gSqinre and Globe shapes, in LAMP ELDBES, BURNERS, UHIMNEYS, SHAEES AND WIGKS‘ Plated and Britannia Metal“. Goods of all kinds TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER ‘VARE, Also on hand a large stock of F URN ISHIN G ESTABLISHMENT HIR'ï¬- Richmond Hill, January 16, 1868 woerg wens btrong rants, from .......................................... 2 00 “ “ Vests, from ................................... _ ..... 1 25 Canadian Satinetts, from ................................................ per yd. 50 Heavy Canadian Tweeds, from.. . yd. 80 White Flanncls, ............. per yd. 30 Printed and Checked Flannels, from ........................ -. ......... per yd. 45 Plain Winceys, from ............... '. .................................... per ydï¬ 10 Check VVinceys, from............. ................. per pd. 12J Fancy Dress Goods, from...............'.. i ....... .’. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . per yd. 15 Grey Cottons, from........ .. yd. 07 Hats and Caps of every variety, from ........................................ 50 Prints, from .............................................................. per yd. 10 \ .. Come and. Examine t11o.G-oods TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C ROCK OIL AME BEACHINERY OIL Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, B Grain Measures, Apple impection. v It Toronto, Febuary, 1867. The stock of' which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Chaste the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"â€"Lhus meetng the requirements of all e Childrenn’ls “Carriages and Perambulatdrs! W. A. assures the public that there will be no humbug, but the newest, Prettiest, rnd most. fashionable Goods, purchased at ï¬rst-class houses. The following price list will convince the most sceptical that he is in earnest. Good, Strong and \Varm Over Coats, from ................................. $4 00 Canadian Tweed Under Coats, from ..... , ................................... 3 50 Working Men's Strong Pants, from .......................................... 2 00 “ “ Vests, from ................................... _ ..... 1 25 And, in order to give his friends and customers a beneï¬t ‘ . FOUR WEEKS, While returning thanks for the greatly increaséd patronage he has received durin during the past season, begs to announce that he has determined to sell off the remainder of his DRY eggâ€"{ma 5w. AGENTS FOR TORONTO Import these Teas d'n'eet from the Plantations in Assathe Debra Dhoon. a‘ud on the Slopes of the Himliayas, and sell them in puCkx-Is of quarter pound and upwards. and in air-Light Can- nisters of 5 “15.. by thoir Agents. in nvery Cny avxq'l'0\v11i11 Canada. These‘ Sple'ndrid Teas are Tmpm-Iod Nult‘l)‘ by the India and Chifm Tea be procured at their Aguncies. Only 1va wines, namely. Canadian Satinetts, from ....... I ......... Heavy Canadian Tweeds, from.. . White Flanncls, from. .................. Printed and Checked Flannels, from.. Plain Winceys, from ............... Check VVinceys, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fancy Dress Goods, from .............. Grey Cottons, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hats and Caps of every variety, from Prints, from._ ............................. TEAS FROM INDIA Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of Irma ti rm SIX GGLD MEDALS EGS to ,call the attention of tllepï¬blic to his extensive stock of.HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs of all kimis promptly executed. BURNING FLUID. ALCOHéL, BENZOLE. &c’ TRAEE fl GREAT CLEARING SA THE INDIA AND CHINA TEA COMPANY LAMPS AND O'HANDELIERS! No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, TOR‘ONTO‘ TKNSQN '70 GTE?»