London, Feb. 29,â€"1n 1110 case of General Nugle, his caunsel moved a delay ohhe trial, which motion was denied. Mr. Ul'HHI 111cm mmed to txunsl'er lhe case M) lhu Cuuxt of Queen‘s Hench as \hero were nut six Amer- icans in Slioro, a mixvd jury could not be ob tained. ' Geo. Francis Train, being present. volun- teered to become a jurm', but the ull'er was declined. After argument of Mv. Heron‘s motion it was refused ; ilm ease was then yro- ceeded with. Tle Times strongly urges an abandonment of the p:0.secutiun quziorle, saying the point 01' law involved is at least questionable. .. y A :1 - v m ,ALAn' 1 V VLIELI‘CII 2,â€"Admiral Tegelhofl' has been appointed Commantler-iIrChiuf of Austrian Fleets. Constaminoplo, March 2. â€" Numnyk Pasha, Gnvei-nor of Bugdud. has berm (sailed by the Suit in lo lake thc place nl‘ Mehomvd Ruchdi Push-a has bren ummiulud to act provisi'mziily as Minisler of War. Bbrlin. March 2 â€"â€"'l'lw anle-iu ,uuveu- tiou assembled in lhis cilv to day. liismmck was presvnt and “tic-allied Hie (luluézlh‘s. It is given out that ï¬le dclihcmlimis of (he Convention are to he exuusivcly cuulincu’ tn commercial subjects London‘,.ew, March 2.â€"Mr. Dismeii has called a private mueling of the Tory mem~ bers of I’w-liumenl. Dublin. Much 2 â€"-â€" 7 he Grand Jury 1n the county Down allumr-d a rosululiuu deuuunc ing in stmng terms a†puny p.~uc.'ssiuns as dangerous to pumic peace and against the law. Lisbon, March 2. --The mail steamer has arrived from Huulh America. She left Rio szeiro Feb. 9th. The cholem ulmtiurg. There has huen a Ch:‘ll;0 of the minismy at, Buenus Agros. The new Cabinet has not been announcud. London March 3.~Anmhm' omwt to get a. mized july in HM case ut‘ Gen. Naule, m, Sligo failed yestemhy. I\ . Heron. Nugle‘s counsel lone-net] his mnliun Io l'mnm'e 111(- tl'i‘dl to [he L‘uuxl u: quen‘s Hem-h, which was grunued. [I is pmhabic llmt a mixed jury will nmv l‘c uhlui‘wd. Lnndnn. Mulch 3‘â€"-h is szaid Hm! Baron Duhiin. Mncclx 3 â€" tO-duv, [he trizli M Nu di=c0minued. in (muse. of one of the jux‘ms, :Lu next term of lhc Cum†Autwm'p. March 3.~ The Eulish salmon er ï¬lmy Ann. with a cargo of Huplhzl and petroleum, was destroyed My time in day Her captain and crew perishwd in I'm- “dille Berlin, Maren â€" The Minister 0! Slum has been :uxtlmxised 1:, conï¬scate the est Me of the ox Ki ‘1 of Hmmver. Loud m. szch Siâ€"A mpm't hm "enched here from the Elsi. lhul tho, Unned $14105 made a. pm. (H111 ‘11 Int 9 Tu kish Govern ment, nï¬'e in; tn hqu a pn 1 an, Mu‘muuz 2», on the Uunst m" Asich 'l‘u key. in he uspd as u Stutixm fu- 111;: \'l‘.\.\'('in' of [111' American navy. lml Ilw Suh iln’e Pu 1-: do dined to grant the lleuessuy Uk)|.(.'US-‘idll$ for such a purpose. Queel‘zsmwn7 M- '(-h 3.â€"The steamship “Cilv nanhilnM'v.†f'mm New Yu; k, has arrived. ’wpnrls Feb, 2%: s‘mke sluum ship “Hmnmvmiu,†whth lvï¬ Smflnunï¬nn on the21<t lust. and was returning tn that, port. huviu r hmken her screw. ~ m. I ..n‘ v A Brest Ma"nl13.-â€"'l‘he stmmship “St: Lau- rem‘.†from,va VYw-k, arrive! via - My Dublin. Mazch 2439 p.111 Train has ï¬â€˜lzï¬ï¬‚m’ F vortiséd that he Wnn‘dleclluggï¬ at [319 Rwlundn' in 1his (-ity. mm Was a prfkéédinz m the hull for the pm-puseuf‘der liverii]: his lectuve. when he was '3: "04' into custody. An studienop of" 5 )me 500 peuple had nsugm‘tHAd at the hull; and wlwn inf‘m'nr ed nfï¬ a Tmin'sdt trmtimt. were very iitrlif mutt unri dumzmv'ed the 'etut‘n of their m mev at the door. At mw time a svt'inus‘ distur- bance was threatened, but the Mom] {ï¬nally diapersth an†all is no.1 quiet in thv vicinin of'tlm buildinx. It is 'zivnn nut that. M '. Train was arrested this time on an action for debt. London. 1\I=1"ch4.â€"The prosnnt mnditiun of Ireland and the qne‘stinn 0' Fish re mm are to be considered in the Htmse nf' Cum mans on Tuesday, the NM] iiht. The sun sideration of these subjects was postponed from the 2.31h nh., in cnnsmnenoe of the resignation ot'Lmd Derby and the suspension of Parlimnenturv business penrling~ the forma- tion nf the new Mini Despzltvhei l'mnr l’nnlvslny Rny saylmvers from the Brilish 'zlplivvs have horn l’l‘Q“l\‘Cll at. the mlvummd post of the oxnoditiwn. havin: he‘ll hmurhr in so, will}! hv native messcn :ers. 