All of which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to Men's Calf boots, perfect beauties. [wet Men’s English Kipp boots. warranted to turn Men’s Stogy boots cannot be beat for winter. Lady’s high cut boots, no Ladyshould be with- WILL NOT BE UNDER§9LD. out them. Lady’s Winter Kidd boots. perfect gems. Lady’s Cloth boots, cannot be beat for winter, Children and Misses’ boots in great variety, and in every style. Boy’s Long and Lace boots of every kind. Rubbers and Fe]: over-shoes, shoe-packs, A call is Earnestly Requested. For particulars apply to either of the under- signed. ‘ BOUT 60 Acres cleared ; properly fenced and in a good state of cultivation : with suitable Farm Buildings; an excellent young orchard : about 6 acres of valuable Cedar. the remainder principally hardwood. The Farm must be sold to meet the requirements of the will of the late ABRAHAM STECKLEY. TERMs: One-third Cash; the balance in instalments. with interest. BOOTS 85 SHOES HARNESS. HARNESS, Will be Sold Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVED CREDIT. FARM FOR SALE ! OF THE Township of Whitchurch, COUNTY 01“ YORK, ONT.; A call from those who may be Plans and proï¬les with speciï¬cations and terms of contract will be exhibited at the oï¬iices of the Commissioners in Ottawa. Ri- viere dn Loup, Dalhousie. St. John and Halifax, on and after the 11th January, 1869, and sealed Tenders addressed "To the Commis- sioners of the Intercolonial Railway,†will be received at lheir ofï¬ce in Ottawa. up to 4 o’clock on the 8th February. 1869. A. WALSH, EDW. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGES, WILLIAM F, COFFIN. N.B.-â€"Tendors will shortly be called for, for olhe sections of the line, as soon as the plans are suï¬ciently advanced. Published in the United States and Territories. and the Dominion of Canada, and Briiish Colonies of North America: tngcther with a Description of the Towns and Cities in which they are published. PRICE/"g - - FIVE DOLLARS. A work of great value to Advertisers. Pub- lishers and others who desire infm'matlon in reiation to the Newspapers and Periodicals of North America. *j“ The edition will be limited. and persons desiring copies Will do well to send their orders immediately to 4 The 25th Day of February,1869 In W'ant of a Good Article Saddles from $10 to $40. ‘ Bridles from $1 to $12. Halters in Greal Variety. “ 1 x- Section N0. 4 will be about 2‘4 miles in length and lies between Amhersi and River Phillip in Nova Scotia. Newspaper Directory, All the Newspapers and Periodicals GEO. P. R0 WELL 8; CO., PUBLISHERS a; ADVERTISING AGENTS 4 0 P a. r k R 0 w , an Yonx. Section No. 3 will be about 26 miles in length and hes between the east side of Restigouche River to near Dulhousie in New Brunswick. NEIV YORK.- GEO. P. ROWELL & 00., PUBLISHERSSLNEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS 40 Park Row, 1869. A Handsome Svo Volume OF 300 PAGES, B 0"UN1) IN 0L 0 TH. Brushes Qf every kind. Curry, Maine ci‘ clipping combs. florsc Blankets. HE Commis‘sionerS appointed to construct the Intercolonial Railway give rublic Notice that they intend to let 4 sections of the line at once Section Noa.1 and 2 embrace about 40 miles from a Junction with the Grand Trunk Rail- way, near Riviera du Loup, and each section will be about 20 miles in length. In Endless ,Variety. W.H.MYERS. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY 2 Richmond Hill, Oct. 8. 1868. December 24, 1868. Whitchurch, Dec. 2, 1868‘ Ottawa. 19th December, 1868. Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1868. Will be sold by Public Auction. (on the premises). on LOT NO. 6, IN THE 5TH CONCESSIOX VARIETY OF MOUNTINGS. Carriage, Buggy. Riding. Hunting and Team Whips GEO. P. ROWELL 85 00’s AMERICAN THE CHEAPEST Give Satisfaction ASHE ONRICHMOND HILL, Is to be seen at ls Earnestly requested. ACCURATE LISTS AND AS The Stock is Large THE WEST HALF OF AND LARGEST STOCK 0F BY AUCTION. CONTAINING DAVID STECKLEY, SAMUEL SNIDER. IN EVERY 0F 534-ly 534-1y 544-4 542 544 MILLINERY GOODS ! On the shortest notice Rye and Buckwheat ground to Order. ",s" The highest price, in Cash, (Bankable funds.) willbe paid for any quantity of good Wheat. WILLIAM COOK TEE LEADINE HfllISE! . Hats and Bonnets trimmed; Felt Hats and Velvet