I I .,,, ,,~-.-.. ...-“m. -'â€"s “Hui-“‘5'†‘ . .. ._ , u,†i :;;«rq-;v;u'«u’ at; 7.. - 7 I 7â€" ..l , .5, . _._ 1:,._~,. . ...: . ‘4“ W‘ t “I r r a, Illn- llrttr garrth 15 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance, when so desired The YORK I’Immm) will always be found to contain tlielatest and most importantlforoign and Provincial News and Markets, arid the greatest care will be taken to render it ac- ceptable to the mail ofbusiuess, and a valu- able Family Newspaper. '0!“ TERMS:â€"Oue Dollar per annuin, 1N ill). VANCE: ifnotpaid within Two Months, One This was the story that Andrew Ticknapp,llie old Adelpbi musician, told me in the Neil Gwynn Tavern, that cold December night ; and, as we shook hands at the corner of Buli-inâ€"conrt, preparatory to taking our several ways homeward, Andrew said, With his hopeful, chirrnping laughâ€"J Your kindness, Mr. Balfour, will enableme to drink your health in a brimming bumper this Christmas. My children and children's chil- deri will be gathered round my humble board to giadden my heart a 3L ADVERTISER- «rv-lï¬/Vâ€"J‘. V NWW Vvvxï¬r ,\ V J V , s/ TERMS $1.00 IN ADVANCE RICHMON aim. in You? (x N†v JW\. WWWV W W/Vmww b, NEW SFPIES “ Let Sound Reason itieiglz 7 . Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. _W M w, _:- ‘1?" ‘ ’ "Willi-7 I " I :W’i‘I In?“ “EVEâ€"TEE Amy??? 1 : W I \Vilh their laughler and Cherry Aillotters addressed to the Editor must be 'â€" I] I 0’30 thGle N0. {3065. if you write down the SlOI'Y OUUv IL .. W... post-paid. Nopapcr discontinued until all arrearagos are paid: and paitiosrofusing papers without dayiug up, will be held accountable for‘tlie iu')scription. I have told you, send me a copy. it will be the ï¬rst time any of our family has appeared in print, and there will be no want oi interest in our little circle. at least, when he or she reads aloud the story of the MAN CAT ! ' ' RICHMOND it m Irrivwflw vow»? W Wang. Vol. IX, No. 12. In andidscntify the watch found 5 The “man Oil the floor was con- Flamingo’s possession, quered in body, bill the savage The possibility 01 such horrors WI!“ ,Was “0} 3’Ct ,Su‘bduedi and was 100 dreadful 10 be conmmp_ .lrom lime to time hisioiig, srncwy plied. ‘ leg'c‘on‘lracted ï¬ercely its muscles of steel, and beat on the floor Willi What was that q the force of a blacksmitli’s hammer. STRONG, EDGAR (k GRAHAME, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. XVER. j“ YORK LONELY FL‘O A flow’i'ct grew in a tangled brake, In the depth oi'a forcst-glatlc, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Six lines and under, first insertion. . . . $00 5i: Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . (ill to Ten lilies and under, ï¬rstirisortion. . .. (it) 75 ()Fi‘icresâ€"VVollinglon Chambers, Jordon St. Toronto. S. H. STRONG. J. 1). EDGAR. R. GRAHAME. ta'heiu‘ V go at Each subsequentinsertion†. . .... . . ... (it) ‘2†Toronto, Julie 1 8. 1858. 499 Am! SCiIil'Ce “W from the 0H),“, day large during l I- his Somalhing Stirred lhcnl * u re Tl . u , I -u y 0,, ,1, FFHE GUTTA'PERCHA TREE'â€"Su" . w - r. . r u . » ~ v . ' ‘ ' 7 3 , J ' n ' ' ' Above tonlines. fil‘SllilScl‘ilOl], perhne. (ill (l7 m, y 7 7 77:7,... '10 this lonely lioll let st.ay.d frlcï¬ds,_wl.,q ;, mfm._ among†!.__,hm«31 agam, and agamg 10 010“ S, W‘ 1'9 (m U 01 9 mama, ,, large lsland In [he Indlan Each subsequent insertion. per lino. . . . ill! ()2 One Column per twelve months. . . . .. - 50 (ill Half a Column do do 3t] (ill Quarter oi'a column per twelve months. 20 00 One column per six molitlis.. . . . . . .. . 4t) (10 Haifacolumn (lo ........... 2500 Quarter of a column por six months. . . . 