Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Feb 1868, p. 4

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A negro on a trial in Philadelphia for ltealing, put in the plea of insanity. To prove this, it ms said he might lime stolen the big rooster, but he only took the small chickens. Some menare like cats. You may shake the fur me right way {onyeara mud hear no- ‘hing bu'a the purring; but accidentally tread on the tail, and all memory of fonner kindnesl is obliterated. A Wag says it is fully to expect a girl to love a man whom ever) budy speaks well of. Get up u proseculiuu and her affectiqu will cling so inst that, a. dozen guardians clu’t remove them. It. is rumored in London, that Mr- (Hari- Itoue, castinzin his lot finnle with the HM hunt, is me éimtinfir. in company with his con/rare, Mr. Bright. an attack upon the Government early Lext session on the qum tiuu of redistri 'utiuu ut' seats. Edinbusg/L Courant. What style of a. hat is the easiest. to wear 7â€"Thut winch is not felt. The Empress Charlotte has ranounced all her rights as widuw of Emperor Maximilian. and merely preserves he private fonuue, es- timated at £560.000 Mel-ling. . A painter who was well acquainted with the dire ctfccti of Iuw, had to reâ€" present two menâ€"(me who had gained a lawsuit, and another who had lost one. He pzunted the furluer with a shirt. on and the later naked. Miss Burden Cnutts, with cha'acterisfic Consideration and generosity, lms snh'r-d the compound huusvholder dulfi uin in her lit! If: village 1;! mode! huuis‘es at Columbia Square thhual Green, by undertakin: to _ W." the full amount of rates for her tenants. The French nutlmrilies lmvr. lnlvly hem) buying up in the English market large quunlilies ofteak. Nuw, as this wood is used largely for nrnmur-lmckin; it would follow than. iron shipbuildin: for Mu pur- poses is not m be neglected the prev rent year in Fruuce.â€"Army and Navy Ga- 5.110. Own? the beauties of he court of Fladerjck the Great said to the king, Sire. how is that you, who are so illus- trious already, still seek for additional fume ?â€"_â€"\lad:une, he replied, for the name' reison thnt you, although so beau- tiful, still wear rouge. Excuse me, Madam, but I would liku to know wry you look It me soiavagz-ly‘! said & gentleman to a to u Indy Itnmger. A Physician stoppéd at. thc‘éhop of a country apnthecury, and inqmred for a Phurmucupeiu. Sir. suid theapnthecury 1 know of'no such farmer living ubuut these parts. A well-known parish minister in the “'est Highlands, distinguished for his vein of humour and snrcns ic observation meeting the other day a zealous minister of the Free Church, said; I am full] that you are thinking of coming inch to the establishment agnin. l-Ieuven f'm‘bid! exclaimed the other; upon which the minister rejoined, ‘ Well. it is seldmn you and I agree on such matters, but those arejnst the very words »I used when I heard the report. Gamer of K ‘(Jh ! I beg yuur ya do 'sir; I" look you for nxyghuubaud, was the reply. A Conscie Ice-Stricken Umbrella-Stealer. -â€"Umbrellas have the reputation of bein.r musidered public properly. Few ol the family, when our-e taken in mistake, ever find their way buck to the rightful owner. 1! is a murve: to heer of restoration, and one such case has occuxed. A gentieman of Chesterfield hull miswd his umbrella for name limé, hut a day or two ago l'uund it in & cunspwiuus place on his premises with the following inscripllun pinned upon it: This umbrella: as prude on my kuushem over sin I stole him. W. R. 