Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 Dec 1868, p. 3

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TEEF‘Y. Notary Public and Commls- , siouer in B R., is Government Agent «fox-issuing Marriage Licensas in \he County of York. Office hours-7 A.M. to 9'30 P.M. EGS to intimate to his many friends in Vaughan and neighbming townships. that he has resumed possessxon of the above Mills. and that he will be prepared to attend to MARRIAGE LICENSES CARRVILLE MILLS GRISTING AND CHOPPING‘ Rye‘ and Buckwheat ground ‘3," The highest price, in Cash, (Bankahle funds,)wi11be paid {or any quantity of good Wheat. WILLIAM COOK X X X BALTIMORE And at present occupied by Mr. Gideon Utflmage. I I p: BETTEET TEA EUET THE PRECE At the (chewing prices zâ€"Yeung and Old Hyson Tea. Good Flavor and Strong-52; per lb: Young Hysou Tea. 25 (id to BS pen lb: Extra Mu)une Young Hysou Tea, 35 6d and 1h per lb, hard to beat; Flue Imperial and Gunpowder Tea, 45 par lb, very hard to boat: Var} SuperiorJapan and Black Tea, 45 (i 4 per lb, 110:. to be beat; Very Finest Young Hyson and Gunpowder Tea, 53 per 1b, cannot be exceHed. EEG EVEN Knack Egaflcr AND CRY PECAVI Z *j‘ Ihaye thrown down the Gauntlet,let them try it. A trial is all that is needed to convince customers of the reality, Call at G. A. BARNARD'S .308. TEA‘F. HARNESS. HARNESS, Will be Sold Cheap for Cash 0R APPROVED CREDIT. A call from those who may be Saddles from $10 in $40. Bridles from $1 to $12. Ifaztcrs in Great Variety Brushes qf'evcrg/ kind. Curry, Maine a? clipping combs. Horse Blankets In ‘Want of a Gaod Article HE Executors of the late James [‘Iollida)v have placed the Books of the Estate in Mr. Tee?) ’5 hands for the purpose of having all outstanding accounts colluctad, by snil or otllerwlse, Parties indebted will please take notice. In Endless Variety. W. H.MYERS. J. HOLI SAY’S ESTATE. BARNARD HAS GOT THEM! Not the Almonte Tweeds, but BETTER TWEEDS October 23. 1868. AT W. ATKH Richmond Hill, Nov. 19, 1868‘ Than any house 011 Richmond Hill, at prices that For Style. Durability or cheapuess : call, see and compare for yourselves. Carrville, November, 2, 1868‘ CHEAP CASH STORE, UST RECEIVED. a New and Fashionable Assortment of HATS AND CAPS In every variety of Shapes. in F0“. Cloth. Plush,Seal and Velvet. in Men’s and Boy’s Sizes. This is the Largest & Most Varied Assortment to be found, OR Richmond Hill and HAT Comodious and popular Hotel in Richmond Hill, known as the Richmond Hill, Oct 8,1658. October Us 1868. RICHNEOND IAIILL, Lichrf. RICHBIOND IIILL October 2‘2, 1863. E HAS NOXV 0N HAND SOME 0‘5“ Richmond Hill. Oct. 2‘2. 1868 IF GEORGE BARNARD DON’T SELL Til}? BESST Tfiu‘efis Carriage, Buggy. Riding. Hunting and Team Whips IN EVERY VARIETY OF MOUN'I‘INGS AND AS The Stool: is Large What has He got? Cannot be squall] ed Last Nofiic e . OYSTERS ! OYST ERS I I WILLIAM COOK WHITE HART INN, (Signed) NELSEN JOHNSON, WM. COX, Than any olher Store on On the shortest nofice ls Earnestly requested RICHMOND HILL. HOTEL T0 RENT. Hats and Caps. G. A. BAH OYSTERS W. ATKINSON’S LOW 1N PRICE. G. A. BARNARD’S HEN 0v. 5, 1668‘ RNARD’S to Order Exalmtars. 5401f 534-1y saw-1r 5364f 5264f MOST EXTRAORDINARY AND DELIGHTFUL PREPARATION EVER DISCOVERED! It will make the hands, however rough, smooth, soft and white. Prepared only by Fresh Outs, Caulks azad. Bruises On Horses and Cattle. We can confidently recommend it to all owners of horses Prepared in Canada only by HORSES! HORSES! 