'AKE $1103.13 ,. ad is aiso in a '- , andy portio ï¬heibad or Wlflioums were generally in bud . I dltion over’all the roads, except No. 1, Wge street; The gates and housés had ' ‘ all received some repairs last autunmpnd ' might stand Vanothcr season without fur- ther repair. Sometemporary repairs had been made ' to the Highland Creek bridge, and subseâ€" quentlyjt had‘been further renewed. A portion of the road, east of Highland Creek, had been macadnmised. The Rouge '. bridge had undergone repairs, securing it from immediate danger. It was strongly recommended that some actiongbe taken in the matter of feeders to this road, as unless this were done the monipyting road to the north would event- ua if, draian the traffic in that direction. I AKEQIIORE ROAD. 1: ad is also in a fair state of re- ‘ my: tndy portion having been .a_. ‘Whejbad‘or worn out places 3" dunking renewed. There s‘ ortions of. the old plunkâ€" . ' - «‘7‘ ' of repair. The maâ€" 66»: ' ., . r covered With a coat of fresh 1e road would, therefore, ‘ . Esme ntlny to keep it in at Islington would, he estimated, require some repairs next season. The bridge at Summerville rhad -been re-planked last year, and the pier made more secure. The old portion of the Credit Bridge at Springï¬eld had also been temporarily reâ€" paired, and iN'onld do for another year. The bridge over the head race of the saw mill at Springï¬eld had been re-plunked, as also had Tthe bridge to the wee: of the Credit bridge, but it Would require fur- ther renewal soon. In order to prevent parties evading toll-gate No. 2, he recomâ€" mends the removal of the gate to the east of the private road passing Fisher’s mill, on the Humber. COMMUNICATION From the County Clerk of' the county of Peel, enclosing the copyol' a memorial to the House of Commons, from that county, respecting aid to volunteers, and asking: the (to-operation of the County Council off York. . DRILL‘ SHEDS. On motion of Mr. Button, the Council Went into Committee of the “’hole to con-f sider the advisability of granting aid to] the volunfeers of'Sczn'hom’ and Markham, . to assistthem in the erection ofdriil sheds" iâ€"Mr. Leppm‘ in the chair. From Edward Crown, praying; to be relieved from the payment of arrears of rent due by him on toll-gate N0. 1, on Yonge street" KINGSTON ROAD. This road, with the exception of'a. porâ€" tion of section No. 1 from the city limits to a. short, distance east of Leslie, is in a fair state of repair, but would require some attention 'to put it in as good repair as the other roads. The Superintendent says the Den bridge might stand, with care, for a year or two, but it was conâ€" siderably delapidatcd, and its chances of escape from being carried away by the ‘spring ice and freshets were small. From James and Joseph Huuill. sure- ties for Wm. Hugill7 lessee of toll gate No. 3 on Dundas street, Ul‘nying to have their obligation cancelled for stated rea- sons, the lessee having been in arrears with. his rent: Mr. Arnold moved seconded by Mr. Robinson,â€"â€"That the time for receiving petitions be lextended one day. Curried. PETITIONS. Petitions-Were presenth From \Valtcr 0’ Hum, praying for the conrï¬matibh of a, by-law, transferring to him the ï¬ght, and title ofa certain part Of'a road' iri the Township of' York. JANUARY 3 The Council met again yesterday morning at ‘ten o’clock, the Warden in the chair. The lax-W5 7 ighlund Creek and adjacent. h 10 1 he†'ngston road, the retaining wall at Mr evern’s brewery. and the abutenients of» the Thornhili nbridge, Yonge street; the Humber bridge; abutement of the Isling‘ton bridge and the eastern portion of the superstructure; abutement and pier of the Springï¬eld bridge, Dundzis street. The above Works should all be completed early next season in order to prevent accident; The Superintendent strongly urged on the Council the necessity of'let- tmg all eontracts(especi:illy the important ones) the autumn preeeding the springr or summer in which the contract has to be completed. This would give them time for procuring material during the Winter. ' Total . . . . . . . . . . 8,510 69% “Mr. Chester moved that all petitions, communications, &c., relative to the York Roads be referred to the Committee on County Property, instead of the Comâ€" mittee on Roads and Bridgesâ€"Carried. h The arrangement allowing parties reâ€" siding Within a certain distance of the city, on the County side of the road, to pass gate N0. 