,y Livery Stables I HORSES AND CONVEYANCES May be had at all limes. either Double or Single at VELIE’S HOTEL, Richmond HillI 1 AT MODERATE RATES. 4‘ Richmond Hill. Aug. 20. ’63. 527 .i FISH! FISEESE SOME VERY FINE White Fish and Trout lti IIalt Barrels or by tire lb ,at Wu. A I KNSON S- Richmond Hill, Aug. 19, ‘63. 5:7-tf ,. STRAYED OR STOLEN, "attract. IIorsc Corr. 3 Year. Old. Any person giving infortliation of said colt will be liberaly rewarded. JOHN LANGSTAFF. 'l'liarnlrill. August 13, 1868. 4'26-tf PARTNERSHIP. 7 ‘HE undersigned have this day entered into I’artlrersllip in die business of Mill- ing, Cnrding. New at VWishaw Mills. on not No. 16,(7un. 81h. 'Inwnshrp of Vaughan. under the Firm of Forrest and Reuroros. . OIIN FORREST. WILLIAM REYNOLDS. Vaugh an, 3th. July. loll". 3 List. of Letters Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. August 1st. 1863. Adatnson. Mark Barnard. J ll ‘antard, Mrs. Mary Lyilet, N. Burris. David Lawrence. W. H. Basiiigtwatt. “’m Morrison. Rev S Bernard I. G. Mllilor . Miss Emin Campbell, Alex. Marchnl. Mrs. Sarah Cooper. W. Marsh. Alex. Cuber, Perer McConnell. J D. Drane. Samuel Mullri. e, .lohtt Devlin, 1'1 ugh O‘Connor. M. Douglas, Mr. Patterson. Miss Anti Do Gear. Mr. Patten. Miss M De Gear, Mrs. l’laiter, James Eyer. David Russell, James German. John (‘2) Seager, Maria Gray. Robert Slory. .l. W. Gould. Elizabeth Sarrvidge. John Hutchins. Jollii (1(2) Taylor. Jacob L. Helemka. l’hebe A. Thompson. Andrew Heron. Henry Wrtliatris, Thomas Hislop, .lohn Wise, Henry Harris, Mrs. B. Ki by, Sarah Jane Kill-k. Mrs. Joseph M: TEEFY. PAIL IlO'l‘El. FOR SA LE, )V 'IHE VILLAGE OF IV’iIl'l'EVALE, KNUVVN AS TH E MAJ 0R HOTEL ! E above is n verv desirable stand. it 1†r1 buing the only one iii lhut thriving little place: it is also well situated arid doing a large business. As the I’l'oprietor’s health is failing to wishes to sell - - "o t t business. ‘V ‘ ' ' ' will be rib v " otice to Otis'eliccpci's. A LARGE ASSOR'I‘MICNT 0F Fruit Crooks and Jars ALSO. Mason’s Patent Selfâ€"sealing Jars. Cheap for Cash. at WM. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. July 23. 1868. N 0'10 E. HE PUBLIC are hereby cautioned against purchasing a NOTE, drawn by Mr, .1 P. RUPERT in my favor. for the sum of $1011 and interrâ€"st. Dated 1st Julie 1867. and par- nble one year after date: the sortie having been stolen and payment has been stopped. JOSEI’II ENDIISBY. Vaughan. July ‘23. ’68. 4~t 523. NOTICE. HE Public are horub.‘ prohibited from Tresspnssing iit qllrhl of Berries or Fish- log, all the south ha'f of Lot No. 23. in the 2nd concession of Vaughan Any person found on the pr»-rrrise< after this notice will be prasecuted with the nr-nnst rigor of the law. ROBERT NIE'I‘CAI,I“. Vaughan, Jane 24. 1868. 4~p S. M. SANDICRSON & (‘0. ARE OFFIIIII‘NG GREAT BARGAINS Ill Men’s and llm’s Calf, Rip and Cowhide Boots. At No 911 Yonge Street, Toronto. PHYSIOLOGY. Ladies and Gentlemen, who require a true chirt of the foot, can procure one in either French Kid or Calf, by calling and Order-to; it at. T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill, April 4, 1867. S. M. SAN DERSON & Co- Ai‘e Manufacturing all the Newest Styleso rlten‘s, VVo.iiei\'s and Children’s Boots w Shoes At their New Storeâ€" ï¬No- 90 Yonge-st. Toronto , R____â€"L_ BIBLE SCSIE'I‘V DEI’IISITORY AT rt-ir: HERALD OFFICE Richmond Hilll 865 INFORMATION. Information guarnateed to producea luxuri- ' m t growth of Hair upotr a bald tread 01‘b6fltd~ less fuce.alsoa recipe for the retrieval of Piniples, Blotches, Eruptions. etc. on the skin leaving the saute soft, clear. and heauti ful can or- ob.ained without charge by ad dreSsing, THOS. F. CHAPMAN. CHEMIST. 