'l‘hu lv-Hovs mo Ilaer Mu "(lllhu Febrnnrv 9th: thav shvhv that t'v- his mum were still conflle in n fml nl' Kl‘ng Thw- dol'us, at M-t ffldlï¬, when» lh~_V are ('m'vl'ully guatdod by their mmlers; 111m vh in 2mm ear of vmuezmco 0| lhu Kin: llmv were still as well lx-entml as their CUIHllllUl) as pri- soners would permit, and all were alive and in good hoal‘h. The letters give the- impor tant intnlli re-nco that llw Kinr HF Shun. a powerful hihutnmy (‘hiul' hml lul‘t Mudulu in great m re :1 gain“ Kin: 'l‘hemlnms. It was helivved he \mu'll mm his army against the Abyssinian m march us soon as the Bruish S ylllim-s npue‘vml ‘11 Si 1'ht. N0 know- ledre as In what ulml nf'nnemliuns or 0011 so of nollcv Kin z 'l‘hcodm-us intends to adopt has lwen nhtwlrwd. vas {30m Lisle Shmvs that pnnulnr vas {30m Lishnn Shmvs that pnmflm‘ dissatisflvstion }~.:xsnotmhshlw1. A d'snntch from 1115' on m (by ropm-ls 11m? nn MEN of ï¬ne Q.1een of Portugal was burnedlast night by a mob. Nm'mlmm In (Iv-m IHV hm no cuunucuun whumvm‘ with "(\Hlit'fll :L'Tnirs. Linmviu‘x'. Ma '("1 4 â€"â€"A\'x :mpm'fl was made last ni rht, it is album] by chrms. In 8"! fire In :1 111.5†mur-hinn shun in this (-ity. but it was (la awn] bv t‘m \‘1 (“mum n d ac- tivity of the nMioo. T519 inavnrlmics maul:- use of Gvenk Hm i-m lh--i ' :mmnj f. ITlLYr-G’nm‘ul Dawn-1L has nwnnml ITiLY.â€"-thm‘:ii Dawn-1L has mmmmi cmnmaml ufthu, Fm ich tm‘ms i' R nnzu‘. teri'itm'v. 3:‘i5;1n«it§9 m'm’nils in thv prov- iuices of Veilet‘i and Frnsinlme. The my kin: of N-tztlofl is so chtted with the p1'uS« pects of the Retlf‘tidl :1 y party in ilaiy that he has t'eupnniwtwd h‘s entire Cuhirwt. dis missed. it will be i‘<-ilit=1nhw9(1_ (vi the 4:93- sim of" Venice to Victor E “manual. Through the Ki 1!‘ ever since tw:1(:t\utiug Ntm'ei h m rosi 1e 1 at R vn '. the Pawn. tvuo to his he rititmst d mtvinv. mva won‘t-ti his Nanci» fruit] the (7411"! of th 'I‘ m Sicitios. At (ha, i‘ntm'n «IF \I '. 01» limwil. thu "Scotch Lari t i" fut-mi] r at, H mm tl‘ltil‘l‘ Papal anytim's hm; hem: dish UH] Hi. and the man se-xt h )m’a. it :L‘I’)“ 2H thit the sugrwseti “Sc \tCiI." S) eit. {er tt) {i [ht Fm- th‘» Paihe. hat] in reality Puma t'mm the Emerald islv to lam-n the trade “1' trim. with a View In éventuatly ompiuyiu; their attainments nearer home. vame Mart-h 4.â€" co-uï¬lwd14)his 1};th I’m-is. Mrw-h 4Vâ€" ()ne of the o'dpst relics of“ Chwldï¬an an Ins bven rece'nlv acquired hv the: I’n‘iiisl} Mnsmlm. It is r31n ei'mhl cvliwder of 11:3. W11 ) 1'0- 0d ovur L ).v:;r Chuldcu :‘J. :ul21050 flas’ Rheuuztic Liqaid 032::‘V maxi m; LATEST FROM EUROPE. album My Lâ€"The m IHV h flilit-nl :1 ‘divtzfl Antonelli is iHIoss. visit m" the Prim-,0 1L no cunnucliun Northern Rummy of Canaan (10mg Guin‘ Mails made up at the Richmond £1111 Post Oï¬ice Untii further notice, the mails will be “losed a: this Post Uflice as follows: ' require to In: handed in 15 minutes before the time 01' closing. New Advertisements. Cheese Factoryâ€"R. & D. Wilson. Grqu Concert. day Wunmdâ€"Thos. Boothl)y. Shay Sheep-~Jus. Stoutenburg. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. chhmond Hill, Dec. 2‘ 1867 On Wednesday last the ï¬rst sesston of the local parliament of Ontario was closed by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, at'er giving his assent to various Bills passed by the House of Assembly. Among these are many use 'ul measures, not the least of which are the two bills incorporating the “Toronto Grey and Bruce Railroad corn- pzmy,“ and the “Toronto and Nipissing ltuilroud company' The course pur- snel by the lewler of the government, and Us colicuguests been such as '0 en ille them to the conï¬dence of the Legislature and the country; the new machinery ofgovernment has been put in motion on prinoigles ot' the strictest economy, but with a due regnrd tr) efï¬â€" ciency, u litct‘which the! Globe admits, by saying ‘i'soifar as economy in the expen- (iaitu ‘tï¬PfJPHblitLlilOnQy is concerned, we The Yozk Herald, $1,00 a year RICHMOND HILL MARCH 6,1868 It is now established beyund doubt that I‘m: Clerkemvell explosion was caused by gunpznvdcr p:zc‘<e.l in :1. barrel Wuth had cunmmcd pwuilh up. pvtrolcmn. A1 Liverpool, on the lstv iasf, dawn: the hl-irhl of the mic, the pwswte [mm- square . . Jud of the wind was from 5011). 10 70d). and {a h minim! 10m 80 to 12) mxles an hour» RICH MO ND HILL STATION ,KX>< ' tion of: a few Rel-HS,‘ the sup-pi)! bill altogether unobjeetionahle ; indeed, we are inclined to concur in the opinion that in a few things there has been too great parsimony." So that even Mr. Brown’s organ is willing),r to admit that Mr. Mac- dol.ald’s government has studiously guarded against extravagance in the ex- penditure oi'the Provincial l'unds; if‘ an error, it is in the right direction, and one that the heavily-taxed people of' this pro. vince will not ask him to reverse. Mr. Macdonald has always been a strong ad- vocate for economy in the management ofour public aï¬airs, and when Premier of the Canadian government in 1863â€"64 he, and his then colleagues, did everyâ€" thing that men could do to reduce ex- penses, and put a stop tojobbery and corruptinn.