1 on payment of half tel], had been taken advantage of by the resiâ€" dents onlthe city ‘side, who employed those on the County side with their teams to haul bricks, thereby pasdng their bricks to the city on payment of half toll. A ï¬rlancial statement at the end of the report set ï¬h‘th the total amount expend- ed last 3:01;].le (not including pay sheets, interest oh unretircd bonds and superin- tendent’s salary), as follows :â€" Purchase and breakmg ofstones $4,904 0 7 Bridges on all the roads . . . . . . . 1532i ()1 Repairs to toll houses on all the The_ Council adjourned £1in] ten o’clock to-morrow. oads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us purposes on all the ’fdads............ . . . . . . . VariOus purposes in connection with‘all the roads . . . . . . . . V He also added that the amount re- qu'fl‘d to be expended in material for the ads and breaking for 1869 would not I eï¬qeed half that oflast yo :1', but that the brdinary expenses could not be much reduced. ;. ' 1,602 87 205 59 18715 Mr. Button moved that the further sum of $150 be paid Townships of Markham and Searboro’ and that the money be paid out of the county funds by the Warden, when the Inspector certiï¬es to the inspecâ€" tion of the sheds. The motion was lost. The Committee then rose. Mr. Biddle moved seconded by “7.11. Thorne, that a committee Oi' seven mem~ hers be appointed to take into considera- tion the propriety of dividing the Surplus funds of the York Roads among the se- veral municipalities, and that the comâ€" mittee be composed of Messrs. Theme, Randal, Kane, \Vebh, Robinson, Chester, ‘l’atterson and the mover, and to report to this Council by byâ€"Juw or otherwise. iâ€"Cnrried. From the Treasurer of York, containâ€" ing a list of toll due on the York roads, and laying before the Council a number of accounts awaiting the sanction of the Council for payment. From thb V Managers of the Boy’s Home, describing" the purposes and good work effected by that institution, and re- questing the aid of the Council. February 2. The Council resumed business in their Chamber, Court house, yesterday afterâ€" noon. The Warden took the chair .at two o’clock ; all the members present. COMMUNICATIONS. The Warden submitted the following Communications 2â€"â€" Mr. Stephenson, seconded by Mr. lVeleh, moved that a select committee consisting of Messrs. Cane, Playter, Arnold, Randal, Severn, Lane and the mover, be appointed, to whom shall be referred the report of the Superintend- ent of York Roads, laid before the Council at its present meeting; and that the said Committee do report on the several mailers therein referred to with all convenient speed, and have power to call for persons and papersâ€"Curried. The Council then adjourned un-Lil two o’clock, Monday‘ PETITION. A petition was presented from a numâ€" ber of the inhabitants of’the Township of King, praying for the appointment to the ofï¬ce of'Locul Superintendent of the Rev James Carmichael, in place of the Rev. John H Clarke, left thelimits. REPORT. The second report of the Standing; Committee on I’rintii’ng was submitted, recommendingy the Council to direct the Clerk to advertise for tenders for the work required to be done. AlSO that the treasurer pay Messrs. Chewett 85 C0, the amount of their contract for printing. The report was adopted. AID T0 AGRICUL'I‘YRAL socmrncs. The Council went into a committee of the whole on a byâ€"law to grant aid to the several Agricultural Societies in the county of'Yerk. The by-law was taken up sm-iutim, and having been amended by ï¬lling up the blanks with the amount to be granted to each Society, was read a ï¬rst, second and third time and passed. Mr. Draper move-(i, ‘seeonded by Mr. Stephenson, that a select Connnittee, consisting of Messrs. Tyrrell, Chester, Patterson, Robinson, and the mover, be appointed to petition the Lieut.â€"Gover- nor in Council to appoint a surveyor, under the instructions of the Crown Lands Department, to survey the eighth concession in the township of North Gwilliinbuiy.â€"Unrried. From C B Ridout. Secretary of the “Burnside Lying in Hospital,†praying: for a continuance of the grant to that charity given last year ‘by the County Council. On motion of Mr. Robinson, the Council went into Committee of the Whole to consider the propriety of allow- ing the 01d gnol to be used as :1 Reform- zxtory. Mr. Jacques in the chair. The Committee then reported in Counâ€" ci1,nml an adjournment; took place as moved in Committee. Mr. Stephenson moved that; the Comâ€" mittee do now rise and ask to sit; again at two O’clock. The Council resumed on Saturday morningJ the “Under. in the chair. COMMUNICATIONS. Communications were presented from Amos “fright, ]E>(l,7 enclosing; :L docuâ€" ment which prayed for the i-e-appoint- mth of the Rev Mr Brodin to the ofï¬ce of School Tl‘UatCC for the Richmond Hill Grammar School. Petitions