7 Doors north of King Street. The business at the New S‘orp will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON &_Co. S. M. Sanderson 615 Caulkens, No. 133 Yonge Street. have removed To No. END Yonge Street, \V. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronte and Richmond Hill every two weeks, and supplies Conl'ectlouary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. .W.. G. OASTELL CONE ECT ION ARY 1 Toronto, July 20, 1865. LIQUID EYES! MAJ EN’I‘A, SCARLET, YELLOW], MAUVE. ORANGE, BLUE. CR1 VISON, VIOLET, SOLFERINO, PURPLE, BROWN, GREEN. AND ALL. OTHER POPULAR COLORS. EVANS, MERCER & ED’S ECONOMIC Y'arxicnlar attention has been paid to the Manufacture ot‘these Dyes‘. so that the most inoxpgneigcod can use them. '8 prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teetl}, or relieve suï¬ering and supply new laeth in the most approvodstyle. Alsoto rogu- lnle the moth of those who need it. Consultation froo. all work warranted. June. 1865. " 21-y' Retail from all respectable Drug-gists; Toronto, Aprâ€, 15,1868. W. C. ADAMS, 1111s., 95 King Street East, Toronto, EXTRACTENG TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! T6 he obtained Wholesale from the Manuâ€" acLulers, Evans. Mercer, & (30.. Montreal, or IIUGll MILLER, & Co.. __King St., Toronto. V ‘HE tooth and gum survouuding become . insensible with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and willbe in the ful‘owing places prepared to extract taelh Willi his new apparatus. All olhernpermions in Dentistry performed in a wokaaulike manner :â€" Auroru. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . lst ofeach month Newmarket Brelsford holol 2nd " “ Stouffville...............18H) " “ Victoria Square. . . . . .. . . . 20th " “ Thomllill......... ...... 23rd “ " Richmond Hill. 24th “ †Maple................... 26th " †Bnr\vick.... ............ 26H] " “ KIeinlmrg. ......... ‘29“) 5‘ " N0bleton..._............ 30th “ “ Where they will attendto nny business per- taining to any branch of their profession. Aoml'a,Jv.1m 7 1565. ‘ Without Endangering the Life, For Children Teething, greatly facilitatos the process of teething, by softnning the gums, reducing all inflammation «will allay ALL l’AIN and spasmodic action, and is ' MRS WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, Depond upon it, molllers, it will give rest to yourselves, and Rclz'qf and Health to your Infants. “’9 lmvcput upaud sold this article for years, and cm SAY m corcmmcxcu AND TRUTH of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicineâ€"mama“ HAS rr FAllaFJ) IN . A SINGLE msrncn 'l‘0 EFFlc’I‘ CURE, when timeiy used. Never did Wu know an instance oi'dnssalisfnction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all ’are delighted with its opera- tion, and speak in terms of commendalion of its (nagicnlefl‘ucis and medical vn'luos- We speak in this matter “VV’HA'I‘ WE DU‘ KNOW,†after years of experience, AND PLEDGE nun REPUTA'HON FOR THE FULFILMENT or WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In nimost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and ex‘imuslaiion,relief will be found in ï¬fteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. Full dh‘ecï¬ons for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac- simile of CURTIS & PERKINS. New York. is on the outside wrapper. Sold by l‘ruggists throughout the world, Pnce. only 25 cents perBoule, (Mucusâ€"215 Fulton Street, New York. 205 High