No v York, Dec. 29.â€"-The Herald's Lon don apt ciul Says : â€"Dcspatches from Berlin state that the chief points to be treated by the Conference 0f the Great. Powers are, the autonomy of Crete, the suspension of ener- getic meAsures memioned in the ultimatum, und an agreement to suppm't the just (1 *- m'mds ome-key. Itis cantidently stated m Constantinople that. the Turkish Government Objects to the Conference. Consla‘ninwlo, Dec. 29.â€"A circular from the Sublime Pane jusL issued7 conï¬rms L120 report of [he Sultan’s refusal 1A mx'ticipale 'n the prujected Conference 1f the Crciml qugshon is to I); discuss“. ‘ London, D:c. 29.â€"Tlm Russian waem- mam Ins denied givin: :Luthmilv to Grnek merclmut vessels t4) lse the Russian H4; fatally purpose whatever. THE CUBlN REVOLUTION. HIWANA, Due. 27.â€"Thc Government publishes in the Gav/1m the llgllowinr :10â€" count- after the lmtc'e of Mm-m.:â€"'l‘lxe humps among 1110 lmgngn cliplm'erl {mm the insurrevhoniys sever |l jam nl'stwydinine. Information previously rucuivml by the Governmmlt smierl Hill St \‘cl).|inu was to be used (n) poison [lie Sinwisll H'ooils tha'uuglmut the island I‘m: nlli iul report of the battle shuns llmt Iliee (hwm'mnunl hoops cum: up with the Icvululinnisxs on the 18tl1inst., 18 miles from Purth Princi- pe. they stunned the entrenched camps of the enemy. and attacked them With Lhe bayonet. The lunar were ronwd. losing many men killed and wounded. According to the ofï¬cile acmuut. the loss (if Govern- ment troops was slight, only 1 man killed and8 wounded. L)ss of nov-llntimist Is not. given, it bein; stated only that 700 hmscs were captured. SALT LAKE-I, Dec. 2(‘.â€"â€".\ heavy snow storm has been mgmg here and in the west since" Sam why. Paris: Dee. 2D.â€"lieporls have been re ceived here of :1 enlzision between a bind ol‘ invadingt Greeks and the Turkish forces in the Turkish province of Albania. The 'l‘u'rks were victorious. REPORTED smm'RECKâ€" 1‘12 LIVES LOST. Lond‘m. Dec Elliâ€"The «migrant ship Slarry ancr, for New York, was t<)l.x.lly lost in the gale of let D member, Tllll miles west of the coast, of iâ€(:lithll. Futttytwu peeple Wee Saved on r tl'ls, ungi have artiel m Bon.o:nc, Fran'ze. The cunt-(Lin and the rest of the crew and passenzei'sâ€"IZ’Z per- aons,‘ all toldâ€"are lest. M'Ijnt' Henry Joy. late ofthe American airings, and u. passenzer by the ill-fated vessel, was mainly insri'nnien ml in saving the lives of his fellow pnssen gers. The news’ agent says zâ€"We me tin able to find anv mention ol‘ such a. vessel us the Starry Banner in the usual mnrine authorities, which tug rests the possibility that later advices from Europe, will mitigate the almve st'u‘tlinr details. NASHVILLE, Dec. 25.â€"-No:1r E§kmnnt, Ala., an insane mun 11,111ch Wuldvrm, mm deter] his wife and two chihlrux cumin ‘ u the heads of the latter, with an axe, after which 11x: hung lmnsn-H'. Tm: PAIHG‘C‘H'AN‘ WAR. NEW Youx, Duo. illâ€"By advices we learn that the :LHiwi {bf-cos, under the cum- mand of Marshal quins, made a despef-ate attack on Viiietu, the stronghold of Prusi dent. Lopez, 021 the 1.5111 Nwemher. but were repulsed with a loss of ï¬tcen hundred killed and wounded. A Cuban account of the affair states that. the Govorlmmut troops lost, heuvilv in killed and wounded. The l‘l..:â€".vu|ul.i<mists also do» my the statement that. thanve‘I-mnent trumps captured all their arms and ummunitim. Gen. Lehorre sailed yexleldliy for S milugo with troops to take command of the E istem Department. The lCVUlllliOlllSlS have de‘ stroyed the lighthouse at Lucretia. Pain, end .ngenug the navigation of the Bahama. Chunk London, Dec. '27, evmnn;.~Thc report n{' the folinderin;r of the emig‘runt ship Slurry Banner; is unquestionably a burn, although the. full details have been published by the entire press ofLondun to day. The ma ifinal despatch announced the safe. :er ival Ol‘sm‘e“ a! of the passengers at, BOulome; but u telegraph from 1h'1L city, in answer In an enquiry for full particulars fol-the New Ya)" lx' Associated Press, conveys the assurance thzu theie has been no such - 'l\'3ll\' as r-‘pnrlwl CHATTANOUGA. Dec. 28 v-A tragic u'i‘ui‘ occurred on “Salt Greek, 40 miles lnlow here, a few (his sin - , the particulars ol' which ane as folloi ;â€"â€"It Seems that, Mr. linuno, u school teacher, attempted to whip nhov named Hutchinson, who re.' ml and left school. A i or two afterward, youn; Hutchinson,‘accompnnicd by his biOlllffl' and in mm nzl‘mnd Smith. visited the sch I )i house for Lht, ztvlowetl pnrposx ot' ch mining Home, aiad- m’n‘ï¬ndinbr him them thwy pr.»