Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Oct 1868, p. 3

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'- MILLIMERY BEPflRTMENT! ,fi Am perm" gyving infommuun will be lllwlul) rewarded. "CAM WAN TWEEDS “AUTUMN & WINTER ED ' “Ti '3 "F. PUBLIC arA hsreln‘ camiuned against yaw-liming a NUTE, drawn In Mr. I. 1". RUPERT in my l'nvw. for the sum of $100 and inmrvsl. Daled Isl June 1867. and pav- abla one ynnr afwr date; the same having been stolen and plume!!! ha; bceu stopped. HE Public are Ilurelw prohihheei From - I Tresspasuug inthl of 8min: nr F‘sshâ€" imébn (ha numh half of Lot Nu. 23. m me find Honorssion ol Vaughan. Any person found an the promises after this “mine will be pmseculed with the mme rigor 01' We |uw. AllUBltlll'l‘ METCAIJ“. Which. comparatively speaking. A Black llorxe Cult. 3 War Md. §_’1‘A'J‘I()NERY & FANCY GOODS gnwm m» m» mmm GROCERI 5534, H A E: DWA IR 34}, CROFIKICI ETC, ETC. ETC. At The Lowest Market Price Which, nu iuspm-Iinn mull ln- fuuud xhu mus! fashmnubm and chaste he :sure ut'su I'llflLHE m then approval. ‘Vlncll WI“ be found to cumpnw everydnug HIM A ST (UVH 'vcaivn hm. uf good ch mayhavu nu oppurlunih‘ [0 h- int-“~55 Busines. Apply Immediater B Richmond Hill, Out. I, 1868, BUY THE CHEHPEST GOODS ! G. A. BARNARD’S. An early call is respec whure they can flu «mg Vaughn“, Jana 24.71668 Richmond mu, Sup. 9. 199's; Augu l I3, 1668‘ Richmond Hill. Sept. ‘13. [£568. Of any on Richmond Hill, and having bePn bought (lose, will be found as cheap as any goods can beoflbred north of Toronto JOSEPH ENDKSBY Vaughan. .14le 23. ’68. 4-: 523‘ Largest, Uheapest & Most Varied Begs to announce to his cus STRAYED OR STOLEN FULL @LQT NS MUK‘H {Ll'IAé’U Apprentice Wanted NOTICE. NOTICE NE‘V AND FASl-HONABLE JUEIN LANGSTAFF. Ish‘AIaL AND WIS-.NTER ' STUCK oz: HAS RECEIVED ARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS S'I‘UC K OF IN MAY LAST, f/ Also an unusual large stock of BARBER’S SCOTT uf good chan‘ac'e 426-1!” 7W' H. MYERS W. A. directs «peeial uueutiowt m ammux‘lcmg to INS l‘rimuhand will am the Toronto Trade. in or said cull :tfully solicited; customers will then see '1 7w 1'".an TOOK! WHICH W“ L BE FOUND THE s customers and the publie that he has now received his W. A‘ has also a HI lilt- ARNARD ()F AND Begs most respectfully to announce that he will be at Uniouville. . . ... . lst Monday of each month “lemon” . . . . . . .... . . .961 day oreach monlh KIHUhn’I'Lr, ...._. ... Hill] " " Burwu'k. ..... “0.3521”! “ “ Searuoru' ...... ... .2:de " " Where he will be prepared and most happy to waix on [hose wllu mu require his services. G H. H.. having had over T0 IIIO v- who have fmurnd pnlrmlagu in 1 v8 past he reu Hun-ks. and (0 thus“ who may lUII‘. ha would say [hm no part w: I be wauling lo IIIQ'ell REFERENCES : V'he rallowing gentlemen can. wulh confidenca recmmnen I w H ?lu.~lmm'. [U ml roqui'ing Hen ‘I‘ axd: r Reid, Thoruhlli; Ur Ball. VVfialnn: Ur l)‘l‘2vlyn, Burwicn; Dr. Carson, Hrn. pmn. RESIDENCE ;â€"Thornhill. Thomhill, Sapl. 17.; 1868. 