7’! ,) TRADE eas dweat from the Plan'ations in As<am.tha Dnhru Dhoon. and on the Slope- Q K 'port those 'I‘ d and upwards. Ind in air-tight Can- 0 I‘m Hinnlayas, and no†them in packuls of' quarter pouu niuers M5 lbs.. by their Agents. in everv City and l‘mvn in (iluadn. These <plendid l‘eas are imporxed «)I Ah' hv me India and China To; Conpnny, and can only bl procured al lhmr Agv‘mziei. Uuly lwn primes, namely. A __ ____.__ _. .â€" SIX GOLD MEDALS AGENTS FOR T0R0NT0= HUGH MILLER SL 00., Medical Hall, 167, King Street, East. DRY GQODS, &c. While returning thanks for the greatly increased patronage he has rcceivod during during the past season, bugs to announce that he has determined to sell of the remainder of his DRY GOODS! And, in order to give his friends and ciix's'tgt'n‘e'rs a. beneï¬t, he will, for the next “E5 NEST COST. SEE; (Janad'un Tweed Under Coats, from ...................................... . .. 3 50 Working Men’s Strong Pants, from ........................................ .. 2 00 “ “ Vests, from.................................. 1 25 Canadian Sutinetts, from ................. . ..................... . ......... per yd. 50 Heavy Canadian 'I‘weeds,f'1‘(>m.. ..... ................. per yd. 80 White Flannels, from. .................................................. per yd. 30 Printed and Chrckcd Flannels, from .................................. per yd. 45 Plain Winceys, from .................................... .per yd. 10 Check Wine 35, f'mm ............... -. ................................... per pd. 121} Fancy Dress Goods, from ........................................... per yd. 15 Grey Cottons, from ........ . ........................... . ..... ........per yd. 07 Hats and Cups of every variety, from .................. .................. 50 Prints, from ...................................................... . ........ per yd. 10 Come and Examine the Goods! Richmond Hi1}, January 16, 1868. FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT HIBAM PIPE Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON 5: COPPER WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C. LAMP ELSBES, BURNERS, IEHIMNEYS, SEEKS AND WIGKS. The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Chaste and also the Plaiuest and Cheapgsn kinds,â€"-â€"Lhus meeting the requirements of all classes. Vi, _ Square and Globe shapes, in great varlety, for 011 or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of ROCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL ’. A‘ assures the public that there will be no bumbug, but the newest, Prettiest, d most fashionable Goods, purchased at ï¬rst-clan houses. The following price list will convince the most sceptical that he is in earnest. Good, Strong and \Varm Over Coats, ......... $4 00 Canadim Tweed Under Coats, from ...................................... . .. 3 50 Working Mens Strong Pants, from ........................................ .. 2 00 “ “ Vests, from.................................. 1 25 Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box vaes, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, Lo. &6. Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, an it will be found worthy of ' inspection. Toronto, Febuary, 1867. 493 THE INDIA AND CHINA TEA COMPANY GREAT CLEARING SALE EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE ‘ FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found '70 Cars. AND $1 BER BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &c. Repairs of all kinds promptly eXecutcd. WELLAM ATKENSON No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above Kingâ€"street, TORONTO. LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! UN PARALLELED SUCCESS ! ARMICRS SHOULD USE " MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER,†for sheep. It destroys the licks-â€" chanses lhe slunmwmnows the growth of the woolâ€"and imprvvos the conduiun of thu animal Sold in boxes. at 300.. 