â€" ceedl ’ his residuncc. Home stiw thnn comii a - nd miticipalin: tlwro errand. I mi 91] himself, as also did Mr. M m e, \Vil’1llil'l pellet] L!) in: ‘2le the homo. Oil llit'ii' :Lt‘l'lv tl HuiChiIison sn'd they inn-nil (l _'l\’lll£ him (Beam) :1 trashing. M. mm l't‘llldHSll'ltlU‘l. when Smith drew a pistol and shot, him (had. This was it si;:|u.l for all to ln'oduvv pi t>ls. Benn Shot mid instztntl)‘ lqillul Cyrm Hulchinsm, brother of the svtho.‘ boy. He had scarcely til-ed. when Smith. who haul instantly killed Moo.e.fiietl anothvr baiix'elol‘ his repqate: at Beune; the hn‘l strxick, but failed to innncdiutaly disabie him. )eane then turned on Stnrth un'l lodged three halls in his hozlv. inflictin: wounds which wsultctl mortally in 2!. few mmu‘tes. Twenty minutes after :lii:: :LEF.‘:1‘\' commenced, Moore, Beam), Cyril: Hutchi- son and Smith lay dead on the ground with- in few feet. of emu-i1 other. Hutchison’s brother was the only perm-on who escaped unhurt. Landau Dee. Ill-Advices h we. hike» re- ceived here to the eff?ch Hm the lurk (l’ir cassz’an. Capt. Amv, wh ch sailed from New York on the 28m of 1:le N nu. has arrived at the Island ut'J-‘rsey diswud. having last he:- masts and $11.? ea! mhm' (1.1m I. :03. Pans. Due. ‘Z‘J.â€"-The deivxils uf' ferenc=- have all been njruwl 0:] session will begin in Llus city 011 next. L‘oudun. Dec. ZELâ€"Thu Illurniny 1w to-dixy pllbiishai the carrespoudence i0 Min: to an ucaun yacht ‘ace between the D'umf less and the Cambria. In its Cmnmexns. lhu Post prM‘ews the AZ wes track, :u one much better adapted to rest the sea-ï¬rming qmtlilius ofl‘he vesmeis and the .30an ship ur' then- masLers, thzm the rewhu' Trams Atlantic route. The write > (exh-J‘ ‘ . :owirs ut'lhe Brius‘z :Ch‘JOllel‘ Y.u-h!.< m J m. in the race. and says 11ml the Sdpphn wfll pmt‘icipate. Pari’siDa ’) “The legs} h-ihn mls haw forbidden 1.1a se bfthe mic JIIImUeur hy the ' :bqgtï¬m new oï¬ic‘ I Florence,“ .rE .' ’29.â€"-Uren. Garibalui Ins wriyten :L 10 1'%'<)1'1r1:zlly declining :1. cammis sion’iu the )k army, whish has been len- dered to him L the Grecian Govermnent in viewfof the Lhréuened war. Mada-ilk Dec. 2’). ~G9n. thvHem has 1336;] ordered1ntuketmups to the Provinces of S‘eviJe :Lud Grenada to prevant LL'Uubic The country, howvver, is entiwa tranquil. The gnvernyent {ms contracted :1. loan vviLh Erlungew‘. «we»: LA T1313? PRO 5%? EURQPE. , _2;').â€" eu 1.19, SE: 0 i012â€; ‘ 311cc, . , .' :L 10 1' You the AMERICAN NEWS. MURDER am] lhz‘ Sum-day lhe C 1 The C‘lmy 0f Nuw Zeulimd nmv con. [:Lills a. {Litish populmiun of 223.000 souls. l'l'he native population dues cerminly not ‘ 11pm the most I beml Cnmlmtznimx. excved 40,000; so lhut Enzéislnnen are to the Mum-is in the proportion of at least ï¬ve to 0110. The condition of Spanish affairs be- comes more hopeful as the peogle be- eome more accustomed to the new posi- tion in which they ï¬nd themSelves. [It ’Was not to be expected that a revolution so momentous and sweeping could be completed without ditï¬cultics. The re- vived hopes of those Carlists who have never ceased Watching for an Opportunity to renew their efforts, the Wishes of a rather numerous section who would have had Isabelle ubdicute or be dethroned in the interest of the Duke de Montpensier, and the divided opinions respecting the form to be adopted by the new Govern- ment, were all Certain to presznt elements of discord and danger. The niost forâ€" midable demonstration by the Unrlists has been quieted, and the Duke early discluinied any desire for the Crown. There only lenniiied the decision be- twiren 21 monarchy and :1 Republic, and this u‘ppeers-m a full‘ way of belng pence;wa made. (From the Scottish American Tnu Burlington (Iowa) Hawk Eye says: “ sztei'duy one of ()lll‘ citizens ruuuivenl u check m. :l. Boston Imuk fur $481 43, Ihe III'UCJQ‘IS ni' n. lezucy of $100 leI‘L him by an uncle, um] 116‘)v)SiiL’(] in a savings bank in lint, city twentylive ynims n‘m, nf whit'h the recipient was in irnnl'nnun until :liHHlL [Wu months since. This form in is not, quilu as large us same of the tithiwl nuns Ini'L 1n lilu nid country, to which ever imnn lheue turns un an IH'il‘ in the new, bub 1t [ms the niel'iLnf not being :L myth. “"9. withth Ihe name of the happy individual who drew [his prize lest, he Shviuid be over- l‘llH \iilh applications to build chu cIHs, (-.n Go v cnilgjes, and sustain the Chih‘llui)!0 Much of this result is due to the moderation which the Provisionle Gove eminent has displayed. The revolt of Cadiz, said to have been finnented by the Curlists or the adherents of the exâ€" QIOCH, was culculated to inflame the passions of both sides to a high degree. But after showing itself" capable of a desperate resistance to the national troops, the garrix‘ou Wisely listened to the 'teulperute though ï¬rm demand for its su under. ('adiz was restored to order, and those inhiibitzmts who fled from the horrors of the contest returned without delay. The next step in re- nrgmizing the nation will be the Fortes elections. There is no reason to expect Gov cuilg‘res, and sustain the Charitable llh‘llllltl ms oi" the CullilLl')’ genemlly He’s all l'lJ'll[,mld very liberal but he realizes that there is U. limit even to the wealth of the Rothschild.