E Half Lot 29, »31‘d Con. Vaughan, 86 Acres E Part do 31, do do 80 do E Half do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do E Huff do 34, 3rd Con. do 100 do S Half do 35, do do 100 do Purses, 6m. 8w. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT SCO'l‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. Family £5 Church Bibles b? EVERY VARIETY, A“ SI‘U'I’I’S R1CISMOY 7‘) HILL Vaughan, April 17, 1867. We have a fond affection for the sweet, household girl, who sits at the hearth in our family circle, which is somehow nearer and dearer than the feeling which dazzlingr tul- ents and voluptuous heenty inspire ; as there is something more cheery and comfortable in the little redbreast that nestles under our window-Sill with its quiet, faithful eye and and homely chirp, whtch we would he loth Quiclmess at 1110 Banâ€"A barrister on the northein circuit7 passing on the rail n‘om town to town, iushed to the bar for bitter beer and biscuit. “You hum plenty vf time," said Ganymede ll] crinoline, repres- sing the pen-lious haste with which he tool; h s relicshment, “you have eight minutes." “Ohl said he,‘ “lfl have plenty ot‘limc, there's no need to chqu myself.†“\Vhy, sir,†was the philosophic reply, “there‘s no nezd to choku yuulsclf if you haven’L time.†"Too fur norlh for me, that girl,†muttered our Templar, and vanished. It is relamd that once upon a time Earl Russell, taking a cab from l’nluce Yard to Cheshnm Place, gave the driver a sovermgn for it shilling, When on the following: day the man was identiï¬ed, he was found to have invested 'Llle windfall in a pair of boots. “Some call them \Vellingtons, my lord,†said the fellow, "but I call them linssells.†The Earl pardoned the fellow for his disho- nesty for the sake of his wit. Day Books, “.6 7 ~ A woman's love is never to be taken by storm; it yields insensilily to a. system oi gradual approach"; it ventures by the round- about wny, and listens to the low Voice.â€" “ No 'J‘liul'ouét'uie,†lJy Dickens. A Wold in Due Searson.â€"â€"l“ootl)all play- ers cannot be too careful in guardingugziinst catching Cold alter the viuient exercise of the game, Or they will probably be troubled with u. “hacking†cough. A, B, Câ€"lâ€"y Jol<e.â€"There.is talk of con- strueting a. railway through part of King Th odore's dominions, for the use of the invading army. If it railway guide be issued: it will, of course, he an A, J)’, C~niun one. A Place to Avoidâ€"“The place to spend a happy day.†Treasure your happy days, guard them usjeulously as you would your last Shillingâ€"never spend themâ€"you will ï¬nd they are “ few and far between.†Cats are so 'ziin-glorious of their bird- catching:r that they carry the birds about the house, even to the top storey, to claim atl- mirutien ; and I have heard of cuts who having caught and eaten mice in the night; exhibited the head or tail of the pray next morning as a trolthy. â€â€"b‘pccialor. It has been found on a comparison 01' all the members of the vegetable kingdom that plants with whte blossoms have a larger proportion of odor-ilerous species than any others; nextin order comes red, then-yellow and blue, and lastly Orange and blown, which are the least available to the perfum- er, and often indeed give a disagreeable odor.â€"â€"â€"Sunday Magazine. or the luscious melody of PBilomElfâ€"Beppo? Corner of King &' Yonge Streets, TORONTO. November 9. 1366. ‘HE undersiguud havng purchasrd the Rights for the ('mva of YDlli. is now offering fur sale in Hus x uunlv INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Joel VVilliums, AT SCOTT’S, RTCHMOND HILL. Benevolence.â€"-A very benevolent old lady has taken the idea into her head of knitting a. pair of hose for a ï¬re»engine. THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. David Hill; SCHOOL BOOKS! Why is :1 1mm ascending Vesuvius like an Irishman trying to kiss a pretty girl ‘1 Be cause he wants to getat the owner’s mouth. A Paris tradesman has invented what he calls the "ladies7 nOse protector,†which is a case lined with fur, to be all'ixed 10 the nasal amienduge. Operatic Quotationâ€"(From Masaniello) On a gay widi giving up her Weeds l'oi' Colorsâ€"“Behold, behold how ln-ighttly, brightly breaks the inoLr.iiiig.