Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Dec 1868, p. 3

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CARRVILLE MILLS, WILLIAâ€"M‘COOK EGS to intimate to his many friends in Vaughan and neighboring townships. that he has resumed passeSsion of the above Mills. and that he will be prepared to attend to GRISTING AND CHOPPING. 0n the shortest notice Rye and Buckwheat ground to Order. ’." The highest price, iii Cash, (Rankeblo funds.) 'willbe paid for any quantity of good Wheat. WILLlAM COOK Ceriville, November. 2, 1868. HOTEL TO BENT. I ‘IIAT Coniotlious and popular Hotel in Richmond Hill. known as the IVHITE' HA .[t’T INIV, And at present occupied by Mr. Gideon Dolmugo For particiuure vipply to the tenant or tlte proprietor. WILLIAM AMBLICR. Richmond liill. Oct. 29. Italic“. 537-tf IF GEORGE BARI‘IARD mmflmmw Titan any other Store on RICH‘NIOND HILL, He Will Knock Under AND CIIY i’ICCAVI I i E IIAS NU\V U), TH .93 5;st At the t'ollowmg ])|I('t'>:â€"Y ting nod ‘llil Ilysoii i'eo. Gttott I‘lti'or nitit Strong L's po. lb; Young I‘I_\'St)ll 'len, :15 (id to its poi lb: {9an Meititie Young llysnii Ten, 35 lid nod 45 per lb. liziitl to beat; Fine ItlllK‘I’ILI end Gunpowder Ian. 4:. per lb. very [turd to boat: Var} SuperiorJttpan :tiitl lilack Ten. -ls ti per lb. not. to be tit-at: Vet‘i l‘ itiest Young Ilysou and Uutlp.’wdvr 'I'on. is per lb. cannot be excelieu. *3 I hare thrown down thi- Gnuntiet, le-t 3 them try it. /\ trim Is all Lint is ncodud tol cotivtnce UIISLUIIk is of tho ruuhtt. Unit at (i. A. BAILNAIID’S F0 Riciiitinnd litll. Nov. 5!, lno‘u’. .‘13’4 if II.\.\' I) SUM .; I )E‘ HARNESS. HARNESS, iN t.vt;itY VARIETY OF MUUN'I‘INUS. AN“ AS The Stock is Large Will he Sold Cheap for Cash! 0 R APPROVED CREDIT. A cell from those \\ he may be In “'aitt of a Good Article ls Earlierqu requested. Saddles from $10 ('0 Eli). Bride from r751 10 $l‘2. ,I/(ll/c’l‘s‘ in (jrcut Variety. Brushwh‘y limit]; M16~ngfiuwblynu . . 7'14.‘l7"”‘ ' ' ‘ om elll "”-’ ‘ ’ , v 'Iinanlt V. ' ' I floss Vfi'rietbyll w. it. MYERS. W Richmond Hill, Oct 8, was. 53421y ALMONTE TWEEDS I 'I‘nkcstlioiead - IN OANA DA. Kept only by \V. A'I‘KINSON. Richmond Hill, Out - , 1868. J. HOLiiAr’s csrsi‘s. Last gosioe. 1‘1II‘2-I‘ixccuioi‘s ol‘th» l7tIB .IiIIIII'S Hollidny huvr- placed the Books ol' the I‘lfl‘tlll‘ tn illr. 'I'eeh’s bond. for trio [Illtlltlst‘ ol' liitving all outstanding nut-mints CtIIIK‘tllt‘tl. hr still or otherwtse. l'ui'ti s ttldx'lJLLl wul please takn notice. i (Signed) NELSEN Jt)llNSt)‘J.? .M, , WM. UUX’S [ trims. Ue-to‘ier Its 1Z5th DAMIAN} HAS litl'i‘. Ti’iOII! “What: has IiIe got; 9 Not the Almonte 'I'vi‘eeds. but 5 3 BETTER TWEEDS" ’gl‘ltauiiu} house on Richmond Hill. zit prices ' that Can not. be equalled For Style. Dutnibility or cheapocsQ ; call, see and compare t'or yours-elves. G. A. BARNAIID’S CHEAP CASH STORE, RICHMOND HILL. October 22, [868. SSE-If ‘Iors tlint II on curly titty lenders Will be IIIVll‘ (‘l AND WILL BE PUB DURING THE July. August and T. THE REVEREND Rich .tnutl Hill. December I”. “3’68. NOW IN T4£E PRESS! OI. LISHED SHORTLY ; POLEMICAL A S PUBLISHED IN “THE YORK HERALD” Mourns or September, 1868, BETWEEN Mo, , JOHN BREDIN, AND OTHERS. IF YOU GO FIRQET October [4. 