LAMP GLOBES, BURNERS, SHIMNEYS, SHAZES AND WIGKS. FIRE-PROOF STORE, RICHMOND HILL. HOUSE FURNYSHING ES'J‘ABLISHMENT HIRAM PEPER Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON S; COPPER WARE, Also on hand a large stock of TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, 850. Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Suaves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringcrs, Lc. 8:0. SALES MADE FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT.» The stock of' which is very large, embrucmg all that is New and 'Clmste and also the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"â€"-Llius meeting the requirements of all. classes. Square and Globe shapes, in great variety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of ROCK OIL AWE? MACHENERY GEL Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it wil} be found worthy of inspection. Toronto, Febuary, 1867. 493 ‘ 1 V VlVlllSusefuliuventionislhemoslcuuvonionl, ' the cheapest, and most durable GATE‘ At the LumberYard r farm use. I i », r {0 The Paten tee is now prepared to sell “0’ a CLOTH$, TWEE S, SHIRTS, Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! HORNER’S PATENT l SELF-SHUTTM Gm !' Afplicants will please address their letters (pLsZPthï¬) to i M. TEEFY, CALL AND THE IMMENï¬E @TOOK GLOVES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, F . \. ‘ . or the use of Us anm Solf‘rshuuing Gale TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! Richmud Hill,September :5". 1867, 47s HE House. Barn and ï¬ve acres of Land situated on Richmond Hill. and belong- ing 16 Mr. John Sanders- For particulars apply to {31, King Sheet, oppm‘ita the Market. Tomuto Richmond Hill, April 6, 1808. Richmond'llill, April 30, ’68‘ WM. ATKINSON’S. Richmond Hill, Nov. 28, 1867. 489. Begs to announce to his friends and the public‘ that he is receiving, daily, his EGS to call the attention of' the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found ‘RESH CAN. OYS'I‘ERS, best brands, kept canslamly on hand. at Oysters ! Oysters ! Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. BURNING FLUID“ ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &C. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR NEW SHAWES, SEEKS, Ladies and. Economic Housekeepers LOEW’EST PQSSIBLE CMISFI IBEEECESB ' AT WM. MITCIIELL‘S. LAMPS AND GHANDELIERS! No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above Kingâ€"street, TORONTO. OF New Cottons,‘ Prints, Tickings, Lin011S, GEMTLEMEN WILL FIN!) A LARGE ASSORTME »T OF 12 1â€"2 cts. per Yard, AT WM. MITCHELL'S. Manufactured and Imported, \Vholesale and Retail ‘ 11' 41 m l q, H wy‘ ‘ A, ‘* 'iu‘u ‘Umum ‘ a ~ W11“ "Mum [If ‘1“ 11 % ml '3’ RICHMOND HILL P. 0, Agent (or I’atentee‘ Are invited to tnspect the Magniï¬cent Stock of Spring and CROCKERY, HARDWARE, COLLARS. [IANDKERCIIIEFS. &c.. AT THE @vamï¬z Which will be found both good and cheap Ribbons, 850., go to P. CROSBY. Special attention is directed to PARASOLS: HOSIE RY, LAN'I‘ERNS TOWELLINGS. &c.. “W mm “mm COMMENCING AT " 511-6 N0. 618 «b: 620 Yunge Street, P. A . SCOTT. NB. Parties having such to dispose of will pleaâ€"e call or write. stating price and quality to Yorkvillu P. 0 Toronto, December 16, 1857. 4D?~-3m HE Subscriber would intimate to the farm- ersandolhers of Richmond Hill and mm! 15 Gummy having. Horses Afflicted with Ring-bone, That he has successfully treated the above the past ten years without a single failure. My charge is $1 50 if uaid when operaled on. if not 153 00 will be charged to ensure a scure. Residence rear aflot 25’, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUNTUN. RichmondHilI, Oct. 95,436 72-1y This treatment does not nece~sitme thelr being laid aside only for a few days. Quite a number ofreference given if requir- ed ol'persous whose horses have been cured by me. W/m'th [(71011) ing‘ 1 VV A N T E D. LUMBER, LATHE, SHINGLES, AT WM. MITCHELL’S WM. MITCHELL’S. for J. H. SANDERSON, A _VETEï¬qNARv7$uaa-EUN, liEGS to announce to the pubSic *hat he has nddeu‘ m the above [hunches the UNDERTAKING BUSINESS! And he wishes to inform