18 0t) YC,S.-,10nce,.ciw,sin1he,.00m__ eyes that were starting fiom the .head, and a foam that was tinged ’with blood hung about the thread- like lips. The door of the room was burst , n the hen- a strange. watchful silence. but The sounds are outside the win- ,r he dew-«sounds that would be in- dible but for tile death-like trail-- Yet, spite of the weeds that round it And choked its ‘llOt of ground, 0a ‘ r l r . . stlc. and to Did this tlow’rct bloom, and its sweetper- ) I lt‘ill'd all the air around. [fume CYLY c111 OP’DQ' wherever he did, Mr. Dob - grew, [able quarters Ocean, has large forests ofthe guttaâ€" percha trec (lsonandro gutta) Gutta is the native name tor gum, and .. perclia is the Malayan name of a forest tree. The virtues and uses flircnscb Qtnttiaucnre. HENRY SMELSER, ICEUSED AUOTlONEER for tho coun- J ties of York and Pool, Collector of Notes. Elli all unseen and all unknown, Its perfume still ur:t:isted, A card 0ft?“li118§.f01‘0n°ye“---- -- :E’Q' Aacotli.ts,&c. Small cliargos and plentth do Alone it WOW its live], hue, cious‘ly near h iiin that reigns within. Open. 81ml MFS- MCQUbbln. NGlle of this tree have not long been Efflwtdaiftly d: - I ' Lubkey' Nam“ 2nd won 09-1 Its swcactncss oven wasted. hit. Dobbs, I ' Jadge 110W my Miller’s 1103“ and a. posse Of “(Eligiblst ca‘lne known to us. Previous to 1844, its ,, . . . . WWW“ W_VWWNW_H_A A .3 ~ , ‘ . ., ' ,‘ ~;' :1 ' - l) trcti‘eate as uii’ ‘ x ~ 7 i - ‘ “TANG,inanWm,0u,w,i,,endirections N4â€, BUTTON JP The sun washigh, the d,,,.ksome Shae Wliltecilapef the beat [when slowly tin. Window [suiczina in, ub l I (11 I: y. vary name had not been heard In Ilserled llllfm‘blds all‘lCllm‘Eed accordingly ERA bib 7 i in ’ Scarce felt the Summer l)3:CCZO, Jew-i ,- r r? . Opened' and by “‘0 falnl Ilghblrom )dugmg {inht a on: “e ( oor “L a England. About that 111119. an Aliadvertisoments published for alcss period AL When :1. Poet strale t0 recline 1n the shade - Dobbsu ‘ ï¬gment he saw the head of the cluster 0i bees. Engllsh physwlan was walkmg than one month, must be paid for in advance. Aiitrausitory advertisements, from strangers orirrngulai'customers, must be paid for when handed in for incer’ion. limit 0f the lordiy forest-trees. Cd That even, 5’ I. f l u i'oli'i'liu COUNTY OIE‘ YORK. Mancat, fOr such be ever after- wards called him, thrust cautious- ‘ly, as on the previous night, into the carrot. Tire same eyes, with their green- ish‘iiglit, that glittered brightest in through a forest, when he saw a a woodman at work. Observing that the handle of the axe was of quite an unknown substance to him, he inquired what it was made oi, and was told that it was the juice Lights! Lights! lllerc were plenty of lights now, and, as the glare fell upon the face oi the mall on the floor. a dozen voices cried aloud, in horriï¬ed as- lonisiimentï¬ He lay near the spot _whci'c the flow’rct and.“ch ï¬ï¬‚ W fklld liaply his VlSlO-ll fell (1 b [from ,he imam: " lOl'C its liny read o’er its ruggc e' v a. y I Hull'sr like a fairy bell. l‘lllltf: .Whokr anyone co king wii Sales attended on the shortest notice at moderate rates. P.O. Address, Buttonvrile. Markham, Juliy 2i, 1868. 497 Business errata. “Sweet fiow’ret,†he cried. “ why thus nnâ€" jo [seen :.;::_, , MAW... _____, reâ€"â€"~-«~ 7" kiwi * " "†Should thy beauty linp‘erllerc? - , , ,I - , w , - , - R, IlOS'l‘E'l‘TER’S numerous friends H. D. BENNETT, To the light ofdny I will bear the away, “lard?†_ W lhe dalk?‘ “mm? lib? Slaf>‘~mcfllg EIT- Ebmwzcr Gravau I 01' guru Of a tree, which could be will please accept ills sincere thanks for 1 ,1 Thou child of a, brighter sphere.