were presented from the Rev C Bethune, prayingr to be permitted to pass through the tollâ€"gates on the Dun- dus Bond free of charge when doing so in his ministerial capacity. AFTERNOON snsswx. The Council resumed at two o’clock- conmuxuxu‘mxs From Mr. John Ridout, County Registrar, submitting a statement of the number of abstracts made 1"1‘0111 the index for the Registry OIï¬ce. and the amount due for the $41110. The total number ofubst‘racts made Were 2 ,268. There are about 10,000 more to be made out. From Mr. J. Crawford, President of the Toronto and :\"ipissin‘gr Railway, askâ€" ing the attention of the Council to a former petition of Mr. John Luidlziw, pruyii‘rg‘r for the use ofa certain portion of the County property, situated between the gaol enclosure and. the water lot south of the same, for railway purposes. The communication was referred to Commissioners of County property. PETITIONS. From John Mulhollund, praying for the removal ofobstructious from a culvert on Yonge street, and for compensation for damages sustained for their being there. The petitions were referred to Com- mittees, and the Council then adjourned uvtil ten o’clock this morning". Petitions were readâ€"- From Mr. Wm. Hag-ill, asking: to be. relieved ofhis liabilities as lessee of N0. 3 toll gate, Duudus street. PETITIONS The Council went into Committee of the while on the epm't. Mr \Vehb in the Chl ir. Afier some discussion the Committee rose and the Council adjourned until two p. m. and of Board K: Son. for the supply. of coal at $8 for hard and $6 for soft, per ton, since which Beard and sor. had become insolvent, and it was then found necessity to procure the coal from some other part, which could only he done at, an advanced rate. They had permitted the erection of a cistern at, Thornhill for tire purposes. The Commis- sioners had also grantt-d the use of the old gaol to Miss Bonnier for reformatory pur- poses until the present meeting: of the Conn~ oil. In the early part of the year the Com- missioners had given instruction for the erection of a bridge at Thornhill, eighteen feet in breadth; but through some misun derstanding on the part of the superinten dant of York Roads in preparing the plan, he had the bring erected only fourteen feet in breadth, greatly to the dissatisfaction of the whole ncijhhorhood. This fact becom- ing,r known to the Commissioners, they di- rected that the bridge he enlarged to'lS feet, and had given the contractor $300 for the work done, leaving,r 3M7 to complete the job. The Commissioners had directed the payment of several accounts. to the amount of $11] 0 62. rThe outstanding liabilities re- ceived since the last meeting,r of the Council amounted to 5325‘) 01. From the Warden of the County of SiniCOe, drawing the attention of thé Council to the unsafe condition of the bridge over the Holland river. MOTIONS, By Mr Bullâ€"â€"That leave be granted to rcceive the petition of the Trustees of the Weston County Grammar School, praying for the usual grant, and that rule 45 be suspended» 1'01" that purposeâ€" Leave granted. By Mr Pluytcrâ€"That leave be granted to present the petition of the Secretary and Treasurer ol'tlie Magdalene asylum, and that rule 45 for that purpose be suspended Leavegrunted. NOTICES or MOTION. By Mr Button, that he will, toâ€"mor- row, move 'the Council into Committee ofthe Whole for the purpose of consider- ing,r the propriety of granting aid toward assuringS the expenses of the volunteers, Whose headquarters are in the county, while attending battalion or company drill. By Mr Stephenson, tliat he will, to- morrow‘, move the Council into Commit tee to take into consideration tliepi‘opriety of granting 2m addinional sum ol'SSHO to each Cmupuny tlmt will erect, a drill shed in Murkllzun, Scurboro’ and. Auroral. mama“, or A mum-xv Mi- Draper, seconded by Mr )IflClElCm, moved for leave to introduce :L liy-luw to repeal :1 bylaw, N0 (3‘2, pasaed by the Home District Council, elilitled a bylaw to impose a ï¬ne upon perilous {or riding- or ilriviug upon sidmvullcs in the Home District. intentlnnt also stated that, Mr. John Dennis was about to erect. a mill-dam across the river, iiumedintelv below the hridare, in con- sequence of which the vnter would he rnised under the bridge, and the cost thereof" would he very much enhanced. In view of these facts. the Commissioners hnd deter- mined on the erection of it new htidze one. hundred and twenty feet in length, m {1, cost, if $272217 48‘, ofwhich $200 was mid to Mr John Dennis in consequence of his having allowed the water to remain at its natural level during the erectix n of the bridge. The, Commissioners had. it