~â€"und, in their efforts for the public good, made enemies of hordes of leeches on the body politic. His large experience as a politician, his knowledge of the wants of the people, and his twenty-six years of training in par- liamentary lif'e, go far to render him the most desirable man for the position he now holds; he is associatsd with men who may not be so generally known, or have not had the sam: experience, but are gentlemen universally admitted to be upright and honorable. We beâ€" lieve that the administration has gained strength since the sessmn opened, and that at this moment they enjoy a larger share ol‘ public conï¬dence than when they w are before the electors last autumn; this is the result of good nmnagement, and at studious regard to economy in the inauguration of our new system of local government. THE MECHANICS} INSTITUTE.â€"â€"]n the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday eve- ning, :1 dcbdte will he held in connection with the ubwe societyâ€"«The su5ject: Rcsnlvcd‘ The Alabama claims are un- just. and should not be paid. The public are invited. Admisaion free. DRILL SHEIL- We hear that Mr. Raymond will provide the land necessary for the Township drill shed that is to be built hereâ€"â€"this is libel‘ulity on Mr. R’s putt that is deserving credit, and should not be forgotten. Northern Mail. . . . . . . . . . Somheru Maxil, . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . “ (32151101,. . . . . . . . “ Gormvey, . . . . . . . “ Heudilnd, . . . . . . u Victuria S Iuare, Southern. . .. . . . . .. . .5.30 P.M. N.l§. KEG ISTEKED LETTERS will PROROGATION OF PARLIA- MENT. W)? ‘Tiï¬arii mm. Nurth 9.00 A.M‘ Suuth 10.12 ILL“ SUBSChufly FOR CHANGE OF TIME EVENING MAIL. MORNING Dec. 2. 1867. 1 11.00 A. M‘ ‘(on Tuesdays I &Fridays. M. M The above Council met at Unionville, on the 22nd inst. M embers all present. Reeve in the eluir. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. PETITIONS By Wm. M Padgett from Francis Pike and others, pmying that the Hon. DilVld Reesor may be permitted to lay conducting pipes to the sources of the sprmg on thp highway in rear of lot 27 on the 7th Con‘ By Wm Padget, from \Vm. Size and 32 others, praying for aid to John Ed- monson. By John Lane, from Daniel Homer and others, praying that the roads be- tween Lots 20 anng in the 2nd Com, be Plach 0n thg Ripper road allowimce.’ By James Robinson, from Joseph Lapp and others, for grant to build a bridge on Town Line between Markham and Scarboro, front of 8th Con. By John Lane, from \\ n1 Kirkpatrick and others, praying for grant to Pomona road. Sand petitions were received and read Wm M Button, seconded by John Lane, moves that the sum of ten dollars be granted to John Edmunson in accord- ance with the petition of a number of ratepayers, payable to the order of' Wm. Eakin Esq.â€"~Carried. Robt. Marsh, seconded by \V. Padget, moves that. the sum of four dollars be granted for the support of Wm. Dove. the above sum puyublc to the order of Robt. Mnrshâ€"Carricfl. Robt Marsh7 seconded by Wm. M. Button, moves that John Lane, “7111 Pudch and the mover, be and are here- by appointed a committee to confer with the Mzirkhznn and Eigm Mills plank mad company, in regard to having the said mud transfered to this Municipality and to report to this Counoi. next meet- ing.â€" Curried. “7m. M. Button, seconded by Robt. ‘Iarsh, moves that the sum of $50 be granted to procure material to build a bridge on the lown Line between Markham and Scan-born, foot of the 8th con., and that Samuel Reesor, Josephus con., and that Samuel lieesor, Josephus Heesor and Joseph anp, be commis- sioners to expend the same,providing the lnunicipthv of Scmboro’ grant a like sum.â€"- Curried‘ Wm. M. Button, seconded by Robert Marsh, moves that James Robinson, Wm Pndget and the mover, be a com- mittee to examine the Bridge over the Rouge, on the Town Line between Markham and Senrburo and Hill ad- joining, and report to this Council at its next. meeting: Curried. Robt. Marsh, seconded by Wm Pad-~ 20h, moves that ceriiï¬catus to obtain Tavern Licenses for the . ensuing 2383!; be granted‘gzto the ‘«§§géyihg Nm‘man Milliken ‘aniitnn H41" ‘ Newberrr Button Juseph Eude J 'seglh Trson Henry Lemon â€" (‘avrivd James Robinson introduced a By-Law to gran' privilege to the H'm. David Repsnr, to use the spring on ihe rear of Lot, 27, in 7th c0n., Which was read the ï¬rst and second timet on motion of Mr. Button, the by-Iuw was read the third time and passed. Wm. Padget, seconded by Robert Marsh, moves that the resolutlo‘n passed by this Council on the 27th day of April last, grunting aid to \Vm. New- lnve, be and the same are hereby rescind- ed, and that such aid be discontinued from this dateâ€"Carried. John Lane, seconded by Robert Marsh, moves that .1 grant of $40 be given towards stoneing the Pomona Road, and that James Bowman, Robert Wiles and John Brunskill be commis- sioners f'nr expending the sumoâ€"Carried \Vm. M. Button, seconded by Robert Harsh. moves that the clerk grant a certiï¬cate to Jaloin Yoke to procure a Tavern License, as soon as he produces a cortiï¬mte from the License Inspector. â€"â€" ,ull‘l‘iGd Robert Marsh gives notice, that he will at, the nnxt meeting: of this Council, intrortnce a By-Law to amend By-Law, N0. 