Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Jun 1868, p. 3

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‘ IMMENQ‘SE @TOCK LAYS P_ T'i'ii: l SCBTT IIAS RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS To His STOCK or STATIODNERY! AN to ‘1 not», mmwlltm lllllil Mfimllt l‘l‘ i ll Wliicli, comparitively speaking, will cut the 'l'oronto Trade, in Price and Quality, all to bits. JUST wfifis wAN'IED: A WEB OF GREEN WindmvBlind Paper SUITABLE FOR ALL WINDOWS, ONLY 8 C‘I'S. A YARD, At SCO’I‘T’S, Richmond Hill. Ladies and Economic Housekeepers Are invited to inspect the Magnificent Stock of Spring and . til" “"1th tut. Intuit tun tun llltlll lint tint lttttllll ".tlllttll liltllUl' t l‘itllllltti COMMENCING AT 12 1-2 cts. per Yard, AT WM. MITCHELL'S. CALL AND SEE THE New Cottons, Prints, Tickings, Linens, TOWELLINGS. &c., ATTHE NEW PRICEZS, AT WM. MITCIIELL’S FOR NEW EELS, SILKS, PARASOLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, FEA’I‘HERS, FLOWERS, Ribbons, &c., go to GEMTLEMEN WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORTMEVF OF CLOTHS, TWEEDS, SHIRTS, Notice to Fat-incl". HE Subscriber begs to inform the Farmers and others of this neighborhood who wish ,to improve their stock. that he has purchased the Thorough-bred DURHAM BULL. ’ Marquis of Oxford. For I’cdigroe and» other particularrs see bills, ROB’T MARSH. ,Lot 41, 1st Cor. Markham} May 26, I868. 515-2m EAVE TROUGHS \VATER SPOUTSI PDT [7? AT $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. SAP BUCKETS & PAILS Manufactured and for Sale Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF, , Steam Mills, 'I‘liornhill. Thotnliill, April 21, 1868. SIDâ€"if. TlIE IIISTORY or atrium NOW IN PRESS, And Will be 1st of June, THE l-llSROllY OF CANADA, From its first discovery to the present time, By J. MacMullen, Esq, Second Edition, 650 pach 8vo., carefully correcteu and revised, continued down to ‘ Do- minion Day,’ 181i7,and beautifully printed on superfine paper. Price in bevelled (cloth, or $4 in antique IIIOl‘l‘OCCO, gilt or marbled cdgt-s ['lic first edition of this History, published in lofiti, was received inost favorably by the Canadian Press and Public, and immediately sold. The entire work has now been carofu ly revised, :1 large portion relating to the Province of Ontario rewritten, and about IOU pages of entirlv new matter added, continuing the nar- rative in the must full and complete manner from 18.30 to 1867. an exceedingly interesting and important period in the constitutional His- tury of this country. The Author has had ac- coss to the most authentic sources of informa- tion, and has spared no pains to make his his:- toiy a valuable book of reference to the public man, as well as a reliable source of informa- tion to all these who desire to acquaint them- selves with the annals of this Dominion, The last chapter Will give full details of the social condition ot'tlic Canadian people at tho pre- sent time. as well as the progress oftliis coliti- try in population, trade and commence; educa. tion, Soc. from the earliest period to the date oftlie latest government statistical returns, This Work supplies the only full and complete history of the Province of Ontario, from its first sottlomoiit in 1784. l‘l existence; while no event of any importance is omitted in the his- tory of the province of Quebec. It will be beautifully printed on superfine paper, express~ iy made tor the publishers by (‘owau do ("on or Edinburgh,and will be one of the hand- COLLARS. HANDKERCHIEFS. &c.. AT THE L0 H‘EST POSSIBLE CJISII PRICES, AT WM. MITCHELL‘S. 131, King Street. opposite the Market. 'l'orouto. FIRE-PROOF STORE, RICHMOND HILL. P.6Eosav Begs to announce to his friends and the public, that lie is receiving, daily, his SPRING- STOCK 'IHTCOODS! CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GROCE EMS, &c., doc, doc. SALES MADE FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. Richmond Hill, April 6, 1868. HOUSE F URN lSHING ESTABLISHMENT No. 83, Yonge-stréet, 8 doors above King-street, TORONTO. Iâ€"IIRAM_PIPER EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISIIING GOODS, amongr which will be found Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON 8; COPPER WAIiE, Also on hand a large stock of TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C. Special attention is directed to LAMPS AND OHANDELIERS! The stock of which is very large, cmbracmg all that is New and (“haste and also the Plainest and Cheapest k1nds,â€"thus meeting the requirements of all classes. LAMP GLOBES, BUBNERS, BHIIVEIIEYS, SHAIIES AND WIUKS. LANTE RNS Square and Globe shapes, in great variety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of ROCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL Which will be found both good and cheap. BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &C. Children’s Carriages and Perambulators ! A'lanufeictured and Imported, Wholesale and Retail. STDâ€"ESTES! Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Dumb Stoves, and Steve Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, Lc. &c. Repairs of all kinds â€"promptly executed. Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of sotnestbooks,“ regards and binding, ever published in Canada. MCMULLAN So Co. lli‘ockville, Ont,, May 21). 1566. I-m HEADQLQGIL Tliflc some tradesmen deal with the under- standing ( Boots and Shoes for instance), GEO. A. BARN ARD Deals with the intellect, cooly, justly and mer- cifully. not pressing the fore-brain with harsh, unfeollng Hats, nor the aftert nought with a pain which is felt in the pecket ; therefore, Call and examine his Stock of HATS AND CAPS. \Viiich consist of All The Latest Styles In Felt, Silk. Cloth and Velvet: also Straw. Leghorn, Tuscan and Chip. in Men’s, Youths’. Roy’s and Infants, Cheap and durable. A large Stock to select from. l.adi4-s’, Misses’ Hats and Bonnets will be sold at about half price. Not having room to devote to this branch of business. At ‘ GEO. A. BARNAIID’S. Richmond Hill. May 14. 1868. 513-tf WOOL wANTED. A LARGE QUANTITY OF TWEEDS, CLOTHS. FLANNELS, SA 'I‘INE 'l"l‘S, Cotton and Woolen Shirt-lug, Blankets mid'IIorsc Blankets, TO EXCHANGE FOR WOOL, Or Sell Cheap for (lash, at the ALMIRA MILLS! MARKHAM. F‘IIE Subscriber takes this opportunity in thanking his numerous customers for begs to announce lo tlioiii that he is now pro- pa 2 d to do CARDING, SPINNING, AND MANUFACTURING, AND AT Unusually Low Prices. l’orsons from a distance can have their rolls home with them by coming early in the morn- ing. Parties wishing their wool SPUN AND SKEINED, \I’ill do well to bring it early in the season he- will do it at once, 3:? The Highest Price in Cash paid for Fine lino]. “’ool Cal-ding Strictly Cash 1:? Wool or Soap taken in exchange for Work. LY MAN MILLER, Markham, May 7, 1868. 5124f Air KI N so N Best Assortment 0F LADIES’ AND GENTS’ inspection. Toronto, February, 1867. 493 HATS. published about the ,heir “ham, patronage during [he “as, your, and Team of Matched Black Horses, White and ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE _ I‘oro we commence manufacturing and we Corner ononge and Centre-st; East P. PHILIPS’ Excelsior Pumps. VFIIE Subscriber would intimate to the in- habitants of Richmond Hill and _ stir» rounding Country, that he is prepared to supply PUMPS On the SHORTEST NOTICE, From a. Cistern to a I’Vell ofa. 150 feet, on ‘one month trial. Price for the Excelsior Pump, $5 above Piatforrn; 40 cents per feet below for the Well. The CHURN PUMP For Cisterns,i$3.- (If? A liberal discount allowed. when parl- ies take the Pump from the Shop. Richmond Hill, May 20, 1868. 2m IN THE COUNTY COURT or THE COUNTY OF YORK. CANADA. PROVINCE or ONTARIO, COUNTY or York. In the Matter of Elijah Millerâ€" an Insolvent. N Thursday. the sixteenth day ofJuly next, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a disclia:ge under the said Act. I ELIIAII MILLER. Tozonto, lltli May. 1868. ‘513-10 GARDENELANTS. APtLY YORK, Winningstadt, Red and Late Cabbage I’lants ; Best French Cauliflower‘l’lants; 'l‘ildor’s Large, Smooth. Red. l-Icst Variety. Feejee and Yellow 'l'omaâ€" tos, and other Plants in Season, Strong and Healthy. at GEO. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill, May I4, DOS. 513-3 1,000 PIECES Choice Roe Paper! PAPER WINDOW BLINDS, PAPER FOR FIRE BOARDS, IN THE NEWEST DESIGN OF COLOURINGS, AT N di‘fib E l Patent Rights for Sale COUN i'IES or RIDINGS of POWELL‘S PATENT Swing Pump .' Patented Oct, 524, 18b2, April 13,1860, and Powell’s « NEIV DOMINION FORCE PUMP l Patented June 28. 1857. To men of the right sort The Patentec offers inducements seldom to be inetwitb. priisiie iiNructious for menu factoring are given aPci'scnnl application must be made to CHARLES POWELL, Newton Brook, P.O. Dead heads need not apply. Newton Brook, Jul} 3”. 1667. HORNER’S PATENT Sill-Sillil‘lllli tillTll V1 ‘11 IS useful invention is the most convenient. the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Palcngoc is now prepared to sell TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! For the use ofl:is Patent Selfâ€"shutting Gate. Applicants will please address their letters (pistpciu) o M. TEEFY, Rinmiosn Him. P. 0, Agent for Patentee [ticlimnd Hill, September ltj, 1867, 478 PROPERTY FOR SALE. I 111". House. llnru and five acres of Land situated on Richmond HillI and belong- ing to Mr. John Sanders. 