- $1 PEI-1 LB. Manufactured andvlmportod, \Vholesale WINTERSVEOGK UN PARALLELED SUCCESS ! claansus 11w skixiâ€"qirmnmes the growth of the woolâ€"and imprvves the itondiï¬un of (his animal Sold in boxes. at 33c.. 700., and $1. A 35c. box wiil clean 2†sheep. Toronto, Feb, 13, 186’? Have received a large Stock of Hm above articles direct from the annl’aclururs in Great Britain, which wiil be SOLD CHEAP. SH E55)? 1 SEV'EEEP !! $333 fiiï¬ï¬ EEEYESTUFFSY ‘ARMERS SHOULD USE " MILLER'S TICK DES'L‘KUYER,†for sheep, It {Jestj'oys the (mks;- smovmsz Have been awarded at the Great Exposition at Pn‘is for Which will be found both good and cheap L! Obsel've the Trade Mark on each Package. in TERMS STRICTLY CASH; (“In \le1 anmn. Annunu der Coats, from.....,...... mg Pants, f1‘0m..... 2 Vests, from ..... 1 yd. 'eeds, from.. . ..per yd. yd. l F1annels,fr0m.. . ...-..........per yd. from...............'.. ..per yd. ~...per yd. -.-u.u.uu.--...... .......u. ......- .- u....-nun-u...“nu-nun... cry variety, from.............. nun"... .......... ...........per yd. nu... . . . - . .-...........-.».n...... Vida “ The Grocer†24:1101‘ August, 1867. Special attention is directed to 1 great vanety, for Oilor Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of" LANTERNS HUGH EILLER 6': CO. Either Black. Green or Mixed. HUGH MILLEC % S: 00., Medical Hall, . 167, King Street, East. Box Snaves, Dumb 8133105: and Stove Pipes ‘Ie Payers, Clothes \Vringers, L0. 850. HOUSE HUGH MILLER & C0., OF 167 King St. E. 'l'ofonn l is New and Chaste and also requirements of all classes. and Retail. i; he will, for the 'next Company, and can only 493 I" COUNTY OF YORK My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on, ifnot $3 00 will be charged to ensure a scure. Residence rea'raflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUNTON. liehm nd Hill, September 16: FTER an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the shop adjoining Mr, W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite the shop of Mr. W. H. Myers. where he will be happy to receive the patron- age of his old friends. HORNER’S PATENT SELF-SHUTTING GATE! '1‘ HIS useful invention is the most convenient, the cheapest, and most. durable GATE for farm use. The Patentee is now prepared to sell TOWNSHIP RIGHTS 3 Anlicants will please address their letters (pa! laid) to M. TEEFY, That he has successfully treated the above the past ten years without a single failure. Quite a. number ofreferonce given if requir- ed ol‘persons whose horses have been cured by For the use of his Patent Self-shutting Gate. A. ;HENDERSON, mam) 86 @Iock maker This treatment does not necesitate theh' be-ing laid aside only for a fsw days. Riehm ondHi 00L 25,’66 The old hand in a New Stands Richmond Hill.fJu'y 25, 180i. HE Subscriber would intimate lo the farm- ersand others of Richmond Hill and arm! n; Country having. SEASON TICKETS May be had at Mr. Barnurd’s. MI‘. Atkinson' and Mr. Crosby’s or on the Pond, from Horses ROM the premises of the Subscriber, on Richmond Hill, on the lflth Inst. TWO SHEEP, with a. piece cut off their left yars. Any purson giving information as to their whereabouts to the undehigued will be suitably rewarded. Richmond Hill, Do=,19, ’57 Vaughan Post Ofï¬ce Addrass Carville All orders left at the " York Herald†ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. 'or at the P,(). Mapie, will be attended to. ‘ Vaughan. Oct; 10, l867. l-y SKATING RINK. H'- D'- BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCOTT. ’ Pocket Books, Purses, &c. In all the )difl'erent styles of Binding. Albums from 25 Gents to $6. Toys Qf Various Kinds, BIBLES, TESTAMENTS HYMN d: PRAYER 3003's,. Worth Knowing '! In various siyles of Bindings. Books & Fancy Goods ADHIRABLY ADAPTED FOR. [Ihristmas & New Years’ Presents HOLIDAY GIFTS For Plan and other particulars enquire of the subscriber 4.7 R. ARNOLD. THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION Richmcnd Hill. Dec. 19, ’67. Richmond Hill. July 3. 