u aux"... Best two-horse Waggon, J Shuttleworth; 2nd do J Savage. Wallbn: Brea’d, loaf, home-made, W :Bm‘ton ; 2nd do A:McNie1, 61113 honey1 (comb,) J Moore; 2nd do J' E Bull. _7 cuss 19â€"931“ PRODUCE. Fir’kin of butter, lst Mrs Burkholder; 2nd do M‘Jairrepgflrd dn_J Brown. 6 {éuï¬aé ft‘eéhlbl1tter lat J Gardhouse ; 2nd do S \Vopdg; 3rd do T PQ‘Iter. _. N... u: "'-é1§ge;e,'a¢"11,;,1 J Gill; 211131110 Mrs Lagrie ;_ 31d fig R Coulter. m“ 1, n,J v E igéï¬honey, (clariï¬ed,) J Burkholder; 2nd'do G Pearson. CLASS 20â€"303â€: MANUMCTUILES. '6,le dressed flax. W Line. T0 yards flannel, J Crossou; 2nd do L Miliar. 10 yards funed cloth, PRupert; 2nd do L .Millar. I ’ l'0-“3’arfls fulled cloth, P Rupert; 2nd do, Lil-mar. 10 yaldwmee‘d, Roe 'brdï¬hers; 2nd do, L. Miiiar. ' > Home-made b1ankets,-J Moore; 2nd do, .M1:s: Harper: " x. v . A 77-,,L ‘Pair men’s Coarse boots, D Stewart; 2nd ‘69. do._ . -... m‘r . n11,lr Home-Engde Horse blankets, A Kirk anI-iclu‘ 71' 7A4 T T‘l’ If» r Set double team Harness, J H Mc‘ Lure; 2nd do A. Kirkgatrick. do, do. Saddle, bridle and Martingale, J H Mc- Lure; leaï¬lq A Kirkpatrick. Suit meq?s_'Clothing, Wallace brothers. Paiï¬iï¬b‘n‘s Fine boots, D. Stewart; 2nd do, do. ‘Pair men’s Coarse boots, D Stewart, 2nd do do. >B_e§t giufï¬ drill, J Forsyth; 2nd do B W “‘hï¬Ã©hle Shingles, T Jarret; 2nd do M Brown. Heath-rug, W Caldwell; 2nd do, S Shank. ' Home-made Wine (not grapes), L Snider; 2nddo Mrs Wilson. 7 _ S})fl(‘i;l€h“381‘iiu work,Miss Fleming; 2nd (102“, Burkhtfldex'. Best Home-made soap (2 bars) Mrs. Morgan ,- an'do, J Brookes. CLASS 21~LADIES’ WORK. Patch-work Quilt, S. Woods; 2nd do Mrs Harper. Quilt J Barton; 2nd (lo, Mrs Harper. Gentleman’s shirt, M Burton; 211d do, Mrs Morgan. Gentleman’s Flannel shirt, J Moore. .. Specimen crochet work, Miss Blekett. 2nd do. S Woods. “Sï¬egiaienï¬ berlin woo], Mrs Harper; 2nd do do. ' “épï¬e‘éirix‘xgn embroidery in muslin, Miss Me- Vgin 5:21,)an‘rs Wi‘.s‘on.' ‘r- n fancy kltting, Miss Duncan; 2m} do Mrs ï¬arper: .. w "épevcilï¬nâ€"exil ifanéy knitting, Mrs. Harper; 211d (10, do. Specimen timing, Mrs. McVuiu ; 2nd do, do. Pair Woolen socks, Mrs. Harper; 2nd do, \V Liutqn. .. 7v n -. do do. THE éMEIRlCAN_ AMBASSADOR. Liverpool, Oct. 27.â€"Hon. Reverdy John- son was l‘nsmiight entertained at; a banquet given in his honour by Mayor \Vhitly, at, the Town Hall. .v _In the course of his speech on the occasion, Mr. Johnson remarked that he .did not know how the people of the United States w‘onld regard his conduct, since he had been in England. He was sanguine of their approval. but. he would accept censure Wlth 1x Christian resignation. ‘ JOHN BRIGHT. . Birmingham, Oct. 27.-â€"â€"Mr. John Bright . opened the Parliamentary canvass here last evening, by addressing an immense meeting ,of citizens. "fair woolen mittens, Mrs Harper; do do. “:Hréf. Canadian st1-aw,_R. Coulter ; 2nd do do. Best oil painting on canvass, Miss Jackes ; 2nd do Miss Duncan; 3rd do, Miss J ackes. Collection of Photograshs, A. Armstead. Penmanship (bov under 16) lMcGilvury; 2nd do. '1. Macauu‘m. Essay on Pz-uclicalAgriculture, by farmvr‘ son in the Riding under 21, W. H. Bunt. Pem'nauship [girl under 18] M. Burton 2nd'do J."J‘0tten. The Birmingham Chamber of Commerce has invited Mr. Johnson, the American Min- ister, to visit this city and partake of their hospitality. Tm: SPANISH JUNTA RECOGNIZED. London, Oct. 28.â€"â€"It is fully conï¬rmed that Prussia, Italy, Portugal, France and Great Britain, have renewed their relations with the new government of Spain, CONSTITUTIONALISM IN sum. .Madnd, Oct. 27.â€"The provisronal Gov- ernment has issued a manifesto concerning the administration of the Kingdom. After" passing in review the various reforms den creed by the late Central Junta, they pron ceed to argue in favour of the decentraliza- tion of the administrative power, and con- elude by promising a laitht'ul account of their doings to the Constituent Cortes. Some Spaniards of advanced liberal views advise the sale of Cuba to the United States, as the most direct and speedy method of solving the question of the abolition ofsiarery. AUSTRle WAR. PREPARATIONS. , Vienna, Oct 27.â€"â€"The Ministerial Bill, ï¬xing the basis as to numbers and equip- ment for the army and navy when on war footing, after much opposition has been passed by the Reichsralh. It is said that Baron Von Beust gave the members a secret reason for the passage of the hill,which car- ried it through, and this reason creates some uneasiness. It is asserted that in a speech in secret session urging the adoption of the measure, the Prime Minister alluded to the friendly relations existing:r between Austria and the other great Powers; but intimated that in the event of a rupture between Prussia and France, Austria muzt be ready to guard her own neutrality. 1W5 lulu uu .LL- ALIA urn-w.- “- Set single Harness, J. H. McLure; 2nd ’air woolen gloves, Mrs. Harper; LATEST FROM EUROPE. cuss 22-P1NE ARTS. 2nd 0. Northern Railway of Canada Going North 8.04 A.M . . . . . . . . . 