149 nf'this municipality. \Vm. M. Button. seconded by John Lane, moves that. Wm. Padget, John Lane. and Robert Marsh, be a commit- tee to inquire int! the exnonse of keep- in;r June Hesby, and to ï¬nd out if the present expense can be curtailed, and re- pnrt at the next meenng of this “ouncil. â€"0nrriei The Council then adjourned until the last Saturday in March next. Wltnxssm‘f, March 11.â€"Auction Sale of Farming Implements, &c., on lot No. 26, 3rd Con- Vaughmn the property of Mrs. Killin. Sule'at 1 p.111. W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, March 12.-Importnnt Credit S:LleofFa1'\n Stuck, Implements, &c., a‘.so, a Ewe Lamb with ï¬ve Legs, the property of Mr. \Vm. Frisky. Sale to commenco at 11 o'clock a.m. F. Button, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, March 13.â€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &r:., on lot No. GI. ISL Com. Yongc Street, Whitchurch, the property of Moses Gamble. Sale at 1 p.m. Ed. Sanderson, Auctioneer. Parties having Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce will haw a. notice similar to the above. free of charge. (if? The semi-annual meeting of the York Medical Society takes place to-day, in the Temperance H41], in this village. at two p. m. MAR KHAM COUNCIL. AUCTIOI\T SALES. Wm. Marr 7 John Mapes Robert Bell Ira Mm‘r. On Tuesday evening last, the Re- Union given by the Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Institute; in the Temper- ance Hall of this village, came olf with unmeasured success. Although it had been postponed from the 25th ult, the attendance was large, respectable and attentive, and showed that the public appreciate intellectual and innocent amusement. Many from a distance were deterred from being present, owing to the bad state of the roads and the bitter cold night. The programme was carried out almost‘ entire, with one exceptionâ€" a Reading‘ frun the Rev. Mr. MoCollum, of Aurora,‘ who was unavoidably absentâ€"Which was regreted by all. It is utterly impossible for us to notice the pieces given Where every one did their part well. The ladies did their best to render the entertainment a suecess, and great praise is due to Miss Ellis, Miss Playter, Miss M. A. Wright, Miss I. Hamilton, and Miss E. Moulds, for the several pieces they gave. Miss Christina Campbell presided at the Mélodeon,’ with her Well- known ability. ' Mr. Porter, the President of the So- ciety, and to whose efforts we might almost say the existence of the Institute is due at this time, with his usual ability, gave a Recitation. Messieurs T. Savage, R Hall, junr. M. Teef'y, G A. Barnard, H.Bernard, Wm. Har- rison, G. Bernard, '1‘. Morgan, T. Law, A. Suddaby, A. Wilson, A. M. Hood, A. McBeth, J. Cowan and A. Spalding were the gentleman amateurs, all of whom didï¬their best to render the evening successful. We cannot conclude without referring to the reading given by Mr. Teefy, “Pnul-Dohertys visit to‘ squire Beamton’s,†which was read na- turally, without any attempt at a “brogue;†the selection was good, and the reader thoroughly appreciated Its spirit, and brought out its rich humor and laughable incidents, very happily. Also, Mr. Bernard’s “ New Pitaytees," which was given with his usual inimita- ble spirit; both readings kept the house in roars of laughter and tended to the success of the evening. In a ï¬nan- cial point, the re-union was a success, and we hope the public will hold the -~Pres_idgithg prgryniic, to give another 56w ï¬nally agree that the specifnction ï¬ve or six in number, shall relate sole:y to the violation of the tenure of ofï¬ce act in re- moving Mr. Stanton, the usurpation of authority in appointing a. Secretary 0t War ad inferim, an ofï¬cer unknown to the law, and the attempt to use the military forces for l is own purposes. based upon his alleged attempt to induce General Emory to obey o ders direct from him, without transmission through the army headquarters as required bylaw. The committee will report on Saturday, and the vote will be taken on Monday. . ... . A- m. m u q -m, J. New York, Feb. 29.â€"The Tribuune’s special says :â€"The articles of impeachment were reported by the sub committee to the full committee to day. One article has been added, making a. strong point against the President in eTIdeavorinug -to obtain posses- smn of the Government money in the matter of requisitinns &c , f0! the Wardepartment. m1 n,,-L_ The Worlde special says :â€"The Senate had an executive session today. An im- portant resolution, offered by Senator Sum- ner, was principally under discussion. 