PATENT EAVE TROUGHS AND WATER SPOUTS! PUT UP AT $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. ALSO Flooring and other Lumber Dressed. SAP BUCKETS & FAILS Manufactured and for Sale Shingles. Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Thornhill. Thomhill, April 21, 1868. 510-tf. WILLIAM G. CASTELL, MANUFACTURER 0]" Pure and Unadulterated Confectionery, 363 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks, and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices, Toronto, July 20, 1865. 7 Stables : HORSES AND CONVEYANCES May be had at all times. either Double or Single at VELIE’S HOTEL, Richmond Hill. AT MODERATE RATES. Richmond Hill, Aug. 20, ’68. 527-1 DRS. PECK 86 ROBINSON NEW METHOD OF EXTRACTth TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! BY THE USE OF ETIIER SPRAY, Which Affects the Tooth Only. HE tooth and gum surrounding becnmo . insensihle with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and Without endangering the Life ! As in the use of Cliloi'oform. willbe in the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus, All other operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner 2â€"â€" Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st ofeach month Newmarket Br‘elsfot‘d hotel 2nd " " Stouffville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th " †Victoria Square . . . . . . . . . . 20th “ " Thomhill......... ...... 23rd “ " Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . . 24th " “ Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26th " " Burwick . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 28th “ " chiiihurg . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29th 5‘ " Nobleton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th H -‘ Where they will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of theirprofessiou. w. c. ADAMS, D.D.s., 95 King Street East, Toronto, NEAR CHURCH STREET, ‘ S prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve siifleiing and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Alsoto regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. 21_y MONEY TO LEN ON LAN DED SECURITY. TH E Undersigned is authorized to state that $20,000! IF YOU WANT l lillllll lllll lllilltllilli lillllllliti GO TO WM. HARRISON’S FIRST PRIZE EEENESS October 14, 1868. ESTABLISHMENT, Richmond Hill. I 535-3m I N RETURNIFG THANKS to his friends and customers for the very Liberal Patronage he has received since commencing business in this Village. takes this opportunity of informing the Public generally, that he is prepared to manufacture CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS duo, OF THE LATEST APFRO VED STYLES, THE BES'I‘ MATERIIAL- He is also prepared to undertake all kinds of Plain. Fancy and ORNAMENTAL PANTING! FOR GARRIAGES, SIGNS, FLAGS, BANNERS, &-c.. RICHMOND HILL JOHN C. HUCTHINS, AND FRO M Which he will do with Taste and Neatness. WORKSHOP WEST FROM RAYMOND’S HOTEL. Richmond Hill, August G. 1&68, "i'n'V-l'lr‘i- van-k1 “#1.. £53.. The York Herald W I N T E ii __ WILLIAM ATKINSON AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to his friends and customers the arrival ofliis C H E A- P FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF . i D R Y Gr 0 O I) S . Which, on inspection, will be found the most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plea- ' sure of submitting to their approval. W. A. directs special attention to his AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENI . Which will be found to comprise everything that is new and elegant. W. A, has also a; ‘ FULL STQCK GROCERIES, MAR DWAIR E, C ROCIQERY, ETC, ETC, ETC. At The LOWest Market Price. Richmond Hill, Sept, 23. 1868. 51(l-tf. AND ISAAC CROSBY Is prepared for it with a Large Cheap, and Well Selected , , earners as. -M THE MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE 0F \VHICH IS HESPELER’S CELEBRATED TWEEDS, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST THAT WAS EVER OFFERD 0N RICHMOND IIILL. ESTABLISHMENT. Orders for any of the undermentioned descrip~ mu or A COMPLETE ASSORTMRNT OF 525-1y ALEXANDER SCOTT nits RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK 0F STATIONERY ,& FANCY GOODS, W111 ClI WILL OUT THE TORONTO TRADE, In Price and Quality ALL TO BITS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROOERIES. I’Iomthvaro, Crockery, 850., 850., &C. ISAAC CROSBY. PLAIN A N 1’ Richmond Hill, September 12, 1868. . ' mainstream worms, HEAR RICHMOND HILL. HIRAM "BEGS'mmmntion of t FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, HOUSE TORONTO. Also on hand a large stock of Special attention is directed to FURNISHING ESTABLISHMEN’ ‘ Booxs. FA‘N‘CY mus, No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, PIPER be public to his extensive stock of HOUSE SPOONS, &C. LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! The stock of which is very large, embracing all that is New and Chaste and also the Plainest and Cheapest kinds,â€"â€"~thus meeting the requirements of all classes. LAMP GLOBE-S, BURNERS, IIHIMNBYS, SHARES AND WIGKS. Square and Globe shapes, in great variety, for Oil or Candles. LANTERNS is directed to the stock Of Special attention Can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security, Terms made known on personal application to M. TEEFY, Notary Public, Agent. &c. N.l3. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills, Bonds. &0. 6w, drawn with neatness and despatch.â€" M. 