Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Dec 1868, p. 2

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June-2'. a..." :â€": 59")! .r _ .....-., -,.-... fl.- Proposes to a. Hindoo Yms Lady . (u'thern Railway of Carlotta Rajah. - - w.-_r . __ tiff.“ 'r‘ifil A correspondent of the London Star sends m; the following, which he says has recently arrived from Madras, and is vouched forby a European oh‘iccr, n ho was on a visit to the nobleman referred to when the letter was Going Numb 8.55 AM _ . . _ ~ _ . _ _ 4_55 p.31 received. .It was handed over to him for | Going, South 10.02 Aux, “ _ _ p _ _ ‘ 37.02 RM translation into the n'itrve tongue, which he at once did, evidently to the consternation of the native hearers. Whoever the mem. ber of the fair sex may be who perpetrated _ such a piece of folly. the most charitable construeliori to be put upon it is, that she is afit subject for the lunatic asylum of the Cornwall district. In Madras no doubt was RICHMOND HILL STATION. CHANGE or TIMI-J. November 23. 1868. Mails made up at: the Richmond Hill Post; omee. Until further notice, the mails will be was entertained of the genuineness of the l MORNING- doeumeuts: Northern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20 A.M. “To His Majesty the Maharajah o , Southern Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.30 11-31. Southern India. May it please your Ma- Mail forAlmira. . . . . . . . ] jestyâ€"I am a young lady of highly respec- “ Cashel, . . . . . . . . . . | 11.00 A.M. table connections ; my papa and mama are “ Gormley, . . . . . . . . . }on Tuesdays both dead, and I am now residing with a “ Headford. . , . . . . . . . | dz Fridays. minister, whose name is Rev. I am . “ Victoria Square, . . J twenty-one years of age, 0nd have some pro- EVENING MAIL. perty, and am anxious to be married to some t , I .1 ‘ ,, one very high and richâ€"a king is what I lboulhem 1‘ m ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ 0‘30 p'm' want; and as you have been so kindly spoken of m the newspapersâ€"(a few words here are almost illegible, but they look like ‘there inform’) that you are a very rich, noble, good, gentleman, you will pardon . me, I hope, for wishing to ask you whether you have any matrimonial engagement; and, l ‘ if not, whether you would be willing to cor-'I New Advertisements, respond with me with a view to marriage. 5 , If we’ could agree, I should not object to 5 OlfaPPCd Hillld‘T- M‘llel' & CO- come out to India and reside in your palace Planchette at the Herald Book Store. Elizlgylfizng's , Enlargement and Improvement of the Week- plenty of money to live upon. Will you be l 1y GIObC' . kind enough to let me know by the return of Strayede' Kenme' post what you think of this my proposal, 1 whether it exactly meets with your views, 7 and if so, when we could be married! I should wish to know in time to have all ready forghe voyage to India, and for my; marriage when I arrived there, unless you l would be pleased to come to England for, pric, and then we could go out together. 1' -- .;___W_ a 3 . V . . . his would be ver nice indeed - but I shall . v - _ not make any furtll’er arrangernelnts till such subscribe for the York Herald, $1 a Year time as I hear from you. Hoping,r to hear from you when the mail returns from ‘ India, I am yours picst truly, J l POST OFFICE Honoursâ€"Christmas day 13868 ,, 1 Cornwall! England? Augush 25’ ‘isalegal holiday. The post office will not . p , _ Y To this is attached the i_letter of the the Opened after 1‘ A. M" to a“). minister, as follows : I “I hereby state that I have known Miss l MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS- Mâ€"intimately for four years past, and have ' always found her to be a very nice amiable, l kind and excellent young lady. She has lived with us more than twelve months, so we know what an excellent wife she would be to any gentleman who could have her. She is well educated, having studied music and several languages: she is piously dis; posed, and a member of our chm-(h, which she has been for several years. Hvr parents were very highly respectable, and as they are now dead she has control over all the N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. liclrmond Hill. Nov. 23, 186.8. um,“ burly ‘ééltrralll. RICHMOND IIILL, Duo. 25, 1868. Monday last, being the day appointed by statute fer nominating candidates ambitious of municipal honors,the electors cf the Townships of Markham and Vaughan assembled for that purpose; those of Markham met at Crosby’s large Hall at Unionville; and in Vaughan, at b the Town Hall. The candidates proposed roperty elongingr to her. Should any more 1‘ . ' . . . . {’Dformafiou be required, I should be glad to at the .Iaikhammeetmgueie numerous supply it] ibut, after ventilating their oratorica} E“ lpowers, many of the gentlemen announc-' NAPOLEON-BAUDIN. ed their intention of withdrawing from (From the Scottish American Journal.) lthe field’ balling the “Test to Stand as zfollows :â€" The uneasiness felt by Napoleon in re-r . ' FOR. RFEVEâ€"James Robinson d gard to the future of his reign and dynasty , ‘ an Robert Marsh. is sufficiently manifested by the severity with : ‘ which he is treating ofiending newspapersl BOR DEPUTY REEVESâ€"'JOhn Lam" Inasmuch, therefore, as the punishment by llv- M- Bum)“ and James Bowman, 59"» pg” .11 .Qllly 0,f>tbe‘ed1tor andi Foe ConsorLLoRsâ€"William Milliken a William Page = r > .n': .