Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Dec 1868, p. 2

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H LATEST FROM , EUROPE. x 1 v I 21 . cc. o.â€"â€" cerram r 1 - , LO’DON', D " T l D sfonNIcW' . . . . 1 or announ m11 uneasiness in in 1'1 11 1 Y 11 c a A c c on 1 the reported killing of Napoleon were re-l ceived here to-day. The rumour was entirely without foundation. The Emperor is noti dead, nor even 111. , THE eunsronn CABINET. ' Ministerial rumours arc inconclusive. It 1 is understood that Coleridze declines to, hold olfice under Collier; Palmer is also ex- 1 eluded by his anti discstablislicd views. Mr. 1 Monarief, Liberal, has been elected to Par- 1 liament for Edinburgh University. The Obscrllcrgives the followin: as the , list of members of Gladstone’s Cabinet â€"- 1 Lord High Chancellor. Sir Wm. Page 1V00d; President of the Privy 001111011,’ Lord Kimberly; Lord of the Privy Seal, Earl Russell; Chancellor of the 19v-1 chequcr. RobettImwn; First Lmd of the Adiiiirality, Mr. Cllilds; Foreign Secretary. Lord C.aredon; 11111110 Scerctal‘y, If. A. Bruce; Secretary of War, Mr Caldwell; Secretary for India, Duke of Argyle;l Colonial Secretary, Earl Granville; Secrc- ‘1 tary for Ireland, Chichcstcr Fortescue; President of the Poor Law Board, Mr. Gosclzen; President of the Board of Trade, John Bright; Post Master, General Del DcGrey; Chancellor of I) 1chv I-ancaster, Cliafles P. Villic-rs; Lord Licut. 01 Ireland, Earl Spencer; Lord Chancellor of Ireland, ’siderable c nnment is mat (3 here on the ap Irish cxtle and President a . . . . a new phase on the question ()1 the rights 01 ,coougli and foolish enough to follow his ‘character or stvle, but always estegmed by tl'or the ollicc than for that of President of A. Questionable Appointment- (From the Scottish American Journal.) A Washington despatch says:â€"â€"â€"-“ Con- pointinent of John Savage of New-Yuk as Consul to Leeds. Mr. Savage bent; an of one wing of the Fenian Brotherhood, it is looked upon as a test, appointment, and may possibly put naturalized citizens abroad.” We 11.) not wonder that. such an anpomt- mentcxcites "' consilerahlc comment,” even at \Vasliinrlou. The taste 1h 11. dictated it. 13110.11, us Mr. cival't‘l would he the til-st to say. it' the liritisli Government were rude example. Personally, Mr, Savage is an unobjcction- able man. He is an old journalist and writer, never rc'. tll'l{:ll)10 for force of those who came into contact witll him for amiability and goodness ol heart. 11" never set a river on lire in il'tflllvltl01'11lt1113Ulllletl Slates, and will never kindle a revolution in Leeds or elsewhere. The exigencies of one branch of the Fenian Buotlielhood, however. made Mr. Savage its President. He is no more. titted the United States. but he lvas olfcred i1. acceplell it, and. fills it 1.1) this 1113'. Now O’Hogan. Loxnou, Dec. 7.â€"Tlle Times this trim-1r 1,,, ing liasa list of probable members of Mr. Gladstone’s Cabinet, but asserts that [Caz-l Rrsscll will not accept olllce. 11 also thinks the appointment of Earl Spencer, as Lord Lieutenant. of Ireland; and of Messrs Brace, Villiers and Coleridge to seats in the Cabi- net, doubtful. The Times adds to the list the name 01‘ James Moncrief, as Lord Ad- vocate of Scotland. Despatclies from Paris to-day report. that the city is tranquil. Al‘sritu. VIENNA, Dec. 5.â€"'l‘he Emperor Fraicis Joseph has made Baron Von llcust, Prime Minister, :1. Count, 1:: an uckuowlcdgeincnt 01 his valuable servIccs. TURKEY AND GREECE. PARIS. Dec. 5.-â€"â€"Tlic panic ill commercial centres here was occasioned by 1111: rumours of tlic Sublime Portc's decisive ultimatum to Greece. Dcspatches from. Coustallsilnple state 11:11 Sublime Porto, at the S1)11C11.‘Llll)ll.‘i111.“.an .1, contiucs diplomatic relations with Greece but has sent to the Greek Covet-1111111111 an ultimatum which is supported by the Great. Powers. THE scamsu 1:1:1'1'1 iMAURlD, Dec. 7.-â€"Tlio Rapil‘diolns pa radcd the streets of Cadiz yestcrtlay with arms in their hands, and lit'L'lL) other dc- moustrations threaten-.1; to 1111: peace. The hoops were called out and dispersed the prOCcssiouistn and prevented further proceedings. Similar 1113111111151rations have been made bv the 11. lpllblica is at. dl.l'er ent points. The Proviai 111ai Government is preparing a. new tcrrilf law. l.1(.’.\.\':1. SPAIN AND CUBA. MADRID, Dec. G.â€"-The Imperial news- papers urges the concession of crew Lil ra: reform'to Cuba, and the speedy scltlcmcut of the question of slavey, but. says the Spanish honour demands the snpprcsion at any cost of the lllSUl‘l‘cf;llt):|. which it do clares was incited and is kept alive by Americanj lilibustetnrs. The Provisional Government has invited bids for a contract to lay a cable between Cadiz, the Canaries and Cuba. "’ rumour AGADN. Lennon, Dec. 7.‘,-Creor;:e Peabody has “dirtyaglea'iiother donatién‘ot‘aEmOfiOO star.) to ,3“th [curiously recuperate.” » L y, LIVEEPan, c. ,l, fJnielligenc lils just reached here zit/t to Steam» Hi 'nia 5.. . from Né'w York, bound 1 . r dcred oti'the Irish Coast. nc Cit: ' 11 and 81 passengers are r )rtcd to have been saved. One of the s!e:lme1"sl.1.)ats with 33 persons on board was lost. Loss or ANCHOR LINE iinuxrt.” LITERPOOL, D120. 7, 10 11.111.â€"â€"â€".\d'liti11:1al b, l1llll~ T111: srawiilzlt “ 111 particulars have been received of the loss of the Hibernia. The steamship sailed trnn New York on 1111': 1-1111 of NUVUHllll‘t‘, fir Glasgow. She sunk on November 2.3111,seven hundred miles to the westward of the Irish coast. The passengers and crew all 10(1.