1y 18 new and alegaut. ELEVEN YEARS PRACT CE u H. HUSBAND L-D.S. firm of giving unrer sahsfn Linn. v‘ who have fmurnd him wilh lhwr WL'J’ ‘n' L d EDIE: 0 his Price and Quality. all to bits past he reluunv his sincura Us“ who "my du an in [he fu» tombrs the univnl ofhis has: ever had the ylenâ€" J endeavor un their approval 533-3111 CRYg 510-“. “mi his I i 7 Can he urmru ‘ed, I” sums to sun borrowers. on Landed sPcurity. 'l‘erms made known on parsunhlapplication lo D858. $20,000: N .3. Feeds. Murlgages. Wills. Bonds. .S‘c '. drawn whh nemnesu and deupmch.» M. 'l‘, continues to an! as UIVIMON Comm MW 1‘. Paesnmdnrlute. Ri< “moudHill. Nov. 28. 1866. MONEY TO LENB BICE’S P UMPS Calf, Kip and Cowhide Boots. ’FHIS ASSOCIATION has transferred thew . LIBRARY to xhe ‘ Hum“) ’ Book Stnrr where Stockholders and others may 'Irocurt BOOKS «very Friday afternoon. not 40" Olocku P‘“. Ladies and Gentlemen, who require a true clmrt of the foot, can procure one in either French Kid or Calf, by calling and ordering it at, T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill, April 4, 1867. S. M. SANDERSON 8L (‘0. An (hr pqsprivtor. Mr. Jenninga. has let his Farm, and is {inclining Agriculmral pursuhs. TERMS : 4352“ and under (rash: over tlm amoun‘. .2 ummhs credit on apnroved join- nntes Lunch 21L noun, Aa allmusibe mid in mm dm the Anc ’inueer thl cmmrwncu precisely at 9 Nelock H III- GORMLEY. SANDERSUN .S'z CARTER. BIBLE SOCIETV DENIHTORT in lh-ir class, a Township Fairs. FI R8573 PRI%,E§§~ Stove. lFurnm ; I Sung Ketlir; 3 B stnnde; 2 Fca‘hm' beds. ‘ Thu puniso \-..!l (In M el’ 10 ammd tun S- as the Muck usmunn ha vxv-Mlm =f' vq'mh- the (’numy hf ka The pt: :43 my 'euuingu. having lvmn :1 Wmmm-m haw-dun 5b um! nu a Hum] Muted.“ I‘u' nah]: for the Ian? .‘x‘umx Hw- \‘t-ars. T5: pm‘l "Him Slack m bu mm have tnknn 1 . THOMAS SEDMAN. Rihmvrl Hills July IF. 1868. 592-8!‘ bin-g Houghs; 1 Gang IJ ough : l (‘ullivulm ; Scucffier: 3 pairs Wood Harruws; lpair Iron “arrows; 1 Land ROHM‘; Whippleu'ees and “ask Yokes; I Reaping Machine. Panorâ€" snn’s: l Mowm. Pallnrsnn's; | Waggon Rank: I Fanning Mi“; 1 Sraw Putter: l Chafi‘ Riddle; 2 Harlm’ kas: 5 Dung Forks: | Grain ('rndla: Spades and Shnvels; flakes and Forks: I Home Rake: l Swalhe Rake; \m h“.~' and SI aith . 1 set Double Harness, lvvr manned; I bet single harness. si‘vur mounted: I set anuhlu harness: I set sing! .:a mess; I shm-p ruck . a quantin 0f slump v mghq I fix yak»: a qlnmily of timmln w , I H-wd barrow; l ("r'ISa-cui Saw; 3 Pair Sheep Shearw; '2 Stnlfle Lumps. Richmond Hill, June ll. ’68. , ,5,“ _. w . . Wood Sleigh : l Cutler. slevl shod; l Covered Rug-av; ‘2 Iron Ploughs. Heel mould-hoard : 2 Patterson Pluughs. steal mould-hoard : ‘2 Rib- luiu-g Houghs; 1 Gang IJ ough : l (‘ullivulm ; n m .. . r -r 26 Ewes 2U Shoarllng Ewes l6 Ewe Lambs '2. Rams. aged 3 Shenrling Rams IU Ram Lumbs 5 Spring Pigs ‘2 Cows, in "alf, aged 2 Cows. 4 years old. in calf 2 Heifers, :2 _\'I=nr_s old, in calf lYem'ling Heifer l Heifer (Jalf 1 Bull Calf JMPLEM ENTS. 9 Waggun. iron axle : 1 Light Vlaggnn. pole 1nd shafts; l Market Sleigh: steal shod; l mu In: - I Markham: Sept. 17. ’68‘ RUTH MOND H [L L LIBRARY ASSOCATION. On Tuesday, Uctober 20, IBBB. The undmmenliunuu l’ure Brad and Grado Farm Stuck, Farming lmpleuwnls. 