1! proposed that they should hold no intercourse with the President, in view of the fact that the House of represematives had declared in'f‘avor of his impeachment. T 3-day, at nuanza double guard was placed at all the entrances to the War Department. Two commissioned ofï¬cers were stationed inside the building. Tonight a double line of troops encircles the building. This addi- tional precaution is not explained. mWasIEington, February 29.â€"The vote on impeachment articles is ï¬xed for Monday at four o’clock. It has been deeded to defer the application For the writ of qua warranto against Secre- tary Stanton unlil the earlier part of next week, so that all the papers can be maturely conmdered and, properly prepared, that no excepuon can be taken. Mr. Stanton is by law allowed A'month to respond; but it is thought he will not avail himself of the pri- vileze. Washington, February 29.â€"-Ten articles of impeachniént are .reported. Six are based on the TCHUI‘E'Of-Omce Bill, and four charge the President with conspiring to obtain pos- session of the War Department. BARNUM’S MUSEUM BURNED. New York, March 3.â€".This morning a ï¬re broke out in the basement of Barnum & Van Amburg’s museum zmd menagerie, or. Mercer street, the side in which were kept the animals belonging to the menagerie. The flames spread rapidly and soon extended into the theatre and menagerie. .The wind was blowing a gale from the north-west, and rendered the efforts of the ï¬remen almost fruitless. 0n the Mercer street side efforts were made to save animals in the Museum, but with little success. The giraffe tumbled down near the doorway, and thus blocked up egress. A number of other animals were rescued. A tiger was discovered leatpin;r from a basement w1ndow on the Broadway side, and was shot by a. policeman. The heat now became so intense that the side windows of the Prescott House caaght ï¬re, producing great consternation among guests _The museum property, with the exception of a. few stuffed birds and animals, is totally destroyed. The loss is estimated at some- thing over $350,000. Havana, Feb. 25.â€"â€"Advices from VI exico received here state that the Mexican Government has recognized the English and Spanish debts, and xhat a Sinking Fund has been created for the redemption of the converted bonds. The revolutionists in Yucatan hold possession T HE REUNION. of the 'I‘ramal, which Was besieged on the 12th inst. Gen. Alworre expecued the place to c‘aptitulate on the 13m. A mimber of leading rebels who escaped from Sisal in the schooner were driven ashore by two of Juarez‘s gunboats, who gave them battle. The parties escaped to the interior. Hunt's Hair Gloss is cooling to the Head. Perfect Digestion means perfect Health, and is secured by using Dr. Culby’s Pills. Cholera has broken out at Tungler. The ltallian Council have resolved to pay part of the Papal debt. Hungarian flour beat all comnetitors in the Universal Exhibition of 1867. The recexpts of Australian wool last year were the largest on record. Suffocation in bed from overlaying. &c., is the most frequent violent death ofinfants. The Abvssinian expedition telegraph is in Working order as far as Koomaylo, sixteen miles. Her Riyal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia gave birth to a Prince at 3 o’clock on the morning of Feb. 10. During his visit to South Australia. the Duke of Edinburgh laid the foundation stone ofthe “Prince Alfred†Methodist Cl: Arch. Nearly three hundred Irish peopleâ€"men. women, and childrenâ€"left Wednesbury, on Monday, at route for Scuthren Brazil. The colour of the snow which fell atSal-nia was strongly impregnated with smoke ; and so much so was this the case that when melted the water had an inky hue. which it retained oven though allowed to setxle‘ In other localities, the snow was impregnatet‘l with a. ï¬ne silting sand. We commend these phenomens to meteorologists. The Duke of Edinburgh broughtbad luck with him in Australia. Beside the Orange riot in Victoria, the hall in which he was‘u) be received at Melbourne was burned dnwn, several persons were injured bv the explosion of ï¬re wonks in procession, and at Buiiuret. where he went to see the races, the success ful horse dropped dead, poisoned. Honest. \Vrinkles.â€"â€"The wrinkles obâ€" served in some faces running outward and upward lmm the corner of the eyes, are said, by Dr. Rcdï¬eld; to indicate probity or personal truthfulness. Per- sons with this Sign large, according to him, are noted for always keeping their promises, and for doing as they agreed to do. Tum Hm'sm LAST NIGHT.