4.50 RM GoingJr South 9.32 A.M.. . . . . _ . .8.06 RM Mails made up at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. Until further notice: the mails will be relosed at this Post Ofï¬ce as follows: require {0 be handed in 15 minutes before the xime 01' closing. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill. April 27, 1868. Em gummy Subscribe for the York Herald. $1 a Year We know of no mOre discontented creature on the face of the earth than your dyed-in- the-wool clear grit, particularly when the biped controls the columns of a newspaper. Every thing is wrong that. does not square With his particular prejudices; no matter what is' done, he is sure to ï¬nd fault-â€" “ You shall and you shan’t, You will and you won’t, You'll be (i d if you do, You’ll be (1 d if you don’t. For some time back, we have heard the changes rung upon the new militia bill,which became law on the 22nd May last. Sir John and Sir George are accused of wanting to destroy the efï¬ciency 01 our gallant vol- unteer forceâ€"in addition to their violation, from time to time, of the clear grit de' calogue. That our readers may form a cor reot opinion of the true vtate of thelcase, as regards our new Militia Law, we have com.- imenced to publish such parts of it as the public generally feel interested in. We shall continue to publish it in our next number, in order that all our readers who take an inter- est in the subject may be in a position to judge the Act upon its merits. RICH MOND HILL STATION. CHANGE OF TIME. Northern Mail . . . . . , . . . . Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira . . . , . . . . . H H K H Cushcl, . . . . . . . . . Gormley, . . . . . . . ‘ Headford. . . . . . . . Victoria. Square, . EVENING MAIL mymwmmx NB. REGISTERED LETTERS will SABBATH SCHOOL Coxcnn'r.â€"On'l‘lmrs~ day evening the 22nd inst, 9. Concert was given in the W. M. Church, Thornhill, by the scholars and some of the teachers of the sabbath school. On account of the unfavorable weather, which preceded the day of the Concert and the unfavorableuess of the evening, thevgathering, although larger than could have been expected, was not as large as on former occasions. The pillars, chandeliers, etc., were twined, and the walls festooned with evergreens, inter- woven with crimson berries and the leaves of our national tree, whose gorgeous autumnal hues contrasted beautifully with the dark green of the foilage by which1 they were surrounded. Opposite the entrance : was the inscription “happy greeting to all," ‘ surmounted by a crown, and the sides were decorated with Sesipturul mottes. But the greatest attraction of all was the school. The scholars were ranged on seats raised one above the other, and the girls, with their white dresses, pink ribbons and rosy cheeks, might be supposed to represent the petals of an enormous rose, while the boys, clad in darker habilments, would as easily be taken to represent the sepales. [be en tertaimnent consisted of solos, duetts, quartettcs and choruses varied by speeches from the Rev. Messrs. Bredin & Garbntt. The selections were good and well executed, and if we may judge, by the applause which was elicited, were appreciated, especially a solo by Miss E. Campbell, a girl of live summers, was deservedly encorcd. The speech of Mr. Bredin aboundcd with that keen wit, for which he is noted, while Mr, G arbutt’s address to the children was inter- esting and effecting. Everything passed off agreeably and all agreed that the enter" tainment was ï¬rst-rote. Marriage Licensesâ€"M. Teefy. Hotel to Rentâ€"W Ambler. Cleared Farm for Saleâ€"S. Puterbaugh. School Teacher Wanted. Dry Hardwood-for Saleâ€"John Langstafl'. Washing Machineâ€"W Atkinson. Scounâ€"We are requested to announce that a social will be held in Dr. Duucumb’s Hall, in this village, on Friday evening, November 6th, at 7 o’clock. Proceeds of the evening are to assist; in procuring a library for the Episcopal Sunday School. The Revs. John Carry and McCollum will be in amend-once to enliven the pleasures of theievenmg. SOCIAL.â€"\Ve hope that the friends of Sabbath Schools in this locality Rvill not forget the Social given this, Friday evening, by Mrs. Atkinson, for the beneï¬t of the Sabbath School in connection with the Methodist ‘_‘Church in this village. The Rev. J. Bredin will deliver a short lecture on “Home, sweet home;†and an address also may be expected from the Rev. W. Carson, successor to the Rev. T. Garbut. The usual fee, 15 cents, willbe taken at the door, and the result applied towards the liquidation of the debt on the Harmonium, recently purchased for the School. RICHMOND HILL, OCT. 30, 1868. New Advertisements. GRIEVANCEâ€"MONGERS. MORNINCL Ld. . . . . . . . . 3 Square, . . mum: MAIL. April 27. 