Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 May 1868, p. 4

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~ LLIAM OX, Sociessot to .lhlllt‘.‘ liolltttu'r, l UT C H E R , 2nd door north of Bernard’s store. RICHMOND HILL, 7El‘li’S always on hand the best of Beef, I Mutton. Lamb. Veal. l’mk. Sou-ages, &c. and sells :11 lllc lv\\'o 1 prices. The liiguert market price given for Cattle. Sheep. lulllllfl \Xc ,Ai-o. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Hanna, Richu'oud HJI. October 15. 1857. 1.3' THE illOllEN'i‘GUS QUESTION : WHERE T0 PIU‘CURF‘. TI‘E Mllsl‘ SUITABLE ARIICLE‘ FUR HOLIDAY GIFTS 1ilE subsc'iher, ever Inindfu‘ of [he wants ofthe public. has just Iecelvoo 8 WI Large and Miscellaneous Stock 0” CAlll'Fl'Ll." Shl liC'l'laD Books & Fancy Goods INCLUDING MANY OF THE STANDARD AUTHORS! In various styles of Bindings. BIBLES AX Ii;trs ! HYMN‘ d: PRA YER BOOKS, In all the dtfi'meni stI lee ul' Binding. , »» '¢\\u-‘ 7* v. Albums from 25 Cents to $6. Toys of Various Kinds, Pocket iioolts, Purses, die. He hits also receiud n heavy stock of PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALI-.X soui't‘, Richmond ilill. Nov .19. 1:07. l’l/orth [Knowing .’ IIE Sulhcriher would IntIm ile to the farm» ers undutneis of “l”l|:llullt.l llill an“ \Ir'Il If iilittv lllVlllfl'. Horses Afflicted with Ringâ€"bone, That he has <nt~t2e<sfnlly [rented the "hove fo the pint ten tours \\ itiionl n single l'nilnre. This treatment due~ nnI llt‘l’lE mute the! bt-‘nu Inid n~itle mm for a frw «land. Quite a ntInI'wr nfrvlurt-ncn given if ruqnn- 0d nt l)"l‘bt)ll> whose horses haw been on ed b me My th-‘rge l~i Si 5” if Imlrl when I'peramt‘ on ifnot nail (It) will be cinngetl to ensure a Wure. .1 Mrs tJUN'l'uN, Richui I l (' illll. ()cl, '25)}h6 72- l_\‘ NOW READY : Tut; NEW liANAllIltN 'NATIJNAL SERIES REAleG noose Audio ized by the Council of Public In sttuction for Ontario. First Book, with Si Illustrations. strongly bound in limp cloth, 5c. First Bonkâ€"2nd l’.ttt,, 54 ilustrutions. strongly bound in limp clothy 10c Second Book, 56 iliustrntions, strnnjly bound in cloth hoards, 20c Thitd Book, 41 i .ustrntious, strongly bound in cloth b nutls. 30c Foutth Book, 4.) itiustrntions, Strongly bound in cloth lll'itlds, 40c Fifth Book, 50 Illustrations, strongly bound ' in cloth b rods, 50c For Sale by ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond "Hill. Jon. 2, 1063. GREAT DIST RIBUTiON BY 'l‘dii Mitrnpoiitan Git. Gimp mY. Ouh Gift. to the Atnouit of $250,000 EVERY TiCKET t).t.\Ws A I‘R.ZE. 5 Cash Gite, .. .. . ...Em'h $101M“ lll “ “ 5.”0 2|) “ “ lJ’U‘ IN “ .~.. ... “ 51”” QM) " . . . . . . . . . . . “ 10“ 3th) " . . . . . . . . . " 5 45‘l " . . . . . . . . . .. “ Q5 6”” " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” 2 3l‘ Elegant. Rose“ o-ul l'in nos E ch $3M In In 35 " " ill lone-ins “ 75 to l.:‘ 15lslwing \lut‘hllen ...... " (it‘to lTo 9.5“ Mu~itrtt Howrah” ... “ 2) to 2.“ all" Fine Gold \\'»tt~h- s . . . " 7.3 to 14:5“ 7.3” Fine Silver Watches ... " 3 to 5 Fine Oil Painting“. Victim-d lingravinga Slive" \N'um, l‘lluluglilpll ltum . llllti a urge IhHHrllll" t Hf Fliit G -i(l Jt'u’l‘ll'). in all vnltiutl "181,000,000 A CHAHR '0 Hmw A\V or THle AB‘YE l’mzss II plticltnwig I M aleti rick 1 fm :3- cts. All’kr‘i‘ tlusc'i mg 1‘i(‘l] I‘ ll are So ALE“ in itinvnlnpv-a~ and lllo'r ttglll" In And. (in te- cmpi t) 2.) cls a Shunt» Tit K:.'r will be drawn nun d-‘hVezetl at 0"! other. or M'lti by It] ll In any n-d He's. 