7Hc.. and SI. A 3511. box will clean ‘1†sheep. 'HUGH 311mm: 5b (20.. Toronto, Feb. 13, 1868. 167 King St. E. 'l'orono. be SOLD CHE Have received a large Stock of tho above articles direct from the unufaclurors in Great. Britain, which will Have been awarded at tho Great Exposition: It l’Jris hr S“ E E P! WINTER STOC 1nd W arm uver moans, ll‘Uul....-.....->. ed Under Coats, .. 3 '5 Strong Pants, 2 “ Vests, from..................... ......... 1 netts, from.................. yd. an 'I‘weeds,f1‘(vm.. .per yd. is, from. yd. heckcd Flannels, from... 3, yd. 's, f'mm.....~....... pd. Ernods, from................. ............pcr yd. from........ . s of every variety, yd. (5’ Observe 1119, Trade Mark on each Package. 5] Manufactured and imported, Wholesale and Retail. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Vida †The Grocer" 24th of August, 1867. Eï¬'E’S {LS REID BYHSTIIFFS! Which will be found both good and cheap. ï¬TQVES! Either Black, Green or Mixed. HUGH MILLER & CO. E A 1‘ Special attention is directed to Also on hand a large stock of LAN'I‘ERNS FOUR WEEKS, HOUSE Ol‘ OF SHEEP !! MARK. NEW MILLINERY. [SHE'S to say lo the Ladies of Ric!» moud Hull and surrou mung Country that l 6 has upened in the H use ‘l‘urmly oo- cupiod h Mr V- may. and has on handa nim unortment of Frsl-class Which she will sell at small proï¬ts. E? \ll m"'ers promptly attended to. {3 Family Sewing Machines hep; for sale MILLINERY AND MANTLES, BOY’S KNICKERBROKERS SUITS BUIL DING LOTS EING the front part of Lot No. 46. in the Is: concession of Vaughan. immediately opposite the rasideuce ofl)r. Duncnmb. in the Village of Richmond Hill. as laid OH" in a Plan prepared by Mr. George McPhillips. This is In dosiralile opportun {y to secure an ehgible husiness stand at a moderate price.â€" A credit of ï¬ve years will he given. For Plan and other particulars enquire of the subscriber THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION Richmond Hill, July 3. 1867 V “E Sub>cyibon ever mindful of the wants oflhe public, has just received a Books & Fancy Goods In nll the diKerenl styles of Binding. HOLIDAY GIFTS In various styles of Bindingl. Pocket Books, Purses, 6w. Christmas 81 New Years’ Presents BIBLES, TESTA MENTS I Albums from 25 Cents to $6 PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCOTT. H- D. BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ESIDENCE, Lot No. l4. 2nd Con Vaughan Past Ofï¬ce Addrexs Carville All orders left M the "' York Herald" oflice. Richmond Hill, or at the P,U. Maple. will be alwnded lo. Vaughan, Oct. 10, 1867. l-y SKATING RINK. SEASON TICKETS May be had m Mr. Burnuld‘s. Mr. Atkinson’s Ind Mr. Crosby’s or on the Pond, from STANDARD AUTHORS! JAMES H. TERRY . Richmond Hill. Dec, 19, ’67 4. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, [867. Horses That he has successfully treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. This treannent does 11M neco shuts the} being laid aside only for a few davs. Quite a number of reference given if requir~ ed ol‘persuus whose horses have been cured by "10. My charge is $1 50 if maid when operated on. ifnol $3 ()0 will be charged to ensure a scure. Residence rear oflot ‘25, 2nd Can. Vaughan. Large and Miscellaneous Stock HE Subscriber would intim lte to t'nu farm- ers and other: of Richmond Hill and ‘lrrn'i |; Country having. Richm ondHi Oct. 25,’66 HORNER’S PATENT SELFFSHUTTINE} BATE! Richmond Hill, N0v.29‘ {$07. '| ‘HIS usefuliuventinn isms most convenivnt 1 H16 cheapest, and most. durable GATE for farm use, Th: Patanteo is now prepared to sell WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOBI‘ SUITABLE ARTICLES FUR lVort/L ,Knowing J TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! For the use of his Patent Self-shutling Gate» Anlicnnts will please address their letters (p1!'