Holhorn. London, Eng. 4-11 St. Paul 81., Montreal, C. E. Information guarnateed to producealuxuri- a tgrowth of Hair upon a buld head or beard- Iess face. also a recipe for the removal of Punpr Bloiclws, Eruptions, etc.. on (he 8km leaving the same soft, clear. and benuti ful cm 08 ob‘ainod without charge by ad dressing-,7 7 A A Clorgvman, while residing in South Am- erica as a I)Ii>‘si0llfll‘}‘. discovered asafa and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak~ neas. Early Decay. Diseases of the Urinary and Siminal Organs, and the whole train of disordars brought on hy bunei'ui and vinious habits. Graat numbers have been cured by this noble remedy, Prompted bv a desire ot benoï¬ttho afflicted and unfortunate, lwil send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed envelope. to any at who needs it, Free of Charge. Please enclose an enveibpe nddrossedona yoursel REMOVAL. PURE AND UNADULTERATED 477-1y 383 Yonge Street, Toronto. DES. I’ECK & ROBINSON No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, 'me............... a Squa1‘o.......... lill......... ondHiH........... :k............ m'g....-..... 3|]..._............ they will Vatlen_d u ’fflOS. F. CHAPMAN. Cnmm. 823 Broadway. New York Sure to Regulate the Bowels. As in the use of Chlox‘ofonn. NEAR CHURCH STREET, E MANUFACTURER 0F Address. NIHV METHOD OF INFORMATION. JOSEPH T. {NM/kg, N TISTRY. STATION D; BIBLE Hbusn, New - York city BY THE ‘fl 1'11. lst ofeach month 2nd " “ 18th " “ 20th " “ 23rd “ " 24th “ †26th " †HOUSE - FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT HERA Elated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, 850. LAMP GLBBBS, BURNERS, GHIMNBYS, SHAE‘ES AND WIBKS. The stock, of which is very 19 me. e the Plainesh and Cheapest kin- {-â€" Square and Globe shapes, in great varxcty, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of ROCK OIL AND EIAQHIEERY OIL Children’ s Carriawes and Pequmbulators! Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, 13‘ Grain Measures, Apple Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspection. Toronto, Februay 7 1858. 493 CARRIAGES, BETGGEES, WAGGONS GRNAME NTA L PAENTNG! WORKSHOP WEST FROM RAYMOND’S HOTEL. was SELECT STOCK OF COLOURED PAINTS, “9a ASHE} SEW ll gwwg. aw muwa C'HEAI’NESS. DURABJLITY AND RIOIINESS OF COLOUR THEY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Mï¬CHENERY 01L CABINET ESTABLISHMENT N returning thanks for the very liberal sur businessin Richmond Hill, begs to inform ed his Stock and has now on hand A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE! Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery 8’59er! N RETURNIFG THANKS to his friends and customers for the very Liberal Patronage he has received since commeming business in this Village. fakes this opportuuity of informing the Public generally, that he is prepared to manufacture Tnduding Tables, Chairs. Bedsleade, Bureaus, Cupboards, Drcs=lng Stands, VVasb Stands, &c.-&c. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordeling. ‘Vhite Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and iiozlcd Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, ,iock Oil. Varnish Turpentine, Ben-gene, Glass, Putty, Glue, &c. &c. Parties Furnishing, Payering, or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also Hï¬RDWARE and CROCKEBY h' h H I ":mmmu ‘L‘umm “1mm Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of HOUSE ‘ FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Toronto. Septembw Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, Also on hand a large stock of Richmond Hill, August 6. 