823 Broadway, New York THE CONFESSIONS AND ILAt’ERIEVCE OF AN INVALID. Published forthe belieï¬taiid as a Caution to Young Melt attd others. who suffer from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Moti- hood. &c.. supplying a the same time The Means of Self-Cure. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quack- erv. The applicant. by paying postage on his etter, will receive a copy, free of charge, rom the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq†,Brooklyn, Kings Co..i,‘I, Y. *A _ ..... WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply to JOHN LANGSTAFF. ’l'hornltill. 526 -tf llNEGlH! lllNEï¬lH! llNEtllll I HAVE just to hand a large quantity of the August 13. 1868. Finest Bordeaux French Vinegar, Warrauted the Finest. Irriportedsold iii Demi- johns 01'5 gals.. splendid for Pickling. also on Diaughl~ l’ure Mall and Bordeaux Vinegar. from ls 3d to 35 9d per gal. I G A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. July 23, 1865. 523-“ VI NOTICEWM , 11L Parlirs are hereby cautioned against negotiating for o" purchrrsinga Note. drawn by me In l'avorofJ \t Oil 111C ‘tEIIICK, to: the sum of $23. and elidvrsi-d bl James Iieyliar; dried June Itiih. l'olicl. and pay able four months after dzrte.--as l have received no value for the same. NICII. W. MCKINNON. Markham, June ‘Jil,1b68., M J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, (Graduate of Toronto Vuturumry Ctr/logo) Comer fYonge and Centreâ€"st East RICHMOND HILL. BEGS to announce to the public that he is now practicing with II.SANI)I'iltSl)\l, ot' the same plaice. where they may he consult- ed personally or by letter. on all diseases ot Horses. Cattle. &c. .lItdiciltcs of every Discription For Horses and (lzittle always oti hand: such as l’llysic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, (Iougn. Condition and Wortli Balls and Powders. I'Iie Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenuiud or Hoaves in Horses. Colic. Draughts. Linrnretits for bore 'I‘hioals. Sprains. Curb. Spavin, Iting~vbone, Arc. Blist- eiirrg Oilitinents. also Hoof aiid lloulingOint- trlotrts. Lotions fur Wounds, Bruises. Saddle Galls. Iiilulliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- traier. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. aird medrcine: sent to any part ot'tlio Pro- ytnce. Horses exniliined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. ApriI 23, 1868. 510 THE MCMEN’I‘OUS QUESTION : WHERE To PROCUIIE 'I‘HI“. MOS I' SUITABLE AR’I‘ICLES FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS ‘ ‘IIE Subscriber, ever mindful of the wants ofthe public. has just received a rge and Miscellaneous Stock INCLUDING MANY OF THE STANDARD AUTHORS! In various styles of Bindings. BIBLES Alliâ€"TESTAMENTS! HYMN (I: I’ll/l YER BOOKS, In all the difl'el'ont styles of Binding. Albums from 25 Cents to $6. Toys of Various Kinds, Pocket Books, Purses, our. He has also received a heavy stock of PLAIN & TANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill. Nov .29.1c67. NOW " z The New Canadian National Series awnings BUCKS AuIllOLIZBd by the Council of Public Iri- struction for Ontario. First. Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 5c. I‘II'SI. Bookâ€"2nd Port, 54. illustrations, strongly bound iii limp cloth, 10c Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 20c Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound iii cloth boards, 30c Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, stroneg bound in cloth boards. 