mills llutt gltrolo IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance, when so desired. The Yonx HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important lforeign and Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it ac- ceptable to the man ofbusiness. and a valu-' able Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"-One Dollar per annum. [N AD- VANLE; if not paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. Allletters addressed to the Editor must be cat-paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid: and parties refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. ' I RATES OF ADVERTISING. Six lines and under. ï¬rst insertion. . . .$ll0 50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . (ll) l3 Ten lines and under, first insertion. . . . 00 75 Each subsequent insertion...†. . . . . ... 00 ‘20 Above ten lines. first insertion. per line. (ll! 07 Each subsequent insertion, per line. . . . 0t) 02 One Column per twelve months. . . . . . . 50 (It! Half a column do do . . . . . . . 3t) 00 Quarter ofacolumn per twelve months. 20 00 One column per six months . . . . . . . .. . 4t) ()0 Halfa column do ’ . . . . . . . . '... 25 “1) Quarter of a column per six months. . . , A card often litres, for one year. A card of fifteen lilies. do 5 ‘25 A card oftvventy lines, do 6 5t) FAdvertisements without written directions .nserted till forbid. ant‘l charged accordingly All advertisements published for a less period than one mor.‘lr, must be paid for in advance. 18 Oil 4 (ll) .... .. ....o All transitory advertisements, from strangers nrirrogular customers. must he paid for when and ed in for inser‘ion. immerse flirtation. R, HUS'l‘li'li'l‘Ell’S numerous friends wlll please accept his sincere thanks for heir liberal patronage and prompt payment. Ind would announce that he will continue to devote t“e whole of his attention to the prac- tice ofMedicrne. Surgery and Midwifery. All calls, (night or day,) promptly attended to. Elgin Mills, October 5. 1866. DR. JAS. LANQSTAFF, \/ All parties owing Dr. J. Langstnf‘l‘ure expect- ed to call and pay promptly, as he has pay- ments now that must be met. Mr, Win Jenkins is authorised to collect,atrd give receipts for him. Richmond Hill, June. 1‘65 1 ILL generally be found at home before half-past 8 n,m and from l to? put. JOHN M. nEiifM} “13.. 808. OF YONGE AND CllLBUFlNE SIS, 'I'l-IO ll Nll IL L. Consultations in the oflice on the mornings of Tuesdays. Thursday»: and Saturdays. 8 to Ill,u.m. HS’AH consultations in the oflice, Cash. Thornbill, June 9, 1865 1 7' 1m CA nus. CONVEYANCER 8w OEr‘Icuoâ€"over the Gas Company ofï¬ce Toronto Street, Toronto. Toronto. August 1, 1867. moths hominidâ€"J ~LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE County of York. Sales attended on the shortest notice at moderate rates. P.O. Address, Buttonville Lfarkham, Juny 24, 1868. 497 R E A D & B O Y D: Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery,&c., :7. King Street East, lover Thompson’s East India House) Toronto. D.B. READ, Q.C. t J.A. BOYD B A May 7. 1856. our M. ’I‘E E F Y, E sq†NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, l CONVEYANCER. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREEMENTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgagch \Vills, 81c, &c.. drawn With attention ualdpromplitudo, Terms moderate. Richmond Hill. June 9. 1865. l GEO. B. NICOL, BllllllSlEll, lllomoy-al-law. Solicitor in Chancery, co NVEYANCE it, &c, &c., 8w OFFICEâ€"In the “York Herald †Buildings, Richmond Hill. ’ 6:} Money to Lend. ~July, 5th. 1866. 51y ’M‘NAB, MURRAY zillions, Barristers it Attoriicys-utehow Solicitors in Chancery, couvcvxxccns, &c. .Orvrccâ€" In the Court House, . .TORONTO dengue 1, 1806. so SAVE TRUlJi'rHS. WATER SPflllTS, OISTRENS AND PUMPS l Manufactured and for Sale Flooring and other lumber dressed. Follows town and shingles for sale by John Langstafl STEAM M I LLs. THonNitim. THOMA DMAN. Carriage and Waggon MAKER. UNDERTAKER o'rc. &c. &c. Ofï¬ce RICHMOND "v‘w/Vâ€"W NEW SERIES. (3 HILL AD “ Let Sound_Reason weigh, more with usihan Popular Opinion YONG E ST. GENERAL ADVERTISER. 