'I'UKUNTO Novmnbor 9. [966. THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. I‘HE undernignvd havng pnrchaami the V ltighld for (he (‘uunu of Yo;k. is now ofi'eriug for gn'le‘ m thus «ounlv 8 Half in? 29-, 3rd Con. Vuu than, 86 E Pnrt (ll) 31, do do 80 ,8 HM? do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 E Half do 31, 3rd Con. do 100 ‘3 Half do 35, do do 100 Vang 1m, Aw I7 15/ W. Day Book 8, INDIVIDUAL RIGI‘I I‘S. Joel‘ Williams, out lur Richmond Hi”. All David Hill, to. 8:0. w mam-r VARIETY, AT SCOI‘I‘o' RICHMOND HILL. Family & Church Bibles ‘3 Half do as; SCHOOL BOOKS !‘ MGNEY TO LOAN AT an PRICES, AT SCOT'l"S. FUCHVION‘) HILL ’aggan Brake H. W. DIMON ’S- FARMS FOR SAL . ’On Improved Real Estate, "P Y to Mr, WARNH)I.I.. of VA)!‘ Kqummwr &, WAnMuLL. Barr file-rs. Kc. Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Books, Wallets, Purses, N xvznv VARIETY. SV'Y'T '1’?" RlC'I'MO' “3 HYLI. mim‘rllnnrnufi l’nleuled April III, 1867. Agent I'm: 'l'horuhill SELI‘ 'ACTI \G Apply to i115 & Yonge Streets H. M \HS‘ENHR JAMIS McGEE 93 Ono door mth of Mr. Ham-rd’s atom. and lhnk‘ hn is prepared to sell I! the munukclururo prices. Farmers and other: requiring \‘tove Depot on Richmond Hill wun ilol'h & Knife, AT SCOTT'S RICHMOND HILL HAMILTON STOVE DEPOT ! Will cannult their own Interest by oumining hi- Stuck h‘rihre hming nu Tummo. 0 Bl‘. SOLD on PERSON-MO [nun-1‘ tho foa- luwmg nrupox I; :â€"- - l‘nrlul' Lul No 8-2. on 2nd Con. Van'llan. cunmining 62’. mirfi' : ah"). W \l R PRINCE, Flulhing. New York. for till )«hhu proprietor of III; Limmonn Nnh .erui. has dmmvemn rum": wall for (he «have, and In! all lnhwilml Ind (Ihlomc Dis. euscn. hump-sin Nervous Del-Slit}; Run-u umlmm, all P‘rumlo Mnlndin, nud “morn rr~ whingfrmn nupurm‘ 01' HI. himd hmqu in! urn 231-. , Explumwry (circular; on. stump. Irunlnu on all diavflhtl. 9t, coma. 58-4 Pmpeliing & Repefléng Pencil Cunking or Bux Stoves Richmond Hill, Oct. 4,1857' ATARRII , Bronchitis. Scrofnln. Liv" and ’ Kuhn-y Dumas“, anuro‘l Romedills from 1” Mill. $150 PER. MONTH. Tfirnn to ngeuu sen. free to illouo wi-hiug age-news. Village Property A: Richmond 1-1111. For p-I‘tlculurs apply lu (In proprietor. A. WRIGHT. fiLB TIME Fro.“ 3O (H39) to $6. A'l‘ SCO'I‘P’é RICHMOND HILL. '1‘HF. GR\NITE STATE Flmll)‘ Sowing,- .‘luchina it now prnsemcd lo the people (‘muvdn possessing all the improve" outs lhnl run he wall Confined in a sewingumchine. I will accomplish ovary (le~c-ipliun oft-owing oxmpl l‘nllon holes. from an uverconl down to [ho fim-M silkn and muslinu This muchth 86"" for nnh $l5, and in rou'ly worth $50, in any l'nunlv. Evvry machine warranted and kept in repnlr free of (:lmryzo for three )1 r49 - All nmclnines mld in ('nuadu urn Imxnnlucmro at (he coulpnny’s hnmch llllnul'nclarv in Tor- omu. Singln Mnchineu, wile full primed droolinns. snnt “pro-n free on recnipi 01'.” IS in a rvqisl‘mml lMter. Full primed (lirM-Iiuns nr-(‘mnpnny anch mnehilw. no plum lll'll a child iwelvn years of age can leurn It) Work «me succesul'ully in 3 urban limo. A ddross nr mall on The Granite State Sewing Machme Company, R. T RUSH & (70., Canada Manufactur- nrs. H Kin: Sweet East. Toronto. I‘, W Home “fich in in Grant Hrnail. and Canada. London, England, (HBNEW, Montreal um 'l‘nrn|.|o, ' I’. S.â€" Good agents wanted in e'vrrv pan o In rouner l0 wlmm will paid n salary from $50 In $-.’)