1868. . .6.45 All . .6.45 A-M. .1 11.00 AM. . | on'l‘uesdays } 82 Fridays. It affords us much pleasure to announce to our readers that Mr. R. S. Wiggins, a second year student in Toronto University. has triumphantly carried off the Gilchrist Scholarship. This is further proof of the high standard attained at this Institution of learning, and is convincing evidence of its superiority ovor all others. We rejoice to see our Canadian youths competing successfully in such grand intellectual struggles, and hope Mr. Wiggins’ example will not be lost sight of. R. S. Wiggins was formerly a pupil in the Foothill Grammar School. and took a“d0ubic†scholarship at his matriculation at Toronto University, in 1866. In order that our readers may fully unaerstnnd the particulars of the Gilchrist Scholarship, we copy the following from the Journal of Education of February 1868 :â€" GILCHRIsr EDUCATIONAL ThUST. ' ‘ “Under this title there has existed for some years, iiflEnglund an institution having for its object the encouragement of educa- tion, and the study of the sciences in every part, of the world. Owing to the liberality of Dr. Gilchrist, scholarships have been founded to aid in carrying out the idea. “The youth of Canada. are called upon to participate in the advantages offered, oh- serving certain conditions contained in the following programme obtained from His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor. ' “ A Scholarship of the value of £100 stg. per annum, and tenable forthree years, will be granted to every successful candidate, a resident of the Dominion of Canada, who will become ellglblé to compete and who desires afterwards to pursue an academic course of study in Great Britainâ€"the fol- lowing couditions stipulated :â€" “1. Every candidate must be a, native of the Dominion of Canada, or have resided there for three years immediater preceding the examination. “ 2. Every candidate must furnish to the local authorities satisfactory proof, that he is at least 16, and not more than 22 years of age. “3. Every candidate must also furnish satisfactory proof to the local authorities that his morality entitles him to compete for a scholarship. “4. Candidates approved by the local authorities Will present themsc'ves for the midsummer matriculation examination at the London University, which will take place simultaneously at Quebec, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, and in a city subsequently to be named, in New Brunswick, commencing the last Monday in June under the direction of Subâ€"Examiners named by the Governor of Canada. “ 5. The answers of candidates approved as aforesaid, will be transmitted through the the Colonial Ofï¬ce to the Registrar of the University who will lay them before the Ex- aminers for correction and revision ; and who will draw up a report of' the result of the examination; and the scholarship will be awarded to the candidate who shall have come out highest at the examination, pl'o- vided he shall have taken “honors,†or shall have been admitted to the 1st Division. THE GILCHRIST SCHOLARSHIP. “ 6. The decision of 1he Examiners will be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the “ Gilchrist Institution,†through the Colonial Ofï¬ce to the local authorities of the capitals of the colonies, then to be made known to the candidates. “ 7. The successful candidate must pre- sent himaelf t0 the Secretary of the "Gil- christ- Institution†in London, not later than the ï¬rst week in October following his nomination. “ 8. Each sludenl' will have to choose between the “Edinburgh University,†and “ University College†London, in which to follow his course; but he will be expected to pursue his studies with the view of gradu- nting in one of the four faculties of the London University. “9. Each scholarship will be considered as having commenced from Ike lst July fol- lowing the decision of the Examiners, pay: able. quartefly, the lst October, January, April, andï¬Julv. . ‘ . 1n I“ 10. Each student, each sessxon, shall follow, at least, three courses of lectures in the institution, which he ‘has selected, and shall transmit to the Secretary of the “Gilchrist Institution.†at the end of each session a certiï¬cate from each of the Pro- fessors, whose course he has followed, stating that his diligence and conduct have been satisfactory. “Ifhe be unable to procure such certiï¬cate and if it, be otherwise proved that his con- duct is unsatisfactory, he will be considered as having lost all claims to the payment of the remainder of the bursary. “ 11. Each student must present himself at the ï¬rst examination in one of the four Faculties of Londonâ€"arts, science, law, or medicine, before the expiration of the sec- ond academic year, dating from the day when he shall have obtained his bursary; should he fail to present himself, unless ex~ cused by the administrators, or fail to pass, he will be considered as having lost all right to the remainder of the bursary. After hav- ing passed his ï¬rst examination, he must pursue his studies with a view of presenting himself for a second, within two academic years. m. n . 1 .n 1 ‘ “ 12. The foregoing scheme will be sub ject to revision from time to time, the ad- ministrators reserving to themselves the right to- modify the conditions of the hur- sary, on: to withdraw it altog'ther7 shouid they judge it expedient. There will, how- ever, be no change made that will affect the interests of candidates already provided with bursaries, nor in any case without previous notice of twelve months.