- _ t‘of '3, 'n' “ ' "i ' p en 6 l The two latter appear to have been : unpr'ece ent‘eui danger-T’And so no ‘elCCtGQW “ the situation is CVi/lmwtlv, . LI doubt it is. l That the French people should I 7 . v ' « seek to honor the memory of M. Baudin, 1 In T Anglia“ Tellnsmp’ we ledm that and that the Revue Polilique should publish l the nominations were :â€" subscrrptrou' lists and give it aid in Other; Fox REEVEâ€"Pcter Patterson, elected ways. are Circumstances of little mtmlsrc iby accyamatiom consequence in respect to the long-buried , and forgotten Deputy himself. But the 1 FOR DEPUTY REEVESâ€"W- Hartman; name and the manner of' his death have fR0100” J- ATM“ and N011 Milloy. suddenly lleen remembered by “‘0” F‘f‘Wl“ : For: CouvcrLr OBSâ€"Daniel Raeman menwro avx "f'(' 1 V r, . . . . I , (.110\01 orgrr cu tie coup d ctai ; Thomas Webster and Jawb Smlth. nor ceased to detest its author. , . F Napoleon was in 1851 President of the. Mr- Mrlloy. we learn. 1s a young man rench Assembly. In December ofthat vear ‘ ‘ ' , . _ , ‘ . ‘ of ood education and inf his great plot against the liberties of France . g . . ’ . we“ ormed on culminated. It had been in progress, as lmummpal mattch i hls name has been many suppose, ever since he escaped from lfre ucntl mentioned as a likel erson the fortress of Ram. He dissolved the As- lt q ,k y d _ , c y sembly by military force, having gained over" 0 ma 0' 3' goo leplesentatlve m the yhe leadplrs ot the army to his side. How a Townslnp Council ; and, on this account, 'ew oft 3 members vainly tried resistance, 3‘ . ‘ . and how for many hours the streets of Paris lwU mo mum pleased to. learn that h.e has ran with innocent blood, are matters of his- Econscnted to be a candldal’e for munwlpa‘l tory. ' M. Baudiu was a chief victim: un- lhonors, From all that; we have heard of dertakmg to read the constitution at. the on l ly barricade erected, and to denounce the .him’ We are inelmed to believe that he is usurper, he was called upon to surrender, ,a more desirable candidate than either of and, failinc to obey was instantly shot: - - - dead. The liarote. l. \vlridh he and his associates l hls compemtors' It IS hue that Mr' A1" then uttered has never been withdrawn, and “Old Cillclllates 0“ getting the conservative the honors soueht. to be paid to his memory . are meant to emphizse and renew the teacl - Tom, {End all Ollhels Whom lle elm draw mg of his act and the Penn“), it provoked. :mto Ins not besrdesâ€"but, With his record In effect the popular mind ofI‘r'arrce goes 'of‘lhe past; year, we shall be much sur. back seventeen years, and strll refuses to" . . - . recognize the Emperor as other than a self- E mused 1f be Is supported by mther con" Lnade desppt; not all tllre improvement he ;servative or reformer who earnestly ad- as wrong it, not even 1 re popular suffrage l ‘ I by which he professes to hold his throne, lvocate 0,00n0m,y m the management Ofom has reconciled the people to him. It is felt TOWDSlHP affim‘sv Mr- Hartman’s treat- lhat the,lmP1'°‘f0me“lS “fans are 031‘0- lrncnt of Mr. McCallum, as local superin- fully devrsed points of murtary strategy, - and that the elections have been a mere 3 tendent 0f SGhOOIS’ Is an act that Should farce. {be resented by every lover of fair play . We do not suppose that Napoleon stands d - t- t . d 1 in immediate danger of an ovcrtlrrow, and an common Jus Ice (mar S a popu ar yefithe ground is mined beneath his feet, and faithful public servant, as we believe an the explosion may come at any moment 1'M r i t 1‘ ‘ . - r. Mo allum t . I The vast and complex System of force and . (J . 0 be VG find, by the espionage by which he protects himself is Inmates 0f fins current year: that It was too powerful to he rcsrstcd so long as ll. y Mr. Hartman and Mr. Raeman who de- holds together. ’lhe continuance of such ,- , d f ,1 d aGovernment, however, involves immense .pu‘c us 0 our pa'lmaSter an road expendituresland in a few years the burdens 1 beat in this villageâ€"thereby preventing now impose( upon the peoplewill become , . ‘ . ' intolerable. France is now upon the high ‘lls flonl cxpendlllg our Statute laboul m road to national bankruptcyfiud theEmpcror , Improvmg‘ our Sldc‘walks‘ A1101" road mpst follow that road to its movrtable ter- y tax, 01- statute labour, is now taken back minutlon. It Will need but. the defection of: a few reghnents the”, ,0 pmcivimte his’upon the concessron by the1r motion, a fall. Careful observers of French politics .liigh-lianded