3, - Vol. vur. No. 39. NOTICE TO FARMERS. RICHMOND HILL MlLLS. GEO. H. APPELBY EGS to inform the Famersin t're neighbor hood of Richmond Hill, that belies leased the above Mills, and has put them in thorough the patronage of the public. GRISTING AND CHOPPING, Done on the shortest notice. ' __ WThe hlghest market price paid for W bent. h Richmond Hill. Nov.14, 1864 . WILLIAM COX Successor to James Holliday, BUTCHER, 211d door north of Bernard’s store. RICHMOND HILL, 7EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, I Mutton. Lamb, Veal, l’or'k, Sausages. Arc, and sells at the lowest prices. The highest mnrket price given for Cattle. Sheep, Lambs. 5c. _ ltichnsoud 11.â€. Uctcbcrlo,1€87. MALLOY’S AXE FOR SALE BY DANIEL IIORI‘TER, Jun, Lot 520. 2nd Ctrceossion Markham 7 Ly LEMON’S HOTEL ! (LATE nArMoxn‘s) RICHMOND HILL. 7 111E SUBSCRIBER announces to the travelltur: community. the. lie has leas- ed the above Hotel on Richmond hill, and will devote his attention to the comfort and convenience oft (he who may favor him with their patronage. The best Stubbliuq and Drivingr Shod on Yonge St. The host Brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars kept constant'y on hand. A careful llostlt-r always in ut'end- anve, An Omnibus leaves this Hotel for Toronto at. ha’fvpast seven n.m. daily. GEORGE LEMON Richmond Hill. Doc. 4. 18b7. 490-1)Y Maple xxoselz GE’o. MCPIIILLIPS& SUN 4 Provincial Land Surveyors, S EAFO RTII. C. W. June 7, 865.1. ,. 1 f ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends 1 and the public generally, that be has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan. where he hopes, by attenâ€" tion to the comforts of (be travelling commu- nity. to merit a. slr'tre of, their patronage and vupport. Good Stubling, A'Lc ., RICHARD VAlliES. Maple. Jan [866. 32-ly DAVID EYEtt, Jun, Stave & Shingle Manufacturer 'ESIl)E.\‘CEâ€"llot '26. 2nd Con. Markham on the Elgiu Mills Plank Road. A large Stock ol'S'rAvrzs and StirkcLss. kept constanth o‘n hand,and sold afthe lewest Prices [3“ Call and examine Stock before purchas- itlgolsewhere. I I Post Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Richmond Iltll. lattire 1865 l-tl' PHYSIOLOGY. Ladies and Gentlemen, who require a true ch'r rt of the foot, can procure one in " non for travellers: .Resdeneâ€"Neml v opposite the Post Redmond Hill, either French Kid or Culf, by calling and ordering it at T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill, April 4, 1867. THE out) HOTEL, (THORNIIILL. HENRY HERON, Proprietor. The best of Wines. Liquors and Cigars will be found at the bar. Comfortable accommoda- ‘ A careful {lostler always in attendance. ' ‘ ' ' Thornhill, July 4, l857. 1y '- octetâ€"Abel‘s HOTEL, LATE VAN NosruAND’s, T HE Subscriber begs to, inform the Public that he has leased the above llotelI where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of firstâ€"class Liquors, &C. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel‘ors can desire, those who wish tostay where they can find every comfort are respectl't'rll) in- vited to give him a call. GIDEON DOLM AG E. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28-:f LUMB R ING- ABItAHAM ‘E‘YER EGS respectfully to inform his customers and the public that be is preparud to do- PLANEING TO ORDER, In any quantity, and on short notice. Planet! Lumber, Flooring, &c. Kept on hand, SA WING done promptly; also Lumber Ton gucd & Grovcd At the lowest possible rates. Saw Mill on lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham, 2; millos eastof ltichmoud 11 Ill by the Plank Road vISichmond Hill, June 26, 1865. 4- 1y ‘JoiiN Church, "LICENSED AUCTIONEER OR the Counties of York. Peel and On- l tarro. Residence: Lot 8, 6th concesson Markham. Post Ofï¬ceâ€"Unionville. Sales attended on the shortest notice' and on reasonable terms. Ol'tlAl'S leftat the " Herald†office for Mr Carter’s services will be promptly attended to June, ‘27. 