†Two notorious counterl‘eiters named Geo. Campbell and Edward Rice were arrested last night in a small frame house in Windsor The detectives had been after them for some time, and ï¬nally caught them up- on the premises where the countefeiting was done, and dies, plates, presses and all the paraphernalia of a counterfeiter’s den, including about $20,000 in bogus ï¬fty-cent currency in all stages of' progress were seized. The plates are most skilfully ex- ecuted, the imitation engine-ruling work about the vignettes being espeeially ï¬ne, wholly baffling; the naked eye and deceiv- ing a. casual observer with a magnifying glass. Geo. Campbell is about forty years of age, an Englishman by birth. and counter- feiter by education. In fact he never suc- ceeded in any other line of business. His crimes are numerous, and his person is well-known to every thief catcher of ex- perience in the‘United States or Gaiiada. n†four years of his time was spent in the Jersey Penitentiary. Rice is younger in years and experience, and aside from his life as a, coumelfeiter but little is known of him further than that he is a Missourian by birth. During the war he ran an op position establishment to the Secretary of the Treasury, and issued 6-30 bonds of the denomination 0t $100 and was succeessful in selling a. large number of them to a Bos- ton broker at a. slight discount. Both these worthies left for Washington on Saturday night. '» NEW APPoimMENT.- The Uov‘émor General has been pleased to appoint Mr. Teefj Marriage License Agent, in the room of thellate Mr. Brid gfdrd. See advertiser mentin another column. AGE OF IMPROVEMENT.â€"â€"Last week’s Markham Economist came to hand in a new form! The enterprising publisher promises to make further improvements; and for this purpose, craves the indulgence of his \ liberal and patient patrons for three weeks. We may be pardoned for saying we have considered, oflate, that there was room for improvement in our Markham cotemporary; it was with difï¬culty we managed to copy his report of the prizes awarded at the late Markham Exhibition at. Markham village. We are requested to say that the Rev. Mr. Bredin was unavoidably detained away from home on last Tuesdayâ€"a circumstance that prevented his appearing before the Mechanics Institute, as was announced. FRIDAY, Oct Elmâ€"Extensive Credit Sale of Farm Stock, 850., on Lot No. 5, 7th Con. Township of King, the property of Mr. James C. Stokes. Sale at 11 a.m. H. Smelser, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Oct 30.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, 852., on Lot No. 1,2nd Concession Markham, the property of Mr. David Harding. Sale at 11 mm. Robt Conway, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, Oct ESLâ€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, &e., on Lot 28, 7th Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Levens Livingston. Sale to commence at 11 can. H Smelser, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Nov 3.â€"â€"Important Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, 850., on Lot No. 16, 5th Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Jacob Smith. Sale at 11 a..m. Robt. Conway, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Nov 3.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Hardwood, &c., on Lot No. 62, 1st, Con Whilchurch, the property of Mr. Thomas Legge. Sale at 12 o’clock. J. Gorinley, Auctioneer. l THURSDAY, Nov. 5.â€"Extensive Credit Sale 1 of Farm Stock, Farming Utensils, &c., on Lot No 28, rear of2-nd Con. Markham, the property of James Clifford, Esq. Sale at 11 o’clock, a.m.â€"-J. Gormley. Auc- tioneer. FRIDAY Nov. 6.â€"Important Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements &c., on Lot No. 6, 4th Concession of Whitchurch, the property of Mr. Peter Brillinger. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock, James Gormley, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Nov. 6.â€"Important:Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implemenis, &e., on Lot No. 10, Gth Concession oi‘ Vaughan, the property of Mr. Martin Brennin. Sale to commence at 11 o‘clock u.m., S. Eckardt, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Nov. lO.â€"Important Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on Lot No. 21, 4th Concession of Markham, the property of Mr. John Bell. Sale to com- mence at 1 p.m., Gcrmley & Sanderson, Auctioneers. 0:? Parties having Sale bills printed Lat this ofï¬ce, will have a. notice similar to the above, free of charge. The Detroit Free Press, says that on the arrival of the warrant, Mr. Pinkerton made a prompt arrangements for the removal of Reno and Anderson. On Sunday night every- thing being in readiness, Mr. Pinkerton and a few friends drove down to Sandwich in a hack. Meeting, by good fortune, the char riff on the road thither, he was taken on board and very soon all hands were ready for business,‘but before the men were re-: moved, two or three hacks had arrived, and the people of Sandwich had turned out some forty or ï¬fty strong. Pinkerton and his men seemed to know their business, however,and soon the men were placed in the hack and driven towards the landing, where a boat was in waiting to carry them out to the tug,which was lying