'l‘lie pr 2- noon-d Irwin It will he dl‘lll’ul‘t'fl In Ill. lick"! n id \r on pat: "tent-1‘0”; llwi.l.AK. l’ttz ‘u wm be hunted - moi) sent to Iill\ address, its Icq ll‘eL‘Kl. by et pro» or I'vturn IIIHIl. You WILL wa u HAI‘ Y un l’u'zi‘. I< n: 1: mi You Put Fan IT. Any f’lizt: only In (wt-Ii lugml‘ for Mum/m: rift/w won: mine. mu liL\KKS III “or paltuus mn d pend on a.r (it'llzlt'g. RIFEK M: S.â€"V\"Hs~mct the. IV“? full-w nu rman from I'm mum who have lutvly (lmwn VII II this i'lIZ-J! and liInd|_\ pernnttutl in. lo pun- “all I'm n: S I'. “Illiine, Bufi‘ln. N l’.. $l.(l?r: \lnst All lll‘ Mull ue,‘ htt‘ttgu lll , l'tzino. \‘Hltllll It' $Pi5 ': nob rt Jaw-k on. "ntluq to. l iwa. Gold \V-Ituh, flirt), PI:le .\l Carly. lmniwvilt-u KI , 'haitinitd (:lthlfil' thug. Elli l : ll’ \. l’ntt- rson, New litmlmd. \la'w , river [‘62. SM $l75: .\lI~'n l‘LIIIum \ant‘t'ol‘di. Altitv'iukee. \Vis.. l’irtno. .fifillt'; tier. 1‘ \V. i'IlL. CIuVe» luntl, Uliio. M lotltmn, $l725. - ll? We putiltst no ntmes wtthnut perniâ€" SIOII Urtumm .ir THr. i’ltEi: â€"-‘ l‘huv nre d »i ‘2 the largest llllhlllt'h~‘; the lir... i- l"‘ll'vllll '. and d ~:ervmx 'h it succom.” â€"chI:/Il_y ’I'Iibmc. ("LIL F‘, I‘lzr‘. '- “a hate. examined their syslu , Vanrl kn -\\' them to be a fat: dealing lirm."-.V V [lent/II FLII H, 1‘61 " La<t Week a illl‘llfl -f Ours (new 11 55 till), priza, wntnh was promptly ricotvcd.“â€"l)uil_// A’L‘lflt“. ill/Ll‘. 3 lNlim b‘t-nll lnrcn': IIl’tl' giving many more refvr- chess and l'nvolahm llJllfil‘N llUill lne piess. Liorr It lll'lllttl‘llll‘lli\' to \gents. Snlht‘actton' gumantt ed. l“V!'l_\' IHH‘k IE“ I” Sea‘v (l l‘Z-Ivu- inpes contains tum-2 us I GII‘I‘ Six Tn'ktâ€"ts for $1: l3 l'nr $2; 33 lo. $5: IO fir $l5 All letters uhoultl t)” atldresn-tl tn HARPER, ‘\'il.SU-.\ 6; (70., 173 “mudwuy, N. Y May I3. was. Slit-2m ‘Prrpelllng Kt Heielling Pencil,l Willi [[0] dot & Knife, R E M 0 V A L . Street. have removed To No. 90 Yongc Street, s. M. Sandwson at Caullieus, No. 133 Yonge AT SOUTTIS RlCHMUND HILL 7 Doors north of King Street. The business HlMlllllN lhlli DEPOT l JAMES STEWART BEES to inform his fuie ds Ie the County of Yetlt that he has opened a More Depot on Richmond Hill ()ne door -cuth of Mr. Barna'd’s store. and that ha is prepared to sell at the manufacturers prices. Farmers and others requiring Cooking or Box Stoves at the New Store Will be carried on under the , name and etylc of S, M. SANDERSON &. Co. No, 90 Youg‘e-street, Toronto; JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, _ ’ Markham. Nov. 1, 1865'. QQ ' ' Henry smelse‘r; j ' ICEN_SED AUC'l‘lONEER for tho couu- 3 ties of York and Feel, Collector of Notes. Will consult their own Interest by examining AacOUIilj,&c. Small charges and plenty N‘ do |Ii~ Stock before hulmg l” 'l'uronlo, Stove i’ipcs supplied at the Lowest prices. Richmond ilill, Oct. 4,1567' 6 m LAND FOR SALE. 0 lllu‘ SOLD on reasonable terms, the fol- lowing irupen; :â€" i’ztl'lul' I.ot No 3.). on 51nd Con. Vaughan. continuing (ill acre": also. Village Property A: Richmond Hill. For pnrttctilars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. llirl-Inoml llill ftpt. l. HUS. (39 ALE UMS Fro.“ 30 (its, to AT SCO'i‘T’b‘ RICHMOND HILL. ‘A'I‘ARRII,BI'onchilis Scrofula. Liver and ’ Kinney Dis-cases. Nature’s ilemodials lion] 1" outs. W.\ PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for till _\b‘:ll‘$ proprietor of the Linnaean Nut- .Bl'lth. llflx aisutivelon l‘usi'IIvs LIN-LS for the .tbuve, and Ioz- all lnhetiieound Chrome Dis. ezires. illelfl’llsla t\ervotts Ucblllty. Rheu main-in. ull Ft-nntle Maladies, and others re- tilting lrom IInpurIlv of thc blotd httherto IIlI urn tlu. Explainuory circular, one stump. lroatisou all diseases. 