Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 May 1868, p. 1

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M'NAB, MURRAY &1ACKES, Barristers & Attornwysâ€"at-Law Solicitors in Chancery, COXVEYASCERS, &0. OFFICEâ€" In the Court House, . .TORONTO “August 1, 1866. 59 W‘Wgamm,f¢3??§; , BLAK ‘ BARRISTER AT LAW, JOHN N. XEIDfITIffif, COR. 0F YONGE AND CDLBUBNE STS., l“. T E E F Y, E S (1., NOTARY PUI: L10, COMMISSISNER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH Consultations in the office on the mornings o 'l'uesduw. 'l‘luuvduyx and Saturdays. Ii to “La. m. M’AII consultmions in the office. (High. _ .FRANCIS BUTTON,JR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, READ AND BOYD, Barristers, Attorneys at Law, SOMCITURS [N CUANCERY. &c., RICHMOND HILL PUST OFFICE- GRICE HENTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. Wills, &c , &c.. drawn wuh uttemiuu and promplimde. Terms moderate. Richmond Hill, June 9. lts‘bS. l DR. HUSI‘EI'I‘EK’S numerous friends wlll please accept Ius sincm'e thanks 1m he‘ll-Hberal patronage and nrompt payment. 9nd would announce (hm he will conllnue to devote! e whnle of his almnlinL to Ihe prac- tice ot'Mndimne. b‘urgn'v and Mulwtierv. AH calls. (night or day) promptly amended 10. Mr. \Vm Jenkins is authorised tocoHect,and give receipts for him. Richmond Hill, June. 1"65 1 (.\EFICEÂ¥â€"0\'t‘x‘ the Gas Company olfice Toronto SLx'ect. Toronto. FOR THE County of czk. Sales attended on the shurfiest notice at modemte mlcs. RU. Adda-SS, ButtonviUe; Toronto. D.B. READ, Q.C.â€"J.A. BOYD BA May 7. mm. 4mm Six lines and under. first insertion. . . .9500 5“ lunch subsequent illsertiou.... .... .... ()0 t3 Ten lines and undpv. first insertion. . . . 0t) 75 Each subsequent in<ertiou. . . . . . . . . . ... "(I '2“ Above ten lines. first insertion. per lino. Ht! ()7 Each subsequent insurtmn. pM‘ line. . . . (Ht “‘2 One Column per twelve months. . . ... . 5“ “H Hall acolnlun do do 30 Ill) Quarter ofa cuinmu per twelve months. 20 (HI One column pet six months nu . . . .. . 4t) (I0 Halt‘acolumn do ........... 25W) Quarter of a column 1mi- six months. . . . 18 (it) A card of tan lines, for one year". . .. . . 4 lit) Acard ot‘tit‘teen lines. do ....... .525 A card oftwenty lines. do 65H FAdvertimments without written directions nserted till forbid. andcharzed accordingly All advertise-noun published for a less period than one Inornh. must he paid forin advance. All transitory advertisements. from strangers “irregular customers, must he paid for when Landed in for inser‘iou. ILL generaHy be found at home hefore half past 8 mm and l'rom l 102 p.m. All par/lies owing Ur J.lmn;_r;1nffum BXPPCL‘ ed to call and pay promptly, as he has pay- menls now dial must be met. 77. King Street East, mar Thompson’s East India Hausa) OFFICEâ€"In the “York Herald” Buildings, Richmond Hill. {1:} Money to Land. July, 5th. 1866. 5-ly No paper disconlinued until a” arrezirages are'puid: and panic: refusing papers wixhoul paying up, will be held accountable for the subscription, CUNVICYANCLK. AN!) DIVISION COURT AGENT, BARHISTEH, Atlarnay-at-Law. Solicitor in Chancery, C 0 NVEYANCE R, &c, &c., &c Â¥ ...l._.. TERMS Vbulllar per annum. 1N AD~ VANLE: if not paid Within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. Allletwrs addressed to {he Editor must be final-paid. And dispatched to subscribers b) the earliest mails. or other conveyance, when so desired. The YORK HERALD wxl] always be found to ‘ contain lhulatest and must impultant l’oreign and Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest care will Be taken to render it ac- ceptable to the man nfbusiness, and a valu- able Family Newspaper. Boots w Shoes Are Manufacturing all the Newest Skyleso Adam's. Wmnenflx and ()hi:dreu’s No- 90 Yonge-st. Toronto THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and Wagg MAKER, &»c. dc. dw. Residenceâ€"Newark" apposit 9 {he fiicluwnd Hnu' UNDERTAKER EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Elg'ln Mills, October 5‘ W66 Markham, Jany 24, 1868 'I'hérnhi”. June 9, 1865 Toronto. August 1. 