in the stream. At the landing there was rather a painful scene between the men and their wives, the latter insisting on accompanying their husbands on board the tug. This was not permitted, however, and soon the tug was under motion. The whole was very adroitly managed by Pinkerton and his men, and the friends of the prisoners had but little time to come to their assist- ance. At present it is difï¬cult to say what the course of the tug will be, as her destina- tion is only known to Mr. Pinkerton and those on board. Several men were on horseback at Sandwich at the time of the removal, and it is conjectured that they will try and determine as nearly as they can the course taken by the steamer. After the boat was under headway,shrieks were heard which are supposed to have come from the prison- ers, and to have been intended by them as a sort of indication of the direction they were being taken. Though the first great stage t of the detectives laboan is over in this case. 1 there are two great difï¬culties yet to contend l with. In getting the prisoners to their des- tination, lie will have continually to guard ‘ against a rescue 0n the part of the Indiana 1 thieves, and on the other hand he will have to watch with equal care the movements of the vigilance committees, lest the men should be disposed of without further trial. The former are doubtless warned of their ap« proach ere this. and further developments will be looked for with interest. The faith of the United States is firmly pledged for their permanent. safety, and that they shall have a fair trial. The French ladies, far from condemning Isabella of Spain, and casting that odium upon her policy which it has generally in- spired among lhe male sex, have risen with one voice to proclaim her the rcgenerator of disinterested sentimentâ€"the renovator ofthe antique moral sacrificeâ€"that yielding up of all things for the sake of friendship which we had thought w0uld never more be prac- tised in this century of buying and selling, of chaï¬'ering and bargaining, and which the the tender female heart had been lead so often to regret with bitter sighs. Reno and Anderson's Extradition. 133ml 3m. AUCTION SALES. TEACHERS AND THE TEACHING PROFESSION. Sm :â€"â€"It has of late years been a con- stant complaint amongst teachers that the golden days of the teaching professrou are past, that it no longer affords a sure, pleasant and remunerative employment for talent and education. The profession is flooded, the labor of the teacher is in con- sequence depreciated, and salaries are re- duced. The licensing of so many teachers has lowered the profession in the respect of the people, made it unreliable as ameans of living, and contemptible as a source of proï¬t. The tendency of aucha state of things, we are told is tne employment of inferior talent, the riving away of men of ability, who go at something more lucrative and inviting. This may all be true, but I believe the teachers themselves are to some extent blameable, and have much of the remedy in their own hands. No person will deny that the teacher has much influence in directing the course of the youth under his charge; acting as an intelligent man, feeling responsible for his advice he would in the present state of the learned profession warn a young man against. studying law or medicine as offering nol inducement, and condemn teaching as a profession for life. He would rather re- commend an honest trade, or the healthy and invigorating, though humble pursuit of agriculture. ’But is such advice always given ‘2 I am afraid not. It. is to be feared that in his anxiety to make scholars, and gain a reputation for himself, the teacher often overcomes his prudence for the interests of his own profession and his res gards for the interests of his pupils. Lenrn- ‘ ing is often held up as the only laudablel object of ambition. The young man is taught to look on physical toil as degmdâ€"l, ing, on mental to-il as the only means of attaining the great ends of life. happiness and distinction. A little good advrce would tell him this is mere imagination, that hep- piness is oftener enjoyed on the farm than in l the study, and that. distinction is not) always ‘ connected 'with the drudgery of law and medicine. There are some teachers who are infatuated enough to take a pride in making teachers, and who annually have fresh candidates for certificates at our Boards of Examination ; this 1st; well known fact. They do an injustice to their pupils for in nine cases out of ten it would be better for them if they never got certiï¬cates. They do an injustice to their own profession. These young men go around canvassing the country for schools, and offering themselves atlow salaries. They have certiï¬cates and want to make use of them. “An easy living~salary no consideration," is their principle of action. They are genereily unqualiï¬ed for the important duties of a teacher. Their greatest achievement. is to work a problem in Sangster. They often cannot write decent composition, know notly ing of literature, even of the politicsof their own country. But these are to be our educa- tors, cXpand the mindiand advanced civilza« tion? “Pity ’tis true and true’tis pit .