.pl.id)!o M. TEEFY, Rirhmcnd Hill, Dec. 19, ’67. The old hand in a New Stand. Richm nd Hill, September 16. 18W. A. HENDERSON, Watch 3: (Mock main: AFTER nu absence of nearly four years in England. bags to announce his return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the rhop adjoining Mr. W. Pollock’s rbsidence. und OppOIHP, the shun of Mr. W H. Mvers, where he wil‘. be happy to receive the pauon- age of his old friends. Richmond HULHI'V 36. 18W. He has also received a heavy stock of HI'MN d: PRAYER BOOKS, HE above Skating Rink is now open. and the Ice is in good 0 dm'. COUNTY OF YORK. Mrs. W. JENKINS STRAYED. Toys of Various Kinds, ADIIRABLY ADAPTED I‘OR INCLUDING MANY OF THE 0F CAREFULLY SELECTLD Afflicted with Ring-bone, RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE. FOR. THE ALYO ROBERT HOPPER. Rwuuoxn HILL P. 0. Agent for Patentee JAMES DUN’I‘ON. J. R. ARNOLD, 498-3111 7‘2-1y 491 491 47B Authorized by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. First Book, with 31 _illustrations, strongly “liouiidrinylimp cloth, I 50: v First Bookâ€"~2nd Part, 54 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 100 Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, ] 20c Third Book, 41 illustrations, stroneg bound in cloth boards, 300 Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 500 For Sale by . v 'v-a" nanmm .LMOW READY .'. THE NEW EANAIJIAN NATIONAL SERIES READING BOOKS ' HE Suhccriber, having purchased the abovo Hills, is now prepared to do VENUS MILLS, Merchant and Custom Work ! And as the entire Establishment has been thoroughly renovated. as well as lllosarvicesor Parties having Wheat to dispose of will ï¬nd il to their advantage to call at the Miils, and by seiimg it there save xhe extra expence of going lo the Toronto market. [3’ Dealers suppiied at reaSOllablo rates. JAMES WiLKiNSOv‘I. S'ecured. perfect satisfaction: is guaranteed Special anemic“ will be paid to Custom work, and parltebfrom a distance may.er upon having their Gl‘isls home with‘them the same day. 0 .A. S Iâ€"I OTICE is hereby gixeu that all parties in- dehved la the estate of lhe the ROBERT 1mm! 3rd comma-Sim] of \‘larkham. are re- qu: sled to pay the same to either ol'the under- 1;: ed previous to the lst day of January next, an all parties hnvmg claims against the said state. are requested 10 lodge ma same with the undersigned for scll‘emmll, Bultouville. Sept, 19. 1667, Markham, October 14. 1667. Wili he paid for Wheat at allseasons of the \ear IN BAN KABLE FUNDS. PHARMACIST. RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 18.67.. 1868. 7H“) 1868. “ GLOBE†NEWSPAPER. ' URlNG the year 1868 very impnrlan: Sessions willhe held of the P 1" iamenx ofOulario. and of the Dominion, and \‘cry in- leresling discussions will take place on sub- jecls of the deepest interest to the Canadian people. The foundations of the New Gov- ernment have been laid, but the superslruc- lure will demand all the care of lhe people,tmd the publicjmrnals will necessarily be called upon to discuss at length mnnv questions, up- on the right setllement of which the future welfare of the cvuntry wi‘l depend. In all