'4 ‘ TRADE * M: TEEFY. RM . J. Â¥ S. M. Sanderson& Co. LAMP GLOBES, BURNERS, EHIMNEYS, SHABES AND WIGKS. The stock of which is very large, embraemg all that is New and Chaste and also the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"thus meeting the requirements of all classes. Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspection. Toronto, Febuary, 1867. 493 W Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, Also on hand a large stock of AGENTS FOR T0R0NT0= HUGH MILLER & 00., Medical Hall, 167, King Street, East. TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C_ Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Grain Measures, Ap ROCK on. AND MACHINERY OIL HIRA Import these Teas direet from the Plantations in Assum,tho Debra Dhoon. and on the Slopes oftho Himllayns, and sell them in packets of quarter pound and upwards. and in air-tight Can- uisters 015 lbs.. by their Agents. in every Guy and Town in Canada. Thaw Splendid Texas are imported solely by the India and China Tea Company, and can only be procured at their Agancias. Only two prices, namely. FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT S. M. Sanderson a: Co. Boots 8: Shoes Cheap TEAS FROM INDIA Children’s Carriages pad. Eeygmbulators! Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Oflice Mmch lét. 1865. Bracken, Mrs Joseph Hafï¬e. Basingtwaita, W. Hislop. Baird. Dr. H A. Homer, Brown. John (3) » Hodgso‘ Bigger. John H. Lincy. Bemard, J. G. Nauglm Coulter. Miss M. A. Osler, ( Carma“, George Slack, J Campbell. John Simpson Cooper. “1. Slanv, Clary. \V, Snell. J SIX GOLD MEDALS Cosgrove, B. Campbell. Hugh Clarke, Melinda Doner. Emanuel Fogarly, Timothy Ginn. John Gorman. Jane Grant. George H ardy. W. flutchins. John store No. 90 Yonge Street. quare ana Globe shapes, i‘ “AME into the Premises of the Subscri- J ber, Lot 25, 3rd Con. Markham, (View toria Square), TWO SHEEP. The owner is vequested to prove property, pay expenses and take [hem away. JAS. STOUTENBURG. Markham, Feb. 20, 1868. Are Manufacturing all the Newest Styleno Men’s. Women's and Children’s Boots do Shoes At their New Storeâ€" No- 90 Yonge-st. Toronto, Yonge Street. EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. BURNING FLUiD. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE, &c. S. M. SANDERSON & Co. ILL thoroughly warrant every pair-of BOOTS made by lhem At their new THE INDIA' AND CHINA TEA COMPANY '70 CTS. AND $1 PER LB. LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, TORONTO. List of Letterï¬ At their New Smre, AST RAY. h’lï¬nufactured and Tmported, Wholesale and Retail. UN PARALLELED SUCCESS 1 Are selling ARMERS SHOULD USE " MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER," for sheep. It destroys the licksâ€"â€" clennses \he Hkill~promows the growth of the woolâ€"and imprcves the condition of the animal Sold in boxes. at 3m:H 700., and $1. A 350. box will clean 20 sheep. HUGH MILLER & C0., Toronto, Feb. 13, 1868 PAINTS 011.3 AN]! BYESTIIFFS! be SOLD CUE Have received a large Stock of the above articles direct from the -anufnclumrs in Great Britain, which will SHEEP! SHEEP !! Havé been awarded at the Great Exposition at Pnis for [IT Observe 1he Trade Mark on each Package. £1] ’arlor Stoves, ng Stoves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, Lc. &c. Which will be found both good and cheap. Hafï¬e. Maggie Hislop, Thos. (‘2) Homer, Daniel Hodgson. James Liucy, John Naughkon" Michael Osler, Catherine Slack, Ellen ('2) Simpson. James Slanv, W Snell. Jonathan Stevixson, James Simpson. George Simpsoli, Mrs. G. Shell, Jolm Snider. John Simpson. Mr. Soules, Genrga (4) Wallon Sarah VVitherl'ord. E, Vida “ The Grocer†24th of August, 1867. TOVEs: Special attention is directed to HUGH IVIILLER 85 CO. r'greatwanety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of Either Black. Green or Mixed. LANTERNS B A P. Toronto HOUSE Round Cedar Posts ! N0. 618 & 620 Yonge Street, I’. A. SCOTT. NB. Parties having such to dispose of will phase call or write. stating price and qualiKy to Yorkville P. 0 Toronto. December 16, 1867. 499--3m At the Lumber Yard 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. WILLIAM COX, '1 And he wishes to inform the Public that he has 1 provided a new and very EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton. Lamb. Veal,Pork, Sausages; 5m. and sells m the lowest prices. . The highest market. price given for Cattle, Sheep, Lfmbs. &c. MARRIAGE LICENSES 7 Ale-«S. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond H1“. Octobor I5. 1867. Ly January 24, 1868. Earriage and Waggon Maker! AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH ! UN DERTAKING BUSINESS I HANDSOME HEARSE ! Which he can furniah with single or 1133b]; Team of Matched Black Horses, White and Biack Plumes. Scarfs. Gloves. Hntbands and a] ether mourning required, on the Shortest No- tice, and at the Lowest Rates. JOSEPH LUND. WA NT ED. LUMBER, LATHE, SHINGLES, AND Coroner for the County of York RICHMOND HILL. 167 King St. 'ror'ono. Vaughan, Jun. 27, '68. 'EGS to announce to the public, that ‘he ' has added to the above branches the RICHMOND HILL, DAVID BRIDGFORD, JOSEPH LUN D Successor to James Holliday, BUTCHER, MARK. ISSUER 0P AND :- 0. Address, Teston 479 FISHER & BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. Pocket Books, Purses, 8m. ESIDENCE, Lot No. l4. 2nd Con Vaughan Post Ofï¬ce Address Carville All orders left at tho " York Herald†oï¬ice‘ Richmond Hill. or at the RC. Maple. will be attended to. Vaughan, Oct. 10, 1867. by In all the difl'erent styles of Binding. ROM the premises of the Subscriber, on Richmond Hill, on the lflth inst. TWO SHEEP, with a piece cut off their left yars. Any person giving information as to their whereabouts to the undersigned will be suilably rewarded. Albums from 25 Cents to $6. Toys of Various Kinds, RICHMOND HILL HOTEH! BY JOHN PALMER. BIBLES, TESTAI‘IENTS} HYMN Jo PRAYER BOOKS, HE best of Wines. Liquors. and Cigars. kept constantly on hand. Every accomo- dation for travellers. 11:? Stage: leave this hotel every morning and evening connecting with Northern Rail- Way trains moving North and South. A careful hostler always in attendance. In various styles of Bindings. HE Subscriber would intimate to lliefnrm- ers and other: of Richmond Hill and urmd ‘1; Country having. Books & Fancy Goods That he has successfully treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. Quite a number ofreferenco given if requir- ed ofpersons whose horses have been cured by “10. My charge is $1 50 if paidwhen operated on. if not. $3 00 wi“ be charged to ensure a scum. Residence rear ofl0125, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUNTON. For Plan and other particulars enquire of the subscriber J. R. ARNOLD, Richmond Hill. July 3. 1867. IV ADHIRABLY ADAPTED FOR Christmas & New Years’ Presenis Horses This trehtment does not necessitate their being laid aside only for n‘few days. THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION BO PS KNICKERBROKERS SUITS EING the front purl of Lot No. 46. in the is! concession of Vaughan. immediately opposite the residence of Dr. Duncnml). in the Village of Richmond Hill. as laid all" in a Plan prepared by Mr. George McPhillips. Thié is In dasiraHlo opportun {y to secure an ehgible business stand at a moderate price,â€" A credit of ï¬ve years will be given. HOLIDAY GIFTS HORNER’S PATENT SBLF-SHIITTINE GATE! NEW MILLINERY. ISHES to any to the Ladies of Rich- mond Hull and surrounding Country. that she has opened in the House forme oc- cupied b3 Mr. Verney. and has on hand a nice assortment of F rsl-class Which Ihe will sell u! small proï¬ts. it? All orders promptly attended lo. if? Family Sewing Machines kept for sale BUIL DING LOTS Richm and Hi Oct. 525,’66 7| \HIS usefulinvention is the most cuuvenient, MILLINERY AND MANTLES, 1 ‘he cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use. The Palentee is now prepared to sell TOWNSHIP -R|GHTS ! Applicants will please address their letters (pu'. pzid) to M. TEEFY, For tho use of his Patent Selï¬shuuing GaLe. The old hand in a New Stand. Richm “A Hill, September 16'; 1867. Worth Knowing .' A. HENDERSON, watt!) $5 @Iow maker AFTER an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the shop adjoining Mr. W. Pollock's residence. and opposite the shop of Mr. W H. Myers, where he will be happy to receive the patron- nge of his old friends. Richmond Hill.[Ju‘)‘ 25, 1867. STANDARD AUTHORS! Richmcnd Hill, Dec. 19, ’67. ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Nov.29‘ 1867. Richmond Hill. Dec. 15, 57, Large and Miscellaneous Stock Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1867. WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOBI‘ SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR HE Subscriber. ever mindful of the wants of the public. has just received a He has also received a heavy stock of COUNU STRAYED . Mrs. W. JENKINS Afflicted with Ring-bone, INCLUDING MANY OF THE 0F CAREFULLY SELECTED FOR SALE. OF FOR THE RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Age“; for Patenteu ROBERT HOPPER. ALTO 72-1y 4 , {lb-3m 49 1mg. 491 478 RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 1868. OTlCE is hereby given that all parties in- debted te the estate of the lhte ROBERT Grumpy. 3rd conceasion of Markham. are re- quested to pay the same to either of the under- signed previous to' the lst day of January next, and all parties having claims against the said Estate. are requested to lodge the same with the undersigned for sctt'ement. WILLIAM LAWSJN. E l PETER wxmmor'r. m“ "s" Markham, October 14, 1867, PHARMACIST. “ GLOBE†NEWSPAPER. URlNG the year 1868 very important Sessions willbe held of the Parliament ofOntario, and of the Dominion, and very in- teresting discussions will take place on sub- jects of the deepest interest to the Canadian people. The foundations of the New Gov- ernment have been laid, but the superstruc- ture will demand alltne care of the people,and the public journals will necessarily be called upon to discuss at length many questions, up- on the right. settlement of which the future welfare of the country \vi'l depend. PROCEEDINGS. and by editorial discussions it will strive to in- form the public of the progress of events. :and guide them to a right judgment on the points at issue. Early in the year l868. THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VERY CONSIDER- ABLY ENLARGED, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, ordered from Messrs Hoe & Co‘. 09' New York, capable of printing l0.000 impressions an hour. The outlay of this press about $l5.000 lN GOLD, has been rendered necessary hr the large and increas- ing circulation ol‘TH E GLOBE. It has been for some time impossible to supply in time for the morning mails the number of copies called for by the public. The increase of size is rendered necessary by the pressure of adver- tisements. which have already caused the pub- lication ofa large supplement twice a week. and which will be continued as may be found needful until the permanent enlargement takes place. At the Stain-e time as the enlargement, In allthe matters £vhich win he brought be- fore the Legislatures “ THE GLOBE†will take a deep interest. and both by FULL REPORTS OF‘ PARLIAMENTARY Parties having \Vheat to dispose of will ï¬nd it to lheir advantage to call at the Mulls, and by selling it there save xhe extra expeuce of going to the 'I‘bronlo market. 1? Dealers supplied at reasonable rates. JAMES WILKINSON. Early in the year GLOBE WILL BE ABLY ENLARGEP, Bnttouville. Sept, 19, 1867. First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 5c. First Bookâ€"2nd Part, 64 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 100 Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, *" 20:: Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 30c Fourth _ Book, 7 45 illustrations, strongly And as the entire Establishment has been lhoroughly renovated. as well as the services of Special attention will be paid to Custom work, and parttes from a distance may.el_v upon having their Grists home with them the same day. 0 .A. S H Authorized by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. bound in cloth boards, I 305 ' Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth’bo'ards, 40c Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 50c For Sale by Will he paid for Wheat. at ullseasons of the year IN BANKABLE FUNDS. 'II‘HE'PAPER WILL BE PRINTED ON NEW TYPE. Merchant and [IL-stem Work ! Secured. perfect satisfaction is guaranteed NOW‘ I THE", NEW flANADIA-N NATIONAL SERIES Early in me. year we shall commence the puhlicalinn of a NEW STORY BY VVILKIE COLLlNS, author ofthe ' Woman in White.’ of subscription will remain as heretofore. SIX DOLLARS per annum for the Daily edition TWO DOLLARS per ‘annum for the Weekiy edition. both payable strictlv in ad- vance. No paper sent out of the oï¬ice unti the money is paid. READING BOOKS. VENUS MILLS, Parties sending in their subscriptions now will receive either edition of Tm; GLOBE up to 3lst Decnmber, 1868, on payment of a year’s scbscriplion. CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE The Club rates for the coming year will be as follows :â€" SlX COPIES. one year. .... . . $10 00 TEN do do .. .. 