Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 May 1868, p. 4

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Hope oftentimes, though very bright, Is blighted in itsbloom ; Still Hope endureth, suffers long, And oft dispels the gloom. Friendship‘ inspired With brightest hopes, Unmingled with deceit ; Friendship, ’tis true, to us imparts A Love we can’t forget. Friendship that reigns in lovmg hearts, And sings her lofty notes. As doth the lark when soaring high, ’Twill strengthen'all our hopes. Love that’s mix-ad with Hope and Friendship; Love, tender, true and pure, Is a spark divine from Heaven, A Love that shall endure. Love softens toil, makes light the heart, 0fttimes drops deWy tears; A alden cord th..t draws two hearts rom sorrow, trouble, fears. And now may Love our hearts unite, "l‘will make this earth a heaven. Our life, though short, shall tranquill be In future prospect given. Hope bade me ask thy faithful love, Hope bids me ask it still ; ’Tis to the future hope pertainSrâ€" Thus waits ml to fulfil. 7 If a person is learning many ldnguages, what should he and with? The Finnish, of coulse. . ‘If an earthquake were to engulf England to morroW,’ said Jerrold, ‘the English would happen to meet and dine Sumewhere among the rubbish. just to celebrate the Pvent.’ A thiokskuiled schoolboy had the sen- tence, 'Ho} e on, hupe ever,’ wriuen for him to cupy by his teacher. Imagine the surprise of the latter when upon examining the yuungster's chilograpbical achievemen‘s he found it. rendered thus :â€"‘Hop on, hup over.’ When Lord Eldon resigned the Great Soul, 3 small barrister said, ‘Tu me his Iuss is irreparable. He always behaved to me like a father.’ 'Yes,’ replied Henry Brougham. ‘I understand he always treated you like a child.’ A Bulfalo company is buying up immense uanfities of hay in the mighhuurhood of urt Rubinson; pri‘ssingit and sending it in scows to the neighbouring,r city of Buffalo. They paiy abmt $7 per ton and draw from the larmers’ premises, and, as aniuhabitum remarked, “ they pay in good hard money ; not in store pay.” We‘dgn't sell spirits, said a beerseller who wished to evade Ihe law. We will give you a. glass, and then if you want a biscuit, you can have one for threepence. The dram was taken and a. biscuit handel to the gustomer. No, said the latter, 1 dun’t think I will ; they’r’e rather too, dear. I can get’em five and 51x a penny. “film be provided with a new suit. of clothes, fur-35 0 cos». AL the appointed hour the beggars of the city as semhled, and the Grand Duke, causing a-l the avenues of the square to be clused cmn pel ed them to strip ofl" their old clothes. and gave each one, accm-ding to promise, a new suit. In the old clothes thus collected ennugh money was found concealed to build a fine bridge over Arno; and the city. for the time being, was relieved of the he: gave bv which it had been previously over run. as none would give anything ‘tn the welldressed individuals who implored charâ€" ity. The BL' gg‘ars Outwitted.â€" years ago an ingenious plan was adopted by the Grand Duke of Tuscany to rid Florence oi'beggaré. t was proclaimed that every beggar who Would an ear in the Grand Square at a {fine mermone _wou be proviggd mm: a. Corner of King & Yonge Streets TORONTO. November 9. [866. Purses, (kc. ~8LC. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT SCO'I‘l"b‘ RICHMOND HILL Day, Books, Family 86 Church Bibles THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. THE undersigned having purchased the Rights for (he (Tountv of York. is now THE undersigned having purchased the Rights for (he (Tountv of York. is now offering for sales in Lllls voqu INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Jog! Williams, cut. for Richmond Hill. David Hill, MONEY TO LOAN AT SCOTT’S. RICH VICND HJLL E Half Lot 29, E Part, do 31, I Half do=30, Half do 34, lalf do 35, SCHOOL 300ng Wraggon Brake H. W. DIMON ’S HOPE, FRIEN DSHIP, LOVE. On Improved Real Estate, PPL Y to Mr. WARMULL. of VAN KoUGHNI-z'r & WAIIMULL. Barr Mars. 311‘ FARMS FOR SAL . an, April 17. la: 7. N EVERY VARIETY. SW"? 'I’E‘ RICK ' MO." W HILL mimllnmnuz. Joumals and Lt‘dgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Backs, Wallets, Patented \April 10, 1867‘ @mwg. Agent I'm1 Thornhill AT LOW P-R ICES, SELF-ACTING Apply to 3rdCou. Vaqghan, 86 Acres do 2nd Con. 3rd Con. do H. M. WISENI‘IR JAMES McGEE do 80 do 100 do 100 do 100 Prnpelling & Repelling Pencil, With [lo] (161' 8; Knife, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL HAMILTON One door <oulh of Mr. Barnard’s stare. and that ha is prepared to 59“ at the manufacturers prices. Farmers and others requiring Stove Depoton Richmond Hill Will consult their own Imerem by examining hii Stock hclbl'e buping Ill Toronto. Cooking or Box Stoves Richmond Hill, Oct. 4,1867' 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fol- lowing n‘upen; :â€" Pnrtol’ 1.01 No 35!. on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing 611 ach”; also. ALB UMS from P ants Village Property At; Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. Fro.