Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Feb 1868, p. 3

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fwgSquge and Globe shapes, in great cyamefvy, for Oil or Candles, Special attention ’ is'djiracted Lo the spook of HIRAM PIPER TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, SEC. Richmond Hill, January 16, 1868. ‘The atogklof which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Chaste and also film J’lanes.t mgl Cheapqst kinds,â€"Ll;g§ meeting the requirements of all classes. FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TXNWABE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, And, in order to give his friands and customers a benefit, he will, for the next ' FOUR WEEKS, Canadian Satinetts, from ....... i ......................................... per yd. 50 Heavy Canadian Tweeds, from" A. yd” 80 White Flanneis, from ..... . .............................................. per yd. 30 Printed and Checked Flannels, from .................................. per yd. 45 Plain Winceys, from .................................................... 'per yd, 10 Check Winc ya, from ............. . ............. . ........................ per pd. Fancy Dress Goods, from ....... ., ........... . ......... . ......... per yd. 15 Grey Cottons, from ........ . ......................................... per yd. 07 Hats and Caps of every varie y, from ............................. ‘ ......... . 50 Prints, from ........................ I .......... 2 ........................... per yd. 10 Come ‘and Examine the Goods W. A. assures the public that there will be no humbug, but the newest, Prettiest, and most fashionable Goods, purchased at first-class houses. The following price lilt will convince the most scoptical that he is in earnest. Good, Strong and Warm Over Coats, from ................................. $4 00 Canadian Tweed Under Coats, from ......................................... 3 50 - Working Men's Strong Pants, from ............................... I .......... 2 00 “ “ Vests, from.....- .............................. . ..... 1 25 Canadian Satinetts, from ................................................ per yd. 50 Heavy Canadian Tweeds, from" A. .per yd.. 80 White Flannels, from ..... t .............................................. per yd. 30 Printed and Checked Flannels, from .................................. per yd. 45 Plain Winceys, from .................................................... 'per yd. 10 Check Winc ya, from ........................... . ........................ per pd. 12% Fancy Dress Goods, from ....... ., ........... . ......... . ......... per yd. 15 Grey Cottons, from ........ . ......................................... per yd. 07 Hats and Caps of every Varie y, from ............................. s ......... 50 Prints, from ................................... ’. ........................... per yd: 10 ROCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! DRY GOODS! SELL AT FIRST 008T. Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Scaves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, L53. &9, Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of imp tion. While returning thanks for the greatly increased patronage he has received during during the past season, begs to announce that he has determined to sell off the remainder of his DRY GOODS, =&c_. import. (hue 'l'o’xi’a direct-from. the Plajn‘ations in Ajsevamflhe Dehru Dhoon. and on the Slope: 6fth§ Hinnl‘nya‘skpnd gall llifem in packets of quarter pound and‘ upwa’rds. and in air-tight Can- fi‘isjpr’u 01‘5' lbs" by thei'rfig‘efisg in pvery City and Town in Canada. n AGENTS FOR TORONTO: HUGH Tillage Splenlizidffeasjré 7m’p‘o'ftad' 50hij hyitho India and China Tau Conpany, and can only be procured}: their Agancies. Un’ly {\in prices, namely. TEAS FROM INDIA SIX GOLD MEDALS Toronto, Febuary, 1867. EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE ‘ FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &c. TRADE GREAT CLEARING SALE THE INDIA AND CHINA TEA COMPANY QLDBES, BIIHNERS, BHIMNEYS, SHAHES AN]! ‘WIGKS. - LANTERNS '70” GETSZIAISFD'I$1' PER LB. LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! WILLIAM ATKINSON No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-étreet, TORONTO. Manufactured and imported, Wholesale and Retail; UN PARALLELED SUCCESS ! WINTER STOCK FARMERS SHOULD USE " MILLER’S TICK DESTROYER,” for sheep, It destroys the licksâ€" clranses the skin~promotes the growth of the: woolâ€"and improves the condition of the animal Sold in boxes. at 330.. 