Information guarnateed Lo prodnceaiuxnri- a l growth of Hair upon a bald head or heard- less face. also a recipe for khe removal of Pimples. Blotches, Eruptions, cm. on the ski I1 leaving the same so“, clear. and benuti fui can be obLaiaedeiLhout charge by ad dl'ossing, A Ciergyman, whilo r siding in South Am- m‘ica as a missionary. (1 covered asafo and sinipio remedy for the Cum of Nervous Weak- ness, Early Decay. Diseases of ihe Urinary and Siminai Organs, and the whole [ruin of disorders brought on by bunefni and vinious habits. Great numbers have been cured hv this noble remedy, Prompted by a desire at benefitthe afllictod and unfortunate, I wil send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed cnvoiope, to any at who needs it, Fi'cc of Charge. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and Reliefand Health 150 your Iii/ants. We have put up and sold this article for years,and CAN SAY 1N CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicineâ€"Nnvnn HAS 11‘ human in A SINGLE lNSl‘ANCE T0 LLFICT CURE, when timely used. Never did Wk) know an instance of dissatisfaction by any min n'lm us ‘(l it. On the contraryy all are delighted Wltil its opera- tion, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical vn'luos‘ “’6 speak in this matter “\VUA'I‘ WE DO KNOW,†after years of cxpcrionca, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTA’HGN FOR THE FULFiLnu-m'r OF WHAT \VE mum DEcLAnn. In almost averyinstanca where the infant is snti'ering from pain and oxhaustatiun, relief will be found in ï¬fteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. For Children Teething, greatly facilitates the process of Loathing, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation ~will allay ALL PAIN and spdsmudic action, and is Full] directions for using wi‘.] accompany each bottle. Nona gennme unless the fac- simile of CURTIS & PERKINS. New York, is on the outside wrapper. :Sold by Druggistc throughout the world. Price. only 25 cents per Bottle, Drumsâ€"215 Fulton Street, New York. filiglix Holhoru. London, Eng. Please 0 1101050 an ynzzrsek. “’0 §'1..=21’\'H16..... ........-]8fll “ “ \1 mi". Square....,..... QULh " " ’Jnmnhill................ 23rd “ " {ichmond HilL 24H} “ “ Naplo....... QGih “ “ Bnrwick. . 518111 “ " Klninhm'gun-.......... 29111 ~" “ Nobleton...L............ 30th. H -‘ Where they will atlendlo any business per- taining to any branch of theirprofcssiou. Ao.mra,.'v.:le 7 1065.- ' MRS WiNSLOW’S 3001:};me SYRUP, 4 'Ft z: EXTRACTING TEETH VIEWEGEET PAWS IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their (cell), or relieve suflering‘ and supply new team in the most amwovcdstyle. Alsolo regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free, and all work warranled. June. 1865. Qi-y USE OF ETJIER SPL’A Y, Which Aiiects ï¬ze T031111 MAJENTA, SCARLET. YELLOW, MAUVE. ORANGE, BLUE. CRIMSON, VIOLET, SOLFERINO PURPLE, BROWN, G KEEN, AND ALL OTHER POPULAR COLORS Pal‘licnlar attention has been p’dd to tha Manufacture ol'thoso Dye“, so that the most inexperienced can use them. King S I Retail from all rcsnecmbIe Dx'uggist w. c. ADAMS, D.D.s., 95 King S$rec¢_ East, Tommie, V W. G. C, calls at all the Stores between Toronle and Richmond Hill every two weeks, and supplies Conl’ecliouary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale p) ices, Toronto, July 20, 1:165. 