grew better, she nursed me like a si.~ter and him both alone in the World, what wonder that we drifteJ nearer and near; er to each other, until at last there could be none nearer or dearer YO‘RK COUNTY COUNCIL} V ’ ' (‘(;WE15NESDAY, Feb. 5. ' Th0 Councii met at the usqu hour thin morning in their chamber, the Warden in the chair. MLStevengon, pecorid‘ed by Mr., Rubin- Ion, moved that the wardeï¬â€˜and chief bom- miui’o'ï¬ers of céunty pmp‘ei-ty be insti‘ul-ted to luvs the accounts of the clerk of the peace for the past year submitted to the county solicitor for taxation. Carried. Mr, Patterï¬on. Seconded by Mr. Stokes. moved that the Legislature be petilinne'd no! to grant. an Act of Incorporation to the Li- censzd Victuullers' Association. REPORT. The committee on educat‘ou presented their‘ï¬rst report, which was udopleth 1! recommended paymt-ilt ofthe .followiu: sums to Richrxiond H‘ill Grammar School. s 300; Wes'tbn do. $300 ; Markham do, $300, and Newma‘rket (10, $300. LOCAL SUPEIUNTENDESTS. The following gentlemen were appointed local sngnmendents of cummon schoolsâ€" The :qpmt of thecCommitt/ee on Printing was presented and adopted. AID T0 NOVA SCOTIA. Bursuam to notice, Major Butt'm, cecond. @612 Mr, Hamnan, movedâ€"That the Cuun Idil' 0 Twelve ifsvlf imo committee of the whéle Fm reconsider the maner of grantin: 85d to the 'famishing ï¬shermen of Nova. Semis. Wm Watson, No 1, York: Rev. W. Belt. No. 2. ‘Sc‘a'rbOI'o ; Rev. G. S. J“. Hill; No, 3; Markham; J. T. Stokes, No. 4 Whilchurch; Indeo. 5, East Gwillimhury; Dx'. J. \V Montgomery, No. 6, _North Gwiliimhmy ; Rev, J. Gordon, N0 7, Georgina ; Rev. J. W. Clarke,_-Nb. 8 King; Rev) R. Hay, No. 9, Vaughan: Rev. J. Brpoks, N9. 10,, E10 coke. A number of grammar~ school trustees werq a_lsn appointed, after which the Council udjo'urnéd'. THURSDAY, February 6. The Council resumed business today, ac- cording to adjournment. THE COURT IIOI'SE. The committee on county prope- ty report;- ed in reference toa commuitieation from the Clerk of- the Court of Assize and the Fore- man of the Grand Jury on the ‘stnte. of the Court Hausa. They ï¬nd the building in a fair-state of repair, and the furnaces, il' pm perly managed, capable ofamply hemin;r it. The defective coast . uctigm ot‘n. new ‘ventiln toriazthamaincnuse of its bein: insuflici- ently heated during the full and winter, and should be remedied. Speaking of the dirt} state of court house,_ the committee reccum mend the dismissal of the pxesent h mse keeper, and the appointment of" Mr. R ||H3ll Hall in his place. They reccnmmend the renewal of the lease of the county gaol grounds to Mr. William, Wright: also-the appo'utment. of F.- \‘t'heler, J. Robinsm) and the arden, as special commissioners to have charge of all countv property, sunetin nend‘né'cessar'y repairs, make contracts, &c.,' in mferemta‘therem. The motion Was losto’n thevfollowinz' di vision :â€"YeuseMessrs.‘ Button, Hartman“ Inches. Player; Ridden, Thomson,,, Thko and Whaler-4!. Nayséâ€"Messrs. Cane, Can fling, C..Doane, J. Dmne. Draper, Lme’ Machell, Macklem, Roadhouse, Robinson, Severn and Sloker.â€"-12. After some discussion the report was «adapted. The Comic“ met, the Wuran in ihe chain Affer the reading and approval (at the ‘min mes of_the previous day's pruccednu, lhc Coiï¬m‘ittee on equiiiznion and assessment presented, 'their report with two schedules attached, setting forth the number of acres, resident an?! non-resideug o vners, value. “'19. _,y&i$ï¬ 8;!)- The "epurt was adopted 111,1 evfoi'lpwing' Lesb uiions pusScd :â€" "That the'C‘ierk oi the Ui’iuncii He. and is hereby" i1:struc(ed. preiious to the ï¬rst. meet in: of the Council next year, to request the Raw: ,0? the several Municipalities in the cohnty (‘0 bring! toguch meeting the Cullec toss' rolls of their respective municipa ities, within View of‘ lzu‘in; the same henna the A‘ 4‘“ ‘7 o ' o u . Itandlng commlttee on eqlulxzmou [Lid as sessment‘.†=Tï¬â‚¬ C’Smmilte on Finance brouz-ht. m a report, which was adopted, recomnmndin: g1‘lu130f$-10i) each to the Boys' Hon-a the .Girly‘ Home. the lying-in HBspiml, and to the Magdulfln Assylum ; $15 moi] t0 E; Jinglqon and Wm. Rowe“, fur auditing nc‘cpunt'svof Ymk Roads ; $15 each to W. H. Nbrlh ahd‘ Mr. Terry. far auditing account of Magistrates ; $15 tn Mr A. Luv furs:me Rl'gice b'y instruction of Muflstrates; $100 -â€",r.r- _., V, min to the Home of vaideuce aid the Prgmwlztlplzpluma’ Home. NH“! -ounn .A 53.; _ .wqryrr-n’ _~ 3.: A xéso luhon \ygié paésed grantinz $150 to Hit:th Ryan, ’late house keeper of the Court House. The Standing Committee on Bands and Bridges brnught in their rrport. The Coun- cil went into com nittee ot the whole. Mr. Stephenson in the chair. The cnmmilte afterwards rose, reported rogress. ask: d and obtained leave to sit agam on Saturday. The‘Cduueil adjourned. ‘ ‘ SATURDAY, Feb 8. The Council met at 10 a.m.