1857. lgret to say that this innovation is Quitting. - BESIDE THE RIVER. BY MARY W." MICKLES. repair, and will be glad to receive a share of Standmg bOS'de “10 dark river, Whose blue waves peacefully flow, Watching the shimmering sunbeams Noiselessly glide to and fro. Brightly the waters are gieaming, Lightly they’re dancing along, Wooin;r the low, bending branches Sweetly in gushes of song. Softly I bend o’er the waters, To them my pale check I press; While as thep tenderly murnmur, Shyly they meet: my caress. Not for their light or their beauty, Nor for their glad melody, Pause I alone by the river, Marking its gay revelry. But that each wave onward flowing Bercuth, pcrchance, to thy feet Some flower I have flung on its bosom, Hoping thine eye it might meet. And when the night’s sable tresses With the pale twiliglrt’s shall blend, May not some fairy voice softly Whisper the message I send. And as some ripple come dancing Ever and ever more near, Wilt thou not hear in its breaking She left a kiss for you here? ï¬tlrrotttrr. SIN nous Finsr LOVE. I was staying last winter with a relative who understands comfort. Until he married and settled in the country. a couple of years ago, he had been a college follow, and pro- ï¬ted by his opportunities to such an extent that be has lard down a railway on his dining room mantle pit-cc. and furnished the apartment with several small but ï¬rm and solid tables. which are placed " ’ - iiFatidéssél ‘b’r‘rd his whim is, that his guests should sit in a semicircle about the hearth with a table for every (pair. and that the decanters should travel by hand, like a gentleman in a sedan- chair, and by casy stages, from one chimney-corner to the other, and then take the rail across the chord oftlrc arc to their starting point. And it. is a curious illustration of the saving of fatigue in' modern ,travelllng, that the rapid Journey across has no apparent effect upon their constituents. while the slower passage from table to table takes a great deal out of them. He has another lancy, arising probably , from ten years’ surfeit of masculine society. which is, that when the party is small and sociable, the ladies should not retire ; and I re- not always so highly appreciated by either sex as it should be. As a general rule, however, the experiment is a success, for he has aninexhaUstible fund of animal spil‘lls, and a talent for drawing people out of their shells. One evening, we were particu- larly cosy. There were eight of US, all relations or intimate friends. Let us put out the gas, and tell stories, said the youngest of the partv. J I -~Geocl~,â€"-as to theretorics; but "-wh y put out. the gasl -" l - ()h,- because stories goes go better with ï¬relightybesidcs, peo- ple tell things about themselves, more plainly the less clearly [boy are seen. At school, the girls would let out all sorts of secrets after we had gone to bed. Lyddy is right. I will turn off the gas.â€":l'heré! Now, \‘vh'lo will do a bit of secular confession? Lydth looked carefully round, and said: Cousin bod. ' Yes, ofconrse ;. he has hardly spokesman the evening, and must have been meditating. Come Bob‘ tell us ~what has occupied your thoughts, ' l was reflecting-upon the lolly of mankind. which values turkeys in proportion to their bigness, whereâ€" as a small turkeys in proportion to their bigness, whereas a small tur- key 18 inï¬nitely nicer than a large one. 1 was also speculating upon whethera cassowary could digest mince-pic. I think not. I RICIIRIOND HILL, F RIDAY, FEBRUARY ‘28, [868. my clients; but if vou would like to hear an outline of the case of’look lor an opening further on. Dodds and Glover. 