* TRADE mist SIX GOLD MEDALS FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT HI'RATE Plated and TABLE CUTLERY,__ SPOONS, &C. LAMP ï¬LflBï¬S, BURNBRS, ~§§I_1%£I_VEY5, SHAE’ES AND WIGKS. Mâ€" The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"â€"Lhus meeting the req Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock: inspection. Toronto, Febuaxjy, 18ï¬7. Square and Globe shapes, Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, B Grain Measures, Apple Boots 8: Shoes Cheap BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BtNLULn. ac. Children’s Carriages and. Perambulators! . 1 x171_J,m,.1,‘ MAJ TIM-n†.S. M. Sanderson 65' Co. Mulch 1;!" 1853. ' Bracken, Mrs Joseph Basiuglwaito, W. Baird. Dr. H A. ,Brown. John (3) Bigger. John H. Bernard, J. G “Couher. Miss M. A. Cal-man, George Campbell. John Cooper, W. Clary. W, -*Cosgrove, '8. Campbell. Hugh Clarke, Mehndd Doner, Emannal Fogarly, 'l'imothy Ginn. John -Gorman. Jane Grant. George Hardy, W. Hulchins. John Hafï¬e. Hislop. Homer, Hodgso Lincy. Naughu Osler, ( Slack, J Simpsm Slam‘. Snell. .1 Stevilso SilllpSO‘ Simpso Slu ll, . Snider. Simps‘m Souluu, Walton Wither "Remaining in Ehp Righmoud H-iH Post Ofï¬ce M. Sanderson & Co. store (“AME into the Premises of the Subscri- / ber, Lot 25. 3rd Con. Markham, (Vic- toria Square), TWO SHEEP. The. owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take Ihem awav. JAS. STOUTENBURG. Markham, Feb. 26, 1868. Wonge Street. Are Muanactnring all the Newest Styleso 3,911'3. VVoalen'u and Chiidren’s. Boots do $11005 No. 90 Yonge.st. Toronto, EGS to call the attention of the public FURNISHING GOODS, among which Repairs of 1'0. 90 Yonge Street. THE INDIA gAND CHINA TEA COMPANY Ts m TOR'BNib HUGH MILLER s: 00., Medical Hall, 167, King Street, East. feed and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, Also on hand a large stock of S. M. SANDERSON & Co. ILL thnronghlv warrant every pair of BOOTS made by them at their new LAMPS A’ND CHANDVEJJIEBS! No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, ‘ TORONTO. List of Letter: At their New Store. UN PARALLELED SUCCESS ! At their New Store-â€" ASTRAY. 591's. AND $1MPER LB. PAINTS BILS PM BYESTHIFFS !‘ in; SOLD CHEAP; “nun...†muggy, , r DESTROYER,†for 51156;). It destroys “)6 licksâ€"â€" cleanses the skinâ€"promoms the growth of the woolâ€"and imprcves the cond'uion of [he animnl Sold in bums, at 300.. 70c., and $1. A 350. box will dean 21) sheep. M anufactured and imported, Have received a large Stock of the almve articles direct from the I\1nnl}ufn‘clurors in Great Britain, which will Hive boon awarded!“ the Gi'eat Exposition at P SHEEP! SEVEEEP 1! To‘ronto, Feb Ar-o selling [13" Observe the T ARMERS SHOULD>USE “MILLER’S TICK M: TEEFY. RM . Whiéh will be found both good and cheap. Vida “ The Grocer†24th of August, 18 )7. Hafï¬e. Maggie Hisiop. Thos (‘2) Homer. Daniel Hodgson. James Lincy. John Naughtou.. Michael Oswr, Catherine Slack, Ellen (2) Simpson. James Slam‘. W Snell. Jonnihan Stevilson, James Simpson. George Simpson, Mrs. G. SIM ll, John Snider. John Simps‘on. Mr. Souluu, George (4) Walton Sarah Withvrford, E, all kinds promptly executed. Either Black, Green or Mixed. in great vanety, for Oil or Candles. Speclalattemluu is directed to tllqstock of HUGH IMILLER & CO. Special attention is, directed to ‘. 13,1888 LAN'I‘ERNS Toronto Trade Mark on each Package. 3f the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE among which will be found ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &c. HOUSE .7 â€" Box vaes, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes >16 Parcrs, Clothes \Vringers, Lc. &c. ambracmg all that is New and Chaste and also thus meeting the requirements of all classes. HUGH MILLER 6L CO., 167 King St. E. 