20 cable. 554 Photon-mills for fillets doz \iF ENGLiSH NUTABLES, Plain x ‘nncy Stationery [N nvunv \‘AlllE‘l'Y, AT SCO'i T'b' ll lLilil'lUlVD Hii L AG ENTS VVA. 'TED. 3 Residence recroflot '25. 2nd (‘on Vaughan. 1 R - . ‘ - l mfinfififi'fi‘l‘k‘l‘fi F‘rrmfly' Sewing. Machine i.“ now presented to the people ( nl'lttlil possessing all the imm‘ovsn Ellis 'l]v1[ I an be well confined in a sewing machine. I will not-untplis‘i every do~ctiption oftewing ext-i pt l‘Iilltitl bolec. from no overcoat down to 'he lineal silks and mnxlins This machine will: for onl\ $l5. and in reu'lr worth $51 In nnyfainilv. liven mechine wnrrnhtetl and lu‘pl l') repaIr free of (:httrige for three _\’e rs â€"- \ll machines Mild Ill ('ntzatln are manufacture at the (‘ovnpnny’s branch Inanufhclnrr in 'l‘or- :inlo. Single Machines, with full printed (it er'linns. shut ENIlI‘Pbfi free on N‘CO'lpI O" .‘iklfi in a registered letter. Full printed .l-rm-tiom amnmmun unch Innclilue.eo olaln lllfll a child iwelvr- tears of age can leai'n in Work one successfully in a short time. Address or 0.1” I'll The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, R. T RUSH & (70., Canada Manufactur- I‘t‘s. ll Kin: Slreet' E12". 'I'm'onlo, (7. W ill-ac Utilizes in in Great llrtlaii. and Canada. London. England. Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. l’. S.-â€" flood agents wanted in every part 0 he I'Ollllll‘Y to whom will paid I: salary from skill to if. fill per month, or a large comniissiou Terms to agents set). free to those wishing uuettcms. t‘wntil' W'wh 3rd [866 444-1‘. Inuit socmv llEl’OElTlfill SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. "‘"hmuud ilill lRli5 Wood Wante c1 l‘llllll 50m llll) Cords of Green and Dry lif‘t‘ull and tllltpleuo be delivered in Tel in.) during the wmter, Apply at the Humln lli e. lttchmuud llill. 0'9 S‘l EVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 85 27 Broadway. N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUR li’EAN PLAN. ’ THE Stevens House is well and widely known to the Ira-rolling public. The l‘ocntion is cspcciully smtnble to merchttnts and businessmen; It is in close proximity to the busincss part ofthe city~is on the hiIhwny of Sou'hern and Western travelâ€"- and adjacent to till the pii cipui Railroads and Stouniboul depots. The Stevens House has liberal accomodn- lion for over 300 guestsâ€" it Is well furnish- etl nu'l pnssessvs every modern improve- ment for the Comfort and entertninment of its inmates. The rooms nre spacious and well \‘etnilnted â€"pro\'ided with gun and wait.- terâ€"Ihe nttentlnnce is prompt and respectful -â€"nnd the tnhlt» is generously prov (led with every delicacy of the seasonâ€"at moderate “itles. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. 462 Proprietors. A Card to III Hinds. A Cmrgx mnu. while residing in South Am- niitm zit-t a IItl~r~lnIi~r_\. til i-ort-Ied a safe and ~Inlplu remedy for the Cure of Nervous “ cak- "qu. l-I-IIII ltetmy. l)l>t‘fl‘f‘$ of the Urinary :itul \iinvnul Organs, and the vhole li'alnof di~o (lus brought on by bnneful and vi"inus lmoitn (v‘rrnt numbers have been cured l)\' llllS nob'e remedy. I’rmnptt-tl bv a desire ol. ‘wnrlilt c :ttlltcctl antl unfortunate. iwil \flltl IIIO rt-vipu for preparing and using this me-(lu-inc. in a walrd envelope. to anv (it who m-vtls It, [he of t‘hw‘gc. - l'leasl‘ enclose an eiivolupe addressedous yoursel Jdrhrss. JOSEPH T. lNMAN, STATION Dis, BIBLE HOUSE. Ncw - l’m'kciiy Lasltey. March 2nd 1565 39.1 EDW. SANDERSON. LICENS_ED AUCTIONEER. ; FOR THE UNITED Counties of York and Peel. Residence-LLot 20, N'nr of8rd, Concession of ; Markham. P.O.Address44i3uttonvllle. Parties requiring Mr. S‘aIiderson’s services can make arrangements at the iiKRs‘Ll’i officp. Junuary 4, 1365. 