â€"â€"The Warden in the damn After the minutes were read and vapprovo ed, the warden laid on the table a. I‘GI‘OJt of [he Auditors on the Treasurer's accounts will: abstract. MOTIONS. r. Donne. seconded by Mr. Patterson, moved that the Warden be instructed to con- sult Messrs. Putturson and Harrison in all matters connected with the County,when he deems the' interests of the County require it: and that in the case ofD. T. Cmnnbeil versus the United Caunties of'Ym-k and P99], the Commissioners 'of propertv do take such action as may be deemed udviSable. The Council adjourned. This was 6311'in on a division of 11 to 10 votes. Mn Chester moved. seconded by Mr. Riddel1.â€"-Tbut the l‘reasurer be and is heleby authorized to pu'. on order of the Warden. to V. B. Wadsworth. P LS. the sum of $8 for examination and report on the brid ze cvoasin! the river Humber, in September last .-â€"-Curl~i9d. .. "n . -vr r-v, Mr. Cane. Seconded b Mr. Wheler. moved that Mishael Ryan. {ate caretaker of the Court House be. and is hex-éby required to nccounï¬ for and deliver over to the Ciel-k all articles 0! furniture beionginz to or in anywlse pertainiuu to the county previous to his leaving the premises which have beeiz under his care and control; and that the Clerk be required to mak‘e an inventory of the same. and also take a receipt from the prt-seut housekeeper for the sv-m‘e when ’plac 45d i9 his possessionâ€"Carried. II n n 7.7Ca3ming, seconded by Mr. Bul‘, RESOLUTIONS. FRIDAY, Feb. 7 m wed that the Warden be and is hereby axut'mrised to carry (ut the recommendation of the Commilttee on Roads and Bridges,as pre 'euLed in their report. The report of the committee tecommen'k 'nmo .gst uther matters, in reference to the pontimt from the Yurkvilie Council and the Plimitivh Methodist Church of that viliage, that No. l toll-:‘ute 0n Yonée street be i'enmved one half mile n mh of its ptesmL lo‘sti m, sultjet‘tjo the condition 'thut the Cupomtion anorKville hem- All 'the ex pense incxddnt Lv such removth ' h.‘ 1 1", >1 1-,“ .r Also that lrecl‘i‘olders and householders residing un the-Kingsth Road within halfa. lnile east of the oily limits. and those .ésid- ing wixh‘in half in mile north of Said bound dry, he required to pay only half $01: from the 4ih Julie next. And lh‘fn. tilt) Suit] tull- ;‘ate shall be leased on that condilion. A30, that xtepaif's l‘»é“ixiitde 0n the’ King- lun road, 835‘ of Highland Cmek, in lecord :anc with the sugfesliun of the Saperin‘ Iendent. i‘yrell. seconded By Mr. Rayter, muved 111an the warden be instructed to communicate with the wmden-ofllie Cuunty uf' Puel, leguestmg the cooperation of thait eurlmmtiun m aid in erecting a bridge on river Etobie’ukc, (m the County line be tween the Cmmliea of York and _Pee].â€"-'Cmried. The. I'GPUIt of the Standiu-or Committee on roads and bridges was presented and adopt- ed mt†Hue follmvinnr resolution, in accord- ance with the recommendation of the comâ€" mittee :--‘ 'l‘rlixétr the Treasurer be authorised to pay lhe following sums :â€"â€"$l20 to Herod Noble and $26 to Chas. Hun‘t. The report. of the Standing Committee on comingeut accounts was presented and adopted. . .. . n u n 1 my I I ‘ V ‘ V n . On motion of the Council adjourned uutll the second Monday in June next. ï¬ning Nul'lh 9.00 A.M. Going South 10.12 AM. Northern Railway of Canada Until farther “mice, 11m mails will be "luscd a: um Pun (mice as follows: MORNING. Southern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 RM. N.B.‘ REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the Iime of closing. Mails made up at the Richmond Hui Post Ofï¬ce New Advertisements. Law Card~- Edgar & Grahame Small Faun to Rentâ€"John Shark. List. at Lettersâ€"BI. Teefy. Lecture, Mechanics’ Institute. . M. TEEFY, Postmaster. lichmond Hilerec. 2. 1867 THF RIGUTIMAN IN THE RIGHT PLACE, ' It must be gratifying to the Hon. J. S. Macdonald, and his colleagues, to ï¬nd that their offers to inaugurate our 100:..1 system of Government, under confeder- ation, is constantly growing; in favour with all sections of the ‘people of this Province,â€"-w‘iih0ut distinction of party -â€"â€"and that their exertions Lo (work the machine with economy, and a due re- gard to the public interest, are properly appreciated. Mr. Macoonuld and his colleagues are winning laurels for themâ€" selves, by laying a foundation for the future management of our affairs that rill enti le them to the gratitude of all well-\vishers of our country, We copy ‘ the following opinion on this subject ifrom the Pembroke Observer :â€" _ SUBSCLQSL‘ Eon _ _ The Yoxk Herald, $1,00'avyear RICHMOND HILL, FEB 14. 