'l‘. continues to act as DiVisioN Coun'r AGY l'r. Foes moderate. Rimmond Hill. Nov. 28,1865. R E M O V A. L . F. M. Sanderson & Caulkens. No. 133 Yonge Street. have removed To No. 90 Yongc Street, 7 Doors north of King Street. The business at the New Store will be carried on under the name and style of S, M. SANDERSON & CO. No, 90 Yonge-street, Toronto, S. M. Sanderson do Go. Are selling Boots 82 Shoes Cheap At their New Store, No. 90 Yonge Street, - Toronto. S. M. Sanderson & CO ()ULD take this opportunity of thanking * their Friends and Customers for the very Ilbeml pntionage bestowed on them for the last twelve years, and would cordially so- licit a continuance of the some at their New Stand N0. 90 YONGE STREET. Toronto, December 1867. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOGATION. .__.. IllS ASSOCIA": ION has transferred their Ll llltglltY to the ‘ IIERAI.†’ Book Store who'e Stockholders and others may ~n‘ocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon, fror dloB clock, inn, A. SCOTT, Librarian, Which Will be found both good and cheap. BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &0. Children’s Carriages and Perambulators ! h’lanufacturcd and Imported, IVhOlesalc and Retail. STOVES! Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes VVringers, L0. 330. inspection. Toronto, Februay 7 1868. Stands, &c. &c. 'l‘urpertine, Benzvne, Glass, Putty, Glue, &c. &c. or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. t M ii h ll lhiiiitii “trim llhtll'll “litiqu Uh’tttilhi lMllhlll l‘ltiiiiii RICHMOND HILL Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it Will be found worthy of 493 CABINETE si‘ABLisHMENT THOMAS COG-ELAN, N returning thanks for the very liberal support he has received since commencing busniess in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly incrcas' cd his Stock and has now on hand A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE! Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, \Vash Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Borderinw, White Lead 1" df‘l P d†' ‘-' ' ‘ "i aints an ,o ors, raw an uOiled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil. t/Brnish wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Richmond Hill, November 9, 1866. 1‘11"“ N it,“ ME “hiiiihi ‘lllitiitu For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpa: Parties Furnishing, Preparing, Also HARRDWABE and. CROCKEBY A nice assortment, good and cheap. 110 would also call attention to his Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! \Vlicre he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatincal, Cornmeal, Buck- d 50. 23 Will '18[)1‘0n\)lly attended to: -â€" MANUFACTURERS OF A Ithlhlhlhl Shh ti ifflhiilh‘. thi‘l’ Ehhlll ll. BUSINESS CARDtI hill N ENTIRELY NEW INVENTION. This Plough can hihegulaled ltl Eula Furmw any Required Shape . AND SET IT A. T ANY ANGLE. l LAW resins, -, CIRCULARS, THE DRAUGHT IS EXCEEDINGLY LIGHT. Fittings for Iron and Wood i’loiiglis; Stccl or Meta], supplied and sold at a Low Price. CASTING AND ALL roe WORK Done to Order. EYER & BROTHER, Richmond Hill, Ontario. 5244. BiLi. HEADS, BLANK CHECKS, Richmond Hill, July 30. 1868‘. DRAFTS. “ Their success is wonderful and Well-deserved.â€â€"On.ta7~io Observer. vx'rRacrs FROM JUDGMENT or occur or CHANCER‘I. “The Novelty of making A \VOODEN F0 RCE I’UMl’, was introduced by the Plaintiff. (C. Powell) and it has that MERIT OF INVENTION which ctitlcs it to the protection of a Patent.†“ The usefullness of this invention is unquestioned; it is both ingenious and worthy of merit, and to the isolated dweller, must be of the greatest possible value.†HON. P. M. VANKOUGHNET. See Judgment Court of Chancery. The lion. I’. M. Vankoughnet. in delivering Judgment on the celebrated Patent Swing Pump trial : remarked. after justly eulogising the merits ofthe Pump, “ That the person who infringes on a Patent, is a wrong-door and should be punished, and that an infringer’s opera- tions are, not only a Robbery of the I’atentee, but also a Fraud upon the Public.†PAMPHLE'I‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, And every other kind of LIFT AND SUCTION PUMPS, FOR ALL DICPTHS ; FORCE OGDPUMPS,£DO ron nuns, cisrrnss AND SHALLOVV WELLS; ARE CHEAPER AND SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS; Aiso, . Common Pumps of any Make, AT TWO THIRDS THE ORDINARY PRICES , “ Churn †Pumps for Cisterns, TWO DOLLARS EACH. Letter-Press Printing. OUR ASSORTMENT OF nit-,1, Isentirely new and of the latest patterns, largevaiiety of new MEI" For Cards, &c.. just received, LEASE NOTICE THAT Ordcis from North York should he sent to ROGERS 5b (30., NEW/MARKET, who have acqtiiiod the l'ateut Right for East and West Gwillim» bury. Whitckurch and King, for the Patent Swing and Dominion Force Pumps. †5,.“ , Il/rIO/yg Georgina North Gwillimbury. Oro and lniiisfil, and, having abandoned the manufacture on Interior Kinds of Pumps, are prepared to supply the PATENT SWING AND DOMINION FORCE PUMPS- A Limited Number of Rights for Sale yet. Machinery supplied. andZInstructiODS for making given. Rare chances for men of energy ad limited capital. Innis Anion Also Notice that Messrs. PHILLIPS. Pump Makers, UDORA, have purchased the Rights of ' Worth Knowing. .