LAMP GLUBES, BURNERS, BHIMNEYS, SHAME AND WIGKS Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock; inspection. v Platgggglq _§;‘itannia Metal Goods'of all kinds The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Chaste and : the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"Lhus meeting the requirements of all classes Cooking Stoves, Parle~ Staâ€"ves, B1; Snags, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringersll Lo. &0. HERA: TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C Square and Globe shapes, in gygut va_r1ety, for ROCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL H 0 U SE“ FURNISHING ES’l‘ABLISHMENT \Vhich, comparilively speakmg, will cut the Toronto Trade all to bits. Childrenjs "Carriages and. Perambulators! Em “mm: STATIONERY 3 SALES MAkDE FOR CASE, 0]: APPROVED OREDI T. In reference to the above I. CROSBY begs to inform the public that he will, an deavour to sustain the reputation and merit the support that has so long and so ' liberally been given to his father. He is now receiving his: P ROSBY, havmg retired from business as a Merchant 0n Richmond Hill, _ , takes this opportunity to tender his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal patronage he has received during the past 27 years, would announce that his son Isrmo CROSBY will, in future, carry on the business in all its branches. and hopes that his friends will bestow a liberal share of their support on his successor. ' PIMPM? wan, MAN’I‘LES from 50 0:5. HATS from 1'} 013 $2.00 BLACK Sn K VILLVEI‘ reduced to. *8 ,5( I 2.25 " “ " “ .. 1.7 ;l\â€"‘ .a Large Stock AT AN IMJIENSE REDUCTION Bonnet Silks, Sarsuets, Satins, &c., 15 ct FANCY DnEss Goons reduced to 10 cents 20 u u u u u 12% u 25 u A. . u u u 17% u 27% n n: u u u 20 u A large lot wnflh from 30 lo 40 cents 134, King Street East, - - - â€" TORONTO. u per yard, 2†at . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 " $1 00 BLACK SILKS reduced l0 .. . . 75 " n n u .. ‘81 “0 n: 1.65 " " - “ 1.52 “ A Few FANCY DRESS SILKS at Special prices FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL DAPARTMENTS! Toronto, February,:1867. GREAT GLEAMN G SALE 00 Richmond Hill, June 19, 1868. EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs of all kinds pmmptly executed. Which will be found both good and cheap. BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE .. V‘ TINWAHE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE; ‘ Also on hand a large stock of TORONTO. June. 17. 1868 In Granadine. Llama, '1‘:ssue. Lace, Woolen and Painlev Filled. LL GUODDS in Stock. although not mentioned in proportionate reduction in price during the Sale. RETIRIN G FROM THE BUSINESS AT GREA FLY REDUCED TREES LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! HAS RECEIVED IJARGâ€"E ADDITIONS To ms STUCK OF No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, TORONTO. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, FROM REGULAR PRICE Manufactured and Imported, Wholesale AND "5 "\- -I w ‘ 4‘ 1‘ - My. w la b _ 1‘ , u “1' “'ixmizmu “Junk v Mm 1" “Mum ‘1“ "uh ' {WW 11W STOVES! ECOTT TALOG-U'E of Shawls, WM. MITCHELL’S RICHMOND HILL. Special attention is directed to 1 great varxety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of LAN'I‘ERNS ', 2.00 OF WELLINEEEW 90mm MANTLES, E.- 0N NETS, HATS WHITE AND FANEY DRESS SHIRTS VVA'Il-ZRPRUOF Tivunns reduced to 75c.. $1.00 and $12.3; Ladies BLACK MANTLE CLOTHS xeduceJ to $1JIO and $l.‘.35; LIGHT FANCY MAN’I‘LE CLO'rHs reduced from $1.37; 10 75 cents per yard. BROAD CLUTHS, MELTONS, TWEEDS, MEN’S FANCY VVINCH‘.’ and FLANNKL SHIRTS reduced to 75 cls, $1.00. $1 :25 and $1.50. FANCY FLANNE LS, FLUXVERS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS AM) o'IHnR mzu, nun: AND GREY Flannel shirts at. Reduced Price; Un )arulleled Bar rains will be rivcn. } L L , TO (,L “AR OUI THE EN’I‘XRE STOCK OI" AL :1 largo Reduction in price this Catalogue will be subject to I, as it will be found worthy of RED. WHITE, BLUE AND and Retail. ‘, in Price and Quality, . &c. and also Ladies’ & Gent’s Hats Persons from adivstance can have their rolls home with them by coming early in the morn- ing. Parties wishing their wool SPUN AND SKEINED, 33": The Highest Price in Cash paid for Fine Wool. r HE Subscriber takes this opportunity to thanking his numerous customers for their linral patronage during the past year, and begs to announce to [hum that he is now pre- pared to do CARDINQ, SPINNING, Will do well to bring it. early in the season be- fore we commence manufacturing and We will do it at once. ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE ATKINSON LT? Wool or Soup 'taken in exchange {or Wo'rk. . V LYMAN MILLER. Markham. may 7,1868. 512-1: FLANNELS, SA 'l‘INE'l‘l‘S, Cotton and Woolen Shirting, Wool Cardin g Strictly Cash ILadié-s’, Misses’ Hat? ï¬nd Bonnets will be sold at about half price. Not having room to devola to this branch of business. At WOOL WANTED. ALMIRA MILLS ! VVilich consist of All The Latgst Styles In Felt. Sflk. Cloth and Velvet: also Straw' Leghorn, Tuscan and Chip. in Men’s. Youths’. Boy’s and I"fauts, Cheap and durable. A iarrzta Slack to select from. Deals with the intellect. cooly. justly and mer- cifully, not pressing the fore'brain with harsh, unfcellng Hats, nor the aftertnought with a pain. which is fcit in the pocket : therefore, can and examine his Stock of HATS AND CAPS, 'i'his wnrk supp ies the only full and complete history of the Province of Ontario. from ils ï¬rst settlement. in 1764, i'l existence; while no event ol'any importance is omitted in the his- tory of Mo province of Quebec. It will be beautifully printed on superï¬ne paper, express- ly made tor the publishers by t owan 6L (‘0.. of Edinburgh, and will he one of the hand- somes; books, as regards and binding. ever published in Canada. . J sold. The entire work has now been car-em ty revised, rt large portion relating to the Province of Ontario res-written, and about IUD pages of entier new mat-er added, continuing the nar- rative in the most lo†and complete manner from ISSU to 1867. an exceedingly interesting and important period In the constitutional His- lury of this country. The Author has had ac- cess to the most authentic sources of informa- tir‘n, and his spured no pains to make his iris- tOIy a valuable buul: ol' refereuue to the public man, as well as a reliable source ol‘ informa- tion to all these who desire to acquaint them- selves with the annals of this Dominion. The last chapter will give full details of the social condition of the Canadian people at the pre~ sent time. as well as the progress ofthis court- try in population, trade and commerce; educa- tion. bio. from the earliest period to the date ol‘the latest government statistical returns, Second Edition,G.’)0 pages 8vo., carequy COI‘I‘ecle'u and I'evi.