Family 85 Church Bibles Purses, étc. 8L0. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT SCO’I‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. E Half Lot 29, 3rd Con. Van :han, 86 Acres E Part do 31, do do 80 do ‘3 Half do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do E Half do 34, 3rd Con. do 100 do ‘3 Half do 35, do do 100 do Vaughan, April 17. 166 7. ' Sit} Seymour Fitzgerald, Governor of Bombay, is very ill, the climate havinz roved too much for him. and he le come We as soon as he his able. Th9 Express says T‘hatit has good authority for mating that Lord Mayo is to be £116 next Governor- General /of India. An lri‘teresting Observation.-â€"A hanker's clerk wishes us to put in a good word fur the opeuimr at ten o‘clock movement. He remarks With train. that any (me whim! business has taken him to the Bank of EM. land on "dividend‘day," must have noted how carefully bankers‘ clerks study lhe “in- terest" of the public. Day Books, AT SCOT'I"S, RICHMCND [-IILL. S(l10()l. BO( )KS! A Novel article was oï¬â€˜ered in pawn last week in Bel'mondgeyâ€"neither more nor less than 3 baht ['8 mother shared her room With. another woman. who in her ab‘ sence ’came home intoxicated, rolled up the bed on which the child lay sleenfn 5, and trudzed 03' with it down Spa. Road to the pawnbroker’s, on whose counter the infant- rolled outâ€"not quite dead, but nearly. HE undersigned having purchased the Right: for (he Countv of York. is now offering fur sale in this (-ounlv INDIVIDUAL RIGH [‘8 Joel Williams, cm 101' Bichmond Hill. Ag David llill, Corner of King & Yonge Streets TORONTO. November 9. 1966 THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. HE undersignvd having purchan-d the Right: for (he Countv of York. is now It is a singular fact that a woman cannnt look from a. precipice of any maruitude withnut becoming dizzy. But what is still more siugular. the dizziness departs the very moment somebody puts his arm around her waist to ket p her from fallingâ€"Queer is‘nt it. Why do you not hold up your head as I do ? enquired an aristocratic lawyer of a labouring farmer. Squire, replied {he farm er look at that ï¬eld I f grain. All the valuable heads hang down like mine, while those that have nothing in them stand up- right like yours. MONEY TO LOAN I’m sorry, Mr. Wilson, to see this splen- did ï¬eld of potatoes so ueriously disceased said a sympathising inspector. Ah, well it’s a great. pity, rephed the farmer, but there’s a comfortâ€"Jock Tumson’s 18 not a bit, bet ter. r. m The famine in Algeria continues, and even svems to worsen m such an extent that Marshal McMahon. the GoveT-nor has cross ed to France to “demand urgently†the sum of £40,000 in aid of 'he destitute. W’aggtm Brake The General Gran] sailed from Melbourne to London in May, 1866, and was wrecked in the neighbourhood of the Auckland Isr lands and only thirteen passengas out of 100 pelsons on board were saved. It is a safe rule to wet your wrists before drinking cold water, if you are at all healed. The effect is grateful, and the d nqer of fa- tal results may be wardeu‘ off by this simple precaution, An old lady, when she heard her minister say there would be a have in the new church, observed-that she knew well who the party was to whum he apphed such an approb- I'ious epithet. We have heard ofesking for bread and receiving a stone; but a gentleman may be considered as worse treated when he asks Pr 9. lady's hand and receives her father's 00f. An old bachelor says that during leap year_ the ladies jumpat every offer of mar- riageâ€"hence the term. Did “herrings†originally come from Erin’s Isle ? and if so, could they by any chance have been the ï¬rst “ï¬lmy ’uus." The riots at Tolouse on March 10th and 11th were very serious. Tranquility was soon restored. The Hellenic Independence states that the number of Cretans who have taken refuge in Greece is 70.000. Typhus fever of an aggravated characte- has recently broken out in Tunis in conse quence of the famine. H. W. DIMON’S The Pope, according to a letter dated the 91h inst. had lately been seized with sev- eral epileptic ï¬ts. Is it right to describe a man who is pelted with rotten eggs as “bowing his he ad to the yoke.