1888. “Thevpx'ztctice of rigid economy, which the Government of John Snudï¬eld Muc don ill is cnrryinar out in its management of public mfuirs, cannot; but meet with the euthe appt‘ohntion of the country.â€" Etteh ofï¬cer under this regime is getting what, his services is A'Otth, and no more; while the multiplicity of useless ofï¬ces, so greatly complained of In former years. is now done away with ; unnecessary ex- penses tire heith :rnduzt ly lopped off; and, h) evety other means. the object of bring- ing the expenditure within the income is bein,r sought after. Thus we see many of the evils of the past beith superseded by the blessings of good government, and are :‘ealizin: the advantages of httvinbr the con- trol ot'our own local titl‘ait‘s in am own hund-s. In fact. with the money this Pro- vince has allotted her to come and go upon there is semeely robin for corruption or ex» tt'ztvnaraiice on the part ofthe‘Government.†RICHMOND HILL STATION Northern Mail , . . . . . . . . . Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . Mail for Ahmx'a, . . . . . . . . “ Cushul,. . . . . . . . “ Gorm ey, . . . . . . . “ Headl'md. _ . . . . . u. Vicluria Square, ' On Frlday evening last, the 7th inst, the Temperance Hull, in this village, was crowded to overflewingâ€"iu fact many persons had to turn away from the door i:i cansequeuce of not being able to grain admittance The Reverend M. A Fergusson, Prof. ofRhetoricSLMichuel’s College, 'l‘oromo, delivered his eloquent lecture, on the “ settlement of Canada ’ in a manner that- interested and delight- ed the audience; he occupied an hour anda quarter, during; which time he was frequenth applauded. The musical part of the entertainment, was ï¬rst class, and such as we rarely have the opportu- nity of enjoying. The Patterson Brass Band performed several beautiful pieces, and contributed largely to the evening's entertainment. We have no doubt the committee will have realized a handsome ‘ sum for Yheir benevolent purpose. i @92 19MB ï¬ssalb. LECTURE AND CONCERT. CHANGE OF TIME EVENING MAIL. «£1: ........... [a S quare, J MM AA 013 57 Dec. 2. 1867 1 11.00 A. M. '(011 Tuesdays I & Fridays. We learn by the Leader, and from persons whoweré present; at the Com versazione, tonFriday (Evening iast, that it was the most fashionable gathering of the season ;. there were_, between twelve and fourteen hundréd ladies had = gentle- men present; The graduates and under- graduates attended in Academic costume, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LIT E1“ OYSTER SUPPER AND LECTURE ALiY SOOLE'HgngNVERbA- I ' AT THORNHILL‘ 21 x _ _ We learn by the Leader, and from! persons whoweré present at the Cons versazione, tonF'riday evening last, that it was the most fashionable gathering of the season ;. there were, betvgeenv twelve and fourteen hundred ladies Fund = gentle- men present; The graduates and under- graduates attended in Academic costume, ‘ â€"â€"-the Convoeation Hall was tastefully decorated with banners, flags, and stacks ‘ of arms; the whole building was throttn open to guests. and being mu “Lighted l by nearly two hundred lamps, an dppor-l tunity was afforded them to see the vari-; ous objects of interest in the several de- partments. t The following is the Frogr‘amme of the eVening’s entertainment 5â€"»: PART1.4;l-Selec1ion, ‘Pre aux Clercs,’ lby Band »fthe 131h Hussars :- Zâ€"zAddress, ‘ Canadian Reminiscences.’ by Mr. ‘H. M. n 1 rud W. iv... uzerl...T...rl:.\.. We would remind our readers of the O) ster Supper and Lecture, to he given in the Thornhill ‘M-. Vestry, on Thursday next, the 20th inst. The supper is to be prov1ded by the young folks 9f the Village, and as they are, de- termed to outdo the V“ old f‘dlk’s,†'Vank‘d spare no pains for the comfort and enâ€"l joynien€"df those who “patronize them, 'We can safely say that those who do so will have a good time. After the sup per is over, a Lee'ture will be delivered by the Rey: MrfiB'reï¬diri,‘ en "Remini- scenees of his loin"- in Europe." From the well-known andiuniv'ersally acknow~ ledged ability ofpthe lecturer, whose name is at any time sufï¬cient to draw a crowd; and flom the Wide spread fame of Thornhill for, good entertainments; we think our friends at rI'll-Iomhill will haéé a (veil ï¬lled house; ' PART l.-‘LIâ€"â€"~Selec1ian, ‘Pm aux Clercs,’ by Band »ftl1e lï¬lh Hussars :â€"2-â€"*Ad,dress, ‘ Canadian Reminiscences,’ by Mr. ‘H. M. Deroche ;â€"â€"‘-3 â€"â€"-Ch0rus, ‘ Yes, ’tis the Indian Drum,†by members of the U. College Li term-v Societv :â€"â€"~4~' Rowling, ‘Edinburgh Drum,†by members of the U. College Li terury Society 3â€"4" Rqading, ‘Edinburgh after Floddeu.’ by Mr. W. G. Falcon- bridgc B.A. An intermission of twenty‘ï¬ve minutes, af?ox:diugau opportunity to visit ProfessorCrofL’s Lecture Room, to witness experiments. ' PART ILâ€"lâ€"SOIO, ‘\\'aiti.n‘g,’ by“,1\‘lr. 1 PART ILâ€"Iâ€"Solo, ‘waiting,’ by 'Mr. E. P. Crawford B.A.;â€"2â€"»Address, ‘Col- lege Lifeâ€"its Romance and Reality,†by Mr. W. Mitchell ;-3â€"Pianofm‘te Solo, ‘La Fete des Fees,’ Mr. R. E. Kingsford ;â€"-4â€" Essay, ‘Recollections,’ by Mr. W.H. Ren- uelsou. Intermission oftwenty-ï¬veminutes, during which time the Band played in the Entrance Hall. “ Mr. Grahame (York)-â€"â€"enquired whether it Was the intention of Ministers to Lake into consideration, during the session, the'amalgamation of the general functions of County Councils with this legislature. and the consequent enlargeâ€" ment of the powers of township and vil- lage councils. The Hon. J. S.‘ Macdon- uld replied in the negative.†' PART IlI.â€"â€"-1~â€"â€"Se1ection, ‘Gemma di Vergyflby Band of the 13th Husszwsgâ€" 2â€"8010, " Unly at Home," by Mr. E. P. Crawford, BLA.;â€"râ€"3-â€"Reading, ‘A Tale of the Light Brigade†by Mr. J. Killmaster; â€"â€"4~â€"-Chorus, ‘Hark, the Curfew's solemn sound,’ by members of the Society. ' God save the Queen,†by the Band. We copy the foregoing singular para;- graph from the proceedings in the ngis- lature of†Ontario, as reported in the daily Leader of 16th January ; the only infer- ence we can draw from it is that our [Member appears to have some confused notion of abolishing County Councils. THE MEMBER FOR WEST YORK â€"WHA'J.‘ DOES HE- MEAN? If Mr. Grahame. entertains any such views in regard to our M un‘ioipaltsystern hand'tveminnltned’toï¬ï¬nk‘ï¬e’ V 5- we can assure him he does not‘eeho. the wishes of his constituents in West‘ York. ; for had he mooted the subject when on his election tour in August,he would soon have learned that all changes are not reforms, and that the people are not desirious of everlastineg tinkering at the laws and institutions of the country. Our Municipal bodies work well, and are popular; the public feeling is infavor of preserving the present system. We iwould suggest to Mr. Grahame that he might as well attempt to introduce a bill to make his seat in parliament permanent, as to create such a radical change in V the Municipal economyr of the Province as the abolition of County Councils. The Richmond Hi1} Branch Bible Society, held their anmral meeting in the Presbyterian Church here, on Friday Evening the 7th February, the meeting was well attended. R. Marsh, Esq., Presuient in the chair. The meeting was addresed by the Rev. Messrs. Bredin, Burns and Dick. DEPOSITORY'S (MR. A. SCOTT) ACC’T DR. 1 Value of Bib'es and Testaments on hand, lst January 1867. . . . I ..$27 1 2 Bibles and Testaments Bought. .. 12 I. DEPOSITORY’SACU’T, CR. 1. Value ofBil)les and Testaments on hand, 1 Jam. 1868 . . . . . . . . . f Bv cash for Bibles sold . . . . . . . . . . . “ Bibles to Mr. R. Marsh, for Dis- 'tribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE TREASURER’S (A. LAW ESQ.,) ACC'T DR. 9 Jan. 1867, To Balance from 1866 $13 70 To Subscnptions collected by Misses Law and Dick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23 Mi.“ 1.. Vzmderbuw. . . . . . v . . . . .. . 17 25 Law ahd Dick . . . . . . . . . . . Miss L. Vunderburz. . . . . . , . . . Misses Hamilton & Willizmmm). "7&5" Metcaifn & M. Vandal-burg Mrs. John Gray, Pattersonville. . . Amount for Bibles sold. . . ., . . . By Purchase acc’t1867.. . . . . .. .5 . f‘ . Donuuons, To Hrmsh and Foreign Bible Society . . . . . . . . . . Donatiun T0 Upper Canada. Society. . . .. . . . . .. . I.-. By Incidental expenses . . . . . Balance on hand. . . . .. London, Feb. 12, evening.â€"â€"â€"Im]iortant despatches have just- been received from Ahyssinia. At last; accounts from the in- terior, General Napier was at the front push- ing on the advance, and the hostile forces were drawing; nearer to each other. Re ports reached Annesly Bay that skirmishes had already taken place between the British ad 'ance and the ft rces of King Theodore, but no particulrrs ofï¬ghling are given. 0f ï¬cial despatches from General Napier ar anxiously awaited. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY. TREASURERS Acc’T CR. Bible ..$23 . .$1‘2 48 $100 09 $100 09 $40 $10 22 23 17 25 8 50 5 70 18 4:) 14 31 50 00 20 00 90 3'8 31 When 'to this we Add that the Church Choir, whose merits haiie llqflg“ since “ gained for théiï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜ldr’ious name,†will enliven the proceedings with choice music, we have no hesitation in saying that this will he ‘one of the best enter- tainments‘of the séason. ’ The proceeds are'to be ’given in aid of the Parsonage Fund. The Township Fathers will assemble at the Hall, at 10 o’clock am, on Mon- day next, the 17th inst,â€"it is at this meeting of Council.that a successor to Mr. Pearce will be appointed. As we said before, we repeat now, that we have‘ conï¬dence 'in the upright intentions of each and every member of the present Council, and believe that they will be acnuated only by a desire to promote the interests of the Township, and that in making their selection for the oflice of Cleric and Treasurer, they will be guided by sound judgment as to the best qvuuliï¬ed. and most 'eï¬icicnt applicant. 