19m particulars apply to P. CROSBY, Richmond Hill, April 30. ’68, fill-6' u Toron.to_ Prices A Large Selection to choose from at G A. BARNARD’S Richmond Hill, April 30. ’63. SlI-tf. DAVID BRIDGFORD, I ISSI'EII OF MARRIAGE LICENSES AND Coroner for the County of York RICHMOND HILL. January 24, 186 S. I 470 The old hand in a New Slant A. HENDERSON, comm 86 citrate maker AFTER an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the ~hop adjoining Mr, W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite the shop of Mr. W H. Myers. where he will be happy to receive the patron- age of his old friends. Richmond Hill. Jn’y 25. 1867. ‘ Executors’ Notice. ALL partiosindebted to the late JAMES IIOLl..’\l)A Y, Aurora, are hereby notiâ€" fied to settle a'l Note and Book Accounts not later than the 15th May. next. And all parties to whom the said James Holladav is indebted, Will please send in their Accounts oii or before the above date. when they will be settled. Also, all parties indebted to STEPHEN WILLIAMS. Butt-her. formerly residing at Richmond Hill, from whom the late James Holladay had a power ofAttorney. which is at p esont in the hands of Mr Ilolladny’s Execu- tors. are requested to pay the same forthwith 0 either of the understgned. \Vm. COX, VINCENT DENNE. Executors. NELSON JOHNSON, Aurora, April 16. 1868. 4-t res-Inst“: LUND Carriage and Waggon Maker! AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH l BEGS to announce to the public, that he has added to the above branches the UN DERTAKIN G BUSINESS I And he wishes to inform the Publictliat he has provided anew and vary HANDSOME HEARSE! \erllCl) he can furnish with single or (lOlllilL‘ Black Plumes. Scarfs. Gloves. 11atbands and at other mourning required, on the Shortest No- tice, and at the Lowest Rates. JOSEPH LUND. P. 0. Address, Teston. Vaughan, Jan. 2", ’68. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, (Graduate of Toronto Vt (urinary Collage) i RICHMONQHILL. BEGS to announce to the public that be is now practicing with H. SANDERSON, of the same place. where they may he consult- ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of Horses, Cattle, doc. Mt'diciiics of every Discription For IIoises and Cattle always on hand : such as Physic. DiureiiC. Cordial, 'l‘onic, Cough. Cnutlition and Worm Balls and Powders, I'lio Cough Balls have been found most serviceable iii alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenwind 0r Heavos in Horses. )olic, Drangtits. Liuimouts for Sore 'l‘hioais, Spraius, Curb. Spavin, tting~bono, o'vc. Blush ering Oiutnients. also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises, Saddle Galls. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. All orders from a distance promptly attanded to. and medicine: sent to any part of the Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commission. . ' THOMAS CARR 7 R. n. LL, II DItUGGIST AND PHARMACIST. RICHMOND HILL, Richmond Hill, Jun. 31, 1867. 3;") FARM FOR SALE I 1FOR SALE one of the most valuable Farms in tho 'l'ownsbip ofIlAltKl'lAM. Conti- ty 0' ‘urk, Lot No. 14, 3rd Concesston, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, 90 of which are cleared, the Dwelling House Brick, with Barns, Sables, Hinds, Root Cellar and other out Buildings complete. The land is good and in a high state of cultivation. Also a good young Orchard. of choice fruit. trees, tli re are two good Wells, also .i never failing stream of water runs across the Premises, wliit'li maltos it the most valuable Farm in the 'I‘ownsiiip. There is also a Post office. Churches and School House within one mile ot'the premises. 'l'liis'F‘arm is situated in a good neighbour- hood, 16 miles troin the City of Toronto. 32 u- miles from Yonge Street road. 'l'erins easy. title indisputable. For partic lars apply to El) SANUICRSON OR JOHN SA‘JIHSIISON. Address Bulionvillo I‘ost Otiicc. Buttonville. Jan. lti. t 8. son‘s-y em ON LAN DIED SECURITY. VF [1E Untlorsignod is authorized to state that $29,000! Can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security, 'l‘ci‘ms made known on personal application to M. TEEFY, Notary Public, Agent. &c NB. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills, Bonds. the. the. drawn with nontncss and despatcli.â€"â€"- M. '1‘. continues to act as DiVisION Coun'i AGI’ 1‘. Fees moderate. ltltmnoutl Ilill. Nov. ‘28, 1866. ‘arincr’s Boot, & slioc Store JOHN Shanon. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of BOOTS do SEOES, 38 West Market Square. 