\' to i the boats,five in number; two of these boats have been capsized. and all on 13.121111 were lost. The fate of the people in the remain- ing two boats is as yet unknown. It is now certain that titty-two persons, lllcludilrr the Captain of the Hibernia, are saved The first male was drowned. Intelli;cnce offlie missingr boats is looked for with great an- Xiety. Loxnox, Dec. 8.â€"A despatch to Hender- son Bros. agents of the Anchor Lino oi stcanis‘iips in this city, from Halulvsidt- 1% Henderson 01' (11111;; 1 1,11 1derd.1te of Ducal“- bcr S,s:1ys :â€" 'i’llc [liter/Lia- in a heavy 1211-: broke her shaft and st 'rn pipe. and swim); a despcrltc leak and 1111.11 lcred 1-... 2131111111., in lat. 53 degrees, loll 29 den-cos Pas~ senger and crew behaved :11hnirablv, and were embarked ili 11.1 orderly 11121111111. ill five boats duly provisione-l. The Captain and boatswain’s boats, containingr fifty-two persons, and including all cabin passengers, excepting1 Nelson A. ()lds and G. Mnson, have arrived safely. 2nd and 3rd officers. containing the remain- der of the passengers and Crew, ei,1;hly-1'nlo persons in all, are still missing, hilt their safety is hoped for. BRITISH MINISTRY. LONDON, Dec. 7.â€"lt is now considered certain 11111.1: Lord Kimberly will be 111111 Privy Seahand the 152111 Do Gray and ltipon President of the P1ivy C1 nucil in the new Cabinet. It is slid that Sir t nindcll Palm- er will be appoilt (1 111.11 Justice 111' the Court of Appeals, the 1111-1 of Huntinrton Lord Lieut. ofllwland Mr. (111)3(‘11i-ll l’l't‘d- dent of the Poor L'l v Board, and Henry A. Bruce Home Secretary. the latter 111111113r Sir Roundell Palmer’s Seat in Parliament. SP.\I.\‘. MAHI’.11),DOC. T.â€"~-llumoll"s are in circula- tion to the effect that the Provrzi-mnl ('1‘ 1v- ernmcut intends to postpone the general elections from the middle 111‘ the p esc-ll month to the 15th Januarynlnd the meeting of Constituent Cortes 1111111 15111 It‘el'r-n-n-l: The Republicans at 'l‘arrarona yeslcrd 1‘.’ :1:- - tacked :11 d dispersed a meeting of the ad- vocates of Monarchy. MADRID, Dee. l).-â€"â€"'l'he Gazette oflhis citv says the report of the suppressi 111 of armed republican demonstrations at Colin a few days ago, was premature. At last art-cunts the insurgents were still in arms. and 11 ere attempting to make terms with the Govern- ment troops unde- a flag truce. MADRID, Dec. 9.â€"â€"Gen. Dr: P11111112 has been appointed to the chief com nand of the troops in the department oll'An lalllsia. Gen. Mglinuu hasbeen made Capt. Gen. o.‘ Se~ V! .e. - * ' to fomcnt (lisafl'ec1ion ill Ireland, and , make war upo.1 the lirltisli Govern {11113111. This Is the mission of the Brother ‘1 it‘ll public 'try whether I.- Threc boats under the . the purpose of 111': Fenian tirotllcrhontl is ilioo l, 111' :t. has 11.1118. M 1'. Sivan}. there ,t'ore, as the cxlicntive 111-1111 ct' one of 111» ,lj:e111an 1'1111‘5, is‘tlie avowedlenmpy of that 1(711)\"§l‘11111(,’111. The 211111 01 his ollIct is to or ganize the enemies of British rule and at the proper moment to attempt its destruc- tion. 0114111 such a 111111 to be sent, clollr ed with United St ttcs authority to oiliciatc ,ili a district of Harland i.1 which 1111: lrlsh ,c1einent is notoriously powclfnl? is it 1proper, is it wise, is it. sccmly to ask the , Government to receive as :111 ne- lcrcditcl agent from Washington, 111' ' sworn eneliiies~~a lt'eniaa lcndcl', ill fa . the curl of whose oilicc is to promote 11~is11 insurrection? Suppose, by way of illustration, that Mr. Disraeli, regardless of the properties 111‘digllnlnatie intercourse, were ttiappoint l L 1rd \VlIILI‘tltilllTl: liilisli Minister to Wash- ,iligt-izi. ()1' so 1,1.1so L11 (1 Stanley 1:1 111:11 4 11:1112 312's 1111.11 .1111 i i. \1 1 11:.51'15111.’ will 1 c1a.l1h’ I" O: li1 111111-11. as 177.111- 1~1l oz'llr- .11/1l1il/1‘ILI (1.112111 illr, 51::1Jx, 1). 11.1331" 111 ll, 11) Sui," 1111'. .‘\ ‘1 1 -1 1-1 111' liri- ti c 1:14.1111 .. (3.1.1 111.!‘171)" any 11111111 as t1 1111?1)1|1.l)11.'$1.01.11I11.;'11:l111|l which any 11 112 of 11112-1.)1111,11li.lllit-:1tswould cvcito :11 Washington and throughout the NI -rtli “1‘11 Slit-s." ll \v.1uld b1: sill 11.111 \\'h 11'11c1i 11*. or .\[' L LI d or .113. it 11‘ 1111:." or Mr. Spence having bum in close and 111011“) sy 1 lolly with 111- C llil'cderatc cause from 111.: hogi. .1111; lo 11113151111 of the civil war. wusnol a '11'17‘1531' 111312;.)11111 11 11-1 oilI-Jian 1 1'1' '1111 lhitlovcrnlncnt :,11‘1li!rcli.1.1tsl |1117111.: U 111511 Slates. T111) :1 lvuillillnml 111' 1. 1y o tlzol' lll.-~11:p.::'.~: 11s 1-..- slatmu lhoro woaltl be denounced as an onll'a c. ,and Would be resented as suxll by Mr. Sew- ]a-d and by 011.111'css.a.11'l by every luya; ' “mph: in tho land. Yet wherein \volloll such “.1 up? ,{-,[:u “1t b.t, 'm m: 1) 1'1: Hive. or in worst) 1.1.115, then the app > nlnient of 1311-. John Sarah», 11 Fenian President, l-J. lthe Leeds 1., 11143112111: ‘3 l 111‘ this is 21.11411, :11) 11 11:11'1 it,’ we. are told. .\:11:;111!'11'1111? ll (5111:1111. b - not: as 'v ,to inst the willingness 111. the lilitish {1.113. ‘crnlnllnt to receive as an 11:: “l'lCit-l c 111:1scl 'ooo who was form n'lv a llxilish Stilljtltfl: 1 Nort lGoing North 8.55 A.M.. . . . . . . .4.55 P.M (101111." South 10.02 A.M.. . . . . . . .7.02 P.M 191'“. "11111 111‘ j 11 " Canada 1 ' RICHMOND llILL STATlON. cusses or ’l‘lME. November 23, 1868. Mails made up at the Richmond Hill Post: Office. Until further notice, the mails will be “lost at this Post Cllicc as follows: MORNING. Northern Mail. . . . .. . . . . .720 A.\‘1.’ Southern Mail. . . . . .. . . . . .130 A-M. Mail for Almira. . .. . . .] “ Cashcl, | 11.00 All. “ Gormlcv, . . . . .. ‘ onTuc davs “ lIcndl’oi‘d. . . . . . . . l d; Fridays. “ Victoria S plarc, . .J EVENING 1111111.. Southern Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1130 11.111. Nb. REG lS'l‘Eltlfll) Llfi'l‘l‘lflllS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. - . . TlilfllfY, l’oslrnaster. llicliluond 11111. Nov. 211, 1811*. mumvmmm , forthwith. The youthful i111it.ttor of the no» THE SHIP (JANET. DEBATE. We purpose giving in our next issue, the debate on Mr. Graham‘s motion fo' a list of the petitionsin favour ofa grant ot'land, in aid of the construction of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal; it will be interesting to our readers, and reflects credit on the mom; her for West York. CAUTION TO TAVERN-KEEPERS. 011 Thursday the lUthinstant, a case of liquor selli11g.after 7 o’clock 1’.M.ou Saturdav , was brought before Messrs. Llw and Marsh 1 J. PS. The complaintwas laid by the In- spector of Taverns for Markham l‘owuship, on the information o" a lad named Charles Fenton. The Innkeeper (wlr) resides at Victoria Square) was lined $10 for violationr ofthe Township 11v Law. 11.111 ordered to pay The line and costs were paid 5 cost. torious Mason was present to prove his charge. AUCTlON SALES. FRIDAY I)uc.11.â€"~A11cti11n Sale ofSlantlinu New Ad; 9 itisements. Polmnical Correspondence Christmas 1h New Year Presents (‘-aru‘.â€" -l).'. H )o‘t‘-.‘ltt.‘l'. Rlcnuo‘sn HILL, DEC. 11, 186-8. r the York flerald. $1 a Wu». . Slihscrl e 1‘ TII 1*] 11A [LWAY BUN USE S. The property holders of Markham and the City of Toronto llttvt‘, within the past and week, discharch all illllfil‘i'llltlt duty, 11 hit: lunch towards accelerating the pro. :mssivc 1111\cntcnt of lttilvay and com- Hlt‘l'clll colt-rplisc. ()11 Saturday 1.131. the .vel1tily and lllltillljulli 1:111 1:511 proprietors of the l'-.11v lship 111' .'\1.1rkll 1111. went forwnltl ulanfully to 1111- p1111s,nnd i'l-L'.1|'tl'(1 ibcir Volt-s ill favuur of contiibulllrg llil‘lt' lnilc 11.11.1111,; 11121111141111 an enterprise, that is calculated 1.) develop: the resources of that part ofihc Province, which is and has bee. shut out from market. By consenting to be asan :11 .111111-tlly, for the unit fifteen or twenty years. to the amount. of l .volvc cents 35.1,011711 r.i.1si.i aid of 1111.: N'ipissinor and Toronto Railway. the tunnels of Markham have given pl'oot'that they are determined tliattlte development of thy rcsuttrces of lbe country shall not. be retarded for “out of their pecuniary assistance. it affords us “HASH” t.) 51.1.1 tiltt we were not. {islillv iii our :slizlrite 11f Markhauif Al the Gill-<0 0f tho pull on Silurdav the 5th i:15st., the 903175 stood as l'olitr-vs aw for such appointments have been .nade : '11:1 and 1151151. without cxcitin,r objecti 111 remtrk. What "011111.131 t2) hi tested? o. It is the readiness of the British authoritng to fury" J ed to 1 an insult? V s and its people-re; r \vithzuigsr‘uf contempt. \‘fif-h’pity or int i‘. ct‘~ deuce thp‘sgidm; oi a liknian cniissal'v into 1.10% in (1st, to play the pR'FL of American .gonslrlg .Will son] lbozlv cxnlain. VG,“ A REST? 15.031 TY. V ‘ .â€" llic ll'llill‘tl report of the Commissioner 111f.\:ril-li'lure of the U 111ml $111105 11 rela- 111 1:1 to Canadian rel-1:11.11:in rcln :t’ks :â€" The farmers of the county, while cndur» in: the necessary burden ofintel'nal revenue ;tax.1ti11n. and s11b1111ttitr,r cliacrful to im posts uponall foreign products consumed bv ‘llltflll, will enter a vigorous protest azaiust lany proposition for the renewal of the abrogated reciprocity trc 111,1,01' ally arl'al1:e~ meats 11111111111111: untaxal and low priced Canalian producti ms customs free, or at a 1n .ver rate of duty than is provided ill exist,â€" ing laws regulating the tarilf unoli similar imports from other na'iooalities. Thcv J‘ustly demand equality in t‘ 'ltiou and iii exemption from its burthcl , llicy ask u) laVours for a clas: pro-eminent in numbers 1that they would not acc 11-11 to one of the smallest. in the nation, and properly I‘011t1‘11 .wllli jittltnh‘.’1Ll1'ttiilitl 111 )11 of clililns 1111 ,s1l1-cinl plivillfijl's for the fear :11 1111 101' 1111-. many. 1 ‘ i l (. _ They Uitllll-ll sec the ilISIiCI‘ ,111 sub] -li:11;l'.tr1 's to a direct a :11 lilliaolls 1c 111,1ctili 1:1 in v: 11.,1112131211'1111 and 151 um ducts of the farm, al 1 1; a line of 1111111111175 of miles in extelitdior the benefit ofl'ol‘ci rners who hear none of our burdens, an 1 folT the enrichment of a few of our citizens who 3stantt in a necessarv. vet unproductive posi- ‘llDtl between the producer and consumer. l T111: N:-1\v 3111’ 111: l“n.1.~cr:.â€"â€" I‘lin .1)"1‘f1’ice of the new map (11' Manor, issued 111 Paris. peaks as lol'o'.\‘~t »U:i:1<'l' [lintioorlndlC'nglil‘o, Franco inas l'eg'lln 11 her ll’llli‘ll I'l‘onliols. the Alps illnly nas hcelnno 11 tree nullalry. iil’nll‘tlltl has ,bul'st [he [Ill-1111s \vllltrll 11 mud “NY to 1111 1:111- lnau (vent dernllon in vir'ur- ol'hor possession 01 1.1111‘1111'331111 Luxembourg 11.)!1’1111111' The 'iellurtn ion 11 s li1.111111s~(1vc11. T1111 Federal have unused to exist Malone-(1 is ccupimi bl Pruss .1 alone. Lilidau and (lenieislllo-n belong to lirivarin. 1'lll’1 li'c gar- l'|\Ulle(l by 11"1'. Huts udl is (ll‘l'illll ‘11 51v xinden 1'11‘1- ‘1111 U .11 111' it 11' ml :1121 .V11 .1 1111:...1 if” 11 esst‘s “(NV 1 11ml": l’.'.~ i:ii~ 11111‘1'11‘ . 111 ‘:'~"1l :Ml. 'Nl't tn r1 I‘le 1'31:111,11~:1u 11111‘l:-1- 111 lilfl't'i‘ I 111111 .1-1'~1i I . 1 1o -1-11-1111-11ot' :“ 11:6 15- 1'ure 111~ rtvtenl cvunts, 1’: issla rind _\:l~lrl'l1 1111111-ll.