accordance with the instructions of th') Council, caused to be erected. a, residence for the housekeeper at a cost of $56."). They h‘ld accepted the tender of C. MrKim to supply wood at $136 per cord. The bylaw was read a ï¬rst time and, the ordinary rule being; Empcnded, on motion, it was read a second' time and the Council went into Committee of the Whole, My Sex ‘1‘!) in the chair. PETITION. A petition was read trnm the trustees of the Weston Grammar School. praying for such aid from the Council as would secure to the schools: the Government grunt. COUNTY I‘ROI‘ICR'I‘Y. The (lommiusimiers on County Property rep: 1‘t31] that in acenrianee with instructions given by the Ceuneil they had made armnq‘e- moms with three intepzrrers residing: in that part, of the, city‘nt‘ 'I‘orento lyingr east oftoil- gate, N0. 1 on the Kingston Road, and west ot'Gi-eenwood’s line. to indemnity them to the extent of one half of their usual to]! zit Sniti gate, by ordering to be paid to them the several amounts as follows: â€"â€" E'wnod..................$GO 00 G.Sniith........... . .4200 Daniel Paterson . . . . . . .. . . . . , 15 00 These sums were paid to them on condi- tions that they pay full tail on their produce when passing the gate. The Cunmiitteehzui had under consideration the question of cor-i structing a bridge over the Unmh r, near Eagle‘s tavern, at, Weston, in plane 61' the old one, which WM rupurted unsafe by the Superintendzmt of York Roads. The Super In Committee some discussion arose as to whether the Council hm]. power to pass the by-lnw. Tlie \Vzlrden Stated that he had given some attention to the subject, and was inclined to think that the Council had no power in the premises. However, as there seemed to be some doubt, perhaps, it would be advisable to refer the Bill to the Connniltoe 0n Roads and Bridges for f'urlher enquiry. One 01' the )flmn‘bers instancad the case of the Local Legislature pawng laws, to do which they had no power, and argued that the Council should do llkewise where a doubt existed. It was suggested that a legal opinion ought to be hudljoi'oi'e passing: the b'y-lziw. On motion, therefore, the Connnittoo rose and reported that they had referred the bylaw to Elie Committee on Bowls and Bridges with instructions to obtain the opinion of the County Solicitor as ‘to the jurisdiction of theCmmoil in thc‘pi'eniiscs‘. The report was adopted. The Council then adjourned until ton o’clock this 11101‘ningj. From John I}. McG:m, asking for :1. grant for the maintenance and education of the deafand dumbmutcs 1n the institution ac Hamilton. . The Council resumed in the Council Chamber yesterday morning, the Warden in the chair. ‘ Crxxnx111v1xien1i()1xa were read. From John Langstur’f and George Weld- rick, sureties far Henry ’uithurds, 105800 of N0. 3 toll-grate on Yonge Street, asking,r 1119 Council to take pisOSSiOn of the tollgute as it was a SDlll‘cl) of loss to them. COMM L'NICATIO February 3. MARLBOROUGH Nixon,a fa’rmer who resides on the 4th ooncession of Brant, died very suddenly last week. Mr. Nixon was an old soldier; and indulged a little about pension 1ime. He had been doing so lately, and for some reason took a dose of laudanum. He went to sleep under its influence and never awoke. An inquest was held, wheuthe jury found that death was caused by an over-dose of laudanum; ‘ At. two o’clock the Council resumed the discussion on the report ofthe Committee on COUllty Property, the Warden in the chair. After a nilmlier of the clauses were adopt- ed, the Committee rose, reported progress, and asked leave to sit again at two o’clock to-dzi)’. Their report was adopted. PASSES T0 MINISTERS. Mr. Draper moved, seconded by Mr tiddell, that all ordained ministers of the Gospel residing within this County shall, upon application to the Warden, be entitled to a pass to enable them to drive through ml the toll-gates on the York Roads in this County, free of charge, their names and ad" dresses to be Written on the passes. Tm: County Council of Frontenac has taken the ï¬rst step in bringing the question of abolishing road and market tolls to a practical issue by appointing a committee toconfur withthe City Council on the sub- joct. A ST. CATIIARINES’ paper gives currency to an absurd rumour, that some suspicious characters, lately prowling around the Ste- venson House, had, for their object. the assassination of the proprietor. the Hon. leverly Tucker, and his guest.General Early. Their object was, more likely, an early hornâ€"0f mineral water. 