Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Jan 1869, p. 4

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whe'o Slockholders and others may ardc-ui'; BOOKS every Friday afternoon. fror 410 8 clock, Lu, HIS ASSOCIA": JUN has translerred the” r LUSHARY 10 lbs ‘HmmLu ’ Bock Store S we fired to wait 11 )0" am‘ who need his I P . . l _ . profussmnal servxces m ordorto preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. AlsuLo regu- late the teeth of these who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. 21-y DANIEL HORNER, Jun, MALLOY’S AXES willbe in the following places prepared to extract he!“ with his new apparatus. All otheropei'ations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner :â€" _ Aurora . . . . . . . . lstofeachmontl. NewmarlmtBrelsford hotel 2nd " " Sloufl'ville.'..............18th " “ Victoria Square.......... 20th “ “ Thomhill......... '23rd " “ Richmond Hill .......... 24th “ ” Maple................... 26th " H Burwick.... ‘28“) H " Kleinhurg............... 529111 -" H Nobleton................ 3W1 “ ~‘ Where [hey will allendto any business per- taining to any branch ol'llleir profession. Amnra,.'u:m7 1585.. W. c. ADAMS, 1111s., 95 King Street East, Toronto, hind, ' V Forward are spurr’d by the mass of man: kind! No going backward, nor yet standing still, For any, however inclined to their will. The retrogade movement is over and past, And the cry universal is, “Onward I” at. last. Can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security, Terms made known on personal applicahuu to N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c. 6w, drawn with nemness and deb-patch.- M. '1‘. continues to act as DIVISION Coun'r AGY IT. Fees moderate. Rimmend Hill. Nov, 28. 1866. the Poles, Astounding the crown’d head,pope, cardinal, priest, By the force of its clamour to say but the least. Might strains every sinew its rights to gain- sa , But itsyrush is too strong for dominion to stay; And bridle its impetus, tell me, who can, Whilst “Onward l" ’s the cry of the world to a man? THE Undorsigned is authorized to state ’mat HORSES AND CONVEYANCES May be had at all iimes. either Douhlo or Single at VELIE’S HOTEL, Richmond Hi”. WATCHES, CLOCKS, w JIIasonic and other Emblmns made to order. Torontngn‘l 27, 1866. 47. ’ HE tooth and gum sur'nunding becnn‘o . insunaible \wiLh this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and Without endangering the Life! “Onward 1” then, each of usâ€"“ Onward 1” then all ; Libertv’s watchwurd ’tis, Freedom’s hale call ; From the mighty Equator resistless it rolls, And’s echoed through zone after zone to EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! Onward's the word now the nations among”, Freedom is stealing a. march of the strong; Thos_e_w!xo would fain, if they dared lag be; Made totter are. empires, and toppled down thrones ; Ruled o'er by zanies, ongovern’d by drones, Irrestibly onward, too, are senates im- pell’dâ€" . And the greal cause efi‘ecting this may not be quell’d. Earth’s peoples at heart have it; long have they cried Aloud for reddress, and they’ll not be de- nied. No “standstill” will ever prove dominant more, But “Onward l” man’s motto be all the world o’er. Money to Lend on Landed Security. USE OF ETHER SPRAY, Which Affects the Tooth Only. AND FINE JE WELR Y. 118 Yonge Street, Toronto Livery Stables 3 LIBRARY ASSOCATION. Richmond Hill, Aug. 20. ’68. $20,000 DRS. PECK Sc ROBINSON A T MODERA TE RA TES. Iu.....-‘..... Square....... H......... )dHill u....-.o..-.--.. ........-.....-- As in the use ofChlov-oform. EAR CHURCH STREET, Lot 20, 2nd ceossion Mnrkham' J. SEGSWORTH, DENTISTRY. RICHMOND HILL NEW METHOD OF ONWARD» 0R SALE BY may IMPORTER 0F A. SCOTT, Librarian. Notary Public, Agent. &c BY THE 527-1 Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! IXARDWARE and. " W " “:1 ’s, Rm “3 ‘ v ‘1‘“ w ‘ u, ‘ W I w ‘ ', 11g Mg ;4 ‘ ‘ 1, '.rw ‘ ummm minimum ' "Uummm Wm: “Imam L‘Wmm “Wu “mm 1“mm ‘Ixuzmm ‘* ‘ ' atum ‘ % Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteuds, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, Vfasb Stands, 3%. 