†city, insidï¬aï¬ Still S. ’that .calry death and YC“: in 1,19 “Tun-C,“ in the mid_ li'lOllldthl Ililo any shape by merely theirliberal patronage and prompt payment. L 0L4 ’ The flow-Tet is 0.0116fro,“thetanqledbpnke: ’ But who ' pe tiience in their aspect. , r, I“ ' r i '7’ ip I‘m: , whoâ€, rm dipping ii in hot water,aiter Winch, ldiiiiofboil‘i: Tillilltflgllffeillihfffltbllflld‘lllllioiliftbnilfagj' FORTHE It blooms in tbhe Poet‘s home;D I in the corn ii“ men hidden in the gaff“ ma ) ma ( “U, - h I) i (I Wheï¬ Cf’ld again: it became quue C O U N TY 0 F Y 0 it K. poor Flaiiringo had declared him V" to be, despite the substantial watch he had left behind, the inhabitants oi'Castlegate recognised tile builder of almsliouses, and the newly'clcct- ed ciiurcliwardcn oi Trinity. ade no movement. ‘They are asleep, thought my ti andhis hair rose on his :th terror. . Vead remained at the win- And no more to the shade of the forest-glade Do the l’oct’s footsteps roam ; Al i came over ‘ Tile last hard. 0n examining the tree, the physician found the gum lying in straight, lines down the trunk. and that by cutting small holes in the trunk it freely flowed out, of a. lice ofMediclne. Surgery and Midwifery. calls. (night or day) promptly attended to. Elgin Mills, October 5, 1866. usionueig, Lot No. 14, 2nd Con vu'uglluii' kl’ost Oilico Address Carvillo All orders hall at the " York ilci‘ald†office. Richmond Hill, or at the l’,(). Maple, will be alien-led to. Titus lonely, a gentlc'spirit dwelt, All pure 7mill ClLl'l lily loavcn ; . God's angel hath talcii that; spirit again, To bloom in its native lioavenl DR. JAS. LANG-STAFF lLlJ generally be found at borne before liali'»past S a,m and from 1 to 2 p.m. All parties owing Dr. J. liniigstnfl‘aro expect- ed to call and pay promptly, as he has pay- ments now that must be met. Mr. Win Jenkins is authorised to colloct,and give receipts for him. Richmond llili, Julio. l'Q65 l innit), 11.13., COR. 0F YONGE All!) CflLBURNE STS., Vaughan, ()Ci. Ill 1867. 1- JOIZI‘I CARTER. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, 7‘0“. the Counties of York. l‘eoi and ()il- jj tario. Residence: liot d, Gtil concesscn Markham. l‘ost Ollicoâ€"Uiiionville. ‘ . Solos attended on the shortest notice, and 011 reasonable terms. VARIETIES. What nation produce most marriages ?-â€". Fascination. “ Avoid hypocrisy, my dear he s, in all die moods and tell es. If you think a man’ is fool, tell him so, unless he is bigger t yourself. . . Did you ever know such a mechanical genius as my son? said an old lady. He has .J door and b down, Bar more drin your agre both of ,y speaking buckled on ,er niece, ' mimovably Watchful. ‘ d it be that be suspected ‘ething? be cold sweat/ï¬lterror stood on therZsface, for thefzeycs that to pierce the thickest dark- A. e 5,}! :as a poniard passes ' biet oi silk, were riv- _t their fascination-â€" Withdrawn hangers. and Willi pistols cocked, the officers drew back, and permitted their prisoner to rise to his feet. ile did so with agility, and al- most a grace of movement that at any other time would have been very rciilarkabio. The eyes of the assassin, blood~ whitish colour. bcczirne darker in appearance. On hardening it In the ï¬rst insiance,about two hundred weight were sent to England, as an experiment; its utilitv was soon discuercd, and now several hun- cred ions are imported every year. Guttapcrciia is largely used for soles of shoes, piping, bottles, and other purposes where durability is ‘ - a K‘ n †i. f M' - --, , r . , l y I. ' a _ ' THORWHLL QHlf’Bl‘S‘lefbill‘lllO'l bile:ng “pflgï¬woged u: made a fiddle all out of lilb own head, and be you heal. move to [he root of Silo , but no longer gliilmmb reqmmd. I, IS MSG turned J20 _ A - Cam 5 §§1V1w= W“ l l' i has wood enough for another. - ~ . 