1 will make an exception in your favour. It is rather dry. You see Dodds is true. tee lora burial-around. and the vicarâ€â€" Oh. oh! No. not It is of no use, I fear; Bob has no romance in him. Romance! l have done with that the last twenty years. Then you were romantic oncel cried Lyddy. (Sharp girl that.) Tell us. , Yes, at your age, Lyddy, l was an inhabitant of an ideal world, for I knew nothing of the real one. Myparents lived in a most secluded manner; and as they had peculiar notions on the subject of ctlucation. they never sent me to school. My father had an idea that it ought to be the great joy of his life to watch my mind open, just as if it were an oyster lâ€"By the by, you are right to serve them in the top shells Morton. l expect that you have not all read Spencer‘s Fairy Queen at least not quite through; and as for Amadis of Gaul. I Will bet even that none of you have ever opened its pages. Those two books were my favorites; I knew great parts of them by heart, I wrote a little poetry myself, and some ofit was thought rather pretty: my Field Mouse, and Stanzas to an Auto manal Fly, for example. beneaththele'a‘vesgand I had to At length she happened to turni thcr 6) es towards the hill, and so became azvare of presence. There was one point ofsympnthy between us established already; she too must be long sighted, for she could evidently distinguish that l was not a shepherd, at least in the practical Sense oftending sheepâ€"- in the Arcadian meaning, I was a littleâ€"-lt)r she would not orherwrso have taken an much notice of me ; standing still and looking lull at me; walkng on, and stealing hurried sitleglanccs: watching me lrom sheltered spots where she fancied I could nbt detected her. After playing at bo~pecp for abouta quarter of an llour,thc deep tones of a bell was heard, and she hurried OH towards the house. As she took one last. look in my direc- tion, I rose up and laid my hand upon my heart; she waved hcr handkerchief in answer.anrl vanish- cd. On the following day, l rc- turned to the same spot at the same honr,aud saw her again. I took off my hat, she wach her parasot; I kissed my hand, she kissed hers. The flirtation was as desperate as it well could be, considering the distance between us, and the insc~ cure nature of my footing. [continued to haunt that bill: Would garden, and sometimes I sometimesd saw the divinity ofthe did not Vntl like to hear my Autumanallbut wh‘cnldiJ. she was always Fly fâ€"No? That is fortunate, for I fear that. is obsolete. l was sent at last to a private tutor, who was to prize that mind of mine open a little wider, and shove what was needlul for marticulationat the uni- versity into the gap. Here at last, lmight have had a chance of a glimpse at the True, one would havo thought; but. unfortunately, Come, come, Bob, though you are an old bachelor, an epicure, and a lawyer. you mast have an interesting reminiscence for us. \Vhat romantic stories you must become acquainted wtlh in the course of business, for example. Well, 1 am not exactly in the my tutor, was a, poor-,wtrard working curate. “iii‘a thiifly‘i 'opulated dis- trict; a good man; who, when he was not coaching me or walking over the moms to outlying parish- ioners. was entirely preoccupied will) coal-tickets, tracts. sore legs, rlrcumatlsms, twins, and such like And Iliad no lcltow pupil. So. if possible, 1 got rather worse - than better. and commenced an cpis in six books. Likewise, il'you must have it, 1 fell in love. l'lurrnhl Puss the bottle before he begins. Empty. and take a black bauder, Bob. Now, then. It really was rather a romantic affair. I was walking out alone one day, in search of an appctitc and an inspiration, when I came to a house and garden surrounded by a high wall, at the foot of a hill. l‘he appetite I had little difficulty about in those happy days; but the :nspir‘alionlmng fire, and the epic poem could rot lor the life of it get over the third stanza of the ï¬rst canto, where it had stuck for weeks. To soar above the world a bit, might help me, so I turned to thc 'nill.and tried the Excelsior plan. When 1 had mounch 2t couple bun- drcd feet of slippery grass, 1 was out of breath, throbbing at the temples, and damp; so I turned about. and sat down on a woven tent shecppalh, to see if the muse was inclined to strike. up yet. The Muse still sulked: but that! a capital bird‘s-eye view ol the par- den beneath me, which was large. and laid out With thick and shady sbrubberies , (and in :1 walk which intersected one. of these, I caught the gtirrrpsc ofa female robin. Now, a pool who'c‘atches sight of a petticoat while he is in the very crucible of compari-lit'm, is bound to become enarnoured. unless, in deed, it is on u c'olbcs line, or he is already in love with some one else â€"â€"and I am not sure that he would always be safe even in those con- tingehcies. l was clean bowled on the instant. However susceptible, : prosaic man .vould have waiter] till he saw whether she halt a'hump or a wornlcn log, or was nearest sixteen or sixty; but my instinct told me that she was young and lovely. 