Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Feb 1868, p. 2

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As already stated, the lowest point in the summit ridrre between Lakes Ontario and Huron is 670 Hz. above the level ot’ the former, and 330 ft. above that of the letter, or 200 ft. above the intermediate lfilfl’. Simcoe. It would he manifestly desira‘ le to make the latter the source of supply in the ordinary manner of Eruviation for the whole length of the canal. By doing“r this. too, a continuous summit level of nearly 48 miles out ofthe whole length of 96 miles would involve a cutting; a, miles long and 198 ft. deep at the deepest point, hut the over-age depth of this would be only 80 ft. This would extend {mm the 22nd to the 330th mile from Toronto. However our ’engineers mav have resorted, before now, .to heroic‘treutment, we are not sure that ghey would recommend a work like thisâ€"~â€" at any rate unless the ground had been thoroughly bored and found to be favorable at every point. This cutting'rras, however, ,_,7 V., V. “W m-..w lug-Mk, "nu. mm 011'. 1‘. C. Capreol, the president of'the provisional company formed for carrying out the work. is now in London, and has submitted his plans and repmt to Mr. Hmvkshnw and Mr. Rendel, who, if the canal is begun, will he ,the engineers. they hivin accepted the an apéintment. It is by Mr. Caprenl’s indomi- ~table energy and presevemnce this project has been brought to its present smze. ‘r n ___~ .. wvun-uu N Am picaeuu filitie. Mr. Sykes's plans are'fora canal 100 ft. in width and 13 ft. in depth: butit is possi- ble that in the execution of the work these dimensions would be somewhat exceeded. We believe, however, that, 15 ft. is the limit of the permissible draught of vessels navi- gating the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario. The locks, of which forty-two will be re quiredâ€"viz., thirty-one south of Lake Simcoe and eleven to the northâ€"are nlnn- ned of the following dimensions. viz” 2501't. long, 36 Ft. wide, and with 13 ft. of water upon their cills. The average lift of these Jocks would be 15 ft. W , '7 ~« "r I halfâ€"equal to a reduction in the price of wheat of 5s 8d. per quarter. The line of the proposed canal was surveyed if) 1856 by Mr. Tul:y of Toronto, who reported upon' the scheme in conmderable detail. It has been more recently surveyed by Mr. Willinn. Sykes, ofthe same place, who. with Mr. I”. Welland Canal, from La‘e Erie to Lake Ontario, only vessels of small size can pass; but by the proposed canal, and with en- largements to be trade in the loclcs of the St. Lawrence canals, vessels of 1200 trms could sail or steam direct between London or Liverpool and Chicago. The lowest, freight for grain between Chicago and Liverpool is now 1s. 5d. per bushel. or, say. 2.£ 138. per ton ; whereas by the proposed canal. and in muvh larger ships, the freight would, it is estimated, be lessened by one [I ’the others, .ehs‘Hgnafirfac‘offiaké "Fix; c337 and the‘NOt‘tawasagu into Georgian Bay, the latter an extensive indentation of Lake Enron. The least ‘elemtion of‘ the country between the two lakes is 670 ft. above On- tario, and 330 ft. above Huron. On the line of this isthmus is Lake Simone. a sheet of water 560 square miles in area, and as with: as the narrowest part oflh'e’ Straits of' Dover. This lake is 470 ft. above Ontario, and 130 ft. above Huron, and it drains into the latter. The propose-fl ship canal will follow the valley 0F the three rivers already named, and will be fed at its summit level by the practically inexhaustible waters of Lake Simcoe, and nearly twenty five miles of the length ofthis lake will be utilised :13 a part of the navigable route. By means“ of the canal, 428 miles oflhe present. dis- ‘ tanee by water from Chicago to Quebec and Liverpool will be saved7 the distance froml Chicago to Liverpool being reduced from i 4[66 miles to 3738 miles, and f om Chicago l to Quebec from 1664 miles to 1236 miles. By the present route, through the existing rulwlnul nun, um .ulvb'l' Niagara. The extensive peninsula which forms the south-wes‘ern portion of‘Ca-uadu is joined to what We may call the continent of Canada by an isthmus hardly more than 60 miles «017083. more dislinctly'marked by the val- mam. or these, rivevswâ€"bnow lhui'», Hum. The city of Chicago, now numbeflnl about 250,000 inhabitants, although nearly 1000 miles inland from the Atlantic, and at an elevation of 585 ft, above its surface, is nevertheless one of the great shipping ports of America, and it is said upon the authori- ty of statistics which there is no rtason to doubt, that. it exports more grain,tnore sawn timber, and more salted meat. than any other port in the world. Vessels of model" ate tonnage have already sailed direct from Chicago to Liverpool, and it is hoped to one day make the trade between the 1va ports as regular at least as between Hull and St. Petersburg. The astonishing growth of the commerce of Chicago has been very