†i that they will be conducth otherwise than in an orderly manner. As was anticipated, the monarchists p n'tiy gains struuq‘th. The question of rcpublicmism isnut pressing, and the croutirmnf‘ a omstitutiouul and liberal monarchy :lp- peurs on the whole safest and best. A republic, suund and durable, IS not the growth of a day. The trmsition to mm :1 l'oi'm of govcmment needs the sulbgu u-ds which papilla education alone can Q'H'C. i he increasing reliability that Er‘pzuw rero will became King of Spin, is an evidence ei’ goal sense on the part of the people, as we'l a; of his cmtinued pop ulnrity. His high ch-n-ucter, and repu ration fur wisdom and bravery, paint him hut as the man best ï¬tted For the emerâ€" gency. l he duties to be assumed by the new Gnverument are onerous and delicate. These are the questions of suffrage. education, ï¬nance and lll'lny others little less important, which call for c-iutinus yet bold and liberal treatment. The present aspect of Sp.xnish affairs, then, though not devoid of muses of ~mxiuty, are on the whole promi‘ing; :lll‘l it Will be an unlnoli d for disap- pnintment if the n.1tinnzil regeneratimi, so happily begun, does not proceed steadily to its ï¬nal accomplishment. Pns'l‘AIDâ€"Tinnm'tnnt ch'm :es Llhe et'T'ect HI 'hc ï¬rst at Jnn., in i'eiulinn to ttetvsnapet' ind periodical [)ttshtfll. A circular in which the Cilill‘J'HS me detailed has huen I'ceeived tit the depurtntent here. and from it we mn'ce the t'nilmvin: extrach The circn : reminds IIHSHDJSIUI‘S thnt Ham and aflel' Jtnunry, 186;), all '[JL’I‘iUliiCzli m.i.ttet-p lasing by p ISL in Uiliiiltiil xvii] be subject to chi. he, and the exam die. 5 enjayed hy cettntn ten)- 3) “HIGH, :lfl‘it'uiful‘zli, edncntimnl :L-tdsuinn- titic perindicnis twist-i211 within the D ttniniyn, will u ins" on th: 315% D\ , 186% The cit-- (‘llitlt‘ {treat-eds a; t'nlintv<,:-" Ft'ntn the Ist ot' Jvttttl-H'y. Htiii, therefore, :til periodicals msted it Cu tndt and ad Lessvd to any Ii.iC’3 within the D uninitin of CnnntLLâ€"tt- Prince E itvntd isinnd. Newfoundland or the Unite] States. with the exceptions herein ,tt'im- mne'L must he posted, prepaid by wstnre shunts. at the rate of 1c per 02:. wet 'ht (>1 package. When a. peek; g0 01' ‘lCl'iOdiciliS st) posted, grennid is nddwsSed by the sender to any PUxL ofï¬ce within the Diminion, it will he the duty of the Past- IQJA‘ELH' at such nfliue tn 0th the pnciczue, and without further Charge, didrihute the contents to the individual suhsct'ibet's within the delivery of his ()Iiiee, to whom the separate numhet's Contained in the packtue may be with wed.†The GXCpri'VlS uhove alluded to refer ii) the exotatttitmai me of ch LI'IP of half a cent. per number on small jttjl‘iifliica s wei :hing in~s than an nunce per number mid put up sittglyâ€"otnti to the p‘tvde‘re of free ttnnsmissian accorded to t}. ~tingle copy (if catch puhiiczttion interchanged between puhiishetâ€. A c nleecliun ml" 'l‘empm-nnce Hymns pub- lished in Englnnl contains the following \‘liLllZJS, in the sentiment embodied in which :1ll well disgusud person-5 will cordially agree: Jacoba’rBheumatic Liquid cures Dipthozia If cider, brandy. and Iiigwood, \Vith (111118 of all degrees, Can (la the hum'm system good By driving nut disease; If Slum n’-lu:ul and heel, root juice With opium combined, Cnmimsr‘, :l. draught of hmliing‘ use To sick and sore mankinii; Than use i! yr with Impc and fear Who in uinclinn pine, I Hm in the name of it“ that's dear Don’L call 111th mixture wine! noubla in Spain. m Journal.) Going North 8.55 A.M. Gum»: South 10.02 A.M Mails made up at the Richmond 111“ Post 011106- In Vaughan, there is a change of pro gramme since our last issue, which de- prives the electors of the right of choos- in; From among those nominated at the Town Hall? The new candidates have resigned or withdrawn from the contest, by which means the old Council are virtu-tlly re-eleeted, as it