() per month, or n largr commission. HI)“ 50m NIH Coxdu of Green and Dry 1‘ Bee-uh ‘nud anh-JU be dolimled in ’I‘m- out.) during Ilm wmler. Appiy at me Hnlnlu ()fil‘b, [hcnmuud Hill. 0‘9 21, 23, 25 85 27 Broadway. N. Y Opposite Bowling Green. ' ON THE EUR-'lPEAN PLAN. "'HE Slevens House is- well mldvvidely known [0 the travelling public. The location is oslwciully suitable to merchants and busiuéss men ;~ 11 is in close proximity to the business purl 0t Ilia airyâ€"is on the highway uf‘Suu'hern andé Westx-m: navelâ€"‘- and adjacent to all the principal Railroads: and Sleumboul depots. The Ste-wens House has l-i'lfier-al actomodar tiun for over 300 guestsâ€" it 13' well l'urnishr ed and possesses every modern improve~ ment for the comfort and entertainment. of its itmths. The rooms are spacious and we.l ventilated â€"p:ovided witlrgus and wat- terâ€"tlxc attendance is prom-pt und‘respeetl'ul â€"and the table. is generously pmvded witlr every delicacy of the ‘ season-hut: moderate rates. A Clurg‘ man. whilu re. iding in South Am- en'xnus n Inissiuuar}, n nowred asnfe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak- ness. Enrlv Decay. Diseases of the Urinary nml Siminal Organs, and the \vhoha tram of dism‘dsrfl luough} on by buneful and vir'ious lmnilr. “wax numbers hnve been cured by [his Hohh- remedy. P'rumpwd h\' u d-ehim nl lwnufiltlm rammed and unfortunate. lu'il H'de 11m I'Htipta for preparing and using Ih-is mvdmine. in a sanlod envnlope. to 'Luy m who "ends 11, (“1'4 1; of ('lun'gu. A'l‘ SCO'i Tb? RICHMOND HILL BEBLE SOCiETV BEI’OSITORY SCO'I‘T’S BOOK STORE Please enclose an envelope nddressedonn oursul. I’lno‘ogmphs {or aucts doz u!" ENGLISH NUTABLES. Plain & Fancy Stationery IN AVERY VARIETY, W ooc‘l Wante c1 Rirlxmnlu! Hill Etpt I. RH)". \ G IGN’I‘S ‘VANT El). Stuva Pipu suppliod at tho Low»: prlcu. "Panama M'mh and 1856 2G5 Io inform his his die In tho County of York that he hu opened a $9592? House. 462 JAMES STEWART A 9...:1 to Invalids *I‘muud Hull INKS LAND FOR SALE. Add: ass. JHSEPH T'. lNMAN, 557nm): D. Bnu Hausa, GEO; K. CHASE. 55 CO. Proprietors. [in south Am. ' UM. I’mcx wi’ll [m in the follawing phcu red 3 “if” and plepax'ed In extract twth \1 ith his new appara- quuus weak. 1 um. All olhr-r nperutious in Donistry perform- m' [1,3 Urinaw ed in a woukmanlikc manner :â€" kvhoha tram ofi Aurora . . . . . . . . u“... .. lat ofauch mantll. ml and vir-ious I Newmmket Bmlsford hotel 2nd “ " beau cured hv Stouf’fvi_l|o........-....... 38th “ “ h\' u d-ehiie 0! Vimoriu Square...” .... 20m " “ nmuam. lu'il Thomhill......... ......23rd " " and using Ih'is Richmond Hill ..........'24th “ “ 7. Lo 'u:y m Maple...“..............261h " “ Bum‘ickA...............2P5lh " " » addressedonn Kh~inlmrg.........."n.29lh f‘ H lNuhletnu................3lllh " " MAN, Where he will attend to my busing" por- Iu “on” raining to any branch of his profession. New. y0,»k'.“y. ‘ Aurora, Juno 7, 1869. 1-81 “~13. , JAM ES BOWMAN, ; ‘ Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIR-k MILLS, Mnrklmm. Nov. 1,1865. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Rouiden‘coâ€"Lot 90,7r-r of 3rd Concauion I! Mukhlm. KO.AddrounBunnIvillo. Pinion requiring Mr. Snudormn'. nrvicu mm mnko-rruugomoms u m. HERALD ofi'lco. Junuuy 4. 1665- Cu" and examine my Stock and . Price. be- I'ur pun-hunting elsewhore. as )ou wiH find M lo )0”! inlon at. Etean Smelaer. Counties of York and Peel. [:5- quer of Mzrn'agc Licenses. ngwood. Sept. I1). 1867. 