40c [fifth look, 50 illustrations, stroneg bound in cloth boards, ‘ 50c For Sale by ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Jon. 2, 1868, NOTICE TO FARMERS. “ Stick a Pin Hero.†I IIA'I‘ YOU MAY RECOLLECT where to buy the Cheapest Linen STONE MASONS NEW T ‘Il‘inestlapan TWO-Bushel Bags In the Dominion. Good. Large. Strong I’otatoe per dozen irond. Linen Grain Bags. $2.95 per dozen Extra Heavi Linen (Irrrin Ilags. S2 511 per doz. Heavy, Fine Linen Flour Bags. $3.011 per doz. *n“ Having bought a large Quantity of the above at an unusual heap r-rttoJ have put but a slight advance to ensure a speedy sale. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. July '23. 1868. 523-tf FARM FOR SALE. H E EXECUTORS to the estateoftho late William Dove, deceased. ofl'or for sale that property known as the DOVE FARM, being part 01' lots 52 and 53, in the 1st Con, Markham, near Richmond liill. comprising 1‘20 acres. There is a g 0(I Brick House and other buildings Oil the premises. Bags. $1.50 Terms and other particulars may be ascer- tained on application to GEO. WELDRICK. JOHN LAN GSTAFF, Yongo Street, Aug. 7 1868. ; Excautars. 525 2-n'r . ,.....H,..., EAs i 1 EW TEAS-t FIRE PROOF STORE, RICHMOND HILL. ISAAC CROSBY Would beg to intimate that he has in stock a CHOICE VARIETY OF NEW SEASON TEAS, WHICH, FOR QUALITY AND PRICE, CANNOT BE EXCELLED: GOOdChina 50 Good YotitigHyson............................... 0 65 Good Old Hyson.................................. 0 80 Extra Fine Old 1 00 Superior Gunpowder 'I‘ca 0 75 0 80 080 A Deduction of 5 cents per 11) from the above list will be made, when sold iii 5 Th packages,and of 10 cents when sold iii Halt Chests. Also A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT STAPLE AND PAN CY GROCERIES. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, &c. ISAAC CROSBY. 00". Extra Fine Congou octet Richmond Hill, August 12, 1868. RICHMOND HI LL AND} ï¬ll-ICE.†ll _/ JOHN C. HUCTHINS, IN RETURNIF‘G THANKS to his friends and customers for the very Liberal Patronage he has received since commencing business in this Village. takes this opportunity of informing the Public generally, that he is prepared to manufacture CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS on, OF THE LATEST APFRO VED STYLES? AND FROM THE B‘ES'I' MATERIATL. He is also prepared to undertake all kinds of Plain. Fancyland GHNAMENTAL PAINTING! FOR CARRIAGES, SIGNS, FLAGSâ€, BANNERS, och, ., Which he will do with Taste and Neatness. WORKSHOP WEST FROM RAYMOND’s, OTEL. 525-ty u-‘¢r\.' . -: .v -' . Store and Dwelling House FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HE SUBSCRIBER wishes to Sell or Rent his house on Richmond Hill. This pro- perly presents a very desirable opening for 3 Copper» Tilt & Iron i late Worker.as this business hasbeen carried Oil in the premises for nearly 10 years. and there is no other place in the Village. There is also a large garden attach- ed. well stocked with Fruit Trees, and two Wells of Water and a Cistcln. If any Person in the trade were to purchase the above property, Mr. Hodge would have no objections to stay a few months with him till he gets well acquafntod. For particulars apply to WILLIAM HODGE. Richmond Hill, July 16. 1868. 522-4 FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. , IF YOU WANT GOOD Cotton or Linen Bags, call at Atkinson’s, who has just recetved a large supply. which he will sell cheap for Cash I’VM. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Aug. 7, ’68, 5525-tf WOOL CARBING Ah!) Cloth Dressing for 1868. V 11E Subscriber. irt returning thanks for the liberal patronage with which hisiiuriierous friends and customers have favoredhlm,weuld st =te that he has WITH NEW CARDS, In a Superior Matinerâ€"â€"als.o having employed Mr. JOHN RIDDELL, late of Markham ; who. being widely known as a First-class WOrkman, Feels confident of giving, to those who may favor him with their custom, the most entire sati-facdon 13‘" Parties returning their cloth to be dressed at my estalili~hment. in the fall, will not be required to pay for their carding until after having their cloth dressed. *** The Highest Price will be paid for W001 delivered at the shop. Wool aken in Pay for Carding. W. H. LAWRENCE. - Richmond Hill, May 28. 1868. 515-3m' w. WHARIN & OO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Watches, clocks, and Jewelry, ELEC'II.()â€"PLA'1‘ED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c, I‘he attepltion of‘t‘lie Public is i:iivted to their ' 'tock, c‘euéisting of a great variety of CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Ofthe best description and newest designs. Careful attention given to the repairing of Watches an!l Clocks Jewelry manufactured and RFDSII‘P'I. Nn. ll. King Street East, 6 doors east of Yotige Street. Richmond Hill, August 6. 1:68. ’ V ‘i' . Pratt. Illness Hm élsror um 3.1 I HE Subscriber :v-o-iiId intimate to the in- habitants of RICuIllOlld Hill and sur- rounding Country, that he is prepared to FIRST 'tiiilss' Etsiit‘fliir on At $1 per gallon. I‘ure Petrolia Crude Oil, '29 6d per gallon, Also English Boiled and Haw Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Paint. Glass alid Putty, as cheap supply as Cheap as Same Quality will be sold iii Toronto. G. A. BARNARD- ()u the Richmond Hill, July 30. 1863‘. 5244f SHORTEST NOTICE, From a. Cistern to a Well ofa 150 feet, on one month trial. Price for the Excelsior Pump, 385 above Platform; 40 cents per feet below for the Well. The Churma Pump For Cisternn, $3. A 1ibern1 discount allowed. when part- ics take the Pump from thc'Shop. Richmond Hill, May 20, 1868. won :7. WANTED. A LARGE QUANTITY OF ‘ TWEEDS, CLOTHS. FLANNELS, SA TINE T I‘S, Cotton and Wooten Shirting, Blankets and Horse Blankets, TO EXCHANGE FOR WOOL Or Sell Cheap for Cash. at the ALMIR A. MILLS ! MARE-1AM. Vl‘HE Suhscriber takes this opportunity to thanking his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past year, and begs to announce to them that he is now pre- pared to do CARDING, SPINNING, AN D MANUFACTURING. ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT Unusually Low Prices- 2-m FARM FOR SALE»! ’I‘IIE Suhsc iber offers for Sale his farm. 1 bet-lg Lot 17 iii the 52nd (Inn , Township of Markham, CUN'I‘AINING 68 ACRES of excellent land. 55 of which are cleared, and in r good state ofctrlirvaiion. 'l‘lie Buildings are good and in a thorough stati- ot repair. There is also a splendid ()icllard nii tire pl't‘tllls s This Farm is only tGrniles from Toronto, and 2 miles from Yong:l S reet. For paiticnlars apply on the premises to GEORG t. TEASDALE If by letter pro-paid, address Ileadlord HO. Mavllliam. July 2,1868. Persons from adistance can have their rolls home with them b_\ coming early in the merit- itig. I’arties wishing their wool , ‘ SPUN AND SKEINED ‘v ATER S POU'FS ! \A ill do well to bring it early in the season lie-,- PUT UP AT tore we commence manufacturing and we $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET, W1†d0 it mm- 0:? The Highest Price in Cash paid for Fine Wool. W001 Cardin g Strictly Cash 1:? W001 or Soap taken in exchange for Work. PATENT EAVE T It OUGHS ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. SAP BUCKETS & PAILS Manufactured and for Sale LYMAN MILLER, ' Markham, May 7, 1868. 