Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Mar 1868, p. 1

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Manufactured and for Sula Flooring and other lumber drawer}, IIWII and shingles for sale by BAVE TRUHEHS. WATER CIS’J‘RENS AND PUMPS! Solicitors in Chancory, ooxmnxumzs, &c. 0!?X'ICEâ€" In the Court Housr‘, . .'.l‘UH()TC'I‘() figust 1, 1866. 3:; John THOMAS SEDFVIAN, Carriage and ‘an an n MAKER, OFFICE-11) the “ York IIcl-uhl Richmond Hill. (1:?- Mnney m Lnnrl. July, 5th. 1866. 6w. fire. &0. fipaidéncMâ€"Nenvl y oppositeille Post 027306 Bic‘ :nond Hill, DI. F 171 1396].) NOTARY P HILIU, COMMISSIUNEH IN TH£ QUEEN’S BEF‘SGH. : CHNVEYAN‘CIQK. AND DIVISION COURT AGREE, RICHMOND HILL 1")S'I‘ m‘lfmsr. GREE“ ENTS, Bondsy “with. ‘vlm'lly’ufl'éx \‘Vills, ‘Vzc, xKVC . (h'uwn \Viil: nm‘miun and promplimda. 'I'n-rms nmvium‘n Richmond Hill. June S). IMF). l M'NAB, MURRAY &JAC'1ES, Barristers 6’s Altarm‘yx-zaé-E UNDERTAKER 77. READ & BO V D: Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery,&c., Toronto. D.B. READ, Q.C. | IA. BOYD B A May 7. ISGG. 4‘l-Ll' Sales attended on the Shortest notice at moderate rates. P.O. Address, Buttonvillc Markham, Jany 24, 1868. 497 Toronto. August I, 1867. PRANGIS BUTTTN, JR. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Osmanâ€"over the Gas Company olIice Toronto Street, Toronto. Consultations in the Mike on the morning: of Tuesdavs. Thursdays and Saturdays. H In 10,5.m. D’All consultations in Lha ofl‘lco, Cash. BARRISTER AT LAW, CONVEYANCER &c JOHN M. REID, M. u, CUR. 0F YONGE AND CGLBURNE STSs, 'I'H()RNIHLI.. Mr. \‘thI Jex‘kins is authorised to cullcct,and give receipts for him. \ ILL generally be found at hmno Num- half-pztl 8 mm and from 1 10:2 p In. All parties owing Dr J. llangsmfi‘m‘u fixiwt‘lâ€" ed to call and pay prmnplly. as he has pay- ments now that must be men. Richmond Hill, June. 1'“ R. “US H‘II' I'EIK’S unuwruu.~ h'i wlll please accept. his hillflt’l‘l,‘ lhmxk heirlibera! palroungn and pun: Ind would announce that ho vill mumle devote t '6 whole ul' his: :lllmnim In Iho tics of Medicine. Surgin' and M:d\\'l'vl'\‘. calls. (night or day” pronunly amended 10. Elgin Mills, ()clon: 5. 1866. DR. JAS. LANCWAFFJLEMQN’S HOTEL FAdvertimmeuls willmnl \Vrilh'n (Hr userlad ti” fnrhid. andshm-gmi :u-cmrhm All advarlismnant: ullhli~lwti for :1 MN» than one moxnh. must ha pun! I‘m' in adv All transitory udverlisenmnm, from Mr orirmgulm customers. must he paid fol nndrd in for inser'iuu RATES OF ADVERTISING. Six linos and under. first imertiuu . . . . $00 5“ Each subsequam insertion. . . . .. . . . . . . UH A3 Ten lines and underl first insm‘ljun. . .. (ll) 75 Each subsequent insertion” . . . . , . . . . . . UK) ‘20 Above ten lines. first insertion, pvr linu. (H) (>7 Each subsequent inserurm. pur line. . .. UH (le Uno Column per twelve llmnllh‘. .. '3” (“3 Haifa column do do . . . . . . . 5%“ 1m Quarle.‘ of a column per Iwelvo mnmhs. 20041 One column p91 six months” . . . . . .. . 4H m; Halfacolunm do . . . . . . ..... 725(1) Quarter of a column per six monllm. . . . IN (HI A card of tan lines. r0l'0110}'t‘71l'.. . . . V 4 M) A card of fiflmxn lines. U.) ... .. . . I, “:3 A card oflwenly lines. do . .. K. {1m And dispatched to subscribers b) the earliest mtils.qr other conveyance, when so desired. The Yonx HERALD will always be found to contain thelatest and most important I“oreign and Provincial Naws and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it ac- ceptable to the man ofbusiness. and a valu- able Family Newspapers TERMS:â€"One Dollar per annum. 