1553. ’AEKAND A. L S'l‘zlri‘IONERY 81 WE] CH :‘80 coups or N A is? DWI/{DOD I FOR SALE. Apply to JoiiN i.ii.\i(is-riirir 'I'ltoinhi‘il, Oct. ‘28. lrfiliB. ED $3 .lU~'I‘ VVIIA'I‘ IS VVAN'I‘ED THII} DO IN It'N TAMAQ ,. um. HINE .’ ~ . WJm. .Ewtmi’wn‘su I ‘ Without any “team on the Clothes, WITH LESS SOAP ANII \‘VATICII. And in Half the Time required BY Tut: ORDINARY MODE Go To .A'I'IUNSON’S. Iliclitnnnd I'Iill. ()ct. 2‘8. 1568. 537â€"tl' 1 ITTERCIILONIAL RAILWAY! TO CONTFAoTORs. The undersigned is instructed by tho Govern- ment ol Croatia to inform intending Contrac- tor the execution of coitaiti portions of the lniermnontnl Ii1l3l\\'il_\ DUI-\‘QOII River De Lottp ItIItI I’LIIIIU ski, in the Province of QIIHIII‘C: ltvtwt‘tii lrurnaud AIIIIII‘I‘<I, in the Province» oi Novin Scotia. and between Dillllollblt' and Ilatlllll‘rl, in the Province of New Brunswick. II is intended to let the work iii sections or divisions, winging front l5 to 35 iii les, accord- ing n» the ~iitiittinii and lot1=tl circumstances The ~~tis t'rys urn “UN in pi'otzi‘t-ss, mid in part Cttlllpluw‘il. and the object ot‘ this notice is to ttfllH'tl intruding Contractors ample opportunity oft-xntnitiiiipt the ground ill. once. The plans, ptolilos. spot-.ilicniions, cnnditinns of contract, forms of tender, and other tloru- 1;:entsrutpiircd for the int'ortiititioii and guid- ance of contractors, are now being prepared. and .wtwi randy. (of which due notice will be given) will be 800]] at the Railway I‘Ingineere' Office. in IIaIitilX. St. John. Dulliousie, Rim~ unski, Itivor De Leno. ntid :tt Otinwa. SADDFORD FLEMING, Chief Engineer. lutereolonial Railway Office . Ottawa. September 1'2, 1868. B .t CE *’ s ‘ FEEDS J. BIIIIJIJNGER, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, June It. ’68. 5|7-tf ‘ POCKET BOOK LOST. ’ DST. on or about 'I‘ltursdny, I5th inst, n 3 J Pocket Book (1 ntzttiiiug ti Note drawn by 'I‘liomns \vllstlll. Unionvtilo. in Jun», Iotili, {or $80. and \‘Vituossod lift I‘itldlll \‘Vootcn. in favor of the Subscriber or bearer. hereby notified not to pntctinso the said note, as payment has DUO” stoppt-n. WILLUM ANDERSON. Yonge Street. Oct. 2‘2. I868, 5264b Hats and Caps. UST RECEIVED. a New and Fashionable Assortment of I’arttes tire ‘ Enitrite SOSIETY llEI'lISITtIIIY d1 “ATTIEIERALD OFFICE l“uh-non ii I 855 ‘ N'O WV READY Z The New Canadian National Series limitinqu eooKs Autlioizcd by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. l First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly ‘ bound in limp cloth, 59,. HATS AND CAPS In every variety of Shapes. iii Felt. Cloth, PIush,Seal and. Velvet. in Men’s and Boy’s. Sizes. This is the Largest & Most Varied Assortment to be found on ltichmond Hill and LUW IN tRIttId. G- A. BARNARD'S. Richmond Hill, Oct. 2:. 1868. 5264f IFirst Bookâ€"2nd Port, 54 illustrations, stroneg bound in limp cloth, 10c Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound iii cloth boards, 20c Apply to tThird Book, 41 illustrations, stroneg THOMAS SEDMAN-l : bound in cloth boards, 300 Richmond Hill. July 16, 1868. 