512-tf Mower To use; ON LANDED SECURITY. Shingles, Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Thornliill. Thornliill, April 21, 1863. 510-tf. H E Undersiguod is authorized to state that ‘ GIL, 11119230. April 26. 1866. ILL“ L_SEG.SWORTH- , ,, IMPORTER OF WATCH us, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE so, TORONTO m JIIasonr'c and other Emblems made to order. Toronto, Aort’l 27, 1866. 47. ,;R'éllgwood Jllw'ble W‘orks ‘ 1°. WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF I MONUMENTS, IIEAIISTONES l' &c. 8.6. &c. ‘ Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere. as you will ï¬nd it to your interest. (31? Issuer of Afarriagc Licenses. .Rtngwood. Sept. 19. 1867. 479 Farmer’s Boot & shoe Store J O H N B A R R O N . Manufacturer antl Dealer iit all kinds of BOOTS & SHOES, 38 West Market Square. Toronto IE? Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best, Materials and Workniansiiip, at the Lowest Remuneratitig t’rices. ’ Toronto‘ Dec. 3. 186;, 4904f wILLIAMOOX, Successor to James Holliday, lUTCHER. 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. RICHMOND HILL, etc. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest market price given for Cattle. Sheep. Limbs. Arc. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked and Dried Harris. Richmond Htll. October 15. 1867. Farmers Read This. NE VIAN CAN Di) THE WORK OF FOUR by using COLLARD’S ALSO HARVEST GLOVES, (1910. To be had BICE’S PUMPS $2 0.000: FOR SALE or can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. J' BRILLIN'GER’ on Landed security. Terms made known on anmond Hill- personalapplication to Richmond Hill, June 11.;68. 517-tf M. 86 Notary Public. Agent. &c. N. , . .W' . t. ’ . AT Low PRICES, B Deeds,Mortgagcs ills Bonds &c &c. drawn with neatuess and despatch.â€" AT SCOTT’S,RICHMCND HILL. M. '1‘. continues to act as DIVISION COURT Act! .1“. Fees moderate. Ii(rtmond Hill. Nov. 28.1866. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘HERALD ’ Book Store where Stockholders and others may orocure ness- BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from 408 olock. PM. APPRENTICE WANTED. STRONG Active Boy Wanted as an ap- prentice to the Waggon Making Busi- Apply to A. SCOTT, Librarian, Richmond Hill, July 16, 1868. 522-tf THOMAS SEDMAN. AT ATKINSON’S Richmond Hill. July 2, 1868. 520-tf LAND FOR SALE.‘ 0 BE SOLD on reasonablo terms, the fol- lowing )ropeltj, :â€" AGRIOU l Fitted up his Cardng Machine ‘1? TABLE CUTLERY, PATENT PEA IIAIIVESTER! LAMP til-03115, BURNERS, ï¬rs... can. wnKs, NEAR RICHMOND HILL. 4-â€" EYER & BROTHER, MANUFACTURERS OF A tflllllllllll 311 It Sl‘lllill Elli BEIIII llllllill ANENTIRELY NEW INVENTION. This Plough can he Regulated tn Eula lurltril any Required Shape AND SET IT AT ANY ANGLE. THE DRAUGHTIS EXCEEDINGLY LIGHT. l t l Fittings for Iron and Wood Plonglis, Steel 01' Metal, supplied and sold at a Low Price. CASTING AND ALL JOB 'WORK Done to Order. EYER & BROTHER, Richmond Hill, Ontario. 524-tf .___. Richmond Hill. July 30. 1868. " Their success is wonderful and Well-deserved.â€-â€"0ntrtria Observer. EX'I‘RAUTS FROM JUDGMENT 0F COURI‘ OF CHANCERY. " The Novelty of making A \VOODEN FORCE [’UMI’, was introduced by the Pluihtiï¬'. (C. Powell) and it has that MERt’t‘ OF INVENTION which etitles it to the protection of a Patent.