'l‘qrono. Round Cedar Posts! No. 618 & 620 Yonge Street, 1’. A. SCOTT. At the Lumber Yard NB. Parties having such to dispose of will pleme call or write. stating price and quality In Yorlu’iHe P. 0 Toronto. Dec’émber 16, 1867. 499--3m WILLIAM COX, 2nd door north of Barnard’s' store. I7EEPS always on hand (be best of Beef. X Mutton. Lamb. Veal,l’ork. Sausages. 131.0. and sells at the lowefl prices. The higheét market. price given for Cattle. Sheep. lmmbs. 5m. n...n.n‘u 1 iAud he wishes to inform the Publicthat he has I provided a new and very A].~o.-C0rned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond Hill, Octuher 15, 1867. Ly January 24, 1868. MARRIAGE LICENSES JOSEPH LUN D Carriage and Waggon Maker! AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH ! UNDERTAKING' BUSINESS I HANDSOME HEARSE ! Im,the Dahra Dhonn, and on the Slopes pouuFl arn‘d‘ upwards. and in air-Light Can- Wlï¬ch he can furuiah‘ with single or double Team of Mamlled Black Horses. White and Black Plumes. Scarfs. Gloves. Halbands and a! ether mourning reguired. on the Short;th No- tice, and at the LOWGSL Rules. ' VVA N T E l). LUMBER, LATHS, SHINELES, Wholesale and Retail. AND Coroner for the County bf York, RICHMOND HILL. Vaughan, Jun. 2", ’68. EGS to announce 10 the public, that he has added to the above branches the RICHMOND HILL, DAVID BRIDGFORD, Successor to James Hollidny, :, as it will be found worthy of BUTCHER. iris for ISSUE“. OF AND JOSEPH LUND‘ f:- 0. Address. Teston. 493 479 NEW MILLINERY. Mra. W. JENKINS ‘ VISHES .10 say to the Ladies of Rich ni'oï¬d Hlll and surroundng Country, [hat sh: illusiméned in the House 'l'm'mly oc- cupied bJ Mr. Verney. and has on hand: nice assortment. of F 1'st-class MILLINERY AND MANTLES, BOY’S KNICKERBROKERS SUITS Which she will sell at small proï¬ts. “'3’ AH orders promptly attended to. {F Family Sewing Machines kept for sale. BUILDING LOTS BElNG the front purl of Lot No. 46. in the 3st concession of Vaughn“. immediately opposite the resilience of Dr. Duncnml). in the Village of Richmond Hill, as laid off in a Plan prepared by Mr. George McPhillips. This is a desirable opporlun 1y to secure an eligible business stand at a moderate price.â€" A cgedit of ï¬ve years will be given. For Plan and other parttculars enquire of the subscriber J. R. ARNOLD, Richmond Hill, July 3. 1867. IV THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION : Books & Fancy Goods HOLIDAY GEE‘TS In various styles of Bmdings. Ehristmas 8: New Years’ Presents BIBLES, TES'I‘A NEENTS ! ' HYMN d» PEA YER BOOKS, Pocket. Books, Purses, 840, PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY ALEX. SCOTT.- Albums from 25 Cents to $6 Toys of Various.Kinds, FISHER & BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ESHMENCE, Lot No. l4. 2nd Con Vaughan Past Ofï¬ce Adm-ass (Iarville All orders 1qu at the " York Herald" oflice. Richmond Hill, or at the l’,(). Maple. will be amended lo. Vaughan, Oct. 10, 1867. I-}' ROM the premises of the Subscriber, on Richmond Hill, on the llllli “ISL TlVO SH_EEl’, with a piece cut of? their left yars. Any p rson giving information as to their whereabouts to the underrigued will be suitably rewarded RICHMOND HILL HOTEIâ€"I ! BY JOHN PALMER. r “E best of Wines, Liquors. and Cigars kept constantlyun hand. Everyaccomo dation for travellers. 1L?’ Stages leave this hotel every morning and evening contracting with Northern Ruil- way trains movng North and Somh. A careful hosllor always in attendance. _ Richmond Hill, Dec. 15, 57, 4911'le- H 1‘ I‘ll STANDARD AUTHORS! Richmond Hill, Dec. 5.1867. 