Appleby, G. H. Anderson. W. Bridgforri. D Burns, 'l‘ho‘mas Baker, Jacob Buck. David Bassingrwaite, W. Freak‘ James Grant, George {9) Grant. Jessa Gray, Robert Glen W Grist, Mrs, Kirby, Natl). Brillinger Jonathan (9)1{n'hv7 Thurs. Benton. J C. Bernard. H. Ur. Bracken, Mrs 1 .E. Browne\\,_J. W. Badger. Thus. ('2) Bernard. J. G. P. (3) Craig. William Coleman. Dennis Coleran, Patrick Curran. Thus. (2) Coombs. Robert Coupland. Thos. Campbell‘ Neil Crown. Hannah Donor. E. (3) Eyer, Jacob - Err-rtng Brother Featherstone. John Frame, Alex. ('2) Frayling. W. Foreman. John Lane. Edward Mulverna, llasa Mayberry. F‘. A. McFayden, l) McNair, James Newlon. Sarah Pearce, Franklin Patterson. Ann Hussa ll. James Snider Smniml Sanvidge. Chrislimt Eoules. G. Scott, 'i'hns. Sivers, Jenni»; Sheppard, W. Saga); 1‘). Simpson. James Tavlor. Joseph, Q81 Triilleys, James V‘Cilheri’ord. Mary \Volls, Richard TRAYED from the premise: of flu» Sub- scriber. on the 4th inst.v a Milch Cow Aged nearlvwhile, but reddish brown about tlm neck and some small spots upon other pales of her. Any person giving information her will be well rewarded. GRISTING ‘AND CHOPPIN Gr. “f The highest price, in Cash funds) willbe paid for any qnau Whe’al. ' X X X BALTIMORE CARRVILLE MILLS EGS lo intimate to his many friends in Vaughan and neighboring towuships, that he has resgmed possesswn of the above Mills. and thax‘he will he prepared to attend to Rye and Buckwheat ground Remaining in ths Richmond Hill l’osl ()ï¬ioe December 15L 1853. TEEFY, Notary Public and Commis» . sioner in B R., is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Livenms in (he County of York. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 AYM. lo 9-30 1’.M. October 23. 1868. At the following pricesxâ€"Ycung and Old Hyson Tea. Good Flavor and Strong. 2s pen lb; Young Hyson Ten. 2s Gd to 3s per lb: Extra. Ma) une Young Hyson Tea, 35 6d and 4s per Ib‘ hard to beat: Flue Imperial and Gunpowder Ten. 45 pm" ll). very hard to beat: Ver) Superior Japan and Black Tea. 45 6’ per lb, n02. to be beat: Very Finest Yuung‘ Hyson and Gunpuwder Tea, 55 per ll), cannot be excelled. BETTER TEA EUR THE PRICE He Will Knock Under AND CRY PECAVI ! *3 Ihaye thrown down (he Gauntlet, let them try it. A trial is all mat is neede to convince customars of (he realily, MARRIAGE LICENSES Will be Sold Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. Saddles from $10 to $40. Bridles from $1 to $12. Halters in Great Variety. HARNESS. HARNESS, A call from those who may be In Want of a Good Article Brushes qf every kind. Curry, Maine db clipping combs. Horse Blankets In Endless Variety. W. H. MYERS. BARNARD HAS GOT THEM! What has He got? Not the Almonte 'I‘weeds, but Than any house on Richmond Hill, at prices that BETTER TWEEDS For Style. Durability or cheapness : call, see and compare for yourselves. CHEAP CASH STORE, AT W. ATKHV Richmond Hill, Nov. 19. l868. WILLIAM COOK Cahvme. November, 2, 1868. Richmond Hill. Nov. 1:2. 1868. Richmond Hill. Nov. 5, 1868‘ Richmond H ill, Oct 8, 1668. RICHMOND Iâ€"IILL, RICHMOND HILL. October 2‘2, 1868. E HAS NOW ON HAND SOME OF 11:1 nmanQE ‘J___v_.L_L TIIE BE.§'T TEJIS VARIETY OF MUUNTINGS Carriage. Buggy, Riding. Hunting and Team W'hips Call at G. A. BARNARD'S FOB. TEAS. Cannot be equalled OYSTERS ! OYST RES 1! WILLIAM COOK Than any other Slore on ls Earnestly requested. 0n the shortest notice List of Let terq AND AS The Stock is Large RICHMOND HILL. G. A. BAR 3A MES LA NGS OYSTERS w. ATKINSON’S COW LOST. IN EVERY THEN Eoules.‘ G. Snmt, 'l'ims. Sivers. Jenn’m Sheppard, W. Segar. 1‘3. Simpsnn, James Tavlor. Joseph,.Seu TniHeys, James V‘Cilherfbrd. Mary \Volls, Richard RNARD’S , in Cakh, (Bunkahla any quantity of good BARNARD M. TEEFY. P. V! 