“ 30 cm, to AT SCO'I‘T’D‘ RICHMOND HILL. ATARRH,BI'onchitis Scrofula. Liver and ‘ Kmucy Diseases, Nature’s Remedials Wu K PRINCE, Flushing, New York, for 60 )ears prupnemr of Ihu Liulmean Nul- .erlLs. ha: discnvmen Pusx'llvp; cuzucs {'0‘ the above, un_d luz' all Inheliwuund Chronic Dis. euses. Uppepsia Aervuus l)chility. Rue“ mallsm. all Female Maladies, and others re- :--ll|lilvg lrom'nnpurnv of Ike blood. hitherto lncurmle. Explaunory circular, one stamp. I rualis on u|| diseases. 90 cents. 58-4 Photographs for fitbcts doz. VF ENGLISH NUTABLES, Plain x Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, xeuw'rs WANTED. $150 PER MONTH. AT SCO'i‘T’b‘ RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill. Sepnul. 1866 Muchiuu i.- new presumed to the people Canada possessing all the inwrovnnents zhm man he well cunfined in asewing machine. I will accomplish everv description of sewing exoppi lmlinn holes. from an overcoat down to the finam silks and muslins This machine <ell‘~ for unlv $15, and is really worth $50, lll anyfainily. Every mechine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three ye rs,- \ll machines mid in (‘altada are manufacture at the co-npuny's branch mannfaclorv in Tor- :mm‘ Single Machines, with full primed dv-er'tions. snnl express free on receipt of $I5 in a ragislaz-ad letter. Full printh :lir-‘minns ar-onnnpanr each machine,'so plain [hat a child iwelve \ears of age can learn lu work one successfully in a short time. Address or null nn The Granite State Sewing Machme Company, l’. S.â€" Good agents wanted in everv part. 0 :lm nouulrv l0 whom will paid a salary from $50 to $ :30 per month, or a large commission Tarmslo agents sen. free to those wishing agenmes. R, T RUSH & (70., Canada Manufactur- urs. 14 King: Street East, 'l‘oronto, (7, W lleac Uchas in in Great Britain and Canada. London. England. Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. 21, 23, 25 85 27 Broadway, N. Y‘ The Stevens House has liberal accomoda- tion for ever 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every mudem improve- ment for the comfort and entertainment Jf its inmates. The rooms are Spacious and well ventilated â€"pr0vided with gun and wat- terâ€"the attendance is prompt and resliectful â€"and the table is ,renerously prov ded with every delicacy of the seasonâ€"at moderate "ates. ' HE Slevens Hnuse is well and widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially sunnble to merchaan and lusiness men; it is in close proximity In the business part of the cityâ€"is on the highway of Snu‘hel'n and Western travelâ€"- and adjacmnt to all the pri cipal Railroads and Steamboat depots. Sluvn Pipes supplied at the Lowest prices. 'ROM 50m '00 Cords m Green and llry ‘ Beech and MMMBJO be deliveted in Tab Juto during the 'wmler. Appiy at {he Humid Ofliue. Knchmoud Hill. (59 A Clergvman. whilo residing in South Am- mica as a mi>sinlhr\. (ii vow-lad a safe and sunple rende fur the Cure of Nervous Wank; "Br’s. Eurh “may. Dist-mes ol' the Urinary and *iminal Organs, and the vho!e [ram of' din‘dsl'S broughl on by hnnel’ul and vinious habit». Gram numbers have bean cured l)\' [his Ildhle remedy. Prompted .b\' a desire at liellufill‘e affllmed and unfurtunute, Iwil <end the recipe for preparing and using this medle'me. in a sualed ellvsfnpe. to buy 0! who needs it. Free nf Plunge. l‘lease enclose an envelope nddrossedona yoursel BIBLE SOCIETV DEPOSITORY SUO’I‘T’S BOOK STORE. Wood VV ante o'l EGS Io inform his friends lo the County of York that he has opened~a Tutom- M'Wuh 3rd 1866: JAMES STEWART LAND FOR SALE. STEVENS HOUSE, 462 ON THE EUR'JPEAN PLAN. A Card to In valids. hmund Hi” I865 Opposite Bowling Green. Add/ass. JUSEPH T. [N MAN, GEO. K. CHASE & CO. S’I'ATlON DE. BIBLE Hhusn, New- Y07'Iccily. STOVE DEPOT ! A. WRIGHT. Proprietors. 444-11. 69 7 Doors north of King Street. The business at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of s, M. SANDERSON & Co. S. MTTSauEran 6L Caulkens, No. 133 Yonge Street. have removed To No. 90 Yonge Street, JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, - Markham. Nov.V1, H365. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho coun- ties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes. Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty 10 do Laskey. March 2nd 1865 39-! - EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Henry" Smelser. Residence--Lot 20, rcar of 3rd Concession of Markham. P.0.Address--Buuonville. Partios requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD office. Junnary 4. 1365, 31 Counties of- York and Peel. and Rnuairpi IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Watches, clocks, and Jewelry, .Jnref‘u‘ aunmivu given to the repairing of Watches amtl Clocks Jewelry manufactured Yonge Slrnet. Toronto, April 26. 1866, SHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, 6:1? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ngwood. Sept. 19, 1867. 4 l‘he attention of 'he Public is imvted to their cock, censisting of a. great variety of Call and examine my Slack -aud Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere. as you will find it x0 your interest. W. WHARIN 8200. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ! Ringwood Jrlm'ble [Parks made to order. I‘oronlo,Aur{l 27, 1866. WATCH ES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. fifths bes‘ desv‘ripvjon and newest designs. W. G. CASTELL CONFECTIONARY ! Aurora . . . . . . . . . . lst ofench month, Nawmarket Br'elsford hotel 2nd " " Smuffville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 18th “ “ Vicloria Square.. 20th “ " ThomhiH . . . . ‘ . . .. ......‘23rd " " Richmond Hill ...........24th ' “ “ Maple . . . . . . . ....a.......26zh “ H Burwick. . . . .28lh " " Kleiulmrg. . .29lh 3‘ “ Nobleton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Uth “ -‘ Where he will attend to any business per‘ mining to any branch of his profession; on'nra, June 7 .1865. -t W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. 7 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new 2eeth in the most approvedstylo. Also to regu. late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. DENTISTRY. HE Advertiser offers for Sale. or to Ex- change for a large farm,or to Rent on lease from the first day of April next. his Farm on Yonge Slreel Also his Dwelling House with four acres of land attached Apply to O Richmond Hill, P.O. Ontario, November lst 1867. EXTHACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN ! llu. l’mcx wili be in the following. places prepared [8 oxtract tneth v ilh his new appara- tus. All olhm‘ operations in Denistry perform- ed in a workmanlikc manner :â€" Bv the use of ETHER SPRAY. which affects the I'oulh unIy. The lomh and gum sur‘ounding hecnmo insrmihie with this external agency, when the tooth can be axnacted With no pain, and wilhoul endangering the life aslin the use of Chlorofnrm. W. C. ADAMS, D D- S, FARM FOR SALE DR. N. J .PECK’S, REMOVAL: June. 1865‘ ELEC’IBOâ€"PLATED WARE, C‘UTRERY, &.c., &.c, PU RE AND UNADULTERATED No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. J. SEGSWO TH, MANUFACTURER 01" ALL mNDs or 1]: king Street East. 6 door east of x ....... .. dHill . ...---..o.-o--- '3 5 . . . . - ....o----- WW Masonic aud other Emblems P. WLDEMAN, Or to Rent. MANUFACTURER 0F FOR THE UNITED NEW METHOD OF IMPORTER 0F &c. &c. &c. G. J. F. PEARCE. 479 21-y 47. .r' WOBDERS PHDMPTLY EXELUTED B°®®i§ Order: for any of the undomemioned descrip- uouox J‘ ‘ B PRINTING flllLflllEll JflB WflllK BOOKS, 'FANCY Bf'CLs, Wmmm For Curdn,~&c.. just received. ls entirely new and of the latest patterns. Jargévariety of new PAMPHLETS AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printin". WYork Herltl ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS Will 'uo promptly altmded to :â€" CHEAP OUR ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN And every other kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, AND LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS , [LL HEADS RADWAY’S REA-BY RELEEF ! !! /RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIO CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCES! mws As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIG, FEBRIFUGE. . STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS ‘HE Pro rietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he is now manu acturing improved Ploughs of ' a SWEEEE©E Efi‘fiflfififl 9 mp the most. severe pains. Of Diarrhma, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholio, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold‘ Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.