15 00 TWENTY do do 30 00 And an extra copv of THE WEEKLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. THIRTY COPIES. one year. for. 42 00 and an extra copy of THE WEEKLY GLOBE tothe person who gets up the Club ofThirty. FIFTY COPIES. one year. for. . . . 65 00 and e copv of'l'nn DAILY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of ï¬fty. EIGHTY COPIES. one year, for. . 100 00 and a copy of THE Lulu Grooms to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Pavment must be always in advance. Ench paper is addressedrseparelely. and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce. When add'nioual mamas are ADDED ‘0 nny Club during the year, they must he sent to THE Gm“ Ofï¬ce by the person who made up the Club : and the money sent with such ad- ditional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription as the Club rate as will pay up to xhe axpiration ofthe Club. Richmond hill, Jan. 2, 18681 Executors Notlce. Toronto, Nov. 12, 1867. HE Subscriber, having purchased the above Hills, is now prepared to do R.H.HALL, First Class Millers DRUGGIST AND BUTTONVILLE. THE TERMS GEORGE BRQWN, ‘TH E ALEX. SCOTT. Publiaï¬er, I868 3rm Cain be procured, in, sums to suit borrowers. on Landod security, Terms made known on personal application to Notary Public. Agent. &c. N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills, Bonds. &c. &c. drawn with nentness and despatch.â€"- M. '1‘. continues to act as DIVISION COURT Am" 21‘. F655 modernte. Ill!) Undersigned is prepared to ï¬ll orders for the above articles in any number on the shortest notice. Agems will be appointed at all Stations on the Northern Railway. For particulars address JOHN LANGS’I‘AFF. {{iULmond Hill. Nov. 28. 1866. A VALUABLE PQRM IN THE TOWNSHIP 01' M EILLIVRAY, THE Undursigned is authorized to state ihat $20,00.03 AN eight horse power Steam Engine. Bor- ing Tools, Ropes. 6L0, belonging to the Markham Oil and Mining Company. For particulars apply. ifby letter poat paid Steam Mills, 'I'hm'nlull. Yongc Street. 'I‘homhill. Oct. 31, 1867. New. madeat Atkinson’s Foundry. Will be sold cheap for Cash, or approved credit, Buttonvilla, Nov. 7. 1867. Terms easy. title indisputable. For particu- lars apply to PATENT FAILS ! CAST METAL PLOUGH MONEY TO LEND 40 Acres of which are cleared, and mostly free from stumps, go od staked 2 nd ridered fences. also Log Barn. :1 House. and two Acres Land gn the thriving village of Park Hill. For particulars enquire of 90 of which are cleared, the Dwelling House Brick, with Barns. SLablcs. Sheds. Root Collar and other out Buildings complete. The land is good and in a high state of' cultivation. Also a good young Orchard. of choice fruit trees. there are two good Wells. alsoa never falling stream cf water runs across the Premises, which makes it the most valuable Farm in the Township. There is also a Post ofï¬ce. Churches and School House within one mile of the premises. Plough for Sale. This Farm is situated in a good neighbour- hOnd, 16 miles from the City of Toronto. 33 miles from Yonge Streei road. Richmond Hill. Nov. '7, 1867. Containing 100 Acres, The Patentee oï¬'ers inducements seldom ’o be met wixh. Requisite instructions for moan facturing are given. Personal application must be made to FARM FOR SALE ! JOHN HARRISON, Par-k Hill, or to SILAS J AMES, P.L.S., Toronto. 432 CONTAINING 100 ACRES, Patented‘Oct. 24, 1862, April 13, 1860. and Powell’s FORCE “PUMP .! b‘OR SALE one of the most valuubia Farms in the 'l‘ownship ofMARKHAM. Coun- ty of York. Lot No. 14. 3rd Concessxon. Dead heads need not apply. Newton Brook, July 30. 1867. Patent Rights for Sale S. M. Sanderson &. CaullmnsI No. 133 Yonge Street. have removed To No. 90 Yonge Street, 7 Doors north of King Street. The business at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON & Co. NOTICE! Farmer’s Boot a; shoe Store. PATENT Swing Pump .' S. M. SANDERSON 8L Co. Calf, Kip and Cowhide Boots, S. M. Sanderson & Co BOOTS 85 SHOES, 38 West Market Square. Toronto (1:? Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remunerating Prices. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1867. 4904f OULD lako this opportunity of thanking their Friends and Customers for the very llberal patronage bestowed on them for the'last (waive years, and would cordially so- licit a continuance of the aama at their New Stand N0. 