31 W. VVHARIN 8: CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALEHB‘KN Walehss, c ELEC'l {to-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, 8..., 8w. The attention of'ha Public is inivted to their lock, consisting of a great variety of 3HOICE AND FANCY GOODS,- Oflhe bes‘ description and newest designs. .Inrefu‘ attAntir‘u siren to the repairing of Orden fereny oi the undermoutioned descrip‘ uoii'o‘r Watches and Clncks Jewelry manufactured and ltetmire‘l. No II. King Street East. 6 doors out of Yonge Street. loronto, April 26. 1866. Riu gwoad Jilm'ble W'm'lrs P. WlDEMAN, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF MONUMENTS, liEADSTONES ! i &c. &c. &c. .Call rind examine my Stock' and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere. as you will find it, to your lnterrst. (31? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. nigwood. Sept. if). 1867. 479 J. SEGSWO TH, IMPORTER OI“ WATCH ES, CLOCKS, MANVD Finn JEWELRY. 113, YONGE so, TORONTO 3%“ Masonic aud other Emblems BOOKS) FANCY BILLS! made to order. i‘oronto, Aurt'l 27, 1866. 47. W. G. OASTELL MANUFACTURER 0" PURE AND UNADULTERATED CONE ECTI ON ARY l 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. I W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between i‘oronte and Richmond Hill everv two weeks. and supplies Confectionery of all-kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1665. 7 DENTISTRY. 0% @ w. c. ADAMS, o. D. 5., 95 King Street East, Toronto, NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his 'pmfvsslonal services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suflerlug and suppr new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Alsolovregn- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. Qi-y S. M. Sanderson a: Co. PAMPHLE‘I‘S AND Are selling Boots & Shoes Cheap At their New Store. No. 90 Yonge Street, - Toronto. DR. N. .PECK’S, . W x . FEW METHOD 0!‘ EXlRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of Ewan Splint. which affects the looth only. The tooth and gum sui'ouutlinz become inst-usible with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and without endangering the life usLlII the use | of Chloroform. lln. i’Izcx will be in the following places prepared in nxtrucl teeth r ith his new appuru. tus. All other operations in Denisiry perform- ed in a wotkInaIIlikc manner :~â€" Avnrora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lst nfench mouth tVNWIIIflllKBt Brelsford holel 2nd " “ Sioufiville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ldtli " " Victoria Square. . . .. 4.. . . 90th “ " Thmuhill . . . . . . . . . inst???rig-s.....:E§§?§ 33 33 WWWPEMME linrwicln.............