Particular aneuth has been paid to [he Mnnut'ucmre ul' muse Hy- . so that the mom llBX.)mlenced I use the!“ MAJ EN'I‘A, SCARLET, YELLOW, MAUVE, ORANGE) BLUE. CluvlsoN, VIOLET, SULFICRlNO PURPLE, BROWN, (mum, AND ALL UTHER POPULAR COLORS To be oblaiuad H Imlusalo 1â€er the aclu/ers, luvuns. Mvrcer, J1. Co , Mun In every variety of Shapes. in Felt. Cloth Plush,Seal and Velvet. in Men’s and Boy’: Sizes. Tnis is the Assorï¬mem to be found on Richmond Hill and LOW IN I'RICIC. G. A. BARNARD’S. LIQUID DYES! US’I‘ RECEIVED. a New and Fashionalï¬e Assortment of HATS AND C APS EVANS, MEHBER 8: CD’S And at present occupied by Dfllnage. r V Largest 6L Most Varied For irarticluara applv to the tenant proprielor, 3mm from all rcsgectable Toronto. April, 15,1868. Remaining in the Richmond Hill I’osl Oflice, November Isl. 1848. Arthur, Slaphen Bernard, Barbara Badgar, 'I‘homas Bl'idgl'ard. l) W Burns. James Higgins, Wullane BrHlinge-r, JwCuh Cameron, Vlinnie Coghlau. Thomas (3v Crwemr, Jul-.u Coleman, l’nlrlck Coleman. :Muis Caner, llenry DmIow. E. Elliott. \Iury Anne Farrell. Gennju Flame, Alexander Grav, linherl. Garmn John Grant. George {5) Hudgms Genrge Hams. Wllllfllll Dish. Marv Lyon. 3!th Mortmn. J and J Morrison. l1 ev, S Mnrtsun. Mathew Mortsun, Mrs 'l‘hos Mulwrna. Rnsa l‘lerl'OBVV, Catherine MuCannu. Nlmgarel Mcl’ayden. l) McKay. Robert Nww'un, Sarah Paurco, Franklin l’allnur, Juhn l’lnyler, Nelsnn Powell, W Jumor Smumrt, James Smith, Juhn Scull. 'l‘hnmafl Snider Smnlml Sismua. Isaac 'l‘hnmas. An'wlla Thmnpwn, Samuel VVahz..|n~9ph \Valls, Sarah L \anker. Mrs David VVllllvlmad. John VVll i «ms. All'l‘ud R, Wi (l- vvl'. Chaney W mnson, Thos TRAYED From the premises of 11:0 Subâ€" sclibnr. on the 4th insl-. a Milch Cow Aged nearly whilu, but reddish brown about the neck and some small spots upon other parts of her. - Any person giving information her wili be well rawurded. (In Electoral Division No One, at Brown’s Corner. for which Thomas Thomson is Re- turning ()flicm‘. On the Fith Day of December. A.D. 1568, commencing at nine o’uiock in the forenoon, and closing at. ï¬ve o'clock in the afternoon of tho same day. . .' In Electoral Division No Three. at Union- vi'le, for which Geo. Eakm is Returning 0f- ï¬ce}. 1n Electoral Division No Four. at Cashel. for James Bowman Jr. is Returning Uflicer. in Electoral Division No Five, at ‘ arr’s Hail, Lur N9 Ten, in the Eleventh Concession, for which James Boyd is heturuing Ofï¬cer.) That (he above is 21 (rue Copy of a proposed By-Law. which will be lakan inlo considera- tion by the Council ow this Municipality after one month from the ï¬rst public-anon in the Markham Economist; the data of which ï¬rst publicaliuu was ihe twelllh day 0! November, A D labs; and that the votes 01 the Electors of the said Municipality will he taken thereon ln Electorai Division No Two. at Richmond Hill Court House, for which John Newbnry ls Returning Oï¬iver. For liluclula Divisiun No Fire. at Man’s Hall, LoLNo 'l‘en, in the Elevemh Cuuuebsiun, Jumes Bogd. For Eiantm-al Division No Three, at Union ville, G- o Eaiun. For I'Linr'lurul Division No Four. at Cashel. James Bowman Jr. Richmond Hill, Out. '23, 38138 Richmond Hill. OcL 29. [868 Richmond Hill. Nov. 12, 11568. Unionville. 71“ No\'.. 1868 HAT Comodious and popular Hotel Richmond Hill. known as the WHITE HART INN, Hats and Caps. Take Notice HOTEL T0 RENT. List of Letterq JAMES LANGS WILLIAM AMBLER‘ ECONOMIC CUW LOST. HUGH MILLER, 61, (70.. King 51., 'l'ornmo‘ s,»ectable Druggmts. GEO. EAKIN, M: TEEFE. 