\v11rn lilB rah-rs oi (iHl'lHltlH'. and llll'\' co:1l11o;,1;111.-‘c11~ “71111 1131111211111 111' 1111111 1111111‘ l"}_:1‘lllill' 11y lrt; 11:1;s ‘lll‘l a l'-1r 11511.11) e military cl'lzanlzclllnn, To day. the Slaltss Nlll‘l't'lllld‘ll-I l‘h'nneu 11.111111111141111-111. lit-111111111 f11111 Sv’t'lll!!!“ 121 1d :1rI 1111111111 l’rn~>11 with the North dur- 114111 Contmlo 11111111 1:11:1111- lnirv 11111 :ons. The South i:91‘ll1'ill$1ilt"“, h'tvi I: :1. 1111111111". 1.[ inneo with '1u~i1 count eight llli'holis; Austria 1111 tydivc 11111 1111s . and llulv tw-nllv- {\vn ltlllllotls lt‘ 1:11. wnh llor 1111111111111 liar forty 1111 hon; oft l1:111:11111111. 1.112111 1111;,r Algeria , has limiting to fear from all} one. The clilllnical and Vinegar works of U11' 1C, 11. (laul'llou. 111' 111111111011 li'1v1 been taken in charge 11v Messrs. G11 lsou an 1 "ipeuec 11111211115 of 1111-. Internal Revenue 1)¢‘|)‘II‘IIHUIII, Incon- annonc-- o lidltforenne which Has been pend- lllgl")l‘>‘011l’:llllll?llt!1\V0(‘tll lao l)u[rtl'tl|l“nl and Mr (111111111111. colll‘el'lilug lhe rules of excise that rlionlli hc pald on certain ttl'tic‘os of 111.1 111111-111‘1clurc, and 11111 pi'osnnl action \vlll have \11'. ufiit'uoudiflnk' Jason 13$M11‘1NV 'iiClISe' YEAS. Nivs. Division No. 46 . “ “ 2... ..,,,”.l3..â€" 59 “ u ”.....i4‘ll3»i 4. ‘ " “ 5..............90 ..§ 3111 12:1 12:: lllajority. 191. 011 Tuesday last, the 7th i.1st., the land- (.1 proprietors of the city of Toronto upon two the Toronto and giving a bonus of 3150,0011; the ollicr to aid the '1'.1r.nit:), Grey and Bruce Railway. by giving a h mus 121 7313311000 ~1ni‘qi11; a total of Sat-311.000. .‘\1t11 111411 the property holders of the city of T Jt‘mlt‘.) are heavily taxed, voted liy-laxvs, one to aid Nipissni; Railway by yet they noblv came forward, and diclared, by 21111)V01”1V11131t11111,{lll‘Lj‘ll'ltY, i11 tavor of CJilLl‘lh‘Jll‘J: l:tl‘_§'eiy of their means to help on the ltlillvay enterprise. The t'ollotvinar was [11: state oftbe poll at the close :~â€"- For airst S’l‘. John's Wardâ€" Flrsl division .. . . . . . . . . .718 1131 Second division 11 St. A llll'CW‘s \Va 1(lâ€"- Ftstdivisioll. .. 511 Second divlslou . . .. . . . . . . .1111 l . 't. Patrick's \Vasdvâ€" Firstdivislon ..... ....51 .3 Second division. . . . . .. . . . . .56 5 St. George’s Ward . . . . . . . . . . . .06 3-1 St. James” Wardâ€" Flrst division .. . . . . . . . . . .86 Second division . . . . .. . . . . .116 '15 1 St. David's \Val'dâ€" First division. .......69 2 Sccouddivision ....1U‘.l 8 41.Lawrcnchard.. . . . . . . . . .101. 4 7911 119 .1191 Majority for the Bylaws . . . . . . ($71 Rt) '1V AT " T1 15 QJlCnIN" 1 I) ). 13y the Titeymp’l of ii‘llarsday we learn tllat a rcli.‘clsl,1;'c 111'11'131',ll1l.‘ll1tl H.111) 119-. made '11] ttl.1.t‘11]‘)t to ass-.11 t 1111-. John 1111s 1’t1bcrlsou in the Qicca's 11.110, 0') the ere-.111; previous. 1t 11:111311'11 this luCky mlna:.rd to the al'eclions ot'a wetlthy \viliw, aid, of cui'sc, is driver will above followilr; his former occupatioa to Mr. found it necessary to comment. upon the indecent of earn a lixinnr. Rtl)(3|'l.S1Hl towards a respectable married wolnl1,wh.1m he met. Conduct this individual on the street, a 1d Gibby [.0111 upon liim } self the smnln try mode of disposiujr ol'tlie matter, by 1.1.111e1-tak1u; to chastise his tor- lnctitor; he appears to have " woke up the “from.r ptSi01l;Cl',i'1‘)l‘ tit: Telegraph man, ,1 [be elf-:cl. 111' plucurlng a satisfactory decision of the points at variance, bein; versed in the art. of selt'defcnce, made 1 Ned to “see stars" and ask for “quarter.” 11: the hundch (1.11 am, to provid; for llie ' 2:116. , w Timber, on L‘tt No. 21, rear of 3rd con- cession of Marklnllii, the plow-1y of Mrs. Mary Klink. Sale o’clock, J. Gormlcy, Auctioneer. 1):? Partiefhaving bills plinted at 1111.1 office, will have a notice similar to the to connnenco at 1 above, free of charge. mmwmmmm... .g; ‘ County Court and Quarter Sessions- ' WEDNESDAY Dec. 9. The Countv Court and Quarter Sessions for the County of York were opened at the coirt house at noon vestcrllny-liis Honour Jud re Boyd prbsidinilr. The following wme sworn in its the Grand Jul-v, viz: David Archibald, Philip Bartholomew, William Btll‘llle, Joseph Bovd. Peter llisselt.William Campbell. HobertGorlon, W111. 111111, John liaise, David hackle. Saln’l. Mcllride, lsaal- Mlirl‘uv, Rubi. A} ltiddcll. John Shinto-1rd, James Stokes, Gen. 11. St‘t'11.'.1"il~'1':11'11 Trent. James. \Vavlinf. Jl‘lri Whilcsido, and \Vil liam Walton; M.'. James Stokes was chosen foreman. Some difli'cnltv was expcricnerd ill conso "tltl'nvt’. oftlie failure ofajustil-onssoci111:111 be present. Mr. Wm. 111nm). .1.l’, was :11' , ltorvvards obtained from 1.110111’zllttldlll'y, and l to 1k his seat with llis Honour. There are 211 cases on the civil list. and ' 111 cc driminal cases. to be disposed of. , The ‘1rrent part. of the lime consumed by l the Court. 11p to the adj 1111'111111'111, was in the disposal of a llllmbcl'ol'undel'cndcd suits of 2111 otdinltl'y and uninteresliug character. , True Ilill were 17!'t)ltjltl in uinst the follmvltlj. for larceuvzâ€"ATliolnas Wright. {II/«ts- Johnston (clllol'cd),t'w11 irt’lictnicnts for stealin ;‘ a horse lrom Ml. Mason, and a sad- 11 c from Mr. Christie, bullisot' Scarboro’. Isa: 11 \Vatfol'd. for stealiu “eleven nliil'.