-.2”lh " “ Kleinhurg.....HHPNHth u u I Nollletoll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3tnh u -- For Curdl, flan jolt received. Where. he will attend to any business por- taintug to city branch of his twof'euiou. Aomra, June 7 lo55. ' Reduced Price; of$16 J O B HINTING fills; and JBWBllll ESTABLISHMENT. PLAIEN Elllllllll lllB'WllllK Will 've promptly attended to:â€" BUSINESS CARDS ' CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEADS BLANK CHECKS, DRAFTS , LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, And every other kind of Letter-Press Printing. OUR ASSORTMENT OF sou~uuun ls entirely new and of the latest patterns. ‘largevuiely of new ,8 “ORDERS VPBQMPTLY EXELUTED STEELInunn)BOARDiinUGHs Intuuitut I‘X‘UNUMIC ’l‘HE Proprietor w'ould respectfully announce to the farming cOmmunity that he is now I D E s ! manufacturing improved Pit ughs of SWRER£©B§ recounts.” which he now offers at the and which he confidently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country Plough Points & Landsides kept always on hand ..._.0._... JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. .. . . V .. HENRY HALL. RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. THE wrmififsis. REMEDY i; RAownv’s READY REL-HEP! i Ii CURES PAIN IINSTANTLYI AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, mow FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENOESL’ ' mugs ERCEEETMEV _ ,. , ,. Assn ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTERâ€" IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDOLtIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. IT HAS NO EQUAL IN T HE MATERIA MEOIOA. In suicidalâ€"Attacks 0f Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera. Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholio, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Agile, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.~»0ue teaâ€"spoonful in a glass of Water will correct all dcrangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly stop the most; severe pains. If seized with Rheumatism. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine o‘r' M'uscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"Onc application will afl'ord immediate use and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the mm. ‘ Instant Help Needed In Violent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATTC CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CEOLIL‘, FITS. SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may prove fatal within an hour or two. if not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF : and all acute and inflammatory maladies, Whether Rheumatism, Neuralgia, inflam- mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal ditficultics, Inflammation ot‘thc Womb. and, in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yield at once to this commanding curative. The RE ADY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation as the malady itself. It is more activc than the virus of the mmf swift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to use on the first evnmwm or mun and tmcasincss, no person need sufl'cr an hour sickness. 4'." [I ill rim/I l t * 3 T Sisters'of Mercy at Dorchester Street Hospital, applying llr. Railway“: Remedies to the sick. ' a SISTERS OP MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. 13., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"-I certify that your Ready Rolin huscuretl OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &c., 350. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a_grea.t_ many yearsâ€"boving taken a. few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head tWIOe With the some medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and-for colds. and always with success?" It isvcrymcfulror sore throats, coughs, influenza, dtpthcna. (be. It has a good effect in flatulence or Wind cholic. I use it for foul swam rum it. produces A.mmal.lml. effect. In short it procurcs relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER. MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"-Bewaro of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that Will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of: the ltadway’s.