8m. Also-.1 large assortment of Room Paper, Boldering, White Lead PilllllS and Colors, Raw and limled Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Varnish 'l‘urpvrline, llenzone, Glass, Pulty, Glue, 8L0. 8L0. Parties Furnishing, Palvering, or l’aiming their llousres, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also Vthre he keeps on hand Flour, Shorls. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and N retflrning thans for 1|le very libergl suppmt he has received since commencing ‘ business up Richmond Hill, begs to Inform the public that he has greafly increas' cd his Stock and has now on hand A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F FURNITURE! Intending buyers are invited to examine the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspection. Toronto, Febiuay 7 1868. 493 CABINET ESTABLISHMENT LAMP GLDBES, BURNERS, BHIMNBYS, SHAME AND WIBKS. Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Measures, Apple Parers, Clothes \Vringers, Lc. &c. Children’s Carriages and Perambulators! MW FM“??? 5H0}?! Square and Globe shapes, in great vamety, for Oil or Candles. Special attention is directed to the stock of FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT The stock of which is very large, embracmg all that is New and Clxaste and also the Plaincst and Cheapest kinds,â€"Lhus meeting the requirements of all classes. ROCK OIL AND MACHINERY OIL HIRAM PIPER Plated and Britannia Metal Goods of all kinds, TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS ORNAMENTflL PAENTENG! WORKSHOP WEST FROM RAYMOND’S HOTEL. STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS, For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill, November 9, [866. N RETURNIFG THANKS to his friends and customers for the very Liberal Patronage he has received since comment-ng business in this Village. takes [his opportunity of informing 271116 Public generally, that he is prepared to manufacture EGS to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of IIGUSE FURNISHING GOODS, among which will be found Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. Richmond Hill, August 6. 1:68. BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, BENZOLE. &C. A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call attention to his (120., OF THE LATEST APFRO VED STYLES, AND FROM THE BEST! M.ATERIAL. In Price and. Quality ' A L L T o B I 'I‘ s . ALEXANDER SCOTT LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! No. 83, Yonge-street, 3 doors above King-street, TORONTO. He is a‘so prepared to undertake all kinds of Plain, Fancy and T HOMAS COGHLAN, FOR GARRIAGES, SIGNS, FLAGS, BANNERS, 4-0.. M anuf’acturcd and Import.d, \Vholesalo and Retail. 2 Elli!!! AM] HUMBLE HARNESS Etfiflflfigg OUT THE TORONTO TRADE, Octobex 14. 1868-. @TOVES! Which will be found both good and cheap, WM. HAIRRSON’S F I R s '1'.“ P R I z E Which he will do with Taste and Neatness. LARGE ADDITIONS JOHN C. HUOTHINS, Special attention is directed to Also on hand a large stock of ESTABLISHMENT, RICHMOND HILL LANTERNS RICHMOND HILL IF YOU WANT IIAS RECEIVED TO HIS STOCK 0F HOUSE W111 011 WILL Richmond Hill: 535-3m 525-13' BMW TYPMEMEERS lsentirely new and ol’ the latest patterns, Iargevariety of new For Card, &c.. just received. LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. PAMPHLETS AND The York Herald Bfififi EflLflflEfl JEIB WHHK Orders for any of the undermemionod descrip- tion 0! WORDERS PROMPTLY EXELUTED BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARD}?! Will 50 prompny attend“! to:â€" OUR ASSORTM EN '1‘ OF And every other kind of CHEAP PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AN!) BILL H EADS, Machinery supplied. andjxwtrucfimxs for making given. Rare chances for men of energy ad limngdrcggital. 