1867 This is h desirab'le opportun to secure ‘3'; ehgible business Maud at a moderate price.â€" A credit ofï¬ve years will be given. EING the front purl of Lof. No. 46. in the Est concession of Vaughan. immediater opposite the residence ofDr. Duucmnb, in the Village of Richmond Hill. as laid off in a Plan prepared by Mr. George McPhiHips. BUIL DING LOTS Rich'mbnd Hill; Nov.29‘ 1867. BOY’S KNICKERBROKERS SUITS Which she v'iii seil at small proï¬ts. [F All orders promptly attended to. K? Family Sewing Machines kept for sale Richmond Hill, Dec. 5,1867. 498-3m ISHES to say to the Ladies of Rich- mond “I†and surrounding Country. that she has opened in the House lbx'mjy oc- cupied 1):, Mr. Verney. and has on hand anice assortment of Frat-class MILLINERY AND‘ MANTLES, NEW MILLINERY. HE above Skating Rink is now open. ahd ths Ice is in good order. Large and Miscellaneous Stock ES'IIDENCEL Lotï¬No. 14. 2nd Con He has also received a heavy stock of TANDARD AUTHORS! HE Subacriber, ever mindful of ,the wants of the public, has just received a WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOS l‘ SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR. STRAYED. Afflicted with Ring-hone, Mrs. W. JENKINS INCLUDING MANY 01" THE RICHMOND HILL 01" CAREFULLY SELECTLD RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patentee FOR SALE. FOR. THE ROBERT HOPPER. / E JES H. TERRY . ALIO 72-1y 50m 478 491 491 for When addiiioual names are ADDED to any Club during the year, they must he sent to THE GLOBE Ofï¬ce bv the person who made up the Club : and the money sent with such ad. djlional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscripiiou as the Club rate us will pay up to the expiration of the Cluh. Parties smiding in their subscriptions now will receive either edition of THE GLOBE up to 3|st Decnmber. 1868, on paymenth a year’s schscriplion. CLUBS FOR. THE WEEKLY GLOBE SIX COPIES, one year. .... .. $10 00 TEN do do 15 00 TWENTY do do a... . . . . . 30 ()0 And an extra cnpv of'l‘m; WEEKLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. THIRTY COPIES. one' year, for. 42 00 and an extra copy of THE WEEKLY Guam: tothe persolywho gets up the Club ofThirty. FIFTY COPIES. one year. for. ; . . 65 00 and a copy of Tum DAILY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Clubof Fifty. EIGllTY COPIES, one year, for. . 100 00 and a copy of THE Lulu GLOBE to the per- son who gots up the Club of Eighty. ’ Payment must be always in advance. Each paper is addressed separately, and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce. of subscription will remain as heretofore. SIX DOLLARS per annum for the Daily edition TWO DOLLARS per annum for the Weekly edition. both payable strictlv in ad- vance. Nu paper senpout of the ofï¬ce unti the money ig paid. I The Club rates for the coming year will be as follows :â€" SIX COPIES, one year. .... .. $10 00 TEN do do 15 00 TWENTY do do a... . . . . . 30 ()0 Early in the year 1868. THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VERY CONSIDER- ABLY ENLARGED, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, ordered from Messrs Hoe & (70., 0" New York, capable of printing 10.000 impressions an hour. The outlay of this press about 315.000 1N GOLD, has been rendered necossmy bv the large ,and increas- ing circulationof'I‘HE GLOBE. It has been for some time Impossmle to supply in time for the morning mails the number ofcopies called for by the public. The increase of size is rendered necessary by the pressure of adverâ€" tisements. which have already caused the pubâ€" lication ofa large supplement twice a week, and which will be continued as may he found needlul until the permanent enlargement takes place, At the Same time as the enlargement, Ann“ u I. . “n n.