†FARMS FOR SAL . On Improved Real Estate, "P-Y to Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN- Koummm & WARMOLL. Barrzslers. Am. Sfth Journals and Ledgers, :1†sizes. ‘ Pass Books, Pocket Books, Wallets, Patented April 10, 1867. N EVERY VA RIETY. AT'LOW PRICES, Agent fol" 'I’hornhili. Apply to ï¬ligrrllnnenum T’? RIF‘I' MO" W HTLL SELF'ACTl-‘JG IL M, \HSENER JAMES McGEE The Stavens House has liberal accomoda- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it 18 well furnish- ed and possessefl evory mudel‘u‘ improve- ment for Ihe comfort and emmtainment x-f ils inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilmed â€"provided with gas and wat- ter-the attendance is prompt and resiseclful â€"and the table is generously prov (led with every delicacy of the seasuuâ€"ut model-ate "ates. A Ctergunan. while residing in South Arm mica as a missimwn. (ii now-red a safe and sllllple remudvï¬ir the Cum of Nervous Wank- ness. Emrh Danny. Uisenms ol' the Urinary and Viminal Organs, and the vhole [rain of diso dsrs brought on by huneful and viI-ious Imoixr. “real numhers have Inwn cured Iw this noble renmd)‘, Promple h\' a desire 01 hemï¬lt :- afï¬rmed and nnfnrlunnts, I wil send the I‘Pltipn l‘ur prennring and Ming this nu-dm'nw. "m n «mic-d envPEnpe. to any 01 who nerds II. Heenfl‘hurgu. Please enclose an ouvelbpe uddrossedom youraot ON THE EUR'JPEAN PLAN. ’ 'HE Stevens House is well and widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close proximity tu thv business part of the cityâ€"is on the highway of Suu‘hern and Western travelâ€" and adjacent to all the pri cipal Railroads and Steamboat depots. ‘ 21, 23, 25 Sc 27 Broadway. N. Y ‘=RU\'I 5010 IUll Cords or Green and Dry 1 Beech and anle.(o he delivs’ed ill Tm- mtu daring Um wmler. Appiy at the Hmald Ofï¬u'e. Richmond Hill. 69 R. 7' RUSH & (30‘, Canada Manufactur- M‘s. H King Street E'st. 'l'orumo. V, W Home Uflicas in in Grant “mail. and Canada. London. England. Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. _ P. S.â€" Good agents wanted in everv part 0 the coner In whom will paid a salary from $50 [0 $150 per month, or a large (:mnmissiun Terms to agents sen. l'ree to those wishing agencies. BIBLE S0CIETV DEPOSITORY SUOT'I":5 BOOK STORF. 2mm. Single Machines, whh fuII primed drerliuns. Bnnt express free on l'écuip'l nfï¬klï¬ in a regislared leiler. Full printed d‘ruclinllh‘ avcomlmnv each xnnchine.m plain [In] a child iwelw- warn of age can learn lu wurk nne successfully in a slum lime. AddIeSs nr call on The Granite State Sewing Machme Company, I‘HF. GRLVITE S'I'A'I‘E Pmml)’ Sewing Machine i.-' no"! presented to Illa people (mmdn possessing all Hie improw-n enls that ran he well conï¬le in a sawiugmachlne‘ l will m-vumplis‘u evnrv de-cdplinn ul'sewmg ï¬xt'rp! l‘nllnn hole». from an uvercoal down to the ï¬nest silks and» muslins 'I'his machin «All.» for onh $15, and is rea'lv wovth $51. in anyl‘mnllr. Every machine warranted and Imp; ily I'epnu'l‘ree of charge for lhrml ye rs - M‘lmnchinew sold in (‘al'adu are nmnuluclure m the co-npnny's branch manufacl in TOI- $150 PE R MONTH W‘ood Wante d. uhiug Irmu Ilnpurln‘ of lhe hlm d. «mum .IH. Explammry circular, 0110 I realism: all diseases 2h cents. A'PSCO'1"I"S RICHMOND HILL W“. R PRINCE, Flushing, New York, for OS“ wars propnmor of Ihe Linnaenn Nur- ,erm.. hnpmsm-vwen Pusl'nw: cunts fur the above, and lur all lnheliledand Chrome Dis. eases, IMhpl-‘psla Nervuus nobility. Run-n- munsm. all Fnumle Maladies, and ("hers 1'8- l’holo graphs for SUcts doz. uF LNGLISH NUTABLES, Plain & ‘allcy Stationery (NATARRH . Bronchitis Scroï¬lla. Liver and I Kidney Diseases, Nulnre’s Remedials from Plants. \ G EN'I‘S \V A 311‘ El). " 0 BE SOLD uu reasonable terms, the fa.