TABLE CUTLE E‘i, LAMP GLUBES, BURNERS, EEEE’E‘ENEYS, Hooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, 1} Grain Measures, Apple Intending buyers are invited to examine the stockJ as it will be found worthy of inspection. Playgdmarild Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, S. 1“. Sundcrsou éï¬; €10. The stock of which is very large, embracng all that is New and (haste and also the Pluiuest and Cheapest kinds,â€"Lhus meeling the requirements of all classes. ROCK OIL AME EEAQCHINERY 0H; store FURNISHING ES'J‘ABLISHMENT Boots & Shoes Cheap Square and Globe shapes, in great vancty, for Oil 01‘ Candles. Special attention is directh to the stock of S. M. Sanderson8z; 00.; “731‘â€? E5)- HORNER’S PATENT SELF-SHUTTIPJE WEE? I] VHlS usefulinvention is the most cunvenivnt Aypllcams will please address their letters (pLaE mid) to M. TEEFY, F IRE-PROOF STORE9 RIOHLEGN D HILL. Children’s Carriages and Parambula‘tors! Ma'umf'ucturcd and lnyimrtcd, Wholesale and Retail. 1 the cheapest, and most durable GATE: {or farm use. The l’ulelllee is now prepared to sell Agent for Patentee Bichm nd Hill, September 16, 1867, 478 TQWNSHEP RIGHTS! For the use of Us Pnth Self-mulling Gale SALES MADE FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. IM M E @TOCK CLOTHS, TWEE‘EES, SHIRTS, SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS GLOVES, FEA'E‘HERS, FLOWERS, Yonge Street, 134, King Sneel, apposite the .‘vf Richmond Hill7 April 6, 1868 Toronto, Febuary, 1867 Begs to announce to his h'iends and the public‘ that he is receiving, daily, his EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs of all kinds pmmptly executed. BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, Bï¬f‘QZOLE. &C ILL thoroughh' wul'mm every pair of BOOTS made by lhem at their new 90 Yongc Street. TlNWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER, WARE FOR SHILWES, SEEKS, Ladies and Economic Housekeepers L0 IVES T 1308335; ,4 E Cdl SH P E: ICES; LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! No. 83, Yonge-gtreet, 3 doors above Kingâ€"street, 'l‘OUON"U. 0F New Cottons, Prints, ’i‘ickings, Linens, At their New more, GEMTLEMEN WILL FIN!) A LARGE ASSOH'TME T OF 12 1-2 01,55. per Yard, AT WM. MITCHELL'S Are selling RILHMONII HILL I" CROCKERY, EARD‘WARE, CULLAHS. HA)“KluRCIIllil’S. &c. AT THE Which will be found both good and cheap Are invited to inspect the Magniï¬cent Stock of Ribbons, (330., go to CALL AND SEE THE Special utten Also on hand a large sLock of PARASOLS, HOSIERY, LAN'E‘ERNS M PKPER Turonlo‘ 'I‘OVCELLIN( COMMENCING A'l‘ flail'jf; LUE’EBER HOUSE m .‘hnvs, Dumb Stoves‘ and Stove Pipes l’urem Clothes “ï¬ngers, LC. &0. s l‘omnlo 0F m is directed to Y, SPOONS, 85C. WEBER, LATES, SHINGLES, AND Round Cedar Posts! N0. 618 62 620 Yonge Street, P. A. SCOTT. NB. Pni'tios having suth to dispose of wiil pleme call or write. slaiiig price and qualny in Yorkville l’. 0 Toronto, December 16, 1837. 