1867 ifitmiuce‘g fiixcttom}. S. M. SANDERSON &; Co. RATES OF ADVERTISING. fill): 19qu germ DR. J'AS. LANGSTAFF CON VE YA NCER, rim GEO. B. NICOL, At their Nuw Store 'I'HUR‘N‘H [LL IS PUBLISHED Past ,Oflfice ggon 497 "‘HE‘ Subscriber begs to inform the Public: lllgit he has leased Ike above “0181.1 where he willkeap constantly on hand a gond‘ snpplv of first-class Liquors. die. As lhlsl house passesses every accommodation Tra- vel orb candesire. LIIOSB who wish luslay where they can find every uoml‘onare reepectl'ullflu- vited to give him 11 call. Ladies and Gentlemen, who require a true chart of the foot, can procure on‘e in either French Kid 01‘ Gulf, by calling and ordering it at T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill) Api‘i14, 1867. This IS 11 desirab-le opponuu iv to secure an A-hgihle business stand at a moderate pxice.â€" A credit 0" fiveyears WI“ be given. For Plan and other fiaruoulars egq'uire of the subsmiber J. R. ARNOLD. _\ DAVID EYER, Jun., Slave 8; Shingle Manufacturer The heat of \Vines. he found at the bar. lion fur travellers. in ultendance. st concession of Vaughan. inmmdinialy uppmile [lu- rmidm-ce of|)r. Duncnmb, in the Village of Richmund HIH. a< lmd ofi‘ in a Plan prepared by Mr‘ Gmn’ge Mcl’hilllps. I) mm; me from pm Ar 1th No. 46. hi the GEO. MCPIIILLIPS 8L SUN Provincial Land Surveyors, Kalil on hand. SAWING cone promptly flsg Richmond Hill, Jqu 3. 1867 'H‘HE OIL!) IIOTEL, GIDEUN DOLMAGE. Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 9.5-“ Calf, Kip and Cowhide Boots, I EGJ‘ to inform the Famelsin lie neighbor- hood 01' Klr‘hmund Hlll, that helms Ioared the above Vlnlls. and has put them In thorough rupmr, and will be glad to recuive a share ul' the patronage of the puhlic. DANIEL HORNER, Jun, At Ihé Ibwesl passible rates. Saw Millou Im 25, ‘2nd Cop. Mal'khfim. 2; nnllaseaslot' Richuiqndfl llx b)‘ the Plank Road Richmond HAII. June 26,1665. 4-ly S. M. SANDERSON 8L Co. PLANEINC. TO ORDER, Planed Lumber, Flooring, &c; Sales attended on the shortest notice- and on reasonable terms. GRIS TING- AN D CHOPPING, WThe highest mamet price paid for \\ hunt. Richmond Hi1}, Nov. 14. 1867 . BUIL DIN-G LOTS R“ Orthrs l-sflat the " Herald” 0810.6 for M Carter’s service-1 will be promptly attended to Jnne,27. 1567. RICHEIOND HlL L 1‘11 L LS. Dona nn lhe shorten notice. MALLOY’S AXES 1ORLha Counties of York. k‘eclnnd On- { tartar. Residence: hot H, 6th concess on Markham. [’osl Oflicoâ€"Unionville. NEW SERIES. Parliamentarr Legal Business amended to. OFFICES â€"â€"CJurt Street, Corner of Church Steel. anoum. 5. D. EDGAR. RICHARD GRAHAME. Toronto, February 5, 1558. 499. l'hux‘nhill, July 4, 1857. Lumber Ton gued & GrOVcd EDGAR & GRAHAIHE: Barristers auh Quomegsmâ€"Eatfi,‘ SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. donveyanc 91's, N0 IARIES PUBLIC, ch. DOLMAGE’S HOTEL, LUMBE RING- ABRAl-IAM EYER two 1865 { ESH)E,\YCEâ€"Lot 25. 2nr1 Can.__1\iarkllam Li on Hm Elgin Mills Plank Road. A lurgu Stock UTS‘I‘AVESfiIId SHINGLES. kept .)ll.~t7llllly01l handyaudsold nflhe Vlgwesl Prices [IT Call and exauiiu'e Siock before parchm- lg elsewhere. ' v r - l’usl ()Ifice Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. JOHN CARTER. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Junb 7,1865. THUR NT HILL. HEN RY HERON, Proprietor. Vol. VIII. N0. 52. EGS respeclmlly to inform his customers and [he [lllbllc lhul he if preparud ll) do NOTICE TO FARMERS. In any quantity. and on shah notice GEO. H. APPELBY At No 90 Yonge Street. Toronto. GREAT BARGAINS LATE VAN NUS'I‘RAND'S, RICHMOND'HILL AND YONGE ST. EENERAL ADVERTISER. WAA,,,, SEAFORTH. C. W PHYSIOLOGY. Lint ‘20. 2nd cuceussion Markham lu Men’s and Boy’s FOR SALE. ARE OFFERING 0K SALE BY Liquors and Cigars wil! Cumf'ormbte accouurlnda- A careful Uosllul‘ always )TEL, aprietor. d Cigars will accounnnda- Osllul‘ always ly lOTEL, ND'S, mum Publiclcl‘ of the Window-blind I above llolal. t......t n Now, as there was little chance of knowing w tat was passing in my adversarv’s mind at this time lrnm other people, it became im- perative that I should divine for mvsolf. ltherclore look measures fur studying his countenance (lailv. which he could neither be aware oi nnr suspect. Every (lav at a certain hour, I used to post myself at the window of a small cafe sit- uatml on Monsieur Durtouc’s line of march in and from the Buutse. iBy cautious‘y raising a little corn- was table to examine the expression of l-lf I fell. a sad misgivingj , _' 'But still I knew if I spoke out That 1 should lose my living. They made me f‘at, they paid me well To preach down abolition. I sleptI I died, I woke in hell, How altered my condition.” The fiend heard this. and with ayell That made his chains to rattle, Resoundmbr through the vaults of Hell Like to the raging battle. "Rejoice! my friends in chains he cried, A moment. cease your wailing, And toss your fetter'd arms on high, ‘ Our kingdom is prevailing l Pealjcined to pea], and yell to yell, Throughout, those dismal regions, In notes which none could raise of swell th the infernal legions. Aslhe effect of the first {right passed a'Way. the physiognnmy of the mari iii lhe cloak gradually re- cnvyred its worm-(l calm. l siaw that he had [succeeded in quit-{mg his fears, and was by degrees free- ing himth [mm Hie apprehensiiiu lh'al suspicion might allach Id Him. This grew mure plainly apparent each day, till. at Iasx. l was sure that my adversary'é mind was quite easv again. Who tore the infant from the breast That you might sell its mother; Whose craving mind could never rest Till you had sold a brother? W ho gave the sacrement to those Who chains and handcuffs rattle, Whose back soon after felt thy blows, More heavy than thy cattle?” “I’m from the South the ghost replied, And I was there a. teacher; Saw men in chains, with laughing eyeâ€" I was a southern preacher. In tasseled pulpit gay and fine, I strove to please the tyrant, T) prove that. slavery is divine, And had the scripture warrants. And when I saw the horrid sight Ol‘slaves by torture dying, And told their master all was right, I knew that I was lying. Iknew the time would soon roll round ,t When Hell would be their portion, When they in turn in fetters bound Would plough the fiery ocean ; That mus-tiered ghosts should haunt them There hearts in pieces sever, [thet-e, Their conscience sting, their Vitals tear, And curse their souls forever. I hnew all fills, and who can doubt ' t Now was mv time to make my first cmp.