lately brought afresh to public notice in this country by Captain Tyler's and Mrt C. W. Ehorall’s report. upon the Grand Trunk Railway. The, export commodities, not only of Chicago, but of other large and ra- pidly growing commercial town in the North Western States of America, are sent eastward either by rail or through the great chain of lakes, Michigan. Huron, St. Clair, Erie and Ontario, the greatest, lake of all, Superior, an American Mediterranean, being further to the north, ani of? the route. From Chicago to New York. by way of the lakes, the Erie canal, and the river Hudson is l615 miles, although by rail it is but 955 miles. From Chicago to Quebec. by water communication, is 1664 miles, and Quebec is 478 mil: 5 nearer Liverpool than New York, the respective distances being 2502 miles and 2950 miles. In sailing or steam-1 ing from Chicago to Quebec, hetvever, a great detour of more than 500 miles mustt be made around the extensive peninsula which forms the south-western portion ofl Canada, a peninsula bounded by Lakes Huron and St Clair, the river Detroit, and Lakes Erie and Ontario. Lakes Micltazan, , Huron, St. Clair, and Eric are all upon the I same ie"el, viz., 574 ft. above the Atlantic; l but trom Erie to Ontario there is a fall of] 340 ft. in the River Niagara, one~half of this fall being at the cataract of' that name. Vessels descend from Lake, Erie to Lake Ontario through the Welland canal, in Ca- nadian territory, to the west of, and nearly . parallel with, the River Niagara. l From the Engineering Journal, of Lon- don, Eng. Jam. 10, 1868. The proposed ship-canal in Western Canada, across the isthmus which separates Lake Ontario and the Georgian Bay, will. when completed. rank mnonar the most ini- portant engineering works yet undortalren. It possesses more than ordinary interest at the present time, inasmuch as Mr. Hawk- shaw and Mr. Rendel, who, we need hardly say, are amongr the most eminent members of our profession, have examined the plan of the work, and reported favorably. al- though in general terms. upon them. Pend- ing the negotiations with the Canadian Government for a grant often million acres or 15,625 square miles, of land in aid at the undertaking, it is being examined also with especial interest by Capitalists, engineers, and contractors in England. No work could possibly possess greater importance to the dominion ot'Canada, unless it were the formation of a great line of water and railway communication aeross the Conti» neat, and whollv through the British tcrii- torz! to the Pncific Ocemi. HURON AND ONTARIO SHIP CANAL. lproposgld bxthe orig‘iu’al pmjectm' of Tanganyika, which increasns the ha‘es of his safety. It must be remumbee Ihut the Lake Tanganyika is upwards of 300 miles long. I am sir, your ubedieutsm-vaut, Julius Rainer, No. 6 Lulhhur)‘, Jun. 8111. S. J. F055 & Co., Sherbrooiie, prey-are ilglnfsfihpmrg Hair Gloss, . Further Tidings ofDr. Livingstoneâ€"Mr. Router has addressed the fwllownl; letter to the newsynpcrs: "SirI have received the following telegram from Alexa drin, dated yesterday; Zanzibar, Dec lat. Intelligence from Keelrrzhslules that Dr. Livingstone, or a person resemblin; him, was seen tru- velling to.'nr(ls the. west of Lake Tangany- ikn. Yen will see ihat. allhnugh lhe news is similar to that already published by Her Majesty's Government on L111: 22nd 01' Nov- emher lust, the date of the above message is Zanzibar, Dec. 15L. Supposing Lhut the later date is correct, which I have a: pres entnn reasun to doubt, Dr. Livingstone mus: have again been seen west of Lake The Dublin Metropolitan police are in the propoltiun ofl lo 302 of the population, while in the London dln‘Ll‘iCL llle force is in the proportion of l to 4.37 or the population. In the 1051; of Ireland the pnlice are l to 450 of the population, and in lhn rest of En;- lund and Wales 1 to 902 of llne population. L»nd(m,1“eb.4. â€"'l'he last desputches frum Abysssnia represent the prosgect ol‘ the expeduiuu favourable. The army was well supplied and the advance-under Gen. Napier has reached the neighbourhood of Autulo. Cork, Féb. 4.-â€"Uue 01' the gates of this city was undermiufid LsL niorhl and blown up. AL the same 'ime all the telegraph wires leading to the cities were cut. The prompt ncliun of Ihe [)oiice prevented any l'uther demonstration. Two bl'UllX‘l'S mun edgiiurry have been umested for rubbing me of the gun shops recenlly 01' a. large qunul‘i y of powder A mm] named Filzgatnck Was :le arrested cn suspicion of having soma- Llung to do with the explosion last night. The police found a bottle ut' Greek fire in his pocket. Telegraphic communication has generally been restored. Fluvrence, Fob. 4,â€"The Nazione newspa- per, to day, asserts that negutmllons for a new convention on the Raine“! question are going un between the French and Indian Guvernmenls, but that Gen. Menebrue pm} fers lhe September neqty. Lnndou, Feb. 4.