1:68, For 0:) Cash, at Prices {hat cannot be surp flied. Richmd Hill, November 9, 1866. BURNIN FJ ID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &C. It Is veryg 00d and cheap, cal] and examine cm, OF THE LATEST APFRO VED STYLES, AND FROM ' THE BES'I' MATERIAL. LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, TORONTO. SELECTED WITH THE GREATEST CARE, WE HAVE RECEIVED A SUPERIOR QUALITY FOR THRESHING MACHINES, He is also prépared to undertake all kinds of Plain. Fancy and nice Elgnufuciturx‘ed and Tmportvd, Wholesale and Retail. FOR CARRIAGES, SIGNS, FLAGS, BANNERS, ($0., 000 KEGS OF PUREWVHITE-LEAD, ALSO A LALGE AND assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attention to his TEKOMAï¬ COGHLAN, RICEEMOND 1311: 1:1- EATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. Our Dye Stuffs we purchase in large quantities and are ï¬fï¬chrwill be found both good andncheap. Which he will do with Tas 1868 JOHN C. HUOTHINS, ALL OF \VIIICH \VILL BE SOLD AT We have received par S. S. Germany. HUGH MILLER 8L (30., Medical Hall. Special attention is directed to LANTERNS Very liberal support he has received since commencing I, begs to inform the public that he has greatly inert-as. RICHMOND HILL 1;); Staxjes, Stoveé. and Stove Pipes. ple Parers, Clothes Wringers, L0. 850. embracmg all that is New and Chaste and also â€"Lhus meeting the requirements of all classes. THEREFORE, IN PAINTQ. Me and Neamess. 167 King Street East. Toronto 53.0-tl‘ 525â€"]y The Yorkâ€"Herald Order: for any of the undermomioned descrip- tion or Hm J BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAMPHLE'I‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POS' ERS, lsentirely new and of the latest patterns. Jarge variety of new m. MEWS? For Cards, 6m. just received. ESTABLISHMENT. JOB WONDERS PRUMPTLY EXELUTED getter-Press Printing. BUSINESS CARDt. Will ‘ue promptly attended to:â€" CHEAP OUR ASSORTMENT 0F PLAIN And every other kind of Cl RCULARS, BLANK (7- HECKS, AND LAW Foams; AND DRAFTS , BILL HEADS Vl‘HE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he manufacturing improved Pl< ughs of 77_ -A- _._ .a which he now offers at the o Redmd P weaflï¬Ã©lï¬ and which he conï¬dently offers as STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS Aim IS A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 01v ASIATIC 0110mm, YELLOW FEVER, SMALLPOX AND OTHER PESTILENCES! l 4 {is an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISIN . JOTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRI'I‘ANT, DIFFUSIVM STIMULAZ‘QT, I‘LUBEL‘ACIENT, NERVLNE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIU, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhoea 1) sentr' Cholera Mex-bus Iufla Cramps, Spusms, Vommng, hick Headache, 'Co Throat Coucdls Colds Influenza Neum‘wia, &c 7 I! 7 , 7 \3 water wnl correct all derangements of the .stmuu atop the most severe pains. RICHMOND HILL, Apri.13, 1867. V§5rointlzs 85 LandsiIdes kept always on hand Gout, Lumbngo, Sciatica, Pui: Muscles, Toothache, Strains, 'E ease and comfort, and a. few tim Inviolent diseases, inslant roliof is required. ARlA'i‘lC CllOllEllA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, ClilOLlC, li‘l’l‘ï¬, Silll’ l‘EVlle, Cliiflil’, l>lli’l‘llEl€lA may prove fatal within an hour or two. it" not, U'l‘r'lwll by n pnwr‘i‘l'ul {lllilll‘iie like RAD YAY’S READY RELIEF; and all acute and ilzllimnnuun'" iixnlzuli- \x'lmllu‘r liliminmtimz, Emmi :1, Inflam- mation ol‘tlie Kllll‘u‘._\'.