3 HGRSES !! l CHAPPED HANDS. THE BEVEREND JOHN BREDIN, Y ELSA {1% EB‘W’QfiB I 1? O R S A L E . Apply to JOHN LANGSTAFF. The undersigned is instructed by the Govern- ment of'Canada to inform intending Contrac- tors that at an early day tenders Will be invited for the execution of certain portions of the inim'culonial Railway between River De Loup and Rimouski, in the Province of Quebec; between 'I‘ruro and Amherst, in the Province of Novia Scotia, and between Dalhousie and Bathurst, in the Province of New Brunswick. And in Half the Time required The surveys are 11qu in progress. and in part completed, and the object of this notice is to afford intendmg Contractors ample opportunity of examining the ground at once. It is intended to let the work in sections or divisions, ranging from 15 to 35 miles, accord- ing to the situation and local circumstances. The plans, plofiles, specifications, conditions of contract, forms of tender, and olhsr docu- ments required for the information and guid- ance of contractors, are now bsing prepared. and when ready. (of which due notice will be given) will be seen at the Railway Eugineers’ Office. in Halifax, St. John. Dalhousie, Rim- ouski, River De Loup, and at Ottawa. SANDFORD FLEMING, IETERWLfiNIAL BAELWAY! TO CONTâ€"Râ€"AUTORS. BICE’S PUMPS WA SH 1 N G MA 012’ I NE ! BEBLE SMIETY DEPOSITORY Authorized by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. NOW READY 2 First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 50. First Bookâ€"2nd Part, 54 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 100 Second Book, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 20c Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 300 Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 400 Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 500 For Sale by Toron‘o, December 17, 1668. READING BOOKS Richmond Hill, December 10. 1368. Thox nhill, CST. on or about Thursday, 15th inst. a Pocket Book containing a Noie drawn by Thomas Wilson, Unionville, in June. 1863. for $80. and Witnessed by Edwin Wooten. in favor of the Subscriber or bearer. Parties are hereby notified not to purchase the said note, as payment has been stopped. Intercolonial Railway Office. Ottawa, September 12, 1868. Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68. Richmond Hilll 865 The New Canadian National Series OF Without any Wear on the Clothes, ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond mm, Jan. 2, 1868, WILLIAM ANDERSON Yonge Street, Oct. 22, 1868. 526-3t JulyflAugust and Septelnber, 1868 JUs'l‘ WITH LESS SOAP AND WATER, [5 used by the Royal Veterinary Surgeons of England. for all kinds of BY THE ORDINARY MODE POCKET BOOK LOST. Oct. 28. 1868 WHAT IS WANTED FOR SALE BY 80 CORDS OF USE MILLER’S PREPARED GLYOERINE, TH 14} DO ‘I IN [ON MILLER’S DERBY OIL! VVI),L \VA SH “THE YORK HERALD” AT THE Go To A’I‘KINSON’S em. 28, #368. W J. DRILLINGER, Richmond Hill Vune ll. ’68. 5174f HERALD OFFICE AND WILL BE mumsqu SHORTLY; Chief Engineer‘ AND OTHERS. POLEA’IICAL DURING THE MONTHS OF T. J. ML, 537-4t A S PUBLISHED IN IT IS THE BETWEEN iUnionviHe,. . . . .. . Isl Monday of each month. VVeston,. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9th day of each month Kleinbnrg. ..........16th -‘ U Burwick, . . . . . .. . . . . .‘22nd “ N Scarboro’ ............23rd “ H Where he will be prepared and most happy to I wait on those who may require his services, HUGH MILLER & C0.. Medical Hall. 367 King Street East, Toronto 5434f HUGH MILLER 6L CO. Medical Hall, 167 King Sh;th East, Toronto All of which will be sold at. prices that cannot fail [O A call is Earnestly _Requested. Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1868. 