†In “hard times" low salaries are popu ur and the inferior teacher is often employed. These teacher-makers. are led away Fry a petty ambition of making themselves famous, they imagine they will be looked upon as eminent men in their profession, as great in their day and generation. They enjoy an unenviable fume; i‘i'rht thinking persons consider them as a at of post, a social evil. It is to be hoped that they will see the error of their ways, repent, and aetns sensible men. If teachers do their duty they can do much to improve the state of the pro fession, They should cease in engaging in a foolish rivalry of making" sehoolmasters and soâ€"calleti “scholars.†Our annual school teachers examinations should not be the arenas of contentions for superiority amongst the pupils (-f (iifl'ereut schools. Teachers should consult the true interests of the youth under their charge, encourage them to honest nit. vie with each other in giving a practical education, that will show itself in the intelligence of our future farmers, mechanics and tradesmen, in the productiveness of- labor, and the general good of society. Let them do their duty and whilst promoting the interests of others they will promote their own, and elevate their own profession. v MY DEAR MR. E91101: ;â€" Du tell I We are in such a. packer. We want a Linsmith in our village. We have lots of smithsâ€"smiths by name, and smiflm by tradewbut no linsmith; so that we are in a peek of trouble. The teapot runs out; the kettle leaks; there is a hole m the bake tin; the handle is off the dipper, and the boiler is encugh to vex a saint. If you would only get. us a tinsmiLh, Mr. Editor, all the women will bless you. FRIEND W.â€"Yours of yesterday, with pocket revolver, mounted on wheels, was duly received. I have presented the same to the Head Centre of the Fenians, fur which he is very grateful. He wishes me to inform you that you can have, and begs you will accept a farm somewhere in the vicinity of Hamilton, as he intends making that his home. He leaves the selection to yourself; in fact, he says you can have your pick. Do not be too modest. He intends throwing a. ten million Canadian loan on ihe market shortly, at thirty-ï¬ve cents on the dollar, which will be the ï¬rst mortgage on the Canadian Republic, your farm ex~ cepted. He suys he will be able to give you a perfect llllL‘ before the 16th of Nov., 1868. In fact, as you know, it is in chaucery, and the other chaps have pos- session; but he is conï¬dent. that he will be able to bag them before the 15th of November. In pin-'inus demonstrations he was only to feel their lines. There is go- ing to be a “ Pick old Nick,†in a short time, on Lake Superior. If you own any mining stock sell out ; and in Novemberâ€"â€" “ How are you, Cannucks ?†This is strictly PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF THE QUEEN OF Shaunâ€"The Queen is astout, portlyvlooking woman of about forty. She has a. pleasant, good-natured face, and a remarkably awk~ ward, rolling walk. The King, her husband, is a quiet, gentlemanly-looking man, of not very intellectual appearance. However, he does not in his countenance betray that imbecility of which he is a. ccused. ~Bufl'alo Commercial. conï¬dent-41, To the Editor of the York Herald. AN OBSERVER. Markham, Oct. 24, ’68. To the Editor of the York Herald. @nrrwpnnhemt. BUFFALO, YOurs @111); Yours truly, SUSANNAH. ., 1868. Although snuï¬' taking by the nostrils is going out. of favour and fashion, the de- mand for snuff is rather on the increase. The demand is kept up, the manufacturers assert, by persons who use snuï¬' to cleanse their teeth. Used as a dental article it is an exhilarant, and will. it is said, if freely ap' plied, produce intoxication. INTERCEPTED Connssvonmcmâ€"«Ano’m- is}: “FENIAN MOVEMENT?THREATENEn.â€"-â€"The “following letter was handed us yesterday by a reliable gentleman, who declined giving any explanation as to the mannerin which it came into his possession. There was no envelope, but the document was adâ€" |dressed and signed as below. The wife of a. New York banker and the daughter of a Baltimore merchant have been notiï¬ed by the master of ceremonies of the Empress Eugene, that the permission formerly granted to them to appear at the Monday evening receptions of the Empress has been withdrawn. Causeâ€"Unhecoming dresses and unbecoming conduct, at the last soiree in the Tulleries. I WHO 13 SEE Tâ€"The lady mentioned in l ‘yesterday’s GLOBE as having called at l lMessrs. 1‘ bompson 3; Sons’ dry goods store l ‘on the day previous. and informed one of' lthe elexks that the newspapers had given her the prerogative of obtaining whatever l goods she wanted without paying for them, went, into No. 1 police smtion last night. to answer 'l'ma GLOBE s quevyâ€"“ who is she ‘2†She gave her name as Bridget Wallace, and entered into a long awry as to her pedigree. SM. McPherson thought it boiler to retain her until this morning, when she will be dis- posed 09 by the Police Magistrate. She is evidently insane.