Bonnets; Silk and patent Vel- vet Velvetteens for Mantles. Flowers. Rib- bons, Dress trimmings, Buttons. Gloves. the new gored Skirts. Corsets. Also a choice lot of Woolen Goods, Infant’s Coats and Caps, Lady’s Crossover waists, Neckties. Squares, Berlin Wool, and small wares. The ownar is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. EGS to intimate to his many friends in Vaughan and neighboring townships, that he has resumed possesslon of the above Mills. and that he will be prepared to attend to GRISTING AND CHOPPING. NAME into lot No about the 5th CARRVILLE MILLS For Sale, HOUSE AND LOT situated on Welling- A ton St. Aurora. There is agood stable and drEving House attached. Family and Church Bibles BICE’S PUMPS with a good education‘ as an apprentice to the printing business. Apply at this oflice. And in Half the Time required BY THE ORDINARY MODE. Go To ATKINSON’S. ABULL. coming 3 years old. dark red; and a HEII'ER. coming 2. of a color verg- ing on white. Any perspn giving information at this ofï¬ce that will lead to the recovery of the same, will be rewarded. ANTED IMMEDIATELY. A BOY with a good education‘ as an apprentice THE REVEREND JOHN BREDIN, DRY IIARDW’OOD: FOR SALE. @033383©Mflflfl@39 WASHING MACHINE ! Carrvine. November. 2, 1868. Vaughan. Dec. 17, 1868. Richmond Hill. Oct 8. 1868. December 17. 1868, Apply to JOHN LANGSTAFF. Thornhill, Oct. 28. 1868. ‘537â€"4t November 12. 1868. Richmond Hill, June 11. ’68 Richmond Hill, December 10. 1868. Richmond Hill. Oct. 28, 1868. Will be Sold Che Appply mm H Without any Wear on the Clothes, JUST WHAT IS WANTED July. August and September, 1868, 3 E WES AND 2 LAMBS. RICHMOND HILL WITH LESS SOAP AND WATER, Of every description, is al. WILLIAM COOK AT LOW PRICES, AT THE Boy Wanted. FOR SALE BY the premises of the Subscriber, ‘35. 4th Concession, Vaughan, instant, 80 CORDS OF THE DOMINION Strayed. WILL \VA 8H Astr ay, “ THE YORK HERALD†J. BRILLINGER, JOHN GAR'I‘ON, FUR DANIEL KENNIE HERALD OFFICE. PRICE 15 CENTS. Richmond Hill 3. 517-tf AND OTHERS. POLEBIICAL DURING THE MONTHS OF Thorn/till. 534-ly 539 At 543-3 537â€"tf 543-3 A 8 PUBLISHED IN BETWEEN fl \HJS usefulinvenlion is the most convenient SELF-SHUTTING GATE. Applicants will please address their letters (post paid) to l the cheapest, and most durable GATE for farm use. The Patentee is now pxlepared to 58†For the use ofhis Patent Selfâ€"shutting Gate Richde Hill, September 16. 1867. Farmer’s Boot 8; shoe Store JOHN BARRON, EGS to infox'mthe Fametsiu the neighbor- hood of Richmond Hill,that hehasleased the above Mills. and has put them in thorough repair, and will be glad to receive a share of the patronage ofthe public. GRISTINGâ€" AND CHOPPING, Dong on the shortest notice. ALMONTE TWEEDS ! HE Execulors of the late James Holliday have placad the Books of the Estate in Mr. Teef5’s hands for the purpose of having all outslandiug accounts colleclad, by sail or otherwlso. Parties indebted will please take notice. 38 West Market Square. Toronto [13’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remuneraling Prices. J. HOLIDAY’S ESTATE. REFERENCES : The following gentlemsn can, with conï¬dence recommend G. H. Husband. to all requiring Dental aid: Dr Reid, Thoruhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burw‘ick‘, Dr. Corson, Brampton. RESIDENCE :â€"-ThomhiH. Thornhill, sgm. 17. 1868. . 1y WThe highest marke‘t price paid for Wheat. Richmond Hiâ€, Nov. 14. 1867. BOOTS & SHOES, Begs most respectfully to announce that he will be at Unionville, . . . . .. . Isl Monday of each month. Weston,. . . . . . . . ... . . .9th day of each momh Kleinbm'g. ..........16th " “ Burwick, ....22nrl “ “ Scarboro’ ....93rd “ †Where ha will be prepared and most happy to wait on those who may require his services, G. H. H., having had over To those who have favBred him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in [he fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. RICHMOND HILL MILLS. Fee‘s conï¬dem of givAiug el]t_il"e satisfaction. TOWNSHIP RIGHTS Fancy Woolen Goods W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1868. Toronto, Dec, 3, 1867. October Its 1868. . NOR 'I'H 0F TORONTO. Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1868. ELEEEN YEARS PRACTICE, Manufacturer and Dealerin all kinds of Ga H. HUSBAND L-D.S-, ATKINSON Last N 013106. Notice to Farmers. '9 IN CANA DA. (Signed) NELSEN JOHNSON, WM. COX, GEO. H. APPELBY Has the best assortment of HORNER’S PATENT M. TEEFY, @EEDCJ‘E'ESWQ Takes the lead RICHMOND HILL P. 0. Agent for Patentee Kept only by Executor-s. 049-“ 478 CLUB RATES FOR [869. It has also been resolved to continue the same inducements fan the formation of Clubs as were oï¬'ered last year, These were, and will be for 1869, as follows .â€" Six Copies. one year.. . ...---- . . . ... $10 00 U Ten “ . . . . . . . ... 15 00 Twenty Copies, one \‘ear............ 30 00 Fifty Copies. one year for... . . . .. 65 00 And a copy of tho DAILY GLOBE to the per- son who gets up the Club of Fifty. Eighty Copies, one yefr for . . . ....... 100 00 Andran extra copy of the WEEkLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Twenty. Thirtv Copies, one year for. . . . .. . . .. 4'2 00 And an extra copy of the WEEKLY GLOBE to the person who gets up the Club of Thirty. Fifpy Copies. 0119 Walter... . r . . . 65 00 EA“ subscriptions, (including clubs, sent in before the 1st of January, will emitile the parties to receive the paper until the December 3lst, 1869. X X X BALTIMORE BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY To make room for all these improvements, THE GLOBE Printing Company havo resolved greatly to enlarge the size of THE WEEKLY GLOBE FOURTEEN COLUMNS OF READING MAT- TEE will hereafter be added to the paperâ€" mak. ing this Journal without exception the LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLDl And not- witstanding the heavy additional expense on- tailed by these improvements, it has been re- solved to offer tho paper for the coming year at the same low price as formexlyâ€"$2 per Anumn. Eighty Copies, one year for . . . ....... 100 00 And a copy of the DAILY GLOBE to the per- son who gets up the Club of Eighty. Payment must always be in ndvance. Each paper is addressed separately, and may be sent to any Post Ofï¬ce. When additional names are added to any Club during the year they musl be sent to THE GLOBE Oflice by the person who made up the Club; and the money sent with such additional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription at the Club rate as will pay up to {he expiration of the Club‘ Clergymen and Teachers of Common Schools are entitled to receive THE Wm:va GLOBE for one dollar per annum, payable in advance. to “THE GLOBE PRINTING CO,†TORONTO IF YOU WANT GHEAP BflflKS ANII STATIONERY, CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE. It is also pl'opused to publish every week a full summary of l IELIGIOUSAND ECCLESIASTICAL INTELLIGENCE from all parts of the world. This summary will embrace the operations of all the churches, and will be cunduccled in a spirit entirely free from sectarian exclusiveuess. Another new and valuable improvement proposed to be made in 1869, is the increased space devoted to L11EMRY JWATTER. In past years it has been usual to publish in THE \VEEKLY GLOBE one tale. continued in succes- sive numbers for months together. For the coming year it is proposed to devote a much larger space than heretofore to the publication of RACY AND CLEV’ERLY'WRIT’I‘EN TALES, and to give in each week’s issue a much greater diversity than ever before. The: British American and other Foreign News will continue to be published fully and promptly. TlleCOMMrJRCIAL INTELLIGENCE from all parts of the world will be culled from the most reliable sources, and kept up to tle latest dates. Not a collection of mere clipping from Agri- cultural Journalsâ€"but a full and well pre- pared weekly compendium of Agricultural, Horticultural and Floral intelligence and infor- mation written for THE WEEKLY GLOBE by a regular staï¬â€˜ of competentand practised writers, and quite up to the best lightot'the day. EvBry- thing affecting the farming interestâ€"such as the managementof ï¬eld crops. the barn-yard the stable, the dairy, the orchard. the poultry. yard. the vineyard, the apiary. the kitchen. garden and the flower-gardenâ€"will come within the weekly review of this department. Theimpromvements in machinery. the best best breeds ofcattle, the bestsystems offeeding, the most-approved processes of cheese and butter-making, the best mode of packing, and