‘ sons frnn‘l Mr.'l‘li1rvni1s1)n. o llollnnd 1.12111 i11.:‘. loth of the prisoners wore ul'i‘l‘tljlled and cat‘bdpl railed guilty. llis lIoroul'.in ltd-lressin: the Grand .Iury :ldvcllcd to the lightness of the calenda", and explained the nut: re of the cri. cs :11» 1 19.1011 to have been committed by the parties 1 who 1131111111 before them. Their duties I would, also. Mill! them to visit the gaol,‘, the hospital. and asyllnu‘. A The Court adjourned shortly after these» i at“ .t';pTliCRSI)A&', Dec. 10. The Court met at ten TIolnulr Deputv .1111110 John lioyd pl'esidin :. Business 11111 1131, however. commence until 1:111 hour later, sev 11 cases, as usual. not being :cady. Tllt' l 1 trial will-l. BARRY vs. 111.12'1't'lilsll. Some time ago. Messrs} llarrv and Son, wool doalcrs, advertised lit the papers. that they w1sllcd to purchase» wool, and wore applied 10-by Fletcher 6:01., of llcllcvillo, who said that they 11211123111111 to 9.12:1. 'l'lion'lpsou, one 111' the lil'ni‘uf lilil'ry and . Son. wont to Ii Eli-ville, and entercd into a contract \vllh them for tli': purchase of about 4000 lbs. of wool of’dilferent quali- tics. Uue sort, some of which Mr. Barry saw, he 1 Dclcd, savingr that no wool (11' that dczlc11ptina was to he sent to him. He then left. and .on the 21st of Jnlv received ‘11. letter from Messrs. Fletcher 11; Son, ad visiog him of the. shipment of the wool. A dull", which tlt‘t‘tllllllnllictl the lttler, as paid by Harry t2 Son. When the wool arrived zill(_ was opened, it was 11)U:l(lll}:11 1 (plniatilyjol' that. which had been icicl-led was 111i.\:1111 lip with it. Under these cir- 1111nslaliees, the plaintill's claim the sum of 15.437 1155â€"1119 did‘brenle between the value of the inferior wool sent. and the lame quantity of the description contracted K illll', Mr. ()slcl- appearel lor the plaintilf, 'and 1 .\1 r. 11 .\. lIarris-ni tor the defendant. l‘hc plainlil‘ was null-suited on the ground 1 111:11111‘ had not shown the inferior wool, 111 his possession, to have been received from the dctontlant. The court adjoorled at half past. three, there then beiubr 110 t'thcr case ready. hlnlrxl-‘â€"“ AH ERICA’S NEWS. ei'BAx lNhURREO‘t‘ION. II.\v.l:\'.l. Dec. 7.--'A pitched battle has been fought between the ti'Oops and Ihe , rebels 111 the foot of Mount Alba Cruel. , ill which the losses wel'eequal,eacli sidlx having aboul 50 ktllcd. The government has also received reports of :1 111111 at Moi-11,111 which 1811 soltlicls defeated r. large band of rebels killing; fill of them, with a loss to themselves of only one man killed and six wolu-dcd. wntzttlt l.\' '1‘111: I..\\vlil;.\'t'lc. Pour .‘1llliott,l)ec. 7,â€"v'1‘lie ship Caxtl'liall from (21151124113 :1slt.11'11 near this point and will probably cm to p e s. Tllrcc 111' 11c: chew were lost. '1‘1111: 111111) .\(‘(‘1l)l-II\"1'. l’llllAlililainla, l).‘1z.7.~tit1111-:e '1\'. 11111. 1 lleslsl.1cl(,1vlio was lost. on thes11'1111lt‘1‘U/1i/ctt Sta/1:5, willi lils daughter. and well known (huggist. of this city. The two ladies who ' avert: put on hntld til Ciliciluali by Mr. ' 1 Wheeler and reportct'l lost. were Ms. Thom» nl,wifc ol'C unnodne 3.11 '1 hum,» son, 11'. S. Navy. licenuipnnicd by M1s. Grif- 1111. They Were on llici way to join C an ‘lllitllHC Tlltllllltlstlll at New Orleans. The sad intelligence has cast a gloom over a large cilclc in this city CHIC “11), Dec. 1‘1'â€"-:\11 unknown schooner and all on hoald was last yestcnlay in the ‘1 The late Marquis of Hastings has been , known to Order three dozen pairs of patent leatlit r boots at one time. o’cloch > ' .tlio cd'cct of the mo used change 111111111 be MISCELLANEOUS. Garlic is the curse of Spain. The land o’Caiquesvâ€"ankey. A very lively ladyâ€"-.l.’olly-tics. Flowers to be pressed Two lips. The war in Northern ,India has ended. Purify the blood by using D1-.Colby's Pills.- Elihn Burritt had his peeked of£30 at a meclinbr in Briminarham one night lately. It is calculated that the yearly income of the late Marquis of Hastings was £30,- 000. The llitualists have adapted the word “Mass'7 for their celebration ot the Com- liinnion Service. Several persons have lately been arrested in Paris by the Police for making speeches at publ (3 meetings. “111151.117: ltnsr1rnn.â€"-~OLtawa Dec. 9.-â€" The Government have respited Whelan, and also Jones, the Dalaware murderer. lt' cver man will become a tie-id citizen, lovil1,.r his neighbour as himself, we sllall soon be on the high tide of prosperity. The ltev. Mr. McCollum atthe T1init_v Parson: 'l. Aurora, was presented with 11 line 11.); ').hy his coagrogatl )1] about a week £1.10. The Council of State of the Swiss Cal.- ’_.1111s has published an edict forbidding-any you 11 under 111 veal-s of age to smoke, under a heavy penalty. All who once use Hunt's Empire Hair Gloss will always use it. The stipendary magistrate at Halifax set a wholesome example recently. by sentenc- ing a young man to Rockhead Prison for thirty days, for insulting persons on the street. Served him right. of offenders which the law does not get hold of quite so often as is necessary. and when oneofthat class is caught, it is well to make an example 01 ban. The Brazilians, at latest dates, had sent a column of 12,000 men accross the Gran Chuco forest to attack the position of Presi- dent Lopez at Viletta iii the tluuk. The Marquis de Caxias 'us awaitinr the devel opment 01 this llunk movement to attack the river batteries with his fleet of iron- clads, and force communication with the army in the Gran Chuco. ’, The London Adocrtis rsays a man named James Caliill. oftlic township of Aldbolo’, a few davs ngo,had been indulging his uppel tile for strong drink too freely. Awaltcliim.r durinbr the night to satisfy his thilst, he drank from a bottle that contained a pnis 1n oils compound used for dyeing. mist-akin: it for his favourite draujbt. The client of 1.10 dose was tatnl, the unfortunate lilall lingering in great. amn‘v till 1111: followiu,r 1-v1s11in_:, when death put an end to his suf- fcrings. 