- luwmg :rupen: :â€" Purtut’lml No 3-). on 2nd Con. Vaughan. columnng 61: uch' ; also. ALB UMS Fro.“ 30 cm, to $6. ‘\'I‘ SCO'I‘F’S RICHMOND HILL. Village Property A; Richmond Hill. Will consult their own interest by examining hi» Stank bulhre buying ’1: 'l'urmxo. Stovn Pipes supplied at the Lowest prlces. Richmond Hill, Oct. 4. 1867‘ 6 In \‘tove Depot on Richmond Hill ()ne door eomh of Mr Barua'd’s slnre. and lhfln. ha is prepared to sell at the manufactuwrs prices. Farmers and others requiring Cooking or Box Stoves L‘. .ml V7’“0h 3rd ISGG Richmond um. mu. I. M56 HAMILTON STUVE DEPOT ! Wlill Holder & Knife, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL Propelling & Hepalling Pencil, “Junund Hill lRï¬5 For pnruuulurs apply In the pruprivlor. 462 STEVENS HOUSE, A Card to Invalids. EGS to inform his frie .ds IB‘IhB County of ‘ York that he has opened a JAMES STEWART LAND FOR SALE. Jill/Inn. Opposite Bowling Green. JUSEPH T. IDTMAN, bTATION Db. Bum; Housm. ' Nzw- Yorkcizy. IN AVE“ Y \'A|1[E'I'Y, GEO. K. CHASE 6; CO. A. WRIGHT. Proprietors. hlm d. hllllel'lu 4444‘. slnrmp 58-4 by lAurnra . . . . . . . . ......... lslofeachmonth. 4 Newmaka B'Blsford holel 2nd " " Smuï¬villo . . . . ‘ . . . ...... ldlh " †Vic‘oria Squaw...“ .... 20th " “ Thu:nhil-.... .... ......23rd ‘! ‘- Ricllmund Hill ... . . . . . . . 94th " “ Map'o...................96th " H Burwick ... . . . . . ..."..Qï¬lh “ " ‘Kluinlmrg.......... ....29lh " " 'Nohleton................3Mh " -‘ Where he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of hi! profession. *Aomra, June 7 ,1865. _ .f lm. Prch will he in the following places prapared 1e nxtruct tunlh v ilh his new appurnv rm. All olhar nphrulions in Denistry perform- ed in a wwkmaulikc manner :â€" EXIHACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! Bv the use of E'HiEK SPRAY. which affects the Tooth only The tooth and gum sm‘nunding bucnmp ins: nsiluln with Ihis external agency, when lhe mull: can he lelacled with no pain, and wilhnul endangering the life as[i11 the use of Chlurofornn. Richmond Hill, P.O. Olnurio, November lsL 1‘67. HE Advertiser ofl'ers for Sale. or to Ex- change for a large f'arm,or to Rent on lease from me ï¬rst day of April next. his Farm on Yonge Street Also his Dwelling House with l'nnr acres ofland attached Apply to b EAR CHURCH STREET, S praparad to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth. or relieve sufleviug and supply new teeth in [ha mus! npprovedstyle. Alxo to regu- latn the tenth of these who need it. (Yonsnhnlinn free. and all work warranted. June, 1865. 21.y DENTISTRY. W. G C. calls at all the Storas‘between 'l‘oronte and Kinhmond Hi†even-v two weeks. and snpplius Confecnonary of all'kinds at the Lowesl Whulesalu prices. (if? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ngwood. Sept. [1). 1567. 4 DR. N. J .PECK’S, CONFECTIUNARY I w. c. ADAMS, D. D. MONUHEN’I‘S, HEADSTONES ! 610. &c. &c. Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- fur purchasing elsewhere. as 3011 will ï¬nd it to your muser m Masonic aud other Emblems made to order. ’ l‘uronlo,Aunl 27,1866. 47. W . G. CASTELL Toronto, July 20, 1565. w A 'I‘UH 15S, CLOCKS. AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St., TORONTO Jarefu' altnnlivu g‘ven to Watches and Ulncks Jew and Helmirp'l. Nu ll. King Street East. 6 doors east of Yangt- Slrnet. Iliu gwuod .1" u rble W'ork. 3HCICE AND FANCY GOODS l‘ha anemic" of'he Put-In: is imvled to their tuck, ceusisting or a great variety of IlesidellcenLol 20, TI ar 01"3rd Conceséion of Markham. P.U.Addressâ€"-Bunonvi|le. Parxios quulring Mr. Saudersou’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Juuuavyél, )565, 31 Watches, clocks, and Jewelry, Oflhe bes‘ desmiptiun and newest designs. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. L1 lieu. of Ym'k and I‘eel, Collector of Notes. Aucuum», &c. Small charges and plenty In do Luke); March 2nd 1865 39-l Counties of York and Peel. W. WHARIN 8: CO. Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA Mths, ornulo, Apr†'26. lr‘lifl‘ Iâ€"Ienry Smelser, I ICENrED AUCTIONEER for tho coun- 7 Doors north of King Street The business at the New Stuns \vl†be carried on under the name and st) lc of S, M. SANDERSON 81. Co. 95 King Street East, Toronto, S. M. Sunnnlbun & Caulkens. No. 133 Yonge Street. huVe removed To No. 90 Yonge Street, A RM FOR SALE Or to Rent. PURE AND UNADULTERATED LLLEC'I LO-PLA‘I‘ED WARE, (‘I_I'1“.ER.Y, &c., &c. 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. 3 Square. . . .. . ï¬lm... ..... and Hi“ .........-5 c E ..-.a J. SEGSWORTH, REMOVAL. M NUFAC'I'URI'JR OF ALL KINDS OF No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, IMPOR'I‘ERS AND DEALERS IN P. WlDEMAN, E'W METHOD OF M ANUI‘ACTURKR 0F IMPORTER 0F FOR THE UNITED G. J. F. PEARCE, n to the repairing of Jewelry manufactured 479 .f' Woanms PHDMPTLY EXELUTED ME For Cardl, Jun. junk received. lsemirely new and of the latest patterns, Jul-go variety of new LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. PAMPHLE‘I‘S AND EflLflBEll JflB WflllK BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, Orden for any of the nndermomioned dolcrip- tionox J U B anrma The York Herald WPMEKMEES ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDt, Will 've promptly attended to:â€" OUR ASSORTM ENT 01" And evely other kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, CHEAP LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS ...-...., u-†One of our sisters had the Rheumatisxn in her head for a greet many yearsâ€"having taken a. few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia. and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, 650. It be! a good effect in flatulence or Wind cholic. I use it forj‘oul meet}; and it produces a marvelous effect. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invï¬lids. SISTER MARY DE BONSEOOURS. N. B.â€"-Beware of oounterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"Tho country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless! uixturcs at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet charge the public the same q'ice our agents sell you Radwoy’s for. (Pn'ce 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- ei'i‘eits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; (Lear at that: price. In mowing,ng n“ < iu,_1_ __JA -.__-_.1_ Certiï¬cates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at D3. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreu , emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City 0“ importance (except a few in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radwey, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad- x . SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of out sick from spills, vopitingz hgaq‘achggz interqgl pa'ins,‘ &c.‘, &c. 1 1-," _ ___AL _._‘_ _-__- I.-_l..- will chEat you Whenever he Ens an opportunity. Ai-‘réiis'hfléid $510 10 cents "per bottle to dealers; déar at that pnce. In mcmin Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway & Co. on the labels, and t 9 words . R. R. Rg‘qmy (5; Co. blpwn in tpo glass. A MAN ’EHAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.-â€"â€"One application will aflv'ord immediate use _and comfort, and 7a few times rubbing will complete the m7 Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholio, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.