1 V é a, t H f , .d lering, seemed to shield themselves f, I f . ) d , .. ,1. , . Jmieszi. 1:67. A Indy in New ka recently mued at room til i a love 0 ea or at , “omâ€"me “am. after mflng a 00? count or intr an melee orciiii‘iiihlihili'biiiivi‘(ié‘ailiiiiiiuiï¬nl: v w 7 ‘IDEPSON the Shop 0†make" or Chimnfy VOUUIHLWS night] 'higgmh Willem†’ prciiensivcbniance 5; Ose pi" " > a 9" fl" LA ) 10,a. in. fli‘All consultations in, the allies. EDW‘ SAI " ’ to see if he had any contrivance which FrightE; f‘fld that came from ' ' *‘ D -' ~~ » -» v V ‘ Cash. 1 r’l'ljoi‘nhill. Julie 9, 1855 ,2 Licensed _, in ’ 101:" ~ .- ,- ‘KNWM helicmiah, compare the adjective ‘cold,’ . r s . U 6 ,. make her husband stop smoking. d a schoolmistress ~to her headboy-r , .- not dirrin o terrible. . .Sr‘l 31.1., i ...t ' a hoarse an our, 'iie'c c 7 .~ n.1eir ' nil, sir -‘ ‘ ' .t i ,, ‘. . ’ . I 4 < , . , y a, _-uital- , ,ouig c "J es that there evil power, till my lather ceased to lilijv'flti‘e there, but as one who com: - r’ v . I w , “ “ f W J.‘ She called upon him. and he so had his}; V i l) 3 With the Strive airainst their «magnetic {m mnnes \Vili] himself. ' ‘ Sllbsmnces. ‘ V _ mfliï¬f‘jï¬i‘iflm, * wmmmm;_f_ CODYIDCOd l101‘0fhis Changed character,“th clrzirges,‘ba 'ry father lead the iluenccrand resiaued himself in) What a dream What ‘1 dream! guessed by-mar' Besmes the Jince'" ' I 1“ ii‘tï¬ALL’ ‘ i GEO. McPHIIiLIPS<BsSO§TJ Idillf(lll'(lISsl)ii)lInn'rry111massoon3/5110 gels wall mills ,’cl. what seemed an†inevitable late, lhaye siri‘ren against it, broiled tintigfoy'(fiiflsagdféeajam ifult’ha ' D R U G G I S T a ' T' I“; A g. a V h v ‘ Ayearnedymmglady. “109,110,, evening, . lie UltlHSO,l.aliél they T‘fouynd lilo like some snake‘fasciuatcd bird. _ against it; buidlltiure has proved Chelsisp I", HOW†arllégggd’tbe AND ’ {HOTEHQIJI Ritalin} biliiQEOIS, ::_l:l:{:il10.ll‘ilfftflulittlly by‘asklirtglor thcloan 1‘00!“ W8 lltxlsV LTJC‘iiV, itmc Ono. lung, smewy leg Wm, pastried stronger rhanJIWIIL I mus, tear and the Paâ€: ,f '1 r ' y A i I SEAFORTH, (I. w. . . immuth .ngcmcoiis, truncated cone, time, by Mrs. l‘vi Lubbin s direc- over the r’t'ind0\\"-Slii, then the other mm“ I mum even though l 10091“ H Veg 0 l M’ m Ian peninsula PHARM A CEUTI ST,- mmnmm) HILL 7 N â€" ~ a ,phm‘m . I precurof. forethought circled a. Curse glided, With movements as terrible He Smog! lm: a momen!’ lâ€? head Richmond H,†‘JW ,1 196;, (a; P- 11- DCOTT: lilo ipllowipg advertisement appeared in {mm M‘- l,)°libsi Who. {snatching up as they were graceful, into the hem so that his face was hidden, . . .. , t . .. {ï¬lthclkcw 101k pencr:â€"â€"-threzts, John the \vaierJlig, poured It O'v't‘l‘ the garrct. lllCna before any COUl‘! llllel'fem l0 TESTS OF Gunmen}? A it Hit} i i A A V L"â€" THOMAS CARR, DEA [.lillt IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, June 7,1865. LUMEER MERC HANT, ' A ND Bi 71111174113, 618 Yonge Street, Toronto. convex on its summit, and sciili-pcrfor: I‘ll with symmetrical indentations. She wanted fraudulently taken away several articles of WL‘tl’illI apparel without my illit)'\\'l(,’tlԤ\",, this is therefore to inform him that if he does not. forthwith return the lions. had made a large fire, wl ',I llCil Goa is. This done, candle. he blew out the and again the lithe, tiger-like hgurc Movng as thouin he walked on velvet, Will] the head projected for- ward, the. eyes burning with an inâ€" ate my own heart! catch iiiln, he sank will] a groan to the