5224f 1 Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illustrtttions, strongly bound iii cloth boards, 500 i For Sale by I ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Jan. 2, 1868, tillll hill Hill OUT THE TORONTO TRADE, In Price and Quality ALL TO BITS. 537.4i. BOOTS £5 SHOES WANT trees l ll TO WM. HARRISON’S PRIEE noses ESTAB LISHMENT. Richmond Hill. 535»3m ER SCOTT IIAS RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK 0F FANCY‘Gooos, WILL THE CHEAPEST AND LARGEST STOCK 0N RICHMOND HILL, Is to be seen at «W. MYERS’, .l ,w-sJ Allwof whiclLMII be __soln “title's that ' ""1"" - ' cutiuot fail to‘ ‘ '- Give Satisfaction WILL NOT III} ‘U‘NDERSDLD. )Ieit’s Calf boots. perfect beauties. [wt-t. Men’s tingliin Kipp boots, warranted to turn M ‘ah’s Stogy boots cannot be beat for iviitter. l_.ad_\’s high cut boots. no Lady should be with- out them. ' Led) ’5 Winter Kidd boots, perfect gems. Lady’s Cloth boots, cannot bebeet for winter. Children and Misses’ boots in great variety. and iii every style. Boy’s Long: and Lane boots of every kind. Rubbers and Felt over-shoes. shoe-packs. A call is Earnestly Requested. Richmond llill,Oct. 8. I865. 534--Iy ATKINSON Has the best assorttiieut of Fancy Woolen Goods NOR [R or TORONTO. Richmond Hill. Oct. 8, 1868. G. H. HUSBAND L.D.s., .0 tot "JE' ‘51“, -Begs most respectfttllr to announce that he I Uniotiville. . . .... lst Mondoy of each month. Weston“ . . t . . . . . . i . . . 9th day‘ol' each month Kleinbnrg. ..........Itith -‘ “ Burwick, .....--.....‘2‘2Itfl “ " Scarl-cro’ ...... . . . ..,23rtl ” " Where he will be prepared and most happy to wait on those who may require his services, - will be at G. H, IL, having had over I ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE Fear. confident of giving entire satisfaction. . To them who have favored him with their 2 pnti‘oimgein the past he returtw his sincere l thanks. and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part Will be wanting to meet their approval. REFEREN’CES : The following gentlemen can. with confidence recommendG. H. Husband. to all requiring Denml aid: Dr. Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull, ._, 1., -. at: “man” FOR SALE, , HOUSE AND LOT situated on Welling- ton St. Aurora. There is a good stable and driving House attached. Will be Sold Cheap. Appplr t0 JOHN. GARTON, Thornhill. 539.4: TO MAKE MERRY HEARTS AND CHEERY FACES. BUT. ONLY ONCE IN Farm for Sale. HE Subscriber offers for Sale his fem; boi-tg Lot I7. in the 2nd Con.. Township" of Markham, CONTAINING 68 ACRES of excellent hind. 55 of which are clenred,ul In‘ t- gnod state of cultivation”. The Building: are good and in u there! h' state at repair. There” is also u splon id‘ Orchard on the premises This Fnrm ll only I6 miles from Toronto, ’ Youge S i‘eet. For pattirulurs Ipplv on the pramim to GEORGE TEASDALE‘ If by letter pro-paid. address Handler! l’.0. Markham. July 9,1868. ESN’T ET FUNNY I _ now A T :K 1 N s o N Can give us so much Fér our Money-'- Richmond Hill, Oct 8. 