â€" HE Subscriber would intimate to the arm- ers and others of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country having. Horses Afflicted with Ring-bone, That he has successfully treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. This treatment does not necessitate their being laid aside only for a few days. Quite a number ofreference given if requir- ed ot'persons whose horses have been cured by me. My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on, ifnot $3 ()0 will be charged to ensure a scure. Residence rear of lot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan"; - JAMES DUNTON. Richm ondHill, Oct. 25, ’66 72-1y Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. ' UNT’S Empire Hair Gloss is the “ No plus ultra †of all preparations for the hair. If you want a clean. cool head, use Hunt’s Empire llair Gloss. Il'you want a beautiful, luxuriant growth 0: hair. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. If you want to keep your hair from falling. out. use Hunt’s Empire H air Gloss. It is the cheapest, cleanest, best. Pump ‘25 cENTs PER BOTTLE» S. J. FOSS & C0,, Proprietbrs; ' November 19. 1868. 540-ly Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid. ACOISS’ Rheumatic Liquid is the best.E ~thing in the world, except. a skillful] phy- siciansto have at hand in case of any accident; 999 out of 1.000 ofthe accidents to which we are daily liable may be greatly relieveu, and a, large proportion rendered no longer trouble, some by a timely application of this justly cele- brated medicine. “I would not attempt to keep house without. it." “ I want it where I can put my hand on it at any time.†“ 1 consider it the greatest remedy known.†“ Nothing I ever saw can touch it as a re- medy.†“ I do not consider a sprain or lameness of any account it’l can get hold of a bottle of Ja- cobs’ Rheumatic l.iqui( †“ It cures a cold in tanter.†“ It is the only thing I know that cures scratches on horses.†" 1 never saw anything that would relieve a burn so quick.†Above are some of the statements being daily made by those who have used Jacobs‘ Rheumatic Liquid The name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuine 5 all others are worthless imitations. S. J. FOSS & (30., Solo proprietors. November 19, 1868. 540-1)! 540-1y Dr. Colby’s Anti-costive and Tonic Pills. ' R COLBY’S Antivcostive and Tonic Pills D never fail but always relieve if taken in time. They can be taken by the most delicate. They do not sicken or grip in any case. They always produce the same beneficlal results. They are an effectual but mild catharticr They cannot be excelled as an antibilious remedy, They are the greatest blood puriï¬er known. They al’ford immediate relief for bowel com- plaint. They are the best and safest remedy fut! children. They are a positive cure for costiveuess.- They cure the worst forms of dyspepsia. ’l'll ' . . . . .. _ raiigement o the .._§mach, lilier, and Bowols. They are recognised by all medical men who know the formula as a standard remedy. They were not invented in a day by ignorant: parties as a means of money getting, but were originated by M F. COLBY, M.D.. one of the ï¬rst physicians of the country. and perfequ during a course of 40 YEARS succesrtul prac- tice, so that for the purpose intended they can scarcely be iuproved. For certificates of cures see circulars. All genuine pills are sugar-coated and will in future have our signature on the wrapper. S. .l. FOSS & CO., Proprietors. *Q‘ Sold by druggists everywhere. November 19, 1868. MRS WlNSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation â€"â€"will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and Itcliefand Health to your Infants. We have put up and sold this article for years, and CAN SAY 1N CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it what we have never been able to say of any other nledlcilleâ€"NEVER HAS 1’? FAILED IN A SIM;er INSTANCE 'ro nri-‘rcr CURE, when timely used, Never did We know an instance ofdissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera- tion, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical Virtues- We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW,†after years of experience, AND PLEDGE oun nnrurm‘iou FOR THE FULFILMEN'I‘ OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhauslation,reliefwill be found in ï¬fteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac- simile ofCURTlS & PERKINS. New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by llruggists throughout the world. Price, only 25 con Ouncesâ€"2w Fulton Street. New York. Her Bottle, 205 High Hothorn. London, Eng. ‘ 441 St. Paul St., Montreal, C. E. 477-ly Information. NFORMATION gnarnateed to produce alu- xuria t growth of Hair upon a bald head or beardlcss face. also a recipe for the removal 0 l’iinples. Blotchcs, Eruptions, etc.. on th skin leaving the same soft, clear. and beautiu lot can be obtained without charge by ad. dressing, TI'IOS. F. CHAPMAN, CHEMIST. 823 Broadway. New Yet A Card. I CLERGYMAN while residing in South i America as a missionary. discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak ness,Early l)ecay.l)iseases ofthe Urinary and Simiual Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by bunol'ul and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, Iwill send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed envelope. to any 0: who needs it, Free of Charge. Please enclose an envelope address done voursel Jddress. *** When Ordering Pumps, please state Depth of Well or Cistern. P. O. Address-CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook Newton Brook. July 15. 1868. 522-3m WOHDEHS PHOMPTLY EXELUTED / JOSEPH '1‘. INMAN, STATION D. BIBLE HOUSE, New- York city ...