~ed. continued dawn to ‘ Do‘ lniuion Day,’ 18(37,and beautiftu pruned on superï¬ne paper. Price $3 in bevelled cloth, or $4 in anlique morrocco, gilt or marbled edgv s From its ï¬rst discovery to the present time, By J. MacMulleng Esq, The ï¬rst edition of ihis History, published in 1856. was received most favorably by the Canadian Press and Public, and immediately . ‘ nu . THE HISTORY OF CANADA. And Will be pub‘ished about the lst of J une, SAP BUOKETS & PAILS Shingles. Waggon Fences, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mifls, Thornhill. $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET Blankets and Horse Blankels, TO EXCHANGE FOR WOOL Or Sell Cheap for Cash, at the Richmond Hill. May H, 1863 EAVE TROUGHS ‘THE Subscriber begs to inform the Farm‘e‘i’é and others of this neighborhood who wish to improve their stock. that he has purchased the Tlmrough-bred DURHAM BULL. For Pedigree an-d- other pwrlicularrs see'bil-ls, ROB'T MARSH. MCMULLAN & Co Brockvillu, Ont" May20.186’3. l-m Thomhill, April 21, 1868. TWEEDS, CLOTHS. ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. Markham, May 26', 1868. HEADOLOGY. Unusually Low Prices; Marquis of Oxford. her some tradesmen deal with the under- standing (Bouts and Shoes for instance), AND MANUFACTURING, THE HISTORY OF CANADA, GEO. A. BARN ARD HAS THE Best Assortment \VATER SPOUTS ! ON RICH MONDH ILL Notice to Farmers. NOW IN THE PRESS, Manufactured and for Sale A LARGE QUANTITY OF MARKHAM. GEO. A BARNARD’S. AND AT PATENT PUT UP AT OF Lot 4}, lat Con 515-211} 5134f 5104f. The Palemee offers induvaments seldom 1e be melwilh. Requisile instructions for munu» facmriug are given. Perscua] applicuuou must. be made to 7 HF. House. Barn and ï¬ve acres of Land situated on Richmond Hill. and belong- ing to Mr. John Sanders- Fur particulars apply m' 38 Was: Markex Square. Toronto [13’ Boots and Shoes made to Manure. of the Best Materials and Workmnnship. at the Lowest Remuneraxiug Pdces. Toronto-,Dcc, 3, 1867. 490-?! Farmer’s Boot 5; shoe Store FORCE PUMP ! Dead heads Head not apply, Newton Brook, July 30. 1867. BOOTS & SHOES, NOTICE! [I Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought, and Sold on commission. Patent Rights for Sale All orders from a distance promptly atmnded to. and medicine: sent to any part ol'the Pro- \‘inca. For Horses and Cattle always on hand : such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Cough, Cnnditiun and Worm Balls and Puwden, The Cough Balls have been found most serviceabfe in alleviating many of the distressing svmp- toms of Brokenwind or Heaves in Horses. Colic. DraughIs, Linimeuts for Sore 'l'hroals. Sprains. Curb. Spaviu, Iting~hone, &c. BlISK- eriug Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Uint- mains. Lolions for Wounds, Bruises, baddm Galls. Inl'ulliable Oil mid Sheep Tick Desâ€" lroyer. Swing Pump .' EGS to announce to the public that he is now practicing with U. SANDERSON. of the same place, wlmre they may be crrnsult- ed personally or by loner, on all diseases of Horses. Cattle. £3.50. AFTER. an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce hls return to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the :hop adjoinng Mr. W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite the shop of Mr. W H. Mvers, where he will be happy to receive the patron- age ul' his old friends. Richmond Hill. Ju's‘ 25; 1867. (Graduate (5f Turgmta Vbtcrinary College) 00 ner ononge and Centre-st East RICHMOND HILL. MrdicinesAof every Discription A. HENDERSON. Watch 35 @Iou: maker January 24, 1868 The old hand in a‘ New Stand‘ G. A. BARNARD’S Richmond Hill, April 30. ’68. 5ll-tl‘. MARRIAGE LICENSES NEWEST DESIGN OF COLOURINGS, 1000 PIECES Choice Room Paper! To men of the right sort N Thursday, the twentieth day of August next, the undersigned wxll apply to the Judge of the said Court {pr 2: dischage under the said Act. ELUAH MILLER. Toronto, 11le May. 1868. 513-10 In the Matter of Elijah Millerâ€" an Insolvent. Richmond Hill. April 30. ’68‘ CANADA, Puovm 10F UNI-Mun, COUNTY or Yorx. For Cisterns, $3. 