â€"ll is reported that the Italiim Finance Minister win pluce410,000,- 000 lire of the italian loan in this market to be negutiuted. Florence, Feb. 4.â€"â€"-(‘zax-ibaldi has written an eloqncnb letter to Admiral Farragut. cm- gmtulutiug the United States on encouraging, by the )Jleseuce oi an American fleet the na- tional aspirations of Italy. A mass ot'statisl-féul iut'mrmv-xt'i’on, caller-t- ed from the hes-s sources, has. enub‘ie :m es timute, appm‘entiy well justified, to be form‘ ed that. nearly 5,000,001) tons of height yuufly in buxh direchons will be ready to take advantage of the proposed canal, if Completed in 1875. Of the immense im- portance of the work In 1110 dominion 0 Canada, those th know that cuqu-y and the Great. Nurtlersteru Smlcs of the An) ericam Uuim: cannot eulerluin any doubt. and we trust before long to announce that it has beau begun in earnest. | Beyond Luke Simone will be one more :heavy cuttzng. :lzmiles long and 80 it. deep ‘at the deepest point, but. only 40 feet on the average. At 5L3 nurlher end the canal ‘ will be letdown 40 t'1., by six locks 01'15 ft. lil't each; and 5 more locks of 8m. lift each 1occur at various points before reaching the gGeorgiuu Bay. near which, also. the canal lwill pass through a cutting about 3 miles lin length. The gates and sluices of the llonks are to be opened by hydzuulie power, and the smug bl'llléea‘ ,mer the canal are to ‘ benx‘huved steam poem»: 'finalfy .fixed uponibef‘ure commencing the works, in cum the cost might, prove to be upwmds of cicrht millians. Mr Sykes has esllmuiwd that the work will con‘iprise 10,000,000 cubic ynrus of dredging, 51,000,000 cubic yards 0t exca- vation, and 1,500,00 cubic yards of pudd- ling. The estimate. is very full in its dv‘LniiS of retaining piers, slope protecm‘m. lacks, dams, waste wvei‘s, bridaws, hydraulic main (25 miles) towering paths, culverts, inlets, fencing, terminal harbours. wharvcs,muchin- my, 05‘s 5 and We who e eatimzned cost, will) 10pm: cent for contingencies, is 35,969,800 ydgllurs, “or about 7.250,000l. This' how-I The-whole length of the canal proper is nearly 72 miies, or, incluging Lhe Imyiguti-Au through Luke time c, 97 mnes from lake Ontario to 1110 navigable waters of the Gen" an Buy and Lake Huron. IL is prubosed to ta 0 the Canal over the Great. Western Railway near Toronto, by m) aqueduct ol'three spans, and 1.0 reeunsmuct the bridge ot'tlte Grand Trunk Ruihmy at Weston, seven miles lmm Toronto, so that, vessels may pass beneath it. Both these are importth works. proposgld by the origmal projector of the work, Mr. Tully, and it. 11150 appears in the plans uf Mr. Sflics, who has [usle the {ground to cnnxsjdcmblc dcpihs u d fuqu iL :10 (sonsisL of indnmlcd ‘uy and gravel, similar to that. 11m 1". 'in chins nub far distant. Iwhich have slnnd for many yours at steep slopes. Mr. Sykes, indeed, (rents the cult- ‘ing as a work of magnitude merely, and not ‘as one diihcuhy. 1f made, four arched bridges oflzu’ge span, two of them of about ‘280 11., would be required to carry roads over ihe until r and at an elemllun suffi- ‘ cient to Clear the topmusw of vessels passmg \ beneath. The harbours bulh on Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay urn sheltered, and capable at" beingr easily rendered available for vessels. Frmii the northern end of the summit cut!ng to Lake Simcoe is 14 miles, and Lhe route lies in flat marshy Ian", and for much ofthe Way in the bed of Holland River. The proposed length oflhe summit level, includ- ing 24% miles of navigation through lake Simeoe, is 48 miles nearly, or eight hours’ steaming at an average late, in the canal and on the lake, ot'six miles an hour. The plans of the work may, however, be considerably modified before they are finally carried into execution, and it is not impossi- ble that the engineers who are expected to assume the responsibility of the works may recommend a much shorter and shallower cutting, even at the expense of increased lock-Acre, and that of pumping the water, say, 100 ft. to the summit level. The power required to pump the whole loclrage water 100 ft. high would not, as shown by calcul- ation, be excessive, even if ships were passing the locks every twenty minutes durindr the twenty-four hours. Whichever mode may be udopted for passing the sum- mit, {L f»; sntislhctory to know that Mr. 11.1wmhuw, in h"; preliminary report upon 21 general examination of the plans, has pnint- ed out no spiciul ditfi-JL'IUBS, 15-35 report being based upon the necess LI'V flSSllmPLlOR that the soil is favourable for the executimi of the proposed works. LATEST FROM EUROPE. MISCELLEANEOUS. SCHOOL LECTURE â€"Mr McCalIum, Local Superintendenfi of Schools for the Township of'Vauglmn, delivered an m- teresling lecture in the School House here. on Monday evening last, to a small but appreciative audience. The selections by the Band were well chosen and rendered with remarkable accuracy and unison. At about; half- past ten the entertainment concluded, and the audience quietly dispersed. The entertainment