1868. ALAS 1 EACH YEAR. 2 November 12. 1868. New & Fashionable Clothing FROM MONTREAL.’ THEREFORE, DO NOT FAIL TO UST RECEIVED a large assortment of Gentleman’s OVER & UNDER COATS, Pants and Vests. in a variety of material, 0 the most fashionable cut and shape, of durable fabrics and as CIIEAI’ as‘the same quality .can be had in Toronto, for CASH OR SHORT CREDIT! 111‘ G. A.-BAHNARD’S. Richmond Htll. 536-tt‘ TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY! And make yourselves merry and cheery. by giving CHRISTMAS 85 NEW YEAR PRESENTS To ALL your friends. The only place where they can be had, is at THE “HERALD” BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. t October 22, 1868. .J'. H. s NDERso’N’,» VETERINARY SURGEON, ( Graduate of Toronto Veterinary Clulga) orner onpnge and Centreâ€"st Eu? RICHMOND HILL. BOY WANTED. VVANTED IMMEDIATELY. A BOY. strongi and active, to make himself useful in grttnig out r ood,i‘uniiing messages. Alt/c. Applv at tiits ottico. ’tit’liiiiond Iltll. Oct. 15. I863- thrill tutti RICHMOND HILL FUR ‘ NIILLINE RY GOODS I of every description, is at I’tfirfia. MYERS’. now practicing with H. SANDERSO". ot' the lame place. where they m-y bo crtmult- . ed personally or by letter, on III diuuu of Horses. Cattle. 61c; Medicines of every inscription For Horses and (‘uttle ulwztye on hand : each as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Can It. Condition and Worin Bulls and Powders. " h. (‘otigh Balls have been found most service:le iii alleviating many of the distressing nymp- t'otns ot' Ilrokenu ind or Hooves in Hanoi. Colic. Uranglits. Lintmeitts for Sore Throatl. Sprains, Curb. Spnrin, Iting~bone, die. BlietÂ¥ ering Oiittnieuts. also I-Ioof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds. Bruises. huddle Gulls. lutulliable Oil and Sheep Tick Del- troyer. All orders from a distance promptly attended to, and medicine: sent to any part at the Prod" \‘ince. Horses examined its to soundness, ullé“ Bought nitd Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. April ‘23, IBGB.’ 'I‘IIE iiititiiirmiis QUESTIth :" WHERE TO PROCURE' THE IOIT IUI'I'AILI ARTICLES FOR. HOLIDAY onus ~IIE Subscriber. ever mindful of the went!" of the public, has just received a Hats and I’intiiietstrimmed: Felt Hale and Velvet Bonnets: Silk and patent Vel- vet Vulvottcens for Mantles. Flowers. Rib- bons, Uri-5s trimmings. Buttons. Gloves. the new gored Sliii't<, Corsets. Also a choice lot of Woolen Goods, Infant’s Coats and Caps. Lady’s (.‘rossovi-r waists. Neckties. Squares. Berlin Wool, and small wares. Richmond Hill. Oct 8, lens. DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT VVILLIAM LIITCLIELL’S I NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN rm. t, It, '5, Ii'llttii WE ‘ltlttlll' 103 KING STREET, South West Corner Church St. Toronto, For the CHEAPEST, Most FASHIONABLE. and Most MAGNIFCENT VARIETY OF DRESS GOODS, MANTLES AND MILLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, COTTONS, LiNENs. CLorus, Tweeds, Mantle