â€"" Punc'l. "77 <~ n u I IV ' ,l .,. ,. NIH» To the Benevolentâ€"Judy knows a, man so hard up that. he even sleeps on tick-Judy. “.5 .,.__ ,, , U Thilfgs Not Sold by a liuixdrcssmz- Mor- iiscd locks; heils under age 5 oysters’ beards; coxcombs; a brush with an enemy; curling stone and black bul(le}d peopm. MGNEY TO EQAN "‘ “"‘1 v . , Don’t be 100 unmous to Solve a Conun drum.â€"Judy knows a man who got two black eyes in endeavouring to ï¬nd out “ me dxï¬'exence between a mun and woman ï¬gh- ing in the street.†wggma Brake H. W. BEMGN ’53 FARMS FOR SALE. On Improved Real Estate, Pth to Mr. WARMULL. or Vu- KUUGHNET &, \VAHMULL. 13m slers. ‘h Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Backs, Wallets, ï¬liï¬rdlnnwuï¬. l’awnled April I“, 1867 Agentl'u;'1‘l10rnhill AT L0“! PRICES, Apply to 515'. Agcm. tor Richmond Hiâ€. ACTING I]. M. MJSENER JAME S McGEE The Stevens House has liberal accomoda- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every modern improveâ€" ment for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilatedâ€"pr0\‘ide(l with gm and wat- terâ€"â€"1lie attendance is prompt, and respectful â€"und the table is generously provided with every delicacy oftlic SCIIS011--{1t moderate rates. A Clergvnmn. while residing in South Am» mica as a missionary. riiwovered asafe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous V’Veak- news. Early Decay. Diseases of (he Urinary and Simiuai Organs, and the whoie irain of disordars brought on by harmful and vinious hanils. Great numhers have been cured. bv this noble remedy, Promple by a desire at henoï¬ttho afflicrod and unfortunate, Iwil send the recipe for preparing: and using this medicine. in a snaied envelope. to any at who needs it, 157'“: 0/" Charge. 21, 28, 25 8:. 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. I ‘IIE Stevens House is well and widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in' close proximity to the business part of the cityâ€"is on the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€" and adjacent to all the principal Railroads and Steamboat depots. Please enclose an envelope nddrossedonh \‘ourseL AGENTS WANTED. $5150 PER MO NH . . i u l quanada possessmg allthe Improvements that (-au be well cunï¬ned in a. sewingmachine. It will accomplish every deseliplion ofsewing except l‘nllm) holes. from an overcoat down to lhe ï¬nest silks and mnslins This machine sells for only $l5, and is really worth $50; in any family. Every mechine warranted and kapt in repair free of charge for three yarn-s.â€" All machinns sold in Canada are manufacture at tho conpnny’s branch mannï¬ictm'r in 'I‘or- unm. Single Machines, with full printed div-eminns. snnl express free on rec-(rip: of $15 in a regislrrvd letter. Full printed rliructiuns nr'cmnpuny c: :h innchina. so plain that a child iwolvo \0ars of age can learn Iu work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on ’I‘UE GRANITE STATE Eamll): Sewing l’. S: Good agents wanted in everv part 0 'lm ('onmrv In whom will paid It salary from $5010 $xf>U pm month, or a large commi ‘s‘inn. Tun-ms to agents sen. free to those wishing ngehCIes. lATARRlI,Broncllilis, Scrol’ula. Liver and .1 thncy Diseases, Nature’s Remedials from P ants. \VM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, For (SU years proprietor of Iho Limmean Nu:- ,eries. has discovered POSI'HVE wane for the above, and for all lullelilodau'd Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous Debility. Rheu- matism, all Female Maladies, and others re- anlling from impurilv of [he blood, hilherlo inuurmle‘ Explanllm‘y circular, one stamp. 'l‘realis on all diseases. 20 cents. 58-4 AT SCOTT’S UCHMOND HILL The Granite State Sewing Machme Company, R, T RUSH &_CO., Canada Manufactur- M's. I4 Kin: Sheet East. 'l'm‘onlo. (T, \V. “we (Mines in in Great [Mini]. and Canada. London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. ‘KOM 50m Hm Cords nl Green and Dry 1 Beech and M;nplo,lo be delivered in 'l'm Jntu (luring Hm \vmlex'. Appiy at the Harald ’M‘n-e. Richmond Hiâ€. (59 .