499--3m Horses Afflicted vith Ringâ€"bone, Thm he has successfullytrealed the above the past ten years without a singlb failure. This treatment does lot noce situw their being laid aside only l'ur\ few davs. Quite a number ofrui‘u‘ence given if mqnir- N1 0: persons Whose horses have been clued by me. My (hm‘ga is $3] 50 T paid when operated on if not 153 ()0 will be charged to ensure a scum. Residance rear cflot25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUNTUN. RicmondHih Oct. 25,’66 72-1y, Al the Lumbur Yard IV art/1, lfnowing .’ ‘HE Subscriber wonlc intimate to 1213 farm- ; ersmnl others of {ichmond Hill and mi |f Canny haung, AT WM. MITCHELL‘S AT WM. MITCHELL’S WM. MITCHELL’S ANfl WIEKS. 493 for HANDSOME HEARSE ! J. H. SANDERSON, A yummy SURGEON, EGS to announce to the public Ihat he is now practicing with U. SANDERSON. ol' the same place. wlmra Ihoy may be cnnsult- ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of Horses, Callie, 6w. {Graduate M Toronto Veterinary College) Corner of Yon ge and Centre-st East KICUMOND HILL. About 16.01'173'0711‘5 of active. to learn the Blackur Apply to V A. HENDERSON, mm!) 36 @Inak mam: VVhirzh hn can furni-h with single or double Team of Matched Black Horsas, White and Black Plumes. Scarfs‘ Gloves. Hmbands and 11‘ ether nuuu‘niug I'cquimd‘ on the Shortest No- tice, and at the Lowest Raves. JOSEI‘H LUND. P. 0. Address, Tesiou Th8 old hand in a New Standi For Horses and (Tullle always on hand : such as Physic. Diurevic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. (Innditinn and Warm Bulls and Powders. l'he Cough Balls have been qund most serviceable in allevinling many of the dlbll‘C‘SSlhg symp- toms of Brokeuu'ind or Heavas in Horses. Colic. Draughts. Linlments for Sore 'l‘hloals. ,Sprains. Curl). Spavin, Kinyylmue, 8:0, Blist- erlng ()lnlmenls, also Hoof and Hauling ()im- ments. Loliuns fur \Vuunds, Bruises. baddue Gulls. lululllublo Oil and Sheep Tick Des- 11‘0}er. , FTEH an absence of nearly four years in 1 Engiund, begs to announce his return 10 Richmond Hilly and that he has leased the ‘hop adjoining Mr, W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite the shop of Ml'. \V U. M.'ers. where he will be happy to receive the patron- age (11' his old friends. Richmond Hiil. Ju's~ ‘25. 1807. Mulicines of every Discription Gaby. F, (jinn. .lulln Gray, Wm. Heise. (thistnnher, Harrington, John UN DERTAKIN G BUSINESS I AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH ! And he wishes \0 inform the l’ublicthat he has provided anew and very All orders from a distance prompfly aiwndod to. and medicines sent to any part ot'lho Pro- \‘ince. Earriage and Waggon Maker! Richmond Hill. April 2‘2, ’68 Baker. Michael Bernard, John G. “reckon, George Cooper, \V. Crulov, T. Drang, Mrs. l LEGS m announce 20 (he puhlic, that he has added In the above branches the Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill, April ‘23, 1868. 510 Al liubililies incurred by the late Firm of Clow and Forrest. will he settled by John Forrest: and parties holding claims will please presenl Ihem to him at once, at \Vishaw Mille, Vaughan. All debts due to the late Firm are transferred to John F0" wt and are pawxble to him. consent Andersnn. George (9.)Hall. R. H. Amblvr, \Vm Arnold. J. R. Bnollll)y. 