90_YONGE STREET. To men of the right sort Address Buuonvilie Post Ofï¬ce. Buttonville. Jan. 16, 1868. HE subscriber offers for sale. a Superior Toron', toDecember 1867. EING Lot No. 15, in the 8th Concession, West of the Centre Road, OUN‘A‘IES or MDINGS of Powmus REMOVAL. JOHN BARRON. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FOR SALE, At No. 90 Yonge Street, Toronto. GREAT BARGAINS M. TEEFY, No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, ON LANDEI) SECURITY. Sap Buckets NEW DOMINION Patented June 28. 1857. FOR SALE, IMPORTANT WILLIAM ATKlNisiON, In Men's and Boy’s THOMAS THOMSON. ButtonviHe, P.O, ARE OFFERING C H ARLES POWELL ED SNNDERSON on. JOHN SA NDERSON. AND Newton Brook. 'P.O. Merchant. 486m, Flour,‘ Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! Tncluding Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards‘, Dressing Stands, Vlad: Stands, &c. &c. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and lionled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish 'l‘urpertine. Benzene,Glass, Putty, Glue, Ste. 81¢. Parties Furnishing, Pupering, or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also HARDWARE and. CROCKER'!’ Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1867. N returning thanks for the vety liberal suppmt he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increa- cd his Stock and has pow on hand a choice assortment of m ""1 11mm "Mun "'HI‘II “tmmu [H'ium‘i' I 1n u" "Mum "W: “I “w “11mm H um I“ I “i DRY GOODS! @flï¬ï¬‚flï¬iESg Richmond Hi1 Gabinet Estah ishment Where he‘keeps on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Commeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and For Cash, at PricesLthat cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill, November 9, 1866. 0f the best English, Scotch. and CanZdian Manufacture, which he will make to menu". at the lowest possible Cash Prices, and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to ï¬t, workmflb ship, and material. Also, READY MADE CLOTHING always on hand,m ‘Inspection Invited ! No. 134, KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TORONTQ.. Fire-proof Store, ~ Richmond Hill. TAILORNG DEPARTMENT! Patent Swing Pump The Leading Style in Canada Most Popular, MostjUseful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. SH '\WLS, MANTLES, & MILLINERY. HOSIERY, Teek Isi prize ai Previneiai Exhihiiien ’68, Km“ times when shewn Manufactory for York & Peel Counties & Toronto City Newton Brook, Yonge Street. f HE validity ofthe Patent, having been recently disputed by interested persons, f at'ter two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor has given Judgment fully sustaining the claims of C. Powell, and speaking highly of the Menn‘s OF THE PUMP. and with just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct of thejnfringer, ordering him to pay the costs of the suit, and forbidding him to make theaPumps. The Patentee feels. that the sense ofjustiae prevading the community generally will be sufï¬cient to prevent its giving countenance to spuw'vus imitators. whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ IS a fraud on the Publie.â€â€"b'w Judgment, Manufacturing Rights for Sale. 3 FANCY DRESS GOODS I Coatings, Vestings, and Trows-er’ings ! KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND WARM! HARNESS & SHOE BLACKENING A Fresh Lot ofAbums At Scott's Re, When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the Well or t ‘diern. Begs to announce to his friends and the public. that he is receivmg, daily, hil Tickihgs,iSheetings, Shirtings, Towellings, Table Linens†ESPECTFULLY intimates that he has 24mm to his general Dry Goods and: mm nel-y Department, a. TAILURING DEPARTMENT, under the management of W INTER STOC FURNITURE! OR. Softening, Preservin and rendering the Leather impervious to wet. For sale a. the Shores, Harness anï¬ Shoe Shops, everywhere manufactured at Richmond Hill THOS. COG-ELAN A nice assortment, good and cheap. 110 would also call attention to his 8L0. &.c. 8w. Sales made tor Cash or approved Credit. VVinceys, French Merinoes, Cobourgs, Silks, .A FIRST-CLASS 3. LET INFRINGERS BEWARE. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, T. V. ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF P. CROSBY, P. O. Address-CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook And is now showing '3. Large and Choice Assortment of THE CHEAPEST AND BEST SHIRTS AND‘ DRAWERS‘, WILLIAM MITCHELL [S ' POWELL-’5 I‘HE CHEAPEST AND BEST BY USING At Wm. MITGHELL’S. At Wm. MITCHELLTS..