Materials, Silks, Ribbons, Flowers. Furl/tors. Hosiery. Gloves. Trimmings, Small lVarcs, Shirts, Collars, Tics, Umbrellas, LADIES’ & GENTS’ LAMBS WOOL UNDERCLOTHING‘W 534-ly NO‘I‘ICE. ’ IIE Administerator of the will of the late Ebcr \Vliiie, wishes to notify all those that have clttiittos ugaiust the ~bove estate. to present them for agostmeut, on or about the third of November innit, at his sons residence. (Mr. Henry thte.) Lot No. 26. let ’Con. Vaughan: and till those that are owin the some by note or otherwise, are hereby redtiest- ed to settle the same by that date. K GEORGE INGLIS, Administeraior. Vaughan. Oct,, 8. ’GS' . 4t HEADFOED MILLS. r ’ilIE SUBSUIwflR, in returning thanks 5io“ ill I |lll "tittiln ' lttiiiii' ‘liiitii ILllltll‘llt' l Large and Miscellaneous Stock 0F CAREFULLY JILICTLII Books 8: Fancy Goods- INCLUDING MANY 0' TH! STANDARD AUTHORS I‘ to his nnm 5 customers fortlie liberal support since he chased the above Mills; begs to intimate 1b; Ute has made great im- provetiionts iiittl alterations, during the past summer, and lie is now prepared to attend to Gristin Sci-Chopping At short notice. Parties from a distance may have their Grist home with theui, with us little dolti'y as possible. Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Soutags, Cotton and Woolen Yarns, JOHN EYER. Hendrord' Sept. 23) '86 ' 6-") Grain Bags. 610 Donna Sltirtings ting Kern‘s": I. f” - SUPERIOR 7T0, IMPORTED GOODS. In various styles of Binding. BIBLES 1w TESTAMENTS I: “ HYMN “YER BOOKS, 'In all tlierdifl‘erentstylggoffijiiidipt. fa-i’ oils 2 Oil _ 'lllflqRMS: CASH, A110 ONE,PRICE .ON ‘ . . . â€"â€" .._, . ~ w \_ . .o-vâ€"r'w ' m W f v _ ."WW ‘ ._ 'l_~ ‘ ‘ V_,. _ \ an . . LANDELL’S Best Qta ; or English Tm'f" ‘ “‘f 5"" 9_ if” - 7 a 5” Boiled or Itew Oil :15] per gul., Best ' B, " .. ,, Canada Coal Oil, 37; cts per gal. Best Penn- “ “"""'" sylvuiiiu coal ()il. 50 etc per gal Also Mas - aw." \Kx chino cool ()il, It) e'phaitt and Fish Oil, 'I'ur- ' , petitine. Varnish, Best White Lead. Red ‘ Loud, Venetian Ht‘d, Spanish Brown, ,Yellow ttcliro,(,‘hiotno Yellow and all tttlier‘puints. Window Gloss iii ailsizes. as CHEAP as can & be sold nuywhere. at I G. A. Barnard’s Cheap CastitSiorel RIC 0ND IIILL. October 2'2, 1' 5264f He IInS also received a heavy Itock of PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY: ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill. Nov .99.1667‘. ~ 8. M. SAN DEDSON & 00. Are Manufacturing all the Newest Styluo Men‘s. Women's and Children's Boots w 31:06:! At their New Store-â€" No- 90 Yongcst. Toronto,a iioitxtiit‘s mum SELF-SHUTTING GATE. v' ‘IIIS usefulinventiou isthe mostconvenient, the cheapest, and most durable GATE for form use. The I’etentee is now prepared to Sell _ ' l . T ' i r 1 ) r , . ‘t g | .. TOWNSHIP 121011th A UMN AM) W INIElt SIOCK, _ . ., For the use of HS Potent Self-shutting the. Ladles and Gentlemen, Who reqm" . Applicants will please address their letters ' wmc“ wn‘L BE FOUND true Chart 0f the? foot’ can procure. on. m.