7 PATENT SWING AND DOMINION FORCE PUMPS- Also Notice that Messrs. PHILLIPS, Pump Makers, UDURA, have purchased the Rights of Georgina North Gwillimbury. Oro and lnnisfil, ann, having abandoned the manufacture on Inferior Kinds of Pumps. are prepared to supply the E©Wflufiyxflg fiflfifi’fim‘fl See Judgment Court of Chancery. The Hon. 1’. M. Vankouglmet. in delivering Judgment on the celebralcd Patent Swing Pump trial ; remarked. alter jum3 eulogisihg the merits loe l’ump. “ Thai lhe])5.r50fl Who infringes on a Patent. is a wrong-deer and hhould be punished. and that an infi'inger’s opera- tions are, not only a. Rubberv of the Patemee, but also a Fraud upon the Public.” L unvuu. The usefulluess ofthis invention is unquestioned; it is both {HSWIIC‘W 311d worthy of merit‘ and Lo the isolated dweller, must be of the greatest possible varue.” " Their success is wonderful and Wendesb'1‘ved.”â€"-0ntari0 Observer. EX'E‘RACTS FROM JUDGMENT of Couur or CHANCERY. “The Novelty of making A WOODEN FORCE PUMP, was imrodm go. Powell) and n has that MERl’l‘ 0F INV EN’E‘ION which em‘es it to aIent.” CASTING. AND ALL JOB WORK Done to Order. Which, an inspection, will be found the most fashionable and chaste he has ever had the plea~ sure of submitting to their approval. DRY GOODS! EMBINEH 3M1 STWLE'EAST BEAM PLlllIGH WINTER CIRCULAR. This Plough can he Regulated in Beta Funew any Required Shape Which will bu found to comprise everythtng that is new and elegant. GROCEREES, 11 All DWAR E, 0 R0 CKERY, THE DRAUGHT IS EXCEEDINGLY LIGHT. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT .'. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. AGREEUL'E‘BRAL WfiRKS, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST THAT WAS EVER OFFERD 01V RICHMOND HILL. P. O. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL, Newton Byook Newton Brook. July 15. 1868.7 ‘ ' “ é" ‘ pa ' ETC, ETC, ETC. .At The Lowest Market Price. Richmond Hill. Sept. 23. [868. §1( Richmond Hill. Septamber 12, 1868. Fittings for Iron and Wood. Plouglls, Steel or Meta], supplied and sold at a Low Price. Richmond Hill. July 30. 1868. AS MUCH PLEASURE in announcing to his friends and customers the arrival of his When Ordering Pumps, please state Depth of We” or Cistern. WINTER IS COMING A Limited Number of Rights for Sale yet. FULL STOCK HESPELER’S CELEBRATED TWEEDS, LIFT AND SUCTION PUMPS, FOR ALL DEPTHS : FORCE Iâ€"IardVvar-o, Crockery, 860., &O., 860. Is prepared for it with a Large Cheap, and Well Selected F‘ALL AND WINTER STOCK OF WILLIAM ATKINSON AND SET IT AT ANY ANGLE. A COMPLETE ASSORTNFRNT OF DNEAR RICHMOND HILL. EYER «Sc BROTHER, ISAAC CROSBY THE M NOTICEABLE FEATURE OF WHICH IS W. A. directs special attention to his “ Churn ” Pumps for Cisterns, I be sent to ROGERS &, 00., lVEWMARKE'I‘, who have acquimd the Pumnt Right for East and West Gwillim bury. Whitchumu and King, for the Patent Swing and Dominion Force Pumps. ARE CHEAPER AND SUPERIOR TO ALL. OTHERS; %PUMPS,‘$1} MANUFACTURERS OF A Common Pumps of any Make, LEASE NOTICE THAT Ordels from North York should W. A. has also a AN ENTIRELY EYER & BROTHER, FOR TANK S, CIS'I‘ERNS AND SHALLOW WELLS; AT TWO THIRDS THE ORDINARY PRICES ; AND OF TWO DOLLARS EACH. How. P. M. meounnnzr. ISAAC CROSBY. ’, was introduced by the Plaintiff. jch esiliesit to the protection of a ALSO, Richmond Hill, Ontario. 524-1 510~ tl'. CLERGYMAN while residing in South America as a missionary. diecovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cum of Nervous Weak nevs.Enrly Decay.l)iseases ofthp Urinary and Siminal Organs, and the whole train of disordars brought on by buueful and virious habits. this noble remedy, Prompted by a desire to benefilthe ufllicled and unfortunate, _I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed envelope, to any 0; who needs it, Free of Charge. Great iiumbers have been cured by. I Please enclose an envelope address dong Voursel I INFORMATION guarnateed to produceahr-v xuriu tgrowth of Hair upon a bald head or beardless face. also a recipe for the removal of l’imples. Blotches, Eruptions, em. on the skin leaving the same soft, clear. and beautiâ€" I'ul can be obxained without charge by ad.- dressing, They were not invented in a day by ignorant ‘ parties as a means of money getting. but were loriginated by M F. COLBY, M.D.. one of ihe first physicians of the country. and peri‘ecmd during a course of 40 YEARS snccesrinl prac- tice so that for the purpose intended they can scarcely be iuproved. For certificates of cures see circulars. All genuine pills are sugar-coated and will in future have our signature on the wrapper. S. J. FOSS &, CO., Proprietors. 