‘ Chardonhad returned to Morville atter hi4 acquittal; and, as I Had ILearned. had. by dint 01 hard Work, Managed to shake OH the morbid depression which the toss at his yuupg the and his own suffering had produced. One mnming. he n-ceived a letter from me requefiting his immediate pres- énce in Paris. That evening, ‘he was closeted wuh‘ me in’ my bur eau. histface for two or lhrée seconds and iulhls way I learned all I wanted. “Hail, Prince of Darkness! ever hail I Adored by each infernal! I come among your gang to Wait, And taste of death eternal.” “ Where are you from,” the fiend demands; " What makes you look so frantic ? Are you lrom Carolina‘s strand, ‘ Just west of the ALlautic ? Are you that man of blood and birth, Devoid of human feelingâ€" The wretch I saw‘when last on earth In human cattle dealing ‘I Whose soul with blood and rapine slain’d With deeds of crime to dark it, Who drove God’s image starv’d and chain’d To sell like beasts of market? ln ropiy to his questions, I told him that l was, I felt assured. on lhe track oflhe actual assassin of 01 his wife; but that his aid was indispensable to my plan ior bringâ€" At the dead of night when others sleep, Near hell I took my station; ' And from that dungeon dark and deep, ()‘erheard this conversation. A DUEL IN THE DARK. Concluded from our ldét. agitemmm THE DEMON. Emmy; “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion: RICILMOND HILL, F RIDAY, DIAY '29, i868. I thought so, my algent s'aid. C'est lm’! Who? _ » > The man we want; the assassin ofyonr the. Stay ! he added, lav- ing his hand quietly but firmly on Chardon's arm as the letter sprang forward With a fierce exedrzitionâ€" Stay ! The game is in safer han’ls than yours. Monsieur. We are playing it for you. It is not time yet. But soys tranquille I you have not long to wait. He will try it, tonight or to-morrow night at latest. Listen! You will retire to reSt as usual, extinguish your light as usual. leave your key in the look as usual. put a ptstol under your head if you (alto’dse, and leave the rest to Us. We have hitri at last. C‘hardnn. brave as he was shud- ered. He undgrsmod. The murâ€" derer of his wife, whom he knew not. knew him; suspected his ef- rand in Paris. and was [lea if] to comm}! another crime, _td sédure himselfhmn the qonseq‘nenccs of me first. He understood now what my liulé plan was; Three or l‘uur days passed. Char- don continued to carry out my di- reciions to the letter; attended the Bourse each nmrning; paswd each night in that hutetul charnher over- looking the gardehs 0f the Luxem- burg. Nothing had happened. But my adversary’s [ace toid me something would happen before long.‘ 0n the fifth night, as they lounged horrtewards rather fatter than usual; Chardnfi remarked to his camp-anion. mv fidds Achates. that hit the laél two riiglils‘ he was certain that some one had been dodging themâ€"was ctééping steal- thin alter them then". r The other smiled, turned sharply down a Cress street and halted. Aman, shrouded in an ample cioak. and with his had pulled over his eves, passed swiftly by; Furtunately for its Snacesé, his clo'ur'age and his resolution never failed him’. At his wu'ntpd hour, he ascended to his apartment,’ lea"- ing the key in the look outside as usual, and placing, before he ex- tinguished his light. tne’ Algerian p0niat‘d with which Madame Chur- don’ had been stabbed exactly in thé same place where it had bPPn on the night of the murder. He had noticed, on taking his candle. that another candlestick, with a That night. he found himselfnnce more In that fatal room (A the little Hotel Garni. Not without an al- most iviuciable repugnance. he made his preparations lor 'passing '.he night there. To sleep, he. felt Would be impossible; and flinging himsell into afauteul, he waited, a pray to S'id thoughts (ti his inst wife till morning came. With it arrived my truety Subaltetn, who jwas t0 a'ccdmpanv him to the Buufgze. The two walked there presentl? along 916 Quais together. and fieturned 'v the éthemt‘J’te in the aiternoon aluthe iinie I had: inked. r“ 44* i read on the distflrhcd counteri- auce 0f Mniisieur Durrduc that day that the assassin of Madame Chai- don had reéognised. and suspected the errand of, the huShand of his victim. I was quite prepared im‘ lilia; but it vas highly Saltsiactory to know that ah I had antictpated was com-m: to pass. Merely this, 1 said: to engage and occupy that night. and every night lor the next week, the apert- mem Numero Ten. at the Hotel Garni. in Ihe Quartier Latin.