Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Feb 1868, p. 4

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With white and quivering lips she stands, And grasps her silken hair; In eager haste, with earnest hands, The image of despair. Hei- big blue eyes are dim with dread, While tears unbidden start; I seemed to feel each drop like lead Fall heavy on my heart. “ Sweet maid,” I Cried, “so young, so fair, What mean those trembling looks of careâ€" V That‘diim and tearful eyé, ' Thy world should be a World of mirth ; The sorrows and the ills of earth When Themiatocles went to Andros, to demand aloan of mom-y, he said, I bring two gods with me. Force and Persuasion; ” ho was aptly answered, “ We have two Itronger, Want and Imposmbility.” Domestic Magazines=~ es who are always blowing up their husbands. ‘Why is old cheese better thand cold steel? Because it is mightier than the sword. _ A Miller, in glving a testimonial to the proprietor of a. powder for destroying ver~ min, astounds us with the fiSSBI‘UOH-v“ A fortnight since I was full of rats, but now I don’t thing I have one.” Which is worth most, five pounds in gold, or a five-pound bank-note ?â€"-â€"The bank note; because you always double it when you put it it. in your pocket, and you will find it al- ways (increases) when you take it out. ? Might surely pass thee by ‘2 “Bus man been fickle, false, and coldâ€" Thy love been given in vain; Have you but lived to learn the old, Old story o’er egaiu .9 If so, cheer up, the world is wide, Thy virgin heart is young ; You’ll live to blush a. blooming brideâ€" " Hush, hush 1” she cried, with bursting _ tears, “ My woe is sterner far; Be well may scorn the grief that scars Who never felt a. scar. 0! that this tender frame mould melt, Or else be turned to stone 5 My heart, my heart, will burst. in twain, The maddening thought will turn my brain, My cherished chignon’s gone.” Why don’t you trade with me?” said a close-listed tradesmen to a, friend the other day. The reply was characteristic. “ You huve never asked me, sir. I have looked all through the papers for an invitation in the shape 01 an advertisement, and found none. I never go where 1 am not invited.’ Hunt's Hair Gloss an indispensable Toilet article. . How was the Queen able to write such a gag! Diary ? “Because _she had I“ _He1ps.” u Advice Ito Parents.â€"'Josh Billingé say: “ To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself.” Severe.â€"Coleridge was descanting, in the presence of Charles Lamb, upon the repul- sive appearance of the oyster, “It isn’t handsome, Coleridgef’ said Lamb; “but it has the advantage of you in one thing.”â€" “What is that?” aid Coleridge, who was an exhaustless talker. “It knows when to shut Its mouth,” was the reply. A Smart Preacher.â€"Little four-yearâ€"old Carrie want with her aunt to church. The preacher was very earnest in his delivery, and she was much interested. “Mot-her,” said she, when she came home, “I have heard such a smart, minister. IIe stamped and pounded, and made such a. noise; and then he got so mad, he shook his fists at the folks, and there wasn’t any body dared to go up and fight him I” Corner of King & Yonge Streets November 9. 1866. &c. &c. Day Books, AT SCO'I‘T'S RICHMOND HILL. , INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Joel Williams, out for Richmond Hill. Ag David Hi1), Family 85 Church Bibles MONEY TO LOAN THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. THE undersigned having purchased the Right! for the Counw of York. is now Ofi'oring for sale in this countv E Half Lot 29, 3rd Con. Vaughan, 86 Acres B Part do 31, do do 80 do I Half do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do E Half do 34, 3rd Con. do 100 do 8 Hnlf do 35, do do 100 do Vaughan, April 17 181‘ 7. AT SCOTT’S, RTCIIMCND HILL. A“ SCUIT’S RICHMOBL‘C‘) HILL SCHOOL BOOKS! Waggan Brake ' H To acorn a lying tongue. H. W. DIMON’S On Improved Real Est ate, PP1.Y to 'Mr. WARMOLL. or V”. Kouamuc'r & WARMOLL, Barristers, &c. FARMS FOR SALE. TOD DEEP FOR WORDS. Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Baoks, Wallets, Purses, mimllnnenuz. Y GREAT VARIETY, Patented April 10, 1857. N IVBRY VARIETY, Agent foxj Thornhill. mug. AT LOW PRICES, SELF-ACTING Apply to TORONTO. H. M. MISENER. J AMES MCGEE ‘Exxocus. 23 With Ho} '11 & Knife, AT SCOTT'S RICHMOND HILL One door south of Mr. Barnard’s store, and that ha is prepared to sell at the manufacturers prices. Farmers and others requiring Stove Depot 011 Richmond Hill Propelling K: Bepelling Pencil, Cooking or Box Stoves Will consult their ownintoreal by Ixmmining his Stock before buying in Toronto. 