1V9 have no doubt there will be many ap- plicants, some of Whom will be more 0" loss qualiï¬ed:â€"-and, 01;. the 0th“ hand; we have heard the names of' caildiiates ‘mentioned that we know are not possess- ed of the ï¬rst and most essential qualiï¬- cation. It is necessary that the person occupying the position of [Clerk and Treasurer of the township should spell English» correctly, write a good band. and have a practical'linowledge of book-keep ins: â€"an‘c_l, nQme'add‘icted ’to murdering \Vc would respectfully invite the at-l tention of Mr. Dewe to the great incon-j venience suffered by the public for Wanti of a Post bag between Maple and Rich- mondhill. The courier takes the mai: bags from this village to‘ the B ailway sta‘ ion, and there meets the courier from Maple, yet we have no direct communi- cation with the Maple Post Ofï¬ce, ~ all letters and newspapers sent from this vil~v lage to friends and subscribers at Maple, have to go to Collingwood or Toronto be fore they get totneir destination. Our subscribers :11. Maple, Vellore and Teston (these Iwo lat'er oï¬ices being served through the Maple P. 0.) all Complain 10f the round-about their papers are sent, and the delay oocassioned by it, when it ‘can be easily remedied by having an‘ ex tra leather bag, and instructing the Post- masters at Riehmondhill and Maple to make up a mail for each of their oiiices, morning and evening.~As this arrangeâ€" ment need not be attended with any ex- tra expense, we trust that our obliging and energetic P. 0. Inspector will try to have a change that will obviate the in- conveniezce we complain of, and which we and many others, have borne with such meekness and patience. . WESLEYAN METHODIST SAB BATH SCHOOL REPORT. To the Superintendent and Ilfembers 0f the Wesleyan Methodist Church the Secretary of the Richmond Hill Wes- leyan Methodist Sabbath School begs leave most respectfully to report :â€" That in presenting'the annual-returns of the School for the year 1867, he does so with pleasure, as the year has been a successnt one, and one whlch under the blessing of God has proved to be a year productive of much good among the scholars, of greater diligence on the part ofthe teachers, and of an increased interâ€" est relative to the welfare of the School, by those who are not immediately con- nected with it. For several years past there has been a. lack of sympathy with our oflicers and teachers on the part of parents and oth. ers to whom we, as laborers in this imporâ€" tant section of the Wide ï¬eld of christian labor naturallg} look for a Word ofencour- agementâ€"a more substantial token- of their appreciationâ€"or a prayer that God would be pleased to prosper the work of their hands. ‘ In looking back on the past year We rejoice that we have the pleasure to re~ port 131115, to a great “ degree old things have passed away,†for we remember with gratitude many evident tokens, {heartfer and pocketfelt) of wishes for POSTAL ACCOMMODATION. VAUGHAN COUNCIL our success, and many prayers oï¬'ered up to the throne of Grace that the blessing of Him, without Wh‘om the best concerted schemes are vai‘d, jshquld; rest upon us. Another fact which deserves‘an ex- pression of gratitude to an ever merciful and Allaiv’iseï¬eing, is God’s kindness in sharing our-,.el1ildren, and preserving to _ us their lives. N0 vacant seat is to use reminderrof one passed away to an eter- §al world. The same happy faces greet us, the savrne cheerful voiees Welcome ts from Sabbzth to Sabbath. The only loéses'n'e have sustained during the year are those, who, through the vicissitudes of life have removed to other lodalities, peivhaps to other éountrles; but carrying ‘in their hearts, we trust; Seed dropt by faithful teachers to lie Watered by the Spirit of God, ahd destined to bring forth fruit in its season. But while we miss the interesting countenanecs of the Ver- ney's, the Anderson’s and others, our loss is to some extent made up by the admis- sion of additional candidates for Sabbath se’hooi privileges, and each Sabbath adds its quota of names to the already Well extended roll.’ Finnneially"considered, our school is in an ex‘cellent condition, for which We de- sire to return our sincere thanks to those friends, who hare kindly contributed to our aid ‘in this respect. The Socials given during the past year succe3dod far beyond our most sanguine expectations, resulting in placing us in comparatively comfortable eircumstances. Much neces- sary stationary has been purchased, large additions have been made to the library -â€"over seventy copies of' the Sunday ‘Sehool_Advocnte have been paid for, and‘ are now circulating through the village, creating additional interest in the Sub bath school enterprise among the. parents of the children. The general condition of the school during the year has been satisfactory, the average attendance of the scholars has exceeded last year, and has been char- acterized by punctuallity, while the Wil- lingness With which they have conformed to the rules of the school, have been very encouraging. Another“pleasing“r feature which de- mands a passi~ gnotiee, is the attendance of'a large number of scholars of an age which too frequently is made an excuse for dropping off from the Sabbath school. The young men and young women in conâ€" nection with our Bible classes, do a great deal toward contributing to the prosperity of the school in thus attending as scholars, by setting a, good example to younger branches of the various families in our neighborhood, and by their desire for knowledge, and obedience to our Rules stimulgï¬e the teachers to greater dilli- gene, and more; perseveringr assiduity in their work of' faith an;l labor of 1‘2“) Having giving an epitome Of What W0 have and what we are, we would no?! 130‘ fore we give the statistics for the past year, most respectfully present to the So« ciety what we want, and we trust that when those desires are known that the aid afforded will notfa‘ll behind the lib- eal‘reeuniary centributions of the past year We desire in'the ï¬rst plaCe to be more frequently remembered at the throneof Grace by the members of the church, that God may graciously ble;s the labdrs of' our hands. All cannot work in the school, neither can all contribute to its funds, but all can pray for us;'the fervent eï¬'ectual prayer of the righteous availeth much. therefore it is our desire that many such prayers may amend in our behalf, that God may own our labors and by the rre- :cious influence of His holy s iririt, bringr many of those committed to.nur care to ‘ a knowledge of‘thc truth as Jesus. \Ve also want during the present year an increased number of visitors to the school Several of‘our friends came in occasionally in the past year, but not so m any or so frequently as eoulrl be desired The children lik} to see their parents at the Sabbath school, and the ofï¬cers and teachers look on a visit as a favor, and take it as a token that they are not alto- gether forgotten, and that their selfâ€"deny- ing labors are, to some extent appreciated. STATISTICS. 0FFICERS.â€"-1 Superintendent: 1Assis't- ant; 1 Secretary; 1 Assistant; 1 Librarian; 1 Assistant; 1 Treasurer. No. of Male Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 No. of- Female Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 do Boys do . do.. .‘ Total of Scholars . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . ‘ Average attendance... . . .. . . . . Greatest No. of verses on one Sabbath Least No. recited.. .’ Greatp'st. reqited by the Girls on one Sabbath. . . . .' . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . By the Boys on one Sabbath . . . . . . . . Least No. recitedby the Girls on one Sabbath . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Least N0. bv the Boys ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . Total No. of verses by the Girls during: 1he year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13564 Total by the Boys during the year. . . 1840 Total by the School . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 15,404 FINANCIAL REPORT. Receipts for the year 1867. Mrs. Cresby’s Social. $16 60.; Mrs. Law’s, dim, $11. 83; Mrs. Trench's, $17. 40; Mrs. Sanderson’s, 16. 35'; Mrs. Atkinsdn, $16 65; Rev. J. Bredius Lecture. $6 85; Mrs. Harrison’s Social, $20 39,; Total amount $106 07. DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for Libraries, For Sunday School Class books, &c.,.. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $86 63 Balance in the Treasurer’s hands. . .$19 44 All of which is respeétfully submitted for your consideration and adottion. WM. ATKINSON, v ' ‘ Secretary. Severe sickness is often pgévented by timely use of Colby's Pills. On the 12*h inst, at the Brides father’s Richmond Hill, by the Rev. James Dick, Mr. Samuel Finley of Innisï¬l, Simcoe, to Miss Elizabeth Coulter. M A ERIED, Advocate . $6218 18 90 5 55 4G 36 104 63 90 (35 155 62%; 203 600 141 225 CAVALRY Scuoon.