4': 5010‘ by druggists everywhere. November 19, 1868. _ 540-1)‘ in time. The) can be taken by the most delicate. They do not sicken or grip in any case. They always produce the same beneficial results. They are an effectual but mild cathartic. They cannot be excelled as an antibilioua remedy They are the greatest blood purifier known. Thev afford immediate relief for bowel com- elaint. They are the best and safest remedy for children. They are a positive cure for cosliveness. They cure the worst forms of dyspepsia. They cure all diseases arising from any de- rangement of the Slomacll. Liver, ai‘d Bowels. 'l‘het7 are recognise-d by all medical men who know the formula as a standard remedy. nu . 0 BE SOLD on reasonablo terms. the fol- lowing )ropelty :â€" Pnrtof Lot No 30, on 2nd Con. Vaughan, containing 63 :1ch”; also. $6 PER ONE HUNDRED FEET. Village Property At Richmond Hill. EAVE TROUGHS My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated‘ on. if not $3 00 will be charged to ensure a some. Residence rear oflot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan; JAMES DUNTON. SAP BUCKETS & PAILS Dr. Colby’s Anti-costive and Tonic Pills. Shingles, Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to Order. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Thomhill. HE Subscriber would intimate to the arm- ers and others of Richmand Hill anti surrounding Coulmy having. ' That he has successfully treated the above {on [he past ten years Without a single failure. T-his treafinent does not nebcexsitaie rtheh‘ being laid asidg only: for a few days. Quite a number of reference gfven if requir- ed ol'persons whose horses have been cured by The name of'the medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuine ; all 013nm! are worthless imitations. 999 out of [.000 ofthe accideins to which wo' are daily liable may be greatly relieveu, and an large proportion rendared no longer trouble- some by a timely application: of this justly cola-- braked medicine. “ I. do not consider a sprain or lameness of." any account ifl can get hold ot’ a; bottle of Jm- cobs" Rheumatic Liquid ” ” M cures a cold jn tallter." " h is the only thing I know that cures scratches on horses.” Above'nro some of the statements being daily made by those who have used Jacobs' Hhfiumutic Liqu‘id ACOBS’ Rheumatic Liquid is the Best: thing in the world. excepl‘a skillful] phy- sician», whuve at hand in case of any accident. H 1 never saw anymin that would relieve a burn so quick." Horses Afflicted with Ring-hone; the hair. If you want a clean. cool head, use Hmit‘s Empire Hair Gloss. Ifyou want a beautiful, luxuriant growth of hair. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. filt’vou want to keep your hair from falling out. use Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. it is the cheapest, alean'cst, best. E‘Rlcn ‘25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. S. J. FOSS & CO., Proprietors- " I want it where I can put my hand on it at any time.” “ I consider it the greatest remedy known.” “Nothing 1 ever saw can touch it as a re-~- Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866 Flooring and other Lumber Dressed; For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. Thornhill, April 21, 1868. S. J. FOSS & Co., Sole proprietors. November 19, 1868. 54t-1y Richm ondHilI. Oct. 25, ’66 November 19. 1868. Jacobs’ Rheumatic Liquid. Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss. R. COLBY’S Ami-costive and Tonic‘ Pills ’never fail but always relieve if taken Address. I would not attempt: to keep: house without: UN'P’S Empire Hair Gloss is the “ No pins filtra” of all preparations {on THOS. F. CHAPMAN, CHEMIST. 823 Broadway. New York WATER SPOUTS ! LAND FOR SALE. Manufactured and for Sale Worth Knowing. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Information. STATION D. Bxsu: Housm, New- York city A Card. ZPATENT PUT UP AT ALSO AND 510-tf. 540 Ly 72-ly 69

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