\vhich he and hss wife had occupied on the night the murder was commit- ed ; to walk every morning by a certain route to the Bourse; pegs four or five hours there in a little harmless speculation, and return about five in the afternoon, by the same way as he went, in company with a person whom I would send to nim. He promised exact com- pliance with my instructions, and kept his word. Once more he a‘ssdred me that, for lllis, he would shrink from noth- ing. What was he 10 do! Merely this, I said: to engage ling the crimina'l withing the grasp ‘of the law, and that I had sent to. 1 him to ask {or it. He agreed eager- ‘ly to do all that I might require of him. There might be, I informed nim, som’e danger, possibly ;' some discomfort certainlyj add what he would shrink from more than either“ a cruel necessity for re-op‘ening wounds just cit)Sed. But all would soon be over; the right [man brought to justice; his own name cleared from eVen a shadow of su- spicion; his murdered wife aveng- ed. 95 M Tnfy. "I “my”. ‘ ~ ‘ nu. nu In. Iv unnnuw‘uuu, .thrlnlfin k leuw§ “ugheaxdl “QM; J N0. 2 passed along the corridor to his rtmtti about midnight; and after that no sound but the bureless cnant of somé toiétvi'itig Studént fa? ay'aay in the sheet heldw broke the dead silence. All was :40 Stilt, that. worn out bv watching and anxietv, Chardnn began to (‘xpeli- ence, deepite the mural poril ho was in._an irreststable inclination to sleep: He will try it now, he Said to himself, as pmml in hand he lay down once more upon his bed. His head lay like lead upon his billow. Involuntary, his lleavv eyes closed, Opened once or twice, as he woke llixrlsell will] a sudden slarl, closed again. and finallyâ€"4a sleep line the sleep ul death had fallen ulion hing“ He‘lievé‘i‘ hézird the door of lhc limit mom open. nor x119 asSzlssin’s slep wilhmu, nor saw who onlored hisown chamberâ€"a man whose {ace was livid and hmribiy distort, ed, who held a laper in his [qu hand. and in his right a long brighl stiletto. What was that? The door Of No. Screaked as it was gently opened again; then a stvahh'tlv trend In the corridorâ€"and tth the kky of N0. 1 turned softly in the luck. and Churdon knew that the murderer of his wileâ€"the man who meant to have his hfe 100-â€" was standing on the threshold. Murning came. The day pass- ed as usual. Again (III-“Mud heard as he walked Ihls :iine a’one along lhe dcs'erlc‘d Qquis back irnm the Bourse, 11):: same dogging looIsh-ps bchmd him- When 1:42:00]; his,1he Candle and key ()1 the occupant of NIL 2 were on Ihn vesxibule labie. as they had been lhe previoua night. Breathing regularly, as one in ‘a (in‘p Sim-p. lhe watcher daew Ilie hand which grisped lhc pisiui noiss‘lessly fmm under lhc: pil- low. ‘Bul lhe‘ slvahhiiv tread came no nearer; eiihvr the assiissin’s Courage iailod him, or he had n’lc‘reiy wished to assure himself ()1 lheprcsence of his intended Vic? Hm; dam; of lhé neXl mmii éhut lhe ‘fiéxx‘ IhOI'Ilt-‘l'lll and lie gueséml righllj‘. Nolhing furlhcr occurred In (“S‘UI'D him; but he lossml feverishly to ahd Hannah’é l0 git-Pp. and haunt- ed wile horrible. waking (lréamé‘. Lying motionless in his bed. his hand clutchngy lhé piSml he Waited listening fur the luntuteps that he knew \iriiu‘ld Come. Presently, he