†" The usefullness of this invention is unquestioned; it is both ingenious and worthy of merit, and to the isolated dweller, must be of the greatest possible va no.†IloN. P. M. VANKOIYGHNET_ See Judgment Court of Chancery. The Hon. 1’. M. Vankougliiet. in delivering Judgment on the celebrated Patent Swing Pump trial : remarked. alter justly eulegising the IllFl‘IlS ot the Pump. " That the person who infringes on a Patent. is a wrong-door and .~hou1d be punished, arid that an infringer’s opera. tions are, not only a Rubberv of the I’utentee, but also a Fraud upon the Public.†LIFT AND SUCTION PUMPS, FOR ALL DEPTHS ; FORCE 0:.#=PUM,PS,% ) FOR 'rANKs, CIS’FI.RNS AND SHALLOW wens; I ARE CHEAPER AND SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. ALSO, Common Pumps of any Make, AT TWO THIRle THE ORDINARY PRICES .' a “ Churn†P ._ TWO DOLLARS EACH. ' .milrrr. r i ll“ bury, Whitchtlrc and King. for the Patent Swing and Dominion Force Pumps. Also Notico that Messrs. PHILLIPS, I’urnp Makers, UDORA. have purchased the Rights of Georgina. North Gwillimbnry. Oro arid Itinisï¬l, and, having abandoned the manufacture of Interior Kinds of I’un’rps. are prepared to supply the . PATENT SWING AND DOMINION FORCE PUMPS. A Limited Number of Rights for Sale yet. Machinery supplied, and Instructioixs for making given. Rare chances for men of energy and limited capital. - *** When Ordering Pumps, please state Depth of Well or Cistern, P. O. Addt'essâ€"CHABJJES POWELL. Newton Brook. Newton Brook. July 15. 1868. 522-3in as To Turner 8 C O T "I." IIAS RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK OF STATIONERY 82. FANCY GOOD-8;. Which. comparativer speaking. Wil'. out the Toronto Trade. iii Price and Quality. _all:tto_ bits. _ FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above Kinggstrect, TORONTO. HIRAM_PIPE'R. "DECS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSES {(EEPS always on hand the best of Beef. 1) FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found. Mutton. Lamb. Veal, I’ork. Sausages,t Plated and. Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds. TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, Also on hand a large stock of SPOONS, 850.. Special attention is directed to LAMPS AND CHAND‘ELIERS! The stock of which is very large, embracing all that is New and Chaste and also -. the Plainest and Cheapest kindsrâ€"thm meeting the requirements of all classes. CHINIIIEYS, SHAIIES AND. WICKS... LANTERNS Square and Globe shapes, in great variety, for Oil or Candles. is directed to the stock of ROCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL. ‘ Which will be found both good and cheap. BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &C. Special attention: Par-torthNo 30- 2ndcon-Vaughan. Children’s Carriages and Perambulators Ii containing 63 acre“; also. Village Property At Richmond Bill For particulars apply to the proprietor. l A. WRIGHT. ' Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1866. 69 ,MALLOY’S AXES l FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lot 20. 2nd cuceossion Markham Manufactured and Imported, Wholesale and Retail. Siloâ€"(TBS: Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box SEJVBS, Dumb Stoves. and Steve Pipes; Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes VVringers, Lo. &c. _â€" Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be, found worthy of ' inspection. Toronto, February 7 1868. 493 I ‘ I (7F. THAI Orders from North York L. . have acquirer. tie ‘a’ient ozgï¬t [BITTERâ€"Lani: West Gwilhm-