ground. The handcuffed hands were as food, and its wood is good tim- great: many admirable actions are overlooked by us, because they are so little and com- mon. Take, for instance, the mother (H ‘ H DOORS S‘s†BUNDS same, his nzrmc shall be made public. if you want to undress, he said, feriial fire, and crouching as he (ll’iilll'n UP lightly to the breast, Wliolrzis llrid'brokcn slumber. if any at V . uttml‘dillub, Fme 1%,, 5m,“ “KG, Doctor, wlmi 3112.111 dam kggpfl'olnllul'l- .you must do. it in the dark. moved, like one of the feline tribe ‘Vhl'e’ 0"“ llle long Claw-like ï¬n- all, With the nursing baby whose wants "Vines and Liquors, Atrium sins, he, in: my 11030 when fwleol ' km} a 1011.1“ I’ve no Wish to sleep, it‘ mu when it medilalcs a fatal Sprino‘ g‘il‘qll'lCl‘l“! a Slim!“ 0! blmxl- mu“ “0t be disregarded; She W011“ 'l'IIOliNlllLL. Anti :nl kinds of ’lillsf‘mw(\‘lgfilill‘lllsffg please, sir. ' iliie minâ€"the harm, l‘apgmachlï¬ Dobbs hastily hour over him and {hill 51°013 “While “111011 the breakfast By Royal Letters Patontll‘ has been appointed .' fl urztvelr replied tl‘c doclor, tlitrfllyvoli shon'd KC?!) “wallâ€, me“ i but Open lite thl. ‘ lOI'C Upon his Vest an chirp hm†00111957 bUt Patiently and uncom- issiil-r of JilAIfIt’L‘lOE LIUEIVSES. 'I'horiziiillJ Feb, :6, 1868 l’ost tiliiite address, Yorkvilio. Toronto, May 15', 1863. Brit]: DAVID YER. Jun, have a few hinges made in it, so as to fold it up like a two foot rule when yougo to bed. A negro who was lately convicted of big- amy iii Pennsylvania sought to excuse his Ci‘llilC by the plea that when he had only one your mouth to say a word before you‘re spoken to, and Hi shut it up with a tap from the butt end of thi‘s pistol. Now, Joe, make yourself Oh! what would not my father I have given if but for one moment he could have avoid . ed that deadly, absorbing,y gaze, and summon aid. The hypocrite has cheated the gallows. after all. See! the last blow he gave before he dropped the, knife was here, an inch below his plainingly she takes her timely seat at: the table. Though exhausted and weary she serves all with a refreshing cup of coffee or tea before she sips it herself and often the cup is handed back to bet: . , m ., 3.3. . .n n, , . ,. , . . s . '. that conic - ii I. , .r .l l. H - l . T l‘ ï¬lial“? tit. Sihnifl" El? i‘iiili’ilfllilflgi‘srflï¬' Wife silo wright. liim all the time, and never Mull“ m , I ' r.’ ‘1 ld' balmâ€: . I'llllo‘qb‘lll‘ "I in all '. . to be reï¬lled before She has had tlme to am (turns. 8 - - . vb 1 lo 1 di R~ ' “ , ,_, V -â€" éfltvc him a day's Peace; but on marrying a m3 83“ Vi ‘ A you I? OvVn there. He seemed a OOY'DSC already. He . 15mg ‘0 [us feel“ WIâ€) true Om us“ her Own- DO you hear her com‘ ~77 - ' ‘ * * xx Rigel latency". tam]{stillingK (lil>tl;i.llllt‘itilalil pettiopd Wiictillcliwo fought. (pie another, rlmd if you sneE‘Ze even, i ii stop yourIiay so chilled and nioiionicssf 015†coolness, he aimedâ€"f“ Plainâ€"“ï¬g Weary 1110lller“lhat 1161‘ ' ' ( e l. nil .i I s an. we . . . i V .t. z * ls.“ ' - ‘ ' ' ' ‘ i ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ' ' 1‘1, 1 El, 11, g. y, }S (1., J m I -1 0 111“ W ("1) Price W qllltlnï¬ 5; “it drink for a fortnight. I‘iic claw~like hand was on M" Lilurciiwaldcn was an old breakfast. is cold before she has time to NOTA It’l’ mm 1.10, SUMMISSIONEH lill THE QUEEN’S BENCH, CONVICYANCJSR. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREEMENTS, Bonds 1‘ Wills, tVtc , 4&0†drawn with attention and promptltudo, 'l'orins moderate. Richmond Hill, Juno 9, leS. 3 ,l)ocds, Mortgages. 