1 A very cold blooded experiment has been made upon a criminal by celliin learned and philosophical Sweetle Upon the (luv appointed for 111s execu Ion the body 01‘ the murderer was L‘Xiltfii'd 11.1 a celtaiu process 11v ulticc evcrv porno. of his frame was When a Cnundi m begins to write poetry, savs the lioston Advertiser. they make him a payinaster on a railroad, which has a very rcprt..sivc tendency. The City of Boston, on her last trip to Liverpool, l'l-scul‘d the crew and passengers of the ship Wilheno, Capt. IIewilsotl, whicn sailed from Miramichi, with tnuber on the 2.3111 for Liverpool. Jolliirson thvis, who is stoppin: at Lonnii‘nglon, has delivered a discourse on 1111- ilnpoltnnce of explorin Jerusalem. and 11111 peculial 111111811 of Englishmen for- lhc honorable task. LiVI-uirool.. Dec. ‘J.â€"-â€"'1'liesllio Jo/m Dun- can, fxonl St. John. N. it, 1111' 1)l\’<tl'|71)111, capsiz I l in t 0 11111111 c with.‘ Alla 1111:, a 111 was lost. The captain, his Wife and nine of the crew we.c drove ed. 1’\ (tol'itiSpon'lcut of the Lancet, wriling 110111 l‘issex, status that he lecently attended ‘1)»' 1711.111111‘11113111 of :1 5111 under eleven years 1‘ :1. 11-!1111! .\ ollll [est example 1111 l'e'cold. Mother and chi.d are dour: we'll. lindcl' the 11:11:21) (11' “1liilllllel'\“ ll new >96: has lwca fouled in West l'rnssia. A1 111 11‘ "Marliare \vi:h the 1111.1V'1'1ll_l'i1i|'lti1‘- r11m.":1s they call 11, they 131.1 into ecsta- sics cxplcsst-d by wild jlnnpilris. A proposition has been made in 1111111111011 111 estalrish a soclcly for the pieicntion ol culielty 1- animals. Thole is no slltli association yct ill Camilla, but there is un- donlnedly need of one 1.1 every locality. Tm. men, l’clklry and 1"111‘1‘1111111. 1::vt‘otted 21 mil.“ in (‘11.1lliani named lfra'lk Downic. 1‘111111 lillllt‘ltl\'€ll,1).‘l Satlrday evening. and took ahnll ‘ U 17.11111 111111 for which the pair we1c anestl-d and committed to jail. Mr. Justice Mali-‘13 11': nskeda 111111! 1111 te .1113 11.1 as 11‘1[.11'. if slr- know where she \votlltl 1' 1 to illilt’l' death if she told a lit: a 1d the t 11 re; ‘ylnr. " No sir.”t|11: Judge was 1'1Verllcaxd to mutter to himself, "No more do 1." "1‘11‘r u fii ’ . The value 01 the when: Imported into France iii the 11 seven montcs of_1111s year £19.11 (1,784 as -compared'Wh V1113 £2. 7WS"iii"Tb6"do1-1-esponding’p‘eri W123i wet 'ol,’ «12511.11: 111.1 55:59.1 “homeowner-ml ' of Guelph township.- 1,,.,,,,,_,],, ,,,.e,,t,..,,,,,'_‘ dressed hogs to Guelph market on libiday, which lofi‘llwt' .Wé‘u'lifid 15.1500 11351., and hero bought by MI“. 1" Ti llrill fart-57.911 per cwt. The ,llcrtrw'y thinks this is some 1.1.1111. The Young Men’s Christian Ass citition , of S1. Catharines are going on prosperonsly 1 Liberal donations of papers, periodicals and 1 the stun ofSlZJ') were recoil cd in aid of their , l‘L'-ltllll,:‘ room, \vlilcli will 11! opened to the public live, next week. There is nothing delights the old gentle. menâ€"aliasSatanâ€"mole thaua nice little party consisting of charitabl : and c11.istian ladies of certain ares met to talk scandal 1: sccmsto me he must be an honorary member of all of them. ' Twelve seicntilio lectures, under the ans- picns of the Ame.ican Instilu c, are to be delivered s11.11-lly at. Steinway Hall. New Yo"k. Canada is l'Cl)l‘t“M‘llll'(l by Principal 1')1\vs1111, olhlcCollege, 11111111.. Stcl'i'y Hunt. 111' the Canadian Geological Survey. 11 is said that Queen Isabella CllllC‘ as Sllll'lt‘s 111‘ lcullv lccls n haughty liltllilk‘lCll‘l‘, I11 all who allude \l'illl sylnpa by to her fall. She speaks with conlide..ce of her son's 11' turn to the throne, and 2111 ’s that. she has 1111 desire herself to resume the responsibilities 111 l‘lIiU. 11 is reported that Garibaldi is about to leave li.s island lionlc 111.11 c1111.;~ at. to Amer- ica. This determination has been arrlvrd at. in (:ollsr-lpicnce of tho reprnoulies 111' Slnzzini and his l'rlcllds, consequvnt on tho (it-nora ‘s t'aianc iu the Human insurrection ot'last )‘041‘. Tue schooner Jupiter arrived at Pros- pccl, Nova Scotin, bounds the cud of last month, with acai'uo of potatoes from Prince Edward Island. but. forgetful of the re,_-,u< lotions about entering ut. the customs, a icvenue oilirer seized the rcsse and sailed herinlo llailt': '. Better join the Union, Prince 19111111111. Money is rapidly growin: to be our S1111- tary social test: at. tree the corner stone anlcopin; of that gorgeous cdilicc which Is knonc 11s our bcsl society. We do not culluilc 11 lielller a man or woman is vill11~ olls or Clllll‘.'.lll:tl in order to admit. them 111 1111: s:1c.c1l circles of our elite, but only if they alo H011. in,r H111 talc it 11 1111â€"111' rather early next 1111)l'lll:i_;‘~~ztilll sltlll; " Why. when l was 11. your age, lny lather w out not a.lo1v inc 11141111111111" 1111: house al'lt-r dark!" Then you had a deuce of a linker you 11.111," soon 1111 1111: youn; [111)“ to, Wuert-up )11 the father wry rnshly vol-licralcd, "1 11.111 11 confounded younav rascal l' The follolvin_r Petition to the Azssnmblyg is b11111;cxtonsivelv signed in Toronto :~â€"â€" " Your pelltnmel's,‘ have learned with deep, rcg1cl that 1111111 has been introduced 1111111 your hon. House p.11posing certai charges in the law 1114111111111: the issue of licnllsrs for the sale ot'ioloxiculia; thinks rivcn to local mnnlc unlitles the power to issue any num- her 1.1' such licenses, and to remove them;- istin; reslrlclions 1nl tllesale 111' intoxicating drinks on the sabbath; and believiua1 that to increase to a lamentable extent. the evils 1 A gentleman was chilling his Hl)llf()1'z‘11:1\"' sic-lit he;t1:l"1i 111.111 you, you1 other umccognizable 1 . ' parties Hinzcn hard :ilid solid. The body has been twat-1111 in a secure place. where it is to re main for a ccllzlin number of years. when it will be thaan out. and, as some of these 'S.