the matters which will he brought be- fore the Legislatures “ 'l‘llE GLOBE†Will take a deep interest. and bulb by FULL REPORTS OF 1’ AR LIAMEN'I‘ARY PROCEEDINGS. and by editorial discussions it will strive to in- form the public of'lhe progress of events. :and guide them to 1 right Judgment on the points fur“) the pulmc m'ulv pruglcs: u: vvmlw. unu guide them to 1 right judgment on the paints m isnne. BMW in the year 1868. THE DA“ GLOBE WILL BIC VERY CONSIDICARY: ABLY ENLARGElX and will be printed on a Rotary Lighming Press, 0rd «red from MB!!er Hoe & Co.. 0! New Yurk, capable of printing MUNIU impressions an hour. The ontlny of [his press about $151M!†1N GOLD, has been rendered lleco‘sm." 11" "'3 large and increas- mg circulationpl‘TH E GLOBE. It has been for some time Impossihle to supply in lime for the morning lnfils LII]: number ofcopies culled for by the public. The increase (if size is rendered necessary by the prensure of adver- tisements. Which have already caused the pub- licatiuu ofa large su yplement twice a Week. and winch wiH he continued as may be found naedl’u‘ until ‘he permanent enlargement Lakes Mann, At {he same time as the enlargement, THE PAPER W ILL BE PRINTED ON NEW TYPE. ‘ ’ v ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Jan. 2, 1868, “Early in the'year we) shall commence the puhlicatinn of a N EW STORY BY VVII.KIE COLLINS, author ohhe ‘ VVomau in White.’ of snhsnripiiou will remain as heretofore. SIX DOLLA RS per annum for the Dail) edition 'i‘WO HULLARS per annum - for tha Weekly edition. boih payable strictiv in ad- VullCO. Nu paper sent out of the ofï¬ce mm" the money is paid. Parties sanding in [hair snhscriplimis now will receive either edition of Tm; GLOBE up to :ilsi Dvcnmber. “568, on payment of a year’s schscriplion. CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE ‘ 'l‘he Cllll) rates lor the coming year will be as follows :â€" SlX COPIES. one your _,.. .. $10 00 TEN do do ......... I5 00 TWENTY do do . 30 :10 And an extra cnpv of THE WEEK! Y GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. THIRTY COPIES. one \ear. for. 42 Ill) and an extra r-opv of THE \VEEKI.Y Gnome tothe person who gets up the Club of'I‘hirly. Fll‘"l‘Y COMICS. one year. for. . . . 65 00 and a cupv 01"I'Hn DAILY GLOBE to tho person who gets up the Clubol' Fifty. EIGHTY COPIES. one year, for. . 100 00 and a copy of Tum lulu Gme to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Payment must be always in advance. Each paper is addrossed separately. and may be sent to any Post ()flice'. When additional names are ADDED to any Club during the year, they must l‘a sent to THE GLUM‘. Ofï¬ce bv the‘ person who made up the Club: and the money sent with such ad- ditional names must be such a proportion of the year's subscription as the Club mm as will pa) up to the elpirallun of the Club. Executors Notlce. R.H.HALL, First Class Millers 'loronm. Nov. 12, 1897. WI'HAAM LAWS ,N. PETER WILLWUI'T. BUTTONVILLE. DRUGGIST AND THE TERMS GEORGE BRQWN, Executars Publielior, 35 3rm Patent Rights for Sale NOTICE! PatentedSOct. 24. 18b2, April 13,1869. and Powell’s NEW DOMINION FORCE PUMP ! The Patentee ofl'ors indm-ements seldom 'e be melwilh Requisile instructions for monu- fucturing are given. Personal application mus!~ bo made to PATENT Swing Pump .' FARM FOR SALE 1 Dead heads need not apply. Newton Brook, July 30, 1867. h‘OR SALE one of the most valuable Farms in the Township of MAKKHAM. Coun- ty of Yum. 1.0! Nu 11. 3rd Concession. 