'l‘orouto it? Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and I'Vorkmansiiip, at the Lowcst I’Leinunerating Prices. Toronto, Doc 3,1867. 490-tf S. M. Sanderson 8:: Co. \, IOULD take this opportunity oftlianlting 7‘ tlioir Friends and Customers for the very llboral patronage bestowed on them for .lio'last twelve years, and would cordially soâ€" licit a continuance ol'tbe some at their New Stand N0. 901 YONGE STREET. '1‘oron,to )ecembor H307. DEALER 1N 'FannnssaoannnNnns Look out for your Currant Bushes, Ste. THE CHINESE GARDEN POWDER! Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs, and Caterpillars on Currant Bushes, Plants and Shrubs. HAVE A PACKA GE OF THE CHINESE GARDEN POWDER In readiness for those destructive Parasites ;, you will save ,llloney, Labour 6i Disappointment. Prepared only by HUGH MILLER & CO. MEDICAL HALL. - 167 King Street East, Toronto. QC? For sale at “ Herald " Book Store, and by all the prin- ciple Storckccpcrs and Secdsmen, E: 1' VA Ls: WILLIAM ATKINSON I’LEASI‘ 11E in announcinv to his friends and customers the arrival of his b I I \S MUCH r- .spring And Summer irirdbonsx Which, nu inspection, will be found the most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plea- sure of submimng to their approval. W. A. directs special attention to his WELLNERY DEPARTMENT! Which will he found to comprise eveiytlitng that is in the market for ladies wear. W. A. has also a . grocnmrs, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, 860., 860., 860. Fresh Field aiitI Garden 'Seeds AT THE LO ‘W EST MA RKET PRICE. Richmond Hill, April 23, 1868. 51C-tf. Richmond Hill libinet Establishment. THOS. OEGHLAN N returning thanks for the VPIY liberal Stlppoit he has received since commencing business in Richmond [lit], begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- cd his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of FURNITURE! Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads. Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, Wash Stands. Soc. 8w. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Boidering, White Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and i$0iled Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Vornish 'l‘urpertinc. BenanP.Glass. Putty, wlue, &c. &c. Parties Furnishing, Papering, or Painting tlietr Houses. will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also Ho would also call attention to his A nice assortment, good and cheap. Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! \Vlicrc he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Outs, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, IIams, Cheese, Fish and I t H , I. H . t t. l t H . l, t .. t I iltntin “lltttlillll ltttitu l‘ilitllllltl ‘lltllll‘tllltl hum “unit “limo ‘ttltltll‘ llttiii lltttlllll hi I llllt For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond Ilill. November 9, 1866. The Leading Style in 23 Canada PO WELL-’5 Patent Swing Pump Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. lunklsl prize at Provincial Exhibition ’86, tall times when shown BRUGS, MEBIL‘INES, GRDGERIES, WINES &. LIUUURS, ‘ TIIORNIIILL. By Royal Letters patentiy has been appointed Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES. 'I‘llol‘lllllll, Feb. .[i. 1858. FISHER a; BENNETT, LICENSED AUC’I‘IONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK. RESIDENCE, Lot No. l4. 2nd Con Vaughan Post Office Address Carville Al‘ orders left at the " York Herald" office. Richmond Hill, or at tho I’,O. Maple, will be 1 Richmond Hill, April 23, 1:68. 510 attended to. Aaughan, Oct. 10 1867. l- Maiiiifactory for York & Peel Counties &' Toronto City Newton Brook, Yongc Street. LET turnoversâ€"RS BEWARE. l' IIE validity of the Patent. having been recently disputed by interested persons, after two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor has given Judgment lully sustaining the claims of C. Powell, and speaking highly of the Mann‘s on THE PUMP, and Will] just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct of j the lufringer, ordering; him to pay the costs 01 the suit, and forbidding him to make the Pumps. 'l'lie Patentee feels. that the sense ofjustioe prevading the community generally will be suflii-ient to prevent its giving countenance to spuv'ius imitslors. whose conduct, the Chancellor says. is ~‘ IS a fraud on the Public.”â€"Su Judgment, ‘ Manufacturing Rights for Sale. m, When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the Well or \ 'etern. P. O. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook.

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