011 the suggestion ofa uumher of members. [111: resolution was amended by striking out the words “ in this County,†when it was submitted to the Council, and the yeas and Hays being called for, was carried by a. vote 01'17 to (i. THEY have so many incendiary ï¬res in St. Catharines of late that every agricultural, municipal, and presentation dinner is broken up before “auld 11mg syne†comes in. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13.â€"â€"Cash Sale, to be sold by Hiblic Auction, at Buttonville, a. large quantity of Household Furniture, belonging to Mr. Thomas Blackwell. Sale to commence at one o’clock, Francis Button, Auctioneer. TurnsmY, FEB. 18.â€" To be sold by Public Auction, on Lot No. 4, 5th concession of' Whitchurch, Fnrm Stock, Implements, Sale to commence at 1‘2 o’clock, Gmmley and Sanderson, Auctioneers. FEBRUARY 25.â€"Farm for Sale by Auction, on the premises, being lot No. 6, in the 5th Concession‘of the Township of Whit: church, County of York, Ontario. 0:? Parties having Sale bills printed at this ofï¬ce, will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. DRILL SEEDS. Mr. Stephenson, seconded by Mr. Hart- xnzm,1110ved1he Council in Committee of the Whole, to take into consideration the propriety of granting aid to erectdrill sheds in the County. The Warden said that as the motion stood it was out; of order, as a. committee had had the subject under consideration before, and had risen without i'eputting. Mr. Stephenson wished to have his reso- lution passed, in order that other townships than those previously named, should receive nid. His motion embraced the whole. . v'l‘he Worden thought he would be obliged to deelme the moLiOn out of order, but Mr. Stephenson had the privil e of appealing to the Council. Mr Step1 ensenâ€"l’hen I will do so. Subsequently Mr Stephenson asked to withdraw the motion, which was granted. A motion was put to adjourn, and VHS lost on a division, by the casting vote ol’the Wur- den. Mr. Button then moved seconded by Mr. Hurrmun, that the Council go into Commit- tee of the Whole to consider the propriety of groutingr the county volunteers a certain sum of money daily during the time they are at drill, Mr. L’lnyter in the choir. A point was raised as to the power of the County Council to grant aid, and Mr. Button moved that the Committee rise, report pro- gum, and ask leave to 51$ agaili 103853.110 Warden in the meantime to consult with a solicitor WEDNESDAY, February 10’, 1869.â€"Credit Sale 01' Farm SLock, &0., oriE‘lot No. 24, in in the 7th concession of Vauglmnï¬he pro- perty 01' Mr. John Stump, Sale at 11 _ o’clock, mm. H. Smolser, auctioneer. FRIDAY, February 12, 1869pâ€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, implements, &c., on lot No. 27, 2nd concession, Markham, the pro‘ pei'ty of Jacob Boise, jun. Sale at 12 o’clock, noon. G01 mley & Sanderson, auctioneers. NOTICE OF MOTION. Mr. Patterson gave notice that he would Lu-duy move that the Couuc11 g0 mu) com- mittee of the whole, in order that they may expl'OLS their approbation 0r disupprobatiou of the conduct. of the Legislature OfOanzrio in refusing to receive the petitions of this "ud uther corporations. btezteh of faith with the Commissinners of county property. The alleged offence Con- sistetl in Mr. Elwood’s having received the stttilol'$0011'otli the Commissioners as in- delnnilicntiou for the amount of' toll over- paid by him, ‘(a contract having been made with him by the Commissioners, allowing him to d.aw bricks through the gate at half toll), and then drawing a less number of loads through them would entitle him to receive the sum of 3560. Mr. Elwood asked for :1. full invest tiun into the zt‘lI'nir. TUESDAY, FEB. and following evenings. â€"-Importzmt Sales of Dry Goods, Ready- mudc Climbing, Broad Cloths, &c. at Richmond Hill, the property of Mr. G. A. Barnard. Sale to begin each evening at‘7 o’clock. See advertisement. Mr. Robinson moved, seconded by Mr. Button, that, My. Elwood he heard at the bar relullve to matters appertaining to toll- gnte No. 1 on the Kingston i'ond.-â€"-Cnrried. Mr. Elwood, on coming forward, said that he regretted that he could not meet his accuser face to face, and handed in some correspondence in reference to an alleged Mr. l’inytci said that the matter would be investigated before the committee. The Council then adjomned until ten o’clock this morning. Buy aBox ofCoIby’s Pills in case of need. MISCELLANEOUS. Humour} SESSION. AUCTION SALE S Northern Railway of Canada gm “" The foregoianr paragraph is copied from the daily Globe of 1st February, and as there is a challenge contained in it, we are permitted to use the followng names in order to give additional proof lthat the climate of Canada is healthy and conducive to long life. There are inow living in the vicinity of Prescott, Ontario, seven brothers, sons of the late Asahel Wright, a U. E. Loyalist, Whose united ages make a total of' 520 years; their names and ages are as follows :â€" Jcsnrn ...................... 