90 of which are cleared, the Dwelling House Brick, with Barns, Slables. Sheds, Root Collar and other out Built’ings complete, The land is good and in a high state of' cultivation. Also a good young Orchard. of chnice lruit trees. [h re are two good Wells, alsoa never failing sirenln cf water runs acrnss the Premises, whivh makes it Il‘e most valuable Farm in the Township. There is also a Post ofï¬ce. Churchesand School House within one mile of the premises. CONTAINING 100 ACRES, This Farm is situated in a flood neighbour- hond. l6 miles from the ()itv of Toronto. 3} miles from Yonge Street road. 'I'erms easy. title indisputable. For particu- lars apply to r... N . unnnnnu r 11E Undersigned is prepared to ï¬ll orders for the above alliclcs in anv number on the shorlestnchce. Agams Will be appointed at all Slulinus on the Northern Railway. For particulars address PATENT FAILS 2 Thornhill. Oct 31, l867 Plough for Sale! Neiw. {made a! Atkinson’s Foundry. W'xll be sold cheap for Cash, or approved credit. CAST METAL PLOUGH MONEY TO LII-IND _'7 . I . Can be procured, In sums to sun borrowers, on Landed security. 'l‘erms made known on personal application to $2 0,003.07â€?- Richmond Hiâ€. Nuv. 7, 18537 N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c, &c. drawn with newness and despnlch.â€" M. '1‘. continues to an. as Ulvlsloï¬ COURT Aur’ T. Feesmodumts. Kihxmond Hill, Nov. 28. 1866. To men of the right sor AN Piglv horse power Steam Engine. Bor- ing Tools. Ropi-s. Ate , belonging to the Markham Uii and Mining Company. For particulars apply. ifny letter pod paid A VARIABLE PQRM IN THE TDWNSHIP [III M GILLIVRAY, Buttonvil'e, Nov. 7. 12367 Containing 100 Acres. 40 Acres of which me cleared, and mostly free from stumps. p0 cd staked nd ridererl fences. also Log B u‘n. it lluusn. and two Acres Land gu the thrimlg village of Park Hill. F or particulars enquire of JOHN llARRlSON, Parkllill, or to SILAS J .\MES. l’.L,S., Toronto. 432 S. M, Sanderson & Caulkens, No. 133 Yonge Street, have removed To N0. 30 Yonge Street. 7 Doors north of King Street. The business at Ihe New Smre will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON 8L C0. Address Buitonville l‘osl Otï¬ce Butlonville, Jan. 16, 1%68. \“ ()ULD take this opportunitv of thanking lllelr Friends and Customers for the very lllwral patronage bestowedV on tham fur the lab! lWRlVfl \‘ears, and would cordially so- licit a comiuuauce of the same at ‘heir New Stand lNO. 9OWYONGE STREET. OUN l'lES or RIDINGS of POWELL'I BOOTS & SHOES, 38 \Vesl Market Square. Toronto [‘3’ Bnolsvnnd Shoes made to Measure. of the Best Mmexials and Workmauship, at the Lowpst Remuneraling Prices. Toronto, Dec 3. 1807 4904f Calf, Kip and Cowhide Boots, S. M. Sanderson &; Co. HE sub criber offers for sale. a Super?“ Farmer’s Boot & shoe Store. S. M. SANDERSON 8L C0. H E Undorsigned is amhorized to state that LIN~i Lot No. 15, in the 8th Concession, West of the Centre Hand. REMOVAL. Toma, tODeeombea' 1867. Manufaclurer and Dealer in all kinds of JOHN LANGS I'AFF. Stuum Mills, 'l‘huru/nll. Yangc Street. M. TEEFY, FOR gALE, ON LANDED SECURITY. GREAT BARGAINS At No. 90 Yonge Street. Toronto. No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, Palented June 28. 1807. IMPORTANT Sap Buckets JOHN BARRON. FOR SALE, WILLIAM ATKINSON, THOMAS THOMSON. In Men's and Boy’s CHARLES POWELL, Newth Brook. P.O. ED S \NDERSON on JOHN SA \J DERSON. ARE OFFICRIN Notary Public. AND Buttonville, P.O. Merchant. Agent. &c 486-41 FANG}? Dmgg GOODS! SHA‘WLS, MANTLES, & MILLINERY. mm W Ilia/,5 WWW "I % % HOSIERY, GLOVES Tï¬LGRENG DEPARTMENT! uh u.» A\l"~uu Puumuu, unu . my..." ship, and mammal. Also, always on hand. ()fthe best English, Scotch. and Canadian Manufacture, which he will make to meal". Lit the Io_west posgibIcCawh Prices. and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to ï¬t, workman- . h-.. .