and arbitrary act, for which attribute much of the present agitation to l ' an intense and increasing desirer for a Re like Deputy Reeves and Gounmnors are pyblic, and they are for the most part right. rresponsible,particularly Messrs Hartman, o wonder that Napoleon rs almared. I‘he lus mover, and My. Emma“, as seconder revival of Baubin’s memory implies a de- . . . . srrc for revenge as well as for political lOf the mOtmnâ€"POSSlbly “7 was earned by change winch he dare not disregard and er. Arnold’s voteâ€"of this we have 110 cannot remove. Hence the VlntllcilVGnOSS,: t - b t - - d - the stern, almost severity, with which heroer amly’ u as It was came WIthout punishes every Jourlmllst who presumes to idisscnt, we have a right to conclude that indicate sympathy with his enemies. Elie was favourable to letting his Rich- Orr the 1st Novemberlnrd Somerville met 1 mond Hill constituents shift the best way I closed at this Post Office as follows: i and Treasurer of the Township, offered to perform the duty for $200 a year, and they voted the sum of $300 to another individual for performing the same duty. It is so recorded that those facts are not polled to pay $100 more than is necessary We consider that it is desirable, for the best interests of' the Township, that new blood be infused into our Council,and that Mr. Milloy and Mr. Jacob Smith be elected. It would be as well to give them a trial, and see if they will do the business of the Township with a view to economy. Mr. Arnold may consider him- self a fixture in the municipality of Vaughan, and that he is at, liberty to throw away the rate- payers money as suits his whim ; it is for the electors to say if he may continue to indulge his fancy at their expense. SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. pupils attending the Grammar School took place before a large and appreciative Ij'au‘dieuce.' We learn that the boys and girls acquitted themselves in a. manner highly satisfactory to all present, reflecting great credit upon the past year’s labor of Mr- Lafl‘orty, vs 110 has proved himself to be one of the most efficient Grammar School Mas- ters in the Province of Ontario. On Wednesday, Miss Sinclair’s departâ€" ment was examined in the forenoou, and that of Mr. Gray in the rfternoon; the examinations in each department were satis- factory. A pleasing incident took place at the close of the examination in Mr. Gray’s department ; although but a fcwmonths in charge of the school, he has won the affec- tions of his pupils :‘ proof of which was manifested, on Wednesday, by the prescnta: tion of a richly bound and valuable book. The book was purchased by the pupils,and pre sented to him through two of their number, Misses Mary E. Sedman and Kate Raymond. The presentation was interesting : it took the Teacher by surprise and affected him deeply. 0n the whole, we were much pleased w1th the proceedings. There is one thing we must not omit to notice heroâ€"it is the ab sgncc of pupils from the examinations. If boys will make it a point to absent them selves on every occasion that public exami. nations take place, only one inference can be drawn therefrom. No boy who desires to excel in his studies will stay away, and when it becomes so frequent that casual visitors at the school notice the absence of particular pupils, it becomes a subject of enquiry, why so and so is not present: we trust to see an end of this practice in future, for it is discouraging and discourteous to the Teachers, and a damage to the school, as well as a lasting injury to the pupils them- selves. ,‘é “’MEoHANIes’ INSTITUTEâ€"LECTURE. â€"â€"We are requested to announce that Samuel Alcorn, Esquire, of Yorkville. has kindly consented to deliver a lecture in connection with the Mechanics’ Institute of this place, on MONDAY EVENING next, â€"â€"-Subjcct, “ Woman and her work; her “ position and her power.” Mr. Alcorn is a popular lecturer, and his subject is one in which we should all feel a deep interest; we trust the Hall will be crowded on the occasiOn. . NEWSPAPER QIREC TORY. G. P. RoweIl 8:. CO., the New York Ad- vertising Agents, are about issuing a corn- plcte American Newspaper Directory. It is a. compilation much needed, since nothing of the kind having any claim to complete- ness has ever been published. Messrs. Rowcll & Co. have spared no pains or expense to make the forthcoming work complete. We uudersnrnd the book will be a handsome octave volume of about 300 pages. bound in dark cloth, and sold for five dollars per copy. ’ As the publishers are advertising agents, their issuing a work containing so much information, usually zealously guardedjiy those in that business, shows that they are confident of their ability to be of service to advertisers, or they would not so readily place in their hands the means of enabling every one to communicate direct. with publishers if they so desire. AUCTION SALE. TUESDAY, DEC. 29.