-â€"â€"One tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangemeuts of' the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly‘ Itop the most severe pains. lnyiolgpt disgageslinstant relief is required; __1~&.S‘\IATIC CHOLERA., IN ELAMMATION‘ OE 7mm BOWELS, 030mg, FITS‘, s‘H‘l‘n FEVER, CgQUPn‘DlAP'IEIEIEIA may_gpoge_ fgtg} within an hour or two. if not checked by a. powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, Whether Rheumatism, N euralgia, Inflam. mation of the Kidn 's, Bladder, Urinal difï¬culties, Inflammation of the Womb. and, in fact, all diseases fraught Wit immediate danger, yield at once to this‘comrnanding curative. V The RE hDY RELIEF is as smidch'in its operation as the malady ifself. It is more active thin the virus of the mou+ Qwift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to use on tho Int svmmam or mm and uneasiness, no person need suifer an hour sickness. EWS As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRI'I‘ANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCES! RADWAY’S READY RELEEF!!! Sisters of Mercy at Herehester Street Hospital, applying Ilr. Badway‘s Remedies to the sick. and which he conï¬dently offers as one of the Best and cheapesé kinds in the country --‘-u - n . . .. _ rl‘HE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the farming. community that he is now manufacturing improved Plc ughs of SWEERE©E Eï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚ï¬mms ".1"th L- ..-___ .mA , . .I Reduced Price 0f$16 RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. Plough Points 86 Landsides kept aiways on hand 9" Sold by Dmggists and Comm: Merchants. Iâ€"IALL’S STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS Agents for the sale of Rawday’s I: Hut) en 1. P. (‘ROSBYy Irmhno .d llill THUS. ALLIHJN, 'ucloria Square, CHAS. DOA N‘ Ahmra Mr. ROWE and Mrs. ROWE Sting THE UNIVERSAL REMEDY I IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Rheumatism, Instant Help Needed PRICE. 25 cents a Bottle. CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! In sudden Attacks All Around the Globe. JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER which he now offers at the JOHN RADWAY, M. 0., a 00., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Momma, And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-Yon! , HENRY HALL. whine we have useu in our pracnce. and high- Iy approve. J. H. Gi'hson. M. D‘, Dm:ham,C,E, C. Cotton, Ml). Cowunsvnl’lo Charles Brown. MD, Ce“ lusvil-lo S S Foster, Ml), Brome. J C Butler. MD, Waterloo, John Erskina. MD, Waterloo. Norman Cleveland. MD, Barnum), N Janka. MD. Burnslon, C W Cowles. MD. Stauslend, John Meigs. mu. Slanswnd. Joseph Blendon. MD. Surgeon, RN. Benjamin r‘amon. Ml). Coaticook. LHnuol Richmond. Ml), Derbv Lino. s. J. Foss & Co. Shem-oak, P.Q.s. 1. p“. prielorsdienry Thompson. 61. Co. Mann-en). Wb :loeulo Agata. The uï¬ldsrs'rgued physicians cheerfully to the high pro‘essional mandmg on Dr. of Stansmad. one of the aides; and he" ciaus. and lo _the_exce|lcn_t qualities RE a safe and reliable remndy in all dis. eases of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels. l'hev ale no Quaan Medicine. pufl'ed up bv highleunnding insiimonials from imaginar'y maple. but are the result of [buy years experi- encs ofa ï¬rst cl-ass physminn‘, and aim extra. ordinary suucess i's due to the fact that ihey answer exacth their name The formula from wnich they are prepared, is based on sound, scientiï¬c priLcipIes, and has ruce‘l ed the un- qualiï¬i-d approbation of the medical profession. They do not, profess Io be a cure all. but for all disoéses arising from an} derangement of the Stomach. Liven- and Bowels. they furnish efl‘eciual remedv, We have in our possessï¬ over one hundred Lasii‘nmnials from pl-psicians who have used them in their practice and highly approve ol‘ihem, among which are the "U‘L‘iwh'g’, . . . ._ .1 partition is an indisponsihle article for tho toilet. It cleansesthe scalp, renders the hair of: darker appearance, is oasin applied and will not stain the ï¬nest linen. l‘hose using the Empire Hair Gloss will ï¬nd that it rendurs the harsh- «st and coarsest hair. soft, glossy. ï¬ne and heanttl'ul. disposing it to stay in any position in which it is placed. It prevvnts the hair from fallit g out, iln‘igorales and strengthens it. and often produces a new growth of hair where it has already disappeawd,by invigorating and rnstoring the skin, names. muscles. blood vessels. and roots of the hair. Price ‘25 cents, S. J. Foss & Co. proprietan and sole manu- facturers, Sherbrookfl. Province of Quebec.