80 JOHN ................ . ....... 79 ABEL †......... . ...... 78 ASAHEL ......... . ...... 74 MICHAEL ..................... 72 AMOS ........................ . 71 MARK ............ ....... 66 \Ve have seen a photograph of these seven Brothers, now in possession of their kinsmanwâ€"Amos \Vright, Esq., MP. for \Vest Yorkâ€"and,judging by, the production of art, we are inclined to believe it would be difï¬cult to ï¬nd, in the Dominion, seven such noble specimens of the human race in one family; CHANGE OF TIME. November 23, 1868. Going Nul‘th 8.55 A.M A . . . . . . . . 4.55 P.M Going South 10.011 A.M.. . . . . .7.02 1’.M Mails made up at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. Until further notice, the mails will be closed at this Post Ollicc follows: Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 1mm. N.B. REG lSTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes bqfoz'c the time of closing. “ Who says that Canada has an unhealthy climate? A friend of Mr. James Anderson7 Carrier of Galt, brings to the notice of the Reporter that the united ages of" the family ot’live persons that; occupy his house at present, amount to 340 years! The names and ages are respectively as follows: James Anderson, 70; Mrs. Anderson. 55: Miclmel Knox, 75; Isabella. McKay, 72; AlexMuc pherson, (58. Showing a total of 340. Can any one beat this? The ‘big potato 7 ques- tion is wellâ€"nigh exhausted, so we open up this new ï¬eld for competition.†9:? DON‘T forget‘to secmv‘ a copy of the Polemicnl Correspondence, between T.J.‘\I. and the Rev. Juhn Bredin, now published in pamphlet Form and for sale at the 1162:6110! book store. Price 15 cents. The Aurora Choral Society, under the able leadership of Prof. W'iilis, did good service, and delighted all by their excell- ent music, which was a rare treat. That beautiful song, “ Murmuring Se: ,7’ by ‘Misses Long and Willis, was charmingly performed ; also the songs of Messrs Savage and Irwin were expellent and were loudly encored. There was one notice- able feature in the readings upon this occasion ; that isâ€"the absence ofobseene phraseSflulgarisins,which are not uncom- mon in many of the readings to which the public are compelled to listen ; and which tend to dcinoraliz , rather than elevate, the higher principles in man’s nature. It would be a source of pleasure to many of our quiet folks if the Manag- ing Committee of the Institu e, would, upon the evenlng of the next rcâ€"union, refuse to admit many of the rude boys of the village, who take such opportunities of annoying those who take part in the reunions, or who may be in attendance as listeners. The eighth Reunion, held under the auspices of the Richmond Kill Me- chanics’ Institute, took place in the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday evening lust, and was an entire success. The evening being stormy, the attendance was not so large as on some former oc- casions, although but a small additional company could not gain admittance. @hmÃ©ï¬ 1 ark ï¬gmxalï¬. The Literary department was ably sus- tained with readings by the Rev. Mr. McCollum, of Aurora, Messrs. G. A. Barnard, G. B. Nicol, W. H. Myersand R. A. Gray, who favored the audience with some choice selections, which, judg» ing from the many bursts of applause bv the audience, gave entire satisfaction to all. Mr. A. M. Lulferty, M. A., in his inimitable Way, pleimantly entertained the assembly with some choice rccitations, which called forth loud applause. Northern Mail . . . _ . . . . . . . . 7.20 A.M. Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.30 A-M. Mail for Aimira. _ _ . . . . . . ] “ Cashel, . _ . . _ . . . . . | 11.00 A.M. “ Gonnlcy, . . . . . . . . . } on Tuesdays "' Heudi'ord . . . . . . . . . . | & Fridays. “ Victoria. 8111319,. RICHMOND HILL STAT ION. "Sew Adve ctisements. Bamard's Annual Cardâ€"J. L. Margach M. 'I‘EEFY, Postnmste'r. Richmond Hill, Nov. 23, 1868. RICHMOND Hum, FEB. 5, 1869 BEAT IT? YES! A....-...........K. EL........ ...- .... EVENING MAIL. RE-UNION. MORNING. An Act to amend and consolidate the law respecting the.Assessment Of Pro-_ perty in the Province of Ontario, has just passed our Local Legislature, and the nature and provisions of which ought to be generally understood by every ratepayer. It is necessarily volu-; minous, embracing no fewer than 2041 seetlons. \Ve observe that the “EXâ€" †emptions†from taxation are somewhat different, as well as more extensive than those of the late law. In a._ future issue we may note, for the information of our readers, some of the principal features of the new law. Flour. 