is impossible to brie; new men forward now, beingr contrary to \lu‘fllclp‘Ll law. Thus the electors are bamboozled out of their rights Itan a Free choice, by skill‘iil wire» pulling on the part of the ï¬'iands of' the old "ouncil. There is evidently a loose screw in the Vaughan craft; the crew that manage the ship don't want that the passengers should, for the present, know what is in the wind; so the “old Coun- cil" ll'LVL} worked the oracle, liooninkel the electors, unl seeui‘eal their seats For another year. whether we like it or not, Well, we can and will bear it patiently because we cannot help ourselves, but are not so sure that the honest unsusgi» cious farmers of Vaughan will permit the sun: trick to be repeated, by which they are deprived of their rights, 21:11 no remedy within reach for a twclvemoi’ith. PATTERSON CHRISTMAS Pumaâ€"The Patterson Union Sabbath School celebrated their fourth anniversary on the evening~ of the 2th ult., (Christnms eve.) There was a: large and respectable attendance of the friends ol'lhe pupils and omen-s who took an interest in Sabbath Schools. The enter- tainment consisted of music, reeitations and dialogu' s by the children. At the close of the entertainment Santa Claus paid a visit (in person) to the assembly, and distributed a. very large number of valuable presents ,to the company and scholars. ‘ Dr. Cnlby’s Pills are put up in boxes con: taming 25. ' ' Southern Mai! . . . . . ‘ . . . . . a . ; . . .530 p.1n. NJ}. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to he handed in 15 minutes before the time 01‘ closing. among the “ free and independent†electors who have the power to conf‘er municipal honours. We are much pleased to learn (linkâ€"notwithstanding the fears and doubts which were circulated a short time agoâ€"\lr. Robinson, in his CJP‘lClty of Reeve of the Township of Markham, has secured the full guaranty, from the Nipissing Railway Company, tlnit the two stations will be erected in the Township in such localities as will give the most general satisflwtion to his comtituents; this being the case, We have 1‘ :uson to hope that he will be fully suotuined at the polls on Monday next. \Ve have no personal unkind feeling to- wards Mr. Robert Man-sh, he is our ne';hbour, and we respect him; but we differ with him in his views on many points, and particularly the recent anti- milwuy policy, of which he is the vol» untnry clrnnpion. If all foliowed his lead, there would be neither Railways, i‘elegruphs or Canals in the country. Monday will Show how 1111in 8110.) are in the good old Township of Mark- ham. Subscribe for the York Herald. 81a Year 0:;- DJN’T forget to secure a. copy of the Pnlctmcul Correspondence, between T.J.M. and the Rev. John Bredin, now published in pamphlet form and for sale at the IIerald b wk store. Price 15 cents. The Luv provides,tl1zit onMdnday next, the ulcctors of the various municipalities throughout the country shall have the right to 0110.158 Reeves, Deputy Reeves and Councilmen for the ensuing Muni- cipal your. The electors of the Tom}- ship of Markham are quite alive to their privileges, and exerting themselves with a View to get in the men of their choice. Mr. James Robinson and Mr. {obert Marsh are the competitors for the Reeve- shif, and are both trying their strength 031w egm Until further notice, the mails will be [used aL this Post Ofï¬ce as follows: ‘ Northern Mail Southern Mail RICHMOND HILL STATION. Mail for Almira New Ad: e :tisaments. Boy wanted at the Herald Oï¬ice. W. H. Myers’ is the plhoe {'01- Bargains M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill. Nov. 23, 1868's RlCIIM-DND HxLL, JAN:1, 1869. THE ELECTIONS Cushel, . . . . . . . . . Gorxnley, . . . . . . ;. Heudt'ord. . . . . . . Victoria. 5 inure, . CHANGE OF TIME. November 23. 1868. 8.55 A.M . . _ . . . . . . 4.55 RM 10.02 A.M . . . . . . . . . 7.02 P.M EVENING MAIL 13" M éizaiuzaï¬z x 1 Mi??? MORNING. 11.00 A.M. on Tuesdays & Fridays. Two weeks ago, we referred to a person ‘ named Charles Cooper; who came here and represented himself as the Agent of the Dominion Telegraph Company, and nephew of the Hon. “7‘ Cayley, the president. The object of his visit to Richmond Hill, as he stated, was to get the inhabitants to take an interest in the new enterpl'ise,and prevent a continuation of the present monopoly. He appeared to be well up on the subject of Telegraphy, in all its departments; and made at favour- able impression on those with ‘w‘hom he conversed; but did not succeed so far as to sell any Telegraph stock.