1n hall a minute, she cm erged into a clear space, and faith l my instinct was right, Though site was rather for off, I was long- srgbted and could tell that. As when the sportsman, intent on shooting a rabbit in cover, watcbs the lurze'bnsh from which he expects the furrcd creature to appear next. so did I gaze on the traps in the trees through which lhc slyph like form w mld presenth glide, and then I watched {habit 01 betraving the Conï¬dence of her till she once more dlsappeared alone, and we exhausted our in‘ genuiry in exchanging sentiments by signs. However timid and respectful a lover may be, he does desire after a time to approach nearer than a hundred yards to the object of his affections, and that was the closest I could get by stationing myself on the lowest spot which commanded a view over the wall. enable a retool-imbue < factorily, the parties communicat- ing by it should meet together ï¬rst to explain what their Signals mean. So my heart, leaped with giadncss whcn,on the fifth day ofpantomirriic perlor'tnancc,slie nnmisaknblv bcck- oucd to me. I ran down the hill and was under the wall in a minute. Are you there? asked the softest and sweetest voice (present com» pany always excepted) that I ever heard. Lovelicst and fairest, I am. Bang cnmc something on the top 01 my hat. lt was a large stone with the following note attached to it by a piece of string: Mysterious unknown, are you another foe or a friend? A secret instinct inclines me to deem you the latter. Know you my pitiublc story? Have you sought me out. and come to my tcscur‘f Or have you bcen drawn by a mysterious magnetic the foot of these walls, ignorant of whom they con- tain? 11 the latter. inquire not of others, lost your question excite suspicion. There are spies eVery- where. lrnvsr-lf will mv talc un- told (Sbakspearehn ï¬tting time and place. Spook not but adopt my method of communication. The style Was, to my then taste charming. The (Shattspeare) was rather eccentric perhaps; butdid it not show a sweetly tender con science, onlv too rare in these days of Wholesale plagiaryl lshould have liked to have re turned an answer in poetry, but there was not time for an itnpromtu. Sol tore a leaf (there was plenty of blank ones) out of the note-book in- tended for my epic (which indeed eventuallv orove'tl to be all blank Verse), and wrote the following lcttcr. 1 Fair and afflicted lady, you are right; I am indeed a friend; and l know not who you arc. An alâ€" mighty influenceâ€"need I name it 7 Mlias tlrlwn me towards Vou.â€"-l know nothing, 1 seek to know both ing, but I am your blind and dovet- cd slave. Pretty, was itnot? Well I tied that to the stone, and remembering my own acoitlt-nt, and that my charmer did not wear a tall, stiff hat, 1 uttered a warning~cry, and, tos~cd the tnisslve over the wall. Then I ran uplhc hill. to see how she liked it, and ascended high enough in time. to observe the whole process of reading the note, which she did, holding it at arm's- length, clutching it with both hands lips parted. lf she hurl studied un-l (let a prcllaphaclitc painter, she could not have done it bettcr. i What 1 Ira-1 said seemed to be I had read it', she kissed the V TERMs $1.00 in Advance Whole No. 502: satisfactory toher. for when she on business for the ï¬rm, on Thurs- day. . ‘5 1:: -- . Nor did Mr. Rosserï¬nzhis seems heart, regret his absence. Myâ€. Weeks and Mrs. Crookcr were not particular friends of his, and he re- gretted the influence they seemed to have obtained over his young Wife's mind, i I ' i I When Edmund was once more gone, Fanny went down stairs. to