â€"The country Is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase tnese worthless uixturcs at less than half price they are charged for Rntlway’s, yet charge the public the same tricc our agents sell you Radwny’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The mutations end coun- mi‘feits are sold at. 5 to 10 cents per bottlefttlizdgalcrs gear at ttlllintl p‘nclie. l 51 Slurchtis‘mgit Randy Relief see that; there are two si natures o a, way ' ‘0. on e a ie 8. an e worm: . . . Raawiy & Co. blown in the glasgs. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A. FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you Whenever he has an opportunity. “+3.4”â€" All Around the Globe. Certificates of startling cures Of the most violent and deadly diseases are on record st DI. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreal, emanating fromune highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except a Iew In China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the Sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State. both by letters written direct to Dr. Railway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. O â€" PRICE. 25 cents a Bottle. 9" Sold by Druggists and Merchants. § JOHN RADWAY, M. I1, 6. 06., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Mourns“. And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK Agents for the sale of Rawday’s Brady cli sf. P, CROSBY. t... limo .d llill 'l‘llOS. ALLlS( N, Victoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora Mr cows and Mrs. ROWE Sting MAJ_I:NTA, S( ARLE’I‘, Int.t.ow, MAUVE. ()RAtVGi‘. Bl UE. . CIinsON, VJULE'I‘, SULFERINO. PURPLE,‘ I BROWN, otumN. AND ALL OTHER POPULAR COLORS. Pnr'icular attention has been paid to the Manufacture at there “ya . so that the most inexperienced'can use them. To be obtained Vl holesalo from the Manu- l,factu!ers, ems. Mercer, 6‘1 Co , Moulleul. or ItUGI‘i Ml LLER, & ct... ‘ - . , r» , , , King 51., Toronto. Retail from all res ectable Druggists. 'l'oronto. April, 15,1868. MONEY T0 LOAIii On Im‘prov’ed Real Estate, APP; it, to. Mt; ,WARMOLL. of Vix- Kououurzr &. VVAKMULII. Barr stem. &c.' Corner of King &' Yonge Streets, V _ TORONTO. November 9. 1866. 23 RICHMOND ll ILL LIBRARY ASSOCATION. HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their, LIBRARY to the ‘ ill-‘RALD ’ llook Stare where Stockholders and others may 'Irocurq BUUKB‘ every Friday afternoon. “or he clock. P.M, , A. SCOTT, Librarian. S. M. Sandersonéz C04: lLL lhorougblv wartant every pair of BUUTS made by them at lllGll’ new store , » No: 90 Yt‘mge fitrcct.‘ bzly BOOKS, Journals and Lcdgers, all sizes. 1 Pass Books, Pocket Books, Wallets, Purses, éLc. &c._ “‘1 GREAT VARIETY. AT SCO'l‘T’b‘ RICHMOND HILL. ramin & Church Bibles Air Low mucus, _ AT;5COTT’S, INCH MCND i‘llLL'; SCHOOL BOOKS t N 3“}:er VI IttIfiTt‘, Aw Sf'fT 'l’f" lei‘illO.