Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Jul 1868, p. 4

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‘W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, J uly 20, 1865. 7 CONFECTKONARY I 7 Doors north of King Street. The business at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of .S, M. SANDERSQN pa. 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, NEAR CHURCH STREET, S prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suflering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. T0 N 0. 90 Yonge Street, MAJENTA, SCARLET. YELLOW, MAUVE, ORANGE. BLUE. CRIMSON, VIOLET. SOLFERINO, PURPLE, BROWN, GREEN, AND ALL OTHER, POPULAR COLORS. Particular attention has been paid to the Manufacture of these Dyes. so that the moat inexpenenced can use them. a 1:1: ,I,,AIA 12...... Al... “Kalili- Retail from all respectable DrugjgistsQ , Toronto. April, 15, 1868. EVANS, MIHEER 8: W8 ECONOMIC ‘IlVAyVI‘wn-uv‘. .,_._ To be obtained-Wilfiolresfirlo from the Manu- faczuiers, Evans. Mercer, 6; Co.. Montreal, or HUGH MILLER, & 00.. "King SL, Toronto. DR. N. J.PECK’S, DENTISTRY. LIQUID DYES! EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of E'nnm SPRAY. which'afi'ects the E. M. Sanderson & Caulkens, No. 133 Yonge Street, have removed w. c. ADAMS, D. D- s-, ’footh only. The tooth and gum surrounding become insmsible with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and without endangering the life asgin the use of Chloroform. UK. chx will be in the following places prepared to oxtra ct teeth with his new appara- tus. All other operations in Denistry perform- ed in a wotkmanlikc manner :â€" Aurora........ lstofeachmo Newmarket Brelsfm‘d hotel 2nd Stouflville...... 18th Victoria Square. . . . . . . . . . 5201b Thornhill. . . . . . . . . . .. .23rd .. .24th Richmond Hill. . Maple . . . . . . . .. ...26Lh Bnrwick.... ............28lh Kleinburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29”: Nobleton................30th ‘0 u u H u H u H u u [I 1 Where he will attend to any business} mining to any branch of his nmfasgion. Aomra, J nae 7 1565. - OPINIONS at THE Passs.â€". They are doing the largest. business; the firm is reliable, and deserves théir success." â€"Weclcly Tribune, Feb. 78371868. GREAT DISTRIBUTION Cash Gm: to the Amount of $250,000 I]? We buolish m5 rnémes without permisâ€" sion. 5 Cash Gifts, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Each $10.000 ll 10 ............... “ 5,000 20 -- n 1,000 40 “ . . . . . . . . "V 50‘) 200 “ . . . . . ” 100 300 “ . . " 50 450 “ . .. “ 25 (I . {A . 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos Each $300 to 500 35 ". ' “ Melodeons “ 75 to 1:10 150 Sewing Machines . . . . .. “_ 60 to 175 250 Musical Boxes. . . .. . . . ‘L 25 to 200 300 Fine Gold Watches . . . . “ 75 to 330 750 Fine Silver Watches . . . " 30 to 50 Fine Oil Paintings. Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, and a large assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry. in all valued at $1,000,000- A CHANCE TO DRAW. ANY OF THE ABOVE Pants by purchasing :1 Sealed Ticket for 25 cts. Tickets describing each Prize are SEALED in Envelopes and thoroughly mixed. ‘Uu re- ceipt of 25 cts. a SEALED TICKET will be drawn and delivered at our ofiice. or sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket~holder on pay- ment of ONE DOLLAR. Prizes will be immedi- ately sent to any address, as requested. by ex- press or return mail. ,7..,,,, nn,,,, ,, 7,7," , 10 20 40 200 300 450 S. T. Wilkins. Bufl'aio, N.Y.. $1,000: View Annie Monroe, Chicago, “1., Piano, valued at $650: Robert Jackson. Dubuque, Iowa, Gold Watch, $250; Philip McCarty. Louisuville, Ky, Diamond Cluster Ring, $630: 1?. A. Patterson], New Bedford. Mass., Silver Tea Set. $175; Miss Emma Walworih, Milwaukee, Wis., Piano, $500; Rev. 1‘. W. Pitt, Cleve- land. Ohio, Melodequ, $125. " We have examined their system,and know them to be a fair dealing firm.”â€"â€"N. Y. Herald Feb. ‘28, 1863.. “ Las’t $813k a friend of ours drew a $500, prim, which was promptly received,”â€"Dmly Nam. Mar. 3, 1868. _ _ ....._, __“. Send forrcir'culrur giving many more refer- ences and favorable notices from the press. Liberal inducegwnts to Agents: ~ Satisfgction unranleed; 7 Every packaZe of Sealed Enve- opes contains one CASH GIFT. Six Tickets for $1,L13f°r$2_: Qéf°r$§5 110 for$l5. iv A “nun "Au'aigrsnma be a'ddiâ€"essed to fiARPER, WILSON &. Co., 173 Broadway, N. Y. You WILL KNOW WHAT YOUR PRIZE IS BEFORE you PAY FOR IT. Any Prize ma be exchanged for another of the same value. 