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fol- lowing )ropolty :â€" - Partof Lot No 39. on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing 63 acre" ; also. “ Village Property At Richmond Hill. From 30 cts, to $6. AT SCO’i‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. AGENTS WANTED. $150 PER MONTH. ALB UMS WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for 60 years proprietor of the Linnaoan Nur- .erios. has discovered rennin: cum-:3 for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous Debllity. Rheu- matism, all Female Maladies. and othors re- sulting from impurity of lho blood. hitherto incurable. Explanitory circular, one slump. Trentis on nll diseases. 90 cents. 58-4 Photographs'for {mats (101. (as ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain 8; Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL HAMIlTflN STOVE DEPOT ! Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1867' ATARREI,Bronchitis. Scrofnla. Liver and thncy Diseases. Nature’s Remodials from Pmms. .l Machine is now presemcd to the people Canada poseessing all the improvements that can be well confined in asewing machine. 1 will accomplish every description of sewing except hnuon holes, from an overcoat down to the finest silks and mnslins, This machine sells for only $l5, and is really warth $50, in any Family. Every mechine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years.â€" All machines sold in Canada are manulucture at the co-npnny’s branch manufactory in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full prinled directions. ennt express free on receipl of$15 in a registered letter. Full printed directions accompany each machine. so plain that a child iwelve veers of age can learn [0 work one successfully in a short. time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machwe Company, R, 'I‘. BUSH & 00-, ’Cnnuda Manufactur- ers. 14 King Street East. Toronto, C. W. Home Offices in in Great Britain and Canada. London. England, Glasgow, Montfeul and Toronto. P. S.â€". Good agents wanted in every part 0 the country to whom will paid a salary from $50 to $l50 par month, or a large commission. Termsto agents sens. free to those wishing agencies. The Stevens House has liberal accomoda- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it. is well furnish- ed and possesses every modern improve- ment for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated-~provided with gas and wat- ter-â€"the attendance is prompt and respectful â€"â€"and the table is genemusly provided with every delicacy of the seasonâ€"at moderate rates. BIBLE SflCIE’l‘Y DEPOSITORY ROM 50 to ’00 Cords of Green and Dry Beech and anle,to be delivered in To:- onto during the winter. Appiy at the Herald Oflice. Richmond Hi”. 69 - THE Stevens House is well and widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close proximity to the business part of the cityâ€"is. on the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€" and adjacent to all the principal Railroads and Steamboat depots. A Clergvman, while residing in South Am~ orica as a missionary. diecovered asnf’e and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak- ness. Eariy Decay. Diseases of the Urinary and Siminal Organs, and the whole train of disorder brought on by harmful and vinions habits. Great numbers have been cured bv this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire at benefit the afliicled and unfortunate, lwil send the recipo for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed enveiope. to uny 01 who needs it, Free of Charge. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866. 21, 23, 25 a; 27 Broadway, N'. Y. Wood Wante c1 Please enclose an enveibpe nddressedom yoursel. For particulars apply to the proprietor. Stove Pipes supplied at the Lowes{ prlcea. SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Wehmond Hill 1865‘ Toronto Mfr-ah 3rd 1866 EGS to inform his friends ie the County of ’ York that he has opened a JAMES STEWART STEVENS HOUSE, 462 LAND FOR SALE. A Card to lnvalids. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Opposite Bowling Green. Address. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. JQSEPH T. LNMAgg, Sume 1). Emu: Hbvsn, New - York-oug- A. WRIGHT. Proprietom 44-13. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. Residenceâ€"Lot 20, rrar of3rd Concession of Mukhnm. P.0.Addressâ€"Bullonvillo. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’a lervicu can mako arrangement: ntthe Hnum office. of? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ngwood. Sept. 13. 1867. 4 Ca“ and examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere, as )on will find i! to your interest. ne- Masonic aud other _Emblems made to order. Toronto,Aun’l 27, 1866. ‘7. Counties of York and Peel. January 4. 1865, WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St-, TORONTO W. G. CASTELL 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks, Ind supplies Confectionnry of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. IMPORTERB AND DEALER. IN Watches, clocks, and Jewelry, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ! CON]? ECT ION ARY I Henry Smelser‘i ‘Jurof'ul Minnion given to the repairing of Watchas an" Glncks Jewelry manufacturod nml Romain-W]. Toronto, July 20, 1865. ICENSED AUC'I‘JONEER for tho coun- ties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes. Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty tr do Lnskey, March 2nd 1865 39-1 W. WHARIN & CO. V king Street East, 6 doors east of Yonge Strut. Toronto, April 26. 1866. 4 'JHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, DENTISTRY. l‘lu attention of'ho Public is imvled to their lock, censisling of a great variety of REAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. 21-y HF. Advertiser offers for Sale, or 10 Ex- ‘ change for a large farm,or to Rent on lease from the first day of April next. his Farm on Yonge Street Also his Dwelling House with fuur acres ofland attached. Apply to AVID McLEOD begs to announce that he has Leased the above Hotel and filled it up in a manner second to none on Yonge St. where he wili keep constantly on hand a good supplyof first-class Liquors, &c. This house posse§ses every accommodation Travellers can desire,those who wish to stay wherethey can find every comfort are respectfullyiu‘vited to put up at thi establishment? FARM FOR SALE Richmond Hill, P,O. Ontario, llu. I’ECK will he in the following places prepared te extract tneth w ith his new nppurn- tus. All other operations in Denislry perform- ed in n workmanlikc manner :â€" Aurora, ,...... . . lsl ofench month. Nowrnarket Br'elsford hotel 2nd " -‘ Stoufiville... . . . . . . lBlh " " Victoria Square.. 20th " ‘I Thomhill......... ......23rd “ " Richmond Hill. ..........24th " “ Maple . . . . . . . . . . .........261h ‘ " -' ...28th ‘I " Kleinhurg. . . . . . .99th ~" U Nobleton................30th II ~' Where he will attend to any business por- taiuing to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7 ,1865. 14f Burwick. . . EXTRACTING TEETH WITHUUT PAIN! By the use of ETHER SPRAY, which affects the Tooth only. The toolhand gum surmuuding becnmo instnsible with this extarnal agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and without endangering the life asfiin the use of Chloroform. Aurora. June 1865. MITCHEL HO USE ! Oflhc has? desvription and newest designs. DR. N. J.PECK’S, ingwood JVIm'ble W'orks ELECTED-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &.c. 95 King Street East, Toronto, PURE AND UNADULTERATED . c. ADAMS, D. D. s. November Isl 1867' JAMES BOWMAN, J , SEGSWORTH, MANUFACTURER 0]" ALL KIND! OF 'lllu... o I I u n . oil-0' 5 Square.......... Iill......... ondHiH............ P. WIDEMAN, Or to Rent. HANUFACTURER or FOR THE UNITED N EW METHOD Ol' IMPORTEB 017 &c. &c. &c. AURORA. G. J. F'. PEARCE. . . . lsl ofonch month. tel 2nd " " . . . lBlh " “ . . . 20th “ ‘- ...Q3rd “ " ...24th " “ ..261h ‘ " " ...28th " " ...99th ~" ” ...3()th " ~' to any business pu- 479 22 3X The York Herald EllLflllBIl Jllfl WIIRK BQQK Ordon for any of tho undomnfionoi Junip- Honor . J' o B PRINTING BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, MM? TWEMWEM PAMPHLE'I‘S AND LARGE ANDSMALL POSTERS, For Cnrdn,_&e.. just :oooivod, ls entirely new and of tho latest pttterns, large variety of new %%%rmmw% Let WOBDERS PBUMPTLY IvXELUTEB ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS Will 'w promptly Attended lo:â€" OUR ASSORTMINT 0F CREEAP PLAIN And only other kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS 1ND 18-; POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0F ASIATIC CHOLE YELLOW FEVER, SMALLâ€"POX» AND OTHER PESTILENCE r ' mm atmfiwflfifims ‘ As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, CQUNTE‘B‘, IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFAOIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhwa, Dysentry, Cholera, Morbus, Infla Cramps, Spasms, Vomitmg, Sick Headache, olds, Influenza, 'Neuralgia, &c.