1". Thomas. An'wlia Thuullhnll, Samuel VVa}:Z..|n~9ph “711ch, Sarah L \anker. Mrs David “’hllvhuad. John VVil i «ms. All'l'ud R. Wi d- vm‘. Chaney W mnson, Thos Township Clark, 539-4t ‘lhe Manu- Munlreal. or Mr. Gideon ‘l‘A FF. M. D 539-3L 01' returning 537-tf or the in BAKER-IFS [IANMHAN TWEEBS AM] FULL SMITHS. THE CHEAPEST GOODS CASH OR SHORT CREDIT! CHEAPEST AND MOST VARIED PAM. 8: mm GOODS! AUTUMN AND WINTER STOCK, SUPERIOR TO IMPORTED GOODS TEMIS: CASH, AND ONE PRICE ONLY. MANTLES AND MILLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, COTTONS, LINENS. CLOTHS, Tweeds, Mantle Materials, Silks, 1 Wm: ‘Ulmuu “1va 11w “Humu‘ 11mm luuu'Mm '5mflim “mum; “Mum luuuwmu «m “1mm†“mum “Hmnnu mu? VARIETY QiF DRESS GOODS, Richmond Hill, October 1, 1868. Turonto. November 19. l (32 LADIES’ & GE 103 KING STREET, South West Corner Church St. Toronto, Begs to announce to his customers and the public AN EARLY CALL [S RESPECTFULLY SOLlCITED Ribbuns, Flowers, Feathers, Hasim‘y, Gloves. Trimmings, Small [Varcs‘ b'lu'rts, Collars, 'I'ics, Umbrellas, ALSO AN UNUSUAL LARGE STOCK BEEN BOUGHT CLOSE Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Cotton and Woolan Grain Bags. &c‘ Dunaas Shirlings and Yarns WILLIAM MITCHELL’S NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN For WE} PM EEIBEBLE HARNESS GEORGE A. BARNARD October 14. 1868. NEW AND FASHIONABLE the CHEAPEST, Most FASHIONABLE, and Most MAGNIFCENT FIRST PRIZE NORTH OF TORONTO, Customers will then see that they can buy ENTS’ LAMBS WOOL UNDERCLOTHING, AT Or any on Richmond Hill, and having WM. ‘HARRISON’S ESTABLISHMENT. DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT GOODS CAN BE OFFERED WHICH WILL BE FOUND GEORGE A. BA RNARD’S. LARGEST, WILL BE FOUND IF YOU WANT FOR Richmond Hill. that he has now received his 535-3m Yarns, 533-3m 540 First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 50. First Bookâ€"2nd Part, 54 illustraiious, strongly bound in limp cloth, 100 Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 200 Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 30c Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound Lu clotl} boards, 500 Authozized by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. BIBLE SflCIETV DEPOSITORY BICE’S PUMPS CST. on or ahom Thursday, 15:!) inst. a J POCkul Book containing a Noxe drawn by Thomas Wilson, Unionviile. in Juno, 1563, {6r $80. and Wnuessed by Edwin Wooten. in favor of the Subscriber or bearer. Parties are hereby um ï¬ed mm to purchase the said note. as payment has been stopped. NO W READY 3 The New Canadian National Series Term: and other particulars may be ascer- lained on application to being part 01 lots 52 and 53. In the Isl Con, Markham, hear [Lichmuud ldill, comprising 120 acres. 'l‘horeis a g-vod Brick House and other buildings on the plemises. DRY HARDWOOD! F o R S ALE. And in Half. the Time required r U E EXECUTORS lo the estataof’the late William Dave, deceased. offer for sala that propert} known as the . 