the best markets to sell in, will all form sub. Jectsot proï¬table discussion. The sheep and wool interest will also receive special attention ; and the doings at agricultural tairs. shows. auctions and society meetings will be carefully truthfully chronicled. The Markets for Cana- dian produce. at home and abroad. will receive an amount of careful attention that has not been heretofore accorded tothem ln any Journal The quantity of agricultural matter thus pro- posed to be published in THE WEEKLY GLOBE will exceeo the contents of any purely agricul- tural journal now circulated, and wiil be worth the annual subscription ot‘the paper ! - Very great pains will hereafier be taken to place before the readers of 'lI-II: WEEKLY GLOBE a full and clear summary of the DE- BATES IN THE PROVINCIAL AMI FEDERAL PAR- LIAMENTS. The speeches will be condensed from the full Reports of THE DAILY GLOBE, and the several measures before Parliament will be carefuly explained, But in addition to the general improvements now being effected in the conduct of the paper, several special attractions are about to be added for the coming year that will greatly enhance its value and interest to all classes of readers throughout the country, Foremost among these, is the addition of HE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY respectfully announce that, in addition to the great improvements which have recently been made on THE WEEKLY GLOBEâ€"and which have been so warmly acknowledged by the readers of the paper and by the public pressâ€"very ex= tensive and most. valuable further improve- ments will be made on the paper for the com-' ing year. A spacious new Press-room and Despatch-oï¬ice has recently been erected in connection with THE GLom’: buildings; a new font of tvpe from the Foundry of Messrs Miller & Richard. Edinburgh. has been imported from Scotland ; one ofMes-srs Hoe &Co-’s celebrated Lighming'l’resses, capable of throwing off 8,- 000 impressions per hour of'l‘HE UAILYGLOBE, is now in operation : and useoond new Press, specially constructed for printing THE WEEKLYl GLonE with great rapidity and in the highest style of workmanship, will shortly be added to the Machinery of the Eszablis‘liment. The sheet AN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. on which the“ paper is printed will be hereafter of a. very superior quality, The stafl‘oi Editors, Reporters. Contributors and Correspondents has been recently grontly sttengthened. and nothing will he leit undone in the year 1869, to maintain the: fame of THE WEEKLY GLOBE as beyond comparison, the host conducted and most attractive weekly journal in the Dominion. The Weekly Globe Z Richmond Hill 1865. Orders and remittances should be addressed AT W. ATKIIV Richmond Hiâ€, Nov. 19. 1868. ENLARGEMENT OF THE SHEET. ENLARGEMENT & IMPROVEMENT 0F OYSTERS I OYSTERS I I RICHMOND HILL, BRANCH Programme for 1869- 0 YS TEES W. ATKINSON’S. AT THE HERALD OFFICE. 5404f $3 @EEEAE ï¬g FEM 8: WW CHEAPEST AND MOST VARIED CASH OR SHORT CREDIT! HBRHER’S EflNflflIflN TWEEHS AM} FIJLI. SMITHS. AUTUMN AND WINTER STOCK, COTTONS, LINENS, CLOTHS, Tweeds, Mantle Materials, Sill/3.5, SUPERIOR TO INEPORTED 'GV'O’OTD’SV THE CHEAPEST GOODS VARIETY OF DRESS GOODS, On Horses and Catlle. We can conï¬dently recommend it to all owners of homes. Prepared in Canada. only by It will make the hands, hqwevor rough, smooth. soft and white. Prepared only by HORSES! HQRSES ! 3 HORSES H I MOST EXTRAORDINARY AND OELIGHTFUI. PREPARATION EVER DISCOVERED! CHAPPED HANDg. TERMS: CASH, AND ONE PRICE ONLY‘ Toronto, November 19, 186?. Richmond Hill, October 1, 1868. Toronto, December [7. 1668. LADIES’ & GENTS’ LAMBS WOOL UNDERCLOTHING, "m "Hum “WWW “W "112mm “mm "mm Mm “WWW “W 103 KING STREET, South West Corner Church St. Toronto, Begs to announce to hiï¬customers and the public that he has now received his esh Cuts, Caulks and. Bruises AN EARLY CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, Is used by the Royal Veteriqary Surgeons of England. for all kinds of Ribbons, Flowers, Feat/Lars. Hosiery, Gloves. Trimmings, Small “fares: Shirts, Collars, Tics, Umbrellas, ALSO AN UNUSUAL LARGE STOCK Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Cotton and Woolen Yarns, Grain Bags. 610 Dundas Shirtings and Yarns