'I‘AFF, MD 5394M or returning to Order 540-“ 534-13’ 5394f 5364f IL will make the hands, however rough, smooth, soft and white. Prepared only by On Horses and Cable. We can conï¬dently recommend it to all owners of horses Prepared in Canada only by VJ‘IHC Exeoulors ol'tha late James Holliday _ > have placed lhu Books of the Estate in Mr. Tnoï¬ â€™5 hands for the purpose of havng all outslaxming acpounls colleclud, by min or otherwlss, l’arliesiudebtud will please take notice. - In every variety of Shapes, in Felt, Ciolh. Plush,SeaI and Velvet, in Men’s and Boy’s Sizes. This is the MUST EXTRAORDINARY AND DELIGHTFUL PREPARATION EVER DISCOVERED! HORSES! HORSEï¬ ! Y HORSES! ! ! Freak. Outs, Can.le and. Bruises. J. HON BAYFS EgTATE. THE REVEREND JOHN BREDIN, Assortment to be found on Richmond Hill and Aud in Half the Time required BY THE ORDINARY MODE- US'l‘ RECEIVED, a New and Fashionable Assortment of HARE A ND C [3 PS 6: Ty Largï¬st & reg-lea Varied BICE’S PUMPS DRY HARDW’OUD! FOR SALE. BIBLE SflSIETY BEPOSITORY CEEAPPEE HANDg. Authorized by the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario. IVASHING MACHINE .’ NO W READY 2 First Book, with 31 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 5c. First Bookâ€"2nd Part, 54 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, 100 Second Book, 56 illustrations, stroneg bound in cloth boards, 20c Third Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, 300 Fourth Book, 45 illustrations, stroneg bound in cloth boards, 4-00 Fifth Book, 50 illustrations, strongly b und in cloth boards, 500 For Sale by READING BOOKS CST. on or about Thursday, 15th inst.. a Pocke‘ Book cnntaining a Note drawn by Thomas Wilson, Unionville. in June. 1863, for $80, and Witnessed by Edwin Wooten. in favor of' the Subscriber 01' bearer, Parties are hereby notiï¬ed ncl to purchase the said ’note, as payment has been stopped. Thomhill. Oct. 28. 1868 Toronio. December 17, 1668. Richmond HRH, December 10, 1868 Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1868 October Its 1868. Richmond Hill. Oct. '28. 1868‘ Rï¬qhmond Hilll 86.3 Richmond Hi1}, June 11. ’68. The New Canadian National Series 0F ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill, Jan. 2, 1868, Without any Wear on the Clothes, WITH LESS SOAP AND WATER, WILLIAM ANDERSON. Yonge Street, Oct‘ 22, 1868. 526-3t Apply to JUST WHAT IS WANTED Lasat Notice. July. August and September, 1868 (Signed) NELSEN JOHNSON, â€" WM. cox; Is used by the Royal Veterinary Surgeons} of Eugiand. for all kinds of Hats and Caps. POCKET BOOK LOST. LOW 1N lRIChL G. A. BARNARD’S FOR SALE BY 80 001le 0 F THE D0 UNION USE MILLER’S PREPARED GLYCERINE, AT THY. MILLER’S DER‘BY OIL! WILL \VASH 6‘ Go To ATKINSON’S J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill mile 11. ’68. 517-tf THE YORK HERALD †JOHN LANGSTAFF. HERALD OFFICE PRICE 15 CENTS. POLEMICAL AND OTHERS. Emcutms. DURING THE MONTHS OF Ta J. 11:11., 537-4: '26-tf 537-tf A S PUBLISHED IN IT 15 TH E BETWEEN [Unionvillm k . . . .. . 151 Monday of each month. Weston,. . . . . . . . . . 9th day of each month Kleiubm'g. ......-...16lh -‘ H Burwick, . . . . . . . . . . . .22nd “ ‘- Scarboro’ ............23rd “ U Where he will be prepared and most happy to wait on those who may require his services, Men’s Calf boots, perfect beauties. [weL Men’s English Kipp boms, warramed to turn Men’s Slom' [mots cnnnot he luv! fur winter. Lady’s high: cut. boots. no Lady should be with- Fancy Woolen Goods out them. Lad} ’5 Winter Kidd boots. perfect gems. lmdy’s Cloth boots, cannot bebeat for winter. Children and Misses’ boots in great variety, and in every style. Boy’s Long and Lace boots r‘f every kind. Rubbers and Felt over-shoes, shoe-packs. A call is Earnestly Requested. Richmond Hill, Oct. 8. 1868. 