‘ SW HlLL Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid; OR the immediate relief and pt-lnmnent cure of ltitrumaltsm. Sprains. Bruises, ‘Burns, Frost Bi es Lame Burk. Side, limbs or Stomach, Cramp. Numbness of Limbs, Sselllng of Joints, Sudden Colds. Dlptbeiia, Sore throat, Jaréli’s Zi’ltm‘lmalz'c liquid “as been before the. public for uthlI'ClH of :wenly years, and such are its Ineins that it is now justly considered a~ an intlispl-Inlbie aI'ti- cle in every famin wlteie it is know n. It he: never been forced on public attention in flaming rdvel'llsmnenls or rcnmtkable cures lllfll never had uni existence, but by its own peculiar value as an untai-ihg re Iiietly. it has‘ “Inked its way into public tavor, Having a wonderful effect When taken inter- nally , in quivkening the circulation ol'tlna blood, It Isinvntuable to persons predisposed to l’ara- th‘ls. orsulijllct In aunt-ks of Heart Illscnsa. in cases of Dyspepsia, where food distresses, ll afford.u prompt relief. and continued for a short time. sets evoxylhing right. The name of the medicine is bloth in earth bottle of the genuine, and the purpost for which ll is intended. as well as the mode of using. attached. Henry. Simpson dz ('70., Montreal. Vthlo- salv- Agents b‘. J. Foss 6L (20.. Shelbtolte, P. Q.. Sole Proprietors. October l0 h, lh67 h Hunt’s Empire liair Gloss HIS pleasant, agreeable. and scicnl fic ure- llarntion is rm indispensible article for the toilet II cleanses the scalp, rendeis the hair oil: (lurker appearance is earil} applied and will not stall! the finest linen. l'hosv using the Empire Hair G oss will find that it renders the harslh psi and coarsest hair. soft, glossy. fine and beautiful. disposing it to stay in any position In winch it is placed. it prevents the hair from fallii g out, inrigomtes and strengthens it. md often produces a new ulowlh ofbair where t has alreHdI‘ disappearedJiy invigorating and rnsiuring the six, n. nerves. muscles. blood Vessels and roots of the hair l'rit-e 25 ot-IIIS, S. J. Fess & Co. proprietors and sole maim- fattlurors. Sherbrnoke. Province of Quebecâ€"- Henry. 'l humor-on SL Co. Mont-cal; Lyman. iClliIit' 61 (‘0. Toronto. Vl holesalc Agents. Dr. OOLBY’S Anlli-t‘ostirc and Tonic Pills, RE a. safe and reliable remedy in all dis- eases ol lllc- Stomach. Liver and llowels. They me no Quark Mcditine. puffed up by high-eoumling Instimonials from imaginaryi n. optp, but are the reruh ol' ll‘l'll' years- email- once Ofa film clubs physmmii. and nit-r extxa. ordinary success is one to the fact that Iliev answer exacllt~ their name '7 he lmnlula from which they are plcphied, is blood on sound, scientific priI t-iples, and has I'm-cited the m1- qllalifit'd approbation of the medical profession. 'I'hey do not profess to he a cure all. but for all diseases arising f'om an) derangement of the Stomach. Liiei and Bowels. the} furnish an ell'ectnal renu dr. We have in our postueusion tit-er one hundch IPS‘llImIllnls qulII [ll-tsicinns who have used tht-m in their practice and highlt' approve of them, among which are the following: The umlsrslgnrd Musicians clioeifulli‘ certifv to the high pro eesional smntltng ()1 Dr (tolhy of Stunslcntl. one of the oldest and best phvsj- clans. and In the excelltrn I qualities (ll-ills "ANTI-(TOFTIVE and TONIC PILLS.’ wbice We have useo in our practice. and high- ly approve. . J. H. Gihcoti. M. D , Dunhnm, C,E. C. Cotton, Ml). (Iouansrille Charles Brown. Ml), Cewuusvlllo S S Foster, MD, Bronte. .I C Butler. MD. Waterloo. Joh‘n Erekiue. MD, Waterloo. Norman Cleveland. Mil, BnrusIon. N Janks. MD. Harm-Ion, C W Cowles. MI). Slant-lend, John Maine. MD. Statislead. Joseph Blcadon, Inn. Surgeon, RN. Benjamin "emnn. MD. Contlrook. Lemuel Richmond. mi. Derhy l,ine_ b‘. .l. Foss & Co. Sherhrook, P.Q sole .proo plietors:Henry Thompson. dz, Co. Momma], Win 'leealo Agets.

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