‘ He said that he was more successful at Thornhill, where he sold $250 worth ofstock on the Saturday previous,to different individuals. Mr. Button, seconded by Mr. Lane, ‘: moves that the sum of $5 be granted to Mrs. Hullet, an indigent pqrson, said sum to be paid to the order of the Reeve. â€"0211‘l'i0d. ‘ l l Hunt's Empire Hair Gloss promotes the Growth Of the Hair. ' . Mr. Button, secondea by Mr. Lane, moves that the sum of $5, be granted. to M 1's. Ostermg. to procure wood and flour, pwuble t0 the order ofthe wovenâ€"Car. ried. present. Minutes of‘last meeting were read and approved. ‘I‘he Reeve laid before the Council, a Bond f'rum the Toronto and Nipissing Railway Company, complying; with a resolution passed by the Council, on the 7th of November last, which was accept- ed by the Council. Mr. Button, seconded by Mr. Lane, moves that. Bysz 176, grunting- aid to the Foronto and Nipissing Railway Com- pany, be read a third time, for;hwith.â€"~ Curried. N m, iii this was all that took place, we would not have noticed the individual ; but as he came here in the capacity of Agent for the Dominion Telegraph Com- panyâ€"under the management of theHon. William Cayley and the directors as sociufgll with himâ€"~and, as such, he has, brought down suspicion upon “I? WhOlG concern. He hired a horse and cutter" at the livery stable here, for the purpose, as he represented,ofattending a meetin‘gr of the Board of Directors on the evening of Tuesday the 15th Dec, and 'was to have returned next morning; he borrowed from his landlord a pair of driving gloves worth $2.50; from another party he borâ€" rowedjifteen cents to pay tolls, as he“ had nothing less than ï¬ve dollar bills about †and he was in (t hurry to get down mm, in time for the meeting. From that day, the 15th December, he has not shown his face at Richmond Hill. The owner of the horse and cutter, after waiting for three days, went to Toronto to look after his property, and make enquiry concern- ing his customer. He found his horse and cutter, and learned that Cooper was really and truly agent for the Telegraph Company; but could not get any satis- faction in regard to pay for the use and detention of his horse. He was told a cock-and‘buil story about Cooper’s reason for not venturing [me/c to those parts. The story gecs,that while Cooper was at Thornhill, advocating the Doâ€" minion Telegraph Company’s interests in Henry Lemon's bar-room, the ninth part ofa man came up and denounced the thing as “a swindle.†Cooper’s pluck and high sense of honour could not brook such an insult, 1n the presence of all in the bar, so he knocked the little tailor down; being near the stove he, Cooper, in the impulse of' the moment, seized a kettle of boiling water and poured it over the prostrate knight of the goose and thimble, thereby scalding him in a dread- f'ul manner. Dr. Reid was called in, the tailor’s wounds examined ; Cooper was arrested under a warrant by Mr. Justice Purkiss; he was ï¬ned $310 and ordered to pay the Doctor $5, all of‘which was done up in a summary fashion, and Cooper got ofl". Since that time, however, the tailor’s life has been despaired of, Cooper sent him $100 to recompense him for loss of time, and wounded honourâ€"â€" in being treated with such indignityâ€" and, as a natural consequence, he is now hard up, and “ whipping the cat.†This is the way the oiiicers of the Dominion Company in Toronto, account for the strange conduct of the person they claim to be their "most active and successful agent." On enquiry at Thornhill, it is ascertained that Cooper's story is made up, by himself, out of whole cloth, and not a Word of truth in it, from beginning to end. \Ve think we have said enough about this matter to place our readers and the public on their guard against Agents of the Cooper sort. The By-Law was then read a. third time and passed, and the Reeve ordered to sign the same, and have the seal of the Corporation attached thereto. A special meeting of the above Council was held at Unionville, on Monday the 28th inst. A TELEGRAPH OPERATOR The Council adjourned sine die. Reeve in the chair. Members all MARKHAM COUNCIL ' Polytechnic branch 01n the American Insti- itute, on Thursde evening, was rendered Imore than Ordinarily interesting by an ex- planation of the system of ventilation just introduced there. and known as R man’s. up ion which the invent )r, a Canadian. is said to have spent a. lifetime Thouin the night lwas unusually cold. therentotneters suspendâ€" ‘crl as high as could be reached on the si le iwaus and one upon the floor. showed a (Hf ‘ erence of only one degree, the temperature