4 made to order. l‘oronlo, Ann] 27, 1866. CUNFEUTIUNARY I W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between 'l‘orome and Richmnnd Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectmnary of all kinds It ihc Lowest Wholesale pricen. Toronto, July 20, [d635, AEAK CHURCH ETRIET, [8 prepared to wait upon any who need his profi'asional services in order to presarvo (hair teeth. or relieve sufiaving and supply new lenh in the most npprondstylo. Alamo roguv law the tenth of those who need it. (,‘on-ullulion fuel and all work warranted. Juua. 1865. 91-! MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ! HE Adverliser otf'orn for Sale. or to Ex- cllnnge fur a large furm,or ‘0 Rent on base from me first day of Apr” next. his Farm nu Yonge Slrem Also his Dwelling Hons. with four acres of hand ultached. Apply to AVID McLEOD begs to announce that he has Leawd the above Hotel and fined it up in a malnmr second [0 none on Yonge St when: he will keep constantly on hand a good supply ul'iirst-rflnsn Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation Tianilera can desiyo,lhoue who wish to any whorotliay can nf'irl every comfori ara fespeclfullyiriited to put up at thi osmhh's‘imem ' Rich mnud Hill, P.O. Onlario, November In 1:67. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the coun- lias 0! York and Pool, Collector of Nolan. Accouhu, &c. Small chargou and plenty to do Llskoy. March 9nd I865 394 Watches, clocks, and Jewelry, :urefu‘ rm-nlir-n given to tbs "making of Naiclws an" Clock! Jowulry Imnul'ucmrud in" Romain-i W. G. CASTELL DENTISTRY. By the use of Hui-ER Smut. which affects the Tooth only. The tomh'and gum sm'oundinz hecmm- insun't‘W-V with this external agency, when the tour h can be extracted with no pain, and without endangering the life ns_in the use of Chlmofm'm. Aurora. June 1863. EXTRACTING TEETH wnuour PAIN 1i WATuu Es, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 11:5, YONGE St... TORONTO Na 1 I. King Sun: Baal, 6 doors out of chge Strut. 'l‘ornnlo, April 96. 1866. 4 w. c. ADAMSFD. D. 3., FA um FOR SAL Or to Rent. l'ho summon of'he Public is imvtod to their tudk, cennisling of I grant Vnruny o‘f W. WHARIN 8:00. )HGICE AND FANCY GOODS, HITCH El. HOUSE ! AURORA. DR. N. J.PECK’S, fifth! bes’ dosrriptkm and nowul dosigns. 95 King Street East, Toronto, ingwood Jilm'ble Mr!“ ELEC'K LU-PLA'I‘ED WARE, (‘U'I‘KERY, &c._ &c. PURE AND UNADUL'I‘ERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. J. SEGSWORTH, IIAxurAcwmzk or AM. All»: or mkat B"lefol‘d hotel 2nd Ville . . . . . . . . lfllh‘ .1 Square...” .u. 201}: Iill . . . . . . . . . ......23rd and Hill ,,._ . . . . . . . . . ..261h :kl... ............‘28lh ura . . . . . . ....\....2!hh HI"... - - . . . . .....3Ulh . . .24th (I n to Al 0- ll u I! ml’omum AND DIALIHI ll Masonic aud othér Emblem: P. WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER 0" NEW METHOH 0' [OK Til UNITED IMPOR'I‘EII 0F 51c. 5‘15. ic. 0' G. J. F. FEAT“ E. 479 The York Herald BQQK Ordou for any c! the undomnfionod duorir “duel 501.0113}! 10!! WEEK LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, WEEMMEEES For Cardl, 636.. just received, PA MPHIETS AND BOOKS, FANC Y BILLS, I. entirely new am! at the latest pmema. [up varim)’ of new‘ JD 13 PRNTM i‘fififi %%%% Letter-Press Printing. “ORDERS PROMPTLY EXELUTED ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS Will 50 promptly would to :â€" OUR ASSORTMINT 0F CIEEAP And "my other kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS RADWAV’S READY RELEEF ! !! m ISA POSITTVE PREVENTIVE 0F ASIATIC CHOLEEA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALLPOX AND OTHER PESTILENCES! ‘ WEE As an ANTLSEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- mRI’I‘ANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera. Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps,- Spams,- Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sord Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, Simâ€"One tea-spoonful in a glasa of water will correct all derangements of the stomach, bowels and‘ liver, and instantly atop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, sprains, &c.-â€"â€"One application will alford immediate use and comfort, and a. few times rubbing will complete the mm. Inviolent diseases, instant relief is requiréd. ASIATTG CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION. OF THE BOWELS, 01101119, 1«‘1Ts_, s.u1_1>_ FEVER. ClfiiQUP,_§)I‘P’1:.IIIEI}‘IA may prove fat'dl A in“ . v71” 1xn-v\" 'L‘nm .DU \V nun, UJJUuLL‘, £11.ka uuLL ‘- u v an. uuu u A . nu -uuMA4. ...-._, runv "u... within an hour or two. if not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal dilficultics, lnflaummtion of the Womb. and. in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yield at once to this commanding curative. The READY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation as the malady itsele It is; more actifo thin tho virus of the m0“ swift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to 1136' on thc Int Ivmpwm or mm and uneasiness. no person need suffer an hour Sickney. DR. RADWAY,â€"I Certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of on! sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &c., 6:0. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine she woe perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, an always with success. It is very, useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria. &c. It ban a. good effect in flatulence or wind cholic. I use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous efi'cct. In short it procuros relief altogether remarkable to our invalide. ' SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. SISTERS OI“ MERCY, DORGHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, c. 19., HOSfTrAL OF THE SISTERS or MERCY. N‘ BahBewm-e of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeaVour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’e.â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Redway’s- Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthlesu nixturos at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet charge the public the some wice our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- m‘foits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that pnce. In urchasinilReady Relief, see that; there are two signatures of Redway A; Co. on the labels, and t 0 words . R. R. Radway J; Co. blown in the £19.83. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you Whenever he as an opportunity. _..+u.g.._ VI‘HE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that. he is now maaufacturing improved Ph ughs of 3WEE‘ EQ RN 9 e HAâ€"MLW STEEL MUULD BOARD PLOUGHS Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at D). RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreu , emanating flow the highest authon'ties in the world. There is not uTown or City 0" importance (except a few in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial ngonts failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State. both by letter! written direct to Dr. midway, and through the.U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad ' Reduced Price 0f$16 ad which he confidently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country RICHMOND HILL, Apri. 13, 1867. Plough Points 65 Landsides kept alWays on hand Sisters of Mercy at Dorcbester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Badway’s Remedies to the sick. PRICE. ‘25 cents a Bottle. 