7» DOVE FARM, READING BOOKS The rurve-ys are now in progruss. and in part cmnplewd. and [he objch of [his notice is 10 hï¬lvrd intruding Contractors ample opportunit}~ of examining [he gruuud at once. The Walls, profiles, spociiicalions, conditions of contract, forms of Iondm‘, and olher donu- mems required fur the information and guid- ance of contraclors. are now being prepared. and when ready. (of which due nulice'wili be given) will bu seen at the Raiiw'ay Enginecrs’ Ofï¬ce. in Halilax, St. John. Dalimusie, Rim- ouski, River De Loup, and atOIlawa. ll is inlended to let the Work in sections or divisions, ranging from 15 to 35 m 135, accord- ing to the silumion and lucal circumstmst. The undersigned is ill:~ll‘llClE‘d by the Govern- ment 01 Canada to inform intending CIJIHI‘HC- tors Ihm, at an early day tenders Will be invited 101' the exenilion of ceilain portions of (he lniercuionial Railway between River [)0 Loin and Riino‘ski, in the Provmce of Quebec; between ’I‘ruru and Amhersl, in Hm Province ut'Novin Scmia , and between Dulhousie and liaihurst, in the Province of New Brunswick. WASHING MACHINE ! INTERCOLIDNIAL RAILWAY ! TO CONTEACTORS. At the following prices :â€"Ycung and Old Hyson l‘ea. Good Flavor and blroug. 2s pen lb; [ouug Hysou Tea, 25 (id Lo 35 p0: lb: Extra MIL»qu Young Hysun Tea, 33 6d and 4s per lb. hard to beat; Fine Imperial and Gunpowder Tea. 45 per 11), very hard to beat; Var) Superior Japan and Black Tea, 4s 6.1 per lb. not to be beat; Very Finest Young Hymn and Gunpcwdcr Tea, 55 per lb, cannot be excelled. "f 1 bays thrown down the Gauntlet, let them try It. A trial is all mat, is needed tu convince customers of the reality, HOUSE AND LOT situated on Welling- ton St. Aurora. There is a good stable and driving House attached. " He Will Knock Under AND CRY PECAVI ! BETTER TEIT ETTH THE PRICE ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond hill: Jan. 2, 1868, Richmond Hilll 8L5 For Sale by Apply to JOHN LANGSTAFF. Thornhiâ€, Oct. 28. 1868. 537-4: Yongo Street, Aug..11868. WILLIAM ANDERSON. Yonge Street. Oct. 22, 1868. 526-5“ _ Go To A'I‘KINSON’S Richmond Hill. Oct. 28. 1668. 537-tf Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68. Intercolonial Railwav Ofï¬ce 7 Ottawa. Septmnbur 12, 1858. November 12, 1868. Richmond Hill. Nov. 5, 1868‘ Without, any Vicar on the Clothes, VVill ‘ be Sold Cheap. RICHlVIOND HILL, E HAS NOW ON HAND SOME OF THE 3E3"? TIMES JUST WHAT IS WANTED FARM FOR SALE. IF GEORGE BARNARD DON’T SELL FOR TEAS. WITH LESS SOAP AND WATER, GEO. WELDRICK. JOHN LANGSTAFF, POCKET BOOK LOST. BY THE ORDINARY MODE Appply tu_ Tnau any mixer Slore on FOR SALE BY 80 CORDS OI“ Call at G. A. BARNARD’S THE D0 NICN SANDFORD FLEMING, WILL WA SH FOR SALE, J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill Hum 11. ’68. 517-lf ' JOHN GARTON. HERALD OFFICE THEN Chief Engiuéer. Exact/101's '1'lmm hi ll. 539-4L 53R- tf DANIEL HORNER, Jun, 1 Lot 20, 2nd mssion Markham. Hess. MALLOY’S AXES To thosa who have favored him with their patronage in the past he relurne his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in [he l'u- tum, he would 5 5’ that no endeavor-on hi! part will be “willing to mom their approval. Fancy Woolen Goods REFERENCES : The following gentlemen can. with conï¬dence recommend G. I] Husband. to all I'Pquiring Denml aid: |)r. Reid, Thornhiâ€; Dr. Bull. Weston: Ur. D’Evlyn, Burwicx‘, Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESIDENCE :â€"Tl)ornhi|l. Begs most respecï¬'ully to gannounce that he will he at \v Unionville. i . . . .. . lst Monday of each- month. Weslou,. . . . . . . .. . . . ..91h day of each momh Kleiubnrg. ...._.....16th -‘ N Burwick, ............29nd †" Scarboro’ . . . . .. . . . . . .