consisted of songs, choruses and reeitatims, intorspers ed with selections by the Brass and String Bands. The songs, both comic and sentimental, were Well re- ceived. and frequently encored. Penny’s "’ Dark Girl dressed dressed in Blue ’ came in for a good share of applause, as did also his “ Slaver ” “ The Cove vot sings” received a hearty encore for his “ Whiskers,” and caused a good deal of merrm‘ient. “Peter Gray” was well executed, lo the huge delight of the lovers of tragedy, although few tears were shed over the misfortunes and sad untimely death of the unfortunate individual. “ 'l‘he naughty, naughty Girls" assisted the “ Naughty, naughty Boys,’ in giving Sutton his Well-earned; meed of praise; and the ballads of: Cowan and Savage were not behind the rest, either in execution or appreciation. Two reeitations by Ness, a native of the “ land 0‘ cakes," were given in good style, and were all tlie more attractive,, from havmg been delivered in “ guidl braid Scotch." According to announcement, at Con- czrt was given in the School House at Thornlnll, by the Patterson Brass Band, on Monday evening last. Notwithstandâ€" ing that the weather was exceedingly cold, when the hour for commencing ap- proached, the citizens began to arrive, and ere long the house was filled by a respectable, orderly and appreciative au- dience, of about tW0\hundred or over industrious population, and commerce; manufactures, and agriculture will flour- ish. We want labour, and means for employing it, and without this we can- not become a great nation. We believe that the success of Mr C'apreol's darling enterprise will be the making of the country, and will yet immortalizc him as the De Witt Clinton of Canadaâ€"so mote it be. In another column will be found an interesting article upon this important enterprise, copied from the London E'nginrering Journal, of January 10thâ€"â€" one of the most influential scientiiie pub- lications in England Through the in~ defutiguble perseverance and industry of F. C. Capreol, Esq, the provisional pre- sident of'rhc Canal Company, the subject is now fairly brought prominently before the cnpi alists and scientific men of Eng- land, and is looked upon most favourably as a prucicuble enterprise, and worthy their consideration. There is no doubt but Mr. Cnpreol will be able to make such arrangements, before he leaves England, as will be a guarantee thattthe capital will be forthcoming, if our gov- ernment will but assist the undertaking, by a grant of some of the wild land which is new lying useless. The encouragement of this great enterprise will bring cifpital into our country, the expenditure of which w“ l attract emigration ; our great ‘ painea'w‘an Call for Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. New Advertisements. Law (‘zu'd~ Edgar & Grahame Small Farm to Rentâ€"John Shark. List, of Lettersâ€"M. Teef’y. Lecture, Mechanics' Institute. RICHMOND IIlLL. FEB. T. 1868. require to he handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. Until further notice, the mails will be closed at this Post Office as follows : M. TEEFY, Postmaster Richmond Hill, Dec. 2. 1867 Going North 9.00 A.M Going South 10.12 A.M Mails made up at the Richmond H111 Post Office Martha-n Railway 01" Canaan The Ymk Herald, $1,00 a year THE GEORGIAN BAY CANAL. Southern. . r . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 RM. NJ}. REGISTERED LETTERS will RICHMOND HILL STATION Northern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . “ Cushel, . . . . . . . . “ Gm‘mley, . . . . . . . “ Headl'o 1 d. . . . . . . H Victoria 8 quare, @5)? wk 33min. SUBSCLuxflL FOR CHANGE OF TIME CONCERT. EVENING MAIL. MORNING. la Slum-8,) AA. 00 903 5.7. 1 11.00 A. M. . }-on Tuesdays &Fridays. Dec. 2. 1867 by-law .No. 57;â€"Carx'ied.‘ a by-law {hr the payment of members of this council, acco ding to sectlon 27 of the Munimpal Act, and to repeal the exxsliug ‘ Mr. Chester, seconded by Mr. Stokes, mOved that the W ai-den be authorized to 0b- tuin the opinion of the county solicitor as to whether the city and county have jointjuris- diction over Lhai portion of the Kingston ruud Iorming the boundry line between the city and countyâ€"Carried. Mr. Doanefseconded by Mr. Roadhouse, moved than Messrs. Chester, Roadhouse and the mover, be» a committee of three LI) drut't Messrs. Machell and Thompson took their seats (0-day as deputy reeves for King town- ship. PETITIONS. Mr. Stokes presented llle petition of the Rev. J. W. Clarke to be appointed local su- perintendent of the schools in the township 01 Kin g. MOTIONS. Mr. Stephenson, seconded by Mr. Cane, moved that the comminee on finance and assessment be instructed to bring in a. by law to grant aid for the support, of the agri- cultural societies in the County.â€"Curried. n. ~ FOURTH put. The Council met at 10 a. m. on Friday the Wmden iu the chair. v The Council then adjourned until i0 mm to day. Moved by Mr. Tyrell, seconded by Mr. Jackes, that a. committee composed of Messrs. Arnold, Wheeler, Charles Doane, Button, Chester, and the mover. be appoint- ed, with instructions to report to the Court ci:. on any amendmth they may consider requisite to the present Municipal and ASA sessment Acts. Carried. 