ï¬jï¬afl UMS One door south of Mr. Barnard’s stare. and that ha is prepared to sell at the manufacmrars prices. Farn'mrs and others requiring 0 BE SOLD on rensonabIo terms, the fa!- lowing )ropen: ;_. l’nrtnt'lml No 31), on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing [55} new": also. Photographs for 50069 doz‘ \JF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain 3»; Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, Stove Beimmn Richmond Hill From 30 cts; to $6. AT SCO'I‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. mm SWEET" EEENDSKTQR" SCOTT’S BOOK STORE “WV oocl Wanted. Will consnit their own interem by examining hiw Stuck before buying in Toronto, Cooking or Box Stoves Richmond Hill, Oct. 4,1367 Village Property At Richmond Hill. With [[0] AT SCOTT’S HAMILTON Propelling 8: Repelling Pencil, Richmond Hill. Srpt. T. IECG For pm-hcuiurs apply to the proprietor. A. WRlGHT Stove Pipes supplied at the Lowest prices Turoltl“ VH1â€) 3rd 1866 JAMES STEWART EGS to inform his friends Ie the County of York Lhat he has opanad a "‘Imuud Hill IRGS $Y'EVENS HOUSE, 462 A Card to In valids. LAND FOR SALE. $11!]! (355. JOSEPH m. [mum GEO. K. CHASE & CO STATION>D. BIBLE “bum STOVE DEPOT ! '11 SLKHifc, RICHMOND HILL [in South Am» l/u. PECK will he in [he fullowing places red a safe and prepared 1e extract tnelh \\ ith his new appara- Vervous V’Venk- man All other operations in Denistry perform- of (he Urinary ed in a workmanlikc manner :â€" who!e Ham of r . . Aurora . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . ISL ofeach month. ‘"| and v'n'ous Newmarket Brelsl'ord hotel 2nd " " been Cured b" Smnf‘fvillo. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 18H) " " b" a dame 9t Viclorin Square. . _. . . .. . . . 20th †" ""unate,’ I w.†Thornhill................93rd " " and “5mg HHS Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . . .24â€! “ †9- ‘0 any 01 Maple........-..........26lh u u Burwick.... ............28(h “ “ ’ addressedoԠKleinlmrg...............29lh 5‘ †Nobleton.._..............3Uth " " MANy Where‘he will attend to any busine'ss per- “.E “WW. tmmng to any branch of his profesalon. 1\'cw~)’ork ciiy' Aurora, June 7, 1865. 1-“ Proprietors. 44-11: EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of ETHER SPRAY, which afl'euls the Tooth only. The tomhand gum sm‘ounding bocmne insntsiblo with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and without endangering the lift! us in the use of Chhn'ofurm. AVID McLEOD begs to announce that he has Leus‘l-d (he ahuvo Hotel and ï¬tted it npin a Inmlnursecoml to none on Yonge St. whore he wilikeep constantly on hand a good supply ul'ï¬rsl-chtss Liquors, 61.0. This house poex‘esses every accommodation 'l‘zaveflers can d9 re, those who wish to stay wherethey can "1d every comfort are respectfullyih'dited to put up at £115 establishment? 'Ealls at’ all the Stores between ’I‘oronte and Richmand Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confeciimmry of all kinds at tlxa Lowest l‘l’holesalu prices, Toronto, July 20,1865. DENTISTRY; NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professions! services in order to preserve their teeth, or retieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most npprovedstyla. Alsolo ragu- lam the [teeth of Lhosa who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. E F.1mving leased the above Hotel, ' [former occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having putit in a. thorough state of repair, Travellers will ï¬nd this house boll] comfortable and convenienrtf A good Ifostlm' always in attendance Richmond Hill Jam 31, 1867. 35 Aurora. June 1865. made to order. Toronto,Anril 27, 1806. WV . G. .CASTELL CONFECTIONARY 1 ï¬ï¬? Issuer of flfarriagc Licenses. ngwood, Sept. 1'), 1867. 4 AND mm; JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St., TORONTO ResidencenLot 20, rrur of 3rd Concession of Mal khum. l’.0. Addressâ€"â€"Buttunville. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. MQNUHENTS, HEA DSTONES ! Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere, as )ou will ï¬nd it to your intul‘rst. REE/E‘CHHEL H0 USE ! AURORA. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 'Jnrefu' aUnmiml given to the repairing of Watches 3le Glncks Jewelry manufaclured and Remind. DR. N. J .PECK’S, Junuary 4, 1565, JAM ES BOWMAN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Markham. Nov. 1, 1865 ICENSED AUC'I‘IONEER for tho coun- ties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes, Aocouuu, &c. Small charges and plvnly to do Laskey, March 2nd 1865 39-1 Conn ties of York an d Peel. Watches, clocks, and Jewelry, GHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, 15in swoon? .Wim’ble 'W’orks WATER! Es, CLOCKS, W. VVHARIN 8:, CO. N0 H. King Street East, 6 doors east of chge Six-flat. Henry Sumelser,~ The attention of’he Public is inlvted to their lock, censisting of a great variety of Toronto, Apr}! 26. 1866, Oflhe bes‘ desr‘dplinn and newast designs, June. 1865. 95 King Street East, Toronto, ELEC'K LO-PLA'I‘EDf WARE, (‘UTRERK &c., 8m. . c. ADAMS, PURE AND UNADULTERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto- J. SEGSWORTH, MANUFACTURE“ OF ALL K BY ROBERT FE RRIS. lU..-.--~.... Square.._........ 1dHiH..... ......-......----- s .... ........n.-.« A -....--..-r IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Jilusonic and other. Emblems P. WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER 0F ALMIRA MILLS, NEW METHOD OF FOR THE UNITED IMPORTER OF &c. &c. &c. Ist ofeach month 2nd " " 18m " “ 20th “ " Storbs betwaen 21-y 479 31 47. FAWN WPEWMERS ls pntiroly new and of the latent patterns. largevariety of new For Cnrdl, &n,. just received. LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, PAMPHLE'I‘S AND II hm flflLflflEB MB WflRK Letter-Press Printing. Orda- fer am' of tho undermntibmd dourip- Honor! BOOKS, FANCY BFLLS‘, The York Herald M'IIFIDERS PBOMPTLYEXELDTED EST. BUSINESS CARDS Will Ho pmmptfy a'tlendhd to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT OF And "my other kind of OIHEAP JOB PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK LAW FORMS DRAFTS AND AND BILL CHECKS HEADS SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &c., &e. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a. greet many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfulls 0f Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia. end for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, (be. It has a. good cfl'cct in flatulence or wind cholie. I use it fer foul breath and it produces a marvelous sheet. In short it procurcs relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"Bcwore of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"-â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Radwsy’s, yet charge the public the same nricc our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- serfcits are sold .it 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In plurchesing Ready Relief, see that, there are two signatures of Radwsy ('19 Co. on the labels, and t 0 words R. R. R. Radway (R; Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. “.44â€...â€" Certiï¬catcs of startling cures of the most violent and deadly diseases are on record at DB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreal, emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City 0“ importance (except. a few in China) on the Globe but that. RADWAY’S MEDICIN ES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway. and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad- RAï¬Wï¬â€˜Wï¬ @EMEF Y H 5RD ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL‘POX AND OTHER PESTILENOES f ' As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammalion of the Bowels, Cholio, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Agile, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Nouralgia, &c.â€"Ono tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all dcrangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly Itop the most severe pains. 