61c. VIZ:â€" H E Undursigned is authorized :0 state ihal “ Aytou Grange Farm,” Near Vchorm Squal e, HOUSEHOLJ f UliNl I'URE. ‘2 Lm‘gv Kimhvn lnhlks: H thcheu Chaird: Eight day (.Iouk ,- l (‘Onking vae; l Dumb nve . l Furnmw: I Sugrr Kettle; 3 Bvd .»-nd-.-; 2 Framer beds: ‘ Thu pu'iist‘ \1.El (In M ('l’ 10 HV’H'H" l'-I‘ Suh-I. HORSES, AND FARMlNG IMPLEMENTS. CATTLE, SHEEP APPRENT I '4] WANTED STRUVG Ac'im Boy Wanted an an m)- prenucem the Waggon Making Buni- Extensive Credit Sale FARM STOCK! At No‘ 90 Yonge Street. Toronto GREAT BARGAINS ‘HIC chfersigned are instructed by Hun! JLNNnGs, lusq .tu sell by Public Auction, Lo! No. 24, 4th concession of Markham, M. TEEFY, hmuni Hiil] 8H5 ON LANDED SECURITY. LEAST RESER VA TION IMPORTED & PURE BRED PHYSIOLOGY". Apply to In Men’s and Bov’s FOR SALE BY LEICESTER SHEER GRA DE CAT PLE ARE OFFERING AT TH E w i Nola-[v Puhlic. Age-11L &c‘ J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill une ll. ’68. 5|7~tf t P‘onnciuz. County mvd Wm Sula will pwnneiv be SWINE. A. SCOTT, Lib HORSES 'cuumuNG HERALD OFFICE l Sow and Pig: 0F A uclwno Mariam [I DANIEL HORNER, Jun, 1m 90.- ‘an cumiun Markham First Book, with 31 illustrations. strongly bound in limp cloth, 5c. First, Bookâ€"2nd Party, 54 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 100 Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cluLh boards, 200 Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 300 Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. 40c Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 500 For Sale by MALLOY’S A XES Authoxized by the Council of Public In struction for Ontario. NOW READY z PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY A LEX. SCUTT, Pocket Boaks, Purses, 62c. READING BOOKS Albums from 25 Cents to $6 Books 8: Fancy Goods In all the different styles of Binding STANDARD AUTHORS! In various styles of Bindings. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS ! HYMN & PEA YER BOOKS, HOLIBA‘Y. GIFTS All orders from a distance promplly ammde to. and uledmiues sent tn any part ol the PIO- Vince. Horses examide as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commiSsion. Richmond HI“, Apri123, 1868. 510 Fur Horses and (‘zmla alwnm on hand : such as l’h\si(: Dun-mic. Cordial. 'l'unic‘ Cougn. (,‘umuitiun and W nrm Balls and Puwdaru. l'ha (Tough liallu have hue” lunnd mum .-:erviceab!e in alleviating mam‘ M the dwiransug svmpz- mms of Brokvlmimi ur Heavcw in Horses. ('olic. “rangins. Lin'rmeuls fur bore 1 hmms, Spralns. Curly Spavin, King-hone. &c. Blist- ermg ()inmmnm. also Hoof and l'leaHngUint- ments. l‘olinnsf'ur Wounds. Bruises. huddle Gulls. lululliuble Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. 