‘23rd “ U Where he will be prepared and most happy to Wait on those who may require his services. G. H. H., having had over and in every style. Boy’s Long and Lace boots of every kind. Rubbers and Fall over-shoes. sho‘e‘packs. A call is Earnestly Requested. Richmond Hill, Oct. 8. 1868. 534-137 Feels conï¬dent of riviu entire satisfaction " _ > V L E out them. Lady’s Winter Kidd boots, perfect gems. Lady’s Cloth boots, cannot bebeat for winter. Children and Misses’ boots in great variety, All of which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to )Ien’s Calf boots, perfect beauties. [weL Man’s English Kipp boots. warranted to turn Mum’s Stogy hooks cannot be beat for winter. Lady’s high cut boots. no Lady should be with- Largest For Style. Durability 01' choapuess: caâ€, see and compare for yourselves. GIVE SATISFACTION, Than any house on Richmond Hill, at prices that BOOTS & SHOES XVhat has He got“? Not the Almonte Tweeds, but BETTER TWEEDS WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Saddles from $10 to $40. Bridles from $1 to $12. .Hagters in Great Variety. .n ., n BARNARD HAS GBT THEM! Brushes of every kind. Curry, Maine &: clippz'n combs. Horse Blankets. râ€"[lHE Executors of the late James Holliday have placed the Books of the Eslate in Mr. Teel’g’s hands for the purpose of having all outstanding accounts collected, by sail or otherwlse. Parties indebted will please tako notice. A call from those who may be In \Vant of a good Artcle, J. HOLIDA‘ZLS ESTATE. Last Notic e. In Endless Variety. ' W. H.MYERS. 'I'I-IE ALMONTE TWEEDS Will be Sold Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. HARNESS. HARNESS, Riehmon‘} Hill, July 16. 1868. Thornhill, Sept 17, 18684 NORTH OF TORONTO Richmond Hill, 001.8. 1868. ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE RICHMOND HILL. October 2'2, 1868. Richmond Hill, Oct. *1, 1868‘ October Its 1868, Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1568. ATKINSON G. H. HUSBAND L.D.s., HEAP CASH STORE, STRONG Active Boy Wanted as an ap- prenticeto the Waggon Making Busi- APPREIT‘I‘ICE WANTED. Can not be equal] ed ‘. H. MYERS’ Carriage, Buggy, Riding. Hunting and Team Whips RICHMOND HILL, VARIETY OF MUUNTINGS. THE CHEAPEST IN OANA DA. Has the best assqrtment of NIELSEN JOHNSON. WM. COX, (Signed) @EILSFWESW; 1s Earnestly requested. G. A. BARNARD’S Apply to AND AS The Stock is Large Is to be seen at FOR SALE BY Takes the lead IN EVERY Kept 01_1_l_y by AS HE AND THOMAS SEDMAN. 0F w'. ATKINSON. Stock Exacutors. 522 tf 534-1y 5364f HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their - LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ' Book Store where Stockholders and others may ï¬rocure BOOKS nvery Friday afternoon, fron “08 clock, PM. » , _‘ A _ ,, O Bl'l SOLD on reasonable terms. the fol- lowing wupelt; :-â€"- Partot’ Lot No 3:), on 2nd Con. Vaughan. comaining 63 acreâ€: also: EGS to inform the Famelsiu Me neighbor- hood of Richmond H|l|,that he has leased the above Mills, and has put them in thorough repair, and will be glad to receive a share of the patronage of the public. store Village Property 2nd door north of Barnai‘d’s store RICHMOND HILL. Richmnd Hill, September 16, 1867, RICHMOND HILL MILLS. GRISTINGâ€" AND CHOPPING, EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, I Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Ale. and se<lls at the loweï¬t prices. The highest market price given for Cattle. Sheep. Lunbs. Aw. Aléu. Corned and Spiced Beer, Smoked and Drin Hams. Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. 