499-3m That he has successfufly treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. This trealment does not neco-situte their being laid aside only For a few davs. Quite a number ofreforence given if requirâ€" ed ol'persous whose horses have beau cured b\' My charge is $1 50 if unid when operated on. ifuot $3 00 will ha charged to ensure a scare. Residence rear oflot 25. ‘2nd Con. Vaughan. JA M ES DU N TON, m e n Large and Miscellaneous Stock RichmondHi Oct. 25,’66 HORNER’S PATENT SELF-ï¬ï¬HTTliï¬g WE! V VHIS usefuliuvemiou is the most convenir‘nt, the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use. The Pnteutee is now prepared to sell TQWNSHBP RIGHTS ! For the use of his Patent Self-shutting Gale Ayylibnnts will please nddresstheir letters (pus! mid) to M. TEEFY,» W/orth [(11071)ng J Richmond Hill, Nov.29‘ 1867. Richm Md HEN, Saptemher [6. 1867. WHERE TI) PROCURE THE MOST SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR The old hand in a New Stand: Richmcnd Hill, Dec. 19, ’67. HE Subwriber, over mindful of the wants of the public, has just received a all the different styles of Binding A. HENDERSON, Watt?) 3: @Iotk maï¬a: FTER an absmme of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to Richmond Hi“, and that he has leased the rhop adjoining Mr. W. Pollock’s residence. and opposito the shop of Mr W H. Mvors, where he will be happy to receive the patron- age ol'his old friends. Richmond Hill.;)u'y 25, 1867. He has also received a' heavy stock of COUNTY OF YORK. 5m, Oct. 10, 1867. $TRAYED. NDNHRABLY ADAPTED FOR 0F CAREFULLY SELECTILD INCLUDING MANY OF THE FOR SALE. FOR THE ALTO ROBERT HOPPER. RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patentee 491 478 NO W 1 THEâ€"17m“; UANABIAN NATIBNAL SERIES Authorized by the Council of Public IE1- struction for Ontario. First Book, with 31 illustrations, strgngly L‘ll'sb Duun, vvuu u; xuuuuwu ...., _..\...°_J bound in limp cloth, 50. First Bookâ€"2nd Part, 54 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 10b Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 1 200 Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 30c Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth b nrds, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illu trations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 50c For Sale by . v nxr nnnmm READING BOOKS VENUS MILLS, ’ HE Subecriher, having purchased the above \liils, is now prepared to do Merchani and Custom Wnrk ! And as the enï¬re Establishment has been thoroughly renovated, as well as 1h 0 services of \‘ecured. perfect satisfaction is guaranteed Special atlenfinu will be paid to Custom worky and parltesfrOm a distance may.er upon having {heir Grists home with them the same day. 0 A. ï¬ H Parties having Wheat to dispose of will ï¬nd it to their advantage to can at the Mills, and by selling it there save the extra expence of going lo the Toronto market. 5’ Dealers suppiied at reasonablo rates. OTICE IS hereby given that all parties in- dehwd to the estate of the lhta Romain" (TIHINUY_ 3rd concession of Markham. are re- quested w [my the same to either of the under- signed previous to the lsL day of January next, 3114 a“ parties having claims against the said Estate. are requested to lodge the same with the undersigned f'n’r scu‘enwnt, WILMAM LAWS IN. E PETER WILLVH) my; xecu‘m‘ Markham, October 14, L567. 3m) Wih‘ he paid for Wheat at ailsonsons of the \ear IN BANKABLE FUNDS. JAMES WILKINSON. Buttouville. Sept. 19. 1867. 