“ (post paid) to = ’ either French Kid 01‘ Calf, by calling ad‘- M. TEEFY, '1' 1â€": E 1.. A R G- E s '1- , ordering it at T. DOLMAGE’S; Itcuiitoun I’IIIiI. P. 0. Richmond Hill, April 4, 1857. Agent for Patentee. Riclimnd Hill, September “5.1867, 478 GEORGE A. BARN ARD Begs to announce to his customers and the public that he has now received his PHYSIOLOGY. SUIâ€"i. SANDERSON &. Co.- ARE OFFERING GREAT BARGAIN-‘3 In Men’s and Boy’- CHEAPEST AND MOST VARIED 0t any on Richmond Hill, and having Notice to Farmers. iiicuMoNDT-IILL MILLS. Calf, Rip and Cowhide fiesta, GEO. II. APPELBY ,6”, BE FOUND At No. 90 Yonge Street. Toronto. EGS to informthe Fametsit trieneig'hbor- . . hood ot'ttichmond Hill,tlinhehaaleused & g N ‘V‘IT. the above Mills. and has put tbéfm in thorough inroRTEi-tSAND DEALER! ll GOODS cm in; OFFERED Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, NORTH OF TORONTO, the patronage of the public. ELEC'I LO-PLATED WARE, FOR. GRISTING AND CDOPPING, CUTLERY, &c., 8L6, SHORT CREDIT! BEEN BOUGEIT CLOSE, Done on the shortest notice. WThe highest market price paid for Wheat. Richmond Hill, Nov. 14.1867. WILLIAM‘CO'X, Successor to James HdlIiday, i' UTCHER, 2nd door north of Bernard’s store. RICHMOND HILL, EEPS always on hand the bestof Beef, Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork. Sausages. the. and sells at the lamest prices. The highest market price given for Cattle, I'he attontion oftbe’ Public is ini'vt’e'd to their' tock, censisting of is. great variety of ‘JHOIOE AND FANCY GOODS, nfthe bes' description and newest designs. CASH OR Jarel’ul attention given to tho repairing 6f . . Watches nutl Clocks Jewelry manufactured ALSO AN UNUSUAL LARGE STOCK and Reunited. I. No. i i. King Street But. 6 doors out o! Yonge Street. ‘ Weston: Dr. D’l‘lvlyn, Burwicu; Dr. Corsou, l Brampton. ‘ RESIDENCE;â€"’i‘hornhill. : Thornhill, Sept. 17. 1868. 1y APPRENTICF WANTED. STRONG Active Boy Wanted as an ap- prentice to the Waggon Making Busi- i ness- FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, Jun, l but 20. 2nd «cosine Min‘khttm. MALLOY’S AXES 'Slt: ,Iitt b.&. . IAIsEb. COIII‘IIQSII aucd Spiced Beef. Smoked and 0 F Toronto’ Apr” 96' 1866' Dried Hams. IticltniondHlll. October 15. 1867. I-y ’ J. SEGSWORTH. L___F_ ,-_.â€"..â€"__ I ’ iiironrsit or S. M. Sanderson & Co. ‘ W ATOH ES,- CLOCKS, ' ILL tl ‘ ll ' ‘ I 4 t \ soul‘swfiile llrlillli°al°tileilallel . AND FINE JEWELRY. store 113, YONGE St., TORONTO w JIIasom'c and other Emblem! made to order. . Toronto, Anal 27-, 1866. 47. , 1‘0- 9“ Yonge Street AN EARLY CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, LAND FOR SALE. 0 DE SOLD on reasonabloterms, the fol- lowing it-opemy :â€" PthtN 3t), 2dc.v i ,. 4 » ' .c‘iigizigfigogefifius CHEAPEST oooos ‘l ' At Richmond Hill. Customers will then see that the)Y can buy CALL AND SEE A'rx't'NsoN’s Assonmnm or HATS AND CAPS IT IS NOW COMPLETE mimosa Hill, Oct. 8. m, AT - Richmond Hill. October I , 1868: For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. . Richmond Hill. Sept. I. 1866.‘ 69 GEORGE A. BARNARD’S._ 5333m and 2 miles {Item BEGS to announce to the public that In if.

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