â€"Crcdit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, 650., on Lot No. 7. 4th Concession of Markham, the property of Mr. Adam 1“. McDonald. Sale to commence at 12 o’clock, Sanderson and Gormlcy, Auctioneers. TnunsnAv, Dec. 31~Credit sale of Farm Stock 820., on lot No. 11-, 2nd Concession, King, the property ofA. Patton and Hugh McConnell. Sale at 10 a. m. , James Gormlcy, Auctioneer. . . . . l . that m passrng the l-y-law, fixlng Salaries, 19th Inst. made known to the public, who are comâ€" , O'n'Tuesday last, the examination of the ' MARKHAM COUNGIL l Met at Size’s Hull, Unionville, on the Reeve in the chair. Members all present. I Minutes of previous meeting were read I land approved. ‘ PETITIONS. I By Robert Marsh, from Chris Heise, ‘ and nineteen others, for grant to load gravel between lots 25 and Z6 in 3rd and 4th concessions. By Mr. Marsh, from John Velie and others, tor aid to Thomas Martin, a l pauper. By Mr. Button, from David Burk and others, for aid to \Vm. James, an old land indigent person. 1 By Mr. Padget, from \Vm. Granger rand others for aid to Joseph Swift, a lpoor man. Said petitions were :read. received and RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Marsh,seconded by Mr. Padget, that‘thc following sums be paid out of the dog tax of this Township, being for .injury done to'their sheep by dogs, viz: To “'111 King ..... ..... ...... $7 00 “Francis Bowes............... ..... . 4 00 “ Jacob Heise, sr ................... 6 50 I "‘ John M Kcster................ “ Fred Page . . . . ........ 6 50 “John Reesor.......... 50 “ Samuel I‘v'illcr.... 6 00 Their several certificates being duly cer- tified by two of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for this Countyâ€"Carried. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Button, ,moves, that the sum of three dollars be granted to Henry Segar, an indigent perâ€" son said sum to» be paid to the order of the moverâ€"Carried. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Lane, moves, that the sum of ten dollars be granted to \Vm James, an old and destiâ€" tute person, payable to the of David Wilsonâ€"Carried. Mr Padget, seconded by Mr Marsh, moves, that the sum of ten dollars be granted to Joseph Swift, a destitute. per- son, payable to the order of William Graingerâ€"Carried. Mr Marsh, seconded by Padget moves, that the sum of six dollars be granted to Ann Harrison, an indigent person, payable to the order of Goo, Graham. â€"â€"Carried. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Lane, moves, that the account presented by Mr John ‘ ramner for plank for road division No 49, amounting to $3 be paid â€"â€"Carried. . Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Marsh, moves. that the account of the Orange Lodge, Brown’s Corners, for the use of the Hall, at the late election on the Railâ€" way bonus, amounting to $2 be paid, Mr Marsh, seconded by \lr Lane, moves, that the sum of five dollars be granted to T f as \lartin, an old and destitute’jpersou, m to‘b - aid t Jain; union pf‘ the p ,_ if. p . " Mr Buttonblg, childish by Mr Padget, moves, that the sum of $5 be paid to Samuel Reesor by the '| reasurer for the model of a bridge preeented to the (foun- cil and approved by the members.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr Padget, seconded by Tr Lane, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Robert Marsh the sum of seventeen dollars and ten cents, being the amount expended by him in obtaining a passage for James Murrcy, a pauper, from Markham to Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, and for his mainteiance by the way as per resolution of the Councilâ€"~-Carried. Mr I’adget, seconded by Mr Lane moves, that the following sums be re- funded out of the dog tax of this Town- ship to the undermentioned persons, they having proved that they did not own neither dog nor bitch during the period that the Assessor was assessing: Wm Marr ....... \Vm Kirkpatrick........................ 1 SamuolSullivan 1 WmLuman..................... order , ...11 50 5“ George Miller... ...... 50 “ D. Crsoby.........................21 50 moves, that the sum of $9 be paid to Charles Patton, for building a bridge on the Townline between Markham and Scarborough, opposite the 9th con.; work done certified by Samuel Reesor and Joseph Imppn-(‘arrieck Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Padget, moves, that the sum of $25 be granted for the purpose of purchasing and load- ing gravel to be put upon the road between lots 25 and 26 in the 3rd and 4th cons, and that Chris I-Ieise, James Stoutcnburg, and Thomas Frisby, be commissioners to expend the same. â€"Carried. Mr. Marsh, introduced a By-law for holding the nominations, and for fixing the places for holding the municipal elec‘ tions and appointing Returning Officers for the same, which was passed by the ,Council. The Clerk laid before the Council a certificate of the number of votes polled for and against the By-law granting a. bonus of $30,000 to the Toronto and TUESDAY, Jan. 5.