179 barre!..............$4 45 @ 4 5†Wheat. bush . . . . . . . . . .....l 10 @ l 15 Spring Wheat, #9 bush..... . . . . . 108 @ I 11 Harley, bush.................l 30 @131 Pease, do ................085@086 Oats, do .........‘ .....050@055 [*1ay,?}9toh,........ .1100@I500 Strawflï¬ton . . . . . . . . . 7 00@8()0 Pork mess 1‘19 100 bbl.. .. . .94 00 {(325 00 Butter3191b...“n............ 024®028 Wool'ï¬ib.......u ..A.....- 02603927 Flour. barrel. . . Wheat. bush . . . . . . . . Spring Wheat, #9 bush. . Harley, bush. . . . . . . . THE death is announced ofLady Elizabeth Hope Vere. fourth daughter of George, sev- enth Marquis of ’l‘weeddale. She married. 7th Sept. 1813, Mr. James Joseph Hope Vere, a collateral member of the Hopetoun family, by whom, who died in 1843, she had a. numerous family, including the Mai-chlo- ness of Ely. In early life she was a great fa< vorite and friend of Sir Walter Scott. THE Rev. Morley Pnnshon lectured in Windsor on Mondz‘y of last week in aid of the “Wesleyan Missionary Fund.†The col- lection amounted to $5007 and the chairman, Mr. Daniel Preston, of Detroit, gave $100. A Circular emhobying the following has been sent to us for publication :â€"â€"â€"- At the last Session of the Grand Temple, Independent Order of Good Templars of Canada, an agreement was entered into by a Committee representing the Grand Division Sons of Temperance, and the G ‘and Temple, to unite and concentrate as far as possible the energies and efforts of all the friends of Temperance in this Dominion. It was therefore. cons1dered highly desirable to call a Convention, to meet in the City oi Toronto for the purpose of organizing a Grand Temperance Union. It was agreed that the Convention should he composed of all the leadingr Temperance men belonging to the different Organizations and Societies; all Ministers and Members of the various Christian Churches, Members of the Young Men’s Christian Associations, Ofï¬cers and Teachers of Sabbath Schools, who are pledng to our princile and willingi to co- operate with us in this important movement. Said Convention to be called and organized by the oiï¬eers of the Sons of Temperance, British 'l'einplars, British American and lndependunt Order of Good Templars. S. J. Foss & “Co., Sherbrooke, prepare Hunt’s Hair Gloss. To CORRESPOXDENTS.â€"VV8 have received a letter from “ Two-Forty,†but the writ- ing is so bad, and the spelling so much worse, we are compelled to make our only apology for its non-appearance, and risk our correspondent’s displeasure. SOCI.LL.â€"-A public social will be held in the Masonic Hall, Maple. Tea at six o’clock. The Choir will sing several appropriate pieces of music. The proceeds to be ap- plied to furnishing prizes and )‘eplenisliing Lhe library. Tickets 15 cents; Children 10 cents. CONCERT THIS EVENING.â€"Ou1‘ readers in the neighborhsod ofMaple will bear in mind that the Patterson Brass Band will give 9. Concert in the Masonic Hall, in that village. this evening. A rich treat may be expected. we, therefore, in behalf of the [bodies we represent. and for the advancement ol :1. great reformation: do hereby earnestly and cor- dially invite you to attend a Convention to be held in the Temperance Hall, Toronto, commencing on the 23rd day of February next, at 2 o’clock, p.m., then and there to a ‘t in the organization of “ The Canada Temperance Union," and by your prebence, influence and counsels to assist in maturing plans for more efï¬cient and united action upon quemions affecting the moral progress of our country. ( To the Editor oft/w York Herald.) Our County Council is sitting. Yes, and you will see a report of their proceedings in the Globe. Our County is paying about $3,000 a year as interest upon the debt. of the Yolli Roads, still standing, and the re CCipiS l'romthe tolls would soon pay off this debt; then, I say, pay off the debt. The County got on in former years without dip- ping into this fund, and. has our present council become unable to do without it? Let itkpny its own proportion of the time taken up in looking after it: but do not throw away the proceeds of the York Roads in extravagance. I seetlntt some of our County Council men have blamed our worthy warden for paying off a small por- tion of the municipal debt during the past year. I say thth such men are not ï¬t to be sent there if they are not economical enough to keep the machine running without using up the capital belonging to the county. It is like a farmer who would sell of? ten acres every year to keep his farm going. If the funds are used now when are the Roads to be paid for? THE NEW ASSESSMENT ACT. Jucobs’ Rheumatic Liquid Cures Lameness. February 2, 1869 GRAND TEMPERANCE UNION. TORONTO MA RKE'I‘S. @mrwyuuhrurn. PAY YO UR DEBT. illnrul Emma. 1m. .uo... sh......... . L,§9bush.......... ....