being 69 to 70 degrees f!) BVQF)’ Part Of “l1†:room. A stron;_r current of ziit‘, FBCEIWd from the bottom of a window, and warmed t by the ordinary: eat of steam pipes previous ,1}; in the room. was dischared into the room [from the top of a. case which enclosed the ‘warming surfaces, while an equal amount rof air was continuously discharged from ‘the room through the aperture under the :plntlorm at the level of the floor. A small ; model of a house. made principally of glass: :wns exhibited and opernted, ï¬lled at inter- 'nls with tobacco smoke to show the mo ;tion of the currents. tuttun’s svstem was ipatented. we unlerstaud, many years 32:0. lrud the patent has been recmitly extended. ll't consists mainly in introducing the hot ni r lat the top of the mom and discharging from the Emttum, B. R. Hnwley. ofNormnl, Il‘.. lventjlating several large school houseson ltbis System, and T, D. Stntson of this city i gave the resnlts 01“ some experlme'“3 l†Erailroad cnr ventilation on this Sysmm iwliich he lied conduoled For the New York .and Erie Road. The system seems to lniye ibeeu a decided success as apnlied to that l t l | room, and on motion of Dr. Purmc‘lee the audience gave unanimous expression nl‘ thanks for the explnnntion, and "more par» .ticulnrly for the actule benefits received. A really successful. cheap and self-acting system of ventilation can hardly be over estimated in importance. and if this is the one wanted the community cannot too soon lappreeiate the f'act.’ †It affords us great pleasure to present the following to our readers; it is a tribute to the lite-labour of the Hon. Mr. Ruttan, of Cobourg, which should go far to remove the prejudice: of some who have persistent- ly condemned Mr. Ruttau’s system of ven- tilation. It is Written that “ a prophet hath no honor in his own country,†and we sup- pose Mr. linttan’s will be content with a moderate share of his countrymen’s plaudits when he ï¬nds he has only to step across the line to get substantial credit. Ruttnu’s Air Warmer has been in use in the new school buildmg in this place, during the past seven years, and has given complete satisfaction {to all who have given attention to the sub lject ot’ventilatiug and heating the school. CHRISTMKSANI) New YEAR‘S BEERâ€"Our villaze butchers are no way behind their city brothers in their display 0" Christmas and New Year’s cheer. Mr. William Cox had 21. splendid exhibition of very superim- beef and mutton last week. and he luain has secured some of the best the country can supply for ihe New Year. Mr. Hopper, had a good supply {or his customers. Boll) knights of the clever sustzun the ancient reputation of their trade, by beingjolly and nimble fellUWSï¬Hl‘ul they deserve and receive a. large support. VICTORIA SQUARE NEW YEAR’S PARTY.â€"â€"- The Primitive Methodist. Sabbath School: in the above village, will hold their usual anniversary to-day (Friday the 1st). Tea will be served at 12 o’clock noon, alter which there will be addresses by several gemlemen; also dialogues. rec-nations. and music by the children. The people in that '- section generaléy tak'w hold of this time-i honored anniversary with u, will; we hope the present occasion will be no exception! to the rule, but one 'of the most. successful; we; held in that neighborhood, " The article we give below is copied from the Toronto Telegraph of 28m Dec :â€"â€"'- “RUTTAN’S SYSTEM OF VENTILMon AND WARMING is thus spoken of by the New York World, and we specially com- m_end the extract to the attention of the readerg-‘J'Ijhe Weekly meeting of the TIIORNHILL NEW YEAR’S PARTY. â€"â€"Tbe Wesleyun’s in the neighborhood of Thorn- hill stand prominent for their energy and en terprise,even among this energetic b0dy,::nil, as on former occasions they have made ex tensive arrangements for their Sabbath School party to-dny. (Friday, the lst.) All who honor them with their presence will have an opportunity of enjoying themselves to the utmost. Tea will be served in the veslry of the Church, at4 pm. For further particulars, see advertisement. . PERIODICAL Sl’ASMS.â€"0u1‘fast little neigh» bouring village, Newmarket, is subject to a spasmodic atfec:ion,which annually manifests itself about this season. Symptoms ofthe old malady are again showing themselves. and may yet eventume in something lively. Newmarket is a lively place to live in--â€"we wonder why Erastus keeps so still? POST OFFICE H01.IDAY.