1 A largo Stock ol'Hi'Avrzs :iiiii Silivnm; if? (Tall and oxaiiiinc Stock hnforc purchas- i‘l , elsewhere. l’ st O.li<-.o Addressâ€"llieliii'iond liill. .ltinc ltltiJ ‘ t'ie cireiis.’ also furnished him with ‘a better Show than NCVOi'llllllrS, he was sent to tire i’liiiitc‘lilitti'y for two years. Illi-:Xii‘().â€"â€"No\v York, August lily-Mexi- can lion's states that the whole State of Vera Cruz was in rebellion : the lenders beingr men of influence, the rebellion was rapidly exâ€" tending. It was thought the Castle of San Juan D‘Uiiea would be attacked. OTTAWA. Aug. IZ.â€"â€"-Tl10 names Messrs. Silulily, Burton, and Thos. ll. Ferguson are mentioned for a seat in the Cabinet. The ll‘lSll Protestant Element is deterlriincd to My father had already thrown iiiii’iseii on the bed, and lay the“. praying for a speedy and happy ending to tilts black business. The silence alter midnight be» came so profound that my lather could not help thinking: that 1]“. men l‘nust have fallen asleep, in spite of the warning given by the}, leader. The minutes seemed l his breast, the hl‘oadvbladed kniie flash- ed in the air, alidm A savage cry, a bowl of baffled rage. silrii'ed through the place,and tliel. the voice of Dobbs. sharp and cold as steel, iii ide itself heard. Quick, lads lâ€"ciing to him! Down with his right al'lh~â€"S(tl {is hands are like claws! ’i‘hcv’vc torn my face and throat! Give hand, and, when he’d made up his mind to strike, he knew the right ’piaec! Stop by the corpse, Joe, and do you, young man, together with Barney. OOIDCV‘ilOI’lg with me "to make our deposition before the magistrate. ill? 3% #9 * >i’6 =li= Morningr had scarcely dawned bciorc all York was ringing Willi eat it? And this is not for one, but for every morning, perhaps, in the year. Do you call it a small thing ? Try it and see. How does woman shame as by her forbearance and fortitude in What are called little things l Ah, it is these little things which are torts of character; it: is by those ‘ littlc’ selfâ€"denials borne with such sclf»f'orgottcn gentleness, that the bum- blcst house is made beautiful to the eyes of angels, though we fail to see it, alas l . .. ,. . . "sS ()Vll‘ 'l‘ .1 . l r »' , . " ‘I i ,. ,. .. ‘ ..' ' . J. N. BLAKE , n h mnlzo ilSUil loll, Sr. John, it islliouglilpnziv qd me hours mesmv†‘, hours- i 4‘ r .l‘ ‘1 Di V1! - 01. bv the [Hpt i the nmvs that Ebenezer Ctr-avail, until the Cllttll‘ is vacant and the hand , TBOD‘IAD Sâ€˜ï¬ get into trouble unless 110 does something in a“ i ' L†)ann 10 “Ml lll‘lyml baf‘we RIOSQF‘. liii l‘ui‘i alderman and Clllll'CllWiU'UCDaQ mall which Imp: m mono“ an thls domesmc BARRlSTER AT LAW, OOJVVE 'ANOEIB, (be. Carriage and Waggon Maker! this direction. Loxnox, Aug. '12.â€"A recent speech of" slip by ', but, obi so slowly, slow 1y that to my father’s strained nerves you‘tllrougll with my hanger. lire fight still continued The. of large iortune and excellent nosi» llm, was the monster who in his machinery is powerless and cold. DEFICE over “,0 (.1, Comm] 7 fl, LCNJ)LI£T.-l[. .13, .tc. 1,1th .ijllili‘tIOI Npioioon at 1.10)lcs;f()rii s Lille it seemed an eternity ct fear. whole house seemed to be shaken liiidtlta‘lit forays had left so iiiibad g I , 1d d f. â€" L. . iy 0 ice selenro ior muei comment out is varir‘ms ; 1, r' ' .. . l , ' i A ' ~ . . ’ . “ r Minnâ€"ï¬r an cri ren instca 0 Toronto street] Toronto. Y A “mus†ll lenlblc ldtdb hell by me Cit, a trriil oi blood behind him. i y ’ Toronto, August 1, 1867. {lesiclelit'e~1\leai'ly' opposite the Post Ofï¬ce lliclinond llilt. regarded by the press of England. Some Journals characterize the speech as a certain A l} ti'risn BRIG Snizun.