the l’ublicthat he has provided anew nndvm'y HANDSOME HEARSE ! EGS to announce 10 the public mat he is now practicing; whh H. SANDERSON, or the same place, whale lhey may be consult- ed personaliy or by leliex‘, on all diseases of [101505. Cattle, &c. Which he can furn'hh wil‘l single or double Tenn) of Matched Black Horses; White and Binck Plumes. Scarfs. Gloves. llalbam‘s and al mher mourning required, on 'he Sl‘o-Itest No- lice, and at the LoweqL Rates. JOSEPH LUND. Books & Fancy Goods JOSEPH LUND Carriage and Waggon Maker! AND GENERA L BLACKSMITH ! (Graduate qf 'l'urtmia Vm'm‘iam‘y College) Corner of You ge and Centre-st East RICHMOND HILL. For Horses and Cattle always on hand : such as Physic. Diureiic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough, (Innditiun and Worm Bails and Powders, The Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of ihe distressing sympâ€" toms of Brokonwind or Heavos in Horses. Colic, Di'anghls, Linimean for Sore Throals, Sprains. Curb. Spavin, Kingâ€"bone, &c, Blist- ering Ointments. also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises. baddio Galls. Inl'alliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. Pocket Banks, Purses, 8w. PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCOTT. Mcdicines of every Discription BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS ! II YMN db PRA YER BOOKS, In a“ the different styles of Binding All orders from a distance promptly attanded to, and medicine: sent to any part ol‘the Proâ€" Vince. Th3 old hand in a New Stand. THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION : in various s‘lyles of Bindings. A. HENDERSON, watch 85 musk maker The ’l‘l'listeas d6 not bind themselves to acâ€" cept me lowes‘or any tonder,unless satisfactory Albums from 25 Cents to $6 Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commiSSion. A. F'i‘ICR an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return 10 Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the ahop adjoining-Mr, W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite the shop of Mr, W H. Mvers, where he will be happy to receive the patron- age‘ of his old friends. Richmond HH‘. Ju'v25, 1867. 011 Lot No. 17. 6th Coxi., Vaughan. Plans and Speciï¬cations can be seen at Mr. Jacob Smilh’s. Lot No. [6, 5th Con., Vaughan, after the 5th day of May. TEN ERS W1†be received by the under- signed up till two o’elock, l’.M.. On Friday, May 15, 1868, HQLIDAY GIFTS LL parties indebted to the late JAMES HOLLAUAY, Aurora, are hereby noti- ï¬ed to settle a‘l Note and Book Accounts not later than the 15111 May, next. Also, all parties indebted to STEPHEN WILLIAMS.Butcher. formerly residing at Richmond Hill, from whom the late James Holladay had a power ofAtton-ney. which is at ptesem in the hands of Mr Holladay’s Execu- tors, are requested to pay the 'same forthwith o elther of the undersigned. WM. COX. v VINCENT DENNE. Executol‘s. NELSON JOHNSON, And all parties to \Ghom the said James Holladav is indebted, will please send in their Accounts on or before lhe above date, when they will be settled. , Richmond Hill, April 30. '68 NEWEST DESIGN OF COLOURINGS, 1 o o o P I E o E .3 Choice B 00111" Paper 2 PAPER WINDOW BLINDS, STANDARD AUTHORS ‘IIE Su'mmiber. ever mindful of the wants of tho public, has just received a Large and Miscellaneous Stock Richmond Hill, April 23, 1&68 Toronto Prices A Large Seleciion to choose from at Richmond Hill. Nov 39.1567. Vaughan, Jan. 2", ’68. WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOSI‘ SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR Aurora, April 16, 1868. FRAME SCHOOL HOUSE, Executors’ N otloe. PAPER FOR FIRE BOARDS, He has also received a heavy stock of TO BUILDERS. Toys of Various Kinds, 0F CAR ULLY SELECThD INCLUDING MANY OF THE For the erection of a II. DICKHOUT, JACOB \‘MI'I‘H, \VM. CONSTABLE, IN THE G; A. BARNARD’S P. 0. Addxess, Teston Trustees 511-“. 510 K)UR‘NG the year 1833 very impmtaut 1/ Sessions \VHlbe helu of the l’alliamont o‘u‘Ontal‘io. and of {he Dominion, am} vexy in- .ev'esyhng dL sfions w?