0 BLANKS. It? Our patrons can dopond on fair dealing. anunncms,â€" the few following names from the many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted us to pub- lish them : June. 1865. May 13, 1868. PU RE AND UNADULTERATED EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE REMOVAL. 333 Yonge Street, Toronto. No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto ‘. G. CASTELL BY THE Metropolitan Gift Company; MANUFACTURER 0F NEW METHOD OF ........... ....-... .- ........-.- mwood Piano U 5 Each 35 Malnrlnons “ . . . lst'ofeuch month business per- 513-2 P ROSBY, having retired from business as a Merchant on Richmond Hill, . takes this opportunity to tender his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal patronage he has received during the past 27 years, would announce that his son ISAAC CROSBY Will, in future, carry on the business in all its branches, and hopes that his friends will bestow a liberal share of their support on his successor. SUMMER $%©@K @E ER? @@@fl3, PIRE-PRGOF STORE, In reference to the above I. CROSBY begs to inform the public that he will en- deavour to sustain the reputation and merit the support that has so long and so liberally been given to his father. He is now receiving his SALES MADE FOR CASH, 0R APPROVED CREDIT. FARMERS % GARDENERS GARDEN POWDER! CHINESE GARDEN POWDER Money, Labour & Bisappointment. MEDICAL HALL. 167 King Street East, Toronto. 0:? For sale at “ Herald” Book Store, and by all the prin ciple Storekeepers and Seedsmen, NE W ARRIVALS. Which, an inspection. will be found the most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plea- sure ofsubmiuinp; to their approval. Including Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, Wash Stands, Ste. 8w. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Varnish Turpentine, Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, &c. 81.0. Parties Furnishing, Papering, or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! N returning thanks for the very liberal support he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed liis Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of HaRDWARE and. CROCKERY For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmoad Hill, November 9, 1866. Fresh Field and Garden Seeds Richmondflill GhinetEsta.blishment Where hé keeps on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Which will be found to comprise everythmg that is in the market for ladies wear. GB QUERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS! MILLINERY EPARTMENT! Richmond Hill, June 19, 1868. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1868. In readiness for those destructive Parasites; you will save .q. nu 'W RETIRING FROM THE BUSINESS. AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to his friends and customers the arrival of his FURNITURE! THOS. COG-ELAN THE CHINESE Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs, arid Caterpillars on Currant Bushes, Plants and Shrubs. Prepared only by A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attentlon to his LOWEST MARKET PRICE. HAVE A PACKAGE HARDWARE, GROCERIES, ‘ qli'; I K 3‘“ H an i’ WI u" I». ‘ '“luuuml “ ‘lw ‘m I” H ‘ H“ “In u‘urumu . «I‘m'uu I Ummmnm ‘M‘Wmn “111mm Spring And. Summer STOCKOF FULL STOCK Look out for your Currant Bushes, 8m. WILLIAM ATKINSON CROCKERY, 860., 850., 860. RICHMOND HILL. W. A. directs special attention to his HUGH MILLER 85 CO. \‘V. A. has also a OF THE AT THE 510-“. The York Herald B®®K Ordorl for any 0! the nndurmontioned descrip- llonot PRINTING EflLflflEfl Jjflfl WMK LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, PAMPHLETS AND ls entirely new and of the latest patterns. klarge variety of new FAWN WPEQJEEJERS’) For Cards, &c.. just received. Letter-Press Printing. MirORDERS PRQMPTLY EXELUTED ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS OUR ASSOMMENT 0F CHEAP JUB PLAIN And evely othu- kigzd of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, mm AND DRAFTS, BIL] . 1-1 EAI) S AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0F ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCES; ' " RADWAV’S REABV RELIEF !‘ '3'! WP $3©®EE®EES As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODÂ¥NE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholio', Ciamps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"One tea-spoonful in a. glass of water will correct all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly Itop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in'wthe Side or Back, Limbs oi}: JBifit'é,Sfiihb’6f Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.