-â€"One tea-spoonful in a glass of Throat, Coughs, C water will correct a mmation of the Bbwelé, 013015;: Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore ll @erangements of the stomach, bowelsend liver, and instantly the most severe pains. If seized with Rheumatism. Gout, Lumbaggficiaflca, Pain: in" the Side ‘or-Baok, Limbs or Joinmflpine 91' Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.~»_0n’e a ‘plication wt“ afford immediaw use and comfort, and a few times rubbing will comp etc the «urea j Inviolent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATIG CHOLERA., INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may yrove fatal within an hour or two, if not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, N euralgia, Inflam‘ nation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal difiicnlties, Inflammation of the Womb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yield at once to this commanding curative. The RE ADY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation as the malady itself. It is more active than the virus of the mes'r swift and dendl y epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to use on the first :1me or Dam and uneasiness, no person need suffer an hour sickness. 'l‘HE Proprietor would'ré'spectfully announce to the farming community that he is new manufacturing improved Ploughs of SWEERE©R fi$£flgfifim 9 STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS and which he confidently offers as one of the best: and cheapest kinds in the country Reduced Price 0f$16 Plough Points & Landsides kept always on hand Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at D3. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Monti-en. , emanating from the highest authorities in the World. There is not a Town or City 0" importance (except a few in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroed- ~ RICHMOND BILL, Apri, 13, 1867. Sisters of Mercy at Derchester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Badway‘s Remedies to the sick. PRICE. 25 cents a Bottle. 9" Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. Agents for the sale of Rawday’s Ready elinfs P. CROSBY, Mimond um THOS. ALLISON, Victoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora Mr. ROWE and Mrs. ROVVFing St IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICM‘ Instant Heap N ceded CURES PAIN INSTANTLY !_ JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. _ ‘ ._ HENRY HALL. In suddlen Attacks HAIL-L’s All Around the Globe. which: he nOW offers at the JOHN RADWAY, M. D., 8:. 00., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Momma, » And 87 Maiden Lane. Haw-Yon HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred than“ LIBRARY to the ' HERALD ’ Bodk Stord' where Stockholders and others may nrocnrd’ BOOKS avery Friday afternoon. Iron. “08 olock. P.Mo V ALUABLE PROPERTY AGOOD Dwelling Honse. Barn. Stable} Driving House, Wood House. and' Thre‘e quarters of an Acre 9f Land, on which”, there Is a quarter of an acre of an Orchard of healthv young trees;piomy of Churriol,‘ (Juli-rants. Goéso‘ben‘ies, fie. Tho' athe Pabpérty is situated in the contro' dffimé'yilhge. W_ill {)0 spld fihe’ap fpr cash. For fu flier parficulars‘ apply}; M. Es.. or it.“ CRO SBY, Esq. Village ofltichmoml Ilill,‘ For Sale. Richmond Hll), January 14, 1867 ’IWVO FARMS HE Subéc'riber' ofl'erd' fdr ale the followinf propérty belonging 19 (59‘ estate of thi latd‘Mr. Lmllau Miller, Viz’i“ ThLedVFarm, comfi posed of part of lots 0. 34‘ and 33. ifn the In" Concession of the owfiship of Markham; on" Yonge Stredt. neér Thornhlll'. which About 25 of which is Timber iand. Thor. in I good Spring Crank runs across this mommy.â€" Only 1'2 miles from Toronto. Alsp, A B-lulding Lot, comprising part oflot No. 38, in the lat concession of the Township" of Vanghan.â€"5 Acres of Land. good Dwollfi’ ing-house, Barn, good Well of Water. &6.‘ 1. For any further information opply [6' j Consists oi 160‘A6res¢ Also the north halfof lo‘t-No‘, 12,ih the llt“ COIPIEO:Si9H_Rf ‘llle Tgwnship of Ipnisfield. September 12m. 1867. FFRS'P-CLASS Roadster Yancy, bu . color. 14 hands high, 4 ygars old. goo action, and goad in single and diffibl‘é' human, Apply at this eflice. 