9‘ Sold by Dmg‘gists and Country Merchants. THE I Agents for the sale of Rnwday‘s Rmdy ‘ 1- P. ('ROSBY. ha limo ‘d Hill THUS. ALLISON, 'thoria Square, CHAS. DOA N, Aurora Mr. PLO WE and Mrs. RO\VFing St IT HAS NO EQUAL IN T. HE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Rheumatism. Instant Help Needed CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! JOB WORK DONE '1‘0 0 IBER, In sudden Attacks All Around the Globe. which he now ofi’ers at ihe JOHN RADWAY, M. 0., 6: 00., Ii EN RY H'A LL. 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Momma“. And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-You V HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred thou" Ll liliAllY to the - HERzLU ’ Book Stow whom Slockholdurs and others may 'uocurd BOOKS every Friday afternoon. not “a. clock. PJA, VALUABLE PROPERTY" A GOOD Dwelling House. Barn; Sllbl'o, Driving Houae, Wood House; In! Three quarters of In Acre of Land, on whieh there “'3 quarter of un acre 01 anyOrchlrd of healthv young treesâ€"plenty o‘f Cherriol, Currants. (loose-berries. 51c. Thd abnve kaopeny is simqu in! (he can". oftlm village. Will be sold cheap For casli. Fol mnhnr pa rtuznlurs apply to M. 'I‘EEFY BS" or P. CRO SBY. Esq. W‘illage ofRichmmzd Ilill‘ . For Sale.- Richm and Hill, lannary H. 1867: H E Subscriber 95an for sale-the following' property belonging to the estate of tho law Mr. Lalhml Miller, v12 at 'l‘thnrm, com‘ posed of part of his No. 34 and 35. in (he let c-uucessiou of the Tuwnnh‘ip of Markham. on Yonge Slrtet. near Thul‘nhlfl. which ’_[‘\VO FARMS Consists 01 160 Acres, About ‘25 of which is Timber land. There in a good Spring Crank runs across {his ploperly.â€" Unh‘ 12 miIos from Toronto. Also the north half of lot No. 12, in tho ht cquewionBF _l|_le qunship of I’lluisfield. Also, A Bu lding Lat, cbmprising part oHoL No 38, in the is! concession of the 'i'uwnship of Vuughan.â€"'5 Acres of Land. guud Uw'ell- ing-house, Barn, good Well 01‘ Water. &c. r For any further inlorznation apply to I HENRY LEMON, 'l‘hornfim. September 191]] . 1867. FIRST CLASS Rnaduter Ponev, buy colar. 14 hands high, 4 )val‘s old. good nr‘lion. and good in single and double human, Apph’ at this «film. 3-fl SAW MILL GEERING mR SALE; ‘HE Subscriber offers for Sale. very cheap for casli 0r of) may terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geenngx A Mu ley Saw, Upper and Lowe '* Mulley, Petnmn. Urank. 5 inch wrought imn Shall. and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage. Patent head Blocks, and the whole. necessary Ma» cliinery for a first class Saw Mill. Will be cold at a great reduclion of Original cost. For particuan apply to ABRAHAM EYER, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Office address Richmond Hill. ’ May 8, 1867; 3m OR the immediMe relief and permanent cure of Himmnatism. Spréins. Bruises, Bums, From Bias Lanm B'ru'k. Side, Limbo or .Slmnach, Cramp. Numbness of Limbo, S.