1N Alr- ‘ VAN“: ifnot paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. Alllotzurs addressed to the Editor must be Ont-paid. ' No paper discontinued until all arl‘enrngm no paid: and panties refusing papal-5 without paying up. will be held accountable for the lubacription. 'I‘hornhill. June 9, 1865 King Street East, ‘m-er Thompson’s East India Hunse) EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, an): £98113 germ STEAM M ILLS. TH ‘HUN MIL! FOR THE County of York LAW CARDS. IS PUBLISHED pun! For in ndvunm (“VS whrn 0 (H: .‘ill 1m 20 ()1 4;» no 22.3 N) m (In 4 M) de In! [0 HS Orders luf'L at the “ Herald” .m’Hce for M wrvices will be promglly attended to "Hue, ' ". i547. 011 Markham f< At the lowest possible rules. Saw Mill an [m 72.3, 2nd (Ion. Markham. nnllrsmwlut' Richmond H”! h_\‘ the l’lzmii Ii Richmond 11.“. June it}, Idlif). 4-] We: 01'1101'in-5 Richm ESII)ENCEâ€"â€"Lot 2'3. 2nd Con. Markham ii, on the I‘Iluiu Mills Plank Road. A lurgx- Sim-,1; oi‘S‘rAvus :LI]dSt11NGI.Fs. km)! (Knutnnlly (m hnndmnd Sold afllm klwcsl Prices IE?’ (lull and oxmniuo Stuck before purchas- i |Lrulsnwlmrm l’usl Uflicu Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. unu [Hi7 l-H‘ DAVID EYER, J1111., Siam: & Shingle Manufacfim'm' JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEEH \li’L‘; Subscriber hogs to inform his Friends 1 and thn public gallel'nlly, that. he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 11h (,un. Vaughan, whore he hupvs, by atten- tion to xhecoml'ox'ls of (he travelling commu- nity. to merit u share of their patronage and upper!. Good Stubling, 61c. Maple. Jan 1866. IWaple Iâ€"Iotel! mt- r“ ‘ “7“1‘E‘V 1253‘; {Plug} 15.1,5’lih‘n‘, 'l'IIURNIHM,. HENRY HER ET, 1’ wprir-tor. COR Lha Counting Of York. l‘ecl Kano. Rx-rxidonce. Inn h’, Gm (: m‘lihum, 1’051 (Hiicoâ€"Uuiuuville aloe amended on Lho shorlmt m 1 rt-wmmhb terms. GEO. MCPIIILLIPSSL SUN Provincial Land Surveyors, on hand aura. L luavulfmq cmumunily. Um. no Ima- m] tho nlmvu H ml on Richmond Hlll, will dwvnlu Ms :xilanlmu In [No (*mnlmt cmn'onienrte oI'L me who mnv l'uvul' \vim ilmh p'xll'nnrsgo. TIM: hm! Sluhlfiin: |)1i\“ ig Shed un Ynnvju St. The husk H An ()mnilms loaves this Hotel :at l‘a f pas; seven n.1n. damn Ladie W REC; \\ II SEAFORTH, C. W me 7,1865. T... HHS EDGA R & G RA H A REE, Barristers aub thmrncus-ntâ€"iium, SOLICE';OR§:I.I'\Zr '(Jgif‘kECERY, Conve 37311 c era, N0 7111:1195 PUBLIC, (0c. GEORGE lxchmond Hill. Dec. 4. 1807‘ NEW SERIES. Parliamenlzuw Lo,an Ulnilless attended 10. ()Fr‘lcrhtâ€"CJuH Strum, Corner of Church 1510M. 'lurolltn. ' 2:94: Lumber, on hum]. SA WING none promptly ; nlm .mbm‘ ’E‘on gnu! 6t Grovcd In any qunulily, and u n'hu'u J. n. EDGAR. RICHARD GRAHAME ToJ'OIHo,1“eb|ualy .5, 1568. 41 [I E SUHSFRHH '1..d 1h Vol. Vflflfio N0. 40. NOTICE TO FARBIERS m-‘nA Hi] hu it :11 T. DULMAUI 1(1Hil]..\m'il-I, 1N} 131 C11 N 0 N I) 11 IL L and Gentlemen, who require :1 1'1 of 1114: foot, czm pun-11H) one in 'Onch Kid 01‘ (MM; by ('zllling and JH PHYSIOLOGY. (:0 oI'L me who mu p'xtl'unrsgo. TIM: hm! ed M) Yunvju St. TA Inquurs and (‘Igm's kc A careful HusLlur alw u! Kli‘hmnnd HIHJIHH [In] HR, HH;H|J\"IH1[!IH‘HI m wi‘l 1m g mi Iv: rum-inI :1 gm ('1' 1m [ml-Hr:~ Ill {LATE nnmmn‘s) \HA M ISYIGR x”) In: , Nov.14,1567. K SA] m in'hvm his vuslmnm's |l1mhui~ prolmmd [U do RICHARD VAII‘ES. 3‘3- Iv 72nd L'u(:uus~i0ll Min-khan] York. l‘ecl and On- lml S, Gm cunce on shorlmt notice' and on short musics Manning. 