3-H5 THE Subsc‘riber ofi‘érg for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms 6? Credit payfnent, the following Mill Geeringi A Mulley Saw, Upper and Lower Mulley, Petmim, Crank, 5‘ inch wrought iron Shaftj and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage; 'Patenv head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma~ chine‘ry for a first class Saw Mill. Will I). wld at a grea‘L‘redu’ction of ‘origihal dost: SAW MILL GEERINGI FORSALE. ' For particulars apply to . . _ ABRAHAM EYER; , 5,, Lot 25, 2nd’Co‘n). fidi‘kfimfi Post (5mm: address Richmond Hill. May 8, _ , 3-‘111' __ OR the immediate relief and permanent? cure of KLeEmntism, Spmimg'lirhisu,’ Burns, Frost Bites. Lame Back, Sid’e’, Limb! or-Smmach, Cramp. fumbling of Limba,‘ Siding ofJ‘oima, Su den'CoYdafljflhorit,‘ Sore throat: ' V”â€" Has be'en before the public for upwards of twenty years, and such are its merits that i! in now firmly considered as an indispensibio unit" 016 in "cry famin wfiero 31' ii; Known; It ha: aever been forced on' public nit lion by flaming rdVerlisements or remarkable I mat never had any existence, but by in own peculiar value as an unfailing remedy. it but worked it: way into public favor, Having A Wonderful effect when taken inter: nally, in quivkening the circulation of the blood} It is invaluable to persons prndisposed to Fun‘ lysis. or subject to attacks of Heart Discuss, In cases of Dyspepsia, where food, distress", it affords prompt relief. and continued for a. short time, sets evorylhing right. The uqma of the medicine is blown in and! bottle or the genuine, and the purposes for which it is intended. as well as the mode of using. attached. Henry, Simpson & C0,, Montreal. Who].- sula Agents. S. J.’Fosc & Co.. Shorbmko, P. Q.. Sole Proprietors. October 10th, 1867 HIS pleasant, agreeable. and scientific pro- paration is an indispensible article for the toilet It cleanses the scalp, renders the heir of: darker appearance, is easily applied and will not stain the finest linen. l‘hose using the Empire Heir Gloss will find that it renders the harsh- est and coarsest hair. soft, glossy. fine and beauttful, disposing it to stay in any position in which it. is pieced. It prevents the hair from falling ont,invigurates and strengthens it. and often produces a new growth ofhair when it has already invigorating and rnstoring the skin, nerves. muscle-s. blood vessels. and roots 0! the hair. Price 25 cents. S. J. Foss & Co. proprietors and sole manu- facturers. Sherbrooke. Province of Quebec.â€" Henry. Thompson 81. Co. Montrenly Lyman, Elliott & Co. Toronto. Wholesale Agents. Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss RE a safe and reliable remedy in all dil- eases of the Stomach, Liver and floweln. They are no Quack Medicine. puffed up b high-eounding testimonials from imaginaryyl people. but are the result of forty years experi- ence ofa first class physician, and theirextrn- ordinary success i‘a due to the fact that they answer exactly their name. The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound, scientific principles, and has received the un- qualified approbation of the medical profession. They do not profess to be a cure all, but for all diseases arising from any derangement of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels, they fnrnish an efi‘ectual remedv. We have in our Mssion over one hundred testimonials from physicians who have used them in their practice and highly approve of them, among which are the foll_e_wing :_ RICHMOND mLE-fi"~ LIBRARY ASSOCATION; .Dr. COLBY’S: Anti-Cosme and Tonic Pills. The uendsrsigned physicians cheerfully cortifv to the high prol'assional standing of Dr. Colby. of Stanslead. one of the oldest and best phygl. cians. and to the excellent qualities of his U ANTE-COSTIVE and TONIC PILLS." whice‘ we have use!) in our practice. and high- ly approve. J. H. Gibson. M. D., Dunham. C.E. C. Cot-ton, MD. Cowansville Charies Brown, MD, Cewansvillo S S Foster, MD, Brome. J C Butler, MD, Waterloo. John Erskine. MD, Waterloo. Norman Cleveland, MD, Barnston, N Janka. Mn, Barnston, C W Cowles, MD. Stanstead, John Meigs. MD. Stanstead. Joseph Broaden, MD, Surgeon, RN. Benjamin Damon, MD. Coaticook. Lemuel Richmond. MD, Derby Line. 5. J. Foss & Co. Shel-brook, P.Q. :01. pro. gio'n‘s LHenry. Thompson & Co, Montreal I :leso Agents. ' Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquids Jacoifs Rheuma’zib ' Liquid}- VILLAGE LOT IN THE A. SCOTT, Librarian. AND A’ HENR? LEMON,- ’l'hornhiIM

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