1-)’ S. M. Sanderson&; Co. Done on the shortest notice No.1“) Yonge Street. Applicants will please address their letters (post paid) to SELF-SHUTTING GATE. For the use of his Patent Selfvshutting Gatel WInLLIAMUQ OX, WThe highest marks}. price paid for Wheat. Richmond Hill; Nov. 14. 1867. 1 LANDELL’S Best Quality of English Builed or Raw Uil $1 per ash, Best Canada Coal Oil, 37% cls per gal., Best Penn- sy|vunia coal Oil. 50 C18 per gal Also Ma- chine coal ()ii, Elephant and Fish OilI 'l'ur- peutine, Varnish, Best While Lead. Red Lead. Vouoiiun lied, Spanish Brown, Yallow Ochre, Chroma Yellow and all other paints. Window Glass in all sizes, as CHEAP as can be sold anywhere. at ' 7 \HIS usefulinvention is the most convenient, the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Patentee is now prepared to sell Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866 At short unlice. Parties from g1 distance may have their Grist home with them, with as little delay as possible, G. A. Barnard’s Cheap Cash Store RICHMOND HILL. .1112 SUBSk ' IBER, in returning thanks In his mu erous customers forthe liberal support aim)“ h purchased the above Miils; begs xlnlimu mathe has made great im- prove mus an ‘ alteraxious,‘durmg the past summ -. and h is now prepared in amend to 0115! 01123! Oils ’ HE Administerutor ofthe will of the late Elyer While, wishes to notify all those 1hat have claimvs against the »-bove estate. to present them for agestment, on or about the third of November next, at his sons residence, (Mr. Hem} Whl‘la.) Lot No. 26, [st (Jon. Vaughan : and all [boss that are owing the same by note or otherwise, are hereby request- ed to settle the same by that date. GEORGE INGLIS, Administemior. Vaughan, Oct,, 8, ‘68' 4t HE ADE?†0RD BEILLS. TOWNSHIP RIGHTS MILLINERY GOODS ! Hats and Bonnets trimmed; Felt Hats and Velvet Bonnets; Silk and patent Vel- vet Vulvetteens for Mantles, Fluwnrs. Rib- bons, Dress trimmings, Buttons. Gloves, the new gonad Skirts. Corsets. Also a choice lot of Woolen Goods| Infant’s Goals and Caps, Lady’s Crossovvr walsls. Neckties. Squares. Berlin Wool, and small wares. ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A BOY, strong and active, to make himself useful in gen 11; on! H ood,running messages, &c. Applr at this ofï¬ce. THE LEABINE HfllISE! Mrs. MYERS’. Pants and Vests. in a variety of material, r the most fashionable cut. and shape, 01' durable fabrics and as CH EAI’ as the same quality can be had in Toronto, for CASH 0R SHORT CREDIT! In G. A. BAKNARD’S. UST RECEIVED a large assortment of (ventiemen’s ' OVER & UNDER COATS, New & Fashionable {nothing FROM MONTREAL. At Richmond Hill. Fox-particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOGATION. October 22, 1868. Headford, Sept. 93, 186'), Ricluï¬Ã©nd Hill, Oct. 15, 1868. Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1858. October 22, 1868‘ Gristinlg Sc Chopping Ihl‘ thoroughly warrant every pair 01 BOOTS made by them at their new Notice to Farmers. LAND FOR SALE. Successor to James Holliday, GEO. H. APPELBY RICHMOND HILL BOY WANTED. HORNER’S PATENT M. TEEFY, Of every description, is at FUTCHER, NOTICE. RICHMOND HILL P. 0, Agent for Patentoe A. SCOTT, Librarfan; FUR JOHN EYER. Richmond Hzll. 536-tf 534â€"137 526-t1‘ 478 HATS AND CAPS *' made to order. Toronto, ADI†27, 1866. Ladies and Gentlemen, who require a. true chart of the foot, can procure one 'in either French Kid or Calf, by calling and ordering it at T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill7 April 4, 1867. S. M. SANDERSON 8L Co. Calf, Kip am] Cowhide Boots, .Inrefu‘ aUAlllit‘H given to the repairing of Watches aur‘ Clacks Jewelry manufactuer and RNmil'Pi. VVATUH Es, CLOCKS, ' AND .EINE JEWELRY. 