6w. ‘mnmmrms In E L EMON 7_ 490-1y I ( Sluhlvlmg mm 6 husk “I'fllldx pt (:unslmn _\' w in ulwud- for Toronto 00 paid for mud l-H' in! [OHS- and and him 499 iH ‘1 8:11 [M the la iy mndv her upwar- 12mm; lhvn I wnvvd mv hat In j’lriumph rnshod down wrung up llle wall, and seam] mysull on the 10pm! il. anvmh mo. stood TIM) object of my am-Clinns, so close thnl I cunld scan her every loa'm'o. mum!) hvr ['uimesl sigh. That was 151 grvat trial, for 1 had Icl my in) :aginatitm lake me hit between ils iwolh; upon the subject of 1191' .raharms; and :1 course COH’Ipll'Xiun. [irregular temh, or large cars would have disenchanled me But sl'w L‘s-ally was :1 rmnarkably handsmnw hgirl, wilh :1 sort of anxious, f. {the hillshl ‘ ‘l pl'mu-mh imurmr, HI i‘gmnml. u 'Ihm]. slum Ill)|11ing m leh hum], mmldvml \hmlngu, M'rumbh‘ l1x)!(’(){1h llwnl no hl‘.)k(’i‘. I l hi l was now \Vt-ll pnwidml will) wriIinL: mmm‘iuls, and I oxplaincrl mv (Jilliauity nn guld-edgvd, lmled mid scvmvd nulvyapor, pmmising lnm‘vvvr, 10gb! over it and up hm wall m'xi tl:1y,m‘ Ioptrish in lhe all: mp1; limugh lmw villm‘ allvr- nzxtiw was in he :uecomplmiwd‘ l (mum not {or lhc life 01' me imâ€" '\VH§ , - g . quantity of rain that had ‘fal‘li'lh'. ()r a sarcastic intimation that thel ‘(lilllculties I had to overcome was drilling indeed to those which lovâ€" ers in ihe good old limes thought nothing of? Or was she merely in (lulging in a poetical licvnsel I lL-l't all this lor future consideration. thc battletnents were intlubitubly the wall. and her im-nning was sullicivntly plain for imme-lialc practical cn'mpt'ise. ‘ lcomc, fair lady, I come! I‘ cried, looking about for a goodl climbing situation. But the wall had lm-n newlv pointed. and lllfll't' had hut-n newly poimml. and liwrc wvre no cracks or crannies inm which finger or boot lips could be imizmuled. A smooth surface was prusvnwd 102116. up which a cul mighl possihlv have run, though I doubt ii, lvu! below which a claw" less :Hnrc was lwhjh'ss. class lhu 11011115 of Ike ('ompzss. All (luv-v” up in from 1(MV‘1LIdSIhUHUllll. Now wlml is before you, John? The llUl'H‘, sir. \Hm is lwhind V011, Tom? My cmxl mil, sir, mu] he, trying a same time to 39L u glimpse at it, One Mun ;mc’. I 13111 Ilw m U] (m lht- COUSIN 1303’s FIRST LOVE From t‘ulher end of the tube, the mile lit,- ‘(ildvd uux' scxu|1li1icâ€"â€" To 1' .1 naked eyv, us yuu‘l‘ guess, the sight Ui' :L 1mm \ms mus! terrific, But mvuwiu‘; Lhc micw scope, made him He turned 1M 3le Exclaim Hv 1 He took his microscope out of his case’ And sullmd [he focus liarhfly. The Ugh! thrown luck {mm Lhe mirror‘s ilu'u A STORY OF SCIENCF. BY ONE wuu KNOWS HUTHING ABUUT IT A Philosopher saw in his easy chair, Lughin; :15 gram m5 Midi)”; He wore a 50191111 and mystic air As ilk} Cmuulu balsam spiit on A strip 01' glass, as a s.idc to prepare For iL mite when out of his Stilton. VVhal did she The '._ and :: mullet ' 7 1v plum- wmivr Ilmn usuuL and 2l>(5(‘l‘}li1llll‘_:1H)!”(Hy 111ml (m and going<’ lhnl Ihv ;;m.\'lx\r';1.