â€"Cash sale of Timber o" Nippissing Railway Company. the rear of lot 27, lst (1.5.1., llIarkham, the property of Abner Arnold, Esq. Sale at 13 noon. M. Fisher, Auctioneer. (if? Parties having Sale bills printed at this office, will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. ROMANTIC CASE 1N CORK COIENTY.â€"A singular variation of the Enoch Arden ro- mance is narrated as an incident of last week in a county town of Cork. The. heroine of the adventure married ten years ago, was shortly alter'wards forsaken by her husband, The Council then adjourned. The Returning Officers for 1869 are as follows: ’ For Division No. 1, Thomas Carr. 2, John McCague. “ “ “ 3, Geo. Eakin. “' “ “ 4, James Bowmen, jr. u u u H H (1 5, James Boyd. Tm: number of omnibuses in Paris is 587 z in London, 670. The daily average in Paris have attended the Conference. LATESI FROM EUROPE. TURKEY AND GREECE. London,Dec.22.â€"The following despatch dated Cor stantinople, illst, is just received, and embraces the latest news from that. quarter :-â€"The Sultan has extended the time to three weeks for the departure of Greeks from Constantinople. The Emperor of Bus- sia. has authorised Greek vessels, probably those carrying away refugees, to use the Russian flag. Hobart Pasha, the Turkiin Admiral, with 7 men-of-war, is blockading Syra, where the Greek steamer Erosis took refuge. Phateadis Bey, the Turkish Minis~ ter at. Athens, has returned to Constanti nople. The Grecian Government is making rapid preparations for war. London, Dec. 22.â€"-Despatches from the East say that many Russians are volunteer- ing for the Greek service. London Dec. 22.â€"The press of London is unanimous in condemnation of President Johnson’s message, particularly the portion relative to U. S. bonds. London, Dec. 22.â€"A letter from Athen, dated Dec. 17, says the ministerial budget has been submitted to the Chambers, and, notwithstanding the expectations of war with Turkev, the military estimates are' not in- creased. The Chamber of Commerce of Syra has petitioned the Athenian Government to pronounce against war. sum. Madrid, Dec. 22.-â€"The elections for the Cortes in this city passed off with compara- tively slight disturbance of public order. All the Monarchial candidates were elected. The Republicans have carried the cities of Seville and Barcelonia. It IS stated, on ofli- cial authority, that up to the present mo- ment 6.000 troops have been sent to rein- force the army iu Cuba, and more will soon follow. The Goy'ernment. announces that it will never abandon the colony of Spain. PORTUGAL. Lisbon, Dec. 22.â€"A crisis has taken place in the Cabinet. Da Silva has resigned, and Count Cavallciros has accepted, personally, the Ministry of Finance, and the Marquis of Banuierra that of Foreign Affairs. MOUNT urns. La Vallette, Malta. Dec. 22.-â€"The recent erruptiou of Mount. Etna rapidly subsided, and the volcano has shown little sign of activity for the past two weeks. Cnrnrzâ€" Vl’asronenness-â€" Dnsrrrvrrox. -â€"-A young woman, aged 23 years, but so sadly emaciated by a recent sickness as to make her appear older, applied at No. 1 Police Station, yesterday morning, to see the Mayor. She carried a child in her arms. and while her ordinary queries were being answered by those in charge, thn little thing held in her arms was observed to gasp heavilv, and exhibit signs of pain. To re- lieve the mother and assist the child, the Sergeant-Major took the latter in his arms; bathe had scarcely done so when it threw its head back and died. The unfortunate mother gave her name as Ellen ()nade, and has been an inmate ofthe General Hospital since she came from Hamilton, about six weeks ago, until Monday. On the night of her discharge she visited the Mayor’s office for assistance , and was on the same errand when the child died. Her statement is that the party to whom she should look for pro- tection has deserted her and gone to Buffalo. The Mayor gave an orde: for the burial of the child at the expense of the cityâ€"Globe 22nd inst. ‘ : IT has been agreed at St. Pelersburgh not to employ explosive bullets in future wars, alrWW-to that effect wassio‘ued 'T‘ tia On the basis of the protocol it is proposed to form an international convention. .I' MARRIED. 7 7' Al. Richmond Hill on the 22nd instant, by the Rev. Mr. Dick, John Rae, of_Bow- mauville, toKaty,second daughter of Richard Wallace, Esq, of Willowdale, late farmer in Lanarkshtre, Scotland. At Rihmond Hill, on the 24th Dec., by the Rev. Mr. Dick, Mr. Wm. Vallxear, of the Township of Vaughan, to Miss Martha Irvine, of the same place. On the 23rd inst, at the residence of the bride’s mother. by the Rev. Mr. Hodge, Rector of York Mills, Miss Elizabeth Powell, and Mr. John McConnell. medical student, and son ofJohu McConnell, Esq., Markham. DlED. On the 19th insl.. at his late residence, near Richmond Hill, Charles E. Lawrence, Esq, aged 66 years. m TORONTO MA RKE'I‘S Toronto, Dec. 24. 