534-15! All of which wi‘l be 501:! at prices that cannot fail to Give Satisfaction WELL NW BE UNDERSGLD. Begs most respectfully to announce that he v will be at Unionville, k . . . .. . 151 Monday of each month. yYestpxl, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19th day of each month BGflTS 62: SHGES Medical Hull. “37 King Street East, Toronta 5434f Feels conï¬dent of giving entire satisfaction To those who have favored him with their palronagein the past he return“, his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. REFERENCES :' HUGH MILLER. & CO. Medical Hall, 167 King Street East. Toronto The following gentlemen can. with conï¬dence recommend G. H. Husband, to all requiring Dental aid: Dr. Reid, Thornllill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyu, BurwicK; Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESIDENCE zâ€"Thornllill. Thornhlll, Sept. 17. 1868. 1y TEIE ALMONTE TWEEDS !' IIGSSI l 1' u: tun ulvululu “1"â€; .u n.1v kllvrAlvuvA. DANIEL HORNER, Jun, A_ WRIGHT. Lot 20. 2nd ceossion Markham' Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1866. 69 MALLOY’S AXES NORTH OF TORONTO Richmond Hill. Oct. 8, 1868. ELEEEN YEARS PRACTICE, Richmond H“), 0018, 1868‘ G. H. HUSBAND LtD.S., ATIKINSON - , THOMAS SEDMAN. Richmon'i Hill, July 16,1868. 5224f W.H.MYERS, APPRE‘NTICE WANTED. STB ONG Active Boy Wanted as an ap- prentice to the Waggon Making Busi- HUGH MILLER & CO.. THE CHEAPEST G. H. H., having had over IN CANADA. Has the best assortment of 0N RICHMOND IIILL, Is to be soon at DENTESWg AND LARGEST STOCK Apply to Takes the hand FOR SALE BY Kept only by AS 0F W. ATKINSON HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning thanks to his numerous customers forthe liberal support since he pum’lased the above Miils: bags to intimate that ie has made great im- provements and altemions, during the past summer, and he is now prepaved to attend to Pants and Vests, in a variety of material, 0 the most fashionable cut and shape, of durable fabrics and as CHEAP as {ha same quality can be had in 'l'ommo, for At short notice._ Pariies from a distance- may have their Grist home with them, wixh as little delay as possible , . ' JOHN EYER. , L LANDELL’S Best Quality MW Boiled or Raw Oil $1 pei‘ gal., Best Canada Coal Oil, 37% cls per gal., Best Penn- sylvunia coal Oil. 50 as per gal Also Ma; chine coal Oil, Elephant and Fish Oil. Tui- penline. Varnish, Best White Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red. Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Chrome Yellow and all other paints. “'indow Glass in all sizes, as CHEAP as can be sold anywhere, at HEADFORD MILLS. V “E Administeralor ofthe will of the late Elmer While, wi~1hes to notify ‘ all those that have clainms against the above estate. to present them for afestmenl, on or about the third of Novmnber next, at his sons residence, (Mr. Henry VVht'te.) Lot No. 25, tst Con. Vaughan; and all those that are owing the same by new or otherwise, are hereby request- ed to settle the same by that dale. GEORGE lNGLIS, Aa’minislaraim‘. Vaughan, Oct,, 8. ‘68‘ 4t SELF-SHUTTING GATE. 7! VlHS usel'ulinvamion is the most cunvenieï¬nrti, New & Fashionable Clothing US'I‘ RECEIVED a large nssm'2m9nt of Gentleman’s OVER & UNDER COATS, For the use of lzis Patant Self-shutting Gale. CASH OR SHORT CREDIT! AT G. A. BAKNARD’S, WTANTED IMMEDIATELY. A BOY, strong and active, to make himself useful in getting out \‘« ood,running massages. &c. Apply at ‘his otï¬ce. MILLINEEY GOODS ! Hats and Bomlelstrimmed: Felt Hats and Velvet Bonnets; Silk and patent Vel- vet Velvelmens for Mantles. Flowers. Rib- buns, Drvss Himmlngs, Bullons. Gloves, the newgored Skirts, Camels. Also a clmlce lot of Woolen Goods. leantâ€s Coats and Caps. Lady’s