<(:(â€";1I' nm-mh-li m driv' a nail inlu 1hr- mn :H :xl'mul llllt't‘ lm-l {mm Ihv 1m]. :IHUHH‘I' highvr up, and |_ slulzdlng 0!] H10 lowesl, and ing on Io llm ulm'r will) my hum], l knnukml a lhird in Nil} wr; '-1n<isn,nh(-l' many HunJ and :mmsiuns (if llle (in I1 luv SIN \' I {mu 11m fsnu I Hm lam JUN 4-YUI ; I 10 Limm) ghml: -1m1 '41“th Add Iixci u , . Jud ()mumub.’ and Ulglm‘ Sight is enough 10 :lem t mm; 15 a monster “HAIRY! \msmg the llliCl“ sun quite unpusitc of magnific ‘ 0 night hmughl cmmm ht- Inlkming morning, swvm‘n.’ I-u'gv lléllm‘, 1nd :: mullet: um] mu gum-rm llm 1m, Ill merin; upward brightly ulu mm 1111-, min: in place, m thc cover Llo'lllly. inst I'unla‘nt Concluded. gum; Hunt‘nt up and down 0pm sight. 1.0 and Mill u puzzicd f1 and UIDI‘III)‘ [1411134 11 10 :lem [hc Low” nu Let Sound Reason weigh More with mummy» HILL, 14‘ manna MARCH 6, was 1h \. , ]' Prayâ€"pray, (In mulling of Hm “I. ‘ kind! she r‘xslainwd willl aim'm. ‘ing‘mv vnvmy is crimp-01ml by 1hr Jud slrnngvsl lH‘.~‘ will: \nur prime min- (m islc'r, ullal (hr (mu-I nl‘ ‘umr police H“. a is in his power. 0110. mm] In (In) ml. {:mlhmiliva. and my cause. is 1051 H”. {UI'K'H‘I‘I No. High! is my nnlv rv-I Hm isnln‘m‘.‘ Aid In} vscupo; Hy wilh “HI ‘ mu; bum: me to my nulivc In.qu “IN-(1nd I an; saved. Eivrnul gl'a‘illldt‘ “if; ; um! cuuullvss lwasums ahqu bu' l[WM/“ms. ’ N And may I nut prvsumc to u “(1‘ highm' reward ! I asked. 10’ Win: nwun you? she rvplimi m“ [ bisltl'tu. ~ “1,11 If'L-ar lest mv Ivnmrilv SIM”)le l‘UWl). This was prefi} “'01! for a b11411â€" Iul Ind, nus i1 nm? ldn nol hulkevv l cuuH huve spnkcu such words in an ordinary drawing-mam, had my Fife drpvndwl upon il ; but [mm Ilu- lop nt a Wall it was different, Furlhor advance was impossihlv, and relreu! so easy! Anrl yet, when one Comes 10 1hka 01 it, to nuke an ()H'cr oi marriage 10 a princess on a firs! interview was a pronan mace-Ming. It was suc- uwsful, howwrfnr I was accept an! mm and 1‘ " un‘ "I Hm! re~ Ih-ar lest my Ivnmrily should oflcn i you, said I ; but love is <:\'(‘r prvsumpluous. And if I could only hope Ihul my :1H‘ucliun mith uno dav moo! with a return, I should he- inspirc‘d will] an urdour bvllm‘ which ail obsiacles would melt away But criud I with an enllmsiasm which nvurly [mull-s mo. lunsu mv l):11m.(zu,1he mailer is simple. | \‘HI go In Ilw nmres} lhilgifll‘illc; I u IH 500k lht‘ :11; 01 the policeâ€"«i was safe. But a sad inlalualion chrmled me 10 travel ; and lhe moâ€" ment Iloucllud [hare inhospitable shores“ l was seizpd and hurried I() this place. whvre [ have her-n in- carccrulcd ever since. Doubtless, my villainous roiam'e has bproad Ihe mp0]! (4' my dealll, and is sqnznndvring my property upon his smmnns. “H I am a Russian princess. A cruel and wicked cousin coveted my es tates, to which he was the next heir He sought to ucouire them by the lawful means of marriage, but being a man of ungovernahie temper, he one day had a serfkont- (\d to death before my eyes ; and i loathed and dreaded him. The sling; oi outraged vanin was then added to his cnpidity, and he du- termmcd to dispossess me. But I was a favorite with the Czar, the Czurina. and all the. royal iamily; and while I remained in Russia. I .ynu lake: lye {@255 v‘ 1'0": M . _ 1_ (xi; 1: ‘5; fluency and correcm 1And vhal will you do for me? [low prove lhal devoliun which I duubl not? It WIS more convenient for a youth under age, omiruIy desiitulw hth of resources and experivmzt’. and situate-d m a prl‘CIII‘IUIIS posi- liun on the mp Ufa wall. In deal In gvnw‘alilios. lhan to propose any (Ivfinihr