'l‘, Brallmger, Jonathan Bonllon, (3. Baker. Michael Bernard, John G. “reckon, George Connor, \V. Crulov, T. Dranp, Mrs. Dnnvr, Jacob Elliot. Minio l‘lmerv, R. Farrel. George Fox, John. Grant, George Gaby. F, (jinn. .lulln Gray. Wm. “else. Chuistnnher, Harrington, John Homer, Daniel lloswlter, .luhn Jackson. Davld Kimball. John 1’. Klinek. Mr. Lymbnrnm‘, R. H. Lincy. John Morgan, '1‘. (2) MCNaEr. Mathew McLean. Robert McGill James ()slm‘, James O’Connor, Michael l‘lu‘lips, 1"0101' I’eurcn, (In J. F. Stevnson, James Shields, Wm. Stodrnau. 'l‘hos. b‘lmpson. James Sluphenson Samuel 'l‘honms. Elizabeth Trench, \V. r ‘HE i\’]umcipu] ("x unci] of (ha Township of Vaughan, will hold a Court of Revision on TI [URPADAY the 141i: day 01' May next, a! 10 o‘clock. mm. Dated at Vaughan, this 223113 day of March. 186:5. April lst, 188 Andersnn. Geor l’mties who have any business connected with the above Court will govern themselves accordingly. Richmond Hill, April ‘23, ’08 List of Lettem Remaining in the Richmond Hill I’osl omce MUNIEIPALETY J1? VAUEHAN ! Court of Revision. flissnlui‘inn of Partnership 1 RICHARDCLOW & JOHN FOP.- RES'I‘. has been this day dissolved by mutual First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 5c. l‘irst Bookâ€"12ml Part, 54 illustrations, stroneg bound in limp cloth, 10o Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, ] 20c Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 300 Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly houml in cloth boards, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in qlotll boards, 500 For Sale by Authorized by the Council of Public In: struction for Ontario. [‘HE I’nrtnership heretofore existing between NO W READY ! THE NEW BANADIAN NATIDNAL SERIES READING BOOKS APPRENTICE WAN TED Witness, D. McCA LLUM Vaughan, Jan. 2", ’08 Vauglmu,Apri l :2, ’(i8‘ ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond 11111, Jan. 2, 1868, JOSEPH LUND By ordnr Signed JAMES I. LAWRENCE, \V \Y M: TEEFY. KW , RICHARD CLOVV. JOHN FORREST. it" age. strong and mill) business. ’I‘REN‘CH, Jr. strongly 400 ,y bound 50c C [ark The Club l'nlcri tar the coming year will be as fulmws :â€"- SIX COPIES, one year .... .. $10 ()0 TEN do do ......... [5 ()0 TWIEN'I‘Y do do 3U «10 And an extra caps†of "I‘m: VVHHKLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. THIRTY COPIES. one Vear. for. 42 ()0 and an extra ropv of THE WEEKLY GLOBE totho person wha gets up the Llub of'I‘hirty. FIFTY CUI‘JICS. one year, for. . . . GS (ll) and :1 copv or Tun DAILY GLOBE to the person who get: up the Clubof Fiftv. EIGH'I‘Y C(H’JES.0I16year,f'or. . 100 (JO and a Copy of Tn}: DAILY Grimm to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Payment must be always 2:) advance. Each paper is addressed separately, and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce. CLUBS FOR. THE WEEKLY GLOBE Early in the» year we shall commence the DnHicn'inn of a N 1‘) W bTURY BY \VII.K1]C COLLINS. author ufthe' Woman in \Vhite.’ ofsubscripiion will remain as heretofore, SIX DOLLARS permiuum for [he 1)::in edition TWO DOLLARS per annum for th VVBokiy edition. bull) payabia sirictiv in ad‘‘1 vcmco. No paper Sent on! of the ofï¬ce unti iho money is paid. I Parties standing in iilvir Sili)KCl'ipii0)lS now will receive ellilcl‘ edition of THE GLOBE up {u Parties standing in illvir snbxcriplimls now will receive euhcr edition of THE GLOBE up to 3 >1 Ducamber, 1:68, on payment of a year's schsm-iplion. and by editorial‘discussims it will slrive to in- furm the public of the progress 01' events. :and guide them 10 a rightjudgmeul on the points atir-sue. Earlv in the Your lElSQ. THE DAILY GLOBE WILL INC VHLY CONSIDERâ€" A|§|.Y EVLAliGl‘ll), anl will he printed on a Rotary ngh‘ning l’l't‘SS,Ol(lJl‘(‘Ll from Mvssrs Hoe (‘L’ Co , 0' Now Yutkmapnhle of printing ltlJHtll impressith an hotr. 'l'lto outlny 01' tltiq prous about $15.00†IN GULI), has hflun rendered neco'surr l)\' tho large and incrn'as- mg cnculutlon OFT†l“. (iLUBiC. It has been l‘ut‘ some time itntmsï¬hleto suppl) in time for the morning mails tlm number ot'copios called for by the public. The litre-use 01' size is render-pd necessaty hr the pt‘e~~sttt'e ol' adver- tismnunts. \\‘lll¢ll have alreuly cansvd the pub- licutiou ofa lzngn su Ipletmnt twice a week. and wlnch will he commutdas may be found needl'ul nnttl the permanent enlargement takes place, At thesmne tltnu the unla'gement, URING the year 1868 very important I Sessions will be hell of tho Parliament ol’Oiitai-iu, and of the Dmiiuion, and very in- Iaresling discussions will take place on sub- chls of llia deepest interest to the Canadian people. 'i‘lm foundationsuf the New Gov- ernment have been laid, )ut the suparstruc- lure will (lam-dud ulllha Cd'suf:l10people,mid the publinjuurnuls will ll-cassarily he‘ called upon lo discuss at length many questions, upâ€" on the right selllcmont ‘f whinh the future weir-viva of the country \vi'i depend . ancnlar attention has been paid to the Manufacture of these Dyss‘. so that the mosl hmxperlencvd can use them. To be ohmined Wholwalo from the Manuâ€" factu.’ers, Evans. Mercer. oz (10.. Montreal, or 1868. T74“? 1868. “ GLOBE†NEWSPAPER. When addilioual names are ADDED to any Club during the year, they must be sent to ’1‘ch GLOBE Ofï¬ce by the person who made up the Club: and the money sent with such ad- ditional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription as the Club rate as Will pa) up to the expirmion of the Club. MAJEN'I‘A, SCARLET, YELLOW, MAUVE, ORANGE, BLUE. cmusax, VIOLET, SOLFICRINO, PURPLE, BROWN, GREEN. AND ALL OTHER POPULAR COLORS. In all the matters 'wlncx \vih be brought be- fore the lmg'lslatures “ 'lHE GLOBE†will take a deep lnmrest. anduokh by THE I’M’ICR \'\ ILL NEW 'I'YI’E. Also, all parties indabied lo STEPHEN “'JLLIAMS.Butcher. formerly reslding at Richmond Hill, from whom the late James [Jollatlay had a power ol'Allorney. which is at p.e.