MANTLES AND MILLINERY, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, WILLIAM MITCHELL’ For the CHEAPEST, Most FASHIONABLE, and Most MAGNIFCENT USE MILLER’S PREPARED GLYCERINE, MILLER’S DERBY OIL! GEORGE A. BARNARD THE LARGEST; NEW AND FASHION ABLE “11m lumul' EN BOUGHT CLOSE, NORTH OF TORONTO, Customers will then sac that they can buy Of any on Richmond Hil', and having NEW BRITISH AND FOREIGN DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT GOODS CAN BE OFFERED WHICH WILL BE FOUND GEORGE A . BA RNARD’S. WILL BE FOUND 1T 15 THE FOR HUGH MILLER & 00.. Medical Hall, 167 King Street East, Toronto Medical Hall, 167 King Street East. Taronta HUGH MILLER r38: CO 111m 533s3m 543-“ 4O "mm Horses examined as to soundness, aiso Bought. and Sold on commission. Books 8: Fancy Goods All orders from a distance promptly atlnnded to, and medicine: sent to any part oftho Pro- Vince. THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION: PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY. ALEX. SCOTT. HOLIDAY GIFTS In all the different styles of Binding. chket Books, Purses, &c. For Homes hn'd Cottlé always on hand : such as Physic, Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. Tho Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenwind or Heaves in Horses. Colic. Dra ughls, Liniments for Soro Throals. Sprains. Curb, Spavin, King-bone, &c. Blist- ering Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for Wounds, Bruises. Saddle Galls. Infalliable Oil and Sheep Tick Des- lroyar. In various styles of Bindings. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS I H Y MN (f7 PRA YER B 0 0K3, THE SUBSCRIBER, in returning thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal support since he purchased the above Mills; begs to intimate that he has made great im- provements and alterations, during the past summer, and he is now prepared to attend to HATS AND CAPS BEGS to announce to the public that he is now practicing with H . SANDERSON; ol‘the same place, where they may be consult- ed personally or hy letter, on all diseases of Horses, Cattle. 6L0. Albums from 25 Cents to $6. At short notice. Parties from a distance may have their Grist home with them, with as littl. delay as possible. J'. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, Medicines of every Discription If by letter pro-paid, address Headford P.O. The Buildings are good and in a thorough state of repair. There is also a splendid Orchard on the premises, This Farm is only 16 milesfrom Toronto, and 2 miles from Yonge Street. For particulars apply on the premises to GEORGE TEASDALEH ISN’T ET FUNNY I excellent lam}, 55 of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. (EBB Subscriber offers for Sale his farm., being Lot 17. in the 2nd Com, Township of Markham, CONTAINING 68 ACRES of “,3 Ihaye thrown down the Gauntlet, let, them try it. Atrial is all that is needed to. convince customers of the reality. ‘At the following prices :â€"Young and 015% Hyson Tea. Good Flavor and Strong. 2:: per lb; Young Hyson Tea. 25 6d tb 3s per lb: Extra. Mayqu Young Hyson Tea, 35 6d and 4s per lb, hard to beat; Flue Imperial and Gunpowder Tea. 45 per lb. very hard to beat; Very Superior Japan and Black Tea, 45 6d per- lb, no: to be beat; Vary Finest Young Hysonv and Gunpowder Tea, 55 per lbl cannot be, excelled. He Will Knock Under AND CRY I’ECAVI ! BETTEH TEA EUR THE PRICE STANDARD AUTHORS! Richmond Hill, April 23, 1868‘ Large and Miscellaneous Stock (Graduate of Toronto Veterinary College) orner of Yonge and Centre-st East RICHMOND HILL. For our Money. Richmond H‘m, Oct. 8, ’68. Richmond Hill. Nov 29.1867. Headford, Sept. 231 1868. Richmond Hill, Oct 8, 1868. Markham. July 2, 1868. WHERE TO PROCURE THE MOST SUITABLE ARTICLES FOR IHE Subscriber, ever mindful of the want! ofthe public, has just received a Richmond Hill, Nov..5, 1868‘ CALL He has also received a heavy stock of RICHMOND HILL, Gristin g & Chopping E HAS NOW ON HAND SOME 0!“ FIFE BEST TEJS Call at G. A. BARNARD’S; FOB. TEAS. IF GEORGE BARNARD DON’T SELL NOW COMPLETE Toys of Various Kinds, ATKINSDN’S ASSORTMENT OF HOW ATKINSON 0F CAREFULLY SELECTED NCLUDING MANY OF THE Headford Mills. Can give us so much Than any other Store on- Farm for Sale. AND SEE IT IS THEN J OHN E YER. 533-“ 510