course of aclmn. I was ![)l]ZZIt’tI fur a mmnenl, hut sudden- ly n-mvmhvrcg! with reIh-f that I was in C(H'ant‘le ignorance as 10 who she \'as and What she wanted and that H vas only reasunable thal Ihe dirmfiion m which my chivaL mus path. wae l_0 lie”, should_ be poimed out by‘herfi \. I“ I 'I‘rue‘shef'sgij_d§‘ ’ ' enlihmIYact ‘ miehIhm- uu \VIII] I accept she said in solemn tones which gave me mlher a lhriH. One does no! expecl ()ne’s words 10 DP lukun no in Ihut lilt’l‘dl way. I had summer live Ioryuu lhongh, l hnsle‘nvd to add; and lake lhis nppmlumly ofapolugising m lhv spiril of the original ullerer of Ihul joke for the 111911. 'l‘hunks, lhunks! she exclainml And vhal will you do for um? [low prove lhal devoliun which I Lowlivsl and doal‘t'sf, ynll can, I rr‘plivd {man the top while Wall. I will lay down mv life to serve you. lressed look in her eyes. which ap- l’p‘ealed slrongly lo the symp-alhies. ilhere was a Certain OCCcllll‘IC, Ira- {gedy-way wnh her, whth urdmary womHi-ngs might Have taken CY- cepliun :115 but whfhh unly served to “vet my chains lhe Iailt‘l'. v "l‘is Wr'“, she said, when she1 had gazed on me in siience for u Mnmrulnl enmarrassing minute. Now mm your face sideways: ’lis’ again we“. Your femur:- I‘E‘UOIH~ again we“. Your fcuhm's rvcom~ mum! you, bu: [ht-v are somulin’ws dvcoinlul. Can I rcuiy, truly trust you r - us than Popular Opinion.” II M Toot}. u you “t... "v .uuuu Run and fetch the ladder. suidhhe savvfish. tho gontivmtm to one of the scr‘shovul unset vanmâ€"Thul isa nice airv seaflseen. Therc vou have chosen dear Mtss‘ Sey-Hvsmnbted p] rrmur. May 1 be permitted {0 joiutfixud in their rmmnmnune‘d; but be quick, am} we may ym give, lhmn 1110 siipx [Iumnyâ€"dumpy' Haul a grvm (all, she continued In) sing; and m ii- lusxrum her .vords, film gut/n me u sudden pule and ovorl wvm into the garden, aliglmngâ€"nol on my tea. VHTim (lumpy sat on n wail; Hum” iuni‘wy hzui ‘4 gran illii. Hallo. lili‘l‘U! wiml :u'c \‘nu ziflvr? showed a hoarse voice Irmu lil(‘ garden; and on looking in Him (Iirvciiun, I saw lun svrvurils mun in: up. and 11 purlly geiiliemuu iii liieir rvnr. Hera‘ is the mp9, 101 yoursr=if down: we 2m- (IIHCUVGK‘HJ! icrim! IL) my mnnpuninn. {lumpy-dumpy sat (in a “all site sang, seizing inc bv We should- My knith my «lvizvvn'r! ex- (‘Inimml Ihv primal sxâ€"W'h H :1 gm.) !his is, ian ii? slu‘ uerl present Iv in quilv :1 (“H'fH‘l‘H tune, um! 'hvn springing up and (lawn in chidish lmhinn, 2.1m cozmnencud singing >‘JUPU and dmwnsions m'xch us I hm] never $9M) in prw. inns stones before Emime Ifl hnd nu! known. ishinlill [mvu tnkml lhvm 1mm fur Ihu gla» ()rnnlm‘ms of :1 (:imnrlilivr. 7 My knith my dein‘m‘m‘! ex- And so, one flue afiernoon, I, [he the man oi the world, the realistic, fusly 01d lawyernow addressmg you positively Climed 10 the top of the wall, and letdown a rope Inddsr of my own rnanui'uclura ; and when my princess had ciambcred up it, I caughl her in my arms, sc‘uwd her beside me, and bvgan arrang- ing the rope ladder for her (Mount on lhe other side. Hurrwd and (zxniwd as i was, I Vvl pt‘rcvimd lhaI Ihe princvm‘ had nm (-xnggvrau'd the value 01' her jvwcls. She had on diamond (-ur- rings of such silt" Ham vht‘y dammed In her slmnIda-rs; lung pvndunls M set their minds at rest the moment We were safe in a fm‘eign land ; and what pride and pleasure would be theirs when they learde that their son was