1 NOTICE. Mr Doane gave notice that he will, to ll‘JUl'lUW (Friday), move for the appointment ot a Select Committee of three members of the Council, to draft a hy-law for paying the members for their attendance at the County Council, according to the Municipal Act of. U. C., section 271 ; also, to repel the present by-law. Moved by Mr. Doane, seconded by Mr. Cane, that a committee of seven be appoint- ed to take into consideration and report on the propriety of dividing the revenue arising from the York Roads among the difierent. municipalities; and that such committee be compused of Messrs. Tyrell, Stokes, Button, C.:r)ied. From several pavlies, praying for reduc- tion of tolls on Kingston road. MOTIONS. Moved by Mr. Bull, seconded by Mr Jackes. that the Finance Committee be in- structed to introduce a bv-law during the present session of Lhe Council, for granting aid to the famishing fishermen of Novia Scotia. Carried v ~ . "V (I a’nmber c01qu From the Council of Yorkville, and the Primitive Methodist Church to remove toll- gate No. l on Yonge street, also for repairs of that road., Messrs. J. D. Edgar and Richard Grahame have entered into partnership, as Barristers and Attorneys-at-Law, in ‘Toronto; they purpose giving their lunited attentlon to the profession in all its branches, including Chancery and Conveyancing. Mr. Edgar has had con- siderable experience at the Bar, and ranks high in his profession as a sound lawyer, and a pains-taking industrious person. Mr. Grahame is well known in this section of country, and is highly esteemed as an upright, honour- able young man. ; We feel that we can safely recommend this new Law firm to our friends throughout the County of York, as young men who will give prompt attention to business entrusted to them. Their enrd will be ,1ound in THIRD DAY. The Councxl met at 10 a. m. on Thurs- day, the Warden in the chair. COMMUNICATIONS Were received from the county treasurer on due financial affairs of the county. ' I I A J ' 77" Three apphcutlons for the appomlment of caretaker of the court house. ‘l . isu, from the Boys’ Home, requesung pecuniary aid. 7 . From A'. Boulton, chairman ofbruss band, 12111 Battallion York, for pecuniary _aid. ‘ nu OffThe annnual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill, Branch Bible Society takes plaee this evening, in the Presbyterian Church at 7 pm. Speakers are ex- pected from Toronto and from other places. “ LEGISLATIYE ASSEMBLY, TORONTO, 21st JANUARY, 1868.â€"~Please to send one copy of your Newspaper to this House, during ‘the three months of each year in which lthereisa Session only, and commencing ‘one week prior to the Session, after which send your account. JOHN NUTMAN. Assistant Cleric.” There is fifty per cent difference beâ€" tween our “advance” and “credit” terms, a fact which Mr. Notman must have overlooked, or he would certainly have taken the precaution to have saved the Province the york shilling (12% cents), which we will have to claim for booking- The terms of subscription for the Herald are printed in the first column of our first pageâ€"they are “ One dollar per annum, in advance; if not paid within two months, one dollar and fifty cents will'be charged.” 80 that the province of Ontario will have to pay us three york- shillings instead of a quarter for three months of the Herald, each year I We may here mention that if he would pre- fer to save the yorker we will give him another chance, and will not make an entry of his order until we learn fur- ther. As a proof of the economical mafiageâ€" ment of our public affairs, we invite the attention of our readers to the following circular which we received “By mail :â€" YORK COUNTY~COUNCIL A NEW SUBSCRIBER; NE W LAW FIRM. CHANGE OF VliV‘UE} Mr. Wheeler moved, seconded by Mr. Macklem, “ That a select committee to con- sist of Messrs. Tyrrell, Robinson, Muchell, C. Donne and the mover be appointed Vtitn instructions to prepare a retition to the Legislature praying that the present law may be so amended as not to allow the venue from one county to be charged to the courts of another county unless in cases of extreme necessity. Carried. MAINTENANCE or PHISONERSâ€"‘SALE OF THE 01.1) JAIL. Mr. C. Deane moved, seconded by Mr. Chester, “That the commissioners of county pioperty be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to make a perma nent arrangement with the City of Toronto for the maintenance of the county prisoners if consistent with the intetests of this county, and to sell and dispose of' the coun« ty property connected with the old jail pre- mises in View that the proceeds arising from such sale be applied to the erection or estab- lishment ofa House of Industry and Refuge to be located in the county of York, or for county purposes. and that the said cnmmis l cioners do report at the June sittings ofthis ‘ Cotncil. and that such sae be not made final until rati‘it-d by the Council, and that, the sale of the cor norution be attached to this 1~esolntion."