-â€"â€" Globe, The (lrangeville Sun says the Tramway Directors have decided to leave their claims against the Corporation of Orangeville in obeyance and unite in an effort to secure the early construction of the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway. If the latter road is built to Orangeville within two years, the tram- way claims will be altogether abandoned; the shareholders receiving a bond of indem- nity f or their paid up stock. The agreement will he submitted for ratiï¬cation to a special meeting of the tramway shareholders to he held on Thursday next. There is no doubt but the agreement will be ratiï¬ed, and the only obstacle to the Orangeville grant of $15,000 to the Toronto, Grey & :Bruce Railway thereby removed. SUICIDE NEAR“ WA'er.00.â€"â€"Wate1-Ioo, Oct 27.â€"-Tlris morning about nine o’clock, an aged farmer by the name of Job-n Scopp, living near Waterloo, committed suicide by Howmg his brains out with a shot-gun. De- ceased had taken his breakfast as usual with his wife, and the latter had gone to the barn to water the cows, when it wouki seem the poor old man became afflicted suddenly with an attack of suicidal mania, for he took his gun from its long heretofore res-ting place, and, placing the muzzle in hls mouth. delib~ erately consummated the act. A verdict was renéered by the coroner’s jury in accordemce with the above facts. A Snares (hissâ€"There is a man at present living in this city, who from the age of ï¬ve years until about there months ago has been deaf and dnnib. The story as susplied by himself is that at the \ime when the remarkable occurrence that re- stored :6 him. his two lust senses tool: place, he was wearkiiig at waggou-makiug with a. man named Misz‘ry, zit Brantfurd. While at work he all at once felt his tongue loosen- m1 it were, and strange sounds approach- ed his mm His ï¬rst thought was of some impending calamity, but he preserved his .iiwiital equilibrium tln'o-ugliouï¬â€˜ {he rapid ‘Lraiisitimi his mental powers had undergmie. He gives his name as Oneida Caistello, says {he boards at. I64 Bay sheet, and works op- l posit-a the Queen street avenue. His story is substantiateé in one particular by the evielence of Sergeant McPherson, who states that. the man when in the city six months ago was to his persouaal knowledge as deaf as a 13111;) post, while now he couverses flu~ enllv. New YORK, Oct. 26.â€"0ne of the most destructwe ï¬xes that have occurred in the neighbourhood Hunter’s Point in a number of years broke out last night, between the hours of 10 and 11 o’clock. The cause of the ï¬re was owing to an explosion of naptha on board a. Swedish brig which was lying at the foot of Ferry stx'eet. The vesael was laden with the combustible material ; and a. moment after the explosion was heardï¬hewas wrapped in one sheet of flame. For a length of time the ï¬re was conï¬ned to the vessel, but the extensive oil works of Rockefellers, Andrews & 00., and Warren’s oil works. inthe sheds of which were nored some 91000 or 10,000 barrels of oil, canght fire, and the ignimble material stored thexe soon consigned them and the buildings adjoining to destruction. Much interest was manifeet‘ed as to, the fate of the crew, as the rapidity; with which the vessel was destroyecl, after the explosion took place rendered escape almost impossible, if they were on board at the time. One of the men was picked up on the deck, but so dreadfully injured from the efl'eets of the explosion, that he was unable to give any-information that might help in ascertaining the fate of the remainder of the crew three in number. ' INCOMI’ETENT REMEDIES, BUCAU- CUBEI)S, JUNIPER. GIN. COPAIIA, and other Direct Diuretics, are in many cases hurtful. and when used as general rememes, unless the supervision of a Physician may do much injuryâ€"alllmuoh Buchu is tecommended as diuretic in the l’lmrmnconmia. it is with the view of being administered as an agent. in certain conditions only as a diuretic. In many cases where the Kidneys are alolhl'ul. and a pcwerlul action is required. it may be used with beneï¬t but only under the inspection: of the medical attendant, as the increased action it may induce, end the damage it will cause by suspending the functions of the skin. liver. bowels, etc., may on the next visit of the “FALSE AND TRUE,†A CURE FOR ALL! UU‘VHIS, Ulvu’ uan \III III“ “way rlcn. ‘1. guy Musician require an opiate.to modify or arrest the great strain and labor. the Kidneys sufl'er from its exclusive action as a direct diuretic. Now these facts are known to eVery well in- formed medical man, hence the error of using this agent. in all forms 0! Kidney, Bladder and Urinary diseases. A compensating remedy that removes and cures all diseases of the Kid- neys, Bladder. Urinary Organs. Scrufnla. Skin diseases, etc" like Ranwav’s SAKSAI‘ARILIJAN RESOLVENT. that contains PARAEIA BRAVA, a far superior diuretic to Buchu. that communi- cates its curative powers through the BLOOD. Swan. and Uruma, and pairs there waste of the bodv with new and healthy material from pure. rich blood. that does not augment the secretlng functions of one set of organs by suspending the secretions ofothersâ€"is the only' sensible means of cure. To give Buchu. in cases of Diabetes. constant flow of urine. weakness. or catarrh of bladder, album, or sngaryurine, lithic acid, or brick dust deposit. is like giving salts to stop diarrhoea. If aï¬lcted with urinary difï¬culty. or troubled with weak- ening, pnrnlent or irritating discharges, a few doses of the Sarsapariilian Resolvent will do more good than gallons of these direct and exclusive diuretics. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Dr. Nicoiao Joaquim Morecio. the ceiehrateé Physician ond Chemist of Kiede Jnneiro beam the fo'flowing (estimalw lo the Pareira Brav‘a, av prepared under the process of Dr. Runway, says: “ Gwofl'any extols its diuretic virtues. Hochuer ciiee its properties against ascites. tympawtis. asthma, and leucorroea.†It is recnmended in dyspepsia as a stomachic ac‘ cording to Pinon and Deseom‘tei The Juice of the leaves is applied to the bite of the cobra making the party bitten drink of it at the lame time. European Physicians from 1668, have held (his root in high estimation, and Sir Benjamin Brodie used it asa speciality in all cases of Kidney. Bladder. Ulrind. and Womb diseases, and as lit/ivnlr-mtic in dissolving stone and calculous concretions‘lhis great repurmiou was gained in in: crude stale. nude! Dr. Radway’a process. the active properties of the root, called Cisampaline. is used. and one ounce of i&, as a curative agent, is worth more than all the Bach: that ton generations of " Hollenlots†or other savages wtll ever gather. SJ whh Sal'snparmlun. One ounce of the pure extract of Sarsaparm'mn of Dr, Rndway’s contains more of ‘he curatiye principio of Sarsnparilla. than ten pounds of the crude root. as used in adulterated Snrsupariflas. So quick is the Sarsaprillian Resolvent in: emoring Into the circulation. that it com- meuces its work orpuriï¬cation at once. l’implas Blolches, Pusmlas’ Telters, Worms in the F esh, Blark Spots. otc , are removed by a few doses, and the skin restored to a beautiful clear appearance. Price of Radway‘s Sarsapurlllian, or Renovating Resolvonl $1 per home. 01‘64 bfllles for $5. Address. ‘ n n n, At Aurora Village, on Wednesday, the‘ 28th October, menn CASS Nmnoms, formerly of Richmond Hillâ€"aged 67 years! and 11 months. Flour.@barreh.............$510 @ 6 50 Wheat. 3% bush .......... .114 @115 Spring \Vl»eat,§9bush....... 1 25 @ I 35 Barley, 39 bush.............. 1 38 @140 Pause, do OBS/@090- Oaï¬s, do ...., U 5 @ 0 55 Hnyfqg‘lon, . 8 (‘0 Slu'aw,§9|u)w.....m. . 1150 PmmmwwMMMMHMM@%m Butlerï¬bunnnnuuauu 0 9! Hi ’22 ( wmwhnmwumwua%@0% MARRIAGE LICENSES- TEEF‘Y. Notary Public and Commis- . sioner in B E1, is Government Agent“. for issuing Marriage Licensas in Ihï¬ Count)? of York. Ofï¬ce) bongâ€"7 AuM. Lo 9‘30 1’.M. And at present. occupied by Mr. ’Giéeom Dolmage. _ i .y mow HE Subwriher offers for Suh his Farm; being lot 16. 41h Concessio-n of Vaughan, containing £55 acrosâ€"l‘ZG acres flawed and in; a big-h state) of cultivation: the remainder is: covered w'nh chiefly Hardwood timber. There~ ison the premises a good Dwelling House, Bum, Drivian House. Smhng, Sheds, and n splend‘ki Orchard of very choice Fruit Trees. I‘here are [We creeks running across the proper'y. There is also a Home In) the 50m!) H795}. come!“ suitable for a 'l‘cnnm or man servant. This Farm is situated nbom 18 miles from Tel-"onto. Terms : $1350 per Acrva ANTED. a Teacher fer the next ensuing- }:eur, for Union Schooi Section Nu. 2|, Vaughan and Markham. near Richmond Hill. Application to be made to the Trusteem ‘ J. B. NEWBERRY. J.RUTUE!U~'()RD. Trustees. J. HODGINS. Sold by Druggims. And in Half the Time requiredf Assortment to be found on Richmond Hill and LOW IN ERICE. G. A. BARNARD’S.‘ DRY E-EARDVVGUIL: F0 R S A L E . UST RECEIVED. a. New and Fashionable Assortment of ï¬ns AND CAPS In every variety of Shapes. in Felt. Cloth. Plush,Seal and Velvet. in Men’s and Boy’s Sizes. This is the Largest a; Most Varied CST. on or about Thursday, 15m inst, a Pocket Book containing a Note drawn by Thomas Wilson. Unionville, in June. 1863. for $80. and Witnessed by Edwin Wooten. in favor of the Subscriber or bearer. Parties, are hereby notiï¬ed not to purchase the said note, us paymen; has been stopped. WASHING MACHINE ! October 23. )868. Far particulars apply to HAT? Comedians and popular Hotef 'ihv Richmond Hill. known as tho Maple Oct. 2’3. 1866. Richmond Hill. Om. 9.8, 1863‘ 5374f Apply m JOHN LANGSTAFE‘. Thornhill, Oct. 2& 1868‘ 537.4: Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1868. BY THE ORDINARY AMODE Go To ATI Richmond Hill, Oct. 28. 1868. N211: chnctlistmcnts; WILLIAM ANDERSON. Yonge Street. Oct 22, 1868. 5'26-3t Without any Wear on the 01,01,119; ELEABED FARM Fï¬‚ï¬ SALE. JUST WHAT IS WANTED, TORONTO MARKETS WIII TE IIA R T I NN; WITH LESS SOAP AND WATER. summon PUTERBAUGH, DTupiez: P. 0. Hats and Caps. TEACHER WANTED. POCKET BOOK LOST. HOTEL T0 BENT. KIOIIM'ON D HILL. U‘--oc.-.vo.-....}pu sh .......... . ll, ï¬g bush. 511......†80 CURDS. O I“ THE D0 'l IN [ON Toronto, DIED. WI LL WASH Dr. RADWAY. SI. 00. 439, St, Paul SLMon tron], Oct. 99, 1868. ATKINSON’S‘ 38. 5374f 537-“ 5264f