â€"â€"Major William M. Button, commander of the Markham Cav- alry troop, at the examination before Col. Jényne, C.B., and the other members of the board, has taken a. ï¬rst class certiï¬cate and passed with high honors. The Mark- ham troop was ï¬rst organized by the grandfather of Major Button, and the com. mand of it haé descended from father to Son till the present day. The Major’s many friends in his old ti wnehip, which he has represented as reeve and deput v-reeye in the County Council lately present V him with a sivo'rd’as a token of-their»friendshipsâ€"chcm er of 'Wednesday. Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid is the'best. Liniment. MR3.~=W|NSLO’W’S: » - SOOTHINGâ€" SYRUP, For Children Teething, grbndy facilital.ox the procesfo loathing, by softening the gums, reducing a“ influnmuuon «will allay ALL J‘AIN and‘ Npasilludii: action, and is Depend upon it, mothers, it wiILgive real to yoursei‘v‘es. and \Ve hnvc put npand sold this allicla' for years, and CAN My IN marlin-men AN!) TRUTH of it What we huvo never Mum able in say of am‘ other medicineâ€"Nan.“ H ER 1r FAILâ€) m A swam“. “server; To mirror cums. when linmh' usnd. Navsr did we knmv an Instance of (Lssaliflhclion lay any one who nsm] it. On the Coutlarv, a†are (luliglllvd wilt-LI its opera» Mon, and spunk in terms ul‘ counnlandmion of its n‘mgicul efl'vcts and medil'ul vurmys. _Wq speak in [his [Inner "WHAT “IE [)0 KNUVV,†al'ler yams ni' experienco, AND PLEDGE mm Runny: 10:: mn THE FULFILMICNI‘ or WHAT wv, mum». hutmxin. In almost every instance where 'l,he mll'dnl is suï¬ba‘ing from pain and exhaustmiuu, I'vlief' will Do found in ï¬l'l‘onn or xwemy miuums aun- [he syrup-is mlmmié‘lered. Full diz-octivms fur-using wEH mn-nmpnny each boltlu. NOIIB‘L'FEHHIH‘. unless- the fac- simile ofCURfl‘fS 61. PERKINS. 1‘?an York. is on the cutside wrapper. Sold by Hruggishs xhrouglmu: 11m world. I’nce. only 25 cents pm Bottle, OFFICESâ€"«~26 Fulhm Street, New York. 2H?) High Ilulhunq. Londnn, Eng 4“ S1, Paul Sh, ' " ulmal, b.111- Thof‘wv, Edward A. Wifmu \viII send (free nl'vlmrgu) to all who desire it. lhe prescripï¬on with the directions fur making and “sing the simplr rmnedy by which he was cuer of a In Hg HI?†Aim) and Hm! dread dlsuasn (Iunsnmp- lion. HIS only vhjum is m bmmiit {he afflicted and he hupas uvery summer wiil try this pre- scription. as it will cust [hum unlhing, and “my provn a Wile-\ing. [’19- ‘e addrem ...... n. I\:IrFt/'\\1 A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debilily'. l.)remature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscrelion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free. to all who need it, the recipe and a: d directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sulferers wishing to proï¬t by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addre§sing, in perfeci confidence, JOHN B. OGDENï¬LZ Cedar-Street, New .___. l , mav. EDWBH 1) A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Wlliiamshurg. New York. YO?) Tfï¬â€˜: CONFESSIONS m; EXPEIHENCE OF AN DIX/AL“). I Published for tha beneï¬t int! as quumiqn Published l'urlha beneï¬tind as a Cumiqn '0 Young Men and othms, who sï¬ï¬'sl‘ from Nervous Uebilily. I’remaulro Decay of Mam- Iwod. &c.. supplying w the sums (imq The Means of Self-Cum. By one who has cm'cd himself after undergoing considerable quack. en" The apphcanl by paying postage (:n his euer, will receive a. copy, free of chargel mm the author. â€"- Franklin.. Why Will people pay $30 or $100 for la Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy a better one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary; the subscribersbeg to inform their numerous friends that the "‘ FRAXKLIN†and “ MEDAL- LioN" Machines can be had in any quantity. This machine is a double-thread, co'nstr ct- ed upon entirely new principles, 21nd DOES NOT ini‘ringe upon any olher in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewing Machine, and is warranted to excel ALL others, zuélhousnnds of patrons will tes- tifv. ' _ . "vuvmn .. A \vrnnh In J z. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq. Brookhn, Kings Cu. V 0:}?- AGENTS W ANTED. Machines sent to Agents on trial, and given away to familles who are needv and deserving. Nddress J. C. QTTISKa (10., Boston. Mass. Informaï¬on Ennrnafeed in product: a humi- ant growth of Hair upm‘i a. [mid head 01' heard loss fume. R'FILI, recipe for [the ‘removal I of Pimple-s B‘.o\ches, Eruptions. etc , mL' Hue ski leaving lilo mule 5011,0192â€. and leuuu ml. can be obminad \vithuuL chn’ge by 'ad dressing, Feln‘um ht, 185 Higgins. \NaHiE Brown. John (‘2) Benson. Miss E. Baird. 