Cl'ossovm' “aims. Neckties. Squares, Berlin Wool, and small wares. i Wilieï¬LV-lrlerurpgst, and most durable GATE for‘farm use, The Patentee is now prepared to sell Applicants wil! please address their letters (post paid) to Richmnd Hill, September 16, I867. RICHMOND HILL MILLS. EGS to inform the Famexsin the neighbor- hood of Richmond HIH,that hehas leased the above Mills. and has put them in thorough repair, and will be glad to receive a share of the patronage of the public. TOWNSHIP RIGHTS GRISTING- AND CHOPPING, HOUSE AND LOT situated'on Welling- ton St. Aurora. There is a good stable and driving House attached. Done on lhe shortest notice. WILLIAM COX, 2nd door north of Barnard’s store. WThe highest market price paid for VVhent. Richmond Hill, Nov. 14. 1867. RICHMOND HILL, I EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, Multon. Lamb. Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c. and sells at the lowefl prices. The highest market price given for Cattle. Sheep. Lambs &c. store 7 Aléd. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. Richmond HRH, October 15, 1867. 1-37 S. M. Sanderson8z Co. 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fol- lowing )ropelty :â€" Partof Lot No 30, on 2nd Con. Vaughan, containing 63 acre": also. N0. 90‘ Yonge Street. Village Property At Richmond Hill. Forpnrticulars apply to the proprietor. . A. Barnard’s Bheap Cash Store Headford, Sept. 23,1863, RICHMOND HILL. October 2‘2, 1868. November 12, 1868 October 22, 1868 nichuién‘d Hm. Oct. 15. 1868. Richmond Hill. 0“ 8. 18(38 VVill be Sold Cheap. Appply to JOHN GARTON, Gristin 3; J; Chopping ILL thoroughlv warrant every pair of BOOTS made by them at their new Notice to Farmers. BOY WANTED. RICHMOND HILL Successor to James Hoiliday, LAND FOR SALE. GEO. H. APPELBY Of every description; is at HORNER‘S PATENT M. TEEFY, FROM MONTREAL. EUTCHER, NOTICE. For Sale, RICHMOND HILL P. O. Agenpfor Patentee F u R ON Richmond Hill- 536-lf Cl‘hornhill. 539-4t 534-ly 5264f "In 478 corrron‘s, LINENS, (moms, , Tweeds, Mantle Materials, Silks, SUPERIOR TO IMPORTED GOODS. TERMS: CASH,‘ AND ONE PRICE ONLY. November 19, 1862. A FALL 8: WINTER GOODS ! VARIETY OF DRESS GOODS, AUTUMN AND WINTER STOCK, ONLY ONCE IN EACH YEAR-l CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR PRESENTS n; "a N. '11, in; m (Wm: H “mum: Wm“ l“V‘uv' g. “um: I CHEAPEST AND MOST VARIE‘D $3 @xmy $3 @3113? CASH OR SHORT CREDIT! BRRBER’S MARIAN TWEEIIS AMI FULL ELIITHS. THE CHEAPEST GOODS ‘ WEEK; E LADIES’ & GENTS’ LAMBS WOOL UNDERCLOTHIN‘G Richmond Hill. October 1, 1863. 103 KING STREET, †South West Corner Church St. Toronto“, THE “HERALD†BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE: Begs to announce to his customers and the public that he has now received his TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY! Ribbons, Flowers, Foal/Lars, Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, Small W} Shirts, Collars, Tics, Umbrellas, AN EARLY CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED,‘ To ALL your friends. The only place where {hey can be had, is at MERRY HEARTS AND CHEERY FACES, Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Cotton and Woolen Yams, Grain Bags. &c Dumas Shinings and Yarns MANTLES AND MILLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, WILLIAIW BIITCIâ€"IELL’S BE-EN BOUGHT CLOSE, ALSO AN UNUSUAL LARGE STOCK For the CHEAPEST, Most FASHIONABLE, and Most MAMU‘CEt GEORGE A. BARNARD THE LARGEST", NEW AND FASHIONABLE , And make yourselves merry and cheery, by giving NORTH OF TORONTO, Customers will then see that they can buy THEREFORE. DO NOT FAIL TO 0f any on Richmond Hilliand having NEWV BRITISH AND FOREIGN DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT GODDS CAN BE OFFERED w’mcu WILL BE FOUND GEORGE AJIBARNARD’S, WILL BE FOUND BUT. ALAS 1 TO MAKE FOR WW 'ares, 53393m_ Mum Becks & Fancy Groods’S In all the difl’erent styles of Binding; PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCOTT. Pocket Books, Purses, &c.’ .Horse's’ examined as to soundness, also Bought and Sold on'commissibn. Richmond Hill, April 23, 1868; 510 THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION :f BIBLES AND? TESTAMENTS :3 EGS to announce to the public that he it“ now practicing with H. SANDERSON, of the same place, where they may be consull-. ed personally or by letter, on all diseases of‘ Horses, Cattle, 8L6. For Horses and Cullle' always on hand : such" as l’hysid. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Cnudition and Worm Balls and Powders. l‘ho‘ Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokexm‘ind or Heaves in Horses: Colic, Draughts, Liiaimeuts for Sore Throats.‘ Sprains, Curb. Spavlu, [Hugâ€"bone, &c. Blistâ€"‘ ering Ointmen‘ts. also H 00f and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises, Saddlo‘ Gulls. lilfalliable Oil and‘ Sheep Tick Dea-†lroyer. In various styles of Bindings. Boots on Shoes J. H. SANDERSON',‘ VETERINARY sunsson, 7 " 71311 ordérs from a‘ d‘ista’nc'e promptly attended to, nud'mediciues' sent to any part ot'the Pro-" vinc’e. HOLIDAY GIFTS1 Are Mrdicines- of every Discription V At' their New Storeâ€"â€" No- 90 Yoï¬g’e-st. Torontdi. Ladies and: Gentlemen, who r’equire a. true chart of the foot, can procure one in either French Kid or Calf, by calling and ordering it’ at T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond Hill, April 4, 1867‘. If by letter‘pre'paid. address Headford P.O. Markham, July 2, 1868. “Far our Money-v Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1868. ~HIE Subscriber offers for Sale his farm.- bsiug Lot 17. in the 2nd COIL, Township of Markham, CONTAINING 68 ACRES of excellent land, 55 of which are cleared, and m a good state of cultivation. The Buildings are good and in‘ a thorough state of repair. There is' nlsd a splendid Orchard on the premises This Farm is only 16 miles from Toronto, and 2 miles ï¬â€˜om Yonge Street. For particulars apply on the premises to GEORGE 'I‘EASDALE S‘. M.‘ SA-NDERSON 8:; Co. ISN’T IT- FUNNY 2- Calf, Kip and Cowhide Boots, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Watches, clocks, and J'ewelry, ‘flfthe bqs? désvription and newestdesigns, 7 Cul‘efu' attnmiou given to the repairing of Watches‘anr‘ Cincks Jewelry manufactured and Rnpairnd. W. WHARIN & CO. The attention of lhe Public is inivted Lo thoig took, censisting of a great variety of 330103 AND FANCY GOODS, No.11, King Street Ea: Yonga Six-net. I Toronto, Apri126; 1866. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. . 113, YONGE St., TORONTO 3Q†Masonic and other Emblem&: made to order. Toronto, Avril 27, 1866. 4'1. HATS AND CAPS STANDARD AUTHORS z: (Graduateqf Toronto Veterinary College) orner of Yonge and Centreâ€"st East RICHMOND HILL. Large and Miscellaneous Stock Richmond Hiiaf Nov" 29.1867. VVHICRE T0 PROCURE THE MOSI‘ SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR HE Subscxiber, ever mindful of tlie Wants ofthe public, has just received a S. M. SANDERSON & Co. Richmond Hill,‘ Oct. 8. ’68., He‘ has also‘received a heavy stock of ELECTED-PLATED WARE! CUTLERY, 8%, &c. HYMN tfc PRAYER BOOKS CALL AND SEE Manufacturing 3.": the Newest Styleao Men’s, Women’s and Children’s A?) 90 Yonge Street. Toronto. GREAT BARGAINS Toys of Various Kinds, 1 Eiug Street East, 6 doors east of NOW COMPLETE How ATKINSON 0F CAREFIjLLY SELECTED INCLUDING MANY OF THE ATxmsoN’s ASSORTMENT or PHYSIOLOGY. 'J. SEGSWORTH, Can give us so much Farm for Sale. In Men‘s and Boy’s nun OFFERING IMPORTER or IT I!