-â€"â€"One application WL“ afi‘ord immediate ease and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the mm In violent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATIC CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC‘, FITS, SHIP FEVER, CROU P, DlPTHERIA may prove fatal Within an hour or two, if not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF .7 and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidne s, Bladder, Urinal dilfieulties, Inflammation of the Womb. and, in fact, all diseases fraught wit immediate danger, yield at once to this commandin gr curative. The READY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation as the malady itself. 1t is more active than the Virus of the mm+ swift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to “seen the first svmnwm or Dam and uneasiness. no person need suffer an hour Sickness. DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAYrâ€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of on! sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, (be, &c. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia. and for colds, an always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptherio, &e. It has a good efl'cct in flatulence or wind cholic. I use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous efl'ect. In short it procuros relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. Illâ€"Beware of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Radway's, yet charge the public the same 'm'ce our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun. :erfeits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In mohasinaReMg Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway & Co. on the labels, and 9 words R. . Railway (in Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. . Plough Points 85 Landsides kept always on hand ._.0.._. JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. rlifiE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he is now manufacturing improved Ploughs of SWEEEE©E £&%%E&M9 and which he confidently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the chuntry STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS Reduced Price 0f$16 RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at Du. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreu , emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is not a. Town or City 0*“ importance (except a few in China.) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad~ Sisters of Morey at Borehester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Radway’s Remedies to the sick. I3“ Sold by Dmggists and Country Merchants. THE UNIVEREAL REMEDY 1*. Agents for the sale of Rawday’s Ready eli f. P. CROSBY, hmhmond Hill THOS. ALLISON, Victoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora Mr. fiQWE and Mrs. ROWE Sting IT HAS NO EQUALVIN THE MATERIA MEDICA- If seized with Rheumatism. Instant Help Needesi CURES PAIN INSTANTLY 1‘ SISTERS OF In sudden Attacks PRICE. 25 cents a Bottle. HAIL-L’s All Around the Globe. which he now offers at the JOHN RADWAY, M. D., 6L 00., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL And 87 Madden Lane. NEW-Yoga HENRY HALL. Boots & Shoes Cheap S. M. Sanderson & Co. S. M. Sanderson 8: Co. store N0." 90 Yonge Street. S. M. Sanderson & Co. OULD take this opportunity of thanking their Friends and Customers for the very liberal pal‘ronage' bestowed on them for the last twelve years, and would cordially so- licit a continuance of the same at their New Stand N0. 90 YONGE STREET. Corner Of King & Yonge Streets; MONEY TO LOAN November 9. 1866. HORNER’S PATENT SELF-'SHIITTING WE! VI \HlS useful invention is the most convenient, i the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Patentee is now prepared to sell TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! Applicants will please address tllélr letters (put Hid) m M. 'IjEEFY'L For thg use of hriAs_ Pqtent Sel_f:shutli_ng Gate. HE Subscriber would intimate to the arm- ers and others of Richmond Hill and armdiug Country having. Ric'hmnd Hill, September 16". 