1868. Flour. 1Q barrel....,.........$4 711(5) 4 75 “'heal. husll .......... .109 @100 ’lroatffifi bush....... I 05 @ I 10 Barley, bush.............. l 3“ @ I 35' Prose. do OWE/@0811 OMS, d0 .......... ... 0 50 ll 55 Halal? ton. ..................14«s0@ it; 50 SrawfiQ1011...................8()ll@ 121:0 Pork mess 100 bbl.... .... ..‘24(lll {(3 25 0!) (l 2- @1122 0 ‘26 @ 0 27 Butter lb.................. Woolflfnllbuu...” .. ..... New chnertisemeuts. DUGGANazMEYERs, Barristers, Qtttarncps ~ at ~ 13am, SOLICITORS IN CHANGER", CONVEYANCERS, &c.&c. Orr-1cm :â€"1’rovincial 1 Insurance Buildings.Court Street, Toronlo. JOHN DUGGAN, Q.C. Toronto Dec. 24. 1868. ADAM is. MEYEHS, JR. 544-1y New Year’v Day Meeting! rm; rmnnns or THE Wesleyan M. Church, Thornhill. Propose celebrating NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1869, \VITH A TEA MEETING TEA WILI. BK SIERV El) IN THE VESTRY OF THE CHURCH, AT 4 RM. AFTER. WHICH Addresses will be delivered by severali REV. GEN'I'LEMEN Sr, OTHERS. The Cunm will assist to enliven the occasion ’ autumn RAILWAY :1 r 1HE CornmiSsioner- appointed to coma-nut the Inter-colonial Railway give I’uhlic Notice that trey intend to let 4 sections of the. line at once 1 Section Nos. 1 and ‘2 emhrncu about 41) miles from a Junction with the Grand Trunk Kalb,l way. near Riviera (in Leap. and each :ection1 will be. about 20 miles in length. _ m, Section No. 3 will be about '26 miles in length : and lies between the east side of ltcsuuoucnoi River to near Dalliousie in New Brunswrck. , Section No. 4 will be about 14 miles in length- and lies between Amherst and River l’hillip in Nova Scotia. Plans and profiles with specifications and terms of contract will be exhibited at the ofiiices of the Commissioners in Ottawa, Ri- viore du Lonp, Dalhousis, St..lohn and l =a'ifnx. on and after the lllh .nnuary, 1863, and‘ sealed Tenders addressed “To the Commis- sionch of the lntercolonial Railway,” will be received at their ofiiee in Ottawa up to 4 o’clock on the 81h February, 3889', A. WALSH, EDW. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGES, ENLARGEMENT & IMPROVEMENT The "Weekly Globei Programme for 1869. 7” 11E (incur: l‘nrs'rrxo (Iomrnsv raspectfull,‘ announce lllal, in addition to the grow improv lllt'lllr- which have recently been mad. 1 Hr; \\ 1~'.tl.l~'I.Y (h.r-nuâ€"-aml which llav hncu so warmly “(Llillhu'lc‘llgt'fl by the reader of rho puprr sun by tho public pressâ€"very ex tensive and most valuable further improve merits wilt be made on the paper for the com- ing year. A spacious new Press-room and Despatch-ollicehas recently been erected in connection with Tux-2 (iLonn buildings; a new font of type from the Foundry of Messrs Miller" do Richard. Edinburgh. has been imported from' Scotland ; one ochssrs Eioo NLCo ’s celebrated 1.1gll hing l‘reSses, capable of throwing oil 8.- 11th imprcs>ions pe" hour ol'l'HH DAILYGLOBE, is now i.. operation : and moonnd new Press, specially constructed for printing THE WEEKLY' (incur; with great rapidity and in the highest style of workmanship, will shortly be added to“ the Machinery of tho l‘israbllr'llluont. The sheet on which the paper is printed "sill be hereafter" of a very superior qualitv, The skillful Editor}? Reporters, Conu-iburors and Correspondents WELL-LEM 14‘. COFFIN . N.B.~-Tendcrs will shortly be called for. for olhe sections -rftl)o line, as soon as the plans are suficiemly advanced. Ottawa. 19th December. 1868. 544-4 GEO. P. RQWELL & (:O’S AMERICAN N ewspaper is ircctory. CONTAINING ACCURATE LISTS 01’ All the Newspapers and Periodicals Published in the United Slates and Territories. and the Dominion of Canada, and B"lllsll Colonies of North America; together wirh a Description of the Towns and Cities In which they are published. .‘l’EW YORK : GEO. P. HOWELL a 00., PUBLISHERSSLN EWSPAPER 111V liltiTISlNG AGEN‘I‘S 40 Park Row,‘ 1969. A Handsome Svo Vol unu- 0F 3am r \GlCS. BOUND 1N CLOTH. PRICE - - - FIVE DOLLARS. A work of great value to Advertiser-s, l’nb- lishers and others who desire inl'nrrnalron in relation to the Newspapers and Periodicals of North America. *f The edition will be limited, and persons desiring copies will do Well to send their Ol‘dl‘l‘s irmnedialely to GEO. P. R0 WELL d: CO., PUBLISHERS a: ADVERTISING AGENTS 40 Park Row, an Yank. December 24, 1'68. :3 4 41 Strayed. ‘AME into the premises of the subscriber, lot No. 31'.52u.l (:tlllcthloll, ,Mnrklrurn, on or about rho llltb Nuvolnbmkfi’t. The owner is requeer to urove property. pay expenses, and take her away. DANIEL WHALEN. Richmond 1'] ill, Dec. 3, 1868. 511-3 Straycd. ‘AME into the premises of the Sub cr-iber. lot No ‘25, 4th Concession, Vaughan. about the an. instant, 3 E'WES AND 2 LAMBS. The owner is requester! to prove proper-r). pav expenses and take them away. DANIEL KliNNllC Vaughan. Dec. 17, .863. 