., H E N R Y BE A LL. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Momnu, And 87 Maiden Lane, NEW-YORK r HIS ASSOCIATION has trausférred their~ LIBRARY t0 the ‘HERALD ’ Book Stora where Stockholders and others may mocuro BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from. 410 8 slack. P.M. VALUABLE PROPERTY GOOD DweHing Hnnse, Barn, Stable, Driving House, Wood House. and Thrne quarters of an Acre of Land, on which more \3 a quarter of an acre of an Orchard of healthv young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Curranls. Gooseberries, 62c. The above Paoperty is situated in the centre ofthe yi‘lnge. W‘iH be sold cheap fgr cash. Village ofllichmoml Hill; For Sale. TWO FARMS RichmondHIII,Ianual'y14, 1867. '1‘ H E Subscriber offers for sale the following property ancnging 10 the estate of the late Mr. Latlmu Miller, viz: The Farm, comâ€" posed of part of lots No. 34 and 35. in the let (-uncossinn of the Township of Markham. on Yonge Strtet, near Thornhlll. which For further particulars apply :6 Es†or P, CROSBY, Esq. About 25 of which is Timber land. There is a. good Spring Creek runs across this ploporty.â€"- Univ 1'2 miles from Toronto, September 12th, 1867. (Consists of 160 Acres, Also the north hall‘ of lot No. 12, in the lat conceasion of We 'l‘qwuship of'Inuisï¬eld. Also, A Bu Ming Lot, comprising part/ï¬lo! No. 38, in the Is: concession of the To ’ ship of Vaughan.â€"-5 Acres of' Land. good‘gwll‘ ing-house, Burn, good \‘Vell of Wéler, c.- For any further information apply to HENRY LEMON, F HUST- CLASS Roadster Poney, bay color. 14 hands high, 4 years old, good aciiun, and good in single and double harness. Apply at this eflicc. 3-“ SAW MILL CEERINC IORSALE. (IE Subscriber offers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geering: A Mullcy Saw7 Upper and Lower Mulley,. Permun, Crank, 5 inch wrought iron Shall: and Fly Wheel, Conan, Carriage, Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma- chinery for a ï¬rst class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a great reduction of original cost. For lial'tiCLllai‘s_ripruly to OR the immediate relief and permanent cure of Rimumatism, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Frost Bites‘ Lame Back. Side, Limbs or Smumch, Cramp, Nmnbness of Limbfl} Swelling ofJoints, Sudden Colds. Dipthexia, Sore throat, Itha: never been forced on public attention by flaming rdverllsemems or remarkable cums that never had any existence, but by its own puculiar value as an unl' ling remedy. it has worlin its way into public favor, Having q wonderful efl‘ecl when taken inter- nally, in quirkening the circulation ol'the blood, ll. is invaluable 10 persons prmlisposed to Para- lysis. or subject to attacks of Heart Diseasa, In cases of Dyspepsia, where lbpd distresses, itaï¬â€˜oms prompt relief. and cominqu for E Short time, sets everything right. ABRKHAM EYER, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Ofï¬ce’nddress Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. 3111 [Ins been before the public for upwards of twenty years, and such are its merits that it is now justly considered as an indispensibie arti- cle in every famin wherait is known. The name nfthe medicine is brown in each bottle of the genuine, and the purposes for which it is intended. 'as we“ as the mode of using. attached. The ullnlshigned physicians cheerfully certify {0 the high professiunal slauding ol Dr. Colby, of Stanslead. one of the oldest and best physiq clans. and t0 the excellent qualitles of his "ANTI-COSTIVE and TONIC PILLS.†whice we have useU in our practice, and high, ly approve. J. ll. Gibson. M. D, Dnnham, C,E. (‘. Intton, Ml), Cowansviile ('hurles Brown. MD, Cewansville S S Foster, MD, Brome. J C Butler. Ml), Waterloo, l‘Juhu Erskine, MD,'Walel'loo. Norman Cleveland. Mu, Barnston, N Jenks. MD. Barns-ton, (1 W Cowles, Ml). Stallstend, John Meigs. MD. Stallsmad. Joseph Brendon. Ml), Surgeon, RN. llaanmin Damon. MD. Coaticook. Lemuel Richmond. MD, Derby Line, :5. J. Foss & Co. Sl)61‘l)i‘00k, P Q. sole pro. plie'n‘é; Henry. Thompson‘s; Co. Montreal W1 :‘esale Ageutï¬, Henry, Simpson «31 C0,, Montreal, VVhoIa- sale Agents. :5. J. Foss & (30., Sherbmko, P, Q.. Sole Proprietors. October mm, 1567. “Ills pleasant, ngreeahla, and scientiï¬c pro- paration is an indisi‘rensihle article for the toilet It cloanscsthe scalp, renders the hair oil: darker appearance, is easily applied and will not stain the ï¬th linen. “lose using the Empire llair Gloss will ï¬nd that it renders the harsh. est, anrl (‘onrsefl lmir. soft, glossy. ï¬ne and honnttt‘ul, disposing it to stay in any position in which itis winced. It prevcnts the hair lt‘nm t'nllil g ouLim‘igorates and strengthens it. und often produces a new growth ofhair where it thas already dis5ppt-ared,hy invigorating and rustoring the skin, nerves. muscles. blood \‘es>nls. and roots or the hair. Price 25 cents‘ S. J. Foss & Cu. proprietors and sole mamh fuctnrers. Sherbrooka. Province of Quebec-â€" Henry. 'l'hmnpson 8L Co. Montreal; Lyman‘ Eltintt «36 Ca. Toronto, Wholesale Agents. Elum’s Empire flair Gloss Dr. OOLBY’S Magi-“waive and Tonic l’llls, RIG a safe and reliable remedy in all dis- A, eases of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels. They are no Quad: Medicine. puffed up by higlheounding tastimonials from imaginary people. but are the result of forty years experi: ence of a ï¬rsi class ph~ "cinn, and their extra- ordinary success is due to the fact that they answer MncIlv their name. The lormula from which they are prepared, is based on sound. wienrii‘xc prii:(-i}xle§,:1nd has received the un- qualiiivd npprnhaiiun ofthe medical prd‘l'ession. 'l'hey (in uni profess 10 he a cure all. 1â€th for all (liSl‘flFES mixing from an}. til-rangement MN S‘mmm-h. Liver and Barrels, they furnish an eii'eclual rernedv, We have in our possession urer mm hundred irrsiimonials from physicians who have used them in their practice and highlv approve oi'them, among which are the tbllm-ring: RICHMOND HI LL LIBRARY ASSOCATION. Jacob’s Rheumaiic Liquid. J (1606’s If/zcmnatic Liquid VILLAGE LOT N THE A. SCOTT, Librarian. M. TEEFY 'l'homhill‘