â€"I’liiladclpliia, I A riot in his brain; and Flamingo's One o‘clock â€"â€" two o’clockâ€"â€" sperale efforts of the can- tois to retain, and of the captured wild beast battling in the hunter’s Numerous were lilo explanations somnambulistâ€"otliers, that he was being plump and fresh as a peach, are as WliillCl‘Cd and wrinkled as last year‘s . . . ~ '. ' ‘ V I . v . ' ' 7 V _i†_ _ ‘_4ï¬kwï¬rï¬ï¬ï¬‚ an ,7,,_,ï¬_ pledge Of peace; others assert it IS really a groaning cry Oi lhcf g‘hObl ! lllC 10 escape" (ShOU!Sa OillllS, ï¬erce j {llVCn 0f. [ills ln‘yslef‘y- bowie 33' {113131057 because they do not sleep enough ..... .' ' ~ ,ww ,H y a x . . . : .. -, . ' GEO. B, NICOLI . JAMES BOWMAN, 00‘ 01 101 “31 Prellfllflllons- ghost \\ as never out ( his ears, sunris. and slam arms, as of some belied 111d! lilo Alderman was 11 Sonic physrcrans think that the bones 'l’! I ' it “5‘ .4 r - , v .. . . _ H 1 r -'r I " ‘ BARRISTER: AIlORNEY‘AT'LA W; lbbii‘lfll’ éif hitlt’l‘ldgï¬ lilllfflllSeS, August lz.â€"Tnc British brig Emucc was sounded from the Minster iO\V€l‘S' toils filled in lathe ‘~ n r ' onn 'i ll ~ - ' 'h i "l 1 gig-lovwxo-nl)‘ fuimg Sleep Th†I mum" SOLICITUR 1N CHANCE“, , seized yesterday by the Collector for trading d . , nothinq_l I, . U 7 v, ' _, Y H V IF 5 Ytry soul ' u J iO~C creatures u o in c siy etltnin y, but I do know 'that those CONVEVANGER g; ‘5 & ALMlkA MILLS, “ml “10 Island of sombre-m, which is dew an yo n to ilub appear- \Viill affiigiit. The grinding of the most sangninarv instiiicls un- iiltlo folks who sit up late nights are u a i l 9-; t 0-; l 0. Markham NW, 1, “36,1 22 dared by the Secretary of the rp,.ons,,,.,. ,0 ed ! lCt‘lli,liiC slumping, and swearing7 der the most peace-able exteriorzaud “wally “OWNS; weak; small: and EiCkIY- be a part appertaining to the United States; Three o’clock! Then one of the W, , ,, , ....__ and than a l]n'1VV fry“ l-i’l 1 ~ 1} . » i . i . f [-']|' The l‘C-‘ISOI‘I wli 'ou in dear children OFFICE In the “York Herald†Buildiiirrs , -, r 9;. , , a > ., - . "L, ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ l†1" mu“ 0"“ 0 ‘l mg y l ’ y . ’ Richmond Hm. e 1 DAVID BRIDGFORD. the DOM") 15 “Mfume Of‘esecl and Cfll‘SO- watchers moved a log or an arm,t Litlhts ! Strike a light, you there» Perhaps they were both in the “W1 mgâ€) Sleep “1â€â€ your Parents; 13 be‘ Money to Lend. July, 5th. 186?. 5-ly ISSI'ER OPV MARRIAGE LICENSES, AN I) Eighteen vcss s were captured as slave traders iii 1367 by hel-lllnjesty’sships Wasp, llighfiyer, Lynn, and Penguin Oil the cast constol'Afi'i(-,.'1., with 333 slaves on board, a growl of warning came from an- other part ofthe garrct and again all was still as a tomb. in the bed! llosomctiiins,r he added. With all oath, or l’m if we don’t let him loose again! right. We have heard of men, and l for one have met thorn frequently, who cause you have to grow, and they do not. Tth can use up the food they eat in thinking“, talking, and working, While N I Coroner for the County onork The vessels were destroyed. 0n the west All†llm‘e 0 ClOClx’ a thorouvh The immune had its effect Mi llilVO much in ti o i oi J ‘l'. ‘l '- you mum“ save some 0f yours for grow- Mc ABB. MURRAY a: JACKES, y . . . . . . . , O ' A l ‘ 1Ҡc“ H 1 am live You ouolit to slcc a o‘reat deal ' B ' t w . d At, , RICHMOND HILL, coast of Africa, lIer Minesly's ship Speed change took place in my father’s father gropcdto where he knew liic.mfll8- '5â€- V D u' p 0- ' ’ afflS 613 all OI‘IIBYS at Law ‘ , , , well also captured a brin‘ With iiinctysix (3.1mm Time v. t - ,- - 1, n y y , _ , , , , 11 you do not, you Will in actinty con- SO‘. _ ’ January 24, spuves '3 (L 5* - I l h C“ \Vll.) I}. “in Li .0}; \\ €15 pilCCd, and, “Hill I)?» llifll 33 ll: may, lily l'dlilClJS rguurc qll you or“ and have none or not, ‘101 01‘s m ancery » â€" â€"4~ ‘ ‘ i " str'inirc ra )lt.ilV. has - " z w. a - . .i- 1 . . ' . . - †.. . -. ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ' CHICAGO, August 11._The Marsh“, of & ~ l . ty iin,;ei._. struck a spam, am, companions were innucdialeiy scl enough; to grow “nth, Very few smart CorvvuvAxonits, &c. OFFICEâ€" In the Court House, . .TORONTO Notice to Farmers. llutsouv'lle, Crawford County, Iii., on .Fridoy last, accompanied by a, posse, nt- He now almost wished the night would never end, as with it would ligated amntcil and a candle. By its techie light my father disâ€" at liberty, or subscription was set on loot, their Thespian efforts were cliil.lr;ii cxool, or even equal, other peo- ple when they grow up. Why is this ? August 1, 1566. 59 RICHTNTOND HILL ll’IILLS. tempted to arrest a gang of four robbers. vanish his hope of his iriend Flu- tiilguislied vaguely the oilicers of egrcatly palronised and they Iell Because their heads, ii“ not their bodies, "A-V ‘n -1 '~ u 5'. v r" ' '..-‘\ \ ~' ' p'. ‘ - L . i . iâ€"‘“""“’ “It lomkls ï¬nd “1m†“10.117 Llllm’f 0'10 m Hung!) h H 1L3Sit l" bile he llllnsell ltlgllcu‘ bending ()vur another “Jan York a ï¬whnnht afternulrdg ha,» are kept; too busy SO they cannot sleep, GEO-. «II. APPELBY b READ AND BOY‘D; Barristers, Attorneys at Law, EGS to iliforiil‘tilo Faiiieisin the neighbor hood of Richmond llili,that lleiias leased l the posse, whereupon the Marshal and his men rushed upon the scoulidrels and killed all of them. would very likely be imprisoned as a thief and an impostor. His wl’iolc'stol'y would be disbe- on the floor. One hold him by the throat, an» other knelt with holli pier and richer than they had on- tered it. rest, and grow strong in body and brain. Now, when your mother says “ Susie â€, or Johnny, or whatever the above Mills. and has put them in thorough Such a dry hot season as the present has V , V knees Upon fl“ falllef (lid 110l li’flVC lilo Old b ,, - - - your flame may soprcmops m CHANCERY, 5w†repair, and \vilibe glad to receive a share of not been known in the south of England for .ieved, and the worst motives at- his chest; while Dobbs, whose Citv till some time after his former 9†It 15 “me to $0 to bed 7 d0 “0!? '1, King Street East, lovor Thompson’s East India House) Toronto. 13.3. READ, o.c. J. A. BOYD, B.A. May 6. 1867, 4ll-lf the patronage of the public. GRISTII‘IG- AN D CHOPPING, D0110 011 the shortest notice. W’l‘bo highest market VViieat. {ichlnoiid llill, Nov. 14. lSGT. price paid for ' the last seventy years. There is: not; the slightest trace of dew at night. This exces- sive dryness is owing to the prevailingr polar ciil'icuts. If we could get: equatorial cur~ il‘Ollls', they would be loaded with vapor, and we should éct rain.» Times I r tributed to him for trying to deceive JilSliCC by so absurd a. lubrication. Besnics the respectable and pious All: Ebenezer Grzit'utl' would on the: with L . 2.1.. i AVAIXE .i -‘ lilOi‘l’OW’ L‘tVO lClLi l'iCtl ‘ 'lt) l l face and hands were torn feai'iullv. was fastening handcuffs upon the wrists which be squeezed together :1 Less. companions. and when he did Nelly Gumm had changed her Eltliiitf, and my father’s cares were inc best and truest of wiyes. annoy her by begging to sit up “just a. little longer â€, but hurry oil? to your chamber, remembering that you have a very natural vindictive. hereafter to be lightened by one of; i great. deal of sleeping and growing; to do to make you healthy, happy, uSeful man and woman.