0 PHARMACEST. 7 MOHMQNJ) HILL. Richmond HilKJan. 31, 1863?. 1868‘ THE 1868 “ GLOBE†NEWSPAPER. PROCEEDINGS. and by editorial discussions it will strive to in- furin the public of the prngress of events. ï¬lm! guide lliom 10 a rightjudgment on the points at issue. ‘ Earlv iii the yenr 1868. THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VERY CONSIDER- AllliY ENLARGED, and will be primed on a Rotary l..iglikning Press, m'dn'ed from Messrs Hoe & C0.. 0‘ New Ym‘k, capable of printing “LOUD impressions an lmnr. 'l‘he outlay of [him press about $150M) 1N GOLD, has been rendered necovsary bv ille large and increas- ing ciiculaiion oI'TH F. GLOBE. It has been (or some time impussihle to supply in time for the morning mails Llin number of copies Called for by the public. 'l‘lm increase of size is rendered necessary by the pre~sure of adver- tisements. which have already caused the pub- Iicatiou of a large su >plement mice a week. FULL REI’ORT§ 911* ARLIA MENTA RY and wluch will he continucd as may he found lmedl‘ul umil the psrmans-m Pulargemam takes place, A! the same time as the enlargement. THE “pm WILL BE PRINTED 0N .. y- ~_~~ ..J ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Jan. 2, 1868, NEW TYPE. Earlyiin Vibe. year we shall commance the pulvlicalinn of a NEW STORY BY \VIIIKlE COLLINS. author 0ftle ' Woman in White.’ of subsm’iption will remain as haretofore. SIX DOLLARS perannum for the Daily eflilinn TWO HUIJLAI‘LS per annum for the Weekly edition. both payable stricth‘ in ad- vance. Nu paper sent out of the ofï¬ce umi the money is paid. 1 Parties sending in their subscriptions now will receive enher edition of Tar; GLOBE up to 31st Dr'camber, 1868, on payment of a year’s schsuriplion. CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE The Club mus 'or Hm coming year will be as follows :â€" SlX COPIES, one year .... .. $19 09 TEN do do . , . 15 00 TWEWI‘Y do do .....u.. 30 U0 And an extra cnpv of THE WEEKLY (how to the person who gets up the Ciub of Twenty_ THIRTY COPIES-one \‘ear. for. 4Q 00 and an extra ropv of THE WEEKLY GL0)“: tolho person who gets up the Club ofThirly. FIFTY COPIES. one year. for. . , . 65 ()0 and u copv of'l'm; DAlLY GLOBE to the person who guts up (he Club of Fifty. EIGHTY COPIES. one year, for. . 100 00 and u cnpy of THE DAILY Glzogcyto the per- person who guts up (he Club of Fifty. EIGHTY COPIES. one year, for. . 100 00 and a cnpy of THE DAILY Gllom: to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighiy. Payment must be always in advanca, Each paper is addressed separaiely. and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce. When addhioual names are ADDED to any Club during Ihe yam, they must l‘e sent to Tm: szxa Ofï¬ce bv the person who made up the Club: and the monev sent with such ad- ditional names must be such a proportion of 5113 year’s subscripï¬ml-as the Club rate as will pa} up to the oxpiraliun of the Chlb. Executors Notlce. R.H.HALL, Toronlo, Nov. 12. 1867. First Class Millers BUTTONVILLE DRUGGIST AND THE TERMS GEORGE BRQWN, Publiaï¬er, 35 Patent Rights for Sale NOTICE! Patented<0ct. 24, Powell’s FORCE “PUMP ! The Pntentee offers inducements seidom 'e be metwilh. Requisile inslructions for mouu' facturing ara given. Personal application must, be made to PATENT Swing Pump .' Dead heads need not apply. Newton Brook, July 30. 1867. FARM FOR SALE ! k‘OR SALE one bf the most vnlunbie Farms in the Township ofMAllKHAM. Cunn- ty of" York, Lot No. 14. 