~New Year’s day is a legal holiday. The post ofï¬ce will not be opened after 11 A. M, 10-day. SABBATKI SCHOOL TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION. â€"The above society will meet at tlié village of Patterson, on Monday, the lllh instant. at 2 o’clock, I’. M. The subject for dis cession will be: “ Are any other than stricLlyreligious books suitable for a Sabbath School library ? PRESENTATION.â€"Oil Wednesday, the 23rd ull., the pupils of Mrs. Campbell’s boarding and day school in this village. presenth her with a. very large and handsome Album as a token of their respect and esteem. Such testimonials are alike creditabe both to teachers and pupils. ' I MR. ALconx's LECTUREâ€"Pursuant to our announcement; in last week’s issue, Samuel Alcorn, Esq., J.P. of Yorliville, delivered a very interesting lecture, under the ausirices ol'tlie Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Institute. The lecture was instructive, and nlily handled; the audience was large and respectable, and all present. were much plensed wiLh the gentleman’s View of “ Woman and her work; her position and her power.†RUTTAN’S AIR WARMER. 1mm! 3mm. TUESDAY, Jan. 5.â€"â€"Cash sale of Timber on i the rear of lot 27,13t Com, Markham, the property of Abner Arnold, Esq. Sale at 12 noon. M. Fisher, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 6.â€"Sale of Real Estate, by Auction, part of lot No 47, let con- cession of Markham, on yvhich is erected a. Store, the property ofJ. B. Harrington. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock, W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. i 0:? Parties having Sale bills printed at this ofï¬ce, will have a notice similar to the labove, free of charge. For pa’rlicularn apply to either of the under signed. Mr. Heraldâ€"«yon have already cast some light on the doings of Mr. Robert J. Arnold and Mr. Hartman, as deputy reeves of Vaughan ; for which I and many other electors feel thankful. Would you be kind enough to ventilate Mr. ManiHs road jab on the second concession? for I have heard that he is so well plmsed with what. Mr. Arnold did for him during the past year, that he has made up his mind to bring to his support all the influence he cm. 'l‘ownnhip or Whitchurc'li, COUNTY OF YORK, ONT.; I BOU'l' 6 i Acre~ clealed : properly fanned [ and in a good slate» of m llivnliun: win suitable Farm Buildings: an excellent young orchard : about 6 acres of valuable (‘edan the remainder principally llardwuud. ‘l‘lm Farm must be sold [0 HIGH the requiiemnuls of line will of he lme ABRAHAM S‘rncxnu. Tm:sz One-third (lush; 'he balance in insmlnwuts. with interest FARM FOR SALE! The Queen has now ï¬fteen grandchildren alive. ADMIssum Tchm‘s : â€"- Adults. 30 cents: Ch'ldren, 2:) cents; to he had in tho seven-u) 3100‘88 in [he \illnges and a! the door. ’lheNChUruh. 'l‘hornlml, Dec. ‘21, [8138. The 25th Day ofFebruary,1869 THE VVI‘ST HALF 0? LOT NO. 6, IN THE 5TH CONCESSION A London tailor rejoices in the funny name of anï¬it. The bride’s dress, at a. recent Paris Wed- ding, cost $12.000. Mr. Elihu Burritt is the American Consul at. Birmingham. Tull‘y may he made by first melting. in a shallow vessel. 3 quarter of a pound of butter, and adding to it. one pound of brown suzar. Stir them‘ together for ï¬fteen minutes. or until a little of the mixture dropped into a hasin of water will break clean between the teeth without stickin'z to them, Am' fluvorin;r that. is desired, as lemon. pineapple or vanilla. should be ad d (1 just before the cooking' is completed. The tally. ‘when done, should he poured into ft. shallow dishY which is buttered on the bou‘pm and edges- By drawing: a knife “01.033†when it. is partially cool. it Chll ‘ en into squares. Molasses easilv he hrmt', ‘ f . I _ mm, be used inshead 0 sugar, in ma\lll‘_T tat’fy, but it is not as b.1ll‘ll'3- 'l Derby’s ï¬eld Oin'rmnY.â€"t)ne of Lon? marshals is deadâ€" Sir Hugh Duly ."Hllle ROSS‘ G. C. B. He was 89 years of we. riffd “'33 senior ofï¬cer of the Royal Artillery. Ref" in 1779. He specially distinguished himself in the Peninsula. He was present at the. action of the Con, battles of Busncn. Redin- ha. (wounded in the shoulder), Fozd’ Ar- ounce (wounded in the leg), and Fuentes d'Ouor. sieges of (lintlad Rodrigo and Bad rigo and Butlajoz (dangerously wounded ,inw the head) aerion at Castrajou, cunture of forts at and bottle of Salamanca, capture of Madrid and the Retiro, battles of Vittoria and the Pvrenees, and several other engage ments. He also served in the celebrated camuaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. In recognition of his. services, he was made Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portu'ml. and received the or- der of St. Anne of Russia. The Cuma will assist Io enliven the occasion by ringing snverai Flour. $9 burre'l. .. ... \Vheat. 