Cnuld hear them-up the stairs, along the dark corridor,- past the' door ()fhis room ; then the dudr of No. 2 was 0pvn9d and closed. and Chardoh Could hear the mulfled tread of some ()hef pacing Cautious. ly to and {rmâ€"that ceased, and then all was quietâ€"so quiet, that‘ as he lay there propared fur the‘ (Math-grapple with his assassin, he‘ Could hear the lwaling of his own heart. \rVoultl it he to night 7 Any- thing was better than this horrible suspense Yuu may sleep on both ears for the lulure, I said In him; ()urfriend here is no! likely to bulher you any more. Paste! Cher Monsieur Dur- The two apaylmems, No. I and No. 2, Were reached by a shor’l. dark corridor. and diVIded only bv a [hm partition. Opposite No. 2 was a woudclnset, built in“) Ihé- wall, and, as Chardnn had nightly assured himself, securer loéked. kov marked N0. 2, lying in il, had been prepared for some occupanl oflhe mum men In his own. He- Could Pasiiy guess u ho lila't ocuu- pant was likely to be. It will not be till lo mormwmow; him: it Iler§119n§, éwvmiilis‘iéi. w"; wards andpnhiéheé. and 1{P9§'§= 1 under its cnnlril. Tm- h_u~v mud :iilehd 1p isls, un'rhnijstlrufir-vs. Iiw (fins! Jim'vi'e'rfnl submit In il§ rufiihifl ahd ihé anéiy gmlng‘é ills mb‘raid- inus“ \Vhilé ' bonscienée i5: bur h‘il'nll. ali is fipace; lull H (mm: nflk'fldm". (armvvll ,Il‘o tranquil min'dfâ€"â€"Hon. Mrs. M'm’nlgue. THE USES OF \'VAI.KING â€"--\Vall.:- inq fm‘ young and nclive ‘ [Inn-um: is hv far me his! ‘Pxprois‘v ; ‘riIfIimg is gum! [or :1 he eldvriy. mhMln-agm! and invajidfi ‘ The ahnse nf 11154» PxProisps cnnéisl in‘ flaking ~ Ihprn wier lhe- svsmm is (‘Xllalls‘Ff-‘(Lfindrn nr [933. by" pyevious fasling, of hv menial iéhr‘urs. Srmie perzéons in indicinmlv anempt a- lung wa‘k hvtofqbrpakrafl, under the hnlipf that it ‘is (-nvmllucive In hPHllh Olhers \Vgll up'léarlv It) Work thrve hours al some ahstrnsn men- tal mil. 'l‘he‘efiehlv in hmh infllanr'Pe ie [he same; it thiracls rrnm Hm pnwvr qf‘exerljnn in the afH-‘r par! of thy! (lav. A short s-mnIc-r. nr émhé ligh' wading helm»: this mm] is thphml indulgr’tmr! of NW kintl ; mhvrwiir‘. 1119 waste nvmeinnml hv lahnnr. must hp anpnlund hv nnnr- thwm. and the brenklasl will nF-npdearilv hpcmnp a hr-Iavy (no-a1, an«l_1|~e whnIP vynrn’gi CQ'nfnrl ear-.5, r’ficml hv weigh] a! ihe cht-é' in m Hm ilnporfvct (ligvsiinn of fund Those observations Hpnlv In Phle-rlv p'rlrsnna. who are prom: In 11m- !hmme-‘vvs in In 'th)-'r$l1a.<ilnn Hm! Ihe-y can use their. menial or budin powers in age as in \‘nulh. ‘ It is rather a humiliating: fact that all, the mechanical pwver exerted by a man during his life is more than covered by the power stored up in one poor garmload of coal, ' Pomhunum Chafilios are the Vixry Pssen‘d'e uf sx-lfiwlunuss win-n lw- queailu-d bv muse \vlm when . Min- wqu‘hl part Willi rinlhiniâ€"‘Coltdri lale'lh'e' mji’l'ialjun 0’" chihlrr-ri irim Hui Ways (9f lifo, when lhév an- scarm‘lv more than ' int-mm. [I cwcks the“ 0(wnfixlrtluiiei ah] sirfin'i- cily, two 0' “)0 UPS! 'qualiliéié: Iii».- ven gave- the-m; and (It-manuls Ihul Ih'ey share our Soi'rdxizs befnrr: Hwy are ba‘pzible of inflating; Mild Ci)» inn- Ivring imo our enjuyuwnts.â€"Dick ens. I! is nhjust aim abmfd nf‘pni‘anhs advanéing in warég m 9x5)ch «If HIP young Ina! confide-no? shnnld cum» all and only on' ‘llleir side: T‘lw human lwarl. at \varawver age, opens only in llw l‘warl [Hy/u, opens m_ iremrmâ€" Miss Edgeworlh. A woman's heart. like 1110 moon, lbou‘d have hut one man in it. Anximy is the poison of human life. â€"â€"Blair. Take thin'zq alwavs by We smooth haudlu.~-J3ffarsdn. Tum. guilt nf eulngisinz 0r ap‘nltr uismg for wickvd acuiuns is SlPCUIlI.