466;“, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.~â€"Onc application will afford immediata use and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the mm“ Inviolent diseases, instantre‘iicf is required. ASIATIC CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, CROUI’. DIPTIIERIA may prove fatal ‘within an hour 01‘ two. if not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whetherRheumatism, Neuralgia, Inflam- mation of tho Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal diiï¬cuiiics, Inflannnation of the Womb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught with innnediate danger, yield as (mm to this comm‘andingeurative. up 1‘ . “aha ‘RE EVFmirs as suddoifin its operation thq malady ifself.‘ It is more active thin tha virus of the motf «wift and deadly epidemic. Wxth thxs Remedy at hand to use on the: ï¬rst vavwm or Dam and vmeasmess,.no person nch wfler an hour sickness. Sisters ef mercy at Derehester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Radway’s Remedies to the sick. rl‘HE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the_ farming community that he is now manufacturing improved Plvughs of unnnm STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS Reduced Prise 0f$16 and which he conï¬dently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country Plough Points 86 Landsides kept always on hand RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. E" Soldby Druggisis and Conmry Merchants. Agents for the sale of Rawdny’s Ready Relief» P. CROSBY. butlnnond Hill ’J‘HOS. ALLISON, Victoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora Mr. ROWE aqd Mljs, BOWF nig St IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Rheumatism; Instant Eï¬eflp Needed CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! JOB WORK DONE TO QRDER. HENRY HALL. In sudden Atmcks Ail Around the Globe. HALL’S 330E. Q5 cents a Bottle. which he now offers at the JOHN RADWAY, M. D., &. 00., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Momma. And 87 Maiden Lane. N law-YORK THIS ASSOCIATION has transferred thei: LIBRARY 10 the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Start whore Stockholders and others may mocure BOOKS nvery Friday afternoon, from. no 8 clock. EM, VALUABLE PROPERTY A GOOD Dwelling House. Barn. Stable, Driving House, Wood House. and Three quarters of an Acres of Land, on which there I: a quarter of an acre 01' an Orchard of health young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Curranis. Gooseberries. 81c. The almve Paoperty is situated in (he centre otho \{innge‘ lel pa sold qlleap fpr c1151}: IN THE Village aflh‘chmond Ilil . t For Sale. ' Richm and Hill, January Ill. 1867. ’E‘VVO FAR MS THE Subscriber offers for sale the followihg' properly lwlunging In the emails of the! km Mr Lnthun Miller, VIZ 2' The Farm_ cova posed of part of lots No. 34 and 35. in the In! runcessinn of “I? To“ nslup of Markham. on Yongu Sm 6:. near Thornhlll. which The niulsrsigncd physicians cheerfully certify tn the high protessiunal slanding 0! Dr. Colby, ul' Slausu-nd. one of the oldest and best physi cinns. and to the excellent qualities of hi- “ ANTI-(IOSTIVE and TONIC PILLS.†whice we have useu in our pracuco. and high- ly npproV'E. J. H. Gib=0n. M. D., Dnnham. C,E. (3. Cotton, M D, Cowunsville Charles Brown. MD, Cewansvillo S S Foster, Ml), Eromo. J C Butler. MD, Waterloo. John Erskine, MDY Waterloo. Norman Cleveland. mu, Barnslon. N Jenks. MD, Barnslon, C W Cowles, MD. Stanslead, John Meius, M1). Stansteud, Joseph Brendon. mu, Surgeon, RN. Benjamin l‘amon. MD. Coalicook. Lemuel Richmond, Mu. Derby Lino. S. J. Foss & Co. Sherlrook, 1’ Q. sole pro- pfie'n-s; Henry. Thompson 5; Co. Mention W't 'esalo Agents. 1 Es,. or memos“,- Esq' About ‘25 of which is Timber land. There is a good Spring Crook runs across this ploperly.â€"- Univ 12 miles ('Iom Torontu; Consists of 160 Acres, September 12m. 1867 Also the north halt'ut‘ lot No. 12,in the Is! concession of the Township ofInllisï¬eld. Also, A Bu Ming Lot, couwrising part OHM No 38. in the Isl concession of the 'i‘ownslr'rp ol' Vunghan.