‘..‘_.‘.s 'THE'vAPEn VHLL nu’miï¬iï¬â€™ï¬'aï¬f NEW TYPE, Early in the year we shall commence the publicatinu ofa NEW STORY BY 'WILKIE COLLINS, author ofthe‘ Woman in White.’ PROCEEDINGS. _ and by editorini discussions it will strive to in- form thbfpublio of the progress of avents. :and guide them to a right judgment on the points at issue. " FULL REPORTS OF PARLIAMENTARY URING the year 1868 very impoytant Sessions will be held of the Parliament ufOntarin, and of the Dominion, and very in- leresting discussions will take place on sub- jects of the deepest interest to the Canadian people. The foundations of the New Gov- ernment have been laid, but the “sullen-struc- lure will demand all the care of the people,and the publicjnnrnals will necessarily be called upon to discuss at length many questions, up- on the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country wi'l depend . In allthe‘matlprs Which wiil be brought be; fore the Legislatures “ THE GLOBE" will take a deep interest, and both by / RICHMOND [HijL. Richmond Hill’, Jan. 31, 1867. PHARMACIST. 1868. “ GLOBE †NEWSPAPER. Markham, October 14, 1867. OTJCE is hereby giyen-that all parties in- debted ï¬e the estate of the lhte ROBERT Gulan 3rd concession of Markham. are re- quested to pay the same to either of the undor- signed previous to the lst day of January next, .3011! all parties havng claims against the said Estate. are requested to lodge the same with the ulldersiglwd for sctl‘emeut. WILLIAM LAWSZ)N. PETER WILLMOI‘T. } EX°°“‘°"' Parties having Wheat to dispose of will ï¬nd it ltheir advantage to call at the Mills, and by selllllg it there savé the extra expence ot'guing lo the Toronto market. JAMES WILKINSON. Butlouville. Sept, 19, 1867. o Toronto, Nov. 12. 1862'. Wili be paid_fur Wheat at all seasons of the year IN BANKABLE FUNDS. Special attention will be gaidto Custom work, and parttos from a distance may.ely upon having their Grists home with fhe’rhi‘the same day. 0 A S H' Secured. perfect satisfaction is guaranteed And as the entire: Establishment has began thoroughly rauoyated, as well as tho services‘of Merchants-and Eustnm Wnrk ! FirSt_BOQ}(,WlILhk-31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp'cloth, "j 50‘.’ ' First Bookâ€"2nd Part, 54' illustrations, strongly bound in limp‘ cloth, 910c3 , Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 20c Third Book, 41 illustrations, _trongly bound in cloth boards, 30c Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boqrds, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 500 For Sale by VEN’MUS M ILLS, Authoxized by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. flANABIAN NATIBNAI. SERIES READING BOOKS 1:? Dealers suppiied at reasonable rates. Executors Notiia ALEX. SCOTT. Richmoxld Hill, Jan. 2, 1868, HE Subscriber, having purchased above Mills, is 110w prepared to do First Class Millers ,H.HALL, DRUGGIST AND BUTTONVILLE. GEORGE BRQWN, THE TERMS TH E 0F Publish'er, 35 1868 3rm the OULD take (his opportunity nf thanking their Friends and Customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them for the last twelvu years, and would cordially so- licit a continuance of the same at their New Stand N3. 90flYdNGE STREET. Calf,_ Rip and Cowhide Boots, S. M. SANDERSON 8L Co. 38 West Market Square. 'J‘oronlo ([2? Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and Workmauship, at the Lowest Remuneraling Prices. For particulars enquire of JOHN HARRISON, Park Hill, or to SILAS JAMES, P.L,S., 'I‘oronlo. 