543-3 FARM Foe SALE 2 BY AUCTION. Will be sold by Public Auction. (on the premises). on The 25th Day of February,1869 THE WEST HALF 01“ LOT NO. 6, IN run 5TH CONCESSIOX OF THE Township of Whitclmrch, COUNTY or YORK, ONT.; BOUT 63 Acres cleared ; properly fenced and in a good state of cultivation : with suitable Farm Buildings: an excellent young orchard : about 6 aeres of valuable Cedar. the remainder principally hardwood. 'I‘lro Farm must he sold to meet the requirements of the will of the late Aurmusn S'l‘uckl.r;Y. Tamas: One-third olfash; Ihe balance in instalments. with interest For particulars apply to either of the under- signed. 1)AV1D S'I‘EL‘KLl-ZY, SAMUEL SNIDEIt Whltchurch, Dec. ‘2. 1868. 542 The Great Wonder of the Age 1! THE BOSTON "I IT” IN a few months Inst lllero llasbcen broughtbcfme the cornmunity a link- board varlously noted in the p'lpel‘fi; lr is un- necessary to say further of it than the following from the Boston " 'l‘ravoller" : “ Is PLANCHETH: A llUMBl‘G lâ€"On tlnspoint there is a great (llflcronno of opinion. 'l‘lrat l’lanchelte Is full of vagaries there is no ques. tion of doubt; with Some it is as stubborn as Mr. Mallowncy’s pig, with others it is docile and quick to answvr questions, interpret tho thoughts of lockers on. and not only tell of pas; occurrences unknown to the operator, but “‘1” also give the note of \v truiler for the ‘urure. All Hi all. l’lnnchetle is a wonoerl'ul in slitutiun, full of fun, puzzle and mystery and a premium. companion in the house. “ H ave Plancborle in the family, by all means if you desire a noch mnusenront. Planchette may b4 had for 50 cents at the HERALD BOOK STORE _â€"_._.___._.__â€"__.____â€"_._â€"._~â€"__ ,_ __ PLAN CliE'l‘Tlll has been recently greatly stlengthoned. and nothing will be left undone in llrc\‘eal‘1809.ld‘ maintain the fame ol'an; VVEEKLY Gnome as‘ beyond co-nparisen. the best conducted and‘ most alll'aCIl'vn weekly journal in the Donilniom But in addition to the general improvements now being oflirctcd in the conduct of the paper, several special altraclions are about to be added for the coming your that will greatly enhance its value and interest 10 all classes of readers throughout tho country, Foremost among these, is the addition of AN AGIIICUL'l'UltAL DEPARTMENT.- Nol a colloclion of more clipping from Agri- lrtu‘tnrwl Journalsâ€"bur a full and we“ pro: [)Ell't‘tl wuckly munpalnlntm of .-‘:grit'.ultural,. llor-imul lll"ll 'rml lx‘roral inu'lliur-nco and infor- ,mulioh \vulwn for 'l'mr‘. \“r r: “(I Y (FLUBIC by a regular slall'nl' curry] rent out :clisod writers, and quite up to the Zr‘. of the day. Everyw (hing ltfll’cliug the 11;: inmrrstâ€"such as the Illhnagmnonl of ll,.. rtt'o as. the barn-yard Ilrc slalro. the dairy. Ilrr orchard. the poultry- mad. the vim-yard. tho ppi'iry. the. kitchen- Lrnrdnn and tho flowr-râ€"gardenâ€"will comer within the weekly review of this department. ’ 'l'lroimprornrcrm‘nls in machinery, the best best broods ol'cmtle. lln- l)('$l systorns nl'fccdlng. \ tho I)‘m:~‘l-ii[lpru\mll processes of cheese and r boiler-r. king, the best mode of packing. and the best markets in Hell in, will all form sub- ‘ p-ctsol profitable discussion. The sheep and wool interest will also receive spcr‘lal attention : uml rho doings at agricultural airs. shows, auctions and society 1110811311“: will he culofully and l‘ullv chronicled. The Markets for Cava- tllall produce. at homo and almmrl. will receive an amount of card l ‘ttcrrliu-n that has not been lll’lt‘lhful‘t' ar- rrzlcrl tolimn: in any .lourna! ’I‘bvouantity of a3 ‘lrl".'ll matter tlrus pro- pns. d to be '( \VMZKLY (31.031121 . \vil' "xenon the Contents of ‘ purely agricul- tura‘ jurrrn now till'ttllltrit‘tl, and will be worth; the annual subscription ol‘lllo paper I Another new and valuable improvement; prnpost d in be made in Infill, i~ the increased soare- rlovolvrl to 1.1m : \ItY i’liA'r'ravn. In past: ,y hrs it has lil‘r'll ‘t..r:r1.‘lu publish in Tle Wank LY (1mm: rlzm tale, continued in succes- sivo numbers for lnwrllrs (ogoilwr. For the coming your it i» 'rluiwwé'tl to devote a that}? larger .xpaco than lH-rr-lol'urt- tn the publication 0! RM v AM) (fr.r;\r;::l r-\'\'ni'r'IEN 'l',\r.r:s, and to give in each work’s Issue a much greater (livcl'uily than mor- lu'l'nrn, Ill 'lrlv‘ Ir 1:; also proposed in publish every week a full Mllruuur‘y 01' ll amorous .\:\Il l‘lCCLlCMAS’IlCAL lx’rrzu rotary”; from all pairs nl‘the world, This >numlarv will onrlr'acv the operations of all the cllumhos. and wlrl be r'urrrlurcterl in a spirit I‘llllv't'ly lrr-o from :~('(‘l"'ll|ll excluslvcuess.‘ . V. r\ urn-at pains will iroruzrl'ler be taken 10 plm't' brl'mo rlu- of em: WERKLY (irony; a l'u-l and (-lo- ' c DE- . p. l'o ~llt‘l'.‘ .;‘s will be. condensed ’l‘m. DA LY GLOBE. t~lll(‘.~ ln-I'oro Parliament from the full on“ th\ scv- I'lll in will be carnl'nli exp 'l‘l-o; lil'lllrll American and 0 her Foreign \‘cws will (alllltlllll'! to his published full'.‘ and promptly 'l‘lu-(‘oumnnr r.\r. l.