31343 to announce to the public that he is vww practicing: whh H, SANDERSUV, of the same place. whm‘o Ihey mav he cnnsult- ed pel‘-(11m|l\‘nr by leller, on all diseases of Horses. CuIIIe, &c. THE MOMEN’iOPS QUESTION “relic/hues of every Diwcriptéon ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Jan. 2, 1868, I ( Graduate of Toronto Vle'ma/‘y College) Cone:- f Yonge and Centre-st East RICHMOND HILL. The Buildlngs are good and in a thorough state 0! repair. There is also a splendid Orchard on the premis s This Farm Is only [6 miles from Toronto. and 2 miles from Yonge Sm at. For particulars apply on the premises to GEORGL TEASI)ALE If by latter pre-pairl, address Ileadlord P.0. Markham. July 2. 1868. Richmond Hill. Nov‘67. 'I‘HE Subsc'ibor offers for Sale his farm. 1 being Lox J7. in the 2nd (Inn . Township of Murkhmu, CUN'I‘AINING GS ACRES of nxcellem land, 55 of which are cleared, and in a good state uf cultivalion. FARM FOR SALE! ’I‘HE Subsclibor offers for Sale Are Manufacturing all the Newest, Styleso Men’s. Women’s and Children’s Boots 1% Shoes At their New Stare- No‘ 90 Youngest. Torontm ‘HE Sulrscvilver. ever mindful of the wants ofche public: has Just received a Large and Miscellaneous Stock Term: and other particulars may be ascer- tained on apphcmwn to bemg pull or lots 52 and 53. In the 1st Cull, Murnham, near chhmtmd hill, comprising 120 acres. 'l'hure Is a g 0d Brick House and other buildings on the plentises. DOVE FARM, ’1‘HE EXECUTURS to the estate oflhs law Wilnam Dove, deceased, 0117:: for sale! [but proper” known as the w s I, Having bought a huge Quantity of the above at an unusual heap mm,l have put but a siigm advance to ensure a speedy sale. The New Canadian ational Series OF In the Dominion. Good. Large. Strong Pounce Bags. $1.50 par (102ml Good. Lmen Grain Bags, $2.25 per dozen Extra HruV) Linen Gram Bags. ‘52 5Uperdoz. Heavy, Fun-e Lman Flqu: Bags{_$li.UU pm doz. WHERE TO PRUCURE THE MOST SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR “ Stick :1 Pin Hero,” W "HAT YOU MAY RECOLLECT where to buy the Chvapest Lmen He has also recoived a heavy stock of Yonge Sweet, Aug. 7 1868. G. A. BAKNAKD. Richmond Hill, July 23, 156:5. 55 S. M- SAN DERSON & Co. Two-Bushel Bags Toys of Various Kinds, VETEI‘B'WAfiY Vgunez-zou, FARM FOR SALE. NOTICE TO FARMERS. 0F CAREFULLY SELECTED INCLUDING MANY OF THE GEO. WELDRICK. JOHN LANGSTAFF, SANDERSON Fon SALE BY Ezecutars 525 ‘2»n. 5234f AME into the pfemises of the Suberiber Lo! No. 55, 15!. Con. Vaughan, Yonge St. about the léxh iusl.. The owner is requested to prove property. expenses and take them away Family & Church Bibles O BIC SOL!) on reasonable terms, the fol lowing )ropen} :â€" Partol' Lot No 30, on 2nd Con. Vaughan containing 62! acre"; also, Village Property At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. AT LOW PRICES, AT SCOTT’S,RTCHMCND HILL EiH’S always on hand [he has! of BN4 1 Multon., Lamb. Veul. l’nrk, Sausages 61c. and sons at [he Iowa-ct prices. The highest market price given for Can}.