- . “n "r [\rnr'vvlfl‘i I , h, LA__A Inspection Invited 2 No. 134, KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TORONTO. Fï¬e-proof Store, Richmand Hill. Comings, Vestings, and Trowserings! Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1867. Richmond Eill Gabinet Establishment N returning thanks for the very libwral support he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform Um public that he has greatly inch-I- cd his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of HARDWARE and. CROCKER'!‘ Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store lncluding Tables, Clnirs. Bedsteads. Bureaus, Cupboards, Dres‘ing Slamll, Wuï¬ 5land~. 8%. ï¬ne. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bonk-ring. ‘Vhite Ln‘ l'uinlx and Colors, Raw and iioxled Linseed Oils. Machine Oil. Rack Oil. Vï¬mili 'l‘urpertine. Bpnzpne. Glass. Pu'ty, Glue, &c. (kc. Fumes Furnithing, Pryoric‘, qr l’uiuliug llmr Housvs. will do well to call befuze purchasing elsewherc. Also Where he? keeps on hand Fiour. Shorls. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal. Comte-l. Buck» wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and ' * m wmmm 1 w M w a 1m "Willi 'Ht '«zumu mum U _ l “W “W “mm "mm "mm Wm “WE! "mm 'rum‘uuu ‘IIW ~w mum For Cash, M Pricelehat cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill. Novembvr 9, 1866. 'E‘he Leading Style in Canada Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof». Toni isi prize ai Provincial Exhihiiian ’88, Km†times when shown Manufactory _f_01' HIKE Validity of the Patent. having been recently disputed by intensted puma“ i ufler two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancelloz lab lully sustaining the claims uf C. Powell, and speaking highly 05 u. .\l EIHTS OF THE PUMP. and with just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct- of: tllc‘lul‘rinuer, ordering him to pay the costs ol the suit, and l'nrbillding him to. «who, the pumps, The Patentee feels, that the sense ol‘justicé premding the commuin gt‘nerally will be sufï¬cient to prevent its giving countenance to spwt’wua. imiutnn. whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ is a fraud on the: Public.“w-eb‘r Jud’m-C, given Judgment Ticklngs,‘Shoetings, Shirtings, Towellings, Table Linens, KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND WARM : A Fresh Lot of Mums At Scott's Begs to announce to lli‘ Iriends and the public‘ that he is receinng, daily, his ESPE“TFULLYintimates that he has added to his general Dry Goods and Hill nuy Department, a TAILURING DEPARTMENT, under the mantgome at o! W INTER @TOC FURNITURE! THOS.‘ COG-ELAN “'inceys. French Merinoes, Cobourgs, Silks}, OR Softening. Preserving Ami renaming $110 Stores, Harness 1nd Shoe Shops, 0 AFIRST-CLASS I AMESS & SHOE BLACKENING 8m. &0. 8w. Sales made for Cash or approved Credit. CRGCKERY, HARDWARE, nice assortment, good and chpap. Ho would also call a'tenlxon to HI LET 1NFRINGERS BEWARE. Wheï¬ ordrring Pumps, p‘ease state the Depth of the W'ell or \ dorm P O. AddrvMâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook And is now showing a. Large and Choice Assortment of Manufacturing Rights for Salem THE CHEAPEST AND BEST SHIRTS AND DRA WERS, .CBOS$Y, ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF WILLIAM MITCHELL for York 8; Pee] Counties 8; Toronto City Newton Brook, Yongc Street; FEE CHEAPEST AND BEST POWELL’S BY USING g the Leather impervious to wot. For n]. t, everywhere mmufacturod at Richmond Hill At Wm. MITCHELL’S. At Wm. MITCHELL’S.