â€" Henry. Thompson dz Co. Mont'eal ;- Lyman. Elliott & Co. Toronto. Wholesale Agents. Dr. COLBY’S Antiâ€"Cosuve and Tonic Pills, Having a wonderful efl’ecl when taken into!- nai|_\ , in quinkening the circulation ol'the blood, It is invaluable to persons prhdisposed‘ la Para- lysis, or suhjpct to attacks of Heart Diseaso. In cares of Dyspepsia, where fund distresses, it affords prompt ruliof. and continued for I. short time, sets everything right, Henry, Simpson & Co., Montreal. Whole- suln Agents S‘ J. Foss & 60., Sharbmke, P, Q.. Sole: Proprietors. HIS pleasant, agreeable; and'sciem‘ï¬c pre- paratiml is an indispensihle arlicie for tho The name of the medicine in blown in each hottle of 1h» genuine, and the purposes for which it is intended. as well as the mode of using. attached. October mm, “~67 Hunt’s Empire HairGloss FOR the immediate relief and permanent cure of MLPumatism, Spiains. Bruises, Yiurns, Frost Bi es Lame Bark. Side, hillle or Slonmch, Cramp. Numbness of Limbs, s.\e|lmg ofJoints, Sudden Colds. Dipl‘heric, Sore throat, I Has been before the public for upwards of ‘wenty years. and such are its merits that it is now justly considered as an indispnnsibie mt?- cle in every family where it is known‘. September x2111. 1867. I: ha: never been Forced on public nttenti‘o In flaming rdvenisemems or remarkable cures Ihat never had any existence, but by Ms own puculiar value as an unfailing remedy. it has \orked its way into public favor. Also, A Bu ldin g Lot, compxmng part oflot No 38, in the Is! concession of the Township of Vanghan.â€"5 Acres of Land. good- Dwell- ing-house, Barn, good Well of Water. &c. For any further information) apply to f THIS‘A'SSOCIATION has transferred than ' LIBRARY to the ‘Hmunu ’ Book Slam .1; LIBRARY to lho‘Hmunu’ Boak’s'ih‘io‘ where Stockholders and others may Drown BOOKS avery Friday afternoon. Iron 4 08 clock. PM. THE Subscriber offers for sale the follbwing’ property belonging to the estate of the late Mr Lnthan Miller, v12 : The Farm. com- posed of par! of lots No. 34 and 35. in lhe lat concession of the Township of Markham. on Yonge Street. near Thornhill. which ’I‘HE Subscriber oH'ers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geering: A Mulley Saw, Upper and Lowe“ Mulley, Petnmn, Crank. 5 inch wrought iron Shaft and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage, Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma.- cllinery for a ï¬rst class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a great reduction oforig'mal cosh. For particulars apply 80 ABRAHAM EYE-BL VALUABLE PROPERTY FIRST CLASS Rr-adster Poms}, ibny ’ colbr. l4 hands high. 4 )ears old. good anlion, and good in single and double harness. Apply at this efliue. 3-“ A GOOD Dwelling Honse. Burnr Stable, Driving House, Wood House. and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there Is a quarter of an acre 01 an Orchard of healthv young. treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. Goeseburries. &c The above Paoperty is situated in the centre ofthe village. Will be sold cheap for cash. Consists r of 160 A cres, About 25 of which is Timber land. There ins; good Spring Creek runs across this mommy.â€" Unlv 1‘2_miles from Toronto, Also the north hall'of Iot'No.12,in mo lat COHCOrSiOII of “1|on '1‘qwnship of'Pnnisï¬ald. ,_ _ ,, _ ‘75.. V -7 W... WM... .v. can". F01 Iurlher particulars apply m M. TEEFY Es.. or P. CKp SBY. Esq’. TWO FARMS SAW MILL CEERING FORSALE. Richm and Hill, January 1-4, 1861 Lot 25, 2nd Con. Mamkham. Post Ofï¬ce address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. 3 m Village oflï¬chmond Hill, For Sale. Z'ï¬ï¬libsmlvm and ToMc PILLS}? Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid VILLAGE LOT 13. S A. In, E- 1 N THE AND A A~ SCOTT, Liérarian. HENRY LEMON, 'l‘homhill. certiï¬v Colhy physi- 0] his