- Shrap, lumbs. 610. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866. 2nd door north of Barnafd’s store RICHMOND HILL, Ei‘ll’S always on hand [he has! of ant Mutton., Lamb. Veul. Pork, Salinger Aléu. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked and Drivd Haws. Richmond HJI, October 15, 1867. 1.,V WILLIAM 38 West Market Square. Toronto [13’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of the Best Malerinls and Workmauship, at Khe Lowest Remunerauug Prices. 3%” flfasonic aud other Emblems made to order. BOOTS & SHOES, Farmer’s Boot 8; shoe Jnref‘a‘ atmmimx given to Watches anr‘ G’ncks Jew null limmirn’l VVA’I‘UH ES, CLOCKS. AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO No II. King Street East, 6 doors east of Yonge Strnet. 3HOICE AND FANCY GOODS Wafiahes, clocks, and Jiwelry, ELECT hO-PLA'I‘ED W'ARE, (‘UTT‘ERY, &c , &.c. (l‘oromo‘ Dec 3. “36;, 7 DANIEL GLASS, Rihhmo‘ud Hill. Auuuut 2'7. 1'88. I'he unantion of’he Public is inlvted to their lock, consisting nt‘ a great varloly of ' ‘HE ‘bove is a very desirable stand. it bring the only one in that thriving little place: it. is also well Situated and domg a huge business. A< the l’roprietor’s health is failing. he wishesto sall out and retire from busitiess, lfvnot. sold before the first of October it will bet rented. MAJ OR HOTEL W. VVH ARIN & CU. fifth? bes‘ desr‘riplion and newest designs Miav be hud at all times. eilher Double or Single :11. VELIE’S HU I EL, Richmond Hill. Livery Stableg 2 HORSES AND CONVEYANCES HOTEL FOR: 5A7 Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particul rs address JOHN LANGS‘T‘AFF, Steam Mills, Thornhill. SAP BUCKETS & PAILS $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. Toronto, Anril 27 , 1866 Pxice for the Excelsior Pump, $5 above Platform; 40 cents per foot below for the Well. The Churn Pump For Cisterns, $3. 0&- A liberal diacount allowed. when part- ies Lake the Pump from the Shop. From a Cistem to 3 Well ofa 150 feet, on one month trial. SHORTEST NOTICE, August 6. [967. 'I‘ornnto, Apr)! 26. 1866‘ For particulars apply to ‘- habitauts of Ricnmoud Hill am; rounding Country, that he is prepared. to supply JOHN BARRON. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kin 'I‘HE Subscriber would intimate to the in I. awn...» fir I):,..‘m.\...a mm M“: -m, P. PHILIPS’ Exdélsior Pumps. Richmond Hill. Aug. '20, ’68‘ SAVE TROUGHS Thornhill, April 21, 18684 ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. Richmond Hill, May 20, 1868 LAND FOR SALE. PUMPQ VILLAGE OF W HITEVALE‘ Successor to James Holliduy, A T MODERA TE RA TES. \VATER SPOUTS! TWO RAMS. IMPORTERSAND DEALENS'IN J. SEGSWORTH, Manufactured and for Sale ASTRAY. BUTCHER, IMI’ORTER OF KNOWN AS THE THOMAS BURTO N, lV/u 7. 522-2.