~'enl in the hands of Mr Hulladay’s Execu- (01's. m'a requosLed 10 pay the same for'mwith o ellher ol' the undorswed. LIQUID EYES! FULL REPORTS OF PARLIAMENTARY PROC ‘DINGS. LL parties indebted to {He late JAMES IIOLLADAY, Aurora, are hereby 11mi- ï¬cd to settle u'l how and Book Accounts not later than the 15111 Mu}; next. EVANS, MERBEH & EU’S Boots do Shoes January 247, 1868 And all parties to whum the said James Holiadav is indebted, willplouue send in their AccounKs on 01' bol'ure the above date, when they will be settled. I EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal,l’01k. Sausages, 04c. and sells at the lu\vc‘~‘t prices. The highert market prica given for Cattle, Sheep. lmmbs‘ gï¬c. MARRIAGE LICENSES .A];o. Owned and Spiced Bsef, Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond HJI, October 15. 1867. 1.5’ x U l UH m1, 2nd door north of Barnard’s No- 90 Yongeat. Toronto. Ratall from all 17% 43an16 Druggists‘ Toronto, April, 15,3863. 1L? Stages leave this hotel every morning and ovuning connecting with Northern Kail- way {ruins moving North and Somh. A careful hustler always in attendance. WILLIAM COX, HE best of \Vines, Liquors. and Cigars‘ kept constantly on hand. Every accumu- dalion {or travellexs. RICHMOND f HOTEL ! BY JOHN F ' ' Ara Manufacturing all the Newest Styleso Inen’s, Women‘s and Chiidreu’s Toronto, Nov. 12, 1867. AND Coroner for the County of York RICHMOND HILL. Auroza, Aprï¬ [[3, 1868 Richmond Hill, Dec. 15, 57. Executors’ Notice. S. NI. SAN DERSON 8.: Co. DAVID BRIDGFORD, RICHMOND HILL, \VM. COX. VINCENT DENNIS, NELSON JOHNSUN, Successor to James Hoiliduy, At their New Storeâ€"- [UTCHER GEORGE BROWN, THE TERMS ECONOMIC ISSL‘ER 0F J‘IHD 1838. THE DAILY VSILY CONSIDERâ€" BU MILLER, &( King 51;, ‘l'omzito mmTED 0N Publisher, $10 ()0 [5 {)0 30 00 :ocu’ors 491N8- 479 N0. 90 YONGE STREET. S. M. Sanderson & Co. their Friends and Customers for (he very llhuml patronage has‘o“ m) on them l’ur the last twelve years, and won't] cmdinm sn- licit a continuum-e of the smnn at their New Sland ()ULD mko Illis opportunilv of thanking / ERUGS, MBBIEJINES, ERBEERIES, WINES 8o LIQUGRS, THORNHILL. Can he procumd, Ill sums to sun honowers, on Landed security, 'l‘onns made known on pelsmlul application to Notary Public, Agent. &c. NB. Deeds, Mortgages. \VIHS. Bonds. &c. 6w, drawn will] neullless and despalch.â€" M. '1‘. continues to act. as UIVIblON Couu‘r AG!" rT. Fees moderate. Buttonvill‘e, Nov. 7. 1567 38 We“ :\].I|‘]U‘I Square». 'l'm'oulu [13’ Boots and Shoes lun'ie lo Measure. of the Bus Maleiiulsand\\’()vlnllrx1m|il). :11 she anpst Runwuemnng l’nces. AN eight horse power Steam Engine. Borr 4 ing‘ Tools. Iitqws. Axe , belonging 10 the Markham Oil and Mining Company. BOGTS & SHOES, MA RRIA GE LICEN SES. Richmond Hill. Jim. 31, 1867 Rim.moud Hill, Nov, 28, 1865 Farmc Boot 8; shoe Store ,4. ‘_209UDIO : PHARMACIST. FISHER & BENNETT, LICENSED AUC’I‘IONEER. By Roy?! Letters vmtontiy has been appointed Issuer of ESIDENCE, Lot No '4. 