\'~ (11:11 [11111090.111018 believe, or affect to believe, the man will wake up refreshed, and as lively as ever! Prussia, in View of her delicit, is re. trenching vigorouslv. Literally the lirst 1111111211 the rcussenlbling of 1111: Chambe1s week Was llic (:illiilti Mention of an official etterlo the legislators themse-vl’s, which abrogatee the only privlloro they had hith- erto 1- ‘1 \ycd, viz, the cxl-nlpli’nn from pay in; any postqu for their letters, a matter of some li'lle moment in a country not blessed as yet with :1 low and uniform rate. ' l‘lic Sclililorslaltcn ullc'rly by surprise, \Vt’lt) for an instant doubtful what to say to this. lcvehition. but they soon ll-coverud tliell- 11111::1ni1nily. made [HI/lllfl mine rm ma:me jt’tt. and lillt't'l'l’ll II :1111ill loud 1‘:1111;1L‘1'. l ' '1 he Monat (,‘cuis 11.1illv11v lizs proved a lillllll't“‘ not. :1 li lain-ial failure, for i1 is (1111- only 111 the 111-:l1y falls of snow, which a-c so common 111 1111‘ part of the country which ll 11'. \‘lles1 s. ltlt'.(',:l.<t‘tl by 1111- \\‘;1.11 111’ sulliici .1111 lllclvlilolivu \Vle 1111,1111” “1,11 11-11111 1\1llt'll hullzs slack in 111 lsnow. flow-11 111 i!sp1a.t-1~. 1.111 evt:rsinc1- 1111- (11111]'lll‘lit‘t’utt'lll 111' 1111) \llllll‘l' 1111: trains » lit-1:11 :tl'll\1ll,f lit all 11 11115 at Iliui: (11‘81111111111‘11. The lnnllszlle now 1: ‘(‘lltl(,'1|n§.s lhc lil1u'11tlill in a hose ('ttt'l'l:t{", and travellers senk other ronlcs Later on it is “11:14. 1111" “1111' ll runnin r again; but 111111111; can he attempt ed until they are provided with a better supply of engines. I‘m; .»\1..1Ii.1.'111 Cl..\l.\’1s.~ The Convention between 1i1'1t=1111 and the linllt-d Slates for lllescltlcm nt of our outstanding claims was 51.511011 on Nov. 10111. Article four 111' the treaty runs llllls~"The Conunissiouels shall have power to adjudicate upon the class of claims l'l:l'er1't::lto ill the o‘iiciul col'l't'smllldl-nt'e between 1111' two Coven ments as to the Alabama claims; but b1- lfoflc any If such claims are taken into cl-msiderution by them. the two hi,le Cull; ,trnclinny pa: lies shall tin upon Sonic awe-r8th . , or head of a friendly State, as an {it'll 'trutor such winsa"-.J£J‘“'" ‘ Shh- "1'76 unable 1 come to an Ti'iliinaniiiious decision upoii’ the‘ snare. â€"- PalHlIal-l Gazette. _, I ,' The 11119'11111111-1111-911 election and inâ€" Eatunlntiou has usually-Uracil passed by ‘ 1 _' ,. . ;,',~tvndtv».fs elect, some £ae‘k9on’s time, ( in arr-.1111in ‘1ka distl'ibtltioii ofofftce‘s. and .,v sallst‘v in; the ‘ clail s 11f munpaiyi orators. “'11-,”111319131, lnllnlialgyrs, and the rest 111' the great army of putilots win; (11) 1116 \Vttl'll' ofllle canvass. The usual Hood of huh-‘13 be (an to pour in 1111 Grant as smut us he rctnlucd to 1V:i.\11111,:".1111; and the ‘mllna- rersY and other wise lllt‘ll began to lake the trains ill all parts of the couut1y, for the purpose of shonin; the innocent soldier how the 111111,; 11111111. to he done. 110 has, .however proved not so verv innocent after all. and has 11011111 his Work by :1. stroke which none of the ‘practical ptlliticians' ever dreamed of He has ordered all ap- 1plications tor ofllcc to be burned without being shown to 111111. and announces that whenever he wants anyhadv for an 11111.:e he will be sure to send for him Nicw M.l.\'l'l1'.\t"l‘rul.\‘G 1i.\" business is ab 1111 111-111.:~ dovohrmd in 1110 rill 1 1'1: 111" li-‘llll'tflillllhl1.11.. viz 11111.1)1'111'19‘ render them 111 1111' 1151- :11 any time, however remote, and any part of 11111 World. This is -l111.1111'1 "XII'nt'till: "11 the waiter fmlii thel 111;, and coliiprcssimr the remainder into :1 dry cake, of granulated form. After bell]: Ilnanut'acturen‘ i to that shape. it. is ostimai. cd t|1a1 100 dozen 0.4.13 ca . be packed into the space ol'onc cubit foot. Knnlptville has ,hecti selected for on Win: on llleConipaliy’s operations, on tcconnl 111 its beiu r a great. Vcentre for thc prodnclion ol' elgsâ€"s-which 1are shipped every season ill large quantities fr. 111 there to .\Iontreal. The boiltlilus are now about completed, and all the requisite machinery is on the ground rendv to be fitted up for the 'arious plil'p: ses of the Coili- pnny. who expect to be in full operation in ' 1110 spring. Their working:r capital is $130,- (100. FRAUAS .1'1‘ '1'111-2 Ql'nsx's Ho'rm..~â€"About 1 six o’clock last cvcllin 2' a flue-ls, while created a good deal of excitement, occurred at the Qneel ’s lIolel between a youn.r man named J It lss ltobilisnll. fn mcl'lv tun- ;1111y1-d as a reporter on tho G obc. and Mr ,lltnldcr. who it. seems, felt tumicved 111 isoml‘ insulting statement 111111 was w.itlcn about hi :1 by the former. As Soon as llicl liepotlcd (‘1111‘11‘11 lllt' (111111) 111' the hotel 11c . 1.1 as dealt :1 Harry blow over the slum 11ers Iron) a Wlti'l handle in the hands of Mr. Hod-lcr. Th1- liss 111cd.who, fortlitnltelv for There is a class J .l’eune, 101118. expected tli.1ttll(l comp-my will commence . St’l'\1d."l}[_{$1).\'(‘11111}l1[‘$Slll; 1111-111 $11 as to- DIED. On the 9th instant, at. his nephew’s resi- dence, 2nd‘Con. Vaughan,Wilham Gartley, 1 aged 80 years. The funeral will take place 10-day (Fri? ay), at 2 P.M. Friends and acquaintances are,1nvitcd to attend. T0 RON'l‘O MA RKE’l‘S. Termite, Dec. Ill. 1868. Floor. linrl'el.......... 1_...