39 bud) . . . . . . Spring Whvat, bush Barley, bush . . . . . . . Select Pieces of Music S'mw. 19 [on . . . . . . . . Pork mess 100 b|)l Egmfrjgflm. . .. .. .. . TEA MEETING Addrésses will be delivered by several REV. GENTLEMEN & OTHERS. VV wilh a good education. as an appranlice to the priming business. Apply at this ofï¬ce. New Year" Day Tea Mci‘ting! Wool lb. .. W Whitehmh: D60. 9: 1.853: TEA Win. In: sxgw E!) IN THE vrzsrny‘or THE CHURCH, AT 4 P M AFI‘ER wulcu Wesleyan M. Church, Thornhill Prqpusa celebrating PHOSPHORUS. Vanghan. 29th December. 1868. Will be sold by Pubiic Ancï¬on. (on the premises). 0" New ï¬hncrtiscmeuts. LOT no. 6, 1x ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A BOY Proceeds to be appiied (0 [he debt on NELV YEAR’S DA Y. 1869. @urrmpnuhem. MISCELLANEOUS. TORUN "‘1 M \RKE'I‘S THE MCNAIR JOB. AUCTION SALE. THE FRIENDS OF THE Boy Wanted. BY AUCTION DAVID S'I‘ECKIIEY, SAMUEL SNIDER. Toroum, Dec WITH A 0]" TH E $4 3!) 109 @ | (‘U 105 @ l 10 130 @l 0 75 ft?) U 8‘ 0 50 @ U 55 14ull@165‘ ‘800@l2‘(' 24(10rm 25 0‘‘ 02: @(1‘22 026@U 27 . 1868 542' “U 10 NAME iuto lot No about the 5th The owner is requth [0’ pay expenses and tnke them ‘; DAN BETTER TVJE Than an) house on Richmond ILH. ad that J For Sl_\le. Durability or uhenpuess‘ and compale I'DI‘ yourselves. BULL. coming 3 yea 3 old} a H El; ER. coming Ql. mg or. while. Any person $1 at this ofï¬ce that will lead lhe same, will be rewaldud. l Not the Almonte l'weeds, hul, CHEAP Cass-a BARNARI} HA3 ‘AME into the premises of j lot No, 3'.‘3n«i (Ioncessi on or about rhv Huh Novemhn‘ The owner is IPquesH-d lo 11'. expenses. and lake her awa}. cam BEDKS AME 9mm INTERSQLGEML REM X X X BAL’I‘ITMOEi Nutica lh':t line at once Section NM. 1 n1 (1 t,’ «an-hymn from n Juuvlmu wuh Hu- Gnu way. nevr [{nview du Lnnp, :1! WI†be uhonl ") mth in !¢-n3[l WI†b0 uhonl 2'0 mules in h-nglh. ' 1‘ K; 'On No. 3 wi~|beuht=u1 :6 mum n’ and 'lf‘hheiwrï¬l)1ht‘0“'l ~I< (:1' been) ii var in near liaJmuHe in New 13 um; Section Nu 4 WIN ho ulmnt ‘ 4 miles in :md lies helvmon Amherr.‘ nnd Hivu‘l’i‘ NOW; Scmia 1‘ L‘l. sinner in H R . h *‘nr issuing Max-Hug» 1.3-!) [f York, ()fï¬ca h“|11'a-â€"7 Plans and proï¬lufl “MI spvr‘iï¬vn «mm of (:nmrncl will bn axhdflu ofï¬xcm of [he Cummiskinhers in UH vim-He, du Lnup‘ Unllmnsit‘. ï¬t‘ Juhn an an and :uHer Hm th .mnr-ry, 1‘6?J ~93]: d Tamhrs mum Id “'lu th‘ (‘og simmrs of tho lumH-lwmiz-l Raii\\':x_\,â€\§ re-Caivad at them rfï¬'vn in ()I'nwa uï¬z‘ u’cuck on xlne Itâ€) I‘Vehl'uhu’, lvb‘tj. ‘ Family and {‘Emmh Bi Published in Uh! United Slates and Twrritq7 and the Dominion of (Vanaï¬n. a d B] Cnlonies of NUth Amvricn: twgether vgf Dmcripmsu nf {ha 'I'owus Bud finitw Hwy are 11991ished. y 5 *n" Thu ednion will heflliymydrynd persol desiring ropies will do Wall turs‘ond’ lhr-ir ordq’ imn'nedialely to GEO. P. ROW / I? &“c0-.~, / . ' PUBLISHERS &: APVE TISING AGENTA‘ 40 Park' 10w, V 5 Ul‘" ’ All the ï¬Ã©wspaï¬ers Laild Periodic: PRICE - - - MARRIAGE Li O E; ' N.B»-â€"T«mÂ¥ers will s1 ollw sevlmns‘. f [hr- lino. are suï¬cismly ‘uduuwed ‘ T;:E~‘Y_ rm. v I r . sinner in H R .i A Ilftyndsozne 8m) 0y 34:» P was A work of great value to Au'vultisers, Pu“ lishm's and others who dvsiro ini'nrninllon ,9 relation to (no vawapurs and l’ermdaculs‘ North America. 4‘ Pvnus. RICHMOND HILL. October 2'2, [868: Vaughan. Dec. [7, 2868 December 17. 1568. DAN Richmond Hill, Dec. 3, Ir†()cmber 275. 1665‘ A'r W. ATKI‘ Richmond Iii“. Nov.19. [(306 Decmnlmr 2-1, IBISH. Ottawa. lQLthcember; 186% H P. C‘onnx\is~im\er-- lhe lulrrcolnnini VVhat. has He got: Car»- not. lw aqua! 3 m 130 UND 1N CL OTB. GEO . BQWE LL $5 (10537 AMERICAN"; " mpm' Bird’cféf‘ A IZEIFE‘R O 3 EWES AND 2 OYSTERS! OYS'J‘ER'S'Q“? CALI. A I‘ AT LOW PHIC' S. A'!‘ 1'" E Gr.- A. BAR the premises 0‘ 25, ‘4Lh Conc instant, RICHMOND IIILL 40 Park 113mg, “‘259. "‘ I, “Jump-1.4819 IF YOU \VANT NEW vé‘RK .- l‘ )P. EOWELL &} TH 1‘) H ER \LD 0H"! OYS TEES j w. /'\'1‘KI‘JS()N" E‘VSPAPER '~ UVER'Lxm’ Strayed. AstI ay, va Yum: intend ‘AINLVVG A. WALSH ED‘V. H (Ti WI will shcvxh be whet} (0‘ r' linn‘ as snon as the 1 FIVE DOLLA (-n'wmiz-I Raiiway Rik-n in (Hmwa Vehrumy. WEE). RNA RD’S HERALD 01“!~‘1 I. U (tHANMfl [HEYDGFIS 1.!‘311‘,('()FF nppmn‘od In I, R ‘ihs'nv 11M ‘ In 1H4 sect‘m 'uh'k: and Con mi/ ‘ ~‘ Gnvvrnme-nt I gt»; (an 9 m lhe (‘ m1," GEN 'i‘ii 11.10 9-3u!‘ 1 miles in“ Hivu‘l’i‘. >x|hbiu in UH uhnal: ‘ K Inry, 1‘6?J n We (‘ofl aii\\‘:x_\,â€â€œx )I'nwa ‘ W69. ‘ ‘,1. qr; ES, mmmm‘1 about“ rl Tint d marl)“ £44-