1867. That he has successfully treated the above for tllngSt ten years v_vilhout a single failure. Horses My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on, if not 353 00 will be charged to ensure a‘ acure. Residence rear oflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUNTON. This troatfnent does not uécmsitale their being laid aside only for a few days. Ql‘lyite a number dfrefereuce given if requir- ed ofpersons whose horses have been cured by Richm ondHill. Oct. 25,’66 Sore 1h fimt, OR the immediate relief and permanent cure of Rheumatism, Sprains, Bruises,= Burns, Frost Bizes, Lame Back, Side, Limbs or Stomach,_ Cramp. Numbness of Limbs, Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid Has been before the public for upwards of twenty years, and such are its merils 1118! it is now justly considered as an indispensibie arti- cle in every family where it is known. It ha: aever been forced on public attention by flaming rdvertisemems or remarkable cures that never had any existence, but by its own peculiar value as an unfailing remedy. it has worked its way into public favor, Hgnry, Simpson & C0,, Montreal. ’Wholo- sale Agents. S. J. Foss & (‘30.. filwrbroke, P. Q.. Sole Proprietors. October 10th. 1867. Having a wonderful effect when taken interâ€" nally, in quickening the circulation ofthe blood; It. is invamable to persons predisposed to Para- lysis. or subject to attacks of Heart Disease. In cases of DySpepsia, where food distresses, it affords prompt- relief. and continued for a short txme, sets everything right. The name of the medicine is blown in each‘ bottle of the genuine, and the purposes for which it is intended. as well as the mode of using. attached; Yonge Street, THIS pleasant, agreeable, and scientific proâ€" aration is an indispensihle article for the toilet. ll cleanses the scalp, renders the hair ofa darker appearance, is easily applied and will not stain the finest linen. l'hose using the Empire Hair Gloss will find that it renders the harshâ€" est and coarsest hair. soft, glossy. fine' and beauttful. disposing it to stay in any position in which it is placed. It prevents the hair from fallirg out,invigorates and strengthens it. and often produces a new growth ol'hair where it has already invigorating and rnstoring the skin. nerves. muscles, blood vessels. and roots oflhe hair. Price 25 cents, S. J. Foss & Co. proprietors and sole manu- facturers, Sherbrooke. Province of Quebec.â€" Henry. Thompson &. 00.. Montreal; Lyman, Elliott &. Co. Toronto. Wholesale Agents. Hunt’s Empire Hair Glass Town, toDeéember 1867. Dr. COLBY’g Anti-Costive and Tonic Pills, ordinary success is due to the fact that they answer exactly their name. The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound, scientific principles, and has received the un- qualified approbation of the medical profession.- They do not profess to be a cure all, but for all diseases arising from any derangement of the Stomach. Liver and Boweis, they furnish an effectual remedv. We have in our possession over one hundred testimonials from physicians who have used them in their practice and highly approve ofthem, among which are the folleing :_ -...~ .L-.«..L‘..“u -n..a:r.. uuw "u-5 The nndsrsigned physicians eheerl‘ully certifv to the high plof'esslonal standing of Dr. Colhy of Stanstead. one of the oldest and best physi- cians. and to the excellent qualities of his “ ANTI-COSTIVE and TONIC PlLLS,’ whice we have new in our practice. and high-y ly approve. J. H. Gibson. M. D., Dunham,C.E. C. Cotton, MD. Cowan‘sville ' Charles Brown. MD, Cewansville S S Foster, MD, Brome. J C Butler. MD, Waterloo, John Erskine, MD, Waterloo. Norman Cleveland. MD, Barnston, N J enks. MD, Barnston, . C W Cowles, MD. Stanslead, John Meigs. MD. Stanslead. Joseph Breadon, MD, Surgeon, RN. Benjamin Damon, MD. Coaticook. Lemuel Richmond. MI), Derby Line. S. J. Foss & C0. Shel-brook, l’,Q,. sole pal- prielarsfilenry Thompson5 8;, Co, Mgnugm Wb "lesalo Agets. RE a safe and reliable remedy in all dis- A eases of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels. They are no Quack Medicine. puffed up by high-sounding taslimonials from imaginary people, but are the result of forty years experi- ence ofa first claSS pl1ysician_, and ater extraâ€" Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. 0n Improved Real Estate, PPLY to Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN- ROUGHNET & WABMOLL, Barristers, &c. ILL thoroughly warrant every pair of BOOTS made by them at their new Worth Knowing. Afflicted with Ring-bone, At their New Store. TORONTO. Are selling RICHMOND HILL P. O.‘ Ageer for Pategtpe. Toronto. 72-1)! 478

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