|€“i“g")f Joints, Sudden Colds. DTpxheaia, Sore throat, Has bean before the public for upwards a! twanly years. and such are its merits: Ihm it is now jumly cumiderud as an indisprnsibie a ti“ do in evory family when: it is kimwfi. A, Having n wonderful efll‘cl When takPn inter- nal!) , in quivkening Lhn cirnulalion oflhé~ blood, It Is invmunhlu to persons pradisposI-d tu l’am- Iysis. or suhjvcl to ntmrks of Heart Uiseasn; In ca-es of Dyspepsia, where {bud dmtl'essos, ix afl‘orm prompi ruliuf. and comiuued for I short tune. sets «Vevylhing right. The name of the medicin‘e in blown in each bottle of thv- gs-nuine, and the purposes for which n m iuxended. gs well as the mode of using. attached. ' Henry, Simpson (7: C0,, Montreal. Vthlo,‘ sale Agents S. J. Foss & 00.. Sherbwh’, P. (2.. Sole Proprietors. ()cmber Huh, “6'! J. partition is rm indispensth arli‘c’ie for tho toilet II (:lennsr-s the «Only, remit-rs the hair nfl durker appearance is e’nsilyapplivd and will no! smin the finer! linen. l'hom- using lha Empire Hair G oss will find that it rendurs the harsh- eat and coarser: hair. null, glossy. fine and beautiful. dimming it to slay in any position in which it is placed It pr‘e‘vcnls the hair from I'nllil g out. invigorate-s and strengthens it. and often produces a new growth of hair where it has alreadx disappt-aréd.hy invigorating and rnsmring the M! n. newes. nmst-les. blood vessels. and r0915 0' lhe hair l‘rix-e '25 cents, S. J. Foss A: On. proprietan and sole nmnud fucmre‘rs‘ Sherhrooke. Province of Quebecâ€"av Henry. 'l‘hlnnpson Ni Co. Monl‘eal; Lyman», Elliutt_& Co. Turomo. Wholesale Agents. It baa never “POD forced on public alien, by flaming rdvm'lisenmnts or renmrknhle culol that never hnd any exinlemse, but by its own peculiar vahm as My nnfhifing rrmedy. it hng’ wmked its way into public tavur. HIS pleasant, ugfeealflfi. find scianhfic pro- parnlinn is rm indispensihle arli‘c’ie for tho Hunt’s Empire HairGioss Dr. OOLBY’S Anti~€osiive and Tonic Pills, [NC a safe and reliable remedy in all dilc 4 casts of lhu Slomauh. LIVBT and Bowelm They are no Quack Medicine. pufi'e-d up by high-sounding lflslilnollihls from imaginary PI nplu. but are the re>ull of furly years expori‘ Nicn ofa first (:lnzzs phywcinn. and their extra. ordinary suvcess is fine to the factthat they answur oxacllv (heir name The Iormula from which they nru prepared, is based on sound, scientific principles, and has renewed the Im- qnnlificd npprohalion of the medical pmlessimr. ’l hey do not profess to be u cure all, but for all diseases ari<ing fmm nu} derangemflnt f lhl‘ Stomarh. Liver and Bowels, they furnh‘gn elfectuiil renwdv, We have in our possession uver nna hundred tesliuwninls hum pl‘uicianl who have used them in their prncuce and highly approve ol’them, among which are the folk-wing: The undsrsignrd ph_\siciuns cheerfully certlh \o the high pro easiuiml sLu'Idlng 01 Dr Colby, ul' Slausmml. one (II the oldest and hes! physi- cians and to the excellent qualino‘ of bio AN'II (:osrmvm and TONIC PILLS,” whice wa have mum in our pracuce. and high ly approve. J. H-. Gibuon. M. D . Dnnhnm, C.E. C. CottonY MD. Cowansvillo Charles Brown. MD, Cewansvillo S S Foster, Ml), Broma. J C Butler. MD, Waterloo. John Erskine. M D, Walnrloa. Norman Cleveland. MD, Baruslon, N J'nnks. IID, Barnslon, C W. Cowios. m». Slaumead, John Moms. MD. Slanslflud. Joseph Busndou. MD. Surgeon, RN. Benjamin “amon. MD. Cualicook. Lmnuel Richmond. Ml), Derby Lina. S. J. Foss & Co. Sherbmok, P Q. sole pro- pl'io‘ms; Henry. Thompson & Co. MoltruL Wl' *len Agents. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCATION. FOR SALE! Jacob's Rheummic Liquid. Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid VILLAGE LOT IN THE A. SCOTT, Librarian. AND A

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