<, Bladder, 'l'i'iiml ( . .UlllL , lullmnmuliun ml" the \‘l'mnli, and, in fact, an discuss fraught \X'llll lllll‘llt'dlillil(lilllgffll',)'li§l(i 314mm to this commanding: C‘n'ulivo. The Eli; DY 1LllLll.ll-‘ is a; sudden in iLs operation as llm iimlauly ilscll'. ,ll; is more active than the virus of the mod {wilt and dcml‘ oplllmnlu. Willi this Remedy at haucl Lo use on the ï¬xsl avnmwm ur mum and imcasiness. no Damn nch sull'cr an hour acknow- SISTEBS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"-â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDREDof on! sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &c., 850. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a. few spoonfnlls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the some medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia. and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, «ice. It has a. good efl'ect in flatulence or windeholic. I use it f0r foul breath and it produces a. marvelous effect. In short it procurcs relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. _ SISTER MARY DE BONSEOOURS. N. B.â€"Beware of eountcrfeits and imitationsl have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway‘s.â€"-The country is flooded with eounterfeits mid imitations of Rndwny’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these Worthless nixturcs at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet charge the public the some nice our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and couno mrfcits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In mohasin Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway (it Co. on the labels, and t ewords .R. R. Railway (in Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you Whenever he has an opportunity. Hoaryâ€" N. B.â€"Bewm'e of counterfeits am"! imitationsl have nothing to (10 v endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway‘s‘ with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers p' mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet ch: mice our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) '1‘ m'fe‘xts are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that pncl ' - - n A “M Achnl1mn" A‘r {in M1 Hm labels Sisters of Emmy at Bprchester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Certiï¬cnfcs of startling cures of the most VIOICDL anti ueum waumop mm v- .w“- __ , V, RADWAX’S OFFICES in the Ciiies of New York and Montreu , emanating from the highest authorities i: “‘0 world. There is wt .1 Town or City 0" importance (except a. few in China) on the (hobo but mat. IL-XDWAY’S MEDICIN ES have cured the sick when all other remedial events failed, and this is vouched for by hi gh dignitaries in Church and State; both by letters h mitten direct to Dr. Lladway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls mm Agents for the sale of Rawday‘s léfrad} (‘Ii ’1'. P. (‘R().\'B\ . h..(|‘.lm):sd Hill THUS. ALLIHINâ€; â€4ctoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora . Mr: B'QWE and Mrs. ROVVF King Station. iT HA8 N6 EQUAL IN “E HE MATERIA MEDICA. d by Druggists and Gouum' Merchants M gamed with Eiï¬aéewmzaï¬ï¬smg hastisz EEQEEB W$€¢Eéz§ JOB \VORK DON 111 TO ORDER CURES PAIN Em smmma ï¬ï¬aawï¬m HALL FREEZE. 935 cents a Bottle. 1, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or ï¬ns, Spraius, &c.â€"~Onc apphcation xvi.“ aï¬brd immediate ow times rubbing will complete {he ~ All Around the Globe. cures of mu most violent and damn diseases are on record at. 1m. 10 Gilles 01' New York and Montreu , emanating from the highest m: is wt .1 Town or City 0" importance (except a. few in China) on van 1: :rmmx Ii‘Q 1mm cured the sick when all 9th§ar_ regnedial one of the bes‘ and cheapest' kinds in the country ms, Inflammaiion of the Bowcls, Cho‘do,’ lacho, Cold Chills, Fever and Aguc, Sore ruigia, &c.â€"-One tea-Spoonful in a glass of the stomach, bon'cls and liver, and instaï¬'dy 15111 In uUI uuuu w: a bun... “a... nd rubbing her head twice with the same medicine: we. I always use it for dyspepsia. and for colds, and )m throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, &o. It has I use it for foul bregtth 1343‘. it produces a. marvelous I N STAN TLY l JOHN RADWAY, ,M. 0., 6c 00., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-You HENRY HALL. Radway‘s Remedies to the sick. diseases are pn reqord‘ 9t Dn. is now I<fl I-I. S. M. Sanderson & Co. Boots & Shoes heap MONEY TO LOAN Corner of King & Yonge Streets TORONTO. November 9. 1866. S. M. Sanderson a; Co \ ’OUllD lako !lllS opportunity nfthanking f llmir Friends and Customers for the very llheral patronage basin“ ed on them For \lm last twelve years, and would cordially soâ€" licit a continuance of the same at their New Stand N0. 90 YONGE STREET. SELF-SHUTTING GATE. ’ ‘UJS usefulinventiou is [he mostconvenimt, the cheapest, and most. durable GATE for farm nso. ‘ 'l‘ha Paleutee is now prepared to sell For the use of ltis Patent Self-shaming Gale. Appiicents will please address their leliers (pair. paid) to M. TEEFYL Richmud Hill, September IS. 1867. S. M. Sandersonéz Co. TOWNSHIP, RIGHTS "‘ HF. Subscriber would intimate (o the arm- ors andnlimrs of Richmond Hill and s :rrouudiug Country having. I z ‘5‘ gm Y" morass 11“!"1' meted W‘“ ’ 1L1: Rm Yonge Street. Ea. Ymage ï¬nest. gig/ILL Urm'oughlv warrant every pair of \ v’ BUUTJ} made by them at illuix' new 'hznt he h= <1wcessl‘u‘xly trualcd the “hove for Hm lbz'né mu ‘} vars u illmut :1 single {Minx-b. This lrmlmunt dons not UNI!) Shaw their bring fluid midn- ou'sy fora fcw dms. Quite n mmth nfret’nn'cncu given if rennin 0:1 m perm“: \\"|lOSOl‘.01'>(ESIH-‘.\’k‘ beg-u cuzud by 1:10. My Lh‘xrl‘l‘ is 52;! 5‘3 if nah] wle (-pormod (m H'th ~31}HU\\'iHbe cixzaxgwi Lu emuru a some. Residence rcal'oflot 25, 32nd Cm: Vaughan. 3“. “ES DU V'i'UN Hahn-,4“ , OI; 'uru throat Toron, tnDecember 1867. in quit): H vs I:n\'ninw m :vs‘s, m' MJ-jm in (wins ()f' U H :xli‘m‘m prnn ~‘;mi‘. 1mm, :0! ‘ ‘1' HI"! {TOR lln- inmsedinle H: and permanent if (mm M Khrunaxlnqn. Sinains, lSrniws, i'mnw, Frost Hi us [.41an Back. Side, himbs n' Stun»: :h, (Innnp. Nlvaiwss of Limlm, 4.: enuyg anoian, Sudden Golds, Dipl‘nerin in quirkvning Hm l'h'l'l. .m m blood, \‘nianu u: persons pnulzsyosmi m l’zu‘a- , m's‘hl'jvc! In ullm k-< (-I' Heart Disc-mo, {u Nuns of Uyslu-pï¬ia‘, win-m hmd (erese-rs, u :xli‘xn‘m p-z I rulini} u: :vmiuuc‘.‘ lul' a -|Ui‘. 