700., and $1. A 35c. box wilI clean 2” sheep. Toronto, Fob. IS, 1868. Have received a large Stock of the'ahuve articles direct from (he anuracxurnrs in Great. Britain, which will be SOLD CH BAP. SHEEP! SHEEP !! PAINTS 811.3 AND BYESTUFFS! Have been awarded at the G'reat‘ Exposition at PJFiB for I]? ObserVe lhe Trade Mark on each Package. fl STOVES! TERMS STRICTLY CASH. . Which will be found both good and cheap. auu chl. uuam), .uuul..o. . . . . . . . - nun-nun”... ider Coats, ............... .. .. mg Pants, from .............. . ................ I ...... Vests, From ..... . ..... ........ ..........per yd. 'eeds,fmm.. A. ............ per yd” n......... ......... ..... . ....... . .............. per yd. yd. “pen-yd, ....per pd. from........,........ ............per yd. yd. unnuouuunu...‘ nun... . ...... per yd. £1 HLOWIF cry variety, from. u.....n....u..u.-- Vida “ The Grocer” 24th of August, 1867. Special attention is directed to Also on hand a large stock of HUGH MILLER 85 CO. Either Black. Green or Mixed; HOUSE HUGH MILLER & Cu. 0F 0F MILLER Sc 00.. Medicai Hall, 167, King Street, East. 167 King St. E. 'l‘oronn. MARK. 493 My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on. if not $3 00 will be charged to ensure a mum. Residence rear oflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUNTON. That he has successfufly treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. Quite a number ofreference given if requir- ed ol‘persons whose horses have been cured by HORNER’S PATENT SELF-SHUTTINE GATE! 7 \HIS usefiuliuvantion islhe most convenient, 1 the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Patent” in now prepared (0 sell SEASON TICKETS May be had at Mr. Barnnrd's. Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Crosby’s or on the Pond, from JAMES H. TERRY . This treatment does not uece~situie their be-ing laid aside only for a few days. TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! Applicants will please address their let-16m (pal mid) to M. TEEFY, Horses Richm and Hi Oct. ‘25,’66 For the use of his Paiem Selfcshuning Gate. ESIDENCE, Lot No. 14. 2nd Con Vaughan Post Office Address Carville All orders left. at the " York Herald” oflice‘ Richmond Hi”, or at the EU. Maple. will be attended to. Vaughan, Oct. 10, 1867. l-\' FROM the premises of the Subscriber, on Richmond Hill, on the 19th Inst TWO SHEEP, with a piece cut ofi‘ their left yars. Any person "giving information as to their whereabouxs lo the underaigued will be suilnbly rewarded. SKATING RINK. The old hand in a New Stan'dl PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX.SCOTT, H- D- BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Richmond Hill, Dec, 19, ’67 Biehm nd HULSoplember 16", 185i q F'I‘ER an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the shop adjoining Mr. W. Pollock’ residence. sud opposite the shop of Mr. W. H. Myers. where he will be happy to receive the patron- lge of his old friends. . Richmond Hill. Ju'yQS. 18W. In all the different styles of Binding. Toys of Various Kinds, Pocket Books, Purses, &c. A. HENDERSON, ' watch 86 (and: matter HE Subscriber would intimate to tilgfarm- ersand others of Richmond Hill and um! ‘1; Country having. Albums from 25 Cents to $6 In various styles of Bindings. BIBLES, TESTABIENTS! HYMN (f5 PRAYER BOOKS, Books & Fancy Goods ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR Christmas 8: New Years’ Presents VVorth Knowing .’ THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION For Plan and other particulars ol‘l‘qu'l‘fe‘ of the subscriber 7.71111. ARNOLD. HOLIDAY GIFTS This is i desiralile opporlun {3' to secure eligible business stand at a moderate price.â€" A credit of five years will be given. ’ ElNG the front part of Lot No. 46. in the Is: concession of Vaughan..immediately opposite the residence of Dr. Duncnmb. in the Village of Richmond Hill, as laid off in a Plan prepared 13y Mr. George McPhillips. Richmond Hill, July 3. 1867 BOY’S KNICKERBROKERS SUITS Which she will sell at small profits. ll? All orders pfd‘mptly ntlended to. l2!" Family Sewing Machines kept for sale. BUILDING LOTS lSHES to say to the Ladies of Rich- mrfild‘H'ill and surrounding» Country that I‘m has opened in the House Tormly 0(- cupied by Mr. Vernev. and has on handa nica assortment of F rst-class MILLINERY AND MANTLES, NEW MILLINERY. Richmond Hill, Dec'. 19, ’67, STANDARD AUTHORS! Richmond Hill, Nov.29‘ 1867. Large and Miscellaneous Stock HE above Skating Rink is noyv open, and the Ice is in good order. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5,1867. 49B-3m ‘HE Subpcviher, ever mindful of the wants oflhe public, has just received a Warm: *0 i-‘Rocvnx ‘11-": near SUITABLE ARTICLE: FOR He has also received a heavy stock of COUNTY OF YORK. STRAYED. Afflicted with Ring-bone, Mrs. W. JENKINS INCLUDING MANY 01" THE 0F CAREFULLY BELECTLD RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE. Ricuuom) HILL P. 0. Agent for Pauntee FOR THE ROBERT HOPPER. ALTO 72-1y 500m 491 478 491 Parties sending in their subscriptions now will receive either edition of Tm; GLOBE up to 3lst Decamber. 1868, on paymentof a year’s scbscriplion. When addhioual names are ADDED to any Club during ms year, they must be sent to Tm; GLOBE Office bv the person who made up the Club : and the money sent with such ad- ditional names must b9 such a proportion of the year’s subscripzlon as the Club rate as will pa} up to the elpirntion of the Club. PROCEEDINGS. and by editorial discussions it will strive to in- form the public of the progress of events. :and gnitln Ihem to i right judgment on the points at issue. Earlv in the year l868, THE DAILY plutnLVy A}; u-v~»~ uumvguulvun, THE PAPER VIVC-fifuiétfi‘flilNTED ON NEW TYPE. CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE In all the matters lvhicll will he brought be- fore the Legislatures “ THE GLOBE" will lake :1 deep interest. and both by Earlv in the year 1868, THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VERY CONSIDER- ABLY ENLARGED, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, ordered from Messrs Hoe & Co., 0" New York, capable of printing HM]th impressions an hour. The outlay of this press about $l5.000 lN GOLD, has been rendered necossmy hr the large and increas- ing circulation-OFT“ E' GLOBE. it has been for some time Impossible to supply in time for the morning mails the number of copies culled for by the public. The increase of size is rendered necessary by the pressure of adver- tisements. which have already caused the pub- lication ol'a large supplement. twice a week. and which will be continued as may be found needl'ul until the permanent enlargemeht takes place, At thesetneti‘me as the enlargement, Early in the' year We shall commence the puhlicalinn of a NEW STORY BY WILKIE COLLINS, author of ‘he ‘ Woman in White.’ of subsc'riplion will remain as heretofore. SIX DOLLARS per annum for the Daily edition TWO DOLLARS per aunum for the Weekly ediiion. both payable slrictlv in ad- vance. Nu paper sent out of the office unti the money is paid. I The Club rates for the coming year will he as follows :â€" SlX COPIES. one year .... .. $l0 00 TEN do do ......... I500 TWENTY do do ......... 30 00 And an extra copv of Tm: WEEKLY Gnom: to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty_ THIRTY COMES. one year. for. 42 00 find an extra copv of THE WEEKLY GL0”, tolhe person who gets up the Club ofThirty. FIFTY COPIES. one year. for. . . . 65 00 and a copv of'l‘xm DAILY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Fifty. EIGHTY COPIES. ohe year, for. . H10 00 and a copy of THE lulu Gm", to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Payment must be always in advance.- Each paper is addreSsed separalely, and may be sent to any Post Office. URING the year 1868 Very important Sessions willbe held of the- Parliament ofOutarin, and of the Dominion, and very in- teresting discussions will take place on sub- jects of the deepest interest to the Canadian people. The foundations of the New Gov- ernment have been laid, but the niperstruc- ture will demand alllne care of the people,and the public journals will necessarily be called upon to discuss at length many questions, up- on the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country wi'l depend. FULL REPORTS OF‘ PARLIAMEN'I‘ARY RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. PHARMACIST. 1368. NOTICE is hereby given that all parties in- debted to the estate of the lhle ROBERT Gmmnv, 3rd concession of Markham. are re- quested to pay the same to either of the under- ed previous to the Is: day ofJanuary nexl , all parties havng claims against the said ICE-Hate. are requested lo lodge the same with the undersigned for sou‘oment.NI WILLIAM LAWS I“ , PETER W11.hMOI‘T,§ E“°“‘°"' Markham. October 14. 1867. Parties haviug Wheat to dispose of will find ii to their advantage to Call at the Mills, and by selling it [here save lhe extra oxpence of going to the Toronto market. 5’ Dealers suppiied at reasonable rates. JAMES WILKINSON. Buttouville. Sept, 19. 