a prince, with Iorests and a mine, and any number of serfs; not to mention the most lovciv princess that ever existed out oi" the Arabian Knights ! \Vouid marrying a princess make me a prince though? ] was not, certain about that. But what is in a name ? The solid advan- tages remained. spr-vdy dimovery and purshir. We were 10 make our wav on [out 10 a s mpurt town some rumon mile u”: and who ship {rum lhcnce to “am burg, “here We were to be marri- ed, and Iravol last as we couid [0 SI Pvlvrshm‘g. ‘When all was arranged; I felt considerable com- puaclion on reflecting upun Ihe slalqofflurry into which my poor tqiigr wpu‘ld be mmwn by my mys- terious 'd'isa'pfieamm'e, and the anxiety of my parqn‘trs up first hear; Sn Ihe day was absquler fixml, and our plans carefule laid. Thu «)uiy hour in which 1116 princess had an opportunin for escape was Ilmt when we nmmh‘y communicat- u]; we must Ihrrviln'v Inks) llic (5X- Irn risk ()I a mid-(lay flight. and h i< I had several oiher conversations From the mp 0fth val! with my princess before our plans were ma lured. The great ditficully was funds. Once in Rania, and we Should be incumhvred with a sup- crtluily of wealth; but We had 10 get them. It was a dilfiuuhy u hich 'nevcr occurred In the knights of old‘ (who always Inssml lht'ir purses It} amuse \vhu domandvd umm'y ()I' Ihem, and ye! had other pursm fur [rhe nuxt runner, and l was [here- I’m't: a! a Ins: for u preccdem. I Had lhrve pounds lun shiilings ()fpcKmO: nmnvy; and by pawniug my \Vulch, chain. pin. and a ring. I l'illsl’ti Ion pounds nmru; but that was mullv insmfiuiont for so long a junmvy. i \\7:1.~‘()|)H‘-_{Hd al lvnglh 10 (-xp ain lhe diffiunhy In my princess who ranva i1 211 rmce. She had» jmveis‘ which cwn if swirl {or a ‘1 minnlo fraction of their vaim‘. I med provide uswith unqu funds ‘ and she would brngr Ihmu \th hur. ‘ maimed was 10 make arrangements for our flight. no limv d 30mm ‘ for play, (warm! but be quick, 21 ivu lhmn 1110 siipx py sat on H mm; vy hm! a gran 111i}. ! \vlml :u'c \‘nu :tflvr? rso voice Irmu lho on looking in Him I'l‘lm only pswvr Hwy ms 11113 to open and, 321111 wh purses m umm'y of pursm fur Inuxununxxllm qu Hopllle‘dl 901! (HUI be lmmd ihm'e. The sunfish. lhe savvfish. white shark. blue or shovel maxed sharks were often seen. Them were also fish which rs-smnbled plants. and rmnainvd as v.:l‘itm.~‘ kinds of fish. which I be- hvld uhun diving on lht-se bunks “001d, were I enough Ufa nulurm is! so to (loft-quire more space than my lin‘ms Would aliow; for I am mmvimwd- Ihm most oflhe kin'is 01 fish mhuhiHhe Ihu :mphieal sen allwrx liku Cans and dugs: one oi «mm 517;! resembled a buILIvrricr. Snmedarlud lhrvugh the walem HIM: INCHHH‘S, while other cuuhl scarcwa be! 50611 to move. 'l‘u mmmvmle and explain all [he a)! Vurioguwd amour, and 0! lil(' must hrLIieml him. The fix!) which Iulmhil these slh’Cl‘y bunks I fuuml (15(“11‘4‘1‘6‘111 in kind as Ihe same-r) was vuriud. TLC); wvre Ufa“ (arms, cuiuurs, and sizesâ€"Hum 11w sym- wm'ricul goby (0 [he g whoâ€"like sun 1L1: ; from muse 0! Ella dullssl hln~ m Hm chtiugr‘ulflt‘ dolphin. from lhc Spnla‘ (:1' Min Icnpdl‘d in H.112 hum: ()l the sunbuum; [mm Ilm hurmlv» minnmv In the \ul‘ucious shark. Sun'u- have Iwuds Jim‘d squirm»; allwrx like Cans and dugs . one oi to the sight. The bottom of the ocean in many places upon these banks is as smooth as a marble floor; in others