â€"5 Acres of Land, good Uwé . ing-house, Barn, good Well of Water. ï¬le.» [for any further information apply to FIRST CLASS [{"ï¬dster I’oney, bay color. 14 hands high, 4 )PHI‘S old, good action. and gum] in single and double harness, Apply at this Emma. 34% SAW MILL CEERING FORSALE. RE a safe and reliable remhdy in all dis- A eases ol' the Siomacli. Liver and liowels‘ They are no Quark Medicine. puffed up by high-eonmling Iasliinoninls from imaginary PIâ€"(ipla‘ but are the result of forty years experi- ence ofa ï¬rst claw physician. and tin-3r extin- ordinary suvcoss is tine tothe fact that they answer exacllv their name The Iormula from which they are prepared, is based on sound, scieniiï¬c primiples, and has washed the un- qualiï¬vd approbation oi'ihe medical pruiessiun. They do not pmï¬'ss to he, a cure all. but for all diseases arising from any durangement 01‘: ï¬re Stomarli. Lire-r and Bowels, they furnish xi'n elfeclual remedv. We have in our possession] uver one humde iesriniunials flom plqsiciaus who have used them in their practice and highlv approve of them, among which are the follewing: THE Subscriber ofl‘ers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geering: A Mullcy Saw, Upper and Lowe" Mulley, Petnmn, Crank, 5 incl] wrought. iron Shaft and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage, Patent head Blocks, and l-ho whole necessary Ma.- cliinery for a ï¬rst class Saw Mill. Will 150 sold at a great reduction of original cost. For particulars apply to ABRAHAM EYER, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markhhm’. Post Ofï¬ce address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. 3 m FOR the immediate relief and permanent’ cure of Himumatism, Sprains. Bruisns, Bums, Frost Bi as Blame Bin-k. Side, Limbs. BF’BTGmnch, Cramp, Numbness of l.ixnb&;~~“\x Swelling of Joints, Sudden Colds. Diplharia‘, , Sore thx'oaty. Having (1 wonderful efl'ect when taken inter. I1all}‘,i1)quivkeningthe circulation ofthe blood‘; It isinvaiunbie 10 persons prndisposed to Para- lysis. or subject to attacks of Heart. Disonsfl, In cases of Dyspepsia, where food distresses, it affords prompt relief. and continued for I“ short time, sets eveiything right. The name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuina, and the purposes {01 which it is intended. as well as the mode of using. attached: Henry, Simpson & Cbâ€. Montreal. Whales saln Agents S. J. Foss &. Co., Shei'bnoko; P. Q.. Sole Proprietors. from MI“; E out. im igomlos and strengthen it. and oï¬en produces a new growth ufhnir where it has already disuppcaredle invigorating and rnsmring lhe skrn. nerves. musr'los. Mood ves>eh<. and roots or the hair Price ‘25 cums. S. J. I’ms & Cu. proprietors and sole manu- facturers. Sherbruukn. l’mvince ol'Queheoâ€" Henry. '1 humpson ASL Co. Montreal; Lyman. Elliutl & Co. Toronto, Wholesale Agents. Has been before the public for upwards of: twenty years. and such are its merits that his, now justly considered as an indispensibio nrti,m ole in every family whero it is known. ‘ THIS pleasant, agroealiln, and scientiï¬c pro" pal'atiun is nu intlisncnsihln article for the loilel It «:lvansohtlm scalp, l'l‘lHlPl'S the hair on; darker mineamnce= is easily appliL-(l and will no! slain Ilia {iiimt linen. l'linsz- using the Empire [lair G (ms will ï¬nd llinl i1 rcnrlm's [he harsh- est and Cannes! hair. will, glossy. ï¬ne and lu-zuiill'nl, dixnosing it to stay in any position in which it is ninvvd. It prewan ihe hair Dr. OOLBY’S , Anti-Cosine and Tonic Pills, It ha: never [won forced on public 11110111?†by flaming rdveriisemems or remarkable cures that never had any existence, bui by its own“ peculiar value as an unfailing remedy. it has worked its way into public iavor. chober Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCATION. Fox l'urrtlile‘r‘plartimllax} apply tésM, 'I'EEFY Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. Jacob’s: Rï¬eum alic Ligqu 10th VILLAGE LOT 667‘ AND A A. SCOTT, Librarian, HENRY. LEMQN,- 'l‘hornhi".