534â€"1y 3050733 65 SHGES Men’s Calf beats, perfect beauties. [weL Men’s English Kipp boots. warranted to turn Men’s Stogy boots cannot be beat for winter. Lad:”s high. wLbontsrnoLadyshould be with- 1 out them. adg’s Winier Kidd boots. perfect gems. Lady’s Cloth boots, cannot bebeat for winter. Children and Missas’ beats in great variety. Fancy Woolen Goods WELL N91} BE UNBERSQLD. and in every style. Boy’s Long and Lace boots of every kind. Rubbers and Felt over-shoes. shoe-packs. Begs most respectfully to announce that he will be at To those who have favored him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. Feels confident of givaing el}t_irp satisfaction REFERENCES : The following gentlemen can, with confidence recomlnend‘G. H. Husband. to all requiring Dental aid: Dr. Reid, Thornhiil; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evly11,13urwicK-, Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESIDENCE zâ€"Thornhill. Thornhiil, Sept. 17. 1868. 1y THE ALMONTE TWEEDS ! 11685. MALLOY’S AXES DANIEL HORNER, Jun, I A. WRIGHT. Let 90‘ m “in “mkham Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1866. 69 NORTH OF TORONTO. Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1868. ELEVEN YEARS PRACTICE Richmond Hi”, Oct 8, 1868. ATKINSEEON G. H. HUSBAND L.D.s., Richmond Hill, July 16, 1868. W. H. MEYERS’ 7 APPRENTICE WANTED. STRONG Active Boy Wanted as an ap- prentice to the Waggon Making Busi- THE CHEAPEST Give Satisfaction ASHE G. H. H., having had over IN CANADA. Has the best assortment of 0N RICHMOND HILL, Is to be seen at @ENE’ESWQ LARGEST STOCK Apply to Takes the lead FOR SALE BY Kept only by AND 0F THOMAS SEDMAN W. ATKINSON. 5224f New & Fashionable Clothing FROM MONTREAL. Pants and Vests. in a variety of material, 0 the most fashionable cut and shape. of durable fabrics and as CHEAP as the same quality ' can be had in Toronto, for UST RECEIVED a large assortment of Gentleman's OVER & UNDER COATS, HOUSE AND LOT siiuated on Welling- ton St. Aurora. There is a good stable and driving House attached. CASH 0R SHORT CREDIT! AT G. A, BAKNARD’S, X ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A BOY, strong and active, to make himself useful in gatting out VA ood,running messages. «Sac. Apply at this otfice. MILLINERY GOODS ! Hats and Bonnets trimmed: Felt Hats and Velvet Bonnets; ’Silk and patent Vel- vet VolVeLteens for Mantles, Fluwers. Rib- bons, Dress trimmings, Buttons. Gloves. the new gored Skirts. Corsets. Also a cho‘Ice lot of Woolen Goods, Infant’s Coats and Caps, Lady’s Crossover waists. Neckties. Squares, Berlin Wool, and sum“ wares. Vi‘HE Administerator of the wil} of the late Eber \Vhite, wishess to notify all those ‘hat have claimes against the above estate. to present them for agestment, on or about the third of November next, at his sons residence. (Mr. Henry thte.) Lot No. 26, tst Con. Vaughan : and all those that are owing the same by note or otherwise, are hereby request- ed to settle the same by that date. GEORG E 'tNGLIS, Adminislcmiar. Vaughan, Oct,, 8, ’68' 4t ‘HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning thanks to his numerous customers forthe liberal support since he purchased the above Miils; begs to intimate that he has made great im- provements and alterations, during the past summer, and he is now prepared to attend to A! short notice. Parties from a distance may have their Grist home with them, with as little delay as possible Oils Z 0115 2 0115 l LANDELL’S Best Quality of English Boiled or Raw Oil $1 per gal., Best Canada Coal Oil, 37; cts per gal., Best Penn- sylvania coal Oil. 50 015 per gal Also Ma- chine coal Oil, Elephantand Fish Oil, Tur- pentiue. Varnish, Best White Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red. Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Chrome Yellow and all other paints. Window Glass in allsizes, as CHEAP as can be sold aluwhere, at HEADFORD MILLS. SELF-SHUTTING GATE. 7] VHlS usefuliuvention is the most conveniqm, For the use of his Patent Self-shutting Gate‘ Applicants win please address their letters (post paid) to l the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use, The Pulelltee is now prepared m sell Richmnd Hill, September [6, 1867. EGS to inform the Famexsin the neighbor- hood of Richmond 111",th helms leased the above Mills, and has put them in thorough repair, and will be glad to receive a share of the patronage of the public. RICHMOND HILL MILLS. GRISTINGâ€" AND CHOPPING, Done on the shortest notice. TOWNSHIP RIGHTS 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. fiThe hlg‘aest market price paid for Wheat. ' Richmond Hill, Nov. 14. 1867. WILLIAMWCOX, EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork. Sausages, &C. and sells at the Ioweet prices. The highest market price given for Cattle. Sheep. liambs: «Sac: .Aléo. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. l-y “]ILL thoroughly warrant every pair of BOOTS made by them at their new store S. M. Sanderson & Co. November 12. 1868. No. 90 Yonge Street. 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fa!- lowing "openly :â€" Partof Lot No 30. on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing 63 acrav; also. Village Property At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. October 22, 1868‘ liichtfiénd Hiil. Oct. 15. 1868 Richmond Hill. Oct 8. 18278. . A. Barnard’s Cheap Cash Store RICHMOND HILL. Headford. Sept. 23, 1863. October 22. 1868. Will be Sold Cheap. Appply to J OHN GARTON, Gristing 3; Chopping RICHMOND HILL, Notice to Farmers. BOY WANTED. RICHMOND HILL Successor to James Holliday, LAND FOR SALE. GEO. H. APPELBY of every description, is at HORNER’S PATENT M. TEEFY, BUTCHER, NO'E‘ECE. For Sale, RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patenteo‘ FUR 0N JOHN EYER. Richmond Hzll Thbrnhill. 539 -4t 53 4-1}; 5364f 526-1f 478 'BUT. ALAS! ONLY ONCE IN EACH YEAR! jflfli'ml WISE-u WMEE CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR PRESENTS SUPERIOR TO IMPORTED “G‘O’fiDS .... u" I m “ I mull I “I “I U L m“ I w. HUM“ mm 2"” w “imuuuu . I '1“ q ‘iulmm‘ I 11‘ “M .V ,1”; [mu 1" an“ “‘5 ilfl‘fi N M ‘W It ., 1]]l 1 Jim W .le “\COTTONS, LINENS, (moms, Tweeds, Mantle Materials, Silks, FALL & WINTER GOODS I VARIETY OF DRESS GOODS, AUTUMN AND WINTER STOCK, $3 @mflfifl fig fimflf’ CHEAPEST AND MOST VAIED CASH OR SHORT CREDIT! BflflHEH’S IIANAHIAN TWEEBS ANII FlILI. ELIITHS. THE CHEAPEST GOODS Toronto, November 19. 1862. Richmond Hill. October 1, 1863. LADIES’K; GENTS’ LAM‘BS WOOL UNDERCLOTHING, , 103 KING STREET, South West Corner Church St. Toronto, THE “HERALD” BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Begs to announce to his customers and the public that he has now received his TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY! AN EARLY CALL [S RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, Ribbons, Flowers, Feather-5,. Hosiery, Gloves. Trimmings, Small IVares, Shirts, Collars, Tics, Umbrellas, MERRY HEARTS AND CHEERY FACES, To ALL your friends. The only place where they can b5 had, is at Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Cotton and Woolen Yarns. Grain Bags, &c Duiidas Shfififlg‘safld YarnsN WILLIAM MITCHELL’S MANTLES AND MJLLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, ALSO AN UNUSUAL LARGE STOCK BEEN BOUGHT CLOSE, For the CHEAPEST, Most FASHIONABLE. and Most MAGNIFCENT GEORGE A. BARNARD TIE-IE. LARGEST, TERMS: CASH, AND ONE PRICE ONLY. And make yourselves merry and cheery. by giving NEW AND FASHION ABLE NORTH OF TORONTO, THEREFORE, DO NOT FAIL TO Customers will then See that they can buy Ar Of any on Richmond Hil', and having NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT GOODS CAN BE OFFERED WHICH WILL BE FOUND GEORGE