01,? A liberal discount allowed. when part- ies take the Pump from the Shop. Richmond H1â€. April ‘23, 1868. From a Cistern to a Well Ufa. 150 feet, on one month trial. PJlCC for the Excelsior Pump, 'VS above Platform; 40 cents per foot below for the Well. The SHORTEST NOTICE; 1 habitants of Richmond Hill and » sur- rounding Counhry, that he is. preparea to supply 'I‘HE Subscriber would intimate to the in- Irmkitnntc nc magnum]: um am: a.†Toronto Prices AND Coroner for the County of York1 RICHMOND HILL. P. PHILIPS’ Excelsior Pumps. JOHN BARRON. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of ‘. H. SANDERSON, ,VETEflWARY _$uaGEoN, OUN l'lES or RIDINGS of Powun's PAPER WINDOW BLINDS, . PAPER. FOR FIRE BOARDS, CHURN PUMP Richmond Hill, May 20, 1868 A Large Seleczion to choose from m PROPERTY FOR SALE- PUMPS DAVID BRIDGFORD, PATENT Patented June 28. 1867. IMPORTANT CHARLES POWELL, Newtuu Brook, P.O. ISSUER 0F IN THE On the in nu: Conny Covm- or THE Couu'n' (m Yum, P. CROSBY. {904; Thornhlli, Feb. '55. 18684 511-6 510 479 M_A RRIAGE LICENSES. mums, mnmmns, GRUGEBIBS, wmns & muons, By Royal Letters patentiy has been appointed lssu or of OULD {alto (his opportunity of thanking their Friends and Customers for the very llberal patronage bestow ed on them "or the last twelve years, and wouid Cordially so- licit a. cominuauce of the same at their New Slhnd NP. QOVYONGE STREET; Can be procured, iu’smnsi to suit borrowers. on Landed security. 'I‘erms made known on personal application to N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Will‘s. Bonds. 61c. &c.> drawn with nemnesr: and denpatch.â€"- M. '1‘. continues to act as anson Coum‘ AGV "r. Fees moderate. S. M. Sanderson (S: 00. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867; Ri<mnoud Hill. Nov. 28. 1866. TUE Undursigned is authorized to state then $20,300.03 MONEY TO LII-3ND PHARMACIST. Afr-lian will please address their letters (p15! ELM) to M. TEEFY, Richmud Hill, September IS: 1867;. r 7:178 HORNER’S PATENT SELF-SHUTTING BATE! Vldlls useful invention is the most convenient, the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Patentee Is now prepared (0 sell For the use of|1is Patent Self-shutting Gate. TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! SPLENIIH] NEW SUIT, V HEN you come Io Riéhmond Hill to celebr'ate Her Majesty’s Birth-day, Bring your LITTLE BOYS along and get a JUST ARRIVED, BUILDING MATERIALS SUPPLIED. TRHMLWHNGS LUMBER MERCHANT Feels conï¬dent of giving. 10 those who may favor him with their custom, the most entiru smi=facziou. ’2," The Highest Price will be paid for “[00] delivered at the shop. First-class Workman, 5’ Parties returning their cloth to be dressed at my establi~hmeuL in the faâ€, will nut bo required to pay for their carding until after having their cloth dressed. Toron, tnDecember H367. In :1 Superior Mannerâ€"~also having. employed Mr. JOHN RIDDELJJ, late of Markham; who. being widely known as a ' HE Subscriber. in returning thank for the . liberal patronage with which his numerous friends and customers have favoredhnn, would state that he has Fitted up his Cardng Machine WITH NE W CARDS, WOOL CARDIN G HAY 81 HARVEST TflflLS NOTICE TO FARMERS! Post Oflice nddress, Yorkville‘ Toromo. May 18, 1868. 3- LADIES AND GENTS, AND BUILDER, 618 Yonge Street, Toronto. DOORS SASH. BLINDS. FLOORING. SUEEI'ING. MOULDINGS, &c,. Richmond HIâ€, May 28, 1868. 515-3m THOMAS CARR R. H. HALL, At A l KINSON’S. Richmond Hi-Il, June 18,1868. 