‘ unlv In that uf Cunnilining them.â€" Southey. When (has a candie resemVJYe a tomb stone? \Vhe‘u itissec up for a late has. band. A 1)::uleliil‘llfan(l furuiné, 'hndg'h they make not a bad m nn’ gum}, ye! Ihey are a. real advantage to a wmyhy one, ane' Mace his virtues in H)? fuirésl llq’iI.--Lilllj Tu read Qhakipere‘s Works pilot) suxuerfiuiaily is enlerlwinnwnt; m linger uvm 11mm lovineg 5nd udmirihgly is’ ev-njvy m-nl; m émdy them pml'oundlv Is \vistlmn, mural an‘l intellecnml.â€" Cowdm Clm‘ke' He Who, wheti bailed upun' m SpF'ik a dliugrneahl'e Hulh. lélli il boldly ant! Ins done. is bmh lm'du: and milder lhan he uhu nihlr’é in a low wee. 21ml n‘téver ceases nibbi- ingâ€"Labatei‘. Aml mat, said IUUDSIHJI' Gn-rlzml in conclusionâ€"th! was mv due! in [he dark. 1 how I "My Halter my- seH it [1 Is kepl you awake [or flw last halflmur. Ynu will slevp all me s‘u‘ungier pres‘emly, fo‘f hire “6- are al' Lynn'. Where I descend. Adieu, Wes-chef ! Ban voyuge’. wood cloS‘el rmil-side. Sulely 0h )our account. ‘ Bm r‘m‘ mailer.- I am content to kn‘nw lhal mv lime Illvo’ry hasi proved Corn-cl, fund llml lhe :nysléfy u’flh'é- affaire C'h‘ar'do'n is sulirfacmrilv sulvc-d a! lml. man, you have given me éiu‘m’é l’iulé- lruubln,dn Vcd kn‘owfi I have“ spent Hie las! tun" flights“ in Ihal TERMS $1.00 in Advance. Hug. ‘ _ Hatters dz) mac?) heufl'wqtli Household Wrdsâ€"Doméstic quuréla. have we mm fever. ' Cnmciehée is Jliéuin’s hes: thin~ GR AINS OF GOLD. V’Vhole N0. 515. es .mp mamwmaw «‘3‘ chihlrr-fi irim mun-Ivy I-iwri Hi H‘ :ili‘nnge-r.‘ “’5 like I‘m {nan who sided iiaiik In lhE night tolling a‘éide‘ a min» ui‘ a h'ntin; agalnfl ulm-h llé' lmé luirl his {0151, m) ILHI ill“ n-‘Xl WNW!" h‘y‘ “'fltli‘fi’éi: he ina’x He. may h‘v swarm! the Samé evil II is a trillu. lu'i'i wiifi ’s from a‘ gnmi priméip’lu. ‘nntlharric-i‘rdm Mid In}! ui‘vnl fillllifimniuhrx i)“. may produce hafipin'eSS ibbalbuld!‘ Me. Pmsvmmq Cumâ€"7A irl lmifiggd. Eli Becket alias I‘m-.mpu‘ u ts arrested by _ e} ‘eolive Naewhgtll veal rlny rimming} on ‘ liq ch-u'ge ng pllliélnplln: m pnisdlf dnpillqr wcmzm vigili llzule H Lr'dun It. appears Hillsi- Im Sunday {if'lejnoon the prisoner. j! Whfifiii en :9; red as a will; in a. h rusv (m Quepti g sent Mrs. Becket an a. We pie. which; the latter lmvin : tamed it. produced such as xldfiéén us to lead lye]: to quit eam'n: it. [n thepfi'en- in I slie bccumn unwell. and sen'lt fu‘l' mpgllCal ai ‘. ‘wlmn lhe do ‘I i' lisuuvered lhat nilie‘wal su'l‘erin: fx'nm the e Fuels y-qulsun. Tlié‘pin 'eiJ I exzunineIl, was found luvc‘mlaln' akla'rze llnglgtitx sulnll It» or: c VDEJCF. and its the facts poimed p:e:vy clearly t5) ‘the girl La- umn,t,‘,sl1<: was arrested. “Ill 11 ‘hfilfien in Ullill'l? she was nhsexved pulling éam‘erhing ium her umulh, but was forced lg glyle it up. It was disuuvered L4 be some ul'the Sigma kind nf'_puisol| us llmt ll’u‘ld in [he piefla'n'd leuvel lime doubt l)uL that she was guilty qflhe ao- IemuL Lo mudez. M rs. Huideu slates that a. snmnar ullcmpl was made on liq; lil'c some Innuth darn by the smne girl, fly v‘utting some polsun‘l‘u u out: often This was un- successful, but did 110% appear to Have deter. led her flow a second uuefilpt. Mrs. Har- den is 1L mauled wannu, amd l1ng llzvm-d for some tune on Uenlrc sheetâ€"Globe. IT is' No'f Mimiâ€"'1' 0H:-n han'Ven's'; Inal llw ve-ry 14mph- timsl' 'pa’rli'cillii‘r. rvspviuing llwir mvn lhingu, éréi mm! unnmn in Weir dint-gait! hi lhu p‘mpv‘rly ui inh‘r-iw; Haliils~ u-f n9;1l|wss'_|n«l u-(‘Inn-nuy ai‘e as‘uh-dly Coniuu-ndalmi, but Illi'y b‘é'chlii'é mamfi \i'lwh :Ippiiml im'v 31$ unv'd indivfxliliil 11w and wheri 1h}. y'i‘fli'iii' uinii “i i§ nhi iiiih‘ii" is umk- ‘d mind as a .Jq-lvuw from care. Th1" vh‘fiimln. on ihé éudflrui'jh 'shn'ul‘ rendm‘ Ihv ll!Pr-'§i "if!" iuniuirla‘d' iii mir gnu, A [huh lu-van'le'hl jirafi and Ihinking mind (“iii-rim a desiré Hi p'mlewl Ihv rig‘nls,‘ it-fillimitm 9'9} CUMN} THE D :AF.