$'4 7 (43 4 75 311115111. 2p 11.1.11 . . l on @ l 110" Spring \Vtiuat, blisll .. . 1 (l5 @ 1 10 Harley, lilieli,....... . l 3" (1? l 35‘: do .............’. (lid/(30811. m do w, _,, 11511@1155“ tluv,191011........ ........l~lllU@16'5" -‘I'Ilt\'.ipllllll............1. Utlll@121*0 l’olk Iiiess lllll bbl.... . . .24 1111 {I}? 25 0” lllillel'ill?li;..........., 0‘2 @1122 Woole 1b. 11 211@u 27' .... ......o. .- Ncw thvcrtiscmcllts. 1m. HOSTETTER; Regis‘ered Medical Practitioner )1“ U \T ‘ R10. lenth 01' the Royal Col- ogu ot'Slngnllils, l'logfand. [11v examina- l‘mn]: and 111m from Guy‘s llo-pual. London, England; Wlll contlnnn to devote the whole of his time and allention 10 the practise of Medi- 1~ine. flirgory and Midwrt'ery. R‘slor yr. -. Opposite the Elgin House, \lortb 01 Rn‘blim’nd 11111. December 8, 15118. {HQ-ti FARM FOR SALE i BY AUCTION. Will he sold llv Public 1311611011, (011 the [1|‘t~1111.~t~~), on .â€" . The 20th Day ofFebruary,1869* 'rHr: Wrn'r HALF 011‘ 1.111“ No. 6, IN 11111; 5TH coxcssswiv- 0F ‘I'Hn l‘ownsliép of Whittaker-ch,- COUNTY 01" YO‘RK, ONT.; ', litlU li‘ Aurt-~ Clt'tllr‘fl ; properly fenced ‘ :9 11 111 :1 [11111-1 slnto of 1:1 ltivnliou: \vitli 1111111111111 Farm l'uiblmgs; nu {1.\(It‘1ll.‘l|l. \onng .11-l.uld ; 3711.111 li norm: of v. :.ho ( t'dzil', the uni-111(11r pllllt‘llmllv 1|IU'(11‘\'411111 The Farm 1111-1 110 11111111111111 1 11111 r1q11111-m'1nls of 1110' will or i 1- 1:111 .\lHl.\tiAM “111111.11. THHRLI tine l'ltl‘ti 1 11511; 1110 balance 111‘ :1s1:11.1.1-nl~. 111111 lnlnre-l . F11 t)'1l'11(:ltin.-‘ apply [17 cilllt'l' of [re "11(1le 1-.1. Mun 11/11/11) S i l} KlJCY, h‘ '1“ U 1‘11. N‘N Hilb‘lt. '1" hitclllirt-li Dc. ‘2. lhtH 542 Strayed. ;( lA'flE‘ into the premises of the thscriber,' |nt No. 34.52111 (itlllflt‘flsllnl. Mai-1111:1111; on or aoou. rh-- 11111: N .vruilu-r last. A llEIFE/t CALF. i'llu owner is rrq Mil-d 111 more propertv. Ivar expullsns, and lilkt! llrl‘ WWHy. l).\.'1'l.1. “711.1 LEN. Richmond Hill, Dev, 3, lo‘tiH. 511.3 FAMILY AND CHURCH BIBLES1 121' Low PKICI Sr. 111' 11111; IIERALD- orifice. Plttlyllsso' Now? or 7111111117“ 1" l)({].t.a1.s,a . the "111 of October. 'lrtin: “ ’wn about the ills ot‘ April. 18118. in 1,}:va ’n‘l 1911111151,{payable in SIX months,’ and agilinsl George Ken edv and (loorgs l-lnoper All paltlcs are lltl’rctnl‘u notified not. 111 have any nogotimion with s. It! Note, as 11 have renewed pug 1110111 for the saline. . wu. r111 rev. 1 11.11.11... 1v... 19, 151:3. 5311.31 11 IF YOU \VAK'I' £1511? BEDKS A1115 STATIONERY, (Ala. Ar T5111} HERALD OlfF‘lCE. 1V1 A RR 1A G E L I 0 EN S CS RICHMOND HILL. 1 THC‘W’ \‘1111 v 1'111111: and Conimls. ,, sloner 111 11 1t.. 1* HoVrI'ulne-ut Agra-1. "or issuing! Mill-111121» l.i_l\~l~' .s Ill lilo (inul'ty 111 Ymk ()tlicr 111'111‘~â€"--7 A M. lo {1 £111 lam, “(Holler ‘21. ldli’i. w 77 . 7VVVA~ .â€"_._- _â€"‘.._.,.â€"- ’7” OYSTERS! OYS'I‘ERS 11 X X X BEETIMORE OYS 'I‘ERS W. ATKIVson-s. 5411 11‘ Ar [lit-1111101111 11111, Nov. .9. [81111. COW LOST. , VI‘ltaYlCD from 11111 premises of 1110 Sub, 1 selibnr, on the 4111 inst, a Mileli 111w Aged lleiUlYWllllH, hill reddish brown about theneck and some small spots upon other parts of her. Any peas-1m ga-‘nlg information or returning her will be well 1ewardctl. JAMES LANGS'I'AIW‘. 111.1). 11101111101111 l'Iill. Nov. 12. H6151, 5719411. List ofLetters Remaining in 11111 Richmond 11111 Post Office, 1)--e~inhm 1st, 181114, '\-,1pl1~bv, G. 11. Frock. James 111110111111, W. Grant (loot-go {9) 111111111 '1. 1) Grunt, Jesse lilltlh‘. il‘llt‘illlflfl (luv, Robert 111111“, .lal'ob (Hell \V Hut-k. Duvil Grist, ib‘ll's‘ 111 :11 115' for himsef was somewhat posted in 11113 lilally 1111, llillnndinlt'ly \vlleolcll arm. .41 upon his 1111:1311nis1. and lll11)\Vl.’I,[ ,lllnisml' into llie lnusl lippl'nvt-d h't'll‘llllllC posllion 1111.1;1111111m. stock from the dolllz, 4111111 execution, The speclzllol‘s were al 1 111st apparently pil'l'cctly bewildered at? the si_1,ht 1.1'111'11 fierce encounter helm-en 1 11111 two glndlators, and for a lime thev‘ were allowed to indulge ill this piece [1T1 amusement without interruption. At length 1 however, it was deemed prudent to put, a stojn to the combat, us there was 11. p11)“: liability of the c11liibatan1's l'tnltltft‘lllr each even to themselves, and w1.h lnuch ..]lT1(:lllly they won: separat- cd. and tranquility was lestored. As botll have, it seems, decided to stand upon their dignity and their muscle~â€" especi- of drunkenness and Sabbath chECI'ution, Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid Cures Spraius. lyour petitioners hum'le pray the said Bill may not become law.” ally their musclcvtlicre is no probability of the matter being carried before the Catlin», Leader. l 11 ! 11111111: .lounlhan19)K1|h1, lhssulgluai'c. \V. 1(i‘b\,: 1111). Thus. ,. Lune. l'itlu :llfl 11‘1'1111111 11 (l. Mull“ 111a Rosa [1. 1-.k1-u. ,\1r~ E, Noybmll. I". A. Browne“, .1. \11' 1\ “nylon.” 11 tlgnr, Thus ('3) Ml'.\nir, JulllBH lieruul‘ll. .1. (i 1’. 1:1) Nllwmli. Sui-I‘ll t'raig Wll'ialn l’enrl'e. Fl‘llukliu Co‘eiuau. Dennis: Pallelson. Ann Column, Patrick lllisse ll. James (.‘llrmn Thus. ,2) Snider Sunliel Found». Hubert. Sauvirlgo, Chl'h-tinu Conplmld. 'l‘hns. Settles. G. Campbell. Neil Semi, Thou. Crown. llnunnli SlVPl‘S. Jennie Donor. E, (11) Sheppard, W. lilyer, .lac- h Segal'. 1‘1. ICU-r 1V “l'ollJ’l‘ V Stimson. flutes Feathers-loll 1*. Julia 'l‘mlor, .lowpli. Srll, Fmtne. Alex. TuiHeys,Jn1nos l“|‘1’1}'lll)£, W. “'i1herlm‘d. Mary Foreman, John W'ells. Rlchard M. TEEFY1 1’th 119-11111, .1 (

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