5184f Wool Taken in Pay for Carding‘. W. H. LAWRENCE. ONLY FOUR DOLLARS, FROM ATKINSON M. TEEFY, Cloth Dressing for 1868. ON LANDEU SECURITY. A LARGE SUPPLY ANOTHER LARGE STOCK OF LADIES’ DRUG GIST AND RlCHMOND HILL, P. A. SCOTT, And éll kinds of DEALER. IN RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patentee JUST To HAND, Notary Public. Agent. &c‘ AND A'r ATKINSON’S THORNHILL. ADD 35 m . (“HE validity of the Patent. having been recently disputed by interested persons, i after two days investigation in Chancery.- his Lordship the Chancellor has given Judgment fully sustaining the claims of C; Powell, and speaking highly of the Menus OF THE PUMP. and With just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct of the Infringer, ordering him to pay the costs ol the suit, and forbidding him to make the Pumps. 'l‘he Patentee feels. that the sense ofjustisc premding the community generally will be sufl'lrient to prevent its giving countenance to spur'ms imitators. whose conduct, the Chancellor say5. is “ Is a fraud on the. l’ubl‘c."-â€"bv Judgmdrit, Manufacturing Rights for Sale. Took Ist prize at vainciea‘ Fxhihition ’66, &all times when shown Manufactury for York «\ Peel Cmm ties 8; Toronto City Newton BrOoka Yonge Street. Patent Swing Pump Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. Flour, Feed, Provision- and Grocery Store! ‘ %% vl I. ' ‘1‘ ‘llllmw @Y'Wmmm “um "um m “10-. I . m "WWW “M†11' ,. 1““; ‘lflw H “I! InI’lv‘mum tum Hi 4 Illuuuum ‘1‘" "1‘ m “Wu†mm For Cash. at Prices that cannot be sarpassed. Richmond Hill. November 9, 1866. The Leading Style in Canada Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Slands, Wish Stands, &c. SEC. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Boldering. vWhite Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and Boaled Linseéd Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. thï¬sh 'l‘urpprline, Benane, Glass, Pulty, Glue, 8m. 8w. Parties Furnishing. Papering, or Painting their Houses, will do Well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also N returning lhnnks for the my liberal supme he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform th public that he has greatly increa- cd his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of Vthre he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal. Cornmeal. Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Richmond Hill Ghinet Establishment. Fresh Field and Garden Seeds Which, an inspection. will be found the most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plot- sure of submimug to their approval. GPOCERIES, HARDWARE, Which will be found to comprise everything that is in the market for ladies wear. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT! MEDICAL HALL. 167 King Street East, Toronto. {3G9 For sale at “ Herald †Book Store, and by all the prin- ciple Storekeepers and Seedsmen, NEW ARRIVALS. D GOODS! a, When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the Wall or t 3.9m. Money, Labour & Disappointment. GH!NESE GARDEN POWDER Richmond Hill. April 23. 15568. GARDEN POWDER! FARMERS a GARDENE RS FURNITURE! In readiness forthose destructive Parasites; you will save THOSE. COG-ELAN AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to his friends and customers the arrival ofhio A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also ca†attention to his Prepared only by LET INFRINGERS BEWARE. Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs, and Caterpillars on Currant Bushes, Plants and Shrubs. LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Spring And Summer STUCKOF FULL STOCK HAVE A PACKAGE P. 0. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton 3100;" WILLIAM ATKINSON Look out for your Currant Bushes, 8L0. CROCKERY, 860., 860., &c. ts POWELL’S W. A. directs special attemion to his HUGH MILLER 85 CO. W. A. has also a. AT THE OF THE 510°“.