conï¬de her troubles to Miss Betsy Marsli,.wlro. kept a fashionable millinery on the ï¬rst floor ‘of‘ the, house in which was situated her suiteof apartments. _ ‘ .. ' 'Bless me, child l saidMiss-iBetsy what a goose you‘are ! fisn’t your, husband going :to' be": absent on Tliursdav. ’ ’ '- note twice, and thrust it into‘her bosom; looked up at the sky. clasped hvr bands and walked rapidly off, to- wards the house. without attempt- ing to communicate with me furth- er. Immediately after that com- mencement of a correspondence, wet weather set in, and 1' did I not see the mystery of my heart for a Week; at the end ofthat time the sun reappeared, and on mounting Yes, ofcourse! But What of ill ’ . Well,‘then, why don’t; you‘llir'e a. set of chairs, and damask curtains. i for the eveningl .lOld Solomon. keeps 'r-m just for that, and nothing, else. I know lots of ofladies that, always hire nice furniture when they expect special company. Fanny’s eves sparkled.~ She not. thought of‘this expedient. Would it cost much, Miss Betsy.- Five or ten dollars, I suppose. , Fannv hesitated. Ten dollars had I» guard on my bill, l perceived that one was onco more in the garden. She appeared glad to see me, and motioned me down to the foot of Was there, lussml me over another letter: lcunoot fully trust. you till I have scanned your features more closely the battlemenls, so shall we converse the wall again, and when l Swim the moat and" scale at case. To be Concluded in our next. THE WIFE’S FOLLY. hero, Fanny i green ingram, and its black walnut clock on the mantle. very proud of it. and expected BBSlLleS. l0 three times the salary 1 do. Work“ saris: WWW ‘ Fanny to share his sentiments, ing in the little stove. and a bunch at late autumn flowers in a vase on the table. Fannv sat down and untied her bonnet strings, with a sigh. It is not like Mary Crookcr’s room, Edmund. No. ol course not. Crooker gets But Yes, 1 like it well enough. Edmund felt discouraged 'and disheartened at the tone of his Wife’s voice. He had laid out his savings on the decorations ol this simple room, and now Fanny was not pleased with it. lie was cashier in .a mercantile house down town. at it rather limit- crl salary; and Funny ought to have known that Brussels carpets and velvet chairs were beyond his means. Fanny was unreasonable. \Vell, he said, shortly, I must go now. l'll be back at six. if nothing happens toilctain me down town. And Mrs. Russet was left alone in her new home. She looked conicmptunusly at the curled maple chairs, and ft'll. of the muslin cur- tains. with a curve of her lip. This will never do. she thought. [should be mortiï¬ed to death to have Marv Crookcr or Bell Weeks come here. l don‘t see why l cant have things as nice as they. And, when Edmund came in at night. she attacked him at once. on the obnoxious subject. Edmund, she said. Mrs. Crookcr and Mrs \Vccks are comng here to tea next week ; they promised me they would. Well, let ’cm come l But these miserable chairsl and the common muslin Curtainsl Con-'dn‘t’ thev be exchanged P For what? Mahogany and haircloth and damask curtains. lt would make the room look like another place. v But Mr. Rosser shook his head. Can‘t afford it, my dear! [have spent every cent which can be possibly be spared already; and as for running in debt. that 1 will not do. Fanny poutetl, tossed her head, and burst into tears. ‘r’th, my little pet l matter? 1 thought mund. ‘ So I do. And yetâ€"â€" And yet 1 will not involve my- self in debt, nor commence house- keeping in a style 1 am unable to keep up. Come, Fanny, be sensi- what’s the you loved me, Ed- ble. Don’t let the Crooker woman, ' and Mrs. Weeks, with their foolish ideas of stvlc and grandeur, turn your little bea'l upside down. But Fanny still pouted, and con- srdercd herself an extremely ill used woman. What day are these exceedingly stvlisb friends at yours coming to tea? questioned her husband. On Thursday. 