3rd Concesswn. CONTAINING 100 ACRES, 9|) of which are cleared, xho Dwelling House BrickY with Barns, biabias. Sheds, Rout Cellul- and other out Builr’ings complete. The land is good and in a high state oi'cuitivulinn. Also a good young Orchard. of chnice lI'uiL trees, th re are two good \Neils. alsod never failing strum] cf waiter runs across the Premises, while makes ital‘e most vulunbie Farm in the Township. There is also a Post ofï¬ce, Cnnrchesand School House within one miie ol‘ the pi'erinses. 'l‘erms easy. title indisputable. For particuâ€" lars apply to "n m.‘wnnnmnn , , This Farm is situated in a good neighbour- hond, 16 miles from the Citv of Toronto. 3% miles from Yonge Street road. PATENT PAELS Z " HE Undersigned is prepared to fill orders for the above m-liclus in any number on the shortest nche. Agoms will be appointed at all Stations on the Northern Railway. For particulars addrgss JOHN LANGS I'AFF. Steam Mills, 'l'lwrn/ull. Yongo Strcut. Thornhill. Oct. 31, 1867 ‘MONEY T0 LEND Plough for Sale. flew. made at Atkinson’s Foundry. “'1†be sold cheap for Cash, or approved credit. W1 LLIAM ATKINSON, CAST ; METAL afPLOUGH _" i7 . I r Can be procured, m sums to sun borrowers. on Landed security" Terms made known on pel‘SunuI application (0 $ 2 0 7 O N.B.- Deeds, Mortgages. Wins. Bonds. &c, 5L0. drawn with nenmess and' despatch.â€"â€" M. ’1‘. continues to act as DIVIsmN COURT Aer 7T. Fees moderate. Kimmond Hill. Nov. 28, 1866. Richmond Hill, Nov, 7, 1867. to Palented June ‘28. 1867. To men. of the right 302' AN oigfxthorsc power Sleam Engine. Bor- ing Tools. Ropes. $10., balonging to the Markham Oil and Mining Company. For particular? apply. ifby letter p05! paid FOR SALE, A VARIABLE PQBM IN THE Tï¬WNSHIP I]? M EILLIVRAY, Butlonvine, Nov. 7, 1867 40 Acres of Whith me drained, and mostly free from stvvmps, gOod slaked= nd ridered fences. also ling Barn. :1 House. and two Acres Land [11 the thriving village of Park Hill. Containing 100 Acres, F or particulars enquire of JOHN HARRISON, Park Hill, or to SILAS J .\MES. P.L.S., Turomo. 4‘32 7 Doors north of King Street. The business at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON 8t Co. S. M. Sundarson «Sb Caulkons, No Street, have removed Address Butlonville l‘osl Olï¬ce. Bullonville, Jan. 16, 1368‘ To No. ‘30 Yonge Street, OUN'A'IES or RIDINGS of PowuLL's 38 West Markex Square. Toronto [13’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of tha Best Materials and Worlcmunship, at the Lowest Remunerating Prices. Toronto, Duo 3, 1867. 4904f Calf, Rip and Cowhide Baots, BOQTS r35 SHOES, S. M. SANDERSON 8L Co. S. M. Sanderson & Go, \I 7OULD tnko this opportunity of thanking their Friends and Customers, for the very llberal palronaga bestowed on them For the last twelve years, and wnu‘d cordiallv so- licit a continuance of the same at their. New Stand N0. 90 YONGE STREET. HE subscriber oï¬'ers for sale. a Super‘or HE Undursigned is authorized to state that m’mcr’s Boot & shoe Store. EING Lo‘ N0. 15, in the 8m Concession, West of this Cenn'e Road . Ton-on, toDecember 1867. REMOVAL. JOHN BARRON. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FOR SALE, M. TEEFY, At No. 90 Yonge Street, Toronto. GREAT BARGAINS 0N LAN DED SECU lu’I‘Y. No, 90 Yonge-Street, Toronto, NEW DOMINION lMPORTANT Sap Buckets THOMAS THOMSON. Buttonville, P.O In Men's and Boy's CHARLES POWELL, ’ NewtunBruok. P.O. El) S ‘\NI)ERSON on JOHN SA \J DERSON . 18b2, April 13, 1860, and ARE OFFERIN Notary Fublic, Agent. 6m Merchant. 133 Yongo 486-4t FMMY DRESS 900113 If SB ’WVLS, MANTLES, & MILLINERY. ROSIERY, ’ mummmc’" SEPAWMENT x: 0f the he'st English, Scotch. and Caligdian Manufacture, which he M at the lowest possible‘Cash Prices. and guarantee perfect satisfaction ship, and material. Also, READY MADE. CLOTHING always on 1 !A_ ‘1' 51111), uuu Inalcuzu. 