-â€"~A grant of $4,000 to Mrs. William Lyon Mackenzie, in payment of a debt due 10 her late husband by the 01d Province of Upner Cunad.L, was passed last night, bya vote of 35 to 31. Only three Conservatives voted for it. Messrs. Scott (Ottawa), Scott (North Grey), and and Seem-d. Mr. Wood Spoke for it and vo'ed avrainst. Mr. Richade stood to his post like a man.- Globe. The following lively bit of cross-examin- ation took place in the Court of Probate and Divmce on Saturday, in a case for di- vorce, on a wife's petition, on the ground of cruelty. The peti1itmer said she never swore, husbandâ€"he could swear hard enough him- self. (Laughter) She had never assaulted 3X06?! a A pccusi )n required. (Laughter) Shin méxani'tllat she never struck him except gumlffdelï¬lce. She was nut 1n llm habit . < ._ ‘iw'ar. ~(Renewed laughter.) She Efï¬gy a pot-lid at his head, but she ‘s'mjflcï¬ed his face. All the quarreES were caused by 1he son calling her a drunk- en. idle old woman. and other names. The petition was refused. WILD Oneâ€"The Prescott Telegraph says:-â€"Mr. John Cook, of the 7th comes- sion of Edwardsbnmh. lately killed two wild cuts ’in his neighbourhood, one 01' which was very large and ï¬erce. It was not till after along ch' Be with a couple of good hounds that Mr. Cook was enabled to tree and shoot, his ferocious game. One of them hung suspended to a tree bv his claws after beitgr shot dead. It is said on the authority of experienced hunters and farm- ers that a grent many sheep are annually destroyed by wild cats, whereas the owner of the sheep, perhaps unwittingly, lay the blame on dogs, and thus, under the present law, get compensation for their loss out of the ‘dog tax.’ If this be correct, a liberal bounty should be offered for the killing of wild cats. Were this done. their (legit-edu- tions would soon cease, as Ehey would either be exterminated or driven beyond the con- ï¬nes of civilization. Amman DARING BURGLARY.â€"â€"On Sun- day night last a burglar elfected an entr vnce into the house of Captain Duglns, corner of Parliament and Gerrard streets, and after administering Chl( reform to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. ransacked the premises. The operations of the burglar were conducted on the most scientiï¬c principle. After entering the house the chloroform was administered, and the captains watch extracted from underneath the pillow. The servant in the house was not. placed under the influence of the subtle fluid. hut heard nothing, althouzu the party evidently remained some time in the house. The most imputlent transaction of all was the fellow taking one-cf Cmvtain Douglas’ boots, and placing it unside down on the head ofa stick in the hall, to notify the inmates of his visit. Nothing: has trans- pired to lead to the detection ofthehurglar, but undoubtedly this has not been his only effort, nor will it be the last. unless some- thing is done. to put a summary check to the operations of all rascals such as these, [low disturbingr the peace and purlnininrz the propeity of our citizens. Globe of Tuesday; A New CHEMICAL Fine ENGINE. â€"-0.1e ot' the latest applications of a. well-known scientific principles to a work of the most important practical utility, has been made by Messrs " Lapham & Clark’s Patent Chemical Fire-En zine.†a trial of which was made at the South End last Monday after- noon, in presence of a large number of gren- tlemen, who were invited to witness its per- formance. Fifty tar-barrels, ï¬lled with shavings, saturated with petroleum, piled ï¬ve tiers in height, and exposed to a strong cur- rent of air, were ignited, and when at the highest point of combustion. upon word' given by Capt. Darnrell, (.‘hief E rgineer of the Fire Department,tne engine was brouzh, to bear upon the flames, and in one minu/e they were completely extinmished. The engine, which was worked by two men onlv, is about the size of a common garden engine, and the stream was played through sixty feet of rubber tubinz, to which was attached a. pipe with a quarter inch nozzle. The quantity of water used was less than ten gallons, and all present expressed their sur prise and gratiï¬cation at aresult so astound ing. In view of what was accomplished by means so apparently insignificant, it seemed that. the time had atlast come when it serious conflazration may be absolutely prevented, and when the owners of propertv cam be re- lieved from the heavy rates of prem=um which insurance compzmies now ï¬nd it neces- ary to exact in order to meet their engage- ments-Boston Journal. MISCELLANEOUS. IgiééaMARRIAGE LICENSES. Advices from Senafe announce that a furce ot'1500 men, consisting of (avalry, artillery, and mfdmmy, advanc (1 upon Atala on the 20th Jan. The native follow- ers are being5 sent back to India. The wells on the American principle have proved successful at