11:5, YONG-E'Stu TORONTO W Masonic and other Embleml Are Manufacturing all the Newest Styleso Men’s. VVomen’s and Children’s Boots ch Shoes At their New Storeâ€" No- 90 Yonge-st. Toronto. Nu ll. King Street East. 6 doors east 0! chgs S(l"‘6t. PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. - ALEX. SCOTT. Watches. nlnrks=_and Jewelry, Books 8: Fancy Goods Pocket Books, Purses, &c. SHCICE AND FANCY GOODS, In all the diï¬'erent styles of Binding In various styles of Bindings, W. "WHARIN & CO. The attaution of'he Public is imvled to their tock, cens' ting of a great variety of BEGS to announce to the public that he is now pracllcing with H. SANDERSON. ol‘the same place, where they may he consult- ed personally or by letter. on all diseases of‘ Horses, Cattle. &c. Horses examinnd as to soimduess, aiso Bought and Sold on commission. THE MOMENTGUS QUESTION: BIBLES AND TESTAMENTSâ€"l HYMN d’c PRAYER BOOKS, Albums _from 25 Cents to $6. Toys of Various Kinds, For Horses and Cattle always on hand : such as Physic. Diureric. )tlrdial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. l'he Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in allevialing many ol’ the distresflng svmp- toms of Brokeuwind or Heaves in Horses. Colic, Draughls, Liniments for Sore 'l‘hroats, Sprains. Curl). Spavin, Itillwhone, Sic, Blist- erng Olntumnts, also “owl and Healing Oint- ments. Loliuns for Wounds, Bruises. Middle Gulls. lulalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- Iroyer. All orders from a distance promptly atmnded to, and medicines sent to any part ofthe Pro- \‘ince. Mt'dicincs of every Discription For our Money. HOLIDAY GIFTS GEORG k2 TEASDALE If by letter prevpaid, address Headford P.O, Markham. July 2,1868. ESN’T ET The Buildings are good and in a. thorough state 01 repair. There is also a splendid Orchard on the premises This Farm 15 only 16 miles from Toronto, and 2 miles from Yongo Su‘oet. For particulars apply on the premises to FARM F OR SALEI-i r ‘HE Subscriber offers for Sale his farm, 1 being Lot )7. in the ï¬nd Con...Township of Markhmn, CUN'i‘AINlNG 68 ACRES (If chellmn land, .35 of which are cleared, and in a good state nfcullivalion. Ol'lhs besf desvription and newestdesigns. N 0 W COMPLE TE Richmond Hill; Och 8, '68; STANDARD AUTHORS! ‘HE Subscliber. ever mindful of the want! of the public, has just received a (Graduate of Toronto Veterinary dolloge) Orner of Yonge and Centre-st East RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Nov 29.1867. Large and Miscellaneous Stock Richmond HI“, April 23, 1868 Richmond Hill, Oct 8. I868. ‘l‘oronto, V Ap "Iv (i. IRGG. CALL AND SEE ‘. H. SANDERSON; ‘VETE~R"I_NABY _$UR_GEUN, VVII'ERE T0 PROCURE THE MOST SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR ELECTED-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &.c, S. M. SANDERSON & Co. He has also received a heavy stock of At No. 90 Youge Sweet. Toronto. GREAT BARGAINS IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN nxmsun’s ASSORTMENT or T ET FUNNY :- HOW ALKINSON J. SE GSWORTH, INCLUDING MANY OF THE 0F CAREFULLY SELECTED PHYSIOLOGY. Can give us so much In Men‘s and Bov’s IMPORTER 0F ARE OFFERING IT IS 47L I) 10