1 shall not be at home unfnr. tunately. lam going to Albany, Do you think you could be happy The young wife looked round the plainly, yet neatly furnished room. with its thrifty carpet of six curled maple chairs, and the gilded mirror between the windows. and the little Edmund Roaster was evidently There was a cheerful ï¬re burn~ was a good deal of rrioncy,'r~‘but',-‘t-lién the pleasure of displaying damask and haircloth to ' M're‘. * .Crogkbrlfrund Bell Weeks! Hernusbanalultuid, not approve of this, she was quite certain. but he was tribe-absent. and probable would never be cog~~ uizant of her ‘ small extravagance.’ l’ll go there and see about it at}. once. said she eagerly, writing down the name and number in her little memorandum book. «at, .g I , The eventful Thursday command ,with it a set of crimsonwdaipask: curtains. with gaudv' gilt cdrnices from old Solomon’s, and siff'i‘stlflr backed mahogany chairs not half, so comfortable as tho despiSed, curied‘ maple seats, ,But Fanny†Rosser thought they were 50‘ origin- cratic looking l I ,1.- r__ '_ And now my room looks somev thinglike, said she looking ex’blz tantly round. Mrs. Crooker and Mrs vWeeks arrived ; the latter with hertwo un- ruly boys, whom Fanny had taken, ssccial care not to include in; the. invrtation, and went into cotaciesf over Mrs. Rosscr‘s “ elegant apart-a ments †legs cracking V "the back. with a, splintering‘ sorrnd,’ Such rich curtains, said Mrs. Weeks. Tommy, keep your ï¬ngers) out ofth preserves; and real maé hogauy chairs, I do declare, Simg if you don’t stop lippling back in, that arm There it goes, now If name 3* tiWa'y: rorri. while Master Sirocco iVeeks. drop; ped on the floor with a piercing, howl. Fanny stood dismayed. but politeness urged her to seem as‘ littlediscomfllcd as possible.†. . Boys Will be boys, said Mrs. Weeks; after she had cuffed Simeon and jerked, his collar straight, and sent; him to do: penance on a footstool in a corner. And ', the evening passed away without further _ accident. until, just as the ladies Were preparing to depart, Tommy‘s cap was discovered to be missing. _ , ‘t'hcrc can it be ? said Mrs. Weeksf Just give me the lamp a minute, Fanny,’ my dear. Perhaps itihas got into a. cor- ner. ( _ ~ . ,, Take care, screamed Funny; but she Was too late. The flame of the carelessly. held lump chimney had shot: up agalnpl’l; the inflammable damask curtains, and they were in a light blaze. , . ’? Fortunately the ï¬re wuss soon extin- guished with the aid of Fanny’s Toilet pitcher, but the curtains, alas“ were burned 1 And when her guests, were at last; gone, she sat down, to shed some of the bitterest tears that, ever bedewed her eyes l This then was‘ the end of her evening of triumph. Old Solomon shook his head as be, viewed the carnage and destruction the next. morning. - To set of slinirs ish ruined, he croak-I ed. I shall have to sharge you for the" Whole six, forty-ï¬ve rollers, Mrs Roshei; and to curtains, dey is'f‘orty, and sheep ‘ at tat! Eighty-ï¬ve tollars ma’am, an’ I lets you off easy too. ,Moses Shacobs would soy 100 l . Eightyâ€"ï¬ve dollars! Fanny’s heart sank withm her. 011, what wou'ld‘Ed- .‘nund say? . ~ Edmund Rosser heard the Whole story through Without a word of com; merit, and then, as Funny hid her bnrur ing, tear-stained face upon his shoulder he spoke cheerfully. 1 Never shod so many tears about it Fanny. I‘ll go round and settle with the old shark to-morrow morning, and we'll consider the 85 dollars an invest; ment in common senseâ€"shall we. But Edmund, I never want. to see the chairs or curtains aggin. My dear, the chairs and 4 curtains aren’t to blame. We will make the best. we canof them, and keep up a brave heart. ' ' Oh, Edmund, sobberl the poor Wife, you are so kind, and Iâ€"-I have been so silly. ‘ That was the last of Mrs Rosser’s as- pirations toward gentility. The lesson had been a bitter and an expressive one, but it had been thorough. i Sentimental Poetryâ€"The followirg beautiful stanza is copied from a, young lady’s album : » “Fore made, when i B hold ure fase' d: ooze in two ure nzhur ize, my luv is wavde in two a. blaze; do llmttts within my buzom rise, two bi: for my week tonzue‘to utter, which leaves my be. t awl-in-‘a flutter!