â€"T}1:e Journa de [it/urn suya :-â€"‘ ._\ cu‘rin‘t'isy‘ incident nécu‘rrrd during the revision of' the National Guard Nubile giv- Peronne. One young mfm who prescribed himself appeared to be quite The sur- gem) cu'ct'uAly exuuinud him, using all teameuplnyml ixi sucli films, but the other remained mute He was abuut to be truusk'erch m the invalid list,wheli the surgeon; as :1 ("LI ll anempt, said iii a low 1011601” mi: , your ule’ness ‘ex- e upts you In) 11 ,ew'i;n__;; however you will have 10 agfmu- Herd auin on theâ€"- or' next urmtli. in aria; Lo ,2) through the requisite t'mu Mini}. At what hour sir 7 said the young‘u'lm, in_ great de‘ iighc; joyvhad in mg; worked a miracle. You are or: good service. and need not distuxb yourself, was the reply. As‘t you how Julio will behave? Depend ()n‘x. fin' a ru e. ._ If sun's a foul sha'll wed the ham, _.And If a mum the fin»! FEMALE PHILOSOPHY. A rogue and foul, with dxfl'erent views, For Ju‘ia's hmd apply; lhe rogue to mend his fortgng fuéi, The foul no please his eye. l Pacific ocean. This is arinth‘er dase' of i medicine; Shnitly uf‘ er the‘ wires v'v'ere' terected the attaches 0‘? the' Telegraph Cnm‘p‘an‘y invited a mim‘b‘er of Indian éhie'l's‘ to‘ meet at a. certain pnin‘t,‘ In?! from thence to trtvel, one party east and another west, When they,wer'e sepera‘t- ed by neirIy a hundred m'ilé‘s‘ they Were” permitted to dictate t‘ness‘ages. which Were fl tsherl from 0nd; party to the Other; 'l‘wu days subsequently the (Shitsz thee and compared no‘ei. Naturally they Were greatly astonished, and eXpreSs‘ed thcnrelvos cmvinc d that, it was the‘ Great Spirit‘s talk Which thé \li'it‘es did; At all events it waq decidei that ,it would be Well to avoid maddlinz with the telegraph wires. A~' it'to str'ehgth'ed thix‘ npininn an afi'tif odcurred So’nd after which mile it, evident. “1113 there" ivasi :i potent Suinétltirig cb‘ Inec'ted with the itch string. A YOU“! Sinux Ih‘dia'ti determined to show that. he h ul no‘ faith in the Great Spirit 5 c'vmneiitin’ii With the” Wires, so lie s'et to Work with his hit-Chet to cut dowu one of the telegrtph po’les; A severe thunder-storm Was ghitig On at a distance ; a charge of electriéitjy being taken lip by the viii-es was pissed to tlié pale \thic’h _ the ‘Iidian Was .c’utti’tizt which resulte‘l iii the instant death of the Indian For a lung: tilue thereit‘téf the telegraph-“tie ivn§ 1th mol'es’t'ed. ‘ INDIANS AND Tm: TELEGRAP‘liu-é It must seem stran‘ye that the Indium! s'uldb'm‘ molest the t:legra;:h-Wil‘é§, wh‘iéH hear our Messages across the plaini to’ the rocky mountains, and thence to the: was one thing Ilia! Il‘o‘ub‘lc‘d her mind very much. and MW Would like [for as<istallc'e.â€"-‘Vi'lh' lh‘e gre'a‘Ir-sl pIPasiure. Fray val f5 ii ‘ â€""VVP”, ii is Illis: ifl shulfld ha'VG an o‘fl'r-I ()1 marriage and accept if could I get my Imm'y back when ieavv 7”â€" “BY '4“ Im- ms, madam " â€"â€"} ()h, then I am perft-clly cufitel‘fli HOPE [5 NEVER" L’o's'r ---In one of our suburban viilagua li'Ved {an old maid over seven!) yearé ohi‘LWh'o: never gave Up the idea but bah; shun d g9! an ofl'r-r before she (fled: She applied last war fur admissiéfif’ m the Old Ladivs' “mum. and “a: rem-ived, after paying the usu‘ll fee, and ulna: “Hie Innan she had. over imume nmlmns’ hands for safe keepinm One mnrnmg she' called Ihe maImN. and mid hvr that there

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