Konnmyloo, and good water has been obtained: ’l‘xje lighfing of the Abysiuiaucoasl is now reported :15 complete. A Gentleman who 8115'th for years from Nervous Debility Premature Decay, and all the e'd‘ects of youthful iudiscretiun, wi.l, for the sake 01 Sulfering humanity. send free to all who need it, the recipe and a d directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishng to proï¬t by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by add essing, in perfect conï¬dence, {UHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Sheer, New Y0 :‘k. Information guarnateed to producn a luxuri- ant glowlh (If Halr upon a bald head or beurd was face. nsu a recipe ior the remove: 01' l‘nnples Uiolches, Eruptions. em. on the ski Jlauving the name sol'l, clear. and beuuli ul. can or ub mined without. chalge by ad uress‘mg, â€"-â€"Frunklin Why Will people pay $50 or $100 for a Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy a hotter one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithsthnding reports to the contmry. the Subscribers helifr to inform Lln-ir numerous friends that the “FRANKLIN†and “ MEDAL- LIoN" Machines can be hard in any quantity. This machine is a double-thread, constr ct« ed upon entirely new principles, and DOES NOT infringe upon any other in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewing Machine, and is warranted to excel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes~ til'v. Off- AGENTS WANTED. Machines sent Lu Agents on trial, and given away to Families who are needy and deserving. ’Ndl'ess J. C. OTTIS 8.3 (10., Boston. Mass. ... MRS. WINSLOVV’S SOOTHI‘NG SYRUP, ‘or Children Teething, qrbnlly famiitams the processor teething, h} >011“)ng lhe gums. I-uuiucing all inï¬umumnou â€"â€"wi|| allay ALL Fun and ppasmudic action, and is Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Depend upon h, mothers. it WIH give rest (1) \‘uuv'solves. and Reliefand Health to your Infants. We Imvepul upan sold thiw article for yenrs,nnd CAV SAY IN cmnmmcm AM) TRUTH (If it what we huvu never hem] ubie to say of any other medicineâ€"Navy." HAS [1‘ FAILLD Is A SINGLE msuxcm 'm EFF)CT nuns, when [In-eh nerd. Never did We kvmw all msumcv nf dissatisfacliun by any one who uued it. ()n Ihe conhurv, ah :1I'ud«l|glltrd WIN its ope-m nuny and sprak in terms of (:nlnlnvndation of us mugiculaffl-cls anu nlï¬dilznl vmuvs We. suvuk in [his mutter " WHA'I' WE UU KN()\ ’," affur years of experience. AH) runner; mm HEPU‘I‘A'UUN FOR THE FULFILMENT or qur wr. Hun: uncuan In alums-l every instance when: (he Inlant is sum-ring frum pain and oxhuusmlionï¬eliaf WI" he fumrd in ï¬fteen or twenty minums aim the syrup in mlumnstomd. “ ECONOMY IS WEALTE.†Full directions for using will accompany each haul». Dione geznum- unless/tho I'm:- similsdut'flU-RJUS &‘..wum}, gym Yurk. is on thg'outside wrapper. Sold by lTrli‘ggists throughout [lam World. l’nue. only 2.") cents per Bullle. 7 . Un-wn:sâ€"â€"'2l5 Fulton Slmet, New York. 205 High Hullmrn. London, I n ' 441 St. Paul 81., Monlreul, C E THE CONFESSIONS AN!) EXPEILIEVCE OF AN INVALID. Published fur the beneï¬taud as a Caution vo Young MP" and uthms, who stiff-9r from .Vm'vnus Dehilily. l’remamre Decay of Mun- nnod. 5110.. supp1y3ng a xhe sumo (inn: 'l'hn Means ul'Sc-Il'-L}ure, By one who has cured himsell'nuerundurgning considerable qnaclh erv The l]!pLCalll by paying postage on his war, will receive a copy, free of churga_ mm llm author. The Ruv Edward A. When will send (free of- Imv'gh) (n all who desn'a il‘ the prescrlplion nilh the din-acnuxw l'nr making and using lhe imph- muludv by which he was cured of a lung nfl'vmiun and {hat dread diseusn (Tulh'ump lion. Hus only othH is m bennï¬l the nflixcud and he hopes every sufferer will Lrv tins pro- scriplion. as it will 00M. them] nothing. and may prov“ 3 MP» Hg, Please addrew ...V .,.. . .. nun“ N :\'I‘llANlEl‘ MAYFAIR. Flour. harre‘. .. . .. .. Nile-Q. 219 [Huh . . . . . . Spring )Vhoal. bush Nhe-ntfifQ [Huh . . . . . . . Spring} \Vhoal. bush. Harley, 7g) hush... . . . . . Pom-e, do . {)nts. do Pelatnns. do Hm‘. (on; \' raw. 2}}? tun†Pnlk I'm mav. Emma!) A. u ILSON, No. 165 Saudi Secomi Street. Wiiliumshurg. New Yurk. ' Buller )EI.UNGING m the eslnle othe Into Thus 1 Reid. [wing (ha East-hm! of In! No. 27, in the 2nd Con. ul'Lhe 'l'uwnshipuf Mmkham. CONTAINING 1‘10 ACRES, about 83 clear- ed. There is FARM T0 RENT! A W] WW BREE! Vaughan Cent Saving Bank. Good ()rchnrd. Rough-ms! Hume, Frame Benn and Stables ; H. is also well watered, App y to Ind Friends of the IneHuliun, will he held in 112% Inknrnmnu “olel.~ \i'uudln‘ilfgn. ml Su- turdm‘. 14(h March, EHH‘. at one p.m._. fur Blh‘fllill! liirueclors for the ausumg year and other business, ’1‘“ E ,Gv‘neral Annual Meeting of Deposimrs mums, mnmsms, ERQEERIES, wmns & ngrggs, Bv Royal Letters pntentiv ha: been appointed Issue-r of 477-!y THOMAS ALLISON. chloria Square, March ‘2, I'lGri. 