11 A. Banana. John 477â€"ly Remaining in the Hichmo‘nd Hiil Post Ofï¬ce Higgins. \Nfllll“ Kelly. John Brown. John (‘2) Keilner. M‘SS Cath. Benson. Miss E. L-incy. lnhn Baird. H A. Langst: W, John Banana. John ' Mayor, \Viliimn (‘ampL-ell. Hugh Maihes‘un. W. Duhson. Mary‘- Ann McFayden l). l)nnc_\‘. Juhn F MuCanm Margret Danton, V", Madill, James Ellis, William Russ; H. .l. (9) Emerv, Robe-"rt Rumble. John Farrel George (‘2) RankinY Ml“ Fisher Befnard Strvens‘ou Snmnol Finnie. Peler _ Schmidt, Julius Garhutt. Rev. Mr, (2)3impr-m]. Ja‘nn-s Giun. John Thompsun, Samuel Gar-it. Hannah ‘Thumpson. \Viiliam llenslop, Thomas “’lmsh‘ugmn Climlou Jenkins. Bein “'iliiams .luhn Jnlmsom Davxd ,4 Wilson, William Keal. Francis “ECONOMY IS WEALTI: Mechanics’ Institute teeture! flew ffliï¬bm‘ï¬mmwm. In the 'l'enlpeéngewflall. on FRIDAY ;V811-, ing. Feb 1411:, commencing at 7} p.m.‘ Subject. Admission Free. A collection will be taken up to dsfray expelfses. - A. ‘1. HOOD. Sec. Richmond Hill, Feb, 5, 18 8. ‘ ‘IRIS I! 01].! RuflC TER†Relief and Health to your Infmfs‘ REV. JOHN BBEDIN H E SECOND LECTURE of the season, uud‘ér the ans‘pEces of‘the above, institu- tion. WI“ he delivered by ‘J ‘ Sure to- Regulate the Howels. ERRORS OF Y OUTH. "E1105. F. CHAPMAN. cums-r. 823 Broadway, New Y'u-k TO CONSUMPTIVES. RICHMOND HILL List of Letter: INFORMA'I‘IUN :TEEFY. PM. I7 Barristers; nub QttorueQS-at-flam, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, OQnVe yanc e rs, N0 ZARIES PUBLIC, rï¬c. Farliamentarv Legal Business attended to. OFFICES~â€"CJUN Street, Corner of Church Steel. anonto. J. D. EDGAR. RICHARD GRAHAMB. Toronto, February 5, 1868. 499. V‘MENTINES, VALENTINESE LARGE and varlnd assortment of Valen- lines of entirely new samples, imported this year, which will lm sold at Very lnyv rates [1‘ SCOT'I"S .HANDSOME HEARSE__!* iWhich he can furnidx with single or double Tim") of Matched Black Horses, White and Black Plumes. Scarfs.,GIoves. Haxbands and als other mom-mug required, on the Shortest No- tice, and» at the Lowast Rates. JOSEPH LUND. P. 0.’Address. Taston’. UNDERTAKING BUSINESS I JOSEPH LUND Carnage and Waggon Maker! , AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH I And he wishes to inform the I’ublicthat he has [provided a new and vary RICHMOND HILL HOTEH !. BY JOHN PALMER. T HE best of Vs’ines, Liqnnrs. and Cigars“; 1mm conuanflynn hand. Every accomm- dminn for lrnveliers. r ?’ Slagas leave this hotel every morning; and evening connecfiug with Northern Rail- wny trains moving Norlh and Somh. A cart-Yul hostlér always in attendance. Boots & Shoes Cheap; January 24, 1808. MARRIAGE LICENSES 2:. M. t{Slandermm & Co. Round Cedar Posts! N0. 618 & 620 Yonge Strecty I’. A . SCOTT. NB. PFI'HOS having such to dispose of wifl plen~e call or write. stating price. and quality to Ym‘kvillu P. 0 Toronto. December 16, 1867. 499-43111 S. M. Sandersoncï¬c Co. store Are Manufacturing all the Newest Styles 0" A en’s. Women's and Chï¬dren’s Boots dc Shoes At their Nuw Storeâ€" No- 90 Youngest. Toronto. EDGAR & GRAHAME; FEM TO RENT 1* At the Lumber Yard NE). 90 Yonge Street. WM. ATKINSON Richmuhd Hill, Nov 28, 1867. 4 CAME into the premises of the subscriber. Lot No. 36. wt (Tun V: ughan, on Sat- u‘rday Nov. 30, A SOP-EL HORSE. The owner is «quest-ad to prove properly. pay ex- penses and take him away. TEE 0L1] I‘EISBY HOMESTEAD. Insâ€. râ€... nnmnl'ises 100 acres. 92 of which THE Subscriber offers to rant his Farm for a term of Years. bb'mg 10'. No.23, in the‘ rear of the 3rd _ cuncessmn of Markham. and kn'ku as a. any "-1â€" - 'l‘his farm comprises 100 acres. 92 of which are in a high >1 to of cultivalinn. and the grea- ter purl has been ploughed during lhe past autumn. There is on 11qu premises a good Log Dwelling House and substantial Out bulldiugs, â€"a splendid Orchard ; a sneam runs across the farm. For particulars apply on the prs~ misos to , WILLIAM FRIS'BY. 7 BUTCHER, ï¬nd deer north of Barnard’s 7---“ 11-1-7‘ |~~K Victoria' Square, Markham, Jun. ‘24. 1898. Vaughan, Jan. 2", ’68 OR TO SENT ï¬lLflLIAL/LQOX, RES'H CAN OYS'PERS, his'st' brands. kept mises. For the particulars apply AN D Coroner for the County of York, RICHMOND HILL. 50mprising 12 Acres, . “a. m...“ no Vimm-Ju Sauna. There is u 1 mm mm of View; Squm. There is . gqod House. Barn and Cider Mill on the pre- Oysters Z Oysters ! Richmond Hill. Dec 15, 57. Mutton; Lamb. Veal, Pork. Sausages, Am, and sells at the luwo<t prices. The highest market price given for Cattle. Sheep. Lambs. &c. ‘ Richmond H111, Octcber 15, 1867. Ly EEPS~always on hand the best of Beef, YonggStrgeg, EGS to announce to the public, that he has added In the above branches the WANTEn. LUMBER, mus, SHINGLES, Cook‘s Gate. Dec couslumly on hand. at Markham. Feb. 5. DAVID BRIDGFORDr Stray Iiorse. ILL thnronghlv warrant every pair of" BOOTS made by them at their new ’NG part of Lot No. 22 in'the 4th Con- cession of the Township of Markham. ï¬fCHMOND HILL, M. SAN DERSON & Co. 'Sué-éeséér to James Holliday, At t‘wir New Store. 1868. Are selling ISSUE“ OF FOR SALE BARNABUS LYONS. ‘30. H. lr67. 491-3t AND Richmond Hill. JOHN SHERK. to the proprietor Toronto. 49lf"’8i 489. \“S 479 store-