‘-l [[1le placa on sub- juc‘ts of the deepest inleles. to the Canadian peop‘e. The {UUUdHIZUI‘S ol‘ the New Gov- ernment have been Iaiu, hat the sunerstmc- mm will demand all the care of the people,aud Ine pvblicjomurls w?“ uecesszhiiy be called U 1011 to discuss at .ohgyh men ' ouestious, upâ€" on the right sottlemom o; w..lch the iu‘m'e welialo ofihe count y \\':'I depend. and by edilorial disemsions it will strive to in- turm the public 0.‘ the progress of events, :and guide them to a riglnjndgmeuf on lhe poiuis at issue. ' ~ ABLY ENLARGED, and will be printed on a Rotary Ligh'ung Press, ordered from Messrs H00 61 C0,. 0; New le:,1-apable ol' naiuling 10.000 impiesszons an hour. The outlay of this press about $15.0001N GOLD, has been rendered necessn'W by the lavge and increas- ing circulalion OFT†lâ€. GLOBE. It has been for some time impossible to supply in t‘me for the murning mails the number of copies called for ly the public. The increase of size is rendered necessary b" the pre<sure of adver- tisemenls. which have already caused lhepub~ lication ol‘a’ large Supplement twice a week. and which will be coniinued may be found needlul until the permanent enlargement takes place, Al Lheszglnp'tlme a_s_ the enlargement, “ GLOBE †NEWSPAPER. I] all ï¬le mailers {vaiuh wilt be brought be- fore the Legislaures “ THE GLOBE" will take a deep interest. and both by THE PAPER NEW TYPE, Parties sending in their subscriptions now will receive either edition of Tm; GLOBE up to 3lst Decambei‘. 1868, on paymentof' a year’s scbscriplion. First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, > 5c. First Bookâ€"an Part, 511- illustrations, strongly bound in limp Cloth, 100 Second Book, 56 illuslrations, strongly bound in Cloth boards, ,5 200 Third 15001:, 41 illusfrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 300 Fourth Book: 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illuS‘ira‘rions, strongly bound in cloth boards, 50c For Sale by GLOBE WILL-BE VERY CONSIDER- of subscription will remain as heretofore. SIX DOLLARS peramium for the Daily edition TWO DOLLARS per annum fur the Weekly edition. both payable stricflv in adâ€" vance. No paper sent out of the ofï¬ce unti the money is paid. Emuy in the year we sh?“ commence the pnblicaï¬nu of a NEW STORY BY W'ILKIE COLLINS. amhor ofthe ‘ “human in Wuite.’ CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY GLOBE The Club rates for the coming your will be as follows :-â€"â€"- SlX COPIES. one year. .... .. $10 00 TEN do do ......... I5 00 TWENTY do do ........ . 3U 00 And an extra copv of THE WEEKLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. THIRTY COPIES. one year, for. 42 00 and an extra copv of TH'E WEEKLY GLOBE tollm person who gets up the Club ofThirly. FIFTY COPIES. one year, for. . . . 65 00 and a copv of THE DAILY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Fifty. EIGUTY COPIES, one year, for. . 100 00 - and a copy of THE DAILY GLOBE to the per- son who gats up the Club of Eighty. Payment must be; glways in advance. Each paper is addressed separately, and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce. January 24, 1868. Authoxized by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario; FULL REPORTS OI“ PAREIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. Are Manufacturing all the Newest Styleso Men’s. \Vomen‘s and Children’s B00135 (3%: Shoes $68v MARRIAGE LICENSES I EE"S always on hand the best of Beef, Nlullon, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, 616. add sells at the luwect plices. The highest market price given for Cattle, Sheep. Lambs. &c. No- 90 Yonge-st. Toronto, 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. When additional names are ADDED to any Club during the year, they must he sent to THE GLOBE Ofï¬ce bv the person who made up the Club : and the money sent‘ with such ad- ditional names must be such :1 pr'bportion V of the year’s subscription us the Club rate as will pay up to the expiration of the Club. Aléot Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond Ill“. October 15, 1867. ].y NO VV READY ! THE NEW GANABIAN NATIONAL sï¬RIES WILLIAM COX, READING BOOKS Shingles. Waggon Fences, and. Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, SAP BUCKETS & FAILS $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET EAVE TR’OUGHS Early in the year 1868. THE DAILY AND COroner for the County of York: RICHMOND HILL. ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond hill, Jan. 2, 1868, Toronto, Nov. 12, 1867. ALSO Flooring arid other Lumber Dressed. leam Millsl Thornhill. Tllornllill. April 21, 1868. 510~lf. S. M. SANDERSON & Co. DAVID BRIDGFORD, RICHMOND HILL; \VATER SPOUTS ! Successor to James Holliday, Manufactured and for Salé At their New Storeâ€" BUTCHER, TH E TERMS GEORGE BRQWN, .v uqu uo lllU c-nmguunum, WILL ,BE PRINTED ON ISSUER OF PATENT PUT UP AT '1 'H F: AND Publisher, 479 Riummud Hill, Nov, 28. 1866 Farmer’s Boot & shoe Store. 38 “lost Market Square. 'I'oromo U? Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the 3831 Materials and Workmauship, at. the Lowest Remuneratng Prices. Can be procured, in, sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security, 'l'crms made known on persunal application (0 NJ}. Deeds, Mortgages. \Vills. Bonds. &c. &c, drawn with neatuess and despalch.â€" M. '1‘. continues to act as DIVISION Coum‘ AGI’ E'r. Fees moderate‘ S. M. Sanderson 8; Co. \V7OUI.D tako this opportunity of thanking their Friends and Custom‘ers’ fo.‘ the verv Hbel'u] patronage bostowed on them for ihevlast twelve years, and would cordially so- licil a comiuuuuco OI'Lhe same at their New Szaud N0. 90 YONGE STREET. AN oighthorsc power Steam Engine. Bor- ing Tools. Ropr‘s. &c _. belonging to [he Markham Oil and Mining Company. Buttohvill‘e, Nov. 7. 1867. BOOTS 65 SHOES, THE Uudursigned is authorized to state that DRUGS, MEDIflINES, EBGERIBS, WINES 8» LIQUIIRS, THORNIIILL. $209000: Terms easy. title indisputable. Forparticu- lax's apply to MONEY T0 LEND MA RRIAGE LICEN SES. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867 90 of which are cleared, the Dwelling House Brick, with Barns, Slables. Sheds, [{éot Cellar and mher out, Buildings complete. The land is good andin a high slate of cultivation. Also a good young Oi’chaid. 0f chnice li'uit trees, [hare are two good Walls, alsoa never Failing stream cf walur runs across tho Promises, Wllll‘l] makes it We most valuable Farm in the Township. There is also :1 Post olï¬ce, Churchesand School House within one mile of the premises. “ By Royal Letters patentiy has been appointed Jssuer of FARM FOR SALE ! 1:011 SALE one 01‘ the most valuable Farms in the Township ofMAKKHAM. Coun- ty of York. Lot No. 1-1, 3rd Coucessmn, This Farm is situated in a good neighbour- hood, lï¬ mi!es from the Citv of Turonlo. 32 miles from Yonge Street road. PHARMACIST. FISHER & BENNETT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. The Patentee offers inducements seldom ï¬e be metwilh. Requisike insty’x‘uclions for monur fucturing are given. Personal applicnuon must be made to CONTAINING 100 ACRES, ESIDENCE, Lot No‘ 14. 2nd Con Vaughan Post Ofï¬ce Address (Ian-ville All orders left at the 'f Ym'k Herald†ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. or at the 1’,O. Maple, will be attended to. Vaughan, Oct, 10 1867. l-y Dead heads need not apply Newton Brook, July 30, 1867. FORCE PUMP ! Patented Oct. 24, 18b2, April 13, 1860'. and Powell’s Patent Rights for Sale NOTICE! Vaughan, Apm 2, ’68. ï¬lming 133mm .' D. McCAL LUM. Witness All debts due to Me late ï¬rm are tranf’erred to John Forrest and are payable to him. Dated at Vaughan this 3151 day of March, All Kin-bilitiesincurred by thu late Firm of ClprForrest ant} MgNaHy wil_l be? settled by 1868 RICHARD CLOVV,JOHKV FORREST and THOMAS MCNALLY. has been [his day dis- solved by mutual consent. .‘ohn Forrest, and all parvties holding claxm's will please present them to him at once. at Wishaw Mills.Vaughan. BISSDLUTIUN 0F PARTNERSHIP. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1867. For particulars apply, ifby letter DOct paid Address Buuonville l‘osl Oliice. Buitonville, Jan 16, 18038. Patented June 28, 1867. To men 01‘" the right sort 'J‘o-on,10Dece1n|)er 1807. Thomlnll, Feb. 26, 1868 Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Tl‘e Partnership heretofore 93' ‘ting betweexg OUN I'IES 01" RIDINGS of Pomen’s THOMAS CARR R.H.HALL, COUNTY OF YORK. FOR. SALE, M. TEEFY, JOHN BARRON. 0N LAN DED SECURITY. PATENT N DRUGGIST AND IMPORTANT RlCllMOND HILL, Signed EW DOMINION THOMAS TH OMSON. Buttouville, P.O, CHARLES POWELL DEALER IN El) S \NDERSON OR .l()IL\T SANDERSON. FOR THE Nolzu‘y Public, Agent. &c‘ RICHARD CLOVV. JOHN FORREST. THOMAS McNALLY‘ Newtun Brook, 'P.O. 490-“ 486-41, 35 N returning thanks for [he very libvral supme he has received sinCe commencing ' businessin Richmond [Ill], begs to inform tlw public that he has gréafly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of I, HARDWARE and CROCKERY A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call unenllon to his lncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedstéads. Bureaus, Cupboards, Dresring Stands, VTash Stands, &c. &c. Also a large assortmnnt of Room Paper, Boldering. White Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and ijoiletl Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish 'l‘u'rpertine, Benznne, Glass, Putty, Glue, Esta. 81¢. l’arllvs Furnishing, PWering, or Painting their Ho'usus. will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also Flour, Feed, E’roviSion and Grocery Store! Which, nn in‘spertion. will be found the most' fashionable and chasm he his war had th’é pl’ea- sure of submitting to their approval. Fresh Field and. Garden Seeds Richmond Hilmbinet Establishment. "mm. Wm "’m‘nh‘m "mm Wm “WM “hm "12mm mum "Hum “1mm†uumum For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmoad Hill, November 9,1866. ‘ ‘ u ‘3 gr 'h‘ un w a... R W ï¬nal "huxum H"melum’m “law “R "I‘r'v‘numm "‘u‘mm lWun'im "mum" hmnw‘im Mu mm ‘1 GPOCERIES, HARDWARE, \Vllcre he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts Bran, Outs, Pvas, ()almval, Corumeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Patent Swing Pump l’“HE validity of the Patent, having been recently disputed by Interested persons, i a’t'ter two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Clianzellor has given Judgment lully sustaining; the claims of C. Powell, and‘ Speaking highly of the MERITS OF THE PUMP, and With just severity on the baSe and fraudulent conduct of the‘Ini‘ringer, ordering; him to pay the costs oi the suit, and forbidding him to make the Pumps. 'l‘he Patentee feels, that the sense ol'justim: prevalding the communin Hirith to prevent its giving countenance to ~puvc")us imitâ€tors generally will be su ‘ hmicellnr says, is “ is a fraud on the Public.â€â€"â€"b Judgment, whose conduct, the C Which will bé found to comprise everythtng that is in the market for ladies Wear. iuuk lsi prize ai mvinciai Exhihiiiun ’66, Km“ times when shown Manufactury for York 8; Pee] Counties & ‘Toronto City Newton Brook, Yongc Street. 'Ehe gmading Style in ï¬anada Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Wdrked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. I V MEDICAL HALL. I , 167 King Street East, Toronto. {37:31: For sale at “ Herald †Book Store, and by all the prin- ciple Storekeepers and Seedsmen, NE W ARRIVALS. MILLENERY DEPï¬RTMENT! money, Labour & Disappointment. CHENE$E GAREN PGWER GARDEN POWDER! F1§§R§EEE€S @ï¬ï¬BENERS Richmond Hill, April 23, 1868. am, When Ordering" Pumps, please state In readiness for those destructive Parasites; you will save AS MUCH PLEASURE in' announcing to‘ his friends and ctistomevrs the arrival bfhi‘s“ FURNITURE! THOS. OEKINESE Prepared only b y Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs, and Caterpillars LOWEST MAR KET PB ICE. LET 1NFRINGERS BEWARE. $5"pring And Su'mmer STOCK OF HAVE A PACKAGE- FULL STQCK Manufacturing flights for Sale. P. 0. Address-CHARLES POWELL. Newonsgrook 011 Currant Bushes, Plants and Shrubs. Look out for your Currant Bushes, 8L0. WILLIAM ATKINSON CROCKERY, 850., 850;, 850. [S PO W ELL’S HUGH MILLER 85 CO. direcLs special attentibn to his \V. A. has also a OF THE AT THE OF the Depth of the Well or ‘ 'atern. 510-111