2nd Con Vaughan Pmt ()Iï¬ce Address (Iarville All orders left at the " York Herald†ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. or at \he P,0. Maple, WI“ be attended lo. Vaughan, Oct. 10 1867. I-y MONEY 17% RENE 'l'erms easy. title indisputable lars apply to 9†of which are Clmtred, the Dwelling House Brick, wuh Barns, tumbles. Mrmls, Rout Cellar and other out limlt'ings complelo. The land is guod and in a high state 0|" culleullun. Alsu a good young Orchard. of cllmce lruil [mm th re are two gout] Walla also; never falling stream cl" walur runs aerms the Premises, whit‘h makes it Il‘a most valuable Farm in lhe 'l'uwnship. There is also a Post ofï¬ce, Churches and School Ilouso wiLhiu one mile of the premlsos. FARM FOR SALE I This Farm is situntod in a good neighbour- hond, 16 miles from the (Iitv of Toronto. 33} miles from Fonge Street mad. E‘OR SALE one 01 (he most vnhmbie Farms in the 'I'nwnship of \1 A liKHA M. Coun- ty of York, Lot No. 14, 3rd Concurslun. CUNTAENING 100 ACRES, Dead heads nend nnt npplv. Newton Brook, Jul} 31‘, 15M FORCE Patent Rights for Sale Patented Oct. ‘24, l’uwoll’s NOTICE! Vaughan. Ap‘ul 2, ’66. AH debts due 10 ll‘a-e lute ï¬rm are tranferl‘ed to Juhn Forrest and are payable to him. Ua‘od at Vaughan this 'o’JsL day 01' March, The Partnership heremful'e existing between RICHARD GLOW, JOHN FOHRL‘JS l‘ and THOMAS McNALL.Y. has been [his day dis- solved by mumai consent. 1858. 1). MCCAL LUM . W’itlmss Swing DISSBLUTIUN BF PARTNERSHIP. All liï¬biliuesincurrwd bv the late Firm of Clow, Forrest and McNally. WI†be setlled by . ohn Forrest, and all paxrties holding 013111le will please present them to him at once. at \Vishzzw Milis, Vaughan. For particulars apply, ifby letter post paid Toronto. Doc Address Buuonville Post Ofï¬ce ButtouviHe. Jan, 16, 1568. Tom“, lul)acmnher lb‘ti Patented To men of Thor]. hi“ JOHN BARRON. B'Iunufumurer um! Dewar in all kinds of ‘OUN MES 01' RIDINGS of PowuLL’s H E Uudursigned is authorized to state that THOMAS CARR R.H.HALL, COUNTY OF YORK FOR SALE, M. TEEFY, ON LAN DIED SECURITY L N E “N RICHMOND HILL. Requisiw instruclions IMPORTANT Signed l“: b. ‘0, 1808 THOMAS THO MSON. ‘UGGIST AND DEALER IN CHARLES POWELL, metuu Brook, P.O ED S \NDERSON 0R JOHN SA \‘UERSON. FOR THE 1862, April 13, 1860, and DOMINION June 28. 1807. the right man RHHARD CLOVV. JOHN FURIH,S'I{ THOMAS McNALLY Pump .' Buuonvillo, P.O. PUMP I Ol' 400-11' particu 436-4L N returning Ilmnks for the vmy him-3| Mlppml he has rvce-ivcd since commencing~ businms in Rivhmnnd Hill, hng to inform Hun public mm 116 has greatly i-ncrcas’i (:Ll his b'lnck and has nnw on hand a choice assmlmvnl of Flour, Feed, Provision and Grvcery Store! Richmond Em Mimi, Establishment Including 'l'ulnlvs,(;‘lr:i1's. 15t'(.'5«t0:1d.~'. Bureaus. Cupboards, Drusting Stands. “7:155 *lamlx c. &c. AM) a huge 2|h~01lllll’ll[ ml llnmn l‘alu'r. Brande-ling. \Vhite Lind Painls and (701019.1hnv um! im:|vnl LiIN-vd (Ms. Machinv Oil. Ruck Oil‘ 'v/Wn'iQh l‘urlwl linv. Hanva. (Huss‘ lr’u‘ï¬y, (Hue, (in. C‘x'c. l’m‘llvs Furnishing, Pn‘vï¬fin'g, 01' Painting (In-Ir Ilnlw-s. will (10 we†I0 cull m-f‘o'e- puu'luhing v1>eulwre. Also Teek lst prize at ravineial Exhi hiiien ’86, &all times when ehewn Patent 8ng Pump Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. Man “factory fm- York {THE vulinlily of Ihe Palem. having bl’l’ll recently disputed by Inlervsled persvns, 2 aller lwodays invesliguiinn in Chancery. his L0r(l.