â€"Carried on a division of 17 to 6. r l From the County Solicitor, enclosing his pr(;fe~'sional opinion on certain portions of the Hawkers’ and Podlurs’ act. PETITIUN. A petition praying for aid from the directors and managers of the Girls' Home was presented by Mr. Thorne. SPECIAL .It'nons. The committee appointed to draft a peti- tion to the legislature asking for certain amendments to the jury law, relating to the payment of special jurors presented their report, which was adopted. It recotmnended the payment, of ten cents mileage to and from courts, and the same rate per day as at present alloived to grand jurors. CLERK OF THE PEACE. Mr. Stephenson moxed, seconded by Mr. Canning, “ That the chairman of the finance committee be instructed to obtain the opin ions of counsel as to the legazity of the Clerk of the Peace heikg an officer paid by fees for all duties connected with his oflicc. charging to the County Council postage and stationery for the use of his office.”- Carried. SEVENTH DAY. The Council met, on Tuesday, at ten o’clockâ€"the Warden in the Chair. COMMUNICATIONS. Communications were read as follows :â€" From W. Rowland & 00., relating to a new patent fire extinguisher, testimonials as to the efficacy of which were also handed in. From Wm. Wright, wishing to rent the old jail-grounds for another year. Mr; Thorne said that he thought ministers should n91. be allowed to go free of- toll un- proceeding on_ 'p'gst‘oval duties: ' The Council then adjourned till Tues‘ day. NaySrâ€"Messf‘s. Donn. Ju'ckes; Mack- lem, Robinson, Stokes, Thorne, and Wheeler. dutvies. (Laughter?) The motion was then put and carried on the following division :â€" Yeasâ€"Messrs. Bu”, Britton, Cane, Can- ning, Chester, C. Donn, (Aurora), Draper, Lane, Mnchell, Patterson, Playter, RxddeIl, Roadhouse. Thompson. and Tyrrell. Mr. Thompson though; it better to allow all ministers to go Free of toll on all chea- sions, because it might possibly hea amour;r temptation to them t) tell a fib when asked whether or not they were on their pastoral duties. (Laughter). The Council then adjourned. noun)”: BUSINESS. A portion of the afternoon was occupied in routine business. such as giving notices of motion, and some orher matters which will be brought. up at some future day. MINISTERS FREE OF TOLL. Mr. Draper moved, seconded by Mr. Cane. “That, all ordained ministers of the Gospel, residing within this county, shall upon application to the Warden, be entitled to a pass, permit ing hin tordrive throu-rh all tollvgntes on the York Roads within this county, free of chargeâ€"the name and ad- dress of the applicant to be written on the said pass. A communication was read from Miss Elliott. secretary of the Girls Home pray- ing on behalf of the lady manager for aid for the institution. A communication was read from the trus- tes of the Water) County GrammarScho-o l praying for aid. A communication was read from Mr. Thomas Beatty, praying for the reductmn in toll, in consequence of Ihe loss sustained by him on American silver. SIXTH DAY. The Council met at two o‘clock, Monday, the Warden in the chair. ' ‘ commmcnnms.‘ A letter was read from Mr. 'R. L. Den- ison, praying; for the remission of toll. the charges to which he had to submit, being in his opinion exhorbitant. MOTIONS. Mr. Thomyison, seconded by Mr. Machell, moved that Messrs. Tyrrell, Bull. Wheeler, Stokes, Duane, and the mover, be a. select committee to draft a petition to the Legisla‘ Im-e, praying that the Jury Law be amended so far as rtnlmes to the payment of special jurors. Carried. The Council adjourned until 2 p.m. on Monday. Mr. Button, seconded by Mr. Robinson,~ moved that the Clerk and Treasurer of" this municipality do prepare and have ready m future on the first day of each sessxon all pa.- pers and documents. and place the same be- fore the different committees so as to facili- tate business. Carried. ‘ ’ The Finance Commitee reported a by- law granting aid to the Cnunty Agricultural Societies. This was read three times and passed. The amounts granted is $125 each to the Eastern and Western Societies, and $150 to the Northern, the largest of the threeâ€"$400 in all. ' The Council met on Saturday, at ten o'clock the Warden m the chair. _ covamcnmxs. Were received from the lady manager: of the Burnside Lying-in-Hospital, praying for peguniary aid. I' From "the Rev. Dr. Jenning’s, Chairman of the York County Board of Education, with statement of incidental expenses for half-year ending Dec. Blst, 1867. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. The Select Committee appointed to frame a by-law fixing the allowance of members of the Council, brt ught in their report. The by-law was read three times by suspenson of rule and passed. The allowance is $2 per day and five cents mileage to and from home. The report oi the standing committee on printing was brought, in and adapted. Seve‘xlal noticest motion weré given, and the council adjourned until Saturday. FIFTH DAY. REPORT‘ Information gum-named to I'roducea luxuri- nnl growth of Hair upnu u bald head or bsurd lass fuce. n‘su a recipe tor the ramova of l’unples Bmlches. Erupliana. 010.. on the ski . having Ihe name so“. dear. and b€nuti ml. can m ub uiued without charge by ad messing, v AGENTS WANTED. Machines sent to Agents on trial, and given away to families who are needy and deserving. \ddress J. C. OTTIS ll 00., Bostou. Mass. Why Will people pay $30 or $100 for :1 Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy a better one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary. the subscribers beg to inform their numerous friends that the “FRANKHNH and “MEDAL- LloN” Machines can be had in any quantity. This machine is a double-thread, constr ct- ed upon entirely new principles. and DOES NOT infringe upon any other in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Fwwinr.r Machine, and is warranted to excel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes- tifv. â€"Franklin THE CONFESSIONS Ann EXPERIENCE 01“ AN INVALID. l’ubliahed forthe benefit and as a Caulinu to Young MM) and minus, who sufl'ar from Nervous Debility. Premature: Decay of Mun- imod. 6.30.. supplying a the same \imn The Menus ol‘SelFUnre. By one who has curcd himscnt'nller undorgning cunaidelflblfi quack erv. The applicant. by paying postage on his altar, will rsceive a copy, [we of churgm rum tlm author. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful im’liscreliun, will, for the sake of sul‘firin; lmnmnixy, send free to all who need it, the {Wipe and and directions flir making the simple remedy hy \\'lllf'i'l he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN 13. 0G DEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. ESQ” Brunklyu. Kings Lu}, ‘3 The Rav Edward A. Wiisou will send (Fre'e ofvhn'gu) 10 all who damn) it. the prewnpxiuu with thé directions for making and mng the simpll rained} in chh he was cured of a lung "fife-min" and Hunt dread diseasu (Tummnp- lion: Hls aniy ulnjvcl is to benefit the afilmzed and he hopes every sufi'awr will try this pre’ scriptiun. did it will cost them nut-Hung, um! may provu a blaming. Phase adllrms REV. ICUWBKD A. WILSON, No. [65 Semi; Second Street. Wlliidmsimrg. New York. Full directi’ms for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless tlm fuc~ simile of CURTIS 6L PERKINS. New York. is on line outside wrapper. Sold by llruguists throughout the world, PHCE, only 25 cenls per Bottle, ()n-‘xchzs-w‘llfi Fulmn Street, New York. 205 High Hull-om. Lamb». Eng 44] SI. Paul Sh, Moulmal, C. E. sneak in this tumor “WHAT WE DU KNOW,” a:le yams of experienca, AND rumor. mm unturnon FOR THE FULFILMENT or WHAT WE mum DECLARE. lu hlmost every instance where the infant is sum-ring from pain and exhausmlimurelivf will he found in» fines» or twenty miuuies after the syrup is mimmislamd. Depend upon ll, mothers. it will give rest to vourselves, and Relief and Health to your Infants. We have put up and sold this article fun years, and CAN SA! IN cow‘mmcu AM) TRUTH of it what we have never hem: able lu say of any other IlledlCiIIeâ€"NILVMR Inks 11' run“) In A SINGLE INSI‘MC'E 1'0 EI-‘l-‘lc'r CURE, when timely used. Never dld We knnw an Instance bl’dlssalisl'aclion by any mm who used it. On the commrv, all are delighted with ~ils opera- ‘ hon, and apvnk in lorms of commandafiomofi is magical 'éfi‘uét ‘ajyd‘ lfiéfiiéhT‘l/‘Irmés “\Ve For Children Teething, greatly facililnlas the pl‘nness of teething, h) manning the gums. reducing all inflammation -â€"wi|l allay ALI. A'MN and epasmodic action, and is “VVECONOM? IS WEALTE.” At Richmond Hill. on Thursday, the‘Glh instant, the wife of Mr. Alex. Scott, 1100!;- seller, ot'a daughler. soo'IijG_SYRUP, GRAND RE-UNION.~â€"-The managing committee of the Maple Mechanics Institu e, announce that their fifth {c- union will take place in the Masonic Hall; on Monday evening Feb. 10, 1868. When several Gentlemen will give readings from various Authors. I he Patterson Junior Brass Band will also be in attendance to add to the plea- sure of the entertainment. LECTURE AND CONCERT.â€"-We beg leave to remind our readers of the Lee- ture and Concert in the Temperance Hull, this evening. See Advenisement. We are indebted to the courteous at- tention of the general committee of the University College Literary and Scien~ tilic Society for a neatly printed copy of the “Inangural Address" of the l’res- ident of the Association, John King, Esq., M. A. It covers thirtyseven pages of closely printed matter, and is a most able and pleasing docu- ment. We thank the general committee for this mark of attention to the rural press, and trust the Ass‘ociation,to which they belong, will flourish and grow in usefulness. We may also say that we take a lively interest in all that apper- tains to Toronto University, and will be at all times ready and willing to raise our feeble voice in defending it against all assailants, from whatever quarter they: may hail. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE â€"-We invite the attention of our reudcis to the adver- tisement of' the Richmond Hill Mc- chanics’ Instituie, by which they will learn .hat arrangements have been made for the second lecture of the season. The Rev. Mr. Bredin has kindly consen'- ed to deliver a lecture on ‘Irish charm: ti r.’ We feel confident that the Rev. gentle- man will do the subjectjnstice, and trust there will be a crowded house upon the occasion. i 477-ly Buy a box of Colby’s Pills in case ofnsaed. THOS, F. CHAPMAN. Cum-151'. 823 Broadway. New York ERRORS OF YOUTH- MRS. WiNSLOW’S UNIVERSITY CO LLEGE. Sure to Regulate the Bowels. TO CONSUMPTIVES. INFORMATION. BIRTH. r "E best of Wines. Liquors. and Cigars. kapl corm'nntly u-n handv Every accomo- dation for travellers. I! Stages have this hotel every morning and evening connec’ing with Norman) Rail- way trains moving Nm'lh and South. A careful hustler always in attendance. RICHMOND HILL HOTEH! BY JOHN PALMER. Which he can f'urni h with single nr double Team of Matched Black Hun-es. V\ him and Black Plumes. Scurfm Gloves. Hmbands and al ether nn‘mm'vng required. nn'lhe Shortest No- tice, and at the Lowasl Rule-1. - And he wishes to inform the Puhlicthat he has provided a new and Vary HANDSOME HEARSE ! UNDERTAKING BUSINESS I JOSEPH LUND Carriage and Waggon Maker! AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH ! A LARGE and variud assortmnnt of Valen- tines of emirer no v snlnplcs, imported (his year, which will b0 sold at very low 1M3: ‘al The Patterson Brass Band has also gener- ously conseuged to assist during the eveningg Tickets 25cts; *0 be had. at ti Office, and at the Door of the Hall. Richmond Hill, 30 January. ’68. . 777,â€" __ .7“ - .â€"..- w VA¢“AVM’ Toronto, have kmdly consented to contribth towards the evening’s garfigrgaiumeut by giving some choice SELECTIONS OF MUSIC! Friday, 7th. February, “TEE RFY: Mignnmsm Doors Open at commence at 8. VALENTINES, VALENTINES! LEETHRE EN]! Eifimififi‘ Will be g‘rven at the Temperancp Hall, Richmond H111, 0n the evening of “The Settlement of Canada.” The Choir ofSt. Paul’s Church W ' V I Professor othetoric. St. Michael’s College Toronto, will deliver a Lecture on Parliamomnrr Legal Businesa attended to‘. OFFICES.â€"CJDH. Street, Corner of Church Steel. Turonto. J. n. EDGAR. RICHARD GRAHAME. Toronto, February 5, 1668. 499. Richmond Hill. Dec. 5, 1857, Barristers an?) thtorncps-nt-fiam, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Conve yan c e rs, NOTARIES PUBLIC, (f0. Vaughan, Jan. 2", '68. 1 mile suu'.h ofVIcmrTn Square. There is 1; good House. Barn and Cider Mill on the pre- misee. For [he purtTculars apply to the proprietor Comprising 12 Acres In the 'l‘emperauguifizfil‘. (anâ€"FRIDAY hone ing. Feb 14m, commencing.“ 75 p.1n.. Sbbjeyt. GR TO RENT! Admission Free. A culiection will be taken up to defray expenses. SMAJEEL FARM Higgins. Wallis Kelly. Jolm Brown, John (2) Kelllier. Miss Calh- Benson, Miss E. Lincy. John Baird. H A. Langslzfi', Johm Banana. John Mngor. \Villiamr Campbell. Hugh Mulheson. W. Duhson. Mary Ann McFayden D. 'Dancy. Jul-n NIL-(lance Margret; Demon. W. Madill. James Ellis, William Russ. H. J. (9) I'll-:ery. Rubi-n anhle. John Farrel George Rankin, Mr. Fisher Bernard Stevenson Samuel Finnla, Peter Sr'hinidl, Julius Garhutt. Ruv, Mrl (2)8impson. Jamel Ginn. John Thompson. Samuel Gir'al, Hnnnnh Thumpmn. William Henslnp, Thomas Whashu-gton Charlott' Jenkins. Bcnj. \Villiams John Johnson. David Wilson, William Keal. Francis Mechanics’ Institute lBBtUtfi‘t Richmond Hm, Nov 28, iési Februm‘}: 13!, 186 Higgins. Wallis Brown, John (2) Benson, Miss E. Baird. H A. Banana. John Campbell. Hugh Duhsoll, Mary Ann Dancy. Jul-u l)l‘l|ll)ll. V". Ellis, William 6 43m Â¥ 1: i nil ‘2 a 1:131: 0mg 1:.3'07'123” Flour. #9 MIer . . . .. .. Wheat. hush . . . . . . . Spring WheatV bush. Harlny, bush . . . . - . - - Puma, do . . . . . . .. Oats, do . . . . . . . . l’ork fresh [0031s. . . Butler 73‘? it: . . . . . . . . RESH CAN OYS'I'ERS, best brands. kept EGS to announce :0 the public, that hexu has addnd lo the abova branches the ' Markham. Feb.5, 1‘68 Oysters ! Oysters ! REY. JOHN BREDIN A. M. HOOD.'Sec. Richmond Hill. Feb. 5. 18 8‘ EDGAR s; GRAHAME? 35am: fiflbcrfimmwmi conslumly on hnnd‘ at E'NG part of Lot No. 2'). ii] the 4th Con- cession oflha Township of M urkIIam HE SECOND LECTURE ofthe season, under the auspices of the above imam-- tiou, Will be delivered by RICHMOND HILL TORONTO MARKETS. 1868; List of Letterq in the Richmond Hill Post Offico 13!, 186 -. JOSEPH LUND. 0. Address. Teston. FOR SA LE 7g30 o’clock; Lecture Lq Lobe had. at the Post Wu. A'I‘KINSON'S. SCO’I'T’S M: TEEFY. P.'V.‘. JOHN SHERK. Richmond Hill 4904f 439.

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