\ll'.l.l.lGlaN(:l". from all parls ol' the ‘vo-ltl will [to culled from the r' mt rolrablo source»; and kept up to the latest dates ENLAllGl-MICXT 0|" 'l‘flE SHEET, '1“. mnln- I‘llnlll for all Ilium improvements. 'l‘Hr: (1mm: l’rinrrng "mnpnny have resolved gv-wrly t.) (-n‘n go Ilro >17.“ of 'l'lH-z WEEKLY Chum: Funky": EN Com nrxs or Rl-‘AIHNG MAT- The will lwrcal'ler liar-titled to ho ppporâ€" mak. ing Ilrl- Journal lvltlrr'ul cxvatinp llm I,\RGEST .ir [in “'l-II-‘KLY nmvsrarnn IN ‘rnl'. wouLn! And not- u-itsl 'IIfllllfl tlrv- l 'v :xrlrlirionnl expense en'- tai ed by these ilnprov‘monls, 11‘ hrs been re. solved to otl'vr the paper for tho coming year at “,9 same low price as lorrr.erlyâ€"$2 per Anumn. CLUB liA'l‘lCS F- all 1869. it has also been resolvr-d to continue the sums indnc wants for the (urination ofClubs as were. ofiiq'ed last venr. These were. and will be for 1869,.“ follows â€" Six Copies. one your. . . . . . .. . . . Ten “ “ . .. 15 (10 'l‘weniv Copies. one veer. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 And an extra copy of the WuhkLY GLOBE to the person who gets up lllc Club of Twenty. Thier Copies. one vear for. . . ... . . .. 42 00 And an extra conyof' tho \Vln-ZKI.Y Gnosz to the person who gets up the Club of Thirty. Fit‘tv Copies. one year for... .. 65 00 And a copy of tho DAILY GLOBE to the per- son who gets up the Club of Fifty. Eighty Copies, one your for .. . ....... 100 00 And a copy oftlvo IIAILY Groin: to the per- son who gets: up lllu ('lrll) of Illiglllv l’a\‘.r\cnl must alw'n s be in advance, Far‘lr paper is arlrlr'rssod sepnt'a'el)‘. nud’may be sent to our l’o-l 0ch “’1ch1 add linngrl names: are added to anv Club during the year they mrrsl lm stilt to Tub Cums; Orl‘me bv tlro person u lln made up the (Tlnlr: and thanmncy .vonl wi.ll such additional harm-s must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription at the Club rate as will pay up to the expiration of the Club. ' $10 00 Cler'uvmcn and Teachers of Common . Schools are entitled to receive '1‘ch WEEKLY '(Hom‘. for one dollar per annum, payable 111‘ l advance. Ordv-rs and remittances should be addressed to “THE GLOBE PRINTING CO,” TORONTO. ll?" All subscriptions, (including clubs, sent in before the 1st of January. will enlitilo “to parties to receive the paper until the December 3151., lrll'll, LOST, , l’llf'flv’ll‘qsflRY Nfl'l‘l“. 01“ THIRTY “I’LLALS. about the “-"-tl1 of October. IPGB: drawn nll'llll lllo'lils: of April. 1868. in ' favor of Wm ll‘rancr‘, "nayablc in six montlrs,’ and against (ivorge Kennedy and George .I‘IoopPI‘ All pa'tlos are therefore notified not to have any lH‘EOllllllulk Wl!ll st'ld Note. as I. have roooivcd payment for the same. ' WM. FRA NCY. 539-31 Gormlcy. Nov. ‘2, 1868. IF YOU \VANT e'v ' ' t ’ ., - r ,, - i . r . ,,.r. r . u .. I A is seventeen dollars while in London it onl by sin in several - .' ) l '- g m. filthlhlfifiegth \ kilo Infill}? he”; LPlnbd (lll’ «,l‘hcy could- “To emlgl‘ued to A’te'm‘ . Al the “1d 0f attains fourteen dollars per omnibus. y . g g . Rmhmond [ML 1 ec 1" 86 ' AND “l a," 5 Elle- 11:5 halo" 5mm lled '“ld, {Ml , nine years she married againâ€"the second Places of MuSIC â€" . upon its rider. ’1er deceased wastlie erglrt;; The Council has adopted acrafty mode I husband, like the first, belonging to the Ma. GLADSTONE AND THE House or Astra CAL" "T ‘ centh Bum“ somenlllc 1“ llle Peerage .0“ Soon after this the return Loansâ€"It is stated, on unquestionable y’ THL HERALD OFFICE' labouring class. of the first husband was reported, whereupon authority, that Mr. Gladstone contemplates the woman, who had kept the fact of her-“the creation of some fifty peers,‘in case of first marriage a profound secret, immediately 5 his accession to the Premiership, to enable disappeared, and the most dilligcnt search 5 him to carry through the House of Lords by both husbands has failed to discover her i the measures required to make the subver- retreat. sion of the Church of Ireland. Scotland_ , of keeping their extravagance out ofsight, ' I TrisimmenseerruptionofMounthsuvius,lby nOl‘ swung, 1“ the” mmuwsa the which commenced on Nov. 15th. is consider. 5 amounts fixed for salaries. They have care- cd by Professor Palmeiri to be the usual! -, ' - precursor of a termination to lhelong series fully kept out Of the“. mmutes that one of central erruptions of Mount Vesuvious. ‘ 0f 17110 candidates, for the Ofllcefif' Clerk Annrssron 'l‘rexn'rs :~â€" Adults. 30 cents : ‘ Children, 20 cents; to be had In the several. a HEBRER‘ coming 2‘ of a color VF? stores m the \illage and at the door. mg on whim A“), person giving informmio" *«t Ploweds ‘0 be al’pl'ed to “‘9 debt °n r at this office that will lead to the recovery of lhe (’hurcl" the same, will be rewarded. Thomhill, Dec. 21, 1868. Dacembe, 17, 1853,, BULL. coming 3 years old. dark rod : and . ._._ Family and Mun-ch Bibles AT LOW PRICI S. AT 'I'HE ' HERALD orrron. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Lane, 5P: l 545- 2 543-3

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