'l'honzhxll, Fub.z6, 1868. ERRORS OF YOUTH- Woodbridge, Mart-h 5, Id“ THUS. F. CHAPMAN. CHEVIST; 7823 Bruadway. New Y‘nrlc THOMAS CARR 25911;... TORUN TO M ‘x H KE'I‘S‘ LKL‘REV‘CE HILL. President. ’N C. W ALIACEJJIerk. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. INFORM \T IUN e‘.....-...w- -:' 7 >11 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 u. a? bush....... 1 I, MAYFAIR. Esq†Brooklyn, Kings Cu, DEALER IN TH‘ORNHILL. Ward]. 5. 1958. .....;{57 on In; 7 .. . 1 T7 ((1) I ..... l 61'? 079‘ l . . . . . 1 2.3 (-2) 1 . ,.. (‘ (in i‘ , . . . . " 6‘ ED (I . ..]3 “U(@l8 ......HH\()(:@|*2 . . . . . . Mimi/(7)18 ... ll 17 (I) U H 66 (‘U 5U 21) ‘AME into the Premises of the Subscriâ€" / ber, Lat ‘25, 3rd Con. Markham, (Vic' toria Square), TWO SHEEP. The owner is requested L0 prove property, pay expenses; and Luke Ihem away. JAS. STOUTENBURG. V Markham. Feb. 20, 1868. Boots (£9 Shoes Are Manufacturing all the Nawesl Styles 0 men’s, Women's and Children’s No- 90 Yonge~st~ 'l‘orontm CAME into the premises of the subscriber, LolNu.3b’. ‘st Cum Vuufl‘hfll), on Sat- urday, NovdiU. A SOHEL HORSE. The- owner is ‘equostad to prove properly, pay ox-’ pensus‘and take him away JOSEPH LUND Carriage and Wagan Maker [: AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH !.’ UNDERTAKING BUSINESS ! HANDSOME HEARSE [I And he wishes to inform the I’uhlicthut he has provided a new and Vn-ry Which he can furni-h with Hugh: nr auubler Team of MKU'th Mack Horses, “him and? Black Plumes. Scarfs. (Moves. Halbauda and al- Nher mourning requirnd. on the Shortest No- lice, uud at 1110 Lowusl Rule". JUSI‘ZI’II I‘UND. RICHMOND HILL HOTEH Y. BY JOHN PALMER. ‘HE best of Winas, Liquors. and Ciglrl.. l kupl cumlmnly nu Ilnlld‘ Every accumor dalion fol Irnvwllurs ‘- .l ’ Sluuas leave this hon-l every morning" nud (waning ('unnev'ing wm: Nurillul'n Kailr way [ruins mnvxnu leh and Sumh. A careful hustler always in attendance. January 24, 1868. MARRIAGE LICENSES MMEDIATELY, a strong Boy, as an Ap’ mentice to the Blacksmithing business, Apply to THJMAS BOOTHBY, Rear of Lot 41, lst Con. Vaughan.. Boots 8: Shoes Cheap‘ Round Cedar Posts E Vaughan, Feb. 20, 1868 N0. 618 & 620 Yonge Street, P. A. SCOTT. NB. PPrl'ms having such to dispose of will piva a Call or write. stating price and quality’ In Yorkvinu P. 0 Toronto. December 16, 1867. 499--3mc BARNABL'S LYONS. ' Cook's Gate. Dec. H, l 67. 491-3t S. M. Sanderson 8: 00.. store S MALI.- FARM FOR SALE QR T0 RENT !: 1 mile smï¬h nl’ Victoria Square. There is a good House, Burn and Cider Mill on the pro- mises. For the particulars apply to the proprielor Ni). 90 Yonge ï¬treet. \t the Lumber Yard Compriging 12 écres†WILLIAM COX? 2nd door north of Barnard’s store- RICHMOND HILL, WM. A'I'KINSON’S. Richmond Hm, Nov 28. 18.67. 489, B“ 7 EMS always on hand the hle of Beef. \ Mmhm. Lamb. Veal, l’ork. Sausages, kc. and seils at um luwavt plices. The higheat mnrkeL pnca given for Cattle, Shr‘ep. Immbs. 610. A - ‘ n .- n ,L_1_..) Vaughan, Jan. 2", ’08 ï¬lo-naming in “H? Richmond Hill Post 0mm Feln‘umg‘ 1st. 188:. Higgins. Walli.Q Kvlly. Julm Brown. John (‘2) Kollher. Miss Cath», Hanson. Miss E. Linny. luhn B'Ill'd. H A. I‘angsl'ï¬'. John Banana. John Ill 'LTOI‘. \Villiam (‘nv-u-ltell. Hugh Malhesun. W. Duhsnn, Mar) Ann McFmden D. Danny. Ji-hu l\lu(7anr~e Mal-grog Dmitth V". Madill. Jamar lClAls, William Russ. H. J" (2) Emerv. Rulwrl Rumble. John / Fax-ml George (2) Rankin, Mr, Fisher Bornard Sievenson Samugl Flume, Puler Srhmldl, Julius Gmluntt. Rev. Mr, (2)91111pson. Jamel Ginn. John Thompson, Samnol Gar'at, Hannah Thomp<0lh William Hem-lop. Thomas ‘Wlmsh‘ngton Charla“ Jmlklnn, Benj “'il lams John Johnson. David Vleaon, William Keal. Francis S. M. SAN DERSON & Co. AND Coroner for the County of York. RICHMOND HILL. curry. . ullnua. \x u Al~o. Corned anti Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Hams. Richly-and Hi“. Octnller 15. 1867. 13;» RES†CAN OYS I‘I‘ZRS, best brands. kept“ Oysters ! Oysters ! Richmond Hiâ€. Dec 15. 57. Yonge Street. EGS w announce an lhe public, that he has added to the abuve Inancnes the Stray‘ Horse. VVANTED. LUMBER, Lung, 511mm, Markhnm, 17911.5. 1 (38 constantly on hand. at DAVID BRIDGFORD, M. Sanderson & Co; ILL thorougth warrant every pair of' BOOTS made by lhem at their new 'NG part of Lot No. ‘22 in (he 4th Con-- cusnou of the Township of Markham, Successor Lu Jmnés Hollidaj', At their Nuw Storeâ€"- ASTRAY. WANTED At their New more. List of Lettere I‘VUTCHER, Are selling ISS YER ()F ADD M: TEEFY. P-M; P U. Address, Taston KMIy. John Kloer. Miss Calf». Litmy. luhn Langsl'ï¬'. John JOHN SHERK. Toronto. 491f"8o 479’