-â€"-One tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly Reduced Price 0f$16 Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"~One application will afford immediate use and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the mm. and which he confidently offers Inviolent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATIC 'CHOLERA., INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC-, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may prove fetal within an hour or two. if not checked by a. powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, N euralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal diifieulties, Inflammation of the Womb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yield at once to this commanding curative, The READY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation as the malady itself. It is more active film the vii-us of the mos+ swift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to use on the first sympwm or 1mm and uneasiness. no person need suifer an hour sickness. Plough Points & Landsides kept always on hand ._o.__. JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. V , SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internalâ€"pm " W M > One of our sisters hetth Rheumatism in her hen ’for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a, few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbmg her head twice with the same medicine she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, an always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, Jae. It has a good effect in flatulence or wind cholie. I use it fer foul breath and it produces a. marvelous effect. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. __........‘ -.- . “1â€" “w- nn-vrn-nnnrr'na N". B.â€"Beware of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radwey’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet Charge the public the same triee our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- Jerfeits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In uremin Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway & Co. on the lebeh, and t 9 words .R. R. Radway & Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl disetses are on record at DI. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreu , emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is wot a Town or City 04‘ importance (except a few in China.) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick vhen all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church md State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Connie abroai Sisters of Mercy at. Ilerehester Street Hospital, applying Dr.'lladway'e Remedies to the sick. PRICE. 25 cents a Bottle, 6" Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. TEE UNIVER‘SAL RWY I Agents for the sale of Rawday’s Ready eli 21‘. P. CROSBY, huhmond um THUS. ALLISON, 'rnctoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora MMBUWE and Mrs. ROWE Sting IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDIOA. Instant Help Needed CURES PAIN INSTANTLY 1‘ In sudden Attacks, HAIL-L’s All Around the Globe. which he now ofi‘ers at the as one of' the best and cheapest kinds in the country JOHN RADWAY, M. D., & 00., SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Mbmnm, And 87 Muden Lane. NEW-YORK HENRY HALL. BIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store: where Stockholders and others may wrocufl BOOKS every Friday afternoon. trot 403 olock. P-M. V ALUABLE PROPERTY A GOOD Dwelling House. Barn. Stable, Driving House, Wood House, and Three quarters of an A‘cre of Land, on which there Is a quarter of an acre 0! an Orchard of healthv young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. (-‘oeseberries, &c. The above Paeperty is situated in the centre ofthe Vlllage. W‘ll be sold cheap fo‘r cash, Village aflb’ichmond Hill, For Sale. F01 Inrtliér particulars apply 16 TEE” Es.. or P, CKO SBY. Esq. Richmond Hill, January 14. 1867‘ TWO ‘FARMS THE Subscriber offers for sale the following property belonging to the estate of‘ the late Mr Lathan Miller, viz: The Farm. com- posed or' part of lots No 34 and 35. in the 151: concession of the Township of Markham. 01L Yonge Street. near Thornhlll. which Consists of 160 Acfies, About 25 of which is Timber land. There isé good Spring Creek runs across this I)!OP8H)’--‘- Univ 12 miles from Toronto. Also the north hall of lot No. 12, in the lat. concession of [119 TQWHShiP 01' Innisfieldl Also, A Bu lding Lot, comprising pari of lot No 38, in the lst concession of the Township of Vaughan.