~hip the Ch‘:m:ellor has given .luilgmvnl lully Shslumin; Ihe ('lnim- ui‘ l). PoWell, and speaking highly of [he Miami‘s 05‘ Till: PUMP. :md Wllll jun! sewrily on llw base and fraudulent conduct of the lnh-hwvr, ordain: him In my line cmls 01 the Bull,1\l|(l l'm‘hilliling him lo make me Pumps. 'l‘he l’utcnlve hwls. llmi [he SEXHL’ ofjuwim prm‘uling (he community genprally will hv sullivwnt to nrm'vnl ils g-vingr COIIIHPIIZIUI‘P In ~pu'i'm: imi‘ tors whose conduct, the Chancellor says. I»; “ I: a lrmul 0n llw l’ulN‘c.â€V 5 Judgment, u «v ‘ ‘ I ' ‘ 3‘ , M ‘ H " , ‘ .1- ( ‘ Mlm‘uu ‘ iJ “‘ml‘uun wanum mnnm‘m "‘lugmm mm: 1mm“! ‘mmw “mum! m H 4mm "w 'quu: «M Fm (huh, :Il Richmond Hill. November 9, 's 'Ehe- Leading @3346 in Canada AG ENTS FOR TORONTO Whch he keeps on imml Flour. ï¬lm-n H AKE this opportunity of ihuukinu their numerous friend»: and cux'lomers for their constqnt» and Liberal support. for [ha 111% twenty-xix year~. and hop‘s by theirsll'ict attention to busi-‘ ness will still prove W0:tll)' of a cuminuunce of their patronage. SIX GOLD MEDALS 1 84:2. ESTABLISHED 1 842., HUGH NMLLECR & CO. V Medical Hall, 167 King Street East, Toronto,» Fresh Fieid and garden Seeds OILS, PAINTS. VARNESHES, DYE-STUFFS, ETC-r Wllosesale and Retail, Which, nn inspemion, will he found the most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plea- sure ofsubmiltzng m theh appru 'al. GBOCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, 850., 850., &c. Which will be found to comprise everynhmg that is in the market for ladies wean NEW ARRIVAL-‘85â€. MILLNERY @EPAR‘TMENT !{ Mauufaciuring Rights fur 5311:. 3%, When ordering Pumps, pleme mm lhv prlh of Kim VVeH or 's.em. Richmond Hill. April 23. “:68 THE INDIA AND CHINA TEA COMPANY TRADE MARK. FURNPEURE! THGï¬. @QGâ€"HLAN' AS MUCH PLEAï¬URE in announcing to his friends and customers the arrival ofhis DRUGS [1ND CHEMICALS, A Iiim», nssnrlnu‘n' LET 1NFRINUERS BEWARE.- TEAï¬ FROM INDIA! IA) ‘W EST M A. R iii ET PRICE. Spring And. Summer ' S'l‘UCKOF P. O; Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newon Brook UNPARALLELED SUCCESS !. Having eulux'gud their premises are now propamd 10 suppply WILLIAM ATKINSON Have been awarded at the Great Exposition at P†for for York & Peel Cmnnties & Toronto City Newton Brown 1’01] :0 Street. Impnrt these Teas d‘reot from the Plan ations in As am. the Dshra‘ Dhmm. and on the SIM-6N ol'rhe Hinninmu. and se-ll them in packets ufqu.u-IUI' pound and upwards. and in air-light {Iannisturs of 5 lbs., by' their 1\;zenls.inever (My and l'nwn in (Immda. Tlmsa Splendid CODp'flï¬â€˜fï¬â€˜TH ca: prices, namely, 0:? OBSERVE THE TRADE MARK ON EACH PACKAGE. $0 NT“ HUGH MILLER 82 00,, Medical Hall.- 167, King Street, East HI Flour. Mun-h Hum. ()nh‘, PenmUnllrwul. Cormueul,1<uck- wlwat. Bacon, Hams, Cheesna, F6511 and Villa †The Grocer†24th of Aug'dst, 1867. and and Hum} \V. A. directs special attention to his '20 0155. cï¬e $1 per 110., “Mum l‘n'au m}. Imported ml.-l\' ln- the’i’n'nin and China H‘Tfl can oniy ’hu Wm:qu uf’lheu‘ Agencies. Only Prices (hut cannot be surpassed. 866. W. A. has alsu a AT TUE Ehth Black, Gruon or Mixed [S Ho wrruhl dis» llll‘llllon"n his 51(‘ctf. two)