432 A VALUABLB FARM ’IN THE TQWNSHIP a? M‘EILLIVRAY, 40 Acres of which are cleared, and mostly free from stumps, go 0d staked = nd ridered fances, also Log Barn, a House, and two Acres Land in the thriving village of Park Hill. 7 Doors north of King Street. The business at the New Store will be carried'ou under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON & COQ Farmer’s Boot & shoe Store. BOOTS 66 SHOES, S. M. Sanderson & Caullsens, No. 133 Yong. Sheet, have removed To No. 90 Yongc Street, Containing 100 Acres, Buttonvilie, Nov 7. 1867 AN eight horse power Steam Engine. Bor- ing Tools! Ropes. &c., belonging to the Markham 0i! and Mining Company. I For pumiculurs apply. if by letter pod paid A Can be procured, in,sums to 56:1 borrowers, on Landed security; Téhns made known on personal application to N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills, Bonds. &c. &c, drawn with 1130111655: and despatclnâ€" M. '1‘. continues to act as DIVstON COURT AG! ’1'. Fees moderate. Ritthond Hill, Nov, 28. 1866. THE Undersigned is authorized to state that 32090300! MONEY T 1333135 New. made at Atkinson’s Foundry. Will be sold cheap for Cash,’or approved credit. ' ’ Wl LLIAM ATKINSON, Merchant. CAST METAL. PLOUGH Richmond Hill, Nov, 7, 1867. .1. forrthe abbve artiélus'in any number on the shortest notice. Agents will be appointed at. all Stations on the Northern Railway. For particulars address JOHN LANGS'I'A FF. Steam Mills, 'I'lwruhzll, Yongc Street. Thornhill. Oct 31, 1867. - HE Und'ersigned is prepared to ï¬ll orders for the above articlos in anv number on Ploughffor Sale! PATENT FAILS ! Terms easy. title indisputable. For particu- lars apply to ED. SANDE RSON OR JOHN SA V DERSON . Toron, toDecemher l 90 of which are cleared, the Dwelling House Brick, with Barns, Stables. Sheds, Root Cellar and other out Buildings complete. The land is good and in a high state of cultivation. Also a good young Orchard. ot‘ chnice fruit trees, thsre are two good Wells, alaoe never failing stream If water runs across the Premises, which makes it the most valuable Farm in the Township. There is also a. Post ofï¬ce. Churchesand School House within one mile of the premises. This Farm is situated in a. good neighbour- hond, 16 miles from the City of Toronto. 33 miles from. Yonge Street roa'd. . Toronto, Dec. 3, 1867. CONTAINING 100 ACRES, ‘OR SALE one of the most valuabie Farms ‘ in the Township ofMAttKH‘AM. Coun- ty of York. Lot No, 14,311! Conces‘swn. . M. Sanderson 8: Co. FARM ‘FOR SALE i The Patenlee offers inducements seldom 'e be met‘wilh, Requisile instructions for mom)» facturing are given Porsmml application must be made to ' Dead heads need not apply: ‘ Newton Brook, July 30, 1867. Patentmï¬Oct. 24, 18b2, April 13,1860, and Powell’s FORCE . PUMP ! Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Patent Rights for Sale EiNG Lot No. 15, in the 8m Concession, ' West of the Centre Road . NOTICE! PATENT Swing Pump ! REMOVAL. Address Buttonville l‘osl Ofï¬ca. Buttonville. Jan. 16, 156-3. H-E subscriber offers for sale, 8. Superior To men of the right sort At No. 90 Yonge Street, Toronto GREAT BARGAINS No, 90 Yongeâ€"street, Toronto OUN l'lES or RIDINGS of POWELL‘S FOR SALE, M. TEEFY, JOHN BARRON. ON LANDED SECURITY. FOR SALE, Sap Buckets In Men's and Boy’s NE W DOMINION Patented Juhe 28. 1857. THOMA S THOMSON. IMPORTANT ARE OFFERING CHARLES POWELL, Ngwtun Brook, 9.0. Notary Public, Agent. 6w. Buttonvillo, PJO, “JO-If 486-4t, A Fresh Lot 0? Albums At Scotts’. l' .1113 validity of the Patent, having bPen recently dispiited by Interesled persona after twd days invesligatiou in Chancery. his Lordship the Clianwllor has given Judgment fully suslaining lhe claims of C. Powell, and speaking highly of the M ERtTS OF THE PUMP. and Will] just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct of theflnfringer, ordering him to pay the costs ol [he suit, and linrliillding him l0 "uké tl)é;Pumps. ’l‘lie Patentee feels, that the sense ofjuslisi: prevailing the community generally will be sutï¬rient to prevent its giving countenance to spuv‘ms imitatori whose conduct, the Cluincellor says, is “ IS a fraud on [he [’11bl‘c.