-â€"-5 Acres of Land, good Dwell- ing-house, Barn. good Well of Water, &c. For any further information apply to HENRY LEMON, 'l‘hornhill. September 1211], 1867. A FIRST CLASS Rnadster Pulley, bay color. 14 hands high, 4 years old. good action, and goad in single and double harness. Apply at this effice. . - 3-ft. SAW MILL ‘CEERING TORSALE. - RICHMOND HILL 7 LIBRARY ASSOCATION. HE Subscriber olfers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geering: A Mulley Saw, Upper and Lowe‘ Mulley, Pelmzm, Urank. 5 inch wrought iron Shaft and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage, Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma~ chinery for a first class Saw Mill. Will be sold at, a great reduction oforiginal cost. For particulargfflplflmi OR the immediate relief and permanent cure of Kimumatism. Sprains, Brpisns, WLflirur.meBack. Side, “hubs or Stomach, Cramp. Numbness of Limbs, S ' elling of Joints, Sudden Colds. Diptheria, Sore throat, ABRAHAM EYER, Lot 25, 2nd Con‘ Markham. Post Office address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. ‘3m Has been before the public for upwards of twenty years, and such are its merlls that i! is now juHIy cumiderod ar- an indispnnsibie arti- cles in evary family where it is known. It ha: never br‘on forced on public attention bV flaming rdwrlismnems or rmnarkable cures that never had any existence, but by its own pucnliar value as an unfailing remedy. it has walked its way into public favor. Having a Wonderful efl'bcl when taken inter- nal|3 , in qnickening the simulation loe blood, It isinvaiuable l0 pel‘aons predisposed to Para- lysis. or subject to attacks of Henri Disease, In cares of Dyspepsia, Where food distresses, it affords prompt ruiief‘. and continued for a short tune. sets eyerylhing right. The name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of thn- genuine, and the purposes for which n is intended. as well as the mode of using. attached. Henry, Simpson & C0,, Montreal. Whole- saIa Agents S. J. Foss 61. Co., Sherbnzoko, P. Q.. Sole Proprietors. chobar mm, “167 Hunt’s Empire Haierss HIS pleasant, agreeable.” and scientific pre- paralion is an indispensihle article for the toilet It cleanses the scalp, renders the hair oft: darker appearance, is easily applied and will not stain the finest linen. l‘hose using the Empire Hair Gloss will find that it renders the harsh- est and coarsest hair. soft, glossy. fine and beautiful, disposing iLlo stay in any position in which it is placed. It prevonts ihe hair from fallil g out,invigorales and strengthens it. and often produces a new growth of hair where it has already invigorating and rnsloring the skin. nerves. muscles. blood Vessels. and roots of the hair. Price 25 cents, S. .l. Foss & Co. proprietors and sole manu- facturers, Slierbrooke. Province of Quebec.â€" llenry, Thompson & Co. Montreal; Lyman. Ellivm & (‘0. Toronto. Wholesale Agents. wx.ic|| [hey are pmpm-ed, is based on sound. scientific priLciples, and has rammed the m“ qualifivd approhmionof the medical profession. 'I‘hey do not profess to be a cure all. bug for a” disvases arising from an} dprangemfim or me Stnmanh. Live: and Bow'els, they furnish an effectual remedvr We have in our possession over 0116 hundred ies|inmnials from phuicians who have \used them in their pracme and highh' approve ofthem, among which are the follewing:' ' Dr. OOLBY’S Anti-Cosuve and Tonic Pills, RE a safe and reliable remedy in a” dis- eases 01' lbs Stomach. Liver and “Owels, ’l‘hev are no Qumzk Medivine. puffed up by high-wounding lnslimollinisl from imaginary p. ople‘ but are the result of tin-1y years expenâ€" eiica ofa first class physician. and aler extra. mdinmv suvcess is line to the fact that they answeryexactlv \heir namg The lonnula from whice We have useU in our pracuce. and high. ly apurove. J. H. Gibfiqn. M. D , Dunham. C.E. C. Cotton, MD. (Jowamville Charles Brown. M D, Cewausville S S Foster. MD, Brome. J C Butler. MD, Walerlno. John Erskine, MD, Waterloo. Norman Cleveland. Mb, Barnum]. N Jeuks. MD. Bal‘nslon, C W Cowles. MD. Stallstead, John Meigs. Mb. Slausleud. Joseph Breadon. MD. Surgeon, RN. Benjamin I“amen. MD. Cuaticouk. Lemuel Richmund. Ml). Derlw Line. S. J. Foss & Co. Shel‘h‘flok, 1’.Q. solo pro- prieiars;Henry Thompson, 61, Co. Mon/{1'61}. Wb :lesale Agets. “ANTI-()OSTIVE and TONIC PILLS.’ The [finisrsigned plusicians cheerful”) to the high proxessional sLandmg or L).- of Stanstead. one 01‘ the oldest and best cians. and lo the excellen l qualities Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. ‘Jacoé’s Rheumatic Liquid VILLAGE LOT N THE A. SCOTT, Librarian, AND A certifv (Tolhy physi- ut his

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