1mm), ANIMALUJ. L'LAAA/u VHV -._ - Inspection Invited; No. 134, KING STREET EAST, OPPOSITE THE MAR ï¬rï¬oof stare; Richmond Hill. ' ' v ’ V. . .° I Con/Mugs, Vestmgs, and 1 mosmmgs . ":11 Wmlu. 6n mun-“II 8L0. &c. 8L0. Sales made tor Cash or approved Credit. Richmond 11111, Oct. 4,1867. 1N returning thanks for the very liberal suppoit he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly imrcfl‘ ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of Including Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dresï¬ing Stands, Wash Stands, 3L0. &.c. Also a large agsqrtlngnt of Room Paper, Bordering, \Vhite Led I mu '1. t \nunua, u“.- “A... AAqu u .u. V m. Paints and Colors, Raw and J'Sonled Linseedâ€"0114;"Machine on, Rea; on, Viz-high 'l‘urpertine, Benzene,Glass, Putty, Glue, 8w. &c. Parties Furnishing, Paper-in", or Painting their Houses, will do we†to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also HARDWARE and CROCKER'!‘ Flour, Feed, 'Provision and Grocery Stpre : Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shm'ts‘ Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and ‘wuumu “mum “mm “mm “mum “WM mm “mm mm WW “W hummll For Cash, at Pricesflhat cannot be surpassed. Richmoad Hill, November 9, 1866. Richmond Eil Gabinet Establishment The Emailing Style in Canada Patent 8ng Pump Most Popular, Mosï¬Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. inuk isi prize ai Provincial Exiiibiiinn ’68, &ail times when shown |'( HE validity of the Patent, having been recently disputed by interested person, utter two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor in given Judgment lul'y sustaining the claims of C. Powell, and speaking highly of the MERI'I‘S OF THE PUMP, and Will] just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct at thu‘lnfriuuer, ordering him to pay the costs at the suit, and Forbitlding him to make the Pumps. 'l‘he Patentee feels, that the sense ol‘justise premding the community generally will be suflir'ient to prevent its giving countenance tovspu'v'ius imitators. whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ IS a fraud on the Public.â€â€"â€"-bâ€(' Judgmmt. Manufactory for York 8; Peel Counties & Toronto C“! Newton Brook, Yongc Street. A Fresh Lot 0f Alums At Scott’s. Tickings, Begs tn announbe to his friends and ESPECTFULLY intimates that he has nery Department, a TAILURING DE @TOO m; When ordering Pumps, p‘Iease state tho Depth of the Well or \ 'itoi'l. P. O. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newo 11 BIO! FURNITERE! THOS. COG OR Softening. Preserving and rendering the Leather khe Stores, Harness and Shoe Shops, everywhere I] “‘inccys, French Mel-111065, Cobain-gs, Silk , ARN'ESS & SHOE BLACKENING AFIQSTâ€"CLAss CUTTER. nxmmcnm n 1.5mm mu! Choice Assortment; of CROCKERY, HARDWARE, nice assortment, good and cheap. LET INFRINGERS BEWARE. Manufacturing Rights for Sale. g; And is now showing a Sheetings, Shirtingé, Tow-ellings, Table Linens, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST SHIRTS _AND DRAVVERS, At Wm. 10 . CROS Y, ELLS’ SUPERIOR WATERPROOF WILLIAM MITCHELL [‘HE CHEAPEST AND BEST [S ' POWELL Large and Choice Assortment BY USING the public‘ that he is receivmg, daily, Lit. lS added to his general Dry Goods and'MilIii~ >EPARTMENT, under the manageme ut‘of 0F r; the Leather impervious to wet. For sale . everywhere manufactured at Richmond Hill Ho wuuld also call attention to hil At Wm. MITCHELL’S.:I ‘E THE MARKET TORONTOL . MITCHELL’S. will make to measurt )n as {.0 ï¬t, workman»- hand. 23