â€â€"b ‘2' Judgmevrt, HARNESS 85 SHOE BLACKENING KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND WARM! Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Wor] V and is also Frostâ€"proof. Tank Istprize at vainciai Exhihiiiun ’88, &all iimeswhan shown Manufactory for York 8?: Peel Counties & Toronto City Newton Broom Yongc Street. "411me "mm "mm "WWI-ll "mum WNW "1mm “mm “mm “‘W Wm “M For Cash, at PricesZt'hat cannot be surpassed. Richmoad Hill, November 9, 1866. Patem S'Wiflghmp Flour, Feed, Provision' and Grocery Store anwï¬L, 1.--..- _, ,1 nu, r Tncluding Tables, Chairs, Bedsleads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dres=ing Stands, Wadi Stands, &c. 81c. Also a large assortment of Room l’oper,'Boldering. ‘Vhile I.“le Paints and Colors, Raw and lioiled Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Vsmich 'I‘urperline. Benzmie, Glass, Putty, Glue, SEC. &c. Parties Furnishing, Papetjag‘", o_r Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Alsdmé. (u The Leading @ï¬yés in‘ï¬janadg and. CROCKEnY N returning thanks for the very liberal snppmt lie has received Vsincgconnmencing businessin Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has' greatly increas: ed his Stock and has now on lmnd a choice assortment of - __ --.__-_ w... v VV... J y uvv‘rv 9 Vthre'he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Outs, Peas, Uatmcal,_Cormnea£ Buck? wheat, Bugon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Richmond HilE ï¬abinet Establishment Richmpnd Hill, Oct. 4, 1867. Fire-proof Store, Richmond' Hill. 'Oftlie best English, Scotch. and‘CmEdian Manufacture, which he will‘mél’te- iolxiieasuro at the lowest possible Cash Prices. and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to fit, workman- ship, and material. A Also, READY MADE CLOTHING always on hand. _ Inspection. Invited. 1-1.. -. .. No. 134, KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TORONTQ.‘ Manufacturing Rights for Sale; . am, When ordering Pumps, please state the )epth of the. We†or | 'a.em. P. O. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook TALGR!MG DEPARTMENT! v I, . o Coatings, Vestmgs, and Trowsermgsn'" HO:SIERY, SHAWLS, MANTLES, & MILLINERY 0R Softening. Preserving and rendering the Leather impervious to wet“ For sale a the Stores, Burgess and Shoe Shops, everywhere mmufactured at Rlchmoud Hill GMDS I Begs to announce to his friends and the public\ that he is receiving, dailrï¬ï¬‚ii FUENTEURE! WENTER @TOCKE THOS. ESPECTFULLY intimates that he has added 10‘ his géxiérï¬l Dry Goods‘aliad nary Department, a. TAILURING DEPARTMENT, under the manageme; at of :51: T$°kings,iSheetings, Shh-tings, Towellings, Table Linvens’,l A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would alsd call altenixon‘to LET 1NFRINGERS BEWARE &c. &c. &c. sales made tar Cash or approved; Credit, .A FIRS'T-CLAï¬i‘ES CUTTER 3 T. V. ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF quozcgiERjz, AEARDWARE, “’inccy‘s, French Mel-limes, Cobourgs, Silks P. QRQSBY, And is now showng a Large and Choice Assortment of THE CHEAPEST AND H I.“ ‘ w ' "1‘ u M QC“ “ luiru‘hm “1mm! “Wauqu “ SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, [S . POWELL’S WILLIAM MITCHELL THE CHEAPEST AND BEST " «v “‘3 ' ‘ 'm l - ' 1‘ “I "i ‘ W5 "1., ‘I . 1“, 1i K. Wu ‘ 1* @13le “M “mum, “Wm 3W l, mu L‘umu ‘ ‘ BY USING At Wm. MITCHELL’S; At Wm. MITCHELL’IS'. 'oyked, Most Durabk his .23 h 312T 9d