“ PATENT PUT UP AT IN THE 0n the AND u to the repairing of Jewelry manufactured all kinds of lV/iilez‘alc S I, 0 re 4904f 5104f. 69 47 Pay PATENT SWING AND DOMINION FORCE PUMPS Machinery supplied. and [usu-umioqs for making given. Rare chances for men 0:" energy ad linmed capital. Also Notice that Messrs. PHILLIPS. l’ump Wakers, UDth. hnvA purchased Hm Rightsc 95’ Georgina. North Gwillimhnry. ()m and lnnir-fil, and, having ahandnned the manufuzinras 03m interior Kinds of Pumps. are prepared to supply the imringes on 1.011s are, no The Hon Pump Irml “ Their success is wonderful and WnH-dusnrvud " - (Mimi. (Mwnmr. IX'E'HACTS rum; JUI umm‘ up (:4 rn: Ur » gnu-m1. " The Novelty of making \ WUHUICN l": HU‘E ' l' H mumhu (C. Powell) und n has lhul MEtH l‘ (11“ l \V {‘3' NH} ,-.- w ‘nv :1 to l’uleht ” “ The usvl'nnnoss of this invention is unqnhsiiu md Lu the isolated (Muller, must he “1 1m ,3th THE DRAUGHT IS EXCEEDINGLY LIGHT. CASTING AND ALL JOB WORK Done to Order. This Plaagh can be Regulated ta Cuta Funaw any Required Shape Efiflfififiéfifl SEW & STEIBELE £113”? BEAM PLfiUfiH AGRECUL'E‘UR A L H {a 7“ u NJ STAPLE AND FAN CY‘GRGCERIES HESPELER’S THE CHEAPESY AND BEST ’I‘I/‘A’l‘ [PAS RICHMOND, [JILL C ‘9: LEE A"? Eff IԤ?.‘;'_ Lit/i4iv AND WILL OPEN ON THUSDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER P. 0. Addrwssâ€" NW1! M. My 15. 1868., Fittings for Iron and Wood l’longhs, Steel 01' Metal supplied and sold at a Low Price. N%“@fihm£i$§MESS, 01" [IT All Accounts settled October [51, and April Ist. Qw‘ w o u - WM“. Patent Mung and Dommlou Force Pumps Richmond Hill. July 30. 1868. When Ordavrin‘g Pumps, please state Depth of “76” or Cififel‘n. TORONTO. Svpt 23 1868 A Limited NILnber of Rights for Sale yet. IS vmcmmm mm H w; LARGE, CHEAP, AND . l’. M Vanknng‘w 181. Ill dmm : rmnurknd. wh-rjlrt x (Ink-{4 n l‘alenl. is a Wrong dm-I and [only a [tubhel'v 0mm l’:.|,_~uu KING AND CHURCH STREETS LU”? AV‘U SUC‘SIHN l’UVI b' FUN Ila/l RI) Efflflflfi‘, 0150011” I} I! Y, AND SET 1T AT ANY ANGLE. (LATELY OCCUPIED BY MESSRS W. ROSS THE «1051‘ NO‘I‘LIE Mini". 2% I. GHQ E‘Wé : EYER & BROTHER, NEAR RICHMOND HILL. MITCHELEJB COMPLETE ASSURTMENT 0F SOUTHuWEST CORNER OF “ Churn ” Pumps for Oisterns, Sea Judgment L LEASE NOTIFE T” ‘\'l Urnrls frvm qu‘h Yul-k slumjd ha sent In HAHH'JLS 81 (:l)‘. {\EivMAAKE‘r' “ha have acquired the [mean R gln I'm Easl an . n HM Gwimmv bury. VVh‘lci'uru and King. for the Fun TANKS (Ins: h.\.\ 2.x)! rum 1 ww ~ .1“ ‘; ARE CHEAPLK AM» >l7z‘hli:i in Am”) 1‘“ MANUFACTURERS «)F A WILL REMOVE TO THOSE CHARLES POWELL. Newtm‘e R‘s'flak Commcn Pumps of any Make, AN ENTIRE-LY EYER & BROTHER, STOVE (H GOODS. A'l' TWO FHHUIF 1 ME HHlH\-\Il\' VIKICIC- AN D D“ WITH AND TWO DOLLARS EACH. Richmond Hi”. September IQ. 189%: ISAAC CROSBYO L. FsELECTED liic/anuJ Hill, Ontario; 5244 ('«Imdnced by the Plaintiff. H to [he pruleclion of I HM ‘t ABK'WGHNET. m and worthy of merit. PL‘ &'('q t" l’amnt Swingi v person who. HIP-T's opera

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