1mm, sch; L-vmyllxing 1' gm, '1‘ mm» n! We nvvdu-iuv .5l;]t:\"11 in earth hull 'ul' iht- gvnuinv, and the pm'Imrs fur whirh n :s imondcd. as “1-H as the mode of using. zytlnchod. anr') . I» Agents V ‘ [1 KS pleasant, agreeable.s and scientiï¬c pre- pamliull is an ll)(lisp(‘1‘.f§lwlvflrllclcfol‘lllo Inilot ‘1: (lleal]S£'81ll(‘.5('Hl|-,l't’hdé‘lfllllo lmlrnl'a darker aMI(.arnm:e, is eaxily applied and will no! stain the {inert liur-n. l‘huw. using the Empire Hair (1 ass will ï¬nd Ill-'11 it wudu:s the harsh- nst and coarsest lmir, soft, glossy, ï¬ne and enulll'ul. Imposing it to stay in any position u while it is placed. It prevents the hair l'rnm l'allil g out, invigorales and strengthens“. and oï¬en ploduces a new growth ofhair where ll. has already disappearede invigoralmg and r nswri 'g the slut), m-rvus. nxnwlcs. hluud veswls. and mots ol the hair. l‘rit-v 25 cents. S. J. Foss & Cn. pruprieturs and sule manu- facturers, Shel-brooks. Province of Quebec.â€" Heury. ’l'hompsou & Co. Monbeal; Lyman, Elliott & Ca. Toronto. Wholesale Agents. On Improved Real Estate, PI’IY to Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN- KoUGuNI-z'r & \VAuMuLL, Barristers, &c. DR. COLBY’S .. Alxtiâ€"Cesiive and Tenic Pins, RF. a safe and reliable remedy in all dis- V cases of the Slomach. Liver and Bowols. 'I‘hev are no Quack Medicine. pufl'cd up by highleounding faslimonials from imaginary L n1-,,. payple, but are [he resull of i'orly years éxperi- enco ofa flrsl class physician. and ate-r extra- ordinary sur-cess is due to lhe fact that they answer exactly their name The formula from wlzich they are prepared, is buff-(l on sound, scientiï¬c primiples, and has received the un- qualiï¬vd npprohnnon oflhe medical profession. The} de- um profess to be a cure all, but for all diseases arising from any derangement of tha Stomach. Liver and Bewels, they furnish an efl'uclual remodv, We have in our possession over one hundred testimonials from pljsicians who have used them in their practice and highly approve ofthem, among which are the fullewing: . . u ‘3 M, ,LA.,1',II.. r_. Ear-JESS Empire Eéair (ï¬e The urildsrsigued physicians cheerfully cortii‘v k‘ the high pro’bssiona! slmldlng 0! Dr. (foihy nl' Stnnswad. one 01' the oldest and best physi- cians. and lo the excellent qualities 01 his :' ANTI-COSTIVE and TONIC PILLS.’ wl‘ice we have use( in our practice. and high- ly approve. ‘, .1. H. Gibmn. M. D., Dunham, C,E. C. Cotton, MD. Cowansville (‘lmrles Brown. M l), Cewansville S S Foster, MD, Brome, J C Built-r. MD, Walerlno. John Erskine. MD,-Walerluo. Norman Cleveland. MI), Barnslon, N Jonks. MD. Barnslon, (I W'Cowles, MD. Slanstead, John Meius. Mn, Shumlead. _ Joseph Bigeadon, mu. Fmgenn, RN. Benjamin Damon, nu). Coaticook. > ,Lvlnu'el Richmond. Ml), Darby Lino. S. J. Foss & Co. Sherbr-ook, l’.Q.. sole pop. plie!31's;HernyThompson, 65 Co. Montrea), “‘b tlesale Agets. I! . 2. Tu October 'lOlh, ltï¬T .7urob’s J’I‘r’mnwaliu liquid ......_ w ofth Knowing. \‘il‘xg u “‘0 !1n (Pm-1m ule Prupriulm's HORNER S PATENT At their New Store. impxon .mn [by “UAR: for up 111â€! >ltch {111‘ H.“ HN'IHS milieu-t2 an- “: hn‘is‘wne-i I'nnflh’ whmr 1'! L» Luau n Are selling n-un {'m'twd on puHic ulteminu wmvnls m- |l~n:..rku!>‘e tun-s lwl by its own 3;: Hnmdy, it has any kNinit'lH'P run nu! mm pn‘uiit: I’uwH'. (I ulcréni Mil-('1 when :nlwn impr- ir'lx! mm m [he blood, ningsiml- Rwummm HrLr. P. 0. Agent for [’atentee. crén': Mil-('1 when :nlwn impr- ng Hm I'i.'r'lx!u‘.:sm m [he blood, persons pnulzsyosmi m ’zu‘a- ‘) ullmkw (-l' “curl lliscarv, (‘]\Qia:\\'h('l£‘ hmd (erese-rs, rolirlf" ut-(i tmmiuum.‘ [ur a Vonying 1' I, gut. m. Im-du-ilm is blown in earth (ii; an. .1 1 Q. :L C .2. .ru Montren}. “’Imle- v (50., Shelbmlte, for u;u\'urd,~x of Toronté‘." V, 478 inn]- .9