-..-...-.... ' -.....-.-~ u... -«.M,.mwng.nanx mu- ONE OF THE PEOPLE. Toronto, Feb 4. 1869. In Endless Varietv. W. H.MYERS. EVENING AUCTION SALES, Brushes (3)“ every kind. Curry, Maine d2 clipping combat, '110rsq Blaqk’ets. Saddles from $10 in $40. Bridles from $1 to $12. Halich in Great Variety. n ,1 r A. BA RNA RD being desirous ofclearing . out his surplus stock of Winter goods, in order to make room for a large» aasortmeut of new Spring goods would prefer selling the same A call from those who may be In “'ant of a Good Article Ready Made Clothing 0N REASONABLE CREDIT. IN EVERY VARIETY OF MOUNTINGS‘ AND AS The Stock is Large Will be Sold Cheap for Cash! OR APPROVEDCREDIT. On Tuesday, February 9. i869. 'l‘han keeping them over until next season. he has de‘ermhned to sell them off in the shop ad- joining Mr. COX’S and Next to his own Store! R’CHMJND HILL, UNDER. COST 2 AT SEVEN o’CLOCK: Comprising Mom’s Under and Over Coats; Pants and Vests, Blankets. Flannels, Factqry and bleached Cottuns. PriulS, Mohair.Winceys; Coburgs all wool French Marina‘s a’n'd Fancy Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Small and Fancy Wards. Superï¬ne Black Broad Clotllï¬. Mumow, Beaver and Pilot Cloths, Railway VVram-urs. all Wool :nd Canadian Full Cloths and 'l‘woeds. .all web) and Silk Mixed Duesklna. Hats. Cape. Ties, Collars. dun. with a general asammmnt too numerous to mention which HARNESS. HARNESS, 'l‘uums :â€"-AH sums under $10, Cash; over; that amount, 8 months credit will be given,on furnishing approved joint notes at tha conch}- Sim) of lhe sale. ’ Vlel be Sold Without Reserve. [13" Persons wishing to secure Bargains In New, Good and Seasonalfle goods, will ï¬lm! this a desirable uppo-Iunily. V For particulars apply to either of the under- signed. N0. 44 King Street East, Toronto,†T0“’ns~'llip of Whitchui‘ch, COUNTY OF YORK, 0NT.; /‘ BOUT 60 Acres clemed ; properly fenced L and in a good state 01' cu Ilivmion: with suitable Farm Buildings; an excellent youn orchard : ahcnt 6 acres of valunbka Cedar. the remainder principally hardwood. The Farm must be sold to meet the requirements of the will of he [ale ABRAHAM S‘HJCKLEY. TERMS: One-third Cash; the balance in instalments, with interest. nsancns, 11mm 12133113113135, FANCY ’00 01339, P E R F U BEER Y 860. " COLORS, VARNISIIES, BRUSHES; SPIRITS TURPENTINE, 'Pa’t ent Dryer; Zinc Pgigté, FARM FOR SALE! Toronto, Fob‘uavy 45, 1569; Remaining in the Rial Imond Hill Post Ofï¬ce, February lst. 1869. Anderson. Geo Boake, Sarah A [3] Benton. J C Buck. David Brown. James Brassoll, John Bernard, J G [5] Collins, William Campbell. Veil Collemn. I’nlrick Cooper VVilljam Foil. Thomas Coomhs. Robert (‘ockrane, Miss M Carter. John Conghin. Timothy Dancy, Mrs. lane Durham. Mr Donor. Emanuel Dolmage. Gideon Elliott. Mrs Jane Ellimt. Marv Aim Forsyth. Donald Frame. Alex. [2] Frayling. W. Fuller, Daniel. Graham, Joseph Gordon, J. Hammill, Thomas Trooper. Hodgson,-James Kane, Mrs M A Lane. Thomas [2] Lightl‘ooli Hannah MJrrison. Rev S Marlin, J Morris, Job McGullen, Alex. McKinney. Mrs. McLean Ai-Philiald McCance, Margret I‘llchiunY Mr Page. Edward l’assnmro, James: Raithy 'l‘. S. Rae, Andrew Roberts. Denis Simpson, J mes .- Sanvillge, ohn I . Smphenson, George Siver. Jennie “fp Shell, William.? " Scott, Thomas ‘ Shields, John ,V V. SlephensonJamosr- Smith. James , Slieele. A L Taylor. Joseph L ’l‘"i|le\s. James Vanderburgh, Margery \ and’arburgh, James M an do Bogart. E“ While. Thomas Williamm Mr. V'est, Mm Thos, Young, Mrs. The 25th Day ofFebruar‘stes Drugs, Medium Chemicals? Hodgson,-James Kane, Mrs M A Lane. Thomas Lumley, Mrâ€"Painler Richmond Hill, Oct. 8, 1568.. Whitchurch, DbC. 2. 1868. General Dry Goods, Richmond Hi1], Fab. 4. 1869, sf. L. Maggach, Will be sold by Public Auclion, (on the premises). on Premises [alely owl/pied by Messrs. Du-nspaugh (8- TValsun- Carriage, Buggy, Riding. Hunting‘ and Team Whips LOT N0. 6, IN THE 5TH CONCESSION BA RNARD'S ANNUAL. FOR ONE WEEK. PAINTS, OILS, l)Yl-I~STUFPS, ls Earnestly requested. IMPOR'IER & xï¬JALER m BROAD CLOTHS, A D List of Letterï¬ THE WEST HALF OF ARTISTS, MATERIAL, BY AUCTION. COMM FNCING DAVID S'I‘ECKLEY, SAMUEL SNJDER. OF THE 0! Lightfooti Hannah MJrrison. Rev S Marlin. J Morris, Job McGullen, Alex. McKinney. Mrs. McLean Arr‘hihald MnCmme, Margret MCQuiunY Mr G. A. BA RNARD. M. TEEFY, RM. 53.4er 550-ly-3e SSO-k 542