1867. e Special attention will be paid to Custom work, and parties from a distance upon having their Grists home with them the same day. 0 .A. S H And as the emire Establishment has been thoroughly renovated, as well as tho services of \‘ecured. perfect satisfaction is guaranteed. Win he paid for Wheat at all saasona of the year IN BANKABLE FUNDS. First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, . 5c. First Bookâ€"2nd Part, 54 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 10c Second Book,~ 56' illustrations-,- strongly bound in cloth boards, V ' 200 Third Book,- 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 300 Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 40c Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 50c. For Sale by HE Subscriber, having purchased the above Hills. is now prepared to do Merchant and Custom Wnrk‘! Authorized By the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. VENUS MILLS, Toronto, Nov. 12. 1887. , READY : THE NEW GANABIAN NATIBNAL SERIES READING BOOKS GLOBE ” NEWSPAPER. ALEX. SCOTT. Richmon'a mm, Jan. 2, 1868, Executors Notloe. R.H,HALL, First Class Millers DRUGGIST AND BUTTONVILLE. GEORGE BRQWN, THE TERMS TH E Pubiistior. 35 1868. 3rm OULD tuko this opportunity of thanking their Friends and Customers for the very l'heral patronage bastowed_ on them for the last twelve years, and would cordially so- licit ix continuance of the same at lheir New Stand N0. 907, YONGE STREET. A VARIABLE PQRM IN THE TflWNSHIP 01' M GILLIVRAY, Calf, Kip and Cowhide Boots, S. M. Sanderson & Co. JOHN HARRISON, Park Hill, or to SILAS JAMES. P.L,S., Toronto: 432 40 Acres of which are cleared, and mostly free from stumps, good staked v nd ridered fences. also Log Barn. :1 House. ~and two Acres Land in the thriving vitlage of Park Hill. I“ or particulars enquire of 7 Doors north of King Sheet. The business at the New Sxore will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON & Co. Farmer’s Boot 8; shoe Store S. M. SANDERSON 81" Co. AN eighlhorsc power Steam Engine. Bor- ing Tools, Ropes. &c4, belonging to the Markham Oil and Mining Company. For particulars apply. ifby letter paetvpaid Containing 100 Acres, S. M. Sanderson & Caulkens, No. 133 Yonge Sweat, have removed To N 0. 90 Yonge Street, 38 West Market Square. 'i‘oronlu 0:? Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the BBS! Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remunerating Ptices. Cain be procured, iu’snms to suit borrowers. on Landed security. Tbrnla made known on personal appliéalioh 16 NB. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c. 6w. drawn with nentness and despatch.- M. 'l‘. continues to act as DIVISION Conn-r Aer .1'. Fees moderate. Ritumond Hill, Nov. 28. 1866. Buttonville, Nov. 7. 1867 BOOTS & SHOES, THE Undersigned is authorized to state that $29,00C)! New. made at Atkinson’s Foundry. Will be sold cheap for Cash, or approved credit. WILLIAM ATKINSON! MONEY TO LEND Richmond Hill, N vv 1' 1867. HE Undersigned is prepared to fill orders for the above articlus in any number on the shortest notice. Agents will be appointed at all Stations on the Northern Railway. For particulars address JOHN LANGS'I'A FF. Steam Mills, 'l‘hornhdi. Yang'c Strut. Thomhill, Oct. 31, 1867. CAST METAL PLOUGH Plough for Sale! PATENT FAILS ! Terms easy. litle indisputable. For particu- lars apply to El) SANDERSON 0|! JOHN SA VDERSON. Address Butxouville Post Office. 90 of which are cleared, the Dwelling House Brick, with Barns. Stables. Sheds, Root Cellar and other out Buildings complete. The land is good and in a high state of cultivation]. Also a good young Orchard. of choice fruit trees, thwre are two good Wells. allou never failing stream cf water runs across the Premises, which makes it the most valuable Farm in the Township. There is also a Post office. Churchesand School House within one mile of the premises. This Farm is situated in a good neighbour- hood, )6 miles from the City of Toronto. 3} miles from Yonge Street road. The Palenlee ofi‘ers inducements seid‘om 'e be met with. Requisile inslra'ctioxrs for momr facluri-ng are given. Personal application must be made to FARM FOR SALE ! CONTAINING 100 ACRES, b‘OR SALE one of the most valuable Farms ' in the Township ofMARKHAM. Coun- ty of York. Lot No. H. 3rd Concessmn. PatentedaOct. 24. 1862. April 13. 1866', and l’uwoll’s NEW DOMINION F ORCE ,. PUMP ! Dead heads need not apply. Newton Brook, July 30, 1867. Toron, mDeoomber 1867. Patent Rights for Sale NOTICE! Swing Pump .' Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867 Buttonville, Jan. 16. 1868. JOHN BARRON. Manufacturer and Dealer in a” kinds of To Men of the right sort EING Lot No. 15, in the 8th Concession, West of tho Cemre Road. |HE snbmriber offers for sale, a Super’or REMOVAL. OUN HES or RIDINGS of? Powmnnfl At No. 90 Yonga Street. 'l‘oiont'a. GREAT. BARGAINS FOR SALE, No, 90 Yongé-street, Toronto, M. TEEEY, ON LAN DED SECURITY. Sap Buckets FOR SALE, Pllented June 28. 1861. In Men’s and Boy’s I5M~PSO RTA NT THOMAS THOMSON. Buttonville, P.0‘ nu: orrxnma CHARLES POWELL Notary Public, Agent. 5w. AND Nowtun Brook. ’P.O. Merchant. 4904f 486-41, A Fresh Lot of Albums At Scotts', after two days investigation in Chancery;' his Lbrdship the Chancellor bu given Judgment lully sustaining the claims of C; Powéll, and speaking higth of the Mann‘s or ‘i‘HE PUMP. and with just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct of. .heilnfrin‘ger, ordering him t9) pity the cpsls ol the suit! and forbidding him to mnkc‘ the_Pum‘ps. V The fatmtee feels, that the sense dl‘ju‘slise prevading the community generally will be sufficient to prerent its giving conntenance to spuv'ws imitate“; whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ IS a fraud on the Public.”â€"bvr Judgment, VTHE validity of the Patent. having been recently disputed by Interestedvpenon, Flouy,_ Feed, g’royisiop and Grocery Store 2 For Cash. at Priceszthat cannot be surpamd. Richmoad Hill. November 9, 1866. HARNESS & SHOE BLACKENING including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureads, Cupboards, DreSFing Slands, Wank Stands, &0. &c. Also a large assortment of Room Phpbr, Bordering. White L1“ Paints and Colors, Raw and liolled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Ro‘ck Oil. Vandal 'l‘urperline. Benéene,Glass, Pulty, Glue, Sic; 8L0. Parties Furniahing. Plpti'il‘, or Painting their Houses, will do Well to call before purchasing elsewhere. 'Als'o ARE and CROCKERY Took Isi prize at Provincial Exhibition ’36, &ail times when shown KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND WARM : Most Popuiar, Mostsefui, Easiest Kierkedg' Most Dué‘ble and is also Frost-proof. Manufactm‘y fdr York 8:. Peel Counties 82 Toronto City Newmn BrOoKa Yonge Street; PMBMWSWiH Pump IN returning thanks for the very liberal. summit he has received since communtinl business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly inure": ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment 'of Where he keeps on hand Flour“, Shorts, Bran, Oats, PMS, Oatmeal, aornmenl, Buch- wbeat, Badbn, Hams, Cheese, Fish and The Leading Style in Canada Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1867. Richmond Hill Cabinet Establishment G'RGGEflifi'SQ DRY GOODS! Fire-proof Store, Richmond Hill. Of the best English, Scotch. and Cangdian Manufacture, which he will mske to menu" at the lowest possible Cash Prices. and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to fit, workma- ship, and maternal. Also, READY MADE CLOTHING always on hand. Inspection Invited 1 No. 134, KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TORONTO. NEW TAILORING DEPARTMENT! HOSIERY, GLOVES _ SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, %%mmmm R SHAWLS] MANTLES , & MILLINERY. Comings, Vestings, and Trowserings.’ FANCY DRESS GOODS! 33, When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the Well or ‘ ~Ilium. P. 0. Addressâ€"CHARLESHI‘ioWELL. Newton Brook OR. Softening. Preserving und rendering the Leathor imporviom to wet. For nle a the Stores, Harness and Shoe Shops, everywhere manufactured 1t Richmond Hill. Begs to announce to his friends and the public. that he is receivmg, daily, Lil FURNITURE! W INTER STOCKI TicklngsfiSheetings, Shirtings, Towellings, Table Linens, ESPEfiTFULLY intimates that he has added to his general Dry Goods Ind Mill nary Department, a TAILURING DEPARTMENT, under the gmanugeme at of AFIRST CUTTER 3 THOS; CEGHLAN‘ &C‘ &C. &Co Sales made for Cash or approved Credit, LET INFRINGERS BEWARE. nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would aISo Call attention to his “'inceys, French Merinoes, Cohom-gs,_SilkIy T. V‘ ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF 9130031111}, AIA-IARDWARE, Manufacturing Rights for Sale. P. CROSBY, And is now showing a Large and Choice Assortment of THE CHEAPEST AND BEST WILLIAM MITCHELL _’ ESL-L’s [‘HE CHEAPEST AND BEST“ BY Immi 0F At Wm. MITCHELL'S. At Wm.. MITCHELL’S. 23

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