A. BA RNARD’S.' WILL BE FOUND TO MAKE FOR 5333m mflESubscxiber offers for Sale his fum., 1 being Lot 17. in the 2nd Com. Township of Murkham,CONT-AIN1NG 68 ACRES of excellent land, 55 of which nucleated, and In a good state of cultivation. The Buildings are good and in a thorough state of repair. There is also a splcudid Orchard on the premises. This Farm is only 16 miles from Toronto, and 2 miles from. Yonge Slreet. For particulam apply. on the premises to GEORGE TEASDALE If by letter. preppaid. address Hudford P.O. Markham, July 2, 1868._ For qur Money} Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1.858. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, W ESN’T IT FUNNY X; EGS to announce to the public that ho is now practicing with H. SANDERSON. of the same place. where they may be consult- ed personally or by Ietler, on all disoasos of,‘ Horses. Cattle, &c. Mcdicines of every Discription For Horses and Cattle always on hand : such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Cough, Condition and Worm Bulls and Powders. They Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokonwind or Heaves in Horsess Colic, Draughls. Liniments for Sore Threats. Sprains. Curb, Spavin, Ring-bone, &c. Blist- ering Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises. Saddle. Galls. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des-- troyer. , . .. ... .. .. 1,; Brders from a distance promptly attended: to, and medicine: sent to any part ofthe Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. Apri123‘, 1868. 510 THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION :‘ Books & Fancy Goods. In all the difi'erent SEES 01'- Binding. HOLIDAY GIFTS Pocket Books, Purses, &c.. PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCOTT. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS 11 HYMN d‘ PRAYER BOOKS, AIhums from 25 Gents to $6, Toys q)" Various Kinds, Are Manufacturing a“ the Newest Styles 0 Men's. Women’s and Children’s Boots ck: Shoes At their New Storeâ€" Noo 90 Yonge-st. Torontm Ladies anti Gentlemen, _who require 6. true chart of the foot, can procure one in either French Kid or Calf, by calling And ordering it at T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill, April 4, 1867. In various styles of Bindings. Calf, Kip and Cowhide Boots, S. M. SANDERSON 8c Co. IMPORTEBS AND DEALER IN Waiches, cocks, and Jewelry, Carefu‘ alfnntinn given to tho repairing of Watches amr1 Clocks Jewelry manufacturod and Repairing; _ «.n‘ .,n CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, unn- “my...” -. No.11. King Street East. 6 door: cast of Yonga Strnet. Toronto, April 26. 1866. W. WHARIN & CO. The attention ofthe Public is inivted to thoir lock, censistiug of a great variety of WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONG-E St., TORONTO W Masohic and other Emblem: made to order. Toronto,Apn’l 27, 1866. ‘7. HATS AND CAPS (Graduate of Toronto Veterinary Collage) orner ononge and Centre-st East- RICHMOND HILL. 0fthe bes! description and newest designs. STANDARD AUTHORS! Large and Miscellaneous Stock Richmond Hill. Nov .29 . 1867. WHERE TO PROCURE THE mosr SUITABLE ‘ ARTICLES FOR ‘HE Subacriber, aver mindful of tho wants: Richmond Hill, Oct.8, S. M. SANDERSON & Co. ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, 81.0., &.c, He has also received a. heavy stock of CALL AND SEE Shhe public; has just received a At No. 90 Yonge Street. Toronto. GREAT BARGAINI HOW ATKINSON N 0 W COMPLETE ATKINSON’S ASSORTMEN’I‘ 0F 0F- CAREFULLY SELECTED INCLUDING MANY OF THE Farm for Sale.- Can give us so much J. SEGSWORTH, PHYSIOLOGY. In Men’s and Boy’s LEE OFF ERING IMPORTER OF IT IS ’68.

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