it is studded with coral column from ten to one hundred feet in height, and from ten to eighty feet in diameter. The tops ofthOse more lotty stip- oort a myriad of pyramidal pend- ants, each forming a myriad more, giving a reality to the imaginary abode 01 some water-nymph. in other places the pendants form arch alter arch: and as the diver stands on the. bottom ol'thc ocean. and gazes through these into the deep winding avenue, he leets that they fill him with as sacred awe as if he were in some old cathe- dral which had long been buried beneath old ocean wave. Here and there the coral extends even to the surldce ol the water, as if those lol'tier columns were towers belong» lug)r to those stuteiy let't'ltvlcs now in rums. 'l'hete were cmntless varie- ties ol dirnint’itive tt‘L’t’S, shrubs. and plants, in every crevice ol' the corals where the waters deposited the least earth. They were ail ol ulaint hue,ow1ng to the pale light they received, although ol ever} sllzttlt‘, and entirely dill‘erent from plants l urn tamiliar with that voge late upon dry land. Uni,- in p.rr:i culur attracted my attention: it re» stumbled :i sealun of immense siz‘u - "Egan-- wwww*u1lKl’ 13 an ciéar that [He (liver can see Rom lwo 10 three hunder feet, when submerged, wiih little obstrumiun i . The banks uf'ccral on which my divings were made ale about {any miles in length, and 1mm len 10 1\Vemy in breadth. On this bank of coral it presented to lhe diver one of [he most beaulifu! and sub- lime scenes Ihe eye 'll:s~%ler varies“: Tm; Bu’l‘TUM OF THE OCEAN."- Mr. Grvun, me fuumus dim-r, H’Hs smgular slnries 0f his adventures when making search in the devp \wlers of me. ocean. He gzyes some slwlchvs of whul he saw an Ihe I‘iW‘I‘»l);|DkS m-ar [luyli :â€"- Hrn Just as~~pardon me for saying so Cousin Bubâ€"she was about man in;' off with a very innucnnl, one. You are quite rig!” Lyddy. And so, from havng born a perfi-ct so! in rmnancc, t became a total ab- slainer. And now. sir, said lhe dncrnr In me, what have you got 10 say. lhul i should not give you Into cnslndy ’! i \Von'ivr whelhur i hwkvd like a fool. If my ii’zimrt-s are Crip mic of assuming such an expression, i shnuhi imagine that Hwy seized lilai, opportunilv of doing so. i made a clean hrvusi ()1 it. giving my name, and address; and Ihu (incinr was very gnod-nulurod abnui lhc nlhir. Bni them was nu duuhl ahuut mv having been on the pnini at running off uith a very dangerâ€" 0le lunatic. TERMS $1.00 in Advance silion ¢ . u V» .5. l shrub. ‘iswd was ami tlmt‘ Sum] 57: Tlm‘e \VILE an Aberdeen mm who was dying. and he sent {or his son. The 3021‘ came to his bedside, and his father said to him. I am Very sm- 'y I have no money to lea-we mm. but I leave you my best advice, J RELIGIONâ€"Wan in whatever state he may be considered, as well as in every i period and vicissitude oflil'e, experiences ‘ in religim’l an slfiiezicious antidote against; ‘the ills which oppress him, as hield that blunts the dails of his enemies, and an asylum into which they can never enter. In every event of' fortune it exites in his soul a sublimity of ideas, by pointing out: to him the just judge, who, as an atten~ tative spectator of his conflicts, is about to reward him with his inestimable ap- probation. Religion also, in the darkest tempest, appears to man as the iris of peace, and dissip Min;r the (Ink and angry' storm, restores the \vislmd-Fer-calm, and- brings him to the port of safety. the blliii()ll~1’00m, lockod ihmn‘selves in, and awziimzd the arrival of'the mysterious correspondent Punctnul t0 the hour. in noise was heard hciow. Some boards in the floor were, wiLhont much trouble, disifiiElCCd, and in a few minutes the gay Guy Fawkes Ofthe Bunk stood in the midst of the astonished directors I Ilia storv was very simple and straightf’or- wnrd. An old drnin run under the huh iion-r00111,tlie existence of which had become known to him, and by means of which ha;- might have c:n'ricd uwziy enor- nmus :nnounls. Inquiry was made.- Nuthing had been extricntod, and the di- rectozs rewarded the huncst and ingen- ity of the r :nnniynmus correspondent â€"a. wnrking innn, who ind been employed in. repairing the smrersâ€"by a present of Clgiit hundred pounds. THE BANK or J‘iNULANl).-â€"1‘he Bank of England possesses some Singular tra- ditionsand experiences. We heard an‘ anecdote, from an authentic source,- ztlthough it related to something that hap‘ pened many years ago, before the life4 time of the present generation. The di- rectors received an anonymous letter, stating that the writer had the means of access to their bullion room. ’1‘ he t1 eat- ed the matter as a hoax, and took no notice of the letter. Another more ur- gent and speeefied letter failed to arouse them. At length the writer offered to meet them in the bullion-room at any hour they pleased to name. They then communicated with their corres- pondent through the channel he had in- dicated, appointing a “midnight hour” for the rendezvous. A deputation from the Board, luntren in hand, repaired to mg a nobleman of Italy and John" Galvin. The nobleman adopted the‘ the reformed doctrines, sold of} his Italian possessions, came to Geneva and began to build' him- selfa house. Shortly after he found iault with one of the masons. and gave htma gentle tap on the head. The mason flies upon him like a dragon, and shakes him by the beard. The nobleman stabs him mortally, and thinks no more ofthe‘ : matter; but is, much to his aston- ishment, called before the judges; and compelled to plead his cause. .. His rank and arguments have such‘ an effect that all the judges, are” swayed to acquit, especially when, s as his last reason for getting free. he points out that il'he were put to death, no nobleman afterwards would dare to join them. Calvin, who is on the bench to settle any’ cases olieonseienne that may arise, remains firm to his first opinlonI that murder is murder whether 'veommittod by peer or peasant; and standing,r up he cries aloud, in the hearingr of the whole assembly, ‘ Fiatjostitia, ruat coelum. The court give a verdict ol Not guilty. whereupon the ministers solemnly lay down their white wands, and with them their oli’ict’s as preachers protesting they would not proclatm‘ the gospel to a people whose ‘ltu- mane lawos should run contrary to the lawes divine. 'l'lte nobleman was condemned, and the ministers returned to their work. it is pro- bable that this was the first time' the maxim, “Ftat jostitia. ruat ‘ooelum ’u as uttered. The words are remarkably suitable for the oc- casion â€"â€" ‘ Le: Josttee be done lltollglt Leaver) latt ’7 (I4 mg AN OLD MAXIM.-â€"In a book prin‘ ted in London in 1649, the follow. g strange story is related coucernâ€" this. Be aye fuludiu’ Soothj pm

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