7 LIQUEE DYE EVANS, MEHEEH 8.: ECONOMIC CUNFECTIONARY I 7 Doors norlh of King Slreot. The busine'ss at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON 8% Co. ’l, Sanderson & Caulkeus, No. 133 Yongo 1'01, hrw removed T0 Me. 349 Yonge Street, WV . Gr. Cflï¬TELEa Té be obtained Wholesale from the Manu- acuuors, Evans. Mercer, & Co., Montreal, or 477-13' Toronto, April, 15,1868. DRS. I’ECK 85 ROBINSON PURE AND UNADULTERATED Tues. F. CHAPMAN, Cup-mum. 823 Broadway, New York 363 Yonge Street, Toronto Sure to Regulate the Bowcls. No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, r'm‘J manner :â€" .........lsto(‘ca 0113re151'0rd 110101 2nd " 16...............181h “ Square.. . QULh " . 23rd “ 1dHi111. “"1 “ ......... min} ......-.......... 26111 “ .......... 518111 " 'g....-.......... 29111 ~" 3011; “ (mill and gum surrounding beenan nnsihla will) lhis .‘(lm‘nnl agency, , tuoLh can be extracted with no pain, and 2 [ho foHowing places prepared to vlh \‘illl his now ap]mrâ€-Ln:.=. AH 110113 in Dentistry 1mm] and in a '1 *uaunc “as in the use of Chloroform aAddress. JOSEPH T. INMAN, STATION D. 13mm Hausa, New York city 44i Sifï¬uiféflfï¬léiï¬lï¬i; 9.1; NEAR. CHURCH STREET, INFORMA'I‘IUN. DENTISTRY. MANUFACTURER OF NIHV M ETHC‘.) CF A Card. I1UGUM;9LER,& Co., BY THE onvolbpe addressedone lst o foach m onth the LE , Town to Oxiy. CQ’S N returning ilmnks for the very libvml suppmt he ha business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public ed his Stock and has now on hand A CHOICE A8803 " MENT 0F FURNITURE .’ including Tables, Chairs. Bedstcails, Bureaus, Cupboards, Drawing Stands, Wash Stands, 8m. 8m. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Soldering, ‘Vliite Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rook Oil. Varnish Turpentine, Henzvne, Glass, I‘ulty, 1lue, &c. &c. Parties Furnishing, Papering, or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also Flour, Feed, ï¬â€™ravisidn and Grocery Store! ‘1‘], ,d I For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpas: ed. Richmond Hill, Novembé'r 9, 2866. Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts CABINET ESTABLISHMENT Which, nn inspection, will be found the most fashionabfe and chaste he. has me: had the pica- sure ofsubmiuing to their approval. Which will ha found to comprise everything that is in the 111arketforladios wear GBGCERIES, HARDWARE, AT AN IMMENSE REDUCTION $2.00 BLACK SILK VLLvEI‘ reduced to. $1.50 efl Earge $506!; of Shawls, MANTLES from 50 cts. HATS from 11‘; uis Bonnet Silks, Sarsrxais, Saiins, (‘20., 134, King Street East, - - - - TORONTO. 15 ct FANCY DRESS Goons reduced to 10 cents 530 u u u u u n H I. u H II u ll Q: H II M [I A Large lot worth from 30 to 40 cents y per yard. all at . . . . . . . . $1.00 BLACK SILKS reduced to FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GCODS! ‘1 C‘ [I I. - It A Few FANCY DILIZFS Sims at Special pz'ices CREA'T BARGAENS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS! L ' MG ï¬ï¬‚iE II? It IS very good and cheap, call and examine rm: SELECT STOCK OF COLOURED PAINTS, “a! 2.50 CHEAPNESS. DURABJLITY AND RICHNESS 0F COLOUR, THEY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. ï¬YE mwmg @YE STMFFï¬. Richmond Hill. April *3‘1’ 1 ' 95% H '9‘ ‘ * 15* S. " my Em ‘a _“ gag ELM , {'9‘ :3 Toronto. Sepiembar 8, 1858. AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to MS friends and customers the arrival ofhis 1n Grenadime, Llama, Tissue. Luce, Woolen and Paisley Filled, TORONTO, June. 17, 1868. LL GOODS in Stock, auhough not mentioned in proportionate reduction in price during the Sale. AT GREATLY REDUCED I’RILES- nice assortment, good and cheap. 110 WE HAVE RECEIVED A SUPERIOR QUALITY FOR THRESHING MACHINES, SELECTED WITH THE GREATEST CARE, ï¬prixlg And ï¬mmmer STOCKOF FROM REGULAR PRICES CRDOKERY, 850., £50., 850. The Lemvegï¬: Mariaet Price. 3,000 KEGS 0F PURE WHITE LEAD, ALSO A LALGE AND GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. CGEâ€"KLAN. YWLLIAM ATHENSGN Our Dye Stuffs we purchase in large quantities and are m] Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and 1868. WM. MITCHELL’S W. A. directs special attention to his HUGH MILLER & 00., Medical Hal], ALL OF \VHICH \VILL BE SOLD AT We have received per S. S. Germany. RICHMOND HILL \V. A, has also a THEREFORE, IN .00 ‘ suppmt he has received since commencing REE EL LLEN 5“ GEPOD§ IVIANTLES, BONNETS, HATS WEEETE AWE NABISY REESE SHIRTS w w' I W ' ' ’ " MAN'I'LE CLOTHSl‘BduCOd from $1..)75 lo 75 cents per yard. BEGAB CLOTHS, MELTGNS, TWEEDS, VVATJ-IRPROOF TWEEDS reduced to 7.30., $1.00 and $|.253 Ladies BLACK NIAN'U‘LE CLO’I‘HS reduced to $1.00 and $135; eruy'r FANCY MEN’S FANCY VVINCEY and FLAVNI‘L SHIRTS reduced to 75 cts, $71.00. $125 and $1.30. FANCY FLANNE LS, FLORVI‘. RS, FEATIIERS] ORNAMENTS, RED. BLUE AND GREY Flannel Shirts at Reduced Prices 3 LLALUEI‘G XI WQPUI Unparalleled Bargains will be giyen. would also call attentxon to his TO CLEAR OUT THE 1591' VIE S’I’OPK 0F At a large Re dumiou in pxice (his Catalogue will be subject lo CROOKERY RED, WHITE, BLUE AND that he has greatly increas: 167 King Street East, Toronto. 530-“ 5104!: lsentirely new and of the latest patterns. “largevaliety of new LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS MM? TYPEQMEBS For Cards, &c., just received. PAMPHLE‘I‘S AND Letter-Pmss Printing. BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, W’UBDERS PHOMPTLY tXELUTEDï¬ Orders forum of the undermentionod descrip- tion or The York Herald ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will be promptly attended to:â€" OUR ASSORTMENT 0F And every other kind of JOB PLAEN CHEAP CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMSJ DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS DR. RADWAY,â€"-I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, 650., the. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a. great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfulls of Belief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia, and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, &c. It has a good efl‘ect in flatulence or wind cholie. I use it for foul breath and it produces a. marvelous efl'eet. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. 31â€"139mm of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer {chat will endeavour to per mile you to take some other in place of the 113(lway’s.â€"The country is flooded with counteri‘o' .A .J imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half prise they are charged for Imdwn‘y’s, yet charge the public the some nice our agents sell you Radwa‘y’s for. (1‘ ice ‘25 cents per botile.) The imitations and coun- 5ei‘fcits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; door at that price. In purchasing Ready Relief, see that 1h01'o are two signatures of Rndway ((7 Co. on the labels, and the words R. R. R. Redwaiy (R: Co. blown in the giass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat; you Whenever he has an opportunity. “Hng '9 SISTERS OIE‘ MERCY, ’ DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. 13., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. Ccrtiï¬cates of startling cures of the most violent and deadly diseases am on record at DB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreal, emanating fmm the highest authorities is the world. There is mt a Town or City 0" importance (except a. few in China.) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICIEES limo cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by hi glr dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters writteu direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad- As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULAL‘J' ANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIHUGE. Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammatian of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headmlxe, Cold Chills, Fever and. Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Nourulgiu, Samâ€"«sz0 tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all dcraugcmeuts of the staunch, bewels and liver, and instantly Itop the most severe pains. AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0F ARIATIG CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX Am OTHER IéLBTILENCESI ‘ ‘ Gou‘ In violent diseases, instant 1'01in is required. ASIATIO CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWYJGIJS, CHOLIC, FITS, Siill’ FEVER, GROUP. ,MPTI'IERIA may prove fatal Within an hour or tvc0,it'1mt ohcr‘nml by {L pmml'f'nl miliilnm like RADVV'AY’S READY RELIEF ; and ail. acute and inï¬mnmntm'y mzflzuii<'.,, Whether Rheumntlmn, 3301111111113, Inflam- mation of the Kidng, q, Bladder, Urinal diiï¬cultics, Influxn Alon uHhe "Womb, £110,311 fact, all diseases fraught vim inmmdinm ('lmg‘cr, yield at (:11 " 10 {h ('mnnmnd curative. The RE ADY RELIEF is an; sudden in 11:: upm‘auon as m; 1‘. muly 1 If. M is more active than the virus of the mm1 <Wift and deadly epidemic. \Viih 11‘ a Jivmm ' at hand to use on the ï¬rst ï¬vmvwm 0! {mm and Tmeasincsg, no person need suffer an hon); sicknesa. mawm†Sisters of mm at Eerchester Street Hospital, applying Dr. ï¬adway’s Remedies to the sink. and which he conï¬denfly offers as one of The best and chmpcsé kinds in the cmvliry Vl‘HE Proprietor would rospeul'fully announce to the farming community that he is now manufacturing improved Ploughs of xn I» wamwf [Pg/95m w†RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS Plough Points & Laï¬dsides 1mm always on hand _.()__ JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MOMREM, 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK d by Druggists and Country Merchants E’E’SEQE, £235 cents a Emfle. Ma ~11“ CURES PAIN H‘TSTANTLY! AM Armand me EEEQEDC. Eï¬fï¬ï¬‚i EE‘_B9;£§ u ‘ Fm 1511:3339“ gmfl ram which he now offers at the EP- JGHN RAD‘WAY, M. 0., 8c 00., REA MEDICA‘ f H E EV; [RT 1 ‘ d i. U 3u 1 1 1 a ami .. I L1 ‘ . if N ’E‘ T ‘4 P {1%.} Mrs; aOWE Sting .2 RU 4‘ ‘ASMODIG, COUNTER- FAUIENT, NERVINE, ZEI‘ERY HALL. The ï¬ndsrsigned phy ci' Us: cheerfullv to me high professional abiding of Dr. of Stansread. one of the aldcst and host cians. and lo the exc<>ilont q! jliuos RE a safe and reliable remedy in all dis- A eases of the Sloniauh. Liver and llowels They are no Quack Medicine. pnfl'ed up by high-Bounding laslimonials from imaginary people. but are 1he result offai'ly years experi- ence ofa ï¬rst class phy. «inn, and ale-r oxlra- ordinary success is line to the fact that thev answer exactle their Irma. “E‘l‘ “x l'm‘mula from which they are pmpm'ul, is h (l on sound, scioniiï¬c prii' 'ilcs, and has wvu‘vcd the. un- qualified approhaiion 01' the men cal profession. They do not profes~s to he a cure ail, hut for all disezses arising from any derangement of 1116 Stomach. Liver and Bowels, thoyi'nrnish an oï¬bctnal remedy, We have in our possession over 0110 nu mix-ad iostin’nmiuls‘ from physicians who have used them in their prncigce and highly approve ol'Lhem, among “hioh are the following: when we have uso( in our pramco, and high- ly approve, J. H. Gibson. M. D., Dunham, C,E. C. Cotton, MD, Cowansville Charles Brown. MD, Cowansvmq S S Foster, Ml), Bromo. J C Butler, MD, Waterloo, John Erskine, MI), Waterloo, Normnn Cleveland, mo, Bax-115ml}, Corner of King dz Yong-33 Streets, T0110; TO. November 9. 1866. S. 1V1. Sanderson ï¬zz Co. Boots & Shoes Cheat) S, J. Fons 5!, Cu. pruprivtoxs and suh) manu‘ facuu'ors, Sherln‘oolm. l’rm‘imte of Quebec.â€" Hem-V. 'l'hompsen 6;; Ca. Moutwul; Lyman El‘dotlt & Cu. Toronto, VVhOEOLflN Agents. D R. C O L B Y’ S Anni-mséiw mzea Mic Pills, S. M. Sandersoaréiz Go. V OULD ia'aco this ommrmnitv offhanldng xlmir Friends and Custonmrs for the vow llberal putmnaga bestowed on them ’‘or [he-lad iweh’e yearn, add wou‘d curdhilv so- )init a couiinuance of tho sumo at their New Saand N0. 90 YONGE -‘ 5HIE Subscriber wank) intimate to the arm- E. 01‘s and oihm‘s of Hiclunoud Hi†and sarroumling Country having, That he has successfully treated the above for the past ten years “'1! out a singie failure. This treatment does not new simio their being hid amide) mniy 1'0 ' a few days. Quite a nmnhur ofrel'orcnce given if requir- ed cl'pul‘suua‘ whose humus have been cuxed ’uy in‘ \\'0r (1 its \3' pubiia {Ln/or, “n ipkon Hm: ui'ï¬m Having a Vvuhflorf'm 0’31ch naliy, in qufclicning Lina It is invalunbka u) pm'nnns 1m lyms, or snb‘jmfl to rm“: .~= m; {P In cases of Dyspmr “1, where loud dim il nflhro's prompL ruliqu and continued short Mme, 501:: eve; ‘ L’ ' V! VH IS usemlinvemiou istha mo tt-uuveuim‘t For {he use of his l’dlont 8011151111111112 Gate. Richmnd Hill, September 16: 1867'. My on, if some Sow L The us me of [ho n bomb of the {feuuinn which it. is iummiud. using. atlarhud. Henry, Simpson X; { aha A gum S‘ J. 1’0: P. (3.. Sole I‘ropriclms Octobcr 10.11, INST SELF-SHU TTMNG GAT E. 1 thecheapost, and most durable GATE, for farm use, The Pate»;me is now prepared to soil Appï¬cants will phase address their letters (post paid) to M. QEEFYL Has been {\vmz." )0 now } 1} ulu in INT “'0 Richm r-rd 1‘. The undsrsigned physicians: cheerfullv (‘el'ï¬fv ,0 me high professional 3, mu! 0 of Dr. Colhy 1f Stansread. one of the aldcw 1d host phvsi- :ians. and lo the exc<>ilont q inns oivhis ' ANTI-COSTIVE and ’J‘ONIL PI LLS,’ TOWNSHIP RIGH TS Benjamin Damon, Yongo Street. Toma, toDecember 1867. Residence» lth nderson £35 00. Q U34 fa 05’s ï¬lmâ€): On Improved Real Estate, PPLY to Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN. KOUGUNET & W'AKMOLL, Barristers, &c. rinsing; rdnmi: on never had any ( Vibrtil ILL (boroughlv warrant every pair of .LEIJKjerv‘S made Ly than) at their new Ru Lilbo L 3 U0 \- r. U 'tu HO RN E 11‘ S PA’I'EN T before abs Joi MS, cmiu‘cu (. H3} At their New Store, h’i'c Ara selllng‘ anmoxn HILL P. 0. Agent for l’utenieo. (70,, J‘ECIELBRI, VJhnle- .«s 6;; 00., biker-broke, , 1‘ mi ~ as woiiz pvmows for pl my line. RCA